#Theatre of War
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st4rshiptr00per · 5 months ago
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VNA doodle art dump time lol
[Image description: several drawings in ink and pencil. image 1 - a single comic panel of a man in a military uniform being violently bear-hugged by a statue with a loud crunch. the man is throwing his head back in shock and pain. the statue looks like Ace Mcshane, and its eyes, mouth, and joints are cracking apart, spilling mud. image 2- a simpler drawing of ace and the seventh doctor sitting in chairs facing each other. ace is putting her feet up on the arm of the chair and holding tea in her lap, while the doctor leans forward in their seat and holds ace's hand. image 3 - the seventh doctor in their outfit from the VNAs, winking at the viewer. image 4 - Ace in a tank top, carrying a massive sci-fi gun on her shoulder. she's covered in little scratches and scars. image 5 - an image study of the seventh doctor sitting and pointing at the camera with an alarmed expression, while ace leans over his shoulder looking surprised. image 6 - Ace in her outfit from the Left-Handed Hummingbird, wearing a crop top, the doctor's jacket, and looking at the viewer over her sunglasses. image 7 - the seventh doctor hunched over on the ground, grinning uneasily. their eyes are watering and colored in blue and there are tiny blue feathers in their hair. behind them Huitzilin is partially visible completely colored in blue, with bird-like headgear and a big grin. end ID. ]
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do-you-know-this-dw-story · 4 months ago
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theatre of war (novel: 1994)
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nightmarepdf · 2 years ago
*flattered* “are you asking me out on a date?”
*shocked and mildly disgusted* “no.”
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arte-e-homoerotismo · 20 days ago
Cecil Beaton
Sir Cecil Walter Hardy Beaton CBE (14 de janeiro de 1904 – 18 de janeiro de 1980) foi um fotógrafo britânico de moda, retratos e guerra, diarista , pintor e designer de interiores, bem como figurinista e cenógrafo para palco e tela. Seus elogios incluem três Oscars e quatro Tony Awards .
Início da vida e educação
Beaton nasceu em 14 de janeiro de 1904 em Hampstead , norte de Londres, filho de Ernest Walter Hardy Beaton (1867–1936), um próspero comerciante de madeira , e sua esposa, Esther "Etty" Sisson (1872–1962). Seu avô, Walter Hardy Beaton (1841–1904), fundou o negócio familiar de "Beaton Brothers Timber Merchants and Agents", e seu pai seguiu para o negócio. Ernest Beaton era um ator amador e conheceu sua esposa, a mãe de Cecil, Esther ("Etty"), quando interpretava o papel principal em uma peça. Ela era filha de um ferreiro de Cumbria chamado Joseph Sisson e veio a Londres para visitar sua irmã casada. 
Ernest e Etty Beaton tiveram quatro filhos – Cecil; duas filhas, Nancy Elizabeth Louise Beaton (1909–99, que se casou com Sir Hugh Smiley, Baronete ) e Barbara Jessica Beaton (1912–73, conhecida como Baba, que se casou com Alec Hambro); e um filho, Reginald Ernest Hardy Beaton (1905–33). Uma Rolleiflex padrão de 1932 , um tipo de câmera usada por Beaton
Cecil Beaton foi educado na Heath Mount School (onde foi intimidado por Evelyn Waugh ) e na St Cyprian's School , Eastbourne , onde seu talento artístico foi rapidamente reconhecido. Tanto Cyril Connolly quanto Henry Longhurst relatam em suas autobiografias que ficaram impressionados com a beleza do canto de Beaton nos concertos da escola St Cyprian.
Quando Beaton estava crescendo, sua babá tinha uma câmera Kodak 3A, um modelo popular que era conhecido por ser um equipamento ideal para aprender. A babá de Beaton começou a lhe ensinar os fundamentos da fotografia e do desenvolvimento de filmes. Ele frequentemente fazia suas irmãs e sua mãe posarem para ele. Quando ele era suficientemente proficiente, ele enviava as fotos para revistas da sociedade de Londres, muitas vezes escrevendo sob um pseudônimo e "recomendando" o trabalho de Beaton. 
Beaton frequentou a Harrow School e, depois, apesar de ter pouco ou nenhum interesse acadêmico, mudou-se para o St John's College , em Cambridge , e estudou história, arte e arquitetura. Beaton continuou sua fotografia e, por meio de seus contatos universitários, conseguiu um retrato representando a Duquesa de Malfi publicado na Vogue . Na verdade, era George "Dadie" Rylands - "um instantâneo ligeiramente desfocado dele como a Duquesa de Malfi de Webster, de pé na luz subaquática do lado de fora do banheiro masculino do Teatro ADC em Cambridge." Beaton deixou Cambridge sem um diploma em 1925.
Depois de um curto período no negócio de madeira da família, ele trabalhou com um comerciante de cimento em Holborn . Isso resultou em "uma orgia de fotografia nos fins de semana", então ele decidiu começar por conta própria. Sob o patrocínio de Osbert Sitwell, ele fez sua primeira exposição na Cooling Gallery, em Londres. Isso causou um grande rebuliço.
Acreditando que encontraria maior sucesso do outro lado do Atlântico, ele partiu para Nova York e lentamente construiu uma reputação lá. Na época em que partiu, ele tinha "um contrato com a Condé Nast Publications para tirar fotografias exclusivamente para eles por vários milhares de libras por ano durante vários anos".
De 1930 a 1945, Beaton alugou a Ashcombe House em Wiltshire, onde recebeu muitas figuras notáveis.
Em 1947, ele comprou a Reddish House , situada em 2,5 acres de jardins, aproximadamente 5 milhas (8,0 km) a leste em Broad Chalke . Aqui ele transformou o interior, adicionando quartos no lado leste, estendendo a sala para o sul e introduzindo muitos novos acessórios. Greta Garbo foi uma visitante. Ele permaneceu na casa até sua morte em 1980 e está enterrado no cemitério da igreja paroquial. 
Beaton desenhou capas de livros e figurinos para matinês beneficentes, aprendendo a arte da fotografia no estúdio de Paul Tanqueray , até que a Vogue o contratou regularmente em 1927. Ele montou seu próprio estúdio, e um de seus primeiros clientes e, mais tarde, melhor amigo foi Stephen Tennant . As fotografias de Beaton de Tennant e seu círculo são consideradas algumas das melhores representações dos Jovens Brilhantes dos anos vinte e trinta.Retrato de Sir Roy Strong , Diretor e Secretário do Victoria and Albert Museum
A primeira câmera de Beaton foi uma Box Brownie . Ao longo de sua carreira, ele empregou câmeras de grande formato e câmeras Rolleiflex menores . Beaton nunca foi conhecido como um fotógrafo técnico altamente qualificado e, em vez disso, se concentrou em encenar um modelo ou cena atraente e procurar o momento perfeito de liberação do obturador.
Ele era um fotógrafo da edição britânica da Vogue em 1931, quando George Hoyningen-Huene , fotógrafo da Vogue francesa , viajou para a Inglaterra com seu novo amigo Horst . O próprio Horst começaria a trabalhar para a Vogue francesa em novembro daquele ano. A troca e a polinização cruzada de ideias entre esse círculo colegial de artistas do outro lado do Canal e do Atlântico deram origem ao visual de estilo e sofisticação pelos quais os anos 1930 são conhecidos. 
Beaton é conhecido por suas fotografias de moda e retratos da sociedade. Ele trabalhou como fotógrafo da equipe da Vanity Fair e da Vogue, além de fotografar celebridades em Hollywood. Em 1938, ele inseriu algumas frases antissemitas minúsculas, mas ainda legíveis (incluindo a palavra ' kike ') na Vogue americana ao lado de uma ilustração sobre a sociedade de Nova York. A edição foi retirada e reimpressa, e Beaton foi demitido. 
Beaton retornou à Inglaterra, onde a Rainha o recomendou ao Ministério da Informação (MoI). Ele se tornou um importante fotógrafo de guerra, mais conhecido por suas imagens dos danos causados ​​pelo Blitz alemão . Seu estilo se aprimorou e seu alcance se ampliou, a carreira de Beaton foi restaurada pela guerra. 
Beaton frequentemente fotografava a Família Real para publicação oficial. A Rainha Elizabeth, a Rainha Mãe , era sua modelo real favorita, e uma vez ele embolsou seu lenço perfumado como lembrança de uma sessão de fotos de grande sucesso. Beaton tirou as famosas fotos do casamento do Duque e da Duquesa de Windsor (vestindo um conjunto de alta costura do famoso estilista americano Mainbocher ). Ele fotografou a Princesa Margaret em um vestido creme Dior em seu 21º aniversário em 1951, que se tornou um dos retratos reais mais icônicos do século XX. Rainha Fawzia Fuad Chirine com o Xá Mohammed Reza Pahlevi e sua filha, a Princesa Shahnaz Pahlavi em Teerã durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Foto de Cecil Beaton.
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial , Beaton foi inicialmente designado para o Ministério da Informação e recebeu a tarefa de registrar imagens da frente doméstica. Durante essa tarefa, ele capturou uma das imagens mais duradouras do sofrimento britânico durante a guerra, a da vítima do Blitz, Eileen Dunne, de 3 anos, se recuperando no hospital, segurando seu amado ursinho de pelúcia. Quando a imagem foi publicada, a América ainda não havia se juntado oficialmente à guerra, mas imagens como a de Beaton ajudaram a pressionar os americanos a pressionar seu governo para ajudar a Grã-Bretanha em sua hora de necessidade. 
Beaton teve uma grande influência e relacionamento com Angus McBean e David Bailey . McBean foi um retratista bem conhecido de sua época. Mais tarde em sua carreira, seu trabalho é influenciado por Beaton. Bailey foi influenciado por Beaton quando eles se conheceram enquanto trabalhavam para a Vogue britânica no início dos anos 1960. O uso de imagens em formato quadrado (6x6) por Bailey é semelhante aos padrões de trabalho do próprio Beaton. 
Em 1968, a National Portrait Gallery em Londres montou sua exposição fotográfica inaugural Beaton Portraits 1928-68 . Além disso, foi a primeira vez que uma retrospectiva do trabalho de um fotógrafo vivo foi exibida em um museu nacional britânico. A exposição, que foi vista por mais de 80.000 pessoas, apresentou salas temáticas com fotografias da família real, heróis de guerra, autores, compositores e celebridades. A exposição viajou para os Estados Unidos e foi exibida como 600 Faces by Beaton 1928-69 no Museu da Cidade de Nova York em 1969. Uma semana antes da abertura em Nova York, Beaton fotografou Andy Warhol e membros de sua Factory como uma adição de última hora à mostra.
Vida pessoal e morte
Beaton teve relacionamentos com vários homens e mulheres , incluindo o ex-esgrimista olímpico e professor Kinmont Hoitsma (seu último amante), as atrizes Greta Garbo e Coral Browne , a dançarina Adele Astaire , a socialite grega Madame Jean Ralli (Julie Marie 'Lilia' Pringo), e a socialite britânica Doris Castlerosse .
Ele foi nomeado cavaleiro nas honras de Ano Novo de 1972. 
Dois anos depois, ele sofreu um derrame que o deixou permanentemente paralisado do lado direito do corpo. Embora tenha aprendido a escrever e desenhar com a mão esquerda, e tenha tido câmeras adaptadas, Beaton ficou frustrado com as limitações que o derrame havia imposto ao seu trabalho. Como resultado do derrame, Beaton ficou ansioso sobre a segurança financeira para sua velhice e, em 1976, entrou em negociações com Philippe Garner , especialista responsável por fotografias na Sotheby's .
Em nome da casa de leilões, Garner adquiriu o arquivo de Beaton – excluindo todos os retratos da Família Real e as cinco décadas de impressões mantidas pela Vogue em Londres, Paris e Nova York. Garner, que quase sozinho inventou o leilão fotográfico, supervisionou a preservação e a dispersão parcial do arquivo, de modo que os únicos ativos tangíveis de Beaton, e o que ele considerava o trabalho de sua vida, lhe garantiriam uma renda anual. O primeiro de cinco leilões foi realizado em 1977, o último em 1980. ]
No final da década de 1970, a saúde de Beaton havia piorado. Ele morreu em 18 de janeiro de 1980 em Reddish House , sua casa em Broad Chalke , Wiltshire, quatro dias após seu 76º aniversário.
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Cecil Beaton:  Theatre of War. (1940s)
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paperback-rascal · 8 months ago
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STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
My personal headcanon is that Tech got Echoed AKA Empire used his knowledge/experience/memories to train CXs troopers - that's why clone assassins got so good at fighting the batch - they're flash trained based on Clone Force 99 tactics. Following that headcanon of mine... CX2 was, to a degree, Tech... just as he was Crosshair, Wrecker, Hunter and Echo or more precisely... what Tech knew about his brothers and their capabilities/fighting style.
But I also believe showrunners are aiming to have Tech rescued in a different show (or a tie-in comics or a book) to have another property tied tightly to Filoniverse... also to strengthen my theory - J. Corbett admitted that she loves Marvel's Winter Soldier movie - make of that what you will.
The ending of TBB s3, in my opinion, teases an idea of a show circling around rebellion in which Omega will be at least secondary/supporting character so I think they'll make her rescue her fallen brother in her own show as a minor plot point or at least a TBB cameo.
I don't care either way as long as CF99 will be properly reunited.
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katerinaaqu · 24 days ago
Okay you are there to witness the final face-off! Who would you cheer for more? Let me know on the comments below!
Two crazy lions fighting for Hermione over the temples of Delphi; two kids that got destroyed by war or the consequences of it 🤔 let me know your thoughts!
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the-literal-kj · 5 months ago
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Chapters 1-3
Written for the 2024 Good Omens Theatre Reverse Bang, with concept & stunning art by the incomparable @illustrious-slimeman!
Good Omens fanfiction. 5k/25k words. Currently Rated M. Read it on A03.
SUMMARY: There was a point in Crowley’s life when he wouldn’t have been caught dead aboard the Metro-North Railroad commuter train bound for the hell that was Connecticut. And yet, here he was. Far enough from New York City so his reputation doesn't precede him and at his latest gig as a lighting tech, he meets stuffy, rules-following, interim-director Aziraphale.
But is there room enough in Greenwich for two drama queens?
CW: Pranks, practical jokes, quite extraordinary amounts of cussing! More tags to come.
Thank you to my betas @hakunahistata, @gaiaseyes451, @angie-words, @ines2925, & @secretlywingedphantom and to the @goodomensafterdark and @whickberstreetwriters communities for all their support!!
“Bring up the house lights, if you would?” The radio crackled as he removed his thumb from the button, ending the transmission out to the Crew channel. A message that Crowley, way up as he was, still should have received. An order– no, a request from the Director. Perhaps the light jockey hadn’t heard him. Shielding his eyes with a hand, Aziraphale repeated himself. “Lights down, please? House lights up?”  A spotlight punched him directly in the smallest ribs, landing like an airhorn hits an eardrum. Aziraphale could see the barest glint of light off of Crowley’s ridiculous sunglasses shifting up in the booth. He knew he was listening, knew he had heard.  And yet the spotlight was getting brighter.
Read the rest on A03!
💚 kj
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sonyaheaneyauthor · 6 months ago
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The Odesa Opera and Ballet Theatre, Ukraine during the Nazi invasion and the russian invasion. X
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reconstructwriter · 1 year ago
Star Wars Fix-it: The Holonet Edition
The well-bribed algorithms of the Holonet should have relegated Tookruta1387’s clip to the tender hearts of a few friends. The days of spontaneous viral posts – without credits to grease the wheels – died not long after the rise of megacorps in the Republic. But the poster was either lucky or savvy enough to play the algorithms because “Jedi Being Cold” exploded. Screens, conversation, even news. And their post was just the start of a trend…
“Jedi Being Cold”: An old transport ship, frost coating the inside of its windows. A corner swathed in a nest of robes. Within three padawans snuggle together, fast asleep. If they were cats they’d be purring. One is purring despite a lack of feline attributes. A hand nudges them with a datastick, only for it to float away to a cloud of similar items.
“Jedi Being Cold” part 2: A snow-covered lake. One knight finishes sculpting a realistic snow tiger. Two others Force push each other like hocky pucks across the ice. One goes flying towards the statue. An expression of ‘oh crap’. Incredible, Force- assisted acrobatics deftly avoids the sculpture but crashes right into the sculptor in a tangle of limbs, sending them skidding into a snow-bank. The third Jedi pokes their head into the many-limbed hole and gets snowballed for the trouble.
“Jedi Stealing Children”: A child at a slave auction. A robed figure swoops in like a hawk, slicing through chains with their lightsaber and ripping apart cages with the Force. The camera pans to one slaver Force shoved into a cage, clearly furious as the Jedi escapes with a whole crowd of people, many children.
“Jedi Stealing Children” becomes the title for 1287 pictures, clips and gifs before someone adjusts the algorithm. This makes them surprisingly hot commodities on the Dark Holo, especially the one with a Nautolan Master dramatically fleeing the capture attempts of a horde of children – ending in one dramatic arm reaching out as kids bury him
“Jedi As Warmongers”: A young Padawan, blood splattered, has a ‘does it get better’ look on their trembling face as they stare up at their Master. The Master is even grimier and gorier as they gather their Padawan up with an ‘I’m sorry but no’. The Padawan weeps and shakes, burying their face in their Master’s robes, who has silent tears down their face. In the background is a war zone.
“Jedi as Warmongers: part 2” Has war holomovie music playing in the background as the snap-thumm of a lightsaber echoes, vivid blue piercing the dark. The blade raises over something, is brought down…over a block of cheese and loaf of bread. The Jedi padawan gleefully declares: “Grilled Cheese for all!” The sound of sprinting footsteps is heard and a dramatic “Noooo,” from a Jedi Knight.
“Jedi as Warmongers: part 3”: The music has switched to aftermath of war horror, the kitchen looks like a cheese atomic bomb hit. The children are cleaning up and one wipes cheese with bread and pops it in their mouth: “grilled cheese for all!” An adult admonishes “You spit that out right now that’s not sanitary.” In the background the Jedi Knight is doing the same thing.
“Jedi Showing Off” Is Yoda’s contribution to this mess – which is just him going through an entire stack of photo-albums on his previous padawans. He opens the last book to Dooku the Padawan when Dooku the Master barges in: “Stop this indignity immediately!” The camera shows an intense close-up of someone’s palm. “Who even taught you how to operate holo-video? –” feed cuts off.
“Jedi Dignity”: Feed resumes from a different perspective as Master Dooku – previous camera still in hand – gives Yoda and several other watching Jedi a lecture on appropriate Holonet-posting behavior. “Not appropriate baby photos are?” Yoda asks, a card-shark’s spread of pictures with Dooku’s baby face. Dooku yanks them out of Yoda’s hands. “Not without m-the person’s permission!” Does a double-take. “Are you filming –?” Horrified glower. “Mace you traitor!” Video abruptly cuts off. Permanently this time.
Not even algorithm adjustments – and there are clearly several – can stop that from becoming viral. “Mace you traitor!” becomes slang for the latest generation. Mace himself rolls with it. Dooku attempts to entomb himself in the archives until this all blows over.
Actions may speak louder than words but memes speak loudest of all.
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flowerprintundies · 2 months ago
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In my main mission I took a side quest and pulled all the pics I could with Jeffrey from the LA times from 1979 to 1986 from NewpaperArchive.com during his theater days
articles under the cut!
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mountmultimuses · 8 months ago
I used to think that only certain stories could lend themselves to music, but that has changed. There's a musical about Mean Girls, Heathers, Dracula, Jekyll and Hyde, even Shrek. So my mindset has changed. Get the right songwriters and scriptwriters behind it, and ANYTHING could become a musical. So what do you think? What would you like to see as a musical?
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st4rshiptr00per · 6 months ago
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martyredhymn · 26 days ago
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pierre bezukhov you would have loved hozier
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personinthepalace · 10 days ago
Harry Kershaw vs Jonathan Sayer: Oscar Strikes Back
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deadpresidents · 9 months ago
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After President Abraham Lincoln was shot during a performance of Our American Cousin at Ford's Theatre, several doctors who were in the audience and also enjoying the play rushed into the Presidential Box and began attending to the President. It was clear that Lincoln's wounds were almost certainly mortal, but the doctors still attempted to save his life. Originally thinking that the President had been stabbed, they soon found that he had been shot behind the left ear and the bullet -- a 43.75 mm ball which had been fired by John Wilkes Booth's .44 caliber Derringer -- had sliced through Lincoln's brain and lodged behind his eye sockets without exiting the skull. When Lincoln's breathing became more shallow, Dr. Charles Leale used his finger to remove blood clots from the wound, which immediately improved Lincoln's respiration.
The doctors decided to move Lincoln from the theater, but felt that the President's condition was far too weak to risk taking him back to the White House, which was several blocks away. A nearby saloon was considered just as unseemly of a place for the President to spend his last hours and likely die in as a theatre, so Lincoln was carried across the 10th Street to William Petersen's boarding house. When they brought Lincoln into the boarding house, they realized that the 6'4" President was too tall for the bed they found for him, so they laid him diagonally upon it.
It was obvious that Lincoln could not survive his wound, so the attending doctors simply tried to keep him comfortable in his final hours by clearing the blood clots in his skull that caused his breathing to become more labored. Throughout the night, the President never regained consciousness, but witnesses said that he looked peaceful as his life was drawing to a close. The only visible evidence of his mortal wound were the bloody pillows that his head rested on and the raccoon-like bruising around Lincoln's eye sockets due to the orbital bones fractured by Booth's bullet after it passed through his brain. Nine hours after he was shot, Lincoln died in Petersen's Boarding House at the age of 56.
Shortly after the President was pronounced dead, his body was placed in a coffin and transferred back to the White House in a carriage. Just a few hours later, one of the residents of Petersen's Boarding House, Julius Ulke, took a photograph (seen at the beginning of this post) of the room and the bed -- including a pillow soaked with the President's blood -- where Lincoln had died earlier that morning.
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The room in Petersen's Boarding House where Abraham Lincoln died, pictured in 2007.
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paperback-rascal · 8 months ago
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STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
So my theory about why only Hunter said goodby to Omega was that the creators didn't want us to know that, in-between the (final) time skip, the batch found and rescued Tech... I mean... they definitely plan to produce a special TV episode or write/draw a (comics) book tie-in, right?
Pretty please, Disney overlords?
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