#Tim is a god to Kon
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 7 months ago
Tim has always been closer to divinity than human in Kon's eyes.
The Clone of Superman, they say Clark Kent is a god a being of so much power.
Maybe he is, after all every myth will tell you the god's are cruel made up of pride and wrath.
Tim is twisted, Kon has seen what the future could hold, a verison that is a dictator dripping in the blood of the innocent, sitting on a throne a verison of Kon helped build.
Blood suites him though.
After the battle was done Rob wanted a promise that none of Young Justice would let him become that. We would help put him down, we wouldn't join his crusade.
Yet, he couldn't he would more than happily trample through bone, to be able to bathe in Tim's light his own personal sun.
He promised instead to always be by his side, for the smartest man in the world he didn't understand. Tim only found relief, his belief in the goodness of Kon almost infaliable.
With his death an even darker side was born.
A room filled with corpses of failed clones. His Sunshine doing everything to bring him back.
Cassie, and Clark so disgusted that Tim would even attempt they thought Kon should feel violated be angry.
But why everything his blood, bone, and breathe belong to his God.
He can do with him whatever he chooses.
The first time they kissed, blood fresh from his split lip Kon's personal ichor.
More than content to imagine bruises decorating his knees proof of worship.
Sometimes he would fantasize picturing Tim draped in jewels, diamonds or rubies. He wasn't picky, but always a choker of glimmering green, connected by silver chain.
Why did Clark allow Bruce to hold onto their one weakness, Batman wasn't worthy.
It had always felt constricting that with one move he could be taken down, a whisper from Clark and he would be no more.
But Tim oh he would welcome it, if he decided that Kon wasn't it, that he was displeased he was more than happy to fall into the green. To meet his end but only at one hand.
When the day finally came that Tim decided it wasn't worth it that heroes were only the stuff of legend.
That he would wear the cowl that it was time for the world to change. He would take his rightful place make it that everyone would finally see.
Kon was more than ready.
He would do anything to ensure his future and if all his God asks is the death of a false one who is he to deny.
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fanaticalthings · 9 months ago
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the muskification of twitter except it's lex luthor instead of elon lol
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prlssprfctn · 2 days ago
Kinda need the whole family being tired as fuck from Tim's love stories and drama, so they send him away every time he finds a new crush.
Tim, struggling on how to confess to Kon: Hey, Dick, can you give me a dating advice? Dick: Oh, sure Dick, beaming cluelessly: Are you back with Steph? Tim: Oh no, I- Dick: Oh, right, sorry! Bart, right? Tim, embarrassed: No, I was- Dick: Omg, sorry, it was, uh, Bern? Tim: You know what... Forget it. Tim: *leaves* Dick, sighing in relief: Works every time. I hate giving dating advices.
Tim: Steph, can I have a dating advice? Steph, unimpressed: Are you cheating on someone again? Tim: ...Whatever.
Tim: Bruce- Bruce, hopeful: Yeah? Need help with something? Tim, thinking twice: ...Uh, actually no. Bruce: :(
Tim, stopping in front of Damian's door, unsure: ... Damian, right through the closed door: Drake. Spare us both. Tim: *groan*
Tim: So, I have this situation... Duke: Wait, I'll put the voice message recording, I need to send this to Cass, while she is on the mission Tim: Oh my god, MY LIFE IS NOT EVEN THAT MESSY! FORGET IT.
Tim, seething through his teeth on Jason's doorstep: You are my last hope. I am not even kidding. Jason: Woah. What happened to Alfie? Tim, with his eye twitching: He started to reminisce about his romance with Lizzie. Like, Queen Elizabeth. Lizzie. I can't listen to this any more. I need fucking advice. How to confess to Kon. Jason, who constantly writes fanfiction, but since his love life is non-existent at this point, uses his family's messy dating histories as an inspiration and references: ...Okay. Tim, gagged: Seriously? Jason: Yeah. Just work with me. What we are working with? Bridgerton ass romance? Miss Austen type of flair? Bronte's kind of insanity? Tim, sniffling: tHanK yOu
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on-the-clear-blue · 3 months ago
An idea that just popped into my brain...
Bernard, in the house boat living room, typing away on his computer, looks up when Tim enters: Oh, Babe your home early? Was patrol okay....ehst do you have.
Tim, tearing off his Red Robin outfit and holding something in his arms: So you know about that super evil, super old guy that runs an eco-friendly murder cult that is like super obsessed with me?
Bernard, closing his laptop and sighing: Do I have to move? Do what ever witness protection shit you superheros have?
Tim, humming and shaking his head before holding out what looks to be a bundle of clothing:No no...it seems he somehow found out about us dating and me planning to propose yo you and sent an early wedding gift.
Tim shifting the cloth to show a sleeping baby: Say hello to our child, I don't know just yet how he got both of our DNA but I did run a test and he is 100% ours, I think he used Lexs stuff like how he made Kon..
Bernard, staring at the baby and his rapidly undressing boyfriend who was rambling: Wait...propose? You wanted to get married?
Tim, still going on: -Lexs cloning tech is pretty hit or miss, *my* gear waz based on that but was...Wait you didn't know? I...I thought you have been hinting at it for a while...that's what I planned for next weeks date night.
Bernard, mouth agape: I haven't. Like at all, I mean, I will say yes because we now have a kid and I love you a lot but it would have taken me by surprise.
Tim, midly surprised: Huh...well anyways, Ra's sent us a child? I was thinking Alvin is a good name?
Bernard: Fuck that I am not going to have my son named after a chipmunk.
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mamawasatesttube · 2 months ago
it's been said before and i'm sure we'll say it again but man. do you ever think about tim trying to shield kon from kryptonite with his cape like a fucking idiot
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like. tim in his mind:
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feyburner · 2 years ago
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Bruce absolutely does not know this is happening
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wondersinwaynemanor · 1 year ago
some Wayne gala shenanigans
Damian: Some people have no shame.
Jon, a plate of brûlée on his hand: What do you mean?
Damian: Tt. Those so called classy, but actually pretentious women are embarrassing themselves for not understanding the memo.
Jon: What memo?
Damian turns his eyes away from the sight of some women, trying their best to get his brothers' attention and to the said memo.
As said memo are two redheads, and a half kryptonian and half human eating by the food area.
more women approach his brothers.
Damian, frowns: We need to save Richard, Todd and Drake.
Jon: They do look uncomfortable.
Damian, sighs: I have to enter the battlefield.
Jon, pats Damian's shoulder: You will be remembered by your bravery, Dames.
Damian breathes and walks towards the inner circle.
before Damian can even say anything else, the women have started cooing at him.
Damian internally cringes and he hopes this would be worth it.
thankfully, Damian don't have to suffer long as Wally, Roy and Conner join the commotion.
Roy: Sorry, Jaybaby. *he has that crooked smile, that Jason personally adores, as he wraps an arm around his waist* I was caught up at the food buffet. Want something to eat?
Jason, internally thanks the heavens for Roy and leans close to him: Starved. Excuses, everyone.
Todd is saved. Check.
Wally: Come on, honey. *holds Dick's hand and leads him away* I deserve a dance.
Dick, smiles like an idiot and holds Wally's hand: I better go, ladies. He gets a temper. Have a good night.
Richard is saved. Check.
Conner, touches Tim's shoulder then his cheek: Want something to drink? You seem tired, babe.
Tim, finally feeling awake for the first time since this happened and touches Conner's hand that's on his face: Yes, please, babe. Ladies, will you excuse me?
Drake is saved. Check.
the ladies are left speechless. some are jealous. some are frustrated they can't get the Wayne fortune. but, some are in awe.
Damian, lightly smirks: It's never gonna happen, ladies. Now, enjoy your night. Excuse me.
he finds Jon by the sweets section.
Damian, nudges Jon's arm: Thank you for that, Jon.
Jon, smiles: It's nothing. I needed to save you too.
they give each other a high five then proceed to challenge the other on who can eat the most chocolate covered strawberries.
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blueinkjpeg · 7 months ago
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They match each other’s freak, I fear
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hyperblue · 7 months ago
Kon - This is a baby-trapping?
Tim with a baby in his arms - Kon, this is my choice and the consequences of my actions... You can leave if you want and you won't be guilty of anything.
Kon - this baby-trapping and as a good decent well-mannered person, I have to raise a child with you and make you my wife soon.
Tim - Kon...
Kon - Hush, my dear, I will not let the mother of my child and my future wife be so nervous, by the way, what do you think about the colors at our wedding being green and black?
tim, suddenly very quiet: ...sage green and lilac would be nice too, don't you think?
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anxi04 · 1 month ago
Hear me out. HEAR ME OUT.
DC X Epic:TheMusical
Tim Drake who is the descent of the last line of Odysseus (so a descendent of Hermes) through Jack and a daughter of Athena (Janet)
Athena who misses her friend Odysseus and sees so much of him in Tim, who is technically her grandchild and she's so excited about it.
Hermes who also considered Odysseus his friend in a way also seeing so much of him in Tim and being more loudly giddy about it.
Athena and Hermes who absolutely adore Tim and are so proud of him because their kid is so smart and brave and strong and witty.
first of all tim’s hero costume 100% has attributes to both athena and hermes. tim is so insanely offended about the court of owls he decides to make his costume vaguely owl themed to spite them and pay tribute to athena. his shoes also have little feathers on them for hermes (hermes maybe possibly made them flying shoes but no one needs to know that. that is a secret between tim, hermes, athena, and young justice)
of course he doesn’t tell any of the batfam. wonder woman knows cause she can feel the divinity in tim and respects his decision not to tell the batfam so she says nothing outside of a causal “would you like a spar one day?” and that’s the end of that.
he does learn the greek style of sword fighting and also archery. he makes a collapsible bow in the style of odysseus’ bow and even if he doesn’t use it much he always has it on him, both as another tool just in case and a way to honor his long ago relative. and he sees the look in athena and hermes’ eyes when he uses it and wants them to know he’s keeping his legacy alive, even if he never explicitly states it.
his morals are probably a bit less strict. he doesn’t want to kill but he was raised by a demigod and two gods and they definitely have a different view on killing. he sees killing as more of a last resort, if he needs to kill he will but he’ll also do his best not to get there.
during his early stalking the bats days either athena or hermes was always with him. he was nine and while yes he was definitely well trained he was NINE.
bruce quest definitely goes differently. he’s still at like the lowest point of his life, his mom and dad are dead, steph is ‘dead’, bart is dead, kon is dead, cassie is in a cult, the hero community thinks he’s insane, he’s not robin anymore, and bruce is *gone*. but he has athena and hermes (who by the way is very proud of tim being such a good thief. he trained him for sure) and that helps his mental state so much.
the league of assassins and the council still happen, tim still loses his spleen but when he attacks the league he doesn’t worry much about the consequences of blowing the bases up. he doesn’t need to know the exact number of deaths, he hopes a couple of assassins got out but he knows there’s a substantial amount dead.
he’s nowhere near ra’s level, but he does fight him to a closer standstill which only endears him to ra’s more and tim is very much not cool with that. neither are either of the gods. he does Not need ra’s as a father figure thank you very much. hermes takes out any annoyance out on ra’s and really shows he’s the god of mischief
tim also somehow acquires a winion. no one but him knows how. hermes and athena looked away for ten seconds when he was 11 and suddenly he has a winion who is Very against leaving. none of the batfam are sure what it is just that it never leaves tim alone for more than 2 seconds. you know how some animatics just have a random winion with the crew? it’s that winion.
tim also definitely doesn’t just go with red robin as a name once he realizes he can actually choose his own and names himself something honoring both athena and hermes. at this point he also starts using his bow more much to the annoyance of bruce and that’s purely cause tim said he was inspired by oliver just to fuck with bruce.
oliver also sees how good of a shot tim is and is trying to get custody. little does he know bruce doesn’t even have custody athena and hermes got custody of him through a fake identity. bruce has no idea who his guardians are and it drives him crazy cause hes found out they’re not fake and very present in tim’s life BUT HE CANT FIND THEM
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arunneronthird · 2 years ago
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the new 52 was bewildering but nothing will ever top that one fucking scene
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noxcheshire · 11 months ago
But I like the idea of the phantom world being reincarnated into very unexpected people.
Like I still love the idea of Danny being Martha or Thomas.
Or Dani being another clone, or her being Damian, and Sam being Poison Ivy and or Martha, etc.
But I also like the unhinged nonsense of Sam being a clone in the dc world — ideally Kon, and Dani (or Dan) being Bruce, while Vlad is gasp Thomas Wayne.
I just think the idea of Danny finding out that in an alternate world he married a nicer and age appropriate Vlad and had the son the guy has been demanding for so long in their world is hilarious.
The absolute mental breakdown that boy will go through: this is my son, and I love him, look at him go being a hero and kicking ass, but holy fucking Ancients above I fucked VLAD —
And on the other hand, can you imagine Bruce’s reaction? To his alternate mom being a sassy teenage boy, his alternate dad being an older guy ‘preying’ on this kid that absolutely HATES the guy, and being an absolute creep while his alt self **gestures to your choosing** is either a tiny girl menace or the biggest and meanest growling ghost that is BARELY tolerating being in the same space as the living.
But they also hate his alternate dad and would punch him into next week with Mom! Danny.
This man will being going THROUGH IT.
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spacedace · 2 years ago
Another dp x dc prompt/blurb thing for yall:
Everyone knows how much Batman cares about his kids. They may not all get along with him all the time, but it's obvious that there's nothing that the Dark Knight won't do to keep his bats and birds safe.
When Danny gets taken by the GIW, Jazz, Dan & Elle - acting as regents of the Infinite Realms while Danny is out of action - find themselves using this fact to try and force the Justice League's hand in helping them.
(The Justice League, it should be noted, have no idea about anything going on with the GIW and the Anti-Ecto Acts. Everyone in Amity has been led to believe that the JL has just been ignoring them.)
They don't want to do it, but their options are limited. The Realms are howling for blood and its either declare war and obliterate the human race or try to get a little sneaky and a lot underhanded. So they decide they're going to force Batman to help them by kidnapping as many of the BatKids as they can and holding them hostage until their demands are met.
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banterbat · 5 months ago
*blows yj98 up with mind*
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allthegothihopgirls · 11 months ago
i live under the strong belief that every time another super/bat relationship spawns, alfred's will to serve the manor lessens ever so slightly
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mamawasatesttube · 4 months ago
what WERE tim and kon doing in that closet together that made kon have to get dressed afterwards anyway? wrong answers only. i'll start i think they were playing two person strip poker but tim cheated like a motherfucker. actually wait that doesn't make this sound any less gay. um. hold on. there's gotta be something. um
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