#Süleyman I
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magnificentlyreused · 9 months ago
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This robe is first worn by Sultan Süleyman I in the first episode of the first season of Magnificent Century. It is worn again by Hürrem Sultan in the following episode. The robe appears again on Firuze Hatun in the fourth episode of the third season.
Magnificent Century: Kösem used the robe on Şehzade Mustafa (later Sultan Mustafa I) in the twentieth episode of the first season.
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darbeliedebiyatt · 6 months ago
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 1 year ago
i love how a good number of scenes between hürrem and mahidevran can honest-to-god look like flirting when taken out of context. they're just like suleiman and ibrahim in portrayal sometimes: writers so straight that they were completely blindsided by the homoeroticism of it all
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reallifesultanas · 6 months ago
Family tree of Ahmed I
Ahmed (1590.04.18. - 1617.11.22.) - Kösem (~1589 - 1651.09.02.)
Mehmed 1605. 03. 08. - 1621. 01. 12.
Ayse ~1606 - 1657
Fatma ~1608 - 1671 (before March)
Hanzade 1609 - 1650.09.
disputed: Selim 1611.06.27.-1611.06.27.
Murad IV 1612.07.27. - 1640.02.08.
Kasim 1614 - 1638.02.17.
Ibrahim 1615.11.05. - 1648.08.18.
Ümmügülsüm ~1616 (possibly) - after 1690
Ahmed (1590.04.18. - 1617.11.22.) - Mahfiruze (~1589 - ~1612)
Osman II 1604.11.03. - 1622.04.20.
disputed: Gevherhan ~1606 - after 1631
disputed: Cihangir 1609
disputed Bayezid 1612. 12. - 1635.07.27.
Ahmed (1590.04.18. - 1617.11.22.) - Unknown concubine(s)
daughter born in 1605 March
Hasan 1612.11.25. - ~1612
Hüseyin 1613.11.14. - 1617
Atike 1614 - 1670
Süleyman 1615 - 1635.07.27.
Abide 1618 - 1648(?)
Orhan (died as a child)
Zahide (died as a child)
Zeynep (died as a child)
Esma (died as a child)
Hatice (died as a child)
Marriages of Ahmed I's daughters:
Gevherhan: - Öküz Kara Mehmed Pasha 1612-1621 * one son (1620) - Topal Recep Pasha 1623-until her own death * Safiye Hanimsultan (~1624-?) - married Mehmed Pasha and was his widow in 1638/9 - married Sadrazam Abaza Siyavuş Pasha 1643-1656
Ayşe: - Nasuh Pasha 1612-1614 - bethroed to Şehit Karakaş Mehmed Pasha 1614 - Müezzinzade Hafiz Ahmed Pasha 1622-1632 * Sultanzade Mustafa Bey 1628-1670 * Sultanzade X - Silahdar Ahmed Pasha 1639-1644 - Voynuk Ahmed Pasha 1645-1649 - Ibşir Mustafa Pasha 1654/5-?
Fatma: - Murtaza Pasha 1622- - Şehid Ali Pasha 1624 - Çatalcali Kapudan Hasan Pasha 1624-1626 * Sultanzade Hasan ~1625 - Kara Mustafa Pasha 1626-? - Sarraç Mustafa Pasha 1629-1630/1 - Kaçanikli Mehmed Pasha 1631 - Canpoladzade Mustafa Pasha 1632-1636 * Sultanzade Hüseyin 1633-1680 * Sultanzade Süleyman 1635-1665 - Koça Yusuf Pasha 1637-1658 * Sultanzade Ömer 1637-after 1670 - Melek Ahmed Pasha 1661-1662 - Kanbur Mustafa Pasha 1663-1666 - Közbekçi Yusuf Pasha 1667
Hanzade - married or bethroed to Murtaza Pasha’s son 1622 - Bayram Agha 1623-1638 * one son - Nakkaş Mustafa Pasha ~1641-until her death * Sultanzade Abdülbaki Bey ~1642-after 1685
Ümmügülsüm - married or bethroed to one pasha in 1626 - Halil Pasha ?-1641/2 - Hersekzade Ahmed Pasha ~1642-1648
Atike - son of Ekmekçizade Ahmed Pasha 1618-? - Sofu Kenan Pasha ~1624-1652 - Doganci Yusuf Pasha 1652-until her death
The daughter born in 1605 March being Gevherhan (and then she was not Mahfiruze's daughter).
Hasan being Mahfiruze's not Bayezid and they both died due to complications.
Zeynep being Mahfiruze's daughter as Osman II possibly had a daughter Zeynep (as there are two Zeyneps buried in Ahmed I's türbe), and since Zeynep is not a dynastical name, Osman may named her after his deceased sister. PS: One of the sarcofagies is for a grown woman, which can be a mistake, or maybe Osman's daugter Zeynep reached adulthood (would be strange as until now there is no evidence for an adult sultana called Zeynep during this period).
Identity of Abide: Now it seems that Abide was not a daughter, but an aunt of Ahmed I and so the daughter of Murad III, see more under Murad III's family tree.
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gulnarsultan · 2 years ago
yandere father Sultan Süleyman and yandere mother hurrem sultan with daughter reader
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Maybe you are Mehmed's twin sister or older twin sister. You are Mihrimah, Abdullah, Selim, Bayezid or Cihagir's twin sister. Or you are the last born in the family. It makes no difference for Suleyman and Hurrem. Hurrem was talking to you before you were born. Suleyman loved to feel you and talk to you when you were in Hurrem's womb. When they take you in their arms for the first time, their inclination begins. Hurrem was never disappointed by your girl. Suleyman chooses the most perfect name for you. Hurrem never entrusts you to nurses or servants. Hurrem has made it his duty to comb, shape and braid your hair. She has adopted the principle of chatting with you, walking around and spending mother-daughter time with you. Suleyman assigns the best teachers for you. The guards and concubines at your service have been chosen with special care. They both give you a lot of gifts. You will have a great treasure. They panic a lot when you cry, get hurt, or get sick. No one can harm or disrespect you. Both are protective of you. Most likely you will not get married. Even if you get married, you will live in a Palace very close to the Palace. Your wishes are their command. Neither of them likes to share you with others. Hurrem does not want Mahidevran, Valide Hasfa, Şah, Hatice and Fatma Sultans to approach you. Suleyman does not want to be the only hero figure in your life.
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hurremsultn · 2 years ago
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“I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone. More than I thought I was capable of. You’ve taken my heart by surprise from the day I first saw you. It hasn’t been my heart since.” — Karina Halle, On Every Street
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pepetheking · 9 months ago
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Cose Turche 3- Historically Cheesy
"Appeal to the Turk", reporting on diplomacy between Süleyman and Federico II of Mantova, and dwelling on the list of gifts, calls parmesan cheese wheels "immancabili" (inevitable, unmissable, in this case "staple") as a gift to Topkapi.
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"Big and beautiful" wheels are also mentioned elsewhere as part of a gift list from the Duke of Ferrara in order to buy horses from the Sultan of Tunis.
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hurremsultanns · 2 months ago
The angle and lighting choices were definitely...something about halfway through season 3.
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magnificentlyreused · 1 year ago
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This black and golden vest was first worn by Sultan Süleyman I in the eighth episode of the first season of Magnificent Century. It appeared again on Şehzade Mustafa in the nineteenth episode of the fourth season.
The vest was also worn by Sultan Murad IV in the second episode of the second season of Magnificent Century: Kösem.
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thenotsolittlelady · 1 year ago
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Did a fun little art collab meme with my good friend @shanicetjn :> Look at our two bois!! I enjoyed this so much, thank you for doing this with me <3 Also I'm glad we got to share our passion for gradients and simple shapes as backgrounds
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shanicetjn · 2 years ago
More asks you say??? MORE ASKS??? THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT HUH?!? Well, that's exactly what you're gonna get! For Süleyman: 2. How easy is it for them to laugh? and 27. What causes them to feel dread? For Jabal: 38. What memory do they revisit the most often? and for Az: 11. How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)? WELL I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY NOW CAUSE I WILL BE WHEN YOU ANSWER THESE -runs away sobbing-
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This is what it feels like when I get Asks from you, Lina. xD
2. How easy is it for Süleyman to laugh?
Extremely extremely easy! He is a very silly and goofy man. That's probably one of the reasons why he gets along with Asmo so well. :>
27. What causes him to feel dread? 
If he had forgotten to turn off the cooker in his flat kjsdlfajsdf
A more serious answer- If anything were to happen to his sister (Süley's sister is completely oblivious to what he does for a living and he plans to keep it that way) or his boss. He will literally put his life on the line for the both of them.
38. What memory does Jabal revisit the most often? 
Jabal is often extremely frustrated at work (for obvious reasons)...So when that happens, he likes to remember the sentiments he had when he reunited with Az and the emotions he had when he accepted this job.
Really helps when his boss only speaks like caveman now.
11. How does Azrael cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
If it's during a conversation with people, he would just stay silent and try to figure it out while the other party keeps on talking (which they often do cuz Az doesn't talk...)
But if it's something he stumbled upon in a book or an article or a movie etc., he'll probably just look it up on Google.
These are great questions, Lina! Thank you so much for asking about the Mafia bois ; v ;;
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gulnarsultan · 2 years ago
Yandere Sulaimam (father of sehzade mehmet) with pregnant wife reader?
I made the reader version of it. I think you mean the legal spouse version. I hope I understood your question correctly.
You marry Suleiman when he is in the starboard or when he is new to the throne. Your marriage is set for alliance. However, Suleiman falls in love the moment he sees you. Along with his love, his yandere tendencies begin. He spends many nights with you. No other Haseki is as valuable as you. He presents you with jewelry that he prepared with his own hands or prepared by the best masters. It gives you the most valuable loot from wars. When he goes on a trip to other countries, he brings you something. He is overprotective of you. There are many guards around you to protect you. Suleiman gives strict instructions to the Valide Sultan to protect you. No one can hurt or disrespect you. It doesn't matter to Suleimman whether the baby is a boy or a girl. All that matters is that you and the baby are healthy. Children born to you are always more important to Suleiman. He loves to put his hands on your belly and feel the baby kicks while pregnant. The best doctors will be assigned during your pregnancy. Children born of you will be protected and pampered. Suleiman will try to get as many children from you as possible. As a matter of fact, Suleiman is not very willing to allow you to correspond or meet with your family. Suleiman always wants you to let him know before you do anything. Suleiman will defend you against everyone.
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minetteskvareninova · 2 years ago
“She’s Hürrem, she can plot from the province too!” - Says you, Mustafa, who has never even tried, to your mother, who has been doing it since she came from Manisa. Fuck, this rewatch is seriously undermining my opinion of Mustafa. I didn’t remember him being this dense!
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thejadedking · 2 years ago
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Going with the idea that it's after Süleyman receives news that his mother has died ( has been killed ) when he decides to abandon everything about himself as Şehzade Süleyman and takes on the name Galeb Bazory in honour of his mother. As well as adopting his new persona as the Galeb we know in the future, becoming guarded, manipulative, untrusting and ruthless.
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