#The royal court
isabel-lillah · 5 months
10 things only James Potter knew about Regulus Black
1) In July 1976, he came to the Potters through their floo together with unconscious Sirius. He left again before Effie and Monty came.
2) After his brother got away from home, he continued to secretly check on him.
3) He threatened Snape into not spreading the information about Remus being a werewolf.
4) He hexed another Slytherin for insulting Pandora.
5) He got punished for it by his mother. That was the second time he came through the Potters's floo.
6) He spent most of his nights at Hogwarts in the astronomy tower.
7) Regulus had violent nightmares that left him shaking. Sometimes, the shakes didn't stop for hours.
8) His touch was like the ocean - engulfing, gentle, but also powerful.
9) Before he left for the cave, he obliviated James in his sleep.
10) The obliviate didn't work.
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moonyswarmsweaters · 4 months
Consider: Regulus Black with SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder)
Regulus Black who is called spoiled for not agreeing to wear certain fabric because it feels like they peel of his skin but no one understands
Regulus Black with no tags on his designs clothes
Regulus black who pre- transition hated having his long hair brushed because of the feeling and would only let his brother do it until he finally cut it short
Regulus Black who is always called a ‘vampire’ for sitting in the dark a lot but they don’t understand that it’s TOO BRIGHT
Regulus Black with not a single smooth ring, all textured for those times
Regulus Black who hates surprise touches, who actually barely minds physical touch from his loved ones but has to see it coming before. Who love warm heavy hugs (which are James’ specialty) but hates a sudden touch, pushing people away when it happens and often make them get the wrong message.
Regulus Black who don’t go to parties because all the different sounds physically hurt him
Regulus Black with the same 3 outfits on repeat
Regulus Black with SPD everybody
might add more later - feel free to add your own!
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i heard some of you hc barty as italian?? that gives me ideas
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B: ao ma da ‘ndo pisci che sei tutta patata?
E: i have no clue what you just said but it sounded sexy
reggie, who knows exactly what barty said and wonders why the fuck it worked:
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it’s hard to translate in english but basically barty called evan a pretty girl in a…questionable way (patata=potato=pretty girl or 🐱)
some guys in italy say it to girls and sometimes (somehow) it works???
close up!!
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gods-graveyard · 10 months
Slytherin skittles soft headcanons
Regulus has a "Doll" mode where he basically dissosiates and acts like the "Perfect Pureblood heir" his family desired. His friends all have different ways of dealing when hes like this
Pandora strokes his hair and sings lullubies, sometimes in french
Dorcas does all his homework on his behalf after wrapping him in blankets so he can cool down
Marlene paints his nails and rambles about all the gossip and rumors floating around the school
Evan will move him to the glass windows by the lake and watch the water silently by his side
Barty will make an utter fool of himself or start making outragous claims like "Im pretty sure the sun is an illusion and were just being gaslit into believing in it" because he knows it makes Reggie laugh
When Pandora and Evan were little and one of them had nightmares, they would sneak into eachother's rooms. Now at Hogwarts the first time Pandora had a nightmare she broke into the Slytherin common room. Now every time Evan misses his sister he knows he can just want her to come and there she is, they claim "twin telepathy". Also No one knows how she keeps getting in, she doesn't know the password- but who tf is going to stop her from seeing her brother??
Every time Barty gets an angry owl from his dad, he gets so overwhelmed by anger to the point being called by their name makes him want to scream. So all his friends start calling him "idiot" "pretty boy" "raccoon" "dumbass" respectivly until he calms down.
Dorcas is an overachiver and will run herself into the ground trying to be the "best" and meet her own perfectionist standards. They sometimes steal her homework to do it on her behalf, shes so sleep deprived the only way she notices it wasnt her is no one but Evan has a perfect immitation of her handwriting. She appreciates it nonetheless
Marlene impulse dyes or cuts her hair, peirce's her ears, gives herself a stick and poke. Anything that proves she is in control of herself and that her decisions have an impact. But of course one too many patchy jobs, choppy bangs, and infected peircings or tattoos and things had to change. Now she can go to her friends, demand a septum and Evan is pulling out some rubber gloves, Regulus some expensive jewlery, and Dorcas and Pandora grab face masks and other self care stuff to do afterwards. Barty always insists on doing it as well, that way if she does get dresscoded she isn't alone.
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aithusarosekiller · 2 months
The emeralds are definitely the group that everyone fearfully avoids as much as possible
And not because they're popular or violent, they're just weird to the point of it being unsettling to anyone who knows them. They're just sort of scary and it's not because they try to be, they just are. They're so used to each other that they don't even realise.
People won't think twice about them at first because they're just like any other random friend group but the second you've sat and actually paid attention to them you're avoiding them like the plague. They don't typically have many other close friends outside of their group because people are too wary of them so they've sort of become one group so close-knit that seem to be on the same brainlength permanently.
Like you've got-
Dorcas: who can modify almost any spell to be ten times as powerful as usual. She won't use them against people but she'll make her talent known by practicing and performing spells with her friends where others can see. To her she's just practicing her skill and to her friends it's just 'normal cassie' but it scares the shit out of most people who see it. Even teachers are startled at her skill and power levels. She is also fiercely protective of her group and her younger sister. Not that anyone would dare try anything after seeing his strong her channeling of magic is. She has all the potential to be a popular girl but everyone's fear of her power and her loyalty to her existing friends hold her back from that.
Barty: who is so much of a genius he could outsmart the minister if he wanted. He's clever and a little intimidating but also really good at hiding information about himself. Ask ten different people what he's like and you'll get ten different answers. Nobody ever knows what he's really thinking except apparently his own group. He has ways of having an hour long conversation and extracting your entire life story while sharing nothing in return. He'll sometimes get a small glint in his eye that only his friends seem to understand as a strange mix between inspiration and anger. To an outsider it just looks strange.
Evan: has on multiple occasions set people's essays on fire for talking shit about his friends and always gets away with it through the word of one of his groups. He managed to get an in with snape's gang, the popular Ravenclaws in the year below and the entire Hufflepuff quidditch team. Everyone knows he doesn't actually like any of them- he only truly likes his main group (the emeralds)- but nobody can figure out why he likes to float around and watch others. In reality he just likes knowing how people's minds and dynamics work. Getting people to defend him is he faces trouble is just a bonus
Regulus: he is the confusing one. He's quiet and isn't easily noticed if you aren't paying close attention. But he's smart. Not Barty's level of academic genius, he's a very logical person. He can be given one small piece of information and do almost anything with it, draw any conclusion. He can seemingly communicate a train of thought with his friends just by looking at them to the point where there are rumours of him being a legilimens. He gives the feeling of knowing more than he lets on. To his friends, despite his quietness he is warm and sensitive but where they get that impression from is anybody's guess.
Pandora: who's just on such another level of morbid that people will be scared to whisper about her behind her back incase she or one of the other's hear them. She carries small, probably haunted porcelain dolls with her at all times, which are apparently gifts to her from some of the forest-folk during one of her many visits to the forbidden forest. She is also known to dabble in necromancy, particularly regarding animals. She meddles a lot with whatever niche types of magic she can find with little guidance, which many find scary. She's very empathetic but her curiosity in the morbid only scares people off. She's usually kind to anybody she comes across but that won't stop them from being wary and staying away.
And in their heads they're just another normal group who hang out a lot, understand each other, are liked by the teachers, and help new first years when they get lost. But to the rest of the people in their year as well as the year above and below, they're insane.
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siriuslygay1981 · 4 months
Favorite | @rosekillermicrofic |May 24th| Word Count: 879
Pandora shoves Regulus to the side and plops down on the seat he was just in. Regulus huffs in faux annoyance as if she didn't do this everytime she came over. She ignores him and unscrews her nail polish bottle.
Evan just grins at her and sits on the floor next to Barty. Barty rubs his hands over his knees, a small grin on his face. Evan smelt mischief immediately, he sighs and rolls his eyes before settling in completely.
There wasn't much that could stop Barty, whether he wanted to ask absurd questions, try new spells, even eating a bug at one point. So Evan didn't try to stop whatever it was that Barty decided to do today, maybe for entertainment or something else, doesn't matter. Evan let Barty get away with a lot and rarely stopped him from doing anything, he found it much more entertaining to watch things play out.
"Whose your favorite, Regulus?" Barty asks as he turns around and lays his head on Regulus' lap
He bats his eyes up at him and smirks, his fingers drumming against his own legs. Evan glances at the two, his lips twitching up. He shakes his head and opens his transfiguration homework.
"Pandora says it's her and I say it's me, settle this bet," he licks his lips and tilts his head to the side
Regulus glances down at Barty with annoyance, he lifts his leg a bit to push Barty off. Barty simply throws himself back and lays down, his feet on Evans lap. Evan sighs and moves his work over, his arms resting on Barty's legs.
"You annoy me and she terrorizes me...why, pray tell, would I ever choose either of you?" Regulus asks exasperated
He tries to go back to reading but Pandora gasps and acts betrayed for a total of three seconds before grabbing his book and throwing it. She sticks her tongue out and goes back to ignoring everybody again. She balances a bottle of nail polish on her knee as she paints the rest of her nails slowly, not caring that Regulus is glaring at her.
"oh no...I'm not the emo's favorite...how will I ever survive.." she murmurs
Regulus scowls and shoves her thigh with his socked foot, Barty cackles and sits up on his elbows
"So Rosie is your favorite then?" Barty asks
Evan grins and pats Barty's leg comfortingly
"Awe don't worry b, I was always the first option-"
Regulus simply rolls his eyes and gets up to grab the book that's across the room
"You're my favorite too.." Barty says suddenly
Evans hand twitches where he holds Barty's ankle, his face warms up from the comment. Gulping Evan shakes his head and looks over at Barty nervously, he isn't sure why he's nervous. He likes to lie to himself.
"Yea?..." He murmurs unsure
Barty bites his lips, his cheeks are pink and he avoids eye contact. Evan searches his face for a moment, he glances at Pandora who is too focused on her nails to listen in.
"Yeah..." He lets out breathless, he swallows harshly and pulls himself up completely so they're face to face
"Well....you're ok sometimes.." Evan whispers into the small space between the two
Barty who is bewildered, shoves Evan, Evan laughs, head thrown back and eyes shut.
He can feel his body shake as he cracks up, he leans back against his sister's legs and kicks Barty softly. Barty watches him in awe, his eyes trying to memorize the bright smile on Evans face. It's funny how neither realizes the others feelings.
Regulus plops back into his seat and looks at them fondly, you wouldn't be able to tell with his frown but they know.
"What's with the idiots on the floor?" He asks Pandora
She glances up and hums
"I think they were flirting-"
Evan laughs harder as he watches Barty start to pillow fight Pandora. Pandora rolls her sleeves up and stands. Regulus and Evan scramble up and quickly stand to the side, they watch Barty get obliterated with a pillow.
By the time they're done everyone is tired, Regulus offers to walk Pandora to her common room while Evan and Barty clean up. They don't talk as they clean, only yawning and complaining here and there.
It's when they're getting into bed that Evan says something. He makes sure Regulus has his curtains closed before he turns towards Barty. He wrings his hands together for a moment before clearing his throat, Barty glances over as he shoves books off his bed.
"You're my favorite ...if you- in case you were wondering.." he whispers, he throws a quick glance at Barty to make sure he heard before sending him a small nervous smile.
Evan quickly climbs into bed and shuts his curtains his heart hammering rapidly in his chest. He doesn't hear a single sound from where Barty is, but right before he got in he caught a glimpse of Barty's face. Red , his cheeks and his ears were painted red. His eyes were wide and his lips parted in surprise.
Evan turns over to his side and groans in embarrassment
"iN cAsE yOu WeRe WoNdErIng- you're so stupid Evan..." He whispers to himself harshly, flicking himself on the forehead.
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staratdawn · 1 year
All friendships in the "pantheon" have such different vibes. Like—
Regulus and Pandora were soulmates. They always so easy together. She always telled, he always listened. They complemented each other. When he was angry, she was tranquil; when she was angry, he was tranquil. While one of them was mad the other one was calm. It was a perfect balance. No one can destroy it.
Regulus and Barty were lovers, but they also were found brothers, just not at the same time. The family. Family they both never had, but they found in each other. They were desperate in their relationship, clinging to each other like a lifeline and then were incredibly faithful their partners, rejoicing for each other, loving each other incredibly intensely, but already with an another love
Regulus and Evan were allies. They got it each other very well, being in the same position. Son from a shitty privileged family, a king crushed by his crown. They dreamed of running away as much as they dreamed of staying. They shared each other's joys and sorrows and when it was bad with the family and scars healed too long, they always had each other.
Regulus and Dorcas were comrades in misfortune, falling in love with gryffindors, so differently but also so the same. They found each other's eyes across the hall, when they heard something interesting, knowing that then they would share this information with each other. They shared secrets with each other, talked about fellings, talked about things that they never talked about with others. They talked at night, when Pandora fell asleep. They were platonically in love with all of them, wanting to admire from the side and be inside at the same time, dying from a tenderness that they had never felt before.
Dorcas and Pandora were best friends. Yin and yang, oil and water, fire and ice, and and everything like that. Little lovers before and absolutely friendly loving each other now. They always held hands, talked a lot, braided each other's hair, read books aloud, telling about favorite stories. They are the only thing left of each other at some point. And then everything was lost. And they lost themselves, lost each other.
Dorcas and Barty are absolutely another persons. They were a couple in other's eyes, they were "familiars in the same social circle" in each other eyes, scaring to accept they were a more than familiars, they were a friends. Oh, more than anything she hated the fact she missed him when he joined to deatheaters. She hated that she thought about them, thought about him, when she died. She thought that they were a more than just familiars, their consersations were rare, but their friendship was bright, but so short, like a match, that it burns brightly and quickly burns out. They found a common language almost the last, they did not have decades, but this “something” was woven from moments that filled the void in her heart while she bled, regretting nothing.
Dorcas and Evan were each other's favorites. More words about love, about relationships, more tenderness, less tactility, because she really doesn't like hugs (with someone who is not pandora), respect for each other's personal boundaries at the highest level, yet there seems to have never been any distance between them. They were close, they were closer than with somebody other, but also they were ones whose connection was never caught. Platonic soulmates, who never truly hated each other, ending up tearing each other's soul to shreds.
Pandora and Evan were siblings. Literally. They had problems, but they were always good to each other. He would have died protecting her, she would have died protecting him, and that was all of them. Hand in hand, together from the first day, twins, their faces are identical, their characters are incredibly different. They were two sides of the same coin, they were halves of each other, so that one of them dreamed and the other interpreted, they always went in pair, never separately. When one of them died, the other was never complete again.
Pandora and Barty were the ones who don't think they could get along at all. But they got along. And it was silent contempt from the first seconds and unconditional support when it was needed. They were rivals in the final scores, overtaking each other in turns because their brains could hold an incredible amount of information, and were friends in everything else. They shared with each other laugh and tears they, shared problems and achievements, and it felt right. Then, looking at the Luna, seeing Pandora in her... It's never been easy. It's like you always knew your best friend was at arm's length, but you could never catch him, really.
Evan and Barty were friends. No, it's not true. They weren't friends. They were a couple, lovers, husbands. Anyone but friends. Their love was capable of burning forests and draining the seas, it was passion and tenderness, it was painful and it was pleasant at the same time. They were dramatic, bickering and screaming, smashing dishes, kissing in the rain and in dark alleys, hugging each other like it was their last time. They were careful, examining each other's bodies, looking into each other's souls. They were... everything for each other. It killed them in the end. Their love was destructive and Barty never knew how to let go.
I love them sm, thanks
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If Brittany does not get a single member of GVF on The Royal Court I am actually going to kill myself
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thestarslittleking · 9 months
The hardest part of writing a Band AU with the Slytherins being the band is figuring out what I want them to sing. Reg is the lead singer and everytime I hear a song that I think he would look hot singing I want to add it. But the genres are so vastly different I- HELP ME
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isabel-lillah · 6 months
Barty and James becoming besties after James and Reggie got together is an iconic thing to happen
especially at the point when really only the skittles know about the relationship, so noone has a clue that Barty and James are a duo
and then when they're seen helping each other with an injury half of Hogwarts loses their shit (because come on, Barty? and James?? being friends???)
the other half doesn't believe it until they see James dragging Barty away from a fight so he wouldn't get a detention and Barty actually letting him do so
meanwhile Sirius is having a stroke trying to figure out when the hell did James befriended Barty Crouch Jr. of all people
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moonyswarmsweaters · 4 months
‘I Love You’ @rosekillermicrofic | 294 words |tw: mention of death
Barty and Evan can’t say ‘I love you’
Barty, who can’t say ‘I love you’
but will give him little pokes for attention
Evan, who can’t say ‘I love you’
but will cuddle him even if they fight
Barty, who can’t say ‘I love you’
but will give him little gifts he made all the time
Evan, who can’t say ‘I love you’
But will do little annoying tasks for Barty that he knows he hates doing
Barty, who can’t say ‘I love you’
but will send him little things titled ‘Dis us’
Evan, who can’t say ‘I love you’
but will call him an Idiot all the time
Barty, who can’t say ‘I love you’
but will reply ‘your idiot’ every single time
Evan, who can’t say ‘I love you’
but will slightly smile at the statement
Barty, who can’t say ‘I love you’
But will do any psycho idea Evan has
Evan, who can’t say ‘I love you’
But will fight and get killed in order to protect his soulmate, Barty.
Barty, who can no longer say ‘I love you’ to Evan, in any way, shape or form.
But will put fresh flowers on his grave every single week
Barty, who can no longer say ‘I love you’ to Evan, in any way, shape or form.
But will spend his every living second, avenging Evan, torturing the man who took his love away.
Barty, who can’t say ‘I love you’
because those words are only reserved to one man.
Barty, who can finally say ‘I love you’
As he sees his other half waiting for him, in the gates to the afterlife
Evan, who can finally say ‘I love you’
As he waited years to see his love once again.
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I never completely got what the Royal Court's game plan was here. Wille denies he was in the video and Simon keeps the lie going for him until the day he dies because reasons?
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gods-graveyard · 6 months
Murder husbands <33
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Okay this is the last one for now- I have way too many upcoming projects/assignments (but I love them so much-) After that next priority is learning how tf to draw clothes
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sonatadash · 8 months
Here to spread the freckled Rosier twins agenda!
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siriuslygay1981 · 4 months
Part two rosekiller prompt| Part One
"Have you seen Barty?!" Regulus looked up startled, his eyes wide and his heart beating rapidly in his chest. He stumbles out of his bed and stares at Evan for a moment, still startled from the abrupt entrance.
Evan had burst through the door with no warning, his presence startling Regulus. He quickly slammed his curtains close behind him and gave Evan an annoyed look
"Weren't you supposed to be on a date with him? At the lake?" He responded annoyed, his eyebrow raised.
Evan scowled and pointed a finger at him almost accusingly.
"He just fucking said I love you and ran off before I could respond."
Regulus' mouth drops open, his eyes widening. He sputtered for a moment stepping away from his bed and staring at Evan in shock
"He what!?" Regulus wasn't sure what he wanted to do more, rip his hair out and hex Barty or laugh manically and maybe take a nap for a week.
"A-and I can't find him. Merlin you should've seen his face Regulus- he looked heartbroken...I have to find him."
He shook his head and swiveled around to leave, his fists clenched at his side. Regulus watched him go, his mind still racing. Barty always acted before thinking.
Silence reigned in the dorm room for a moment before his curtains moved back behind him. Regulus slowly turned to the bed with pursed lips and a troubled expression.
"Think he saw me?" James asks before biting his lip. His hair is disheveled, his glasses crooked, his clothes wrinkled and half way off.
Regulus sighs heavily
"Shut up-" he pushes James down again with a smirk.
Pandora stuck her tongue out as she stared at the potion in front of her, her concentration fully on the cauldron. She blew a piece of hair out of her face and tried not to let the sweat rolling down her temple distract her more than it was already doing.
Carefully, with steady hands, she dumped a few more quail eggs in the cauldron. As she stepped back from the giant puff of steam she heard the door burst open behind her
She didn't bother looking over, she knew Evan was stomping towards her. She carefully pulled her gloves off and threw them in the trash as she turned towards her twin
"Try that abandoned charms classroom, from third year.." she murmured softly
She looked at her gasping twin who looked as if he'd been running everywhere, which she's sure he has been. He took a moment to catch his breath before stalking closer and placing a kiss on her forehead
"Will it work out?" He murmurs almost hopefully, it's a stupid question. She gives him a small blank smile
He sighs with a nod, even as she answers they both know what she's going to say
"With endless possibilities I am not sure, even if I was I cannot tell you as it could change the outcome. I wish you nothing but luck though.." she tilts her head to the side and let's him go.
He misses the smile that graces her face as she turns back to the boiling concoction.
Evan slams the classroom door open, his chest heaving up and down rapidly. His eyes scan the room quickly and it doesn't take long to find Barty.
Barty lays on top of the teachers desk, his limbs hanging off around him. It looks wildly uncomfortable but Barty never failed to do the same exact thing each and every time anyways.
"You don't have to come comfort me...it's fine Evan." He murmurs. He doesn't turn towards Evan at all, just stares at the ceiling blankly
"Unless you're Regulus or Pandora coming to comfort me because Evan pities me enough to send someone else.."
He glances over and sighs in a resigned tone, his eyes and nose are red, his hair messier than usual. He had probably been pulling at it, running his fingers through it.
"Well...get it over with then...reject me properly."
Evan stands in front of the open door for a moment catching his breath and trying to figure out what to say.
Inhaling deeply he steps further into the classroom and lets the door shut behind him. He pulls the confidence out of thin air and shoves it down his throat, he couldn't fuck this up.
"No. I don't think I will." He tries for nonchalant, isn't sure he succeeds.
Bartys head snaps back to the side to see Evan again. He sits up slowly with a frown, his legs swinging over the edge of the desk.
"What- Evan-"
Evan steps forward causing Barty to stop speaking. Evan rolls his shoulders, steels his mind for battle and forces his feet to keep going.
He doesn't stop until he's right in front of Barty.
"You're an idiot." He starts out with
Bartys mouth falls open in shock, he sputters for a moment his eyes showing betrayal
"I didn't even get to answer before you ran off you absolute troll." Evan huffs and crosses his arms
He raises an eyebrow down at Barty and steps closer, now in between Bartys legs. Barty, who previously had his hands folded in his lap, snatches them to the side nervously and leans back on them. He eyes Evan curiously, still too nervous to speak though.
"I.... I love you Barty." Evan says suddenly nervous. He uncrosses his arms and looks away from Barty's face, he can feel his eyes on him even as he tries to ignore it.
"You didn't wait for me to fully answer....I love you and you only. You are the only person who has ever made me feel this way. I didn't want-ugh...you make this so hard."
Evan curses Barty out in his mind as he tries to fumble together some form of a sentence
"You can't just drop a bomb like that and run off-" he huffs and slowly looks back to Barty
Barty stares at him stunned, his lips parted in surprise. Evan shuffles nervously, he feels himself flush red as Barty just stares at Evan incredulously. He stands his ground as best as he can.
"Stop staring dumbass-"
Barty grabs Evans hand after a moment of hesitation, quickly cutting off anything he was about to say
"Do you mean it?" He whispers, his fingers slide to Evans wrist and he squeezes. Evan shivers at the warmth of his hand, his eyes trained on the spot where their skin connects.
Evan doesn't pull back, let's him grip him as Barty stares up with wide eyes and hope glistening clearly inside them.
"That you're a dumbass? Yea I really do-"
Barty tugs at his wrist and pouts slightly
"Don't ...please answer."
Evan looks down at their hands again, biting his lips at the sight of Barty's hand that always has chipped nail polish and ink doodles across the back.
"Yea...I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it. I wouldn't play with your feelings like that..."
Evan looks up through his lashes for a moment, his head tilted down. Barty inhales sharply and tugs him forward
Their breaths mingle, they make eye contact, Evan breathes out and watches as strands of hair fly back. He knows he's looking at Barty through half lidded eyes, he can't help moving closer, too magnetized by the boy in front of him.
Barty nuzzles closer and their noses bump, Evan scans Barty's face, his eyes tracing every small detail. He was a sight, he always was. Always disheveled looking, always looking like a menace to society...
"May I?-"
Evan knocks their heads together, ignores the throb on his forehead from doing so and cups Bartys face
"Yea dumbass, kiss me." He whispers
He barely finishes his sentence before Barty is on him. It can hardly be called gentle, they had waited for so long, too long. There was teeth, there was bruising pressure, it was perfect.
Evan let his hand go to Barty's hair, his fingers sliding through and tugging lightly, barty groaned and almost tilted over when Evan pulled back. Barty stayed hunched forward, his head resting against Evans chest. He heaved in breath after breath, as if he had run a marathon. They both gasped for air, the kiss was short and yet it had Evan light headed.
Barty's fists were clenched on Evans shirt, his knuckles white.
He let out a hoarse whimper before pulling Evan closer again. Evan could feel the pressure of Barty's head on his stomach now, it was a comforting weight.
Evan breathes deeply, his hand gently running through Barty's hair soothingly. He could still feel his galloping heart, and could barely hear anything over it.
"Please tell me this is real...that this isn't a dream?" Barty murmures almost brokenly
Evan stopped, his hands twitching. He closes his eyes for just a second, his heart aching, before answering
"This is real, this isn't a dream...I swear it isn't." Evan forces Barty's head up and sweeps the hair off of his face. Cupping his face between his hands he makes Barty look at him
"This is real sweetheart." He murmures softly
"This is real.." Barty says back.
He presses a gentle kiss to the side of his mouth, more on his cheek than his lips.
"This is real.." he murmurs once more before pulling back fully.
(@thedvilsinthedetails I think you asked for part two?? So here you go :) I only wrote it since it was requested and I'm sorta glad I did)
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rags-writes · 1 year
It took two manic episodes but I fixed the bitch's fuck up school system. Yay
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