#episode 963
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hauntingblue · 1 year ago
One thing oden and ace teach us is that bad bitches go early so you can understand how worried I am for nami....
#oden asking if they still love him after beating a whole village of criminals up as the sun rises behind him...#oden sama..... 20 (maybe???) father of like 5 and boyfriend to many#KIKUS SISTER(BROTHER I DONT REALLY KNOW) IS THE ONE ON THE WHITEBEARD PIRATES???? KIKU IS THE LITTLE ONE!!!#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 962#another oden panty shot....#another oden panty shot as he begs for shirohige to take him to the sea with him.... which could mean anything...#marco teasing shirohige about liking oden.... this cant be true...#how is izu jumping that much omg... we ard not taking oden but this random samurai will do#toki can fight??? oden like that akdhakshdkshsks he looks like the harkonnen guy akdjajaja#he has sanji's radar.... amazing#episode 963#shirohige is gonna break down when he finds out oden left him for a woman.... so sad....#also the size difference.... poor woman.....#shirohige came back for him omg.....#THE BLONDE GUY WITH THE LASHES AND THE WOMAN WITH BLUE HAIR ARE FRANKYS PARENTS RIGHT???#already having babies in year 2..... momo was born in shirohiges boat... legend#orochi chosen as a substitute for oden omg.....#FUCKING TEECH!!! DIEE!!!! I CURSE THE DAY SHIROHIGE LET YOU ON HIS SHIP#episode 964#OROCHI DIEEEE CHALLENGE!!!! but this scene with the witch is a banger... such a shame he is a pathetic villain i mean he could be scary and#with his power he is..... facades and all....#sukiyaki coughing sounds like that GOO GOO GOO GOO cupcakke sound..... maybe its just me...#THEY KILLED SUKIYAKI ALREADY???? OMG ODEN!!!#why is he-man on shurohiges crew akdjsks... also so funny there is just a royal family in there...#roger talking about how his time is coming and he wants to fight shirohige again.... GO BE WITH YOUR BABY MAMA DEAD(heehee)BEAT!!!#another pantyshot akdjskks the animators are on my side.... i love how everyone wants oden now... roger and shirohige passing him around#roger skipping to go fight him akdjsksj he is the moment....#episode 965
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brightside-brigade · 8 months ago
Equally horrible thought, none of this is real. I am living through a fake life in between hosts. This happens every time I lose a body but I never remember it and it's all for nothing. Everything hurts for nothing. But this time I wonder if I'll remember the pain when I wake up with a new vessel. I don't think I'm gonna be okay again. I don't think so at all.
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everylevishot · 2 years ago
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Anime Levi #963
Episode 45 - オルブド区外壁 (Outside the Walls of Orvud District)
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muppet-facts · 1 year ago
Muppet Fact #963
Barkley was initially a stray dog, and was called Dudley in a different area.
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Sesame Street. Episode 2156. February 10, 1986.
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madebydun · 7 months ago
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Eruri Week 2024 day four prompt: time travel
~vworp vworp vworp~ this is a crossover episode! :D couldn't resist merging my two fandoms 😍 let me present to you the Commander, a Time Lord from Gallifrey. In 963 he landed in Paradis disguising his TARDIS as MP box. Unfortunately the chameleon circuit got broken and it remained like this because the Commander is always too busy with new adventures or books to read so he never had time so fic it. His sonic army knife is a handy tool in these journeys too. Of course there is also his human companion, Levi, whom he met in an underground city.
I'm sure I'd like to revisit this au someday :D I already have few ideas ^^
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amphibia-a-day · 1 year ago
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Day 963 of Amphibia Screenshots
Episode: Olivia & Yunan
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blueopinions49 · 2 months ago
What would you type the rest jjk characters?
Yuiji itadori ISFP 9w8 so/sp 973 Pisces (Mar 20)
Nobara Kugisaki ESTJ 8w7 sp/sx 836 Leo (Aug 7)
Megumi Fushiguro IXTJ 1w9 sp/so? so/sp? not sure tbh Capricorn (Dec 22)
Satoru Gojo ENTP 7w8 sp/so 738 Saggitarius (Dec 7)
Note on Gojo: I for the life of me dont get SO7 Gojo. Yes, he does have Social in IV stack but for it to be dominant? nope. The flash back episodes shows us the classic 7 move to 1 arc.
Maki Zenin EXTJ 8w9 sp/so? 3w4 sp/so ? Aquarius (Jan 20)
Yuta Okkotsu INFP 6w5 sp/sx 694 Pisces (March 7)
Panda ESFJ 6w7 so/sx 692 Pisces (March 5)
Toge Inumaki ISTP 9w8 sp/so 946 Scorpio (Oct 23)
Suguro Geto ENFJ 1w2 șo/sp 162 Aquarius (Feb 3)
Nanami ISTJ 9w8 sp/so 963 Cancer (July 3)
Note on Nanami: ESTJ SP3 Nanmi makes no sense. SP3 are at the end of the day ENNEAGRAM 3s so their desire for value and admiration is still there and Nanami doesnt portray that at all.
Mai Zenin ESTP 3w4 sx/so 378 Aquarius (Jan 20)
Aoi Todo ENFJ 2w3 sx/sp 278 Libra (Sept 23)
Toji Fushiguro ISTP 8w7 sp/sx 837 Capricorn (Dec 31)
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panopticon-dweller · 2 months ago
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I DID IT!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 100 FOLLOWERS ALL YOU WONDERFUL PEOPLE!! I’m sorry i’ve been so inactive recently! So i guess this can work as an update post on what the deal is with Cadaverse and the blog right now!
So, honestly the main thing stopping me right now is just art block, which is why i havent been posting all that much, but i’ll be back on that soon.
I’m still gonna probably be posting alot of Find Us Alive, especially with the new episode just around the corner.
In terms of Cadaverse everything is all good but i’ll use this time as the more formal announcement that i will not be Bright posting anymore. I no longer want to draw him on this account (watching my 100 followers all immediately leave). But please do stay! The ref sheet for my 963 rewrite is on its way very soon and he will be replacing Bright in the Cadaverse plot. I’m going to reiterate this when i post his ref sheet, but i’ll be tagging him as a Bright rewrite until he can stand on his own two feet as his own character.
Thank you for all the support everyone. I’ve been wanting to hit this milestone for years and finally doing it feels awesome, thank you for all the support!!
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bu1410 · 10 months ago
Good afternoon TUMBLR - June 4th - 2024
“Mr. Plant has owed me a shoe since July 5, 1971.”
IRAQ – RUMAILAH - Sept 2014 – Mar 2016.
Part 2
The worst period was the month of Muharram - Ashura which marks the culmination of the Remembrance of Muharram, the annual commemoration of the death of Profet Husayn and his family and supporters in the Battle of Karbala on the 10th Muharram of the year 61 AH (in the Gregorian calendar the 10 October 680 AD). Popular elegies were written by poets to commemorate the Battle of Karbala during the Umayyad and Abbasid eras, and the first public mourning rituals occurred in 963 AD. during the Buyid dynasty. In Afghanistan, Algeria, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Bahrain, Pakistan, India, Ashoora has become a national holiday and many ethnic and religious communities participate in it. Ashoora also known as Yawm Ashura is the tenth day of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar. For most Muslims - except Shia Muslims - Ashura marks the day when Moses and the Israelites were saved from Pharaoh by God creating a path in the sea. The World Sunni Movement celebrates this day as National Martyrs' Day of the Muslim nation. For Shiite and Sufi Muslims it marks the day when Husayn ibn Ali, grandson of the first Islamic Prophet Muhammad, was martyred in the Battle of Karbala. Ashura is an important holy day and occasion of pilgrimage in Shia Islam, as well as a recommended but not obligatory day of fasting in Sunni Islam.
Well, we Westerners were warned by our Security Service about the particular behaviors to adopt in this particular month. During this period, numerous temporary tents are set up by various communities along the roads leading to the Holy Places, to allow pilgrims to refresh themselves during their journeys towards the two holy cities of Kerbala and Najaf. We were instructed never to stop at the exhortations of individuals along the streets. And above all, accept and thank any offer of symbols, portraits, flags, stickers that the Iraqis ask to be placed on our vehicles, cars, offices. The Shiites, unlike the Sunnis who are forbidden to do so, have developed a series of symbolic images of the Profet Husain ibn Ali, and sometimes depict him astride a white steed, looking towards the future, in an iconography that sometimes recalls images of Jesus Christ. Failure to accept these manifestations of faith sometimes gives rise to retaliation that can take on the character of violence. As we learned with the episode that happened to an English ''Security Officer'' who worked in the Schlumberger compound, not far from ours. One Muharram morning, some Shiite flags installed on the Land Cruiser owned by this British guy for several days showed signs of tearing under the action of the wind and sun. The Officer thought it was time to change them, so he removed them from the roof and sides of the SUV. From afar a local guard watched him, and immediately shouted to draw the attention of other Iraqis to the fact that ''the infidel was removing the sacred Shiite signs from the vehicle'' without first asking permission. The British guy was soon surrounded, first pushed to the ground, insulted, a hail of kicks and punches hit him, without giving him time to explain his gesture. Someone brought sticks, and the poor Officer was beaten until all that remained of him were bloody remains. As we were told, everything happened in the early hours of dawn, so quickly in the parking lot of the vehicles, and there was no way for Security to intervene to prevent this massacre.
THE PROJECT. M091 Gathering Lines was a project aimed at connecting 4 oil production areas to the oil/gas separation units. Once completed, it guaranteed an increase in production by as much as 100,000 barrels/day. In essence, new 24-inch lines were installed, for a total of 90 km. In another context, outside of Iraq, a fairly simple job. In Iraq everything was much more complicated. Objective reasons caused wasted time and delays that affected daily progress. Furthermore, the advance of ISIS towards the South in that period made everything more difficult from a security point of view.
Colleagues As had been anticipated to me by Mrs. Pizzolitto (who at the time was in charge of the management of the On Shore SAIPEM shipyards) in Rumailah, from a human point of view, I found the best thing I have ever had the opportunity to experience in many years of SAIPEM. I don't know to what extent the place in which we found ourselves operating (with its great limitations in terms of individual freedom) influenced people's behavior in a positive way. This undoubtedly combined with the human and professional qualities of all the staff present on the base and on the various ongoing projects.
Zacchei Marco
He held the position of Iraq Country Manager, resided in Dubai but spent at least 3 days a week at the Rumailah base. Young and of great elegance and professionalism, he left SAIPEM following the example of many other talented managers in recent years.
Michele Petracca Projects Director, Apulian transplanted to Milan for years. He is also young but already has great international experience. Hired in SNAMPROGETTI after he had presented his thesis at the Polytechnic of Milan, he then moved to SAIPEM at the time of the merger by incorporation of the two companies. Great professionalism and great human energy, the best Project Director I have met. He didn't just give orders and advice, but he liked to ''get his hands dirty'' in the field, alongside those who worked. Tireless, Michele also left SAIPEM at a certain point in his career to join another competing Oil & Gas company.
Gianni Garbati Base Leader and great friend. A person with great communication skills. Organizer of ''big dinners'' in the kitchen container that we used for food gatherings at least once a week.
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It was a real shame that, despite his efforts, we were unable to get together to work together again, both on the project in Thailand and on the one in Oman.
Mariotti Andrea. My predecessor on the M092 project. Young and capable, he perhaps paid for the wrong approach of the Iraqi Sub Contractor and his relative lack of experience as a Project Manager. The fact is that when I arrived, almost a year after the start of the project, the progress was only 17%. Andrea behaved in a truly professional manner (with SAIPEM elements this is never a given…) introducing me to the project in an impeccable manner during the 3 months we spent together. One day he risked a lot at an Iraqi military checkpoint. He arrived at the checkpoint while the soldiers were eating lunch, lying on the ground as usual. In this case we had to be patient and wait until some of them had finished eating. Andrea, impatient, placed his phone against the tinted glass of the Toyota Land Cruiser, thinking that from the outside they wouldn't see him taking photos. Unfortunately this wasn't the case: one of the soldiers saw that Andrea was using his mobile phone! All hell happened: at first they wanted to arrest him, then after an endless discussion they settled for confiscating the cell phone.
Victor Gomez. Deputy Construction Manager, Venezuelan. The need to have two Construction Managers (the other was Nicola Di Genova known as ''Il Muto'') arose from the fact that the rotation in Iraq was 45/15. So one of the two had to always be present on the construction site. I confess that at the beginning I was cautious with Victor: he had given me - mistakenly - the impression of a ''shrewd'' South American to watch over my shoulder. And instead Victor turned out to be, in addition to being technically valid, a great and reliable engineer. And also very polite, which doesn't hurt.
TCO staff. For TCO we intend all expatriate personnel working with us, except Italian. There were several of them, mostly from India and Pakistan. Some valid Egyptian too, and few good Algerians engineers. All of the demonstrate their capability during the project, giving all their effort to make the success of the project possible.
EXXON Staff.
Concerning EXXON people I need to make a preamble. EXXON has in place an agreement with FLUOR, the Houston based Company, to employ their staff on temporary basis. Some - but not all - of this staff is represented by retired service men (it seems US Government facilitate their reintegration in the society). Therefore those guys, most of the time, are not familiar with Oil&Gas project and Spec's. That's made sometime ''difficult'' for us to say ''understand eachother''. Luckily there were few permanent EXXON engineers with whoum we used to address the major problems. One of them, a young engineer from Houston but of Lebanon origin (he was speaking fluenty Arab) was the Project Director from Client side. I had a strong profitable relation with this guy.
Temporary absence of the Americans.
There have been a time in which ISIS threat was even closer than usual. Therefore EXXON Top Management decided to evacuate all their personnel to Dubai. It has been a difficult period for the project, since everything had to be discussed/assessed via daily video conference.
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Final Departure I left Iraq in April 2016, after successfully completing the project. Particular satisfaction for me was given by the fact that the Project Manager of the EXXON Client - wanted to spend the entire last day in Iraq with me. A great sign of esteem, also considering that in Iraq the movement of all personnel, but especially of Americans, was subject to severe restrictions.
Of course there was the farewell cake, as per the unwritten rule for all colleagues who left Iraq permanently, prepared by the Italian chef Alessandro Loi: It was one of the most disgustingly sweet things I have ever tasted.
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misspeculiar-principe · 2 months ago
3:49:10 = 62 or 17 = 8
January 19, 2025 at 3:49am PHT: Just because. Also, I just found out that David Lynch actually passed away on January 15, 2025 which reminded me of Treyarch's "115" and January 15, 2023 which was the day when the pilot episode of the first season of The Last of Us (2023-present) aired on HBO.
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darkmaga-returns · 3 months ago
Dr. Charles Nenner was named “one of the legendary technical analysts” by Forbes and his unique system was successfully used by Goldman Sachs for several years. He is the Founder and CEO of Charles Nenner Research Center. On the podcast he talks life in northern Israel, end of the American Empire, BRICS and much more. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE LIKE AND SHARE THIS PODCAST!!!   
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handsome-john · 5 months ago
Oh hell yeah, unhealthy self-destructive Kondraki and the immortal person he looks up to like an angel when they really couldn't care if he lives or dies.
I would like to believe that 963 carries some sort of affection for Kondraki, however that may manifest for an immortal. I do like the idea of Kondraki forming some sort of worship complex over 963 during a manic episode. Something a bit appealing to Kondraki about the lack of consequences that comes with being immortal.
It seems like you may have your own take on 963 which you're totally free to share btw, these are just my two cents
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whistlekick · 5 months ago
Episode 963 - 2 Schools of Thought: Should Testing be Mandatory
In this episode of Whistlekick Martial Arts Radio, Jeremy and Andrew are joined by guest Tommy Given for another episode of 2 Schools of Thought. This time they discuss the topic of testing in martial arts, specifically whether it should be mandatory or optional. They explore various perspectives on testing, including the rationale behind it, the impact of test anxiety, and the role of instructors in facilitating a positive testing experience. The conversation emphasizes the importance of communication between students and instructors, as well as the need to consider individual student needs and preferences when it comes to testing.
Testing in martial arts can be either mandatory or optional depending on the school.
Optional testing allows students to progress at their own pace without pressure.
Test anxiety is a common issue that can affect students' willingness to test.
Instructors should facilitate discussions about testing to understand student perspectives.
The rationale for testing includes providing benchmarks for student progress.
Students may not want to test due to fear of failure or competition.
Communication between students and instructors is crucial for a positive testing experience.
Instructors should avoid teaching to the test and focus on holistic learning.
Balancing competition and personal growth is important in martial arts training.
Creating a supportive environment can help students overcome testing challenges.
Check out this episode!
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irunevenus · 6 months ago
Pope John XII: The Most Scandalous Pope in History?
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Pope John XII (937–964), who occupied the papal throne from 955 until his death, is often remembered as one of the most controversial and scandalous popes in the history of the Catholic Church. His brief pontificate was marked by a dissolute personal life, political betrayals, and an administration that severely tarnished the reputation of the papacy. This article explores the key episodes of John XII's life and how his papacy became known as one of the most contentious of the Middle Ages.
An Early Rise to the Throne of St. Peter
John XII was born Octavian, the son of Alberic II, one of the most powerful rulers in Rome at the time. His family wielded significant influence over Roman politics and the papacy. In 955, at the age of 18, Octavian was elected pope, taking the name John XII. This selection reflected his father's desire to maintain control over both the Church and Rome.
However, his youth and lack of preparation soon became evident. John XII appeared more interested in festivities and pleasures than in the spiritual duties of his office. During his pontificate, corruption and moral decay within the Roman Curia reached alarming levels.
The Scandalous Life of John XII
John XII became infamous for his scandalous and immoral behavior, earning a reputation that has endured through the centuries. Contemporary accounts, especially those from his political and religious adversaries, detail various abuses. Among the scandals attributed to him are allegations of participating in orgies within the Lateran Palace, the papal residence, and maintaining multiple mistresses, including married women.
In addition to his personal actions, reports suggest that John XII engaged in simony—the sale of ecclesiastical offices—and misused Church treasures for his personal indulgences. Bishop Liutprand of Cremona**, a prominent critic of John, described him as a man without scruples, who transformed the papacy into a center of corruption and debauchery.
Politics and Betrayals: The Deal with Otto I
Despite his dissolute behaviors, John XII had to contend with significant political issues, notably the increasing influence of the Holy Roman Empire over Rome. In 960, seeking support, he turned to Emperor Otto I of the Holy Roman Empire to defend Rome against rival factions.
In 962, John crowned Otto I as emperor, reinforcing the alliance between the papacy and the empire. However, John XII soon reneged on this alliance, betraying Otto by supporting a revolt against him. This treachery led Otto to convene a synod in Rome in 963, where John XII was accused of various crimes, including adultery, murder, and perjury.
The Deposed Pope and His Brief Return
In 963, following the synod convened by Otto I, John XII was deposed and replaced by Leo VIII. Nevertheless, John XII managed to regain control of Rome for a brief period after Otto's departure. His return was marked by violence, as he retaliated against his enemies, reportedly mutilating and executing those who had opposed him.
However, in May 964, John XII died abruptly and under mysterious circumstances, with some sources suggesting he died in bed with a woman, further fueling his reputation for debauchery. His death brought an end to one of the most scandalous periods in papal history.
Legacy of John XII: A Papacy Marked by Shame
The papacy of John XII is widely considered one of the lowest points in the history of the Catholic Church. His personal excesses and morally reprehensible behavior undermined the authority and prestige of the papacy at a time when the Church was already facing significant challenges to its power and legitimacy.
This period is part of what historians refer to as the Pornocracy or Saeculum Obscurum ("Dark Age"), a time when the papacy was largely controlled by powerful Roman families who used the papal office to further their own political ambitions and enrich themselves.
While some aspects of John XII's negative image may have been exaggerated by political adversaries and disaffected clergy, the historical consensus remains that he was one of the least worthy individuals to occupy the papal throne. His early and dishonorable death left a lasting stain on the papacy, one that would take decades to cleanse.
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shoryathakur · 7 months ago
THE TV NRI CANADA Satsang 26-08-2024 | Episode: 963 Morning | Sant Rampa...
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kishori3028 · 7 months ago
THE TV NRI CANADA Satsang 26-08-2024 | Episode: 963 Morning | Sant Rampa...
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