#Sultan Ahmed I
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john-ts-sh-ai · 8 months ago
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♫ ♫ ♫
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gulnarsultan · 1 month ago
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You are marrying Yandere Sultan Ahmed. (He saw your portrait. And fell obsessively in love at first sight.)
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reallifesultanas · 6 months ago
Lets talk about Ümmügülsüm Sultan
There is a chance, that Kösem and Ahmed had another daughter together: Ümmügülsüm.
I am so glad, that with Anonymous sender and Ottomanladies, the truth came to light. Ottomanladies answered very long and very detailed about Ümmügülsüm, she shared her thoughts about the topic, now, here, you can find a conclusion from me:
What we know:
A privy purse register from 1622 gives the names of five unmarried princesses, who may be daughters of Ahmed, Osman II, and even Mehmed III: Umm-i Külsum(=Ümmügülsüm), Hanzade, Halime, Fatma, and Akile. Hanzade and Fatma were Kösem's daughters; Akile is possibly mistaken for Atike or Abide; Halime might be Mehmed III's daughter, named after her mother, Halime. But Ümmügülsüm was less clear.
The relazione of Angelo Alessandri from 1637 says that Murad IV had four FULL-sisters. We know three of them: Ayse, Fatma, and Hanzade. But who could be the fourth? Gevherhan was already dead, Atike was well-knownly not a full-sister and also not Abide. Maybe Ümmügülsüm?
There are some decisions and letters of Murad IV, where he mentions Ümmügülsüm as a sister of his. He uses the same wording that he used for Ayse, who undoubtedly was his full-sister, suggesting Ümmügülsüm was also a full-sister of his.
The 1638/39 harem registers mention one Ümmügülsüm Sultan who received the highest payments besides the three already known daughters of Kösem (Ayse, Fatma, Hanzade) and two daughters of Murad III. This means she could be either the daughter of Murad III or Ahmed I. But since Ahmed I's other daughter, Atike - who was not Kösem's - got a lesser stipend, if Ümmügülsüm is Ahmed I's daughter, she had to be Kösem's daughter too and so she is the fourth full-sister of Sultan Murad IV.
In 1648 the Raguzan envoy also mentions her (possibly her as they use the name Iumi), as the wife of Ahmed Pasha, governor of Herzegovina. They probably married ~1642 until the pasha's death in 1648. This was her second marriage, her first husband was one Halil Pasha, with whom she married before 1638.
In book ''Whisper of the cities'' one Ümmühan Sultan is mentioned as she met with the English ambassador's wife. Based on her, Ümmühan was said to be the aunt of deposed Mehmed IV and sister of Ibrahim I. This happened in 1690, so she still was alive then.
There are still questions:
Why no historian ever discovered this information as none of the evidence is new?
Why Ümmi is not mentioned among Ahmed I's children?
Where is she buried? *
When was she born? *
Why Ibrahim did not force her to serve Telli Hümasah (his wife) when he did it to all of the other daughters of Kösem?
To be honest the burial place of Ahmed I is quite a mess. For example there are two sarcofagies for 'Zeynep' daughters of Ahmed I. One of the sarcofagies stands for an adult woman. There was no daughter of Ahmed, called Zeynep who reached adulthood. So maybe the name is mistaken and that Ümmügülsüm. Maybe she was buried somewhere else as she lived a quite long life, survivin everyone around her and her grave is not idetified yet.
Considering the known children of Kösem and their birth date, the most possible for Ümmügülsüm is that she was born during the late reign of Ahmed I. In 1605 Kösem gave birth to Mehmed; in 1606 or 1607 to Ayse; then in 1607 or 1608 to Fatma; in 1609 to Hanzade. While I see that there is a gap here for one more child (if Kösem got pregnant extremely rapidly), she cannot be older than Fatma, as she was also not married off in 1622 yet, and also since we know quite precisely the sequence of these daughters, I do not think another one was born here but no one knows about her. It would be strange. Then in 1612, she gave birth to Murad, but between him and Hanzade there was time for another child - let it be Selim who was born in 1611 or Ümmügülsüm. Then Kasim followed Murad quite quickly, he was born in 1614, and then Ibrahim came in 1615, so there was no time for anyone else between Murad and Ibrahim. After 1615 there is another chance for the birth of Ümmügülsüm. So she either was born after Hanzade (~1611), or after Ibrahim (~1616). Either way - considering she was not just still alive in 1690, but was surely not suffering, dying since she was involved in the diplomacy meeting - she possibly died in the 1690s, she very probably reached 80 maybe even more in the end.
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ottomanladies · 2 months ago
I wish to give an opinion of daughters of Ibrahim. There is a great abyys in lack of prooves to demarcate daughters of Ibrahim, Atike and Gevherhan. At times, I have an opinion that Atike existed, and at another times that she didn’t exist. For now, I favour the other theory, but i will talk one day about that topic more detailed.
Archiv für Kulturgeschichte Band 77 on page 65, that at the very end of reign of Sultan Ibrahim, Valide Sultan received 125 okka per month, daughters of Murad III named Hümaşah and Hatice received 7 okka per month, daughter of Murad III Fahri(han) received 10 okka per month, Kaya Sultan 16 okka per month, daughters of Ibrahim Gevherhan and Beyhan 30 okka per month and daughter of Ibrahim Fatma 50 okka per month.
Why would Gevherhan and Beyhan receive less stipend than Fatma, as Fatma was adopted and raised by Turhan? Btw, Fatma survived her husband, read Sakaoglu (actually, Ulucay proved it first). Also, in Acta et Diplomata Ragusina, Fatma is mentioned in 1658 document as widow of Fazli Pasha, nothing else is said unfortunately…
Anyway, I would claim that Ayşe Sultan binti Ibrahim really existed. See this quote from work The rise of the Köprülü family (p. 129):
For instance, when Prince Mustafa, the first son of Mehmed IV, was born in Edirne Palace in 1664, Ayşe Sultan, Gevherhan Sultan and Beyhan Sultan, sisters of Mehmed IV, were called to Edirne Palace from Topkapı to join in the celebration for the new prince. This summons shows that some members of the sultan’s family still resided in Topkapı Palace after 1663.
I consider her being the own sister of Mehmed IV. Kütükoğlu was only one right, he was married to Ibrahim’s Ayşe. Ahmed’s Ayşe really died in 1656, in document Vakfiler su defteri there is one document mentioning Ayşe Sultan died before 1660 (if I recall). Her last husband was Ibsir Mustafa Pasha. Sadly, Ibrahim’s Ayşe was wrongly confused also as Ibsir’s wife. Her one and only marriage was with Suleiman Pasha Malatuk (Ermeni). Alderson confused her with Murad IV’s daughter.
In work Atik şikâyet defteri (7 numaralı H.1081-1083/ M.1671-1672) transkripsiyon, Mehmed IV wrote several letters in 1671/72 to his sisters Ayşe and Gevherhan, and their husbands. He doesn’t refer them as hemşirem, but it’s them.
Anyway, in work OSMANLI DEVLETİ’NİN 1660-1661 (HİCRİ 1070-1071) TARİHLİ SEFER BÜTÇESİ  (pp. 23-24), there were provided annual payments of some Ottoman princesses in 1661. This payment list does not refer to all of the Sultanas who were knowly alive in 1661, as Ahmed’s daughter Fatma Sultan for example. Only some of them.:
Hâshâ-i hazret-i Valide Sultan 12.000.000
Hâshâ-i paşmaklık-ı Ayşe Sultan 2.595.333
 Hâshâ-i paşmaklık-ı Fatıma Sultan 2.005.000
 Hâshâ-i paşmaklık-ı Rukiyye Sultan 1.235.000
Hâshâ-i paşmaklık-ı Safiye Sultan 1.005.000
Hâshâ-i paşmaklık-ı Beyhan Sultan 1.560.000 24
Hâshâ-i paşmaklık-ı Gevherhan Sultan 1.520.000
Hâshâ-i Ayşe sultan haseki-i merhum Gazi Sultan Murad Han aleyhi’r-rahmeti ve’l-gufran 100.000
Hâshâ-i paşmaklık-ı Ümmi Sultan 295.000
Hâshâ-i paşmaklık-ı Sâime Sultan 285.000
Hâshâ-i temlik-i merhum Kaya Sultan 1.250.000
See how Mehmed’s cousins (Murad IV’s daughters) and sisters (especially) received high payments, in difference to his aunt Ümmi Sultan and his great-great-aunt Saime Sultan. But, you would notice his sisters Ayşe and Fatma received the highest salaries; Ayşe the very highest as own sister, Fatma little lesser as adopted sister.
Sorry for the long wait, I have been incredibly busy these past few months.
About Ayşe binti Ibrahim, I would refer to this post, in which @rhaenahanzades found that the one married to Ermeni/Malatyalı Süleyman Pasha was Ayşe binti Ahmed I. I’ll paste the citation again, here:
“Soliman passa, Visir della Porta. Ritrouai anche alla Corte per Visir della Porta il Sr Soliman passa, stato un tempo Visir Supremo, dal quale fui all'udienza e lo presentai secondo le comissioni, il quale nell'honorarmi e trattarmi bene non uolse mostrarsi meno cortese degl'altri, offerendosi con molta humanità per ogni occorenza de publici seruitii. Questo Sr è assai noto all'EE. VV. per rellationi di diuersi loro ambassadori, onde a me non occorre tediarle in detto proposito. Dirò solo questo, che non le uol male e che sia personaggio da potterle fauorire, essendo ben uoluto da S. Mtà, col quale è ancor congiunto col uincolo di parentella, mentre la sua zia Aisce sultana tiene per moglie.” (“Dubrovačka akta i povelje” vol. 3, pages 661 and 662)
I believe Ayşe binti Ibrahim died pretty young and therefore never entered the Ragusian ambassadors’ lists of gifts.
As for Fatma binti Ibrahim, I must have missed when it was decided that she had been adopted by Turhan because I have never heard of this.
About the list of payments you’ve found, I’m not sure those princesses are identified correctly:
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I have identified them based on seniority and the amount of money, which seems to me to be what their lands yield. I don’t think these are stipends.
Anyway, if we put the princesses in order of amount of money, I think it’d be easier to understand who is who:
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Ayşe and Fatma stand at the top of the hierarchy because a) they’re older and b) they must have amassed a great amount of land during their lives. After them we have the sisters of the reigning sultan (Mehmed IV), so Beyhan and Gevherhan (possibly in order of birth??); then we have Murad IV’s daughters (Kaya is mentioned as deceased because she was at the time), and lastly we have two minor princesses: Saime, a daughter of Murad III and a non-haseki concubine, and Ümmi, either a daughter of Ahmed I or of Murad III as well. I say this because I think their small amount of land means they were not daughters of Haseki Sultans: if Ümmi is Ayşe and Fatma’s sister that’s the only reason she would possess less land than them.
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magnificentlyreused · 5 months ago
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This black and silver pyjama was first worn by Sultan Süleyman I in the twenty-seventh episode of the second season of Magnificent Century.
It was used twice in the first season of Magnificent Century: Kösem, first on Derviş Mehmed Pasha in the eighteenth episode and then on Sultan Ahmed I in the twenty-fourth.
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annabthesolitarywriter · 7 months ago
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I finally included these two in my character profiles! It took me way too long...
Also, he has a name now!
Let me introduce you to...*drum roll*
Ahmir + Eledhwen
Both of them are OCs. She's Halbarad's eldest daughter and he's a Haradrim lord. He was originally supposed to die in some sort of tragic, horrific way, but I think I'll spare him? They're so cute, I really don't want to tear them apart.
Alas, I am a sucker for angst and drama so...who knows what will happen. She was supposed to fall in love with a major canon character after Ahmir's death.
Decisions, decisions, decisions...
I guess I'll just stare at them for a while.
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redrosecut · 1 year ago
I guess they wanted us to immediately connect with Ahmed's actor but I honestly think it would have made even more for an impact if Mahmud and Ahmed looked like 16 and 13 in the introduction scene of Kösem. Like, no hate for clearly late-20s Mahmud, but if they both actually looked like teenagers, Mahmud's execution would have been even more of a gut punch to the audience.
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damaseclipsadas · 2 years ago
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Mahfiruze Hatun foi uma das consortes de Ahmed I e a mãe de Osman II, 16° sultão do Império Otomano.
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notyourdaisybuchanan · 26 days ago
A beautiful post of yours includes lines from the poem 'on the fate of tulip sultan' by katrina vandenberg - I was wondering whether you would mind sharing the full poem if you have access to it!! I can't find the full poem online anywhere 😭
Thank u so much
Yes certainly! It’s from her book titled Atlas.
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[alt text]
Tom Fahey is dead in Boston tonight, the last
of the guys with hemophilia. Tim, I took down but kept the list we made one night of our friends
who died. Little icons crayoned by their names,
sienna shoes, a midnight truck, a lemon puppy, for Matt a cherry guitar. Names
that kept coming until we ran out of room.
Tonight Tom's dead. Three hundred years away, the sultan the Ottomans exiled but let live
embroiders a memory of his tulips
on a tapestry in bright silks. The white stone of the first full moon in April, the jugglers
who strolled the garden with crayon-colored balls.
Real gold for the flames of candles on the backs of the tortoises that plodded through the bowers.
A week-long celebration each spring
for the thousand kinds of tulips that he bred. He doesn't know that as he stitches them
his tulips are beginning to be forgotten.
And three hundred years away only a catalog of them survives. Does it matter
that already no one else alive remembers
the day you, Greg, and I walked arm in arm through Central Square; or the New Year's Eve
on the harbor watching fireworks, when the kids
crouching in the trees flung champagne bottles that hit the street like green exploding stars?
Milton was wrong. It's not just sin we need to see
in order to know it later on, but joy. One day, when the sultan was old and carving a ring
from jade, he said, This green is sun through leaves
on an afternoon in my garden before it bloomed. My moves with faith are slow; I'm a tortoise
with a candle on its back. Tim, the list
of what I've loved numbers in the thousands. Surely I'll recognize a thing worth loving
when I see it for the rest of my life.
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haber-euro-turk · 5 months ago
I. Ahmed (1603 – 1617)
Sultan Birinci Ahmed, 18 Nisan 1590 günü, Manisa’da doğdu. Babası Sultan Üçüncü Mehmed, annesi Handan Sultan’dır. İyi bir tahsil gördü. Arapça ve Farsça’yı mükemmel derecede öğrenmişti. Ok atmak, kılıç kullanmak, ata binmek gibi savaş ve askerlik alanlarında çok usta olan Sultan Birinci Ahmed, ava ve cirit oyununa çok düşkündü. Çok sade giyinirdi. Babası Sultan Üçüncü Mehmed’in vefati üzerine 21…
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sumechiayuu · 1 year ago
Rafah is currently under bombardment, so I will spreading as much links as I can possibly can. If I miss any, please add on if you can
Help Mayar and her family
Help Nour
Help Marah Owda escape Gaza
Help Sobhe and his family escape Gaza
Help Razan and family escape from Gaza
Help Ahmed’s family escape Gaza
Help the Zamli family evacuate
Help this handicapped child escape Gaza
Help this family get out of Gaza
Help this family evacuate
Help Salah’s family
Help evacuate this family to safety
Help this family survive
Help Zayn’s family
Help Mohammed’s family
Help Abdullah Salem’s family
Help Dalia Masoud and her family
Help Mahmoud’s family
Help Eyad’s family
Help Osama’s family evacuate
Help Dr. Abdelwahab and his family
Help this displaced family
Help Abood and his family leave Gaza
Help Lara Sharif evacuate her family to safety
Help secure this family
Help Muhammed evacuate his family
Help Walid and family escape
Help Sarah Aljamal and her family
Help Walaa and her family evacuate from Gaza
Help Aya evacuate her sick mother from Gaza
Help Mohamed Zaqout’s brother escape Gaza
Help Bayan Meghari and her family
Help evacuate this injured father out of Gaza
Help Hossam and his family
Help evacuate the Abu Halabia family
Help treat Mulataf who has brain disease
Help a family of 7 evacuate Gaza
Help this child with cerebral palsy evacuate
Help Abdalla Mughari and his family
Help the Alashi family
Help Ghadeer Saeed’s family
Help Yousef and Khaled Al-Sultan’s family
Help Firas protect his family
Help Moneer and his family
Help Aya Adham get treatment for her hematoma
Links masterpost 1
Links masterpost 2
Links masterpost 3
Links masterpost 4
Please keep Palestine in your minds tonight and onwards even with distractions like the Oscars, helping the people is more important
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reallifesultanas · 6 months ago
Family tree of Ahmed I
Ahmed (1590.04.18. - 1617.11.22.) - Kösem (~1589 - 1651.09.02.)
Mehmed 1605. 03. 08. - 1621. 01. 12.
Ayse ~1606 - 1657
Fatma ~1608 - 1671 (before March)
Hanzade 1609 - 1650.09.
disputed: Selim 1611.06.27.-1611.06.27.
Murad IV 1612.07.27. - 1640.02.08.
Kasim 1614 - 1638.02.17.
Ibrahim 1615.11.05. - 1648.08.18.
Ümmügülsüm ~1616 (possibly) - after 1690
Ahmed (1590.04.18. - 1617.11.22.) - Mahfiruze (~1589 - ~1612)
Osman II 1604.11.03. - 1622.04.20.
disputed: Gevherhan ~1606 - after 1631
disputed: Cihangir 1609
disputed Bayezid 1612. 12. - 1635.07.27.
Ahmed (1590.04.18. - 1617.11.22.) - Unknown concubine(s)
daughter born in 1605 March
Hasan 1612.11.25. - ~1612
Hüseyin 1613.11.14. - 1617
Atike 1614 - 1670
Süleyman 1615 - 1635.07.27.
Abide 1618 - 1648(?)
Orhan (died as a child)
Zahide (died as a child)
Zeynep (died as a child)
Esma (died as a child)
Hatice (died as a child)
Marriages of Ahmed I's daughters:
Gevherhan: - Öküz Kara Mehmed Pasha 1612-1621 * one son (1620) - Topal Recep Pasha 1623-until her own death * Safiye Hanimsultan (~1624-?) - married Mehmed Pasha and was his widow in 1638/9 - married Sadrazam Abaza Siyavuş Pasha 1643-1656
Ayşe: - Nasuh Pasha 1612-1614 - bethroed to Şehit Karakaş Mehmed Pasha 1614 - Müezzinzade Hafiz Ahmed Pasha 1622-1632 * Sultanzade Mustafa Bey 1628-1670 * Sultanzade X - Silahdar Ahmed Pasha 1639-1644 - Voynuk Ahmed Pasha 1645-1649 - Ibşir Mustafa Pasha 1654/5-?
Fatma: - Murtaza Pasha 1622- - Şehid Ali Pasha 1624 - Çatalcali Kapudan Hasan Pasha 1624-1626 * Sultanzade Hasan ~1625 - Kara Mustafa Pasha 1626-? - Sarraç Mustafa Pasha 1629-1630/1 - Kaçanikli Mehmed Pasha 1631 - Canpoladzade Mustafa Pasha 1632-1636 * Sultanzade Hüseyin 1633-1680 * Sultanzade Süleyman 1635-1665 - Koça Yusuf Pasha 1637-1658 * Sultanzade Ömer 1637-after 1670 - Melek Ahmed Pasha 1661-1662 - Kanbur Mustafa Pasha 1663-1666 - Közbekçi Yusuf Pasha 1667
Hanzade - married or bethroed to Murtaza Pasha’s son 1622 - Bayram Agha 1623-1638 * one son - Nakkaş Mustafa Pasha ~1641-until her death * Sultanzade Abdülbaki Bey ~1642-after 1685
Ümmügülsüm - married or bethroed to one pasha in 1626 - Halil Pasha ?-1641/2 - Hersekzade Ahmed Pasha ~1642-1648
Atike - son of Ekmekçizade Ahmed Pasha 1618-? - Sofu Kenan Pasha ~1624-1652 - Doganci Yusuf Pasha 1652-until her death
The daughter born in 1605 March being Gevherhan (and then she was not Mahfiruze's daughter).
Hasan being Mahfiruze's not Bayezid and they both died due to complications.
Zeynep being Mahfiruze's daughter as Osman II possibly had a daughter Zeynep (as there are two Zeyneps buried in Ahmed I's türbe), and since Zeynep is not a dynastical name, Osman may named her after his deceased sister. PS: One of the sarcofagies is for a grown woman, which can be a mistake, or maybe Osman's daugter Zeynep reached adulthood (would be strange as until now there is no evidence for an adult sultana called Zeynep during this period).
Identity of Abide: Now it seems that Abide was not a daughter, but an aunt of Ahmed I and so the daughter of Murad III, see more under Murad III's family tree.
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ottomanladies · 4 months ago
thank you for your reply regarding Hanzade Sultan, it was clear that she had at least one son, and it seems that Kösem's daughters had sons from several different husbands.
I would like to know your opinion about what I have researched about Atike Sultan, it seems to me that there is only one Atike and she is the daughter of Ahmed I,
I do not think that Ibrahim had a daughter named Atike, and perhaps the alleged princess of Ibrahim who is said to have had husbands may have been one of his daughters, either Princess Gevherhan or Beyhan.
To be honest, I don't know the order of her marriages, but it seems that Kenan Pasha was her husband until his death in 1652.
Atike sultan was alive in 1658 because of her support for Mihnea:
| Mihnea entered Ken’an Pasha’s kapı at a young age, serving as a page and obtaining education in letters and religious sciences befitting a member of the Ottoman elite. His membership in the household spanned decades and continued after Ken’an Pasha’s death in 1652. Moreover, through the grandee’s wife, Atike Sultan, the pretender managed to establish a bond with valide sultan Hatice Turhan.44 The robust patronage network allowed Mihnea to make a successful bid for the throne in 1658, which was not only supported politically but also bankrolled by Atike Sultan, who contributed 140,000 akçe for this purpose[...] That the Ottoman princess was ready to pay for her client’s bid suggests that she saw it as an investment, although one that ultimately did not pay off: the following year, Mihnea III rebelled against the Porte and was replaced on the throne with a protégé of Köprülü Mehmed Pasha. - Michał Wasiucionek (The Ottomans and Eastern Europe)
But then, Atike appears as deceased in an Istanbul court document dated 1663-1664, describing her as the wife of the deceased Kenan Pasha:
| Mahmiye-i İstanbul’da merhûm Kenan Paşa ve zevcesi merhûme Âtike Sultan evkāfına meşrûtiyyet üzre bi’l-fi‘l mütevellî olan iftihârü’l-emâcid ve’l-ekârim câmi‘ü’l-mehâmid ve’l-mekârim Bayezid Bey tarafından husûs-ı âtîye vekîl olup vekâleti bimâ hüve nehci’s-sübût şer‘an sâbite olan umdetü’l-müderrisîni’lkirâm zübdetü’l-muhakkikīni’l-fihâm Ahmed Efendi b. Ali mahfil-i kazâda Mehmed Bey b. Abdi mahzarında üzerine takrîr-i da‘vâ edip evkāf-ı mezbûre mukāta‘atından olup vilâyet-i Rumeli’de eyâlet-i Silistre’de kasaba-i Tatarpınarı mukāta‘asını bin yetmiş iki senesi Martı ibtidâsından bir sene tamânına değin evkāf-ı mezbûreye sâbıkan mütevellîler olan Abdullah Bey ve Hüseyin Bey nâm sagīrlerin kāimmakāmları Ebûbekir Efendi ve Hızır Ağa mezbûr Mehmed Bey’e iki yüz bin akçeye der-uhde edip ol dahi vech-i muharrer üzre iltizâm ve kabûl ve bir sene tamâmen zabt ve mikdâr-ı mezkûr mahsûlünü dahi kabz eyledikden sonra kıst-ı iltizâmından yüz bin akçesini vakf için ahz u kabz eylediklerinden sonra kırk beş bin akçesini dahi işbu hâzır bi’l-meclis mezkûr Hızır Ağa’ya teslîm edip mezbûr Hızır Ağa dahi ba‘de’l-kabz sagīreyn-i mezbûreynin vâlideleri ve vasiyyeleri umdetü’l-muhadderât zübdetü’l-muvakkarât tâcü’lmestûrât Eğlence Hâtun’a tamâmen teslîm edip hâlâ üzerimde bâkī kalan elli beş bin akçesini dahi vakıf için mezkûr Mehmed Bey’den bi’l-vekâle taleb ederin, suâl olunsun dedikde gıbbe’s-suâl mezbûr Mehmed Bey cevâbında fi’l-vâki‘ kaziyye minvâl-i muharrer üzre olup lâkin evkāf-ı mezbûre kâtibi olan mezbûr Ebûbekir Efendi ve Hızır Ağa kıst-ı iltizâmım olan iki yüz bin akçeyi yüz bin akçeye tenzîl edip zabt temessüküme vakıf için yüz bin akçeye tahrîr edip hat ve hâtemlerini hâvî yedime işbu meclisde kırâ’at olunan temessükü verdiklerinden sonra harc nâmına kırk beş bin akçeyi mezbûr Hızır Ağa ve elli beş bin akçesini mezbûr Ebûbekir Efendi benden ahz u kabz eylediler deyû mukır ve mu‘terif olmağın mûcebince meblağ-ı mezbûr elli beş bin akçeyi edâya mezbûr Mehmed Bey’e tenbîh olunup mâ vaka‘a bi’t-taleb ketb olundu.
Dr. Cumhur Bekar points out that there are clear documents with the names of those present at the Edirne Palace:
| "[...] For instance, when Prince Mustafa, the first son of Mehmed IV, was born in Edirne Palace in 1664, Ayşe Sultan,Gevherhan Sultan and Beyhan Sultan, sisters of Mehmed IV, were called to Edirne Palacefrom Topkapı to join in the celebration for the new prince" - Cumhur Bekar (The rise of the Köprülü family)
The other sister Fatma Sultan, had died by then, which strongly suggests that there was no princess named Atike daughter of Ibrahim, in the documents.
I am looking forward to seeing your suggestions ,Because I intend to prepare a research on YouTube about Atike daughter of Ahmed I. Good day.
Hi! @rhaenahanzades and I have already talked about Atike binti Ibrahim and we agreed that she probably didn’t exist.
Burnaz Atike Sultan’s husbands seem to have been the following:
the son of Ekmekçizade Ahmed Pasha (d. 1618) (during Osman II’s reign)
Sofu Kenan Pasha (at the beginning of Murad IV’s reign, so her previous husband must have died pretty soon). Kenan Pasha died in 1652
Doğancı Yusuf Pasha (she married him in 1652)
If that judicial document is well dated, then Atike must have died between 1658 and 1662-63.
Thanks for giving me this quote by Cumhur Bekar:
Besides the number of the personnel in Topkapı and Edirne palaces, what can we say about the members of the harem in both palaces? Although we have no exact data on the subject, scattered information can be founded in the sources. For instance, when Prince Mustafa, the first son of Mehmed IV, was born in Edirne Palace in 1664, Ayşe Sultan, Gevherhan Sultan and Beyhan Sultan, sisters of Mehmed IV, were called to Edirne Palace from Topkapı to join in the celebration for the new prince. This summons shows that some members of the sultan’s family still resided in Topkapı Palace after 1663.
From how it’s worded, it seems those three princesses lived in Topkapi Palace and not with their husbands. Were they widows at the time, then? They must have been teenagers in 1664 (if we consider 1649 the last year a pregnant concubine could have given birth to a child of Ibrahim, then this child was 15 years old in 1664) so I don’t think they still lived with their mothers… Or maybe they just lived in Istanbul, the summons were sent to Topkapi and then forwarded to the princesses.
As a matter of fact, Ragusian diplomats mention those three princesses in 1662 and in 1670:
Ghiuherhan Sultana moglie di Smail Passa; Beihan Sultana moglie di Mustai Passa; […] Aise Sultana moglie di Suleiman Passa
Ghievherhan sultan moglie di Casciu’ Pascia, Beihan Sultan, moglie d’Ali Pascia, Hiscie Sultan, moglie di Scoleiman Pascia
(Off-topic, then Kütükoğlu is right when he says that the Ayşe Sultan who married Malatyali Süleymân Pasha was a daughter of Ibrahim’s? He is clearly not right when he said she was also married to Ibşir Mustafa Pasha).
At this point, I think Fatma must have died before 28 July 1662, when Ragusian diplomats stopped mentioning her. Uluçay found a document dated 8 May 1661 related to her stipend, so she was definitely alive until then.
I definitely agree that Atike Sultan binti Sultan Ibrahim did not exist.
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 7 months ago
"let the world know that i am no longer married to sultan ahmed, but to the ottoman state" is such a hard line. i think about it every day. also i feel like there's something in the fact that it's a clear reference to elizabeth i's "i am married to england," safiye was known both historically and in-show to have close correspondence with her, and bulbul tells safiye that he was thinking it would be splendid if she had her own throne just like elizabeth
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gazagfmboost · 10 months ago
Created a spreadsheet for families reaching out to track what funds are vetted/verified & where -
The goal of this blog is to share some of the funds/families in my DMs on IG who may not otherwise be seen here on Tumblr; Each post will have the details of what official groups they've been verified/vetted by- any without official verification has any humanizing details listed so that you can donate using your own discretion. While time is taken to check for the humanity & authenticity of the fundraisers of any posted fund & many i can vouch for via IG live content & stories or chatting- I do not have the resources to be an "official" source of verification. If you are seeking verification or assistance- Please refer to this Post with links to open intake forms for groups verifying Palestinian fundraisers. If I've been tagged, please check their post for another source of official verification- many of the groups are listed below & feel free to ask me about any funds I've been tagged in.
Please consider taking a look through this Tumblr, or any of the official verified fund lists below & supporting a family or person in need!
--- Fund Highlights --- updated oct 21/2024 1. Needing Help to be Seen -
Tumblr post - Nour (33) & Bahaa (37) & 4 children; Ahmed (10), Zeina (9), Aseel (6) & Jinan (1) Fund Currency: $ CAD. 4% Funded gofund.me/047fa814
Tumblr post - Raed & Sherine Zaharna, & 5 small children Fund Currency: € EUR. 14% Funded gofund.me/fad68744
Tumblr post - Yaser & Alaa, children Laila(1.5) & Jehad (4, injured) + parents & 3 other families Fund Currency: $ CAD. 13% Funded gofund.me/368443d2
Tumblr post - Mahmoud & Hadeel Mousa, children Mohammed (3) & Adam (2) Fund Currency: € EUR. 19% Funded gofund.me/4151df0b
Tumblr post - Jbreel, Sister & Diabetic Mother Fund Currency: € EUR. 23% Funded - gofund.me/a8ffe422 ---- 2. Fundraisers nearing goal -
Tumblr post - Karim Azzam & Family only $790 remaining! 94% Funded! gofund.me/41745890
Tumblr post - Ahmed Younis (24) only €1210 remaining! 94% Funded! gofund.me/15e0d6e0
Tumblr post - Muhammad & Mom Najiyya Abdelhadi (63) only £3145 remaining! 69% Funded! gofund.me/b70e992e
Tumblr post - Khaled Sultan only €2940 remaining! 71% funded! gofund.me/5918716f
Tumblr post - Aseel Kuhail (22) only €4899 remaining! 51% Funded! gofund.me/b8d62269
Tumblr post - Karam Rafiq Al-Nabih (23) & Mother Tahini only £4177 remaining! 40% funded! gofund.me/e5106d4a
--- Palestinian Accounts on Tumblr sharing trusted & Verified* fundraisers; *- el-shab-hussein *- nabulsi Vetted Gaza Evacuation Fund list: google doc - ibtisams - palipunk - 90-ghost - sar-soor - fairuzfan Official Lists of verified fundraisers;
Operation Olivebranch IG / Website Fund list: tinyurl.com/opolivebranch Disabilities Fund list: google doc Perinatal Fund list: google doc Medical Staff Fund list: google doc Press Heros Fund list: google doc Operation Poppyflower IG / Website Fund list: operationpoppyflower.com/full-campaign-directory Project Watermelon IG / Website Fund list: google doc
SteadfastforGaza IG / Website Fund list: steadfastforgaza.super.site/fundraisers StrawberrySeedCollective IG: Strawberryseedcollective Fund list: google doc Ottawa4Palestine Fund list: google doc Camp Breakerz Crew IG / Website Fund list: google drive Hearts in Gaza Project IG / Website Fund list: google doc
TheLastTurtle / GofundWatermelon IG / Website Fund list: google doc
Flowers from Falasteen IG: Flowersfromfalasteen Fund list: linktr.ee/HoldPalestinianHands
Funds for Gaza IG / Website Fund list: google doc Butterfly Effect Project IG / Website Fund list: google doc Funds4Gaza IG: Funds4gaza Fund list: google doc Other ways to help; ESims for Palestinians gazaesims.com/ Crips for ESims chuffed.org/project/crips-for-esims-for-gaza Raffle & handmade goods for Palestine makers4palestine.com Free - Arab.org "Click to Help Palestine" Canadian government Petitions linktr.ee/prudenthermit * Post with links to open intake forms for groups verifying Palestinian fundraisers. My spreadsheet; (IG Prudenthermit)
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silicacid · 6 months ago
I want to share Dr. Moath Abu Samra's gfm (#85 on Operation Olive Branch)
as of Sept 3, 2024: $21,761 USD raised of $50,000 goal
the latest update:
Salam everyone, I apologize for the lack of updates over the last several months. I was busy taking the bar exam, so I haven't made time to update. I am still in contact with Dr. Moath Abu Samra almost daily and he is doing as well as could be expected for someone in his position.
Moath and his mother are still in Cairo, Egypt with Basim. Sadly their visas are set to expire and Egypt will not renew them. So, last month, Moath used some of the funds to apply for a visa to the Sultanate of Oman where he has some contacts. It is unclear how long this process could take. At this time, he has sent in the application. I am also doing research to see which American visa would be most efficient for he and his mother to apply for.
In the meantime, his brothers Yousef, Ahmed, and their father are still trapped in Gaza. We are praying everyday for their safety and that they are able to evacuate soon. We have purchased a Nomad eSim for them in the hopes that they can at least stay connected with the rest of their family. If you would like to donate an eSim to their family, please contact me directly through a private message.
Thank you to all for the collective efforts and the continued donations. It is my sincere hope that the rest of Moath's family will be able to evacuate Gaza soon. 11 months of torture is 11 months too much. Thank you again! ❤️
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