Fighting A River
169 posts
22 | Hellenic Polytheist | That Time Apollo Had To Save Achilles When He Fought A River And Lost Is A Mood | Greek Mythology Nerd As Well
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devoted-sunflower · 10 hours ago
You don’t need to use divination to be a pagan or polytheist. You don’t need to be able to feel your Gods. If you can’t do divination or can’t feel your gods that’s alright - that’s normal!
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devoted-sunflower · 10 hours ago
A Begginer’s Guide to Hero Worship
There are a lot of terms I use throughout this post that are explained in my beginner’s guide to helpol — start there if you’re completely knew to Hellenic Polytheism! I won’t define many of my terms here as they’re mainly explained in that post, Hero Worship itself is the only thing I’m defining here.
The heroes I worship Helen, Odysseus, Penelope and Tiresias, so I do have a bit of experience, but I may get things wrong! Feel free to correct me if that is the case. I just want to help, as I’m asked about this topic often.
That said, feel free to ask me anything if this post doesn’t help to answer a specific question you have!
What is Hero Worship?
Hero worship is a term in Hellenic Polytheism that describes the worship of a hero from Greek Mythology. In hero worship, the word ‘hero’ doesn’t mean what it means nowadays in the context of superheroes and whatnot, but a hero is just any mortal that appears in Greek Mythology. It was practiced in antiquity with heroes such as Achilles, Herakles, Perseus and Odysseus, among others. Female figures in Greek myth can also be worshipped.
How to Worship Heroes (and how it’s different to deity worship)
As always, start with research.
The most important and best piece of advice I can offer is to treat them like humans. Don’t put them on too high a pedestal, and you can be more casual than with deities.
In many ways, worshipping heroes is quite similar to worshipping a chthonic deity, since heroes are humans who have died. That is to say, when it comes to prayer position and food offerings, do as you would with a chthonic deity. (I cover ouranic and chthonic in my beginner’s guide to Helpol, linked above!)
And on that note, yes, building kharis with a hero still involves prayer and offerings as well as devotional acts and communication via divination methods, and all those other things that are central practices for this religion.
Now, when it comes to prayer, with heroes I don’t see it in quite the same way. This is purely UPG, but it still might be useful and I know some other people agree: my prayers to heroes tend to be more inspiration-based than asking for a physical thing. Heroes are not deities, and I personally find that distinction important, and I don’t feel that the heroes I worship have the divine power to grant me things. I’ve used this example before, but I have a long-distance best friend. If I was praying to Aphrodite, I would ask for an opportunity to see her soon. If I was praying to Odysseus, I’d ask him to help me remember that she loves me and that she’ll be there for me regardless of distance.
The Point of Hero Worship
As heroes are human, I find them to be much closer to role modes than the gods are. It is not attainable to be like a deity and suggesting so feels hubristic. Wanting to be like one of the heroes (or at least certain aspects of them) is more possible.
They also often feel more approachable and like the relationships are more casual than with deities. They were human, and therefore understand human struggles. They’re not gods, so you don’t have to fear them. I’d argue it’s important to not be afraid of the gods either, but it’s easier with heroes, and they generally aren’t as intimidating.
A Bit of UPG
Something I find really helpful for hero worship is having a Chthonic deity who I use to aid in contacting the heroes. For me, this is Melinoë — Goddess of Ghosts. Hermes would also work for this because of He psychopomp-ness and being a messenger, or Hades since He rules the dead, but really I’m sure any chthonic deity could be made to fit this. I name the deity (plus an epithet relating to the dead) at the beginning of all my prayers to heroes. With Melinoë, it’s usually “Melinoë Enodia, (Melinoë of the Crossroads), let <hero’s name> hear me” and then I continue my prayer as if it were just to the hero.
How do I reach the heroes?
The same way you reach deities, however that looks for you! If you’re not amazing at recognising signs, divination methods like tarot or dice can be helpful (I also use runes), you can write letters, and even ask for specific signs in your prayers, things that you will be able to recognise.
How do I address the heroes? (ie: By nobility title or name? Are nicknames okay?)
This depends entirely on your relationship with the deity, so I’d say don’t use nicknames at first but as you build kharis, you may be able to. Nobility titles (like ‘Queen Helen’) are unnecessary in my opinion unless you’re using them in prayer since my prayers tend to be quite formal. I also use them when talking about the heroes to some of my friends to differentiate between, say Odysseus (from EPIC the musical) and King Odysseus (the hero I worship)
Is worshipping rival heroes okay?
Yes, as this religion is polytheistic the deities and heroes know, expect, and accept that we will worship a variety of them. It’s fine to worship heroes from opposing sides of the Trojan war (like, say, Achilles and Hector) just as it’s fine to worship deities and heroes who don’t get along (like Aphrodite and Helen, for example) often people will separate altars if they have separate ones for each figure they worship
Is it okay to consume retellings and other media about them?
Yes! As the ancients would have had their own media about them (like the plays, especially the comedies) we also have our own that can be consumed.
@gay-gremlin-is-gay @my-name-is-outis @honeybumblebuzz @volestia @thechildofhypnos @shootand-styx
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devoted-sunflower · 3 days ago
Every time I go to sleep late I feel like I need to apologize to Hypnos. I can almost feel him giving me a very stern look.
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devoted-sunflower · 4 days ago
Aphrodite loves trans people!
She thinks you deserve to be loved!
Aphrodite loves trans bodies!
She wants you to love yours too!
Aphrodite blesses trans people with endless beauty!
She wants you to feel as beautiful as you are!
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devoted-sunflower · 4 days ago
Remember, a lit candle does not solely denote the presence of a deity. They are there with you whether it’s lit or not. I know many likely don’t have access to candles or are unable to have them lit, so please keep in mind that it’s not necessary in order to communicate or feel the presence of your deities ❤️
I say this because I’ve had times where I wondered “oh, I don’t have the energy to light a candle. Are they still here with me?”
Yes, yes they are.
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devoted-sunflower · 4 days ago
Happy pandia, a day we know so very little of!
Pandia is an ancient Athenian holiday. There is very little we know, as so much information is lost, but it’s supposed that this holiday was in honour of Zeus. It takes place immediately after Dionysia, in the middle of the month of Elaphebolion (late March to early April).
It has been suggested that it may be in honour of Pandeia, a goddess of the moon and a daughter of Zeus. Albeit, since we have so little information, nothing can be confirmed. We go off of what we know, and that evidence, as far as I understand, points to this being a holiday of Zeus.
Ways to celebrate ✨
Raise your palms to the sky and thank our father
Light incense in his honour
Light a candle for him
Bake or cook for him
Recite hymns
Dance in the rain
Feel the wind press against your back, pushing you forward
Talk about him to anyone that will listen
Create art in his name
Clean his shrine, or create one
Face your fears in his honour
Donate to a shelter, a cause, or charity
Plant a tree in his name
Go outside and look for pictures on the shapes of the clouds
Learn a skill in his honour
Wear devotional jewelry or clothing
Pray to him
Happy panda to all; and father Zeus, I thank you for your divine justice, your hospitality, and your love ❤️
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devoted-sunflower · 4 days ago
In paganism there seems to be an ongoing issue with people not acknowledging its many issues. Pagans will often claim to be the “accepting” religion, with an absence of sexism, racism, homophobia, etc. It does appear that way when you first enter it. This is a lie.
No religion is immune to bigotry, brainwashing, abuse and exploitation. Pagan communities can be breeding grounds for abuse just as churches.
White supremacy is rampant, as is cultural appropriation. Women are treated as reproductive objects while in other more modern spiritual circles exists misandry. All religions are capable of harm. Do not be arrogant enough to think ours is an exception.
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devoted-sunflower · 4 days ago
I didn't realize this needed to be said, but uhh
If you are a Nazi, you have no place in paganism.
(Or anywhere, actually 🙂)
And to clarify (since ya'll need that, apparently), that includes people who are transphobic, homophobic, pro-eugenics (i.e. social darwinism anti-vaxxer people), anti-immigrant, racist, etc.
Ya'll don't belong here, paganism is not a safe place for you, and I don't want you interacting with my blog.
No TERFS, no conservatives, none of it. Freedom and equality for all.
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devoted-sunflower · 4 days ago
✨ Subtle Deity Worship Master List ✨
Greek Deities:
Subtle Aphrodite Worship
Subtle Ares Worship
Subtle Apollo Worship
Subtle Artemis Worship
Subtle Athena Worship
Subtle Dionysus Worship
Subtle Eros Worship
Subtle Hephaestus Worship
Subtle Hermes Worship
Subtle Demeter Worship
Subtle Hera Worship
Subtle Zeus Worship
Subtle Circe Worship
Subtle Hestia Worship
Subtle Helios Worship
Subtle Persephone Worship
Subtle Poseidon Worship
Subtle Hekate Worship
Subtle Hygeia Worship
Subtle Nemesis Worship
Subtle Psyche Worship
Subtle Asklepios Worship
Subtle Haides Worship
Subtle Harpocrates Worship
Subtle Erebos Worship
Subtle Medea Worship
Subtle Tyche Worship
Subtle Lethe Worship
Subtle Selene Worship
Subtle Eris Worship
Subtle Themis Worship
Subtle Talos Worship
Subtle Thanatos Worship
Subtle Nyx Worship
Subtle Phobos & Deimos Worship
Subtle Nike Worship
Subtle Pan Worship
Subtle Hypnos Worship
Subtle Charybdis Worship
Subtle Skylla Worship
Subtle Harmonia Worship
Subtle Galatea Worship
Subtle Hyacinthus Worship
Subtle Himeros Worship
Subtle Triton Worship
Subtle Gaia Worship
Norse Deities:
Subtle Sigyn Worship
Subtle Loki Worship
Subtle Baldr Worship
Subtle Freyr Worship
Subtle Odin Worship
Subtle Heimdallr Worship
Subtle Freyja Worship
Subtle Thorr Worship
Subtle Tyr Worship
Subtle Jormungandr Worship
Subtle Hel Worship
Subtle Sleipnir Worship
Subtle Idunna Worship - created by @soil-and-stanzas :)
Subtle Fenrir Worship
Subtle Frigga Worship
Egyptian Deities can be found on @wanderingskemetic 's blog!
This list will be updated as I make more posts! I will be making separate lists for these pantheons because I have too many links lol.
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devoted-sunflower · 4 days ago
About the Temple to Zeus and Pan
I originally had made several posts here detailing the construction and dedication of a temple to Zeus and Pan in Arkadia, Greece.
The man leading the campaign for this project, Evangelos Bexis, has shared antisemitic conspiracy theories on his Facebook page, and was part of an ultra-nationalist political party called "Forward Greece" which espoused that Christianity has "infected" Greece and that the only way for it to be saved was for it to return to the traditions of the past.
Additionally he has allied himself with YSEE, a racist, xenophobic and queerphobic Helpol organization.
I originally felt this was a win for Hellenic Polytheism. I was so excited and thrilled beyond belief that a physical place of worship like that was finally a reality. But, after hearing and seeing more and more information about the people behind this and their views, I now strongly feel that I cannot and should not celebrate it all. And neither should anyone else.
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Gods give us the strength to resist bigotry and fascism, wherever they may be lurking.
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devoted-sunflower · 4 days ago
i really truly believe an altar is not necessary to worship, especially if you (for whatever reason) struggle with any form of upkeep, lifting, moving, organising, etc. people in your community aren't gonna call you out if you can't do that kinda stuff, you're allowed to acknowledge your limits. it is not something you will be punished for or abandoned because of, by your gods or by your community.
sometimes just living in a way that your deity would approve of can be enough. encapsulate them in how you treat others, and how you live your life. become a local form of their influence in the world. to me, that is worth so much more than an altar.
and above all, if you can't maintain an altar, sincerely don't feel like you have to do anything more than what you're capable of. the gods wouldn't want you to hurt yourself or neglect your needs. take care of urself ok?
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devoted-sunflower · 4 days ago
shoutout to all the deities i want to include in my practice but cant because life is busy
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devoted-sunflower · 4 days ago
May Dionysus Androgynous look after my trans brothers, sisters, and siblings who need it the most right now. May He bless you with the comfort of knowing you're not alone and the ability to remember how much strength you truly possess. May He grant you a glimpse into the memories of the millions of trans souls who came before us, as we have always existed, and remind you of how incredibly resilient our community has always been.
Hail Dionysus, the Great Liberator! May He break the chains that bind us all and ignite the spark of revolution within our hearts. 💜🍇🥂🏳️‍⚧️
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devoted-sunflower · 4 days ago
Absolutely be political in your worship.
Aphrodite isn't called Pandemos (of All People) so you can sit around and let the big names capitalise love and serve it only to those who can afford to pay past the persecution. Hermes isn't called Oeopolus (Shepherd) so you can sit around and let a bunch of power-hungry wolves lead a flock of influencable sheep. Apollo isn't called Paean (Healer) so you can sit around while wealthy corporations serve healthcare only to those who can afford not to die. Athena isn't called Ambulia (Counsellor) so you can sit around while the people are being fed propaganda against each other to divert them from the real enemy at the top. Dionysus isn't called Eleuthereus (the Liberator) so you can sit around while freedom is only granted to those whose skins have the acceptable colour while the others die in chains. Zeus isn't called Xenios (of the Foreigners) so you can sit around while the borders are closed to those who need it and only open to those who can give back the money.
The Gods stand with the oppressed, and so should you.
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devoted-sunflower · 4 days ago
When you step into sunlight, you honor Apollo. When you admire the moon, you honor Artemis. When you admire cloud shapes, you honor Hera. When you smell petrichor, you honor Zeus. When you laugh at a joke, you honor Hermes. When your body twitches to dance at a particularly upbeat music, you honor Dinoysus. When you enjoy the first bite of your breakfast, you honor Demeter. When you choose your peace over any conflict, you honor Athena. When you warm yourself up by sheltering yourself in blanket, you honor Hestia. When you listen to Ocean sounds, you honor Poseidon. When you smell flowers, you honor Persephone. When you admire the coolness of first day of Autumn, you honor Hades. When you wear your favourite jewellery, you honor Hephaestus. When you smile, you honor Aphrodite. When you exercise, you honor Ares. When you light a torch in a dark room, you honor Hekate.
Your body is a shrine to Gods, your being an act of devotion for them. You, by yourself, are enough for them.
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devoted-sunflower · 4 days ago
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So you decided you wanna worship Ares. Great! It's kind of hard to find information on him right away, so I'm here to help you out with this masterpost. It may be big, but covers up just about everything you need to know for a start.
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In hellenic polytheism, Ares is the god of war, bloodshed, courage, battlelust, civil order and rebellion. He is the patron of soldiers and personification of strength.
Ares has been shown in media and in most greek myths as a hotheaded, stupid, sadistic jock who only cares about harming others and causing chaos, but obviously, he is a lot more than that.
Ares is angry, I wouldn't dare saying anything different, but he isn't out of control or mad. Ares is one for minorities and for women, he is a passionate god that inspires us to be brave and keep fighting whenever we feel like we can't anymore.
Most of mythology does not offer an accurate depiction of Ares' character, but that's not the case with the myth of Alcippe.
To sum it up, Alcippe was one of Ares' daughters. She was being raped (in some versions, was about to be raped or generally being sexually assaulted) by Halirrhotius, a son of Poseidon. She cried out for her father, who showed up and killed her rapist. Poseidon wasn't happy with the murder of his son, so the first trial took place. Ares was considered innocent and the hill where his trial took place was named Areopagus after him.
Another time his mythology did not fail him was the myth of the amazons, warrior women who were daughters of Ares. They fought side by side on many occasions and from what I noticed, he's giddy at any mention of them.
I'd describe Ares as an amazing father, a seeker for justice and someone who will be there for you when you need it most – wether it be as the hand on your back, supporting you and urging you on or as the final push of strength you didn't know you had in you.
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As Ares is connected to Mars, his sacred weekday is Tuesday. Tuesdays are associated with action, physical activity, sexuality, the color red, passion, strength, vitality, raising motivation and anger. Perfect match, right?
Ares had few temples, but was always honoured with special rites in times of war or before battle. Unfortunately, I haven't found many resources for festivals honouring him other than one celebrated only by women and one celebrated only by men.
The one celebrated only by men occured in Geronthrai, in Lakonia. Ares' cult in this village happened yearly, when he was asked to bless those who would serve as soldiers and asked for their victory.
The second festival honored Ares Gynaikothoinas, Ares Feasted by Women. It originated in the Lakonian war, after the women of Tegea set up an ambush for the Lakedaemonians. They won the fight and celebrated by giving victory sacrifices to Ares on their own account, without the men.
I think it's important to say that while the festivals were separated by the gender binary, that doesn't mean that Ares only accepts male or female followers. Being non-binary myself, I know that's not the case, but it's not like centuries of cisgender and heteronormative historians didn't do harm... Anyways! What I mean is: Ares loves every single one of his followers, whether they're cis or not.
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The tarot cards associated with Ares are The Chariot and The Emperor.
The Emperor upright means masculinity, stability, fearless, passion, fatherhood, authority, discipline and regulation.
The Chariot upright means advancement, mastery, assertion, willpower and control.
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the boar
barn owls
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Ares doesn't actually have any sacred plants. In mythology or historical practices, there's nothing about it. Here's some of my UPG:
anything with tiny yellow flowers
spicy stuff: peppers, paprika...
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Thêritas | Beastly
Aphneios | Abundant
Gynaikothoinas | Feasted by Women
Laossos | He Who Rallies Men
Khalkeos | Brazen
Teikhesiplêtês | Stormer of Cities
Aatos polemoio | Insatiate of Fighting
Rhinotoros | Flesh-Piercing
Deinos | Terrible
Enyalios | Warlike
Khrysopêlêx | Of the Golden Helm
Ares has many other epithets. Most of them are about his violence and bloodshed, so I picked my favorites or the ones that focused on other aspects of him.
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a peaked warrior's helm
a dog
flaming torch
symbol of mars (masculine)
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anything you made. seriously. as long as you worked hard and gave it your all, he'll love it.
hot sauce
pork ribs
a whole barbecue, if you'd like. even if it's vegetarian
pretty much any meat
a lighter
blades (of any kind)
anything that's sharp and potentially deadly
a homemade meal
alcohol in general, but especially whiskey, tequila and beer
exercising. it doesn't matter what it is, as long as you're exhausted, sweaty and gross by the end of it
energy drinks
things made out of iron or steel
beef jerky
broken glass
storm water
read him books on strategy or war history
take a self defense class
go to a protest
meditate focusing on your heartbeat
participate in political discussions
practice radical sports
dark chocolate (75-80% cocoa)
cookies (homemade are best)
strong scented stuff
study war history
learn first aid
healthy, unharmful things that give you adrenaline rushes (amusement park rides, bungee jumping, etc)
educate yourself on ptsd
spicy foods
follow through with your tasks
watch action movies with him
pet a dog
learn about his children
volunteer work
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For me, life is war.
I don't say it to sound cool or edgy or whatever may be going through your head right now. In my country, trans people have a life expectancy of 35 years.
I didn't choose for it to be like this. I didn't sign up for a war. This is just my life. I just wanted to live it. I don't want to be fighting a battle every single day I go outside, but I am.
Can you imagine that? Your life being an incessant game of tug of war? Fearing everyone that looks at you funny on the street because oh well, this might be curtains for me?
All I know is war. It may not be the ones that get written down on history books and people make movies about, but it's war. It's terrible, but it's all I know. I can't imagine how my life would be without it. Sometimes, I wonder if there's anything to me but it.
Ares understands. He makes it better. I'm not sure he knows anything but war either, but he doesn't act like that's bad. War is all consuming, and Ares knows that better than anyone. Having him with me, every step of the way, makes it easier.
I was raised with a perfect God. A God that only cared about the beautiful, the perfect, the holy. The rest was shameful and should be cast aside, hidden.
I spent a long time ashamed of myself for it. Ares frees me from this.
He wants to know the ugly, the bad thoughts, the things that hurt and make you ashamed. Ares doesn't mind getting dirty. He'll hold you, bloodied and all, even if your tears wet his clothes.
Ares knows how bad humans can get. He's seen us at our worst, so he won't shy away when you're at the bottom.
He understands that we're flawed. I don't think he minds.
He isn't looking for perfect little angels, free of sin and guilt. You can come to him with with your evil, tell him all that's bad about you, all your past mistakes, all that makes you disgusting and ashamed, and Ares won't even bat an eye. He's seen worse. He might say it's okay, if you're scared. He won't be.
Ares will know all of your flaws and shrug. He will help you with them, loves seeing his followers grow, but won't think less of you for them. If you let him stick around long enough to learn all of your qualities too, Ares will love your bad and good all the same.
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devoted-sunflower · 4 days ago
Offerings Masterpost:
(Last updated: 9/7/2020)
Major Hellenic Deities:
Minor Hellenic Deities:
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