#TRD News
trd-blog-magazin · 2 months
Wenn Autoankauf-Kärtchen am Auto stecken
Wenn Autoankauf-Kärtchen am Auto stecken
“ich kaufe Ihr Auto” (TRD/MID)  – Wer kennt sie nicht, die “ich kaufe Ihr Auto”-Kärtchen”, die nach Feierabend ständig an der Windschutz- oder Seitenscheibe des Autos platziert sind. Was viele nicht wissen: Dabei handelt es sich um unlautere Werbung seitens der Händler, die mit einem Bußgeld in Höhe von mindestens 50 Euro bestraft werden kann. Nur geschieht das laut dem Rundfunk Berlin…
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spicyspell · 1 year
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Ireena moment
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5-pp-man · 2 years
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freshthoughts2020 · 1 month
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maybeophe · 1 year
AU where, after the all-stars season flops, the Total Drama network decides to turn its' attention elsewhere for some quick money; gaming. They release a videogame where the player competes in a fictional season of Total Drama with the OG cast, essentially a y/n self-insert fanfiction in videogame form.
To avoid having to pay royalties to the contestants they use fake names and alter the designs of the 'campers' (I'm thinking something like the TRD names i.e. Heather=Heavely, Courtney=Courtlyn ect.) but since Chris is part of the network he remains himself in the game and voices his own lines.
It plays like a dating sim for the most part, with minigames for the 'challenges', and different character events based on who the player interacts with the most. Plus random and scripted plot events. Essentially a choose-your-own-adventure with some key plot points.
The game turns out to be a huge success, especially with superfans like Sierra who love the idea of competing in a season, but since it's made by Total Drama (in universe, I imagine TD is an up-and-coming top brand akin to Disney) it's super buggy/shoddy/unoptimized as they cut production costs to save money.
Since it's so popular, a lot of the actual OG case know about it.
As a canonical gamer, Noah is one of the first to hear about it and despises it on principle. He decides to make a hate-mod for the game out of spite. It makes Chris bald.
He enlists Gwen to help with the visual changes since she's a bit of an artist and more than happy to draw bald Chris. Noah uses his coding abilities to essentially overhaul the games code. Maybe they even ask some of their friends to re-voice some of their counterparts lines.
It becomes the most popular mod in the community, the fans are freaking out because the new voices sound so accurate to the show and the game runs so much better now. But no one knows who made the mod outside of their username, so the creator(s) are anonymous.
At some point someone in the community asks the mod creator why they went through all the effort of reoptimizing the game just to make Chris bald, and Noah replies with a selfie of himself and Gwen flipping the bird to the camera with the caption "Fuck Chris McLean" (or something along those lines with whatever characters you want to imagine involved) and the community goes wild.
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eldelabarbanegra · 1 year
My New 2023 TOYOTA TRD 🏎️ w/ Kratos Theme/Decal 🇬🇷
Shot w/ DJI Mini 3 Pro 📸🎥🚁🛸
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sflow-er · 4 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you so much for the tag, @silvagrey!💜
How many works do you have on Ao3?
What's your total Ao3 word count?
355,461 (that's a bit deceptive; one of my fics is 239k).
What fandoms do you write for?
Young Royals. I did write for other fandoms all through my teens, but those fics haven't been online for a long time now.
Top five fics by kudos:
Other people's secrets (1,215) Matters of adjustment (190) The real deal (180) Like you better (152) Last chance (126)
Do you respond to comments?
I respond to every comment on new fics and WIPs. Having discussions in the comments section is the best thing about sharing a story, and I love my little community of regular commenters!
However, I am currently learning not to beat myself up for not getting round to answering every backlogged comment on OPS. I still try my best, but I had to change my previous "always respond" policy when @willedeservesbetter left very long thought-provoking comments on the first 20+ chapters and I simply couldn't keep up... 😅 I'm trying to trust that people know life gets in the way sometimes.
That being said, I do reply to all comments where the reader has shared their personal thoughts on the ace rep! It may take me a while to get to them, but they never fall off my to-do list.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Årnäs, February 2016. I don't necessarily think the ending is "angsty", but it's a very bleak fic with no happy ending.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
It's impossible to choose between all my Walty fics. Does the emotional payoff from all the angst make OPS the happiest ending? Or is it one of the fics that are sweet from start to finish?
Whichever one it is, I would like to think none of them are too sugary sweet. They are very happy on the romance front because I want them to be a comforting read, but there is usually at least something left for the characters to figure out on their own after the story with the insight/support/lessons they have gained.
Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully no. There is one rudely worded public bookmark on OPS, but it doesn't qualify as hate. Also, I once got a comment calling a plot point "ridiculous :D", but the person didn't mean any harm.
Do you write smut?
I did write a couple of scenes in my teens for one fic, just emulating what I had read. The feedback was good.
I think I've mentioned this on here before, but I actually tried to write some as an exercise last year! From a "technical" standpoint, it turned out okay, but from an emotional standpoint, it just made me cringe and roll my eyes a lot. I don't know if it's a grey thing or a me thing, but I just can't buy into it at all. And I'm not interested in writing allo PWP, so unless I decide to write an explicit ace sex scene one day, the answer is no. I don't write smut.
Craziest crossover:
I'm not really a crossover person.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Well, I did enlist my "live-in expert" as a consultant on ÅFeb16 (to help me get child August's POV right and sign off on Carl Johan's characterisation and all the bad stuff bubbling under). I really enjoyed the collaboration - but I don't think actually co-writing a text with anyone would be a good fit for my process. I wouldn't even want a regular beta reader because it would only stress me out.
All-time favourite ship?
To write? I don't have an all-time favourite, but since I started up again, I would obviously have to say ace Henry/allo Walter.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I've got two WIPs at the moment. One is an unfinished and unpublished S3-compliant Walty fic, and the other is The real deal. At present, I'm feeling a resurgence of motivation for TRD, so the other fic is shelved for now. I do plan to finish it, though!
What are your writing strengths?
My planning and research game is pretty strong, as are my grammar and language skills. I guess the overall quality of my writing is decent when I'm not too stressed or low on creative energy. Many readers seem to find my writing fairly engaging, and they have said nice things about the dialogue, my characterisations, and the relationships between the characters.
Oh, and I think I'm pretty good at writing kissing scenes.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Perfectionism, self-criticism, "compulsive editing syndrome." When I'm unhappy with a passage, I tend to get stuck in a rewriting loop until I either get it right or spiral into writer's block and severe self-doubt. I also have a tendency to get swept away to the point where I neglect my wellbeing and burn myself out, which affects both my update schedule and the quality of my writing.
If you want more tangible weaknesses, I'm too wordy, my teenagers are unrealistically mature, and I occasionally overuse exposition.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
This is only my personal opinion and others are welcome to disagree! I'm not judging or criticising anyone in any fandom for using dialogue in another language in their own stories!
As a translator, my day job is all about conveying the same message in another language, and I can't just turn that logic off for writing. If the characters all speak one language throughout the text, it doesn't make sense to me personally to render some bits of dialogue in that language and others in English (unless those bits are truly untranslatable).
Not to mention that languages work differently, from word choice and grammar rules to the underlying communicative conventions and even thought patterns. Many people feel that using some sentences in the language that is actually being spoken adds authenticity, and that's a valid opinion! But to me personally, it's the other way around. I feel that the dialogue can only be consistently fluent in one language at a time, and if I'm writing the story in English, my dialogue will be an English rendering of what the characters would be saying in their own language. Similar to a translated book, only without a source text.
Now, if someone in the story is actually speaking another language, that's another matter! Dialogue in that language could be used very effectively in different situations, as in @silvagrey's example of Linda switching to Spanish to talk to Simon and Sara.
Again, this is just my personal opinion that I apply to my own writing! It is not the only valid opinion!
First fandom you wrote in?
If writing in my English notebook in lower secondary school counts, it was Final Fantasy X. The first fic I ever posted online was in an obscure anime/manga fandom in high school (and yes, I did use Japanese greetings and such back then).
Favourite fic you've written?
Other people's secrets. It's one of the best stories I've written, the one and only reason I'm still writing now, and one of the most meaningful things I've done for myself and my own ace identity (and apparently for some others too, which absolutely blows my mind). Furthermore, it was my first fic in over a decade and the biggest creative project I'd ever undertaken, so even just finishing it in a way I could be proud of was a huge accomplishment.
Thanks again for the tag, I had a great time answering these! 💜
No pressure tags: I honestly don't think I know any writers whom I haven't seen tagged yet (not ones who usually blog about their writing anyway)! So I'm just going to say if anyone reads this far and wants to play along, please tag me in your post. Or if you want to be tagged first, just let me know!
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90s-shitbox · 3 months
AE101 TRD 2000
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In October 1994, Toyota Racing Development (TRD) introduced the AE101 TRD 2000, a highly exclusive version of the Corolla GT sedan designed specifically for the Japanese market. This model was meticulously engineered to emulate the performance specifications of the 1994 Corolla JTCC race car. Under the hood, the TRD 2000 featured a naturally-aspirated 2.0-liter 3S-GE engine, delivering 180 PS (132 kW), coupled with a new 5-speed S54 manual gearbox. To enhance its performance, TRD equipped the car with a heavy-duty clutch, a mechanical limited-slip differential (LSD), and a quick shifter, ensuring precise and responsive gear changes.
The TRD 2000's handling was significantly improved with a new suspension system that lowered the ride height by 20 mm, alongside 15-inch TRD Type-FT wheels shod with Yokohama Grand Prix M5 tires. The braking system was upgraded with TRD brakes, providing superior stopping power. A stainless steel dual exhaust system not only improved performance but also added a distinctive sound. The car's exterior featured a subtle trunk spoiler and was available exclusively in white, giving it a clean and sporty appearance.
Inside, the TRD 2000 was fitted with König Prinz P200 bucket seats and a TRD steering wheel, creating a driver-focused cockpit. Despite its impressive features and race-inspired design, the TRD 2000 was a rare sight on the roads. Originally, 99 units were planned for production, but only 10 were sold due to the high price tag, which was even higher than the cost of the Celica GT-Four ST205. This limited availability and unique blend of performance and refinement make the TRD 2000 a coveted piece of Toyota's automotive history.
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were--ralph · 1 year
This is totally out of pocket, and you might not appreciate the input, but have you heard of Ketamine Therapy for TRD (treatment resistant depression)?
The (extremely) basic idea is a disassociative psychoactive drug (Ketamine) puts you in an especially receptive state and a team consisting of at least a psychiatrist and a social worker will guide you through, for lack of a scientific term, a spiritual and emotional journey, that will rewire your brain. Albeit temporarily.
It's an extremely new and experimental treatment but it's proven very effective in clinical trials.
never heard of it but it sounds interesting
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lordtheodorexiii · 2 months
Status report ft. various unsorted thoughts
If you somehow missed my last big text post, big news: I bought a car in June! It's old (2009). I'm eating ice soup rn but I finally have a car that I can actually call my own. It has no Bluetooth player and the AC just blows hot air when it's hot out, but it has a functional AUX port and gets me from point A to B. Also it's red. I like that it's red. It's so boring seeing nothing but shades of gray and brown on the road since everyone's car are those colors. I'm tempted to put a spoiler on it but I'm trying to not get too attached... In the distant future I intend to resell it to buy something from the 2010s. Probably an Accord or a Corolla. I like the sporty looks. I just hope this car doesn't lose too much value due to its age and mileage. And the dent from the hurricane. (Uninsured BTW) Time will tell. BTW my dream cars are either a Camry TRD or GR Corolla with a custom purple paint job. I don't think I'll ever be able to get those in the forseeable future but I can dream.
I have been feeling odd lately. Anxious over nothing. "Very slow tigers" and whatnot. Maybe that hurricane did something to me and I don't know what it is. Dunno. I've been playing single player and fighting games to cope. Tekken 8 is fun, even if the new combo system feels weird. Fallen Skies is a nice RPG. And as always BRC feels great to play. Hanging on for the upcoming Jet Set Radio.
I keep looking at artists' commission sheets like a kid window shopping at an outlet mall. I want more art of my sona but I'm trying to save money again. If you're an artist reading this, beware.
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tuneonin · 8 months
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"Greetings, fellow hellizens! Your ears do not deceive you! You are listening to TRD FM once again after seven long years, featuring your one and only host: Alastor! It sure feels swell to be back on the air after such an extended absence. Rest assured I have a impressive lineup in the works to make up for all the lost time! So, to my listeners both old and new — stay tuned!"
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trd-blog-magazin · 3 days
Mercedes-AMG GT 63 Pro 4Matic+ mit Rennsport Feeling
(TRD/MID) Der Mercedes-AMG GT 63 Pro 4Matic+ “Motorsport Collectors Edition” ist eine Hommage an den Formel 1 Grand Prix in Singapur und auf 200 Stück limitiert. Er zeichnet sich durch individuelle Designelemente und Ausstattungsdetails aus, die vom Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team inspiriert sind. Die Grundfarbe in Obsidianschwarz Metallic spiegelt den aktuellen Formel-1-Rennwagen wider. Ebenso das…
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rviner · 14 days
@secrettyrant isabella x david - david's home, olympia
There comes a point where small talk reaches it's limit. Pleasant smiles can only go so far and Bella hates to admit that it happens more often with her father than ever before. She's not really here to catch up, and she isn't really excited to talk about a green and black themed wedding idea. The Tiered Resource Distribution Program is actually what's on her mind, a new plan that her father openly supports but one that Bella knows is just another fancy wordage for keeping resources with Equinox and Olympia. "Look...Dad, can I just...be honest, right now?" Bella sits up straighter, and the shift in her demeanor happens quickly, because she knows her father also knows why she's here. "I need to talk to you about the TRD thing, and I really hate that I have to do it right now but every time I try and use the proper channels, I'm getting more no try again's than a bad wired NexBot." Bella gently gestures to her purse, already learning to get her star link from inside. "I really need you to hear me out, Dad."
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pastafossa · 1 year
First off - love love love TRD, binge reading it again for probably the 3rd or 4th time.
Second - how long was Jane in New York before meeting Matt&Co? I'm trying to build a time line in my head of how everything's been happening, but I'm kinda lost on the time frames of everything
Thank you for writing TRD, it brings me so much joy!
Thank you so, so much anon! 🥰🥰🥰
And she was in NYC for about a year before meeting up with Matt! Normally she starts getting ready to slip away around that time, but New York City is honestly such a huge city with such an enormous population (most populated in the country) that she decided to stay for as long as she could, under the assumption that the sheer, breathtaking size of the crowds would hide her better than whatever smaller city she'd have retreated to (likely Portland or Seattle, both of which are around 700k iirc, while NYC is 8.5 million). I hope that helps!
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tragicpixel · 2 months
UGHHHH!!! Cant play any games rn until I buy a new external mouse im so sickk!! was in the middle of fortnite and it decided to stop working and me being me i trd using the mousepad on my laptop and litterally died 3 minutes later lmfaooo i was disgusted with myself wrrvnajvnncvofnv v
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footemoji · 10 months
have you played the new trd update ?!
i haven’t played trd in a wHILE😥😥😥
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