#fic: the lady of ithilien
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They're basically twins. They could totally be father and son.
Anárion lives!? Possibly...maybe...somehow...
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sotwk · 3 months
OC Matchmaker with my latest OC.
Her name is Faelivrin—everybody calls her Fae—and she's the third child and second daughter of Faramir (his second biological child). Her older siblings are Elboron and Elenna "Enna" (my main OC in my current WIP "The Lady of Ithilien"). As Éowyn died giving birth to Elboron, Faelivrin is the daughter of Finduilas of Lamedon (my OC, youngest daughter of Angbor the Fearless). Theirs is an arranged marriage Faramir accepts because of *things that happen* and for Finduilas is basically a gift from the Valar since she's pushing 30 and still unmarried (it is my headcanon that Gondorians marry VERY young and all of her older sisters are already married with children while she's still a maid at 28/29).
Facts about Faelivrin "Fae":
• She absolutely adores her older sister Enna. The feeling is mutual and Enna, despite her many issues and things she has to deal with, tries her best to be a good sister. She and her mother try to raise her as a proper lady and Enna will be an extremely hands-on sister as far etiquette and protocol are concerned. Though they won't see much of one another because of *things that happen* (if you want spoilers, you're very welcome to text me privately, but I don't want to spoil the story for those who are interested and may have not read the chapters that I've already posted), they'll remain very close throughout their lives. Fae also worships Elboron who's of course very protective of her and jokingly disapproves of all her suitors.
• She's Faramir's little baby and he worships the ground she walks on and their bond gets stronger as time goes by. As Enna falls out with basically almost her entire family, Fae becomes his only comfort. She's his baby, his happy place and his sunshine. She loves it when he reads to her and she'll become one of few reasons he still keeps going after some of his grandchildren, his son-in-law (Eönwë, Enna's husband. Yes, the Herald of Manwë. There's a Middle-earth Maiarin/Noldorin invasion in the Fourth Age basically) and *possibly* some of his grandchildren by Enna die (courtesy of a Maia with a fascination for smithing and jewelry).
• She loves singing (Enna taught her) and one of her favorite songs to hum is the lullaby Enna used to sing to her. She's also very good at drawing and sewing. Also, similarly to her beloved older sister, she's a historian and would read every book ever written by anyone. She's a decent dancer too.
• She's tall with dark hair and blue/gray eyes (not much else to add about that. She probably has a birthmark somewhere)
• She wears a pearl necklace with the initials of her siblings. She loves pearls.
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That's her teenage/early adult version (she looks particularly young. Actress: Isla Merrick-Lawless)
I'm not including an adult version because, although I have a vague idea of how she might look like, I'm still unsure. I was thinking of Jennie Jacques (Princess/Queen Judith in the show "Vikings" but I'm not 100% convinced yet. I'll keep her as an option and I'm still on the lookout for someone else. It should be someone who wears a lot of pearls 🤣)
That's all for now! Thank you!
Oooh! It's tricky to find a match for a young Fourth Age character, since most canon characters even named or mentioned past the War of the Ring have sparse details written about them (but you know all this, since you write mostly for the Fourth Age!). Only my Éomer fic is set post RotK, but as it happens I do have an "obscure canon" that I would like to propose for a match!
The SotWK Matchmaking Machine pairs Faelivrin with:
HALETH, Son of Háma!
In the SotWK AU, Haleth (movie character) not only survives the Battle of Helm's Deep, but he also becomes the squire of Éomer King himself! His career as a Rider only continues to rise from there, as he earns himself plenty of honor on the battlefield. Taking after his father, Haleth is brave and kind, and fiercely loyal to Rohan.
It would take quite a bit of charm for someone not from Rohan to win this Rohan loyalist's heart, but Fae has beauty and grace, so who knows? I think the bigger issue would be whether her family would allow her to love a "lowly" rough-around-the-edges cowboy from Rohan--even if he does become one of Éomer king's most trusted and formidable soldiers.
(Note: This picture of Haleth is of Callum Gittens, the very same actor who played him in the Two Towers movie! He grew up WELL didn't he??)
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Thank you for trusting me to match up your OC! :)
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This OC Matchmaking game is part of SotWK's Summer Campfire Sleepover 2024. (Requests accepted only on July 11-15, 2024.)
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Characters from my untitled original (Ties That Bind...?=> TEMPORARY BOOK TITLE=> IT MAY CHANGE)
(to be updated, revised and more)
[Historical fiction novel set sometime in the Middle-ages/Renaissance. In order to have more creative freedom, I've decided to create fictional kingdoms but, since I have thought of no names yet, I'll use the names of the places they're inspired by when describing the characters. For now, at least. It will be updated when I've come up with decent names]
Families => Main characters
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Rúadhán & Cecilia. They live on Celtic-like island (think of a remote Greek Island but settled by Celts) with their four children Órla, Mairéad, Elena and Giuliano. Cecilia was an "Italian" noblewoman of the House of Venier—that's probably a placeholder name, but I really like it and the Venier family were an actual Venetian noble family—who gave up everything she had (or was disowned, I still have to decide on that) to marry Rúadhán (he is a merchant and traveled a lot, that's how they met).
Rúadhán=> Engin Öztürk
Cecilia=> Selma Ergeç
Órla=> Şeyma Burcu Gül
Elena "Enna"=> Synnøve Karlsen (maybe I'll keep the name Elenna and it will be a misspelled version of the name)
Mairéad=> Isolda Dychauk (most likely especially if younger than Enna)/Miriam Leone/Charlotte Hope/ Natalie Dormer (as Margeary)/Junia Rees/Amelia Gething/ Marta Gastini (if dark-haired like her sister)/young Hatice?/Burcu Özberk
Giuliano=> Ruairi O'Connor
Royal Family (the country is supposed to be akin to the Ottoman Empire with hints of Tudor England. Predominantly Ottoman but major changes are made on a few things—I'll try to research as much as I can)
I don't have a name for the king and queen (might as well end up being emperor/empress) yet, I only know he married three times and two of his wives executed.
Children from his first marriage (from left to right): Princess Elizabeth, Princess Alexandra, Princess Mary and Princess Catherine.
Emperor=> Anthony Head
Empress Sophia Alexandra (Safiye)=> Hülya Avşar
1 miscarried son
1 stillborn son
Princess Margaret=> Jodie Comer/Rebecca Ferguson?
Princess Elizabeth=> Gaia Weiss
Princess Alexandra=> Gözde Türker
Princess Mary=> Holliday Grainger
Princess Catherine=> Suki Waterhouse
King's second wife
Queen #2=> Aslıhan Gürbüz
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Aneurin Barnard? ( He looks like Aslihan so it might fit)
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Lady Catherine, the King's illegitimate daughter, her mother is unknown.
Fancast=> Astrid Berges-Frisbey
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House of Contarini (family crest=> eagle)
I don't know about titles. Italian nobility (they're Italian) used 'Messer' and 'Madonna' so I guess I might keep them. They're nobles, so why not.
Messer Piero and Madonna Maddalena and their children Lorenzo Elio, Laura and Lucrezia.
Lorenzo (nicknames Enzo or Elio) serves as Ambassador and ends up marrying Elena (Enna)
They'll have eleven children
Piero=> James D'Arcy
Maddalena=> Tülin Özen
Lorenzo=> Daniel Sharman
Laura=> Gonca Sariyildiz
Lucrezia=> Merve Boluğur
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Matilda Lutz as Lisa=> Leonardo/Lorenzo's sister.
*they also are of "Greek" origin and they're devoted to "Greek" gods. The family is devoted to Aeolus, god of the wind=> insert backstory*
That's also where "Nanourisma" comes into play.
Cecilia (the girls' mother) was also of Greek origin. Enna knows "Nanourisma" as well
Main couple (to add more)
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Also, these two up above are basically a more historical version of Elenwë from my LOTR/Silmarillion fic "The Lady of Ithilien". Their chapters will be a RETELLING of said fic in a different context.
These are the main characters, this post will be updated periodically as I come up with new ones!
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AU-gust fic prompt:
Locked in a room + There was only one bed, in combination with
"I'll take care of it, don't worry!"
"How long has it been since you've slept?"
Thank you @ymfingsteadilyon! <3
Prompt from this list of AUs, my ask box is always open!
There were not many formal inns left to Minas Tirith after the battle at its gates, and the coming of the Rohirrim. Most operated informally, and some families, moved by need and by sympathy, opened the spaces of their vacated houses, the empty rooms of sons made swiftly useful in the grim certainty of their never-return.
"Do not expect food to go with the board. I can find you a place, but the window is boarded, and there is but one bed," the matron said briskly.
Maglor's mouth tightened, as did the hand with which he carried their light satchel, empty of even the last of their bread.
Daeron had grown used to his quick speech, and made a point to speak more quickly still. They had walked the long way from the Bay of Belfalas, making swift time with little rest, and Daeron wished dearly for a lightless place to rest his aching head.
He bowed, in a fashion older than the wrecked city of Minas Tirith, or the first ancient fortress to ever bear that name. "That is well, and better than well. We are most grateful for your hospitality."
"Repair my old loom and mend the hinges as you promised, and be gone by noon of the third day," Mother Morwen said, and sent them off.
The lady of the house looked at them not quite trustingly as they climbed the steps of the crooked staircase, not turning eyes eyes away. She was keen, as some Gondorians were, to sense a working of power when in its presence; though Daeron thought she would not have welcomed them at all, if she found anything to fear or disdain in their bearing.
A light enchantment concealed the strangeness of their appearance among Men. It could not hide the marks of battle on them - Daeron's still healing scratch, stark and ugly on his temple, the slow,  stiff way Maglor moved his knee. They had sought to appear to have the look of straggling soldiers, delayed from the host returning from the Gates of Mordor, and the guise was easy to chant and easy to hold, being very close to the truth.
The room itself was a narrow, slanting garret: a narrow, slanting window lit the caulked walls, cast changeful blue light upon the floating dust in the air.
Daeron rubbed at his cheek, avoiding the wound to his face, and thought wearily of rising once more, and filling the empty ewer, and washing his face as it needed to be washed.
In the end, they made the way northwards and westwards for the coronation. 
It had been a long debate. Maglor, self-wise with long reflection by the waters, avoided yielding lightly on any appeal to heart or loyalty or despair; and Daeron disliked the cities of Men greatly, for their sounds and smell, the cacophony of voices and all the mingled impression of many thousand mortal, splendid, forceful lives bound together in the Music.
Their songs had done grave damage to Sauron in the lands to the East of Ithilien for many years. A slow and gruelling and silent campaign, of enchanted groves and illusions raised up to trick passing bands of Gorthaur’s emissaries, to thwart chariots. To give time, and cover, and safety to the fleeing refugees that were at times forced to flee from their homes, for defying Sauron’s influence and rule and enslaving dominion. 
And now, to hesitate to undertake this journey, after so many others through torment and danger!
All things considered, it would have been rather remiss of them not to make the journey. For one thing, the songs to mark the end of one Age and the start of another must perforce be as excellent as they could be; and neither of them could offer a better wedding gift than their music.
They had laid out arguments for days before deciding, each taking one position one day, and another the next; convinced and unconvinced each other and themselves. Because both of them wished to go, and neither wished to admit it, they had gone on in silence.
It filled the small room, the quiet, followed their shadows against the wall. Already Maglor turned the room's single narrow stool. Before Daeron had sat himself down on the edge of the mattress, he had already turned the stool to face the door, and laid down his lute and long knife ready on his lap where he sat.
"There is no need to worry," he said at last, sensing Daeron's hesitation. "I will keep watch."
“Assuredly not,” Daeron said at once. “And let you keep us both awake with your nerves?"
“I am not beset by anything, much less the nerves,” Maglor said, very dignified, as if he had not spent all the resting hours of their few pauses on the way pacing by the fire, turning a flute between his fingers ceaselessly, eyes distant, set upon a distant past, and a near future. 
Daeron had not generally kept watch at all, for many years; he slept where he would in the wild, and heard the murmurs of the land’s movement as he slept. Danger did not touch him but lightly, for centuries.
That had been before Sauron grew in power, and sent his servants after him, seeking to claim him and use him. Daeron had not slept many nights since without Maglor keeping wary vigil - the palm of his cursed hand raised up, a threat and warning to the world that something foul was awake and listening.
 They had joined their journeys together, they two travelers, both very aware of the danger they courted in evading capture and the danger they might be if captured.
It had been a difficult choice to make, and a difficult life to lead; but it had been easy, very easy, in the end, to let the closeness of a hundred nights under the stars and days spent in quiet turn to shared song, and to a shared life. 
These were not his safe wandering places of years long lost. And yet - and yet, it was the end of an Age. Another one was starting. They had felt it, rising as the sun over cold mist in the days after Sauron’s defeat; a new Age, with very little of ancient lore and ancient power in it. 
“There is no danger,” Daeron said more softly, and knew it was true as he spoke. “How long has it been since last thou hast slept? This is the king’s city, and this the king’s peace. I find it very unlikely we should be beset by wraiths and assassins and robbers tonight, in this place, with how long we have spent guarding the king’s lands already. For one thing, it would lack any poetic beauty at all.” 
“Some poetic justice, perhaps,” said Maglor, who was always a little sore about his own guilt. But the stained line of mouth did ease, a little; and he set aside blade and instrument, and sat beside him him instead.
Daeron sighed. The feelings of the body beside him, familiar and ever-warm, eased the strain on his muscles. He could feel Maglor settling close, slowly, in a rare easing of tension.
There was peace, then, in the small room facing one of the seven broken city walls.
It was a strange notion, and a strange estrangement. Even now, scarred and weary to the bone, Daeron did not think of himself as a warrior. His king was dead, his lady, his teacher, his city; his part in the Music diminished, turned to small, unknown deeds, feats remembered by none, except in short-lived legends, and the memory of his companion.
He was but a wanderer, and not much given to wandering among the company of mortals at that. He had avoided war for many years, and fought in the shadows only. Had avoided the speech of speaking creatures altogether, and spoken to birds only, and then only to Maglor, and to what few people they met. He had not sought glory; he had not sought joy, though he had chosen it, when it grew into a thing that could be had.
Maglor sighed from deep in his chest, with a weariness Daeron felt as his own. His hand, when it held Daeron's, felt as heavy and graceful and terrible as the first time Daeron had taken it, and the closeness just as sweet when his eyes creased for him.
"How long hast it been since thou hast slept? Aye, very well. Let us have some rest, and put aside poetry for a time."
They slept wrapped close together, that night; and in the morning they washed themselves well, and went into the wrecked galleries where there were already markets of fruit and bread operating once more, and sellers offered salted fish from Dol Amroth in honour of the day's celebration; and the grey dawn opened over the splintered and shattered colonnades of the market square.
In the evening, there was the wedding of Elessar, the King returned; and of Arwen, called Undómiel, as fair and noble as Lúthien who danced in the meadows and glades of Menegroth. 
There was a wedding to be had; and the singing, all agreed, was surpassingly beautiful.
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bookish-tardigrade · 1 year
Fanfiction Recommendations for Tolkien Gen Week 2023
Hello everyone!
I have a huge collection of LotR fanfiction that I love to read and revisit. For @tolkiengenweek, I compiled a couple fics from that collection as per the day-wise prompts. So this is a kind of gen-fic rec list. Do let me know how you like the fics and please tag the authors of the fics here if you know their usernames! Also don't forget to leave a comment on their work if you liked it :D
Most works are from Stories of Arda, and Fanfiction.net. Some are also from AO3.
The full list of fics arranged prompt-wise is below the cut.
DAY ONE: Family ● Mentorships ● Community
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13983155/1/A-Lesson-Remembered A Lesson Remembered (Elladan, Elrohir and Legolas teach a young Estel to fight. fluff!!) 
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterlistview.asp?SID=240 Blood of Kings (Theoden takes Eomund’s place to support Eomer through an important ceremony. Fluff!)
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterlistview.asp?SID=5346 Dawning Hope (Theoden and theodred help Éomer and Éowyn adjust to Edoras after their mother's death) (so sweeet and full of love and compassion!)
4. http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterlistview.asp?SID=5429 Dawning Hope: A Day Out (theodred takes Éomer and Éowyn out riding and...)
5. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10176609/1/Fathers-and-Daughters Fathers and Daughters (Imrahil and Lothiriel's relationship throughout the years.)
6. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13194454/1/make-the-world-safe-sound-for-you make the world safe & sound for you (Boromir and Faramir spend time with their young cousins. pre-war, ofc. pure fluffff.) 
DAY TWO: Friendship ● Animals ● Group Dynamic
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1149706/chapters/2330031 A Conspiracy of Hobbits (how did Sam, Merry, Pippin and Fatty plan their conspiracy?)
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterlistview.asp?SID=2094 A Different Sort of Game (an intra-fellowship food contest on the way to caradhras)
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterview.asp?sid=74&cid=323 An Elf, A King and Blueberry Tarts (exactly what the title says.)
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterlistview.asp?SID=5992 Eight Elven Cloaks (eight maidens of the lady Galadriel weave the fellowship cloaks and blessings) 
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterview.asp?sid=6441&cid=27882 A Yule to Remember (the fellowship celebrates Yule)
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterlistview.asp?SID=3091 Healing the Healer (the hobbits take care of Aragorn, who has cold. fluffy!)
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterlistview.asp?SID=2892 In the Deep Places (the evolution of Legolas and Gimli's unusual friendship.)
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterlistview.asp?SID=7055 The Riddle of Strider (bilbo comes to know Aragorn and writes him some verses)
9. https://archiveofourown.org/works/38280559/chapters/95651293 His Humble Opinion (exploring the relationship between Éomer and firefoot)
10.  http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterview.asp?sid=1101&cid=4382 Havoc in Hollin (pippin is a frog. or is he? - by Gandalf) 
DAY THREE: Gray Spaces ● Enemies and Rivalries ● Fealty
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13526063/1/Brother-Captain-King Brother, Captain, King (Faramir's musings about his liege lord and king.)
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13477219/1/Coming-of-Age Coming of Age (Elboron comes of age. so sweeeeet omg!)
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterview.asp?sid=7124&cid=31715 Oaths of Allegiance (Faramir swears oaths to two very different liege lords)
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1381980/1/ Proof (stories about Faramir and (his) rangers of Ithilien.) 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1017881 A Captain and a Cause (thorongil and a young boy in minas tirith.)
DAY FOUR: Solo ● Work and Craft ● Language
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26066944 Down From the Door Where It Began (pippin reflects on how he's changed after the quest.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15472 Emblematic (aragorn's musings during the fellowship's journey.)
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11345772/1/B%C3%A9ma Béma! (Eothain gives Amrothos rohirric lessons. yes, while drinking.)
DAY FIVE: Culture ● Diversity ● Traditions
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterlistview.asp?SID=4246 Making It Right (the hobbits bring shire traditions into Aragorn and Arwen's wedding.) 
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterview.asp?sid=3515&cid=13364 Mushroom Lore (the fellowship exchanges shroom dishes according to their regional recipes.) 
DAY SIX: Environment ● Places ● Objects and Symbols
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterlistview.asp?SID=107 Belts of Silver, Leaves of Gold (Merry and Pippin receive some relics from their quest) 
DAY SEVEN: Freeform
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterview.asp?sid=7436&cid=37395 Shadow and Flame (Glorfindel helps Faramir and Legolas overcome ptsd attacks)
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterview.asp?sid=7438&cid=37405 Black Raven (Faramir meets someone in the woods)
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13525384/1/Ballista Ballista (Faramir's geometrical theories are tested in the battle of the Pelennor fields)
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camille-lachenille · 10 months
A Merry and Eowyn fic!! And it's epistolary! Tell me more! — @emyn-arnens
Hi, gladly! It’s one of my favourite concepts so far.
It is the correspondence between Éowyn and Merry as they settle home, marry and become parents, exchange about the joys and pains of their lives and the gossips of the Shire and Ithilien. It’s very fluffy, with a healthy dose of Merry being his nerdy little self and Éowyn healing. There will also be letters between Pippin and Faramir but I haven’t reached this point.
Here’s some snippet I especially like:
But I am not here to complain but to rejoice! For I have two more wonderful children to love and care for, and a single of their toothless smiles suffices to brighten my day.
My dear Estella indulged once more my choices of names, and I am immensely grateful she let me honour one of the bravest and strongest people I met, and who I am honoured to call friend at that. Yes, Éowyn, I am talking about you! Faramir, please tell your Lady wife it is extremely rude to refuse a compliment.
For the wips game: https://www.tumblr.com/camille-lachenille/734460488516354048/wips-game
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lady-of-imladris · 1 year
Ten Sentence Thursday
I have FINALLY managed to write something! It's a new WIP, but it's only a oneshot so it's fine.
So it is time for another round of @somebirdortheother and lady-of-imladris WIP ping pong! That means YOU @somebirdortheother are getting tagged again. I am also tagging @coraleethroughthelookingglass because I want more Cel/Gal/Hal smut (do we have a name for this ship?)
I am currently writing a sweet and funny little fic about what would have happened if Theoden survived and met Faramir. Theoden "I have to immediately adopt this person" King of Rohan and Faramir "my dad wanted to kill me" Prince of Ithilien would get along SO WELL. Plus, I needed Theoden to be alive to see Eowyn happy. He loved her so much. And Theoden and Merry need to smoke weed together (they planned that in the books but never got to do it). Snippet under the cut.
“Master Brandybuck,” Théoden addressed the Hobbit, whom he counted among his dear friends, “you do not happen to know this Faramir, do you?” Merry sat down in the chair next to Théoden’s bed. “I do know him, he and my cousin Pippin are good friends. Although technically he’s Prince Faramir now I suppose. Strider will announce that soon.” “Strider?” he inquired. “You know him, tall fellow, fancy sword, has an army of ghosts-” “Aragorn? The King of Gondor?” “Yes, that one.”
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torchwood-99 · 7 months
writing patterns: first lines
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern!
Tagged by @horselover107
(I'm gonna do both the last 10 LOTR fics, and the last 10 Torchwood fics, for extra fun)
The Newly Soon To Be Weds - Chapter 1 - TeamGwenee - The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien [Archive of Our Own]
Éowyn blinked awake as the light hit her eyes, and saw that it must be late morning. Her hair was stuck to the side of her face, and her mouth was half open. She scraped away the sticky strands of hair, wondering when last it was she slept so deep that her mouth had fallen open, and nothing less than the sun itself had been able to wake her.
Something New - TeamGwenee - The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien [Archive of Our Own]
When Éowyn told him of her plans to wed, Éomer; ever the soldier, had looked for only the dangers. It was rushed. Faramir was a stranger, Ithilien was far away, and Éowyn, Éowyn had been alone, in a strange city, hurting and sick and beautiful. She had already given her heart away on wish and thought before, she had already been preyed on by a soft tongued charmer.
Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me a Match - Chapter 1 - TeamGwenee - The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien [Archive of Our Own]
Lothíriel would have scowled at her weaving, had she not feared for wrinkles.
For five days she’d been working on a tapestry, depicting a herd of Mearas running through the fields of Rohan. Size and subject matter (horses were notoriously tricky in all art forms) made this tapestry the most ambitious of all her projects, and Lothíriel loathed that she felt she had to complete it in order to gain some points with her new people.
A Shadow and a Thought - TeamGwenee - The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien [Archive of Our Own]
Less and less Éowyn longed for death in battle, and after she’d reached an understanding with Faramir, life had never held so much promise. 
Yet now, more than ever, she wished that she’d just let the Witch King take her. The second she put those papers into Faramir’s hands, the papers who were to be seen by none but herself, she prayed for death.
The Lady's Hand - Chapter 1 - TeamGwenee - The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien [Archive of Our Own]
The emotions  running over the King’s face ranged from pleasure, to surprise, to disapproval, before finally settling on concern. He held the letter aloft with one hand, and speared sausage on his fork the other, frowning as he chewed.
'My King?’ Faramir said across the breakfast table. 'Is all well? What is the word from Rohan?'
'We’re invited to witness the marriage of Lady Eowyn, daughter of Eomund and beloved niece of King Theoden,' Aragorn said, putting the letter to one side. 
‘You don’t seem over pleased at the news,’ Faramir said, his eyes flickering towards the Queen. 
A Mettarë Carol - Chapter 1 - TeamGwenee - The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien [Archive of Our Own]
Sauron was as dead as a doornail.
That was the news Denethor awoke to, seven nights after the Battle at the Black Gate.
 That fool of a woman, Ioreth, told him, amidst a storm of news and cushion fluffing. 
What a nonsense saying, dead as a doornail. Was the doornail a particularly dead thing? What made a doornail more dead than any other sort of nail? Surely a coffin nail would have suited more. 
All the words that came prattling out of the woman’s mouth, and not a single one of sense. Not that the world Denethor awoke to made much sense.
Fear and the Gardener - TeamGwenee - The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien [Archive of Our Own]
The first time Eowyn rode into Minas Morgul, there was fear.
Faramir and the men at arms feared. The King feared, and cautioned. Her brother feared, and begged. The wound of a Nazgul lingered in the flesh, long after healing. It could be contained, treated, overcome, but it could not be vanquished. To ride through the gates, into the domain of the being who struck her and sent her to the realm of shadows, was to be reminded of that.
The Fellowship of the Gown - TeamGwenee - The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
For all that Eowyn was officially healed, her arms were still tender, and King Elessar had made it clear that she was to take a gentle return to active life. 
Only recently had she been allowed to get back in the saddle, and only then was she ride to for no more than an hour, at no faster than a canter, and; at her brother’s insistence, always with a sufficient escort (and no, Merry alone was not sufficient, for all that he was an esquire of Rohan. Eomer remembered what happened the last time Eowyn and Merry rode off together, and he had no intention of letting that happen again.)
Eowyn's New Toy - TeamGwenee - The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien [Archive of Our Own]
Gimli, son of Gloin, was a frequent guest in the halls of Emyn Arnen. The dear friend and sword brother of the elf Legolas, he often came by the way of Ithilien, and was a welcome presence to the Prince and his lady. 
On this day more than ever.
Gimli’s people were renowned for their craftsmanship, and he was no exception. He delighted in all that was made beautiful and fine by mortal hands, and he delighted in sharing those treasures with they that he loved.
Lady Eowyn was one such blessed recipient. He had met her years ago, in the hall of her uncle, and had the pleasure of watching her grow from despair into joy. Her valour, her skill and devotion was such to inspire the deepest fondness, and Gimli was determined to present Eowyn with a gift worthy of her.
Fool of a Took! (and Brandybuck. And Shieldmaiden.) - TeamGwenee - The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien [Archive of Our Own]
'Perhaps we ought to ask Strider- I’m sorry, Aragorn. No, Elessar, King Elessar,  if he can work his kingly magic hands again?’ Merry suggested.
Pippin shook his head. ‘We can’t do that! Then we’d have to tell him how my lady got in this state. And, well, technically, I was on duty last night.’
“Well, we’re in a bit of a  muddle then Pip, because so was I.’
The two hobbits did look particularly dashing in their respective uniforms, Pippin in his black and silver tunic of the Guards of the Citadel, and Merry in the gold and red and green of the Esquires of Rohan. Or at least, they had the night before, when their lady’s nuptial celebrations had started. A night of pre-marital merrymaking had seen them all worse for wear, the Lady Eowyn most of all. 
Torchwood Fics!
From The Desk of a Hipster Zombie - BricklingGhost (TeamGwenee) - Torchwood [Archive of Our Own]
Dear Jack,
I need to talk to you. I need to feel as though I’m talking to you. Not that you will ever get this letter. 
You don’t tend to leave forwarding addresses. At least, that’s what Gwen says. You’re not that easy to get into contact with, and even if Gwen didn’t already tell me how long it is that it’s been like that, I could still tell it’s been that way for a while because there was only a slight trace of bitterness in her voice when she said it. And that’s quite remarkable, as Gwen is somewhat bitter these days. 
Torchwood Gets a Union - BricklingGhost (TeamGwenee) - Torchwood [Archive of Our Own]
“We need to talk” is never a great thing to hear from your lover. It’s even worse when coming from your love/ a mob of employees. That is, if "four" can count as a mob. They were all armed and skilled in combat, so it probably can.
“Ok,” Jack said, sitting back at his desk, “what do we need to talk about?”
The team looked at each other. 
“It’s about what happened with Rhys,” Tosh said, “and the retcon.”
“Basically” Owen said, “we all lost a bit of respect for you that day.”
Dragons Lighting the Torch - Chapter 1 - BricklingGhost (TeamGwenee) - Torchwood [Archive of Our Own]
King Jacaerys rode Morning to his coronation. It seemed right, for the king who promised to lead Westeros into its new age to ride the very dragon whose hatching had promised new life to the Blacks, after their queen had been brutally devoured, and all hope seemed lost.
Jacaerys, Jack to his intimates, had been but a stripling boy when he first sought to claim the last known dragon. Just another dashing Targaryen with more fire than sense.
 He was the heir, but he was never meant to be king. King Alexerys was no father of his, just an uncle, and his wife, Queen Yvanne was a proud woman and never doubted that her yet unborn children would sit upon the Iron Throne.
Alas, it was not to be so.
Habits (Stay High) - BricklingGhost (TeamGwenee) - Torchwood [Archive of Our Own]
It was the best for both of them. Rhys knew it. Gwen knew it. They’d grown apart. They had already been struggling. This affair, this bloke at work, he was the nail, not the coffin. Rhys didn’t even need to mention the affair when he spread the news. Gwen’s new job, the time it took, the changes it made in her, were excuses enough.
The Food Run - BricklingGhost (TeamGwenee) - Torchwood [Archive of Our Own]
Gwen liked the Tesco’s on Briar’s End. It had five exits, evenly spaced, and she knew where all the security cameras were.
She had her Phase 0 credit card on her, the one with her real name. This was the one she used when she knew and grudgingly accepted the authorities, conspirators and conspiracy theorists were watching her. The one she used when she was living, out of hiding, as Gwen Cooper, normal civilian.
After the Fallout - BricklingGhost (TeamGwenee) - Torchwood [Archive of Our Own]
Owen didn’t feel the cold. Owen felt fuck all most of the time. At least, technically he felt fuck all. But he still liked it when Tosh put the blanket over his shoulders. The blanket felt theoretically nice.
“For the shock,” Tosh said, before blushing and backing away.
Owen didn’t feel shock either. Or he had been in a constant state of shock since the Pharm. Still, he appreciated the blanket. He tugged it around close, getting the barest sensation of fabric brushing against his skin. If he concentrated really hard, really, proper focussed, there was some things he could still feel. He could feel Tosh’s lips pressing against his cheek.
Auld Lang Syne - BricklingGhost (TeamGwenee) - Torchwood [Archive of Our Own]
It took, coincidentally enough, about a year to figure out the device. It was the season itself that put the idea into her head. That stray thought made it all fit together. The translations of the runes on the side, speaking of death and life and time. Of future and past. New Years Eve was the key, Gwen realised. The hour when the old year died and the new one rose.
The Splott Community Theatre Christmas Pantomime - BricklingGhost (TeamGwenee) - Torchwood [Archive of Our Own]
Christmas was tricky enough on its own without the aliens.
 Shopping, wrapping, cleaning, cooking. Stuffing tinsel into every bloody nook and cranny you could find. Spending hours trawling through the John Lewis website to find the perfect gift for the mother in law you despise, eventually throwing up yours hands and saying fuck it, she’ll hate it anyway, only to spend another two hours trying to find something she’ll love because you’ve already invested so much time and effort on John sodding Lewis and if you check just one more page you’re sure you’ll find it, at which point you have your co-worker lean over your shoulder, close the John Lewis tab for you, and give you a lecture on the Sunk-Cost Fallacy.
Watch Where You Go - BricklingGhost (TeamGwenee) - Torchwood [Archive of Our Own]
Gwen had the flu.
When they warned Gwen about freshers’ flu, she had thought it was just another way of saying ‘hungover’.
Gwen had a stomach of iron and could usually shake off the worst hangovers with an bacon sandwich swimming in ketchup and grease. So when she set off for uni, ready to throw herself into a pit of hedonism that would rival Sodom and Gomorrah, she had no fear for any measly freshers’ flu.
@reverse-the-jellybaby fancy giving it a go? :)
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lotr-sesa · 9 months
An addition to the Lord of the Rings Secret Santa 2023 Masterlist!
One more fic has been added to the 2023 collection:
How Strange the Ways of Men by Tathrin for Oakenting
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationship: Gimi/Legolas
Characters: Gimli (Son of Glóin), Legolas Greenleaf, Éowyn
Summary: Unpleasant words overheard in a tavern of Minas Tirith prompt Legolas and Gimli to ponder the nature of mannish identities—a question whose answer lies far beyond the ken of both Elves and Dwarves. (Fortunately, they know a certain White Lady of Ithilien who may be amenable to shedding some light on the oddities of her people's culture for them.)
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colinnoahmayhare · 10 months
WIPs game
tagged by @camille-lachenille
So, as I have been tagged, so shall I play! 🙃 Life has a way of getting in the way of my writing. It's not exactly writer's block. It's more like ... very crusty procrastination, I think. At least one of those stories is definitely IN PROGRESS. The others are either on pause or still in the conception phase.
But yeah, here it is. Bon appetit, bitches:
The Day the Horse-Lord wed the Lady of the Seas (Éomer & Lothíriel)
The Pirate Prince and the Fishmonger's Daughter (Amrothos & OFC)
The Shield-maiden and her Ranger (Éowyn & Faramir)
The Tale of the Seahorse (that's Fourth Age stuff that would be too spoilery for my main fic, so I can't disclose anything really!)
Shadows cast by Light (Elfwine the Fair mixed with a crime thriller idea for the Fourth Age that Tolkien discarded!)
The Golden Son (Elboron of Ithilien)
And I tag ... @demonscantgothere
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tough-girl9 · 1 year
Hey there! I was randomly scrolling through my YT feed and I found a video I hope you'll like!
I literally gasped and immediately clicked the link. I love to see your fic being hailed as the masterpiece that it is. It has quickly become one of my comfort reads and rest assured I will keeping up with it! I already mentioned how I've fallen in love with Sauron because of it and I don't regret it. I liked him a great deal even before stumbling across your novel—that's right, it is a proper novel to me— but your incredible writing helped me understand him and I've grown attached to him. I haven't started working on my Sauron/Thuringwetil/Wilwarien one-shot yet, but I honestly don't think it will be nearly as entertaining as Gorthauro Estel. Fingers crossed I don't ruin a wonderful character (well, two actually. Wilwarien is adorable). I'll give it a try though.
I'd love if you could check out some of my writing as well (I feel like I need guidance to some extent) and I'd love to hear your thoughts on my writing style. I'm kind of a perfectionist and I really would like to improve. (Also, I want to make sure my writing is up to your standards before I start 'messing' with your content)
My username on AO3 is AnnaB99awritersdream. You don't have to read everything unless you want to, but it's just for you to get a general idea of the stuff I usually write. I certainly have a long way, that's for sure. ☺️
Thank you so much for writing Gorthauro Estel and I hope you update ASAP (worry not, there's no rush—i'm just impatient by nature😂)
Hello there :) I'm so glad Gorthauro Estel has been the gift that keeps on giving for you.
I have had that video shared with me before, but I had forgotten about it. It still amazes me that people want to go that in depth with thinking about my story. When I first started Gorthauro Estel, I literally thought I'd maybe have one or two, maybe three or four readers, with no idea it would get so popular. But I'm very grateful that people are enjoying my interpretation of Sauron and his AU path to redemption so much.
I'm sure your one-shot will be lovely and you'll do great with the characters :D
I have your story "Lady of Ithilien" downloaded to my laptop so that I can read through it and comment. Right now, I'm at the tail end of my library's Summer Reading Program, which is the craziest, busiest time of year for me when I basically do nothing beyond eat, sleep, and work. Next week is the final week, after which I'm taking some time off to recover, and I expect to be able to get to your story then and give it the time and attention it deserves.
I'm also looking forward to getting back to writing once Summer Reading is over and I have a life back once again. My next update will be for my humor adventure story "The Fellowship of the Pen" (which also heavily features Sauron), and then "Gorthauro Estel" will be the next one up on the docket again to get a chapter update.
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annab99awritersdream · 2 months
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Cousins 😊
Enna and her Half-elven cousin Erien. She's a late addition to my LOI character profiles and she's Boromir's daughter. She was raised in Rivendell and trained by Elladan and Elrohir, she has a twin brother named after their father. Yes, you got it right. Boromir son of...Boromir. The twins' mother is an Elf-maiden I'm sure Boromir had some feelings for, but of course they could not reunite because I'm an evil person and I'm following canon.
As Boromir was unmarried (and most likely already a corpse) when his children were born, the twins are illegitimate and the lady of ithilien will dismiss them because of it. They'll grow close as the years go by though and Enna will name her third child and second son after "Boromir son of Boromir" (it sounds like a tongue-twister in my head, could you help me in coming up with a decent nickname that isn't "B" or something like that? Though I really like B, I think it's pretty basic. Opinions and suggestions are welcome 🤗)
I really like this edit and I'll probably make more. I honestly would love to make an edit of an AU where Boromir survives and meets his children. Too bad I don't have a faceclaim for their Elven mom yet. She may or may not show up eventually.
Sorry for this very useless post. Just jotting down random thoughts.
Erien and her brother (fancast: Max Irons) are still very underdeveloped, but I can't wait to write about them. They joined the party really late, but I really like them. They're among my favorite characters and I think they deserve a whole spin-off dedicated to them.
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ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years
Picking up the Threads
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/lF1NK5z
by Alex_Quine
In Ithilien, the Prince and his lady are finding their way slowly.
Words: 4492, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Cold Pressing Prequel Fic
Fandoms: TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works & Related Fandoms, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Faramir (Son of Denethor II), Éowyn (Tolkien), Arwen Undómiel, Aragorn | Estel, OCs-Master Olme
Relationships: Éowyn/Faramir (Son of Denethor II), Aragorn | Estel/Arwen Undómiel
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/lF1NK5z
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For the WIP game, tell me more about the Elrond and Durin fic! What's it about? Set during the timeline or the show, or before?
Also, rarepair junkie that I am, I am intrigued by Legolas/Haldir. What gave you the idea to put them together?
aaaaa, thank you so much! <33333 I wrote a little bit about the Elrond and Dúrin thing here - it's set during the timeline of season one, or at least the bit I've written so far is. :D It's mostly Elrond musing about his heritage and his friendship with Dúrin, and how Dúrin Gets Him without even trying, whereas 'his own people', particularly Gil-Galad, only see a part of him. I suspect Disa will be turning up before the fic is done. XD
Meanwhile, the Legolas/Haldir thing, about which I am rather excited - I'm writing it from one of the prompts for the tribute collection for Keiliss, which is basically 'Legolas/Haldir in Ithilien', and it's sort of building on a few hints I put in my TRSB2021 fic as my artist Sylanna had asked for a bit of Legolas/Haldir if I could squeeze it in. In a nutshell, Legolas had a bit of a moment with Haldir after the battle of Helm's Deep (in which, as is traditional for me, Haldir DID NOT DIE but was wounded) but didn't get chance to actually talk to him or do anything about it before they all had to leave, and he is very pleasantly surprised when Haldir and his brothers pitch up in Ithilien wanting to join his little colony. It also has a few hints of my series Silent Affinity, in which Rúmil and Éowyn strike up something of a friendship after Helm's Deep, because I can't put them all in Ithilien without those two being friends. :D Here's a snippet of what I've got so far:
Around the middle of our second summer in Ithilien, my little colony receives a small delegation from the Golden Wood, riding slowly along the road that leads from the North; it receives much more traffic now, as we establish ourselves here with supplies from my father’s realm.
Well, I say ‘delegation’. When they draw closer, I realise that it is in fact Haldir, the Marchwarden of the Northern Wood, and his two brothers Orophin and Rúmil. I met the three of them briefly when the Fellowship entered Lothlórien upon our quest, and again at Helm’s Deep when Haldir led the combined forces of Imladris and Lothlórien to our aid; but I do not know them well. The last time I saw them, Orophin and Rúmil were sitting one either side of Haldir’s pallet on the floor of a room in the keep as he lay sorely wounded, cared for along with his injured fellows by the women of Rohan and the others of our people who had survived.
“Mae govannen!” I call to them, dropping out of the tree where I was keeping watch to land upon the road in front of them. “Welcome to Ithilien, mellyn-nín!”
“Mae govannen,” they echo as they draw their horses up before me, and all three of them are smiling.
“What brings you to our little settlement?” I ask, and they exchange a glance, looking at once conflicted, wary and, somehow, free.
“The Lady will sail West before the year is out,” says Haldir, “and the Lord is going to Imladris to live with his grandsons -”
“And keep an eye on them and make sure they don’t bring the place down around their ears,” Rúmil puts in with a merry laugh and Haldir rolls his eyes.
“I think there is more to it than that, gwanûr-nín,” he says mildly. “In any case, the Lady and the Lord gave all of us the choice as to whether we would follow her West or follow him to Imladris. We asked for permission to join you here, if you have need of us.”
I suspect there's going to be a bit of slow-burn yearning-and-pining before Haldir's brothers and Éowyn knock their heads together and make them stop being idiots. :D I'm hoping to get it done in time for the collection opening on the 19th, but we shall see.
Thank you for asking! <333333 if anyone else wants to ask me about any of my WIPs, the list is here.
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anghraine · 5 years
I’m packing for a move and found two more jump drives, and my lost Fourth Age fic was on one of them!! Here’s a bit:
Had rumours reached Gondor of Queen Lothíriel riding to war in Rohan, her people would have been horrified, but it was quite another thing for the Wraithslayer. It was, in truth, a comfort for many of them, the knowledge that she who had triumphed over so terrible an enemy before the very walls of Minas Tirith, now dwelt in that long-vulnerable march between the City and Mordor.
If she were both lady and captain in Ithilien, she was more in Minas Anor, a prophesied hero whose glory could only be compared with the fallen Boromir, the King, the greats of old. So other names came to her ears, familiar now that she knew all the favourite tales of Gondor: Beren, Túrin, Haleth.
Éowyn, not one to tire of glory, smiled at this. She liked Minas Anor, and she liked Túrin and Haleth especially—Túrin, who accursed though he was, slew the great worm; Haleth, who carved her path to freedom and something like peace.
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roqueamadi · 3 years
Planning for a LotR Regency AU (Boromir/OFC)
I'm not going to tag this because it's going to make me look completely insane, but I thought @scyllas-revenge and @trenko-heart you guys might be interested... I have spent way too much time on this (ngl it was fun though xD )
The challenge: How to convert the LotR characters into Jane Austen-style regency characters? I've watched the entire Ellie Dashwood YouTube series to try to ensure I correctly understand how titles and lineages work. Here were my problems and the ways I've decided to tackle them as I plan this fic - some of this may change once I actually start writing, but this is my thought process!
Problem 1: In the regency, people (ie peers/gentry) didn't refer to others by their first names. I had to choose between either: ignoring this historical fact and letting my characters use other characters' first names; making their 'known names' into their titles (eg Lord Boromir is the 'Duke of Boromir'); or, assigning them surnames and having characters refer to each other by names unfamiliar to readers.
I decided to go with the last option which is more historically accurate, principally because if I tried the second option, I would still run into trouble with siblings and parent-children relationships (Faramir is the brother of the Duke of Boromir?? No) - therefore, I'll need to accept that it might be hard for readers to follow who is who in this fic, at first. Eg (as explained below) most other characters will call Boromir 'Lord Ithilien', 'the Lord of Ithilien' or 'Coloniel Hurin'. And to be honest, now that I've stared at this for a few hours I'm actually starting to not mind it that much. I also think it feels more 'Jane Austen-y' for characters to have lots of confusing titles :p However, I think I'll at least let my protagonist 'think of people' by their first names in the narrative, which will assist with clarity.
Problem 2: Most of the characters don't have last names.
Problem 1 leads to this. My answer: I made them up. I tried to pick names from their lineage or alternative names that sounded right. For Denethor's line, I picked 'Hurin'; Aragorn's = 'Telcontar'; Elrond's = 'Peredhel'; Theoden's = 'Eorl' and Eomer+Eowyn's = 'Steelsheen'. I also gave Sauron a first name ('Mairon') and picked a random surname for my protag Cin ('Eradan').
Problem 3: It's extremely unlikely a Steward would be ruling in place of a King.
The more likely scenario (as seen in the regency period itself) is that a Prince Regent rules in place of a King because of illness, absence or minority. I decided to go with the latter - so my idea is that Aragorn's parents died when he was not yet of age and so a Prince Regent took over. This would most likely be his closest living relative - so I decided to make Denethor related to him (I've ended up making Denethor Aragorn's first cousin once removed - any closer and Aragorn would share a surname with Boromir and Faramir, which I didn't want).
Problem 4: Leading on from problem 3... I don't want Boromir to be too closely related to my protag Cin (for obvious reasons!)
I was originally going to make her Aragorn's younger sister, but that would make her and Boromir second cousins. That's a bit too close! So I made her Aragorn's first cousin on his mother's side - so Cin and Boromir are both cousins to Aragorn but have no blood connection to each other. Whew!
Problem 5: I wanted to somehow convert the main conflict of Sauron versus the West into the 'Jane Austen' realm - ie the 'battles' occur mostly during conversations.
I decided to include a plot point like this: Denethor has done something to disgrace himself and get kicked out of the role of Prince Regent (this feeds into Boromir's feelings of inadequacy regarding his line). The next closest relative steps into the role - Sauron! Oh no! This will be the main world conflict of the fic and is the prompt for Aragorn, who is now of age, to return and take up his role, and save his people from the ravages of this unqualified leader. I squeezed Sauron into the family tree as Aragorn's first cousin twice removed.
Problem 6: But, I still want some battles, if not 'on screen' then at least referenced.
This is straight from Sharpe, but my idea is that there is a war going on and many peers' sons have commissions in the Army. Boromir is a Colonel (the highest rank you could purchase), Faramir is a Major (because there's no way in hell Denethor would fork out for a higher rank than that), Theodred was also a Major before he died, Eomer and Legolas are both Captains. And they all go off to fight together, mainly so that Boromir can get injured and give us the opportunity for some h/c xD
Problem 7: So, what happened to Aragorn (and Cin) after his parents died, then? How come Sauron is able to step in and take over?
Sticking reasonably closely to the canon storyline, I decided to make it that Elrond (ALSO a distant relation of Aragorn - second cousin once removed, making Arwen Aragorn's third cousin, which is far enough removed to be okay, I think) stepped in to take care of Aragorn. My idea is that his parents were killed in the same 'accident' as Cin's, so Elrond takes both in as wards. He hides them from society in order to protect them both.
Problem 8: If Aragorn is the Prince, Denethor must be a sufficiently senior peer in order to hold the Prince Regent position (for a time, at least) - even though in Jane Austen most characters are not this senior in rank.
I mean, there's Lady Catherine de Bourgh and a few other mentions of Knights and Earls, etc. But I'm okay with adding peerage titles into this fic because it's fun and I think it fits - the various families must be sufficiently senior otherwise it's not realistic that they're all hanging out together. So I've made Denethor a Duke, which is the most senior rank in the peerage without being actually royal (I went with 'Duke of Osgiliath'). Dukes normally have secondary titles which they lend to their son and heir, so for Boromir I picked 'Earl of Ithilien' (as I mentioned above). I made Elrond a Marquess, and his heir Elladan a Baron, and I made Theoden a Viscount. So all those characters get to be referred to by weird titles!
So, this is becoming a crazy long post, but here's the result of my work:
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I think this is going to be too small to see in one image, so I've broken it down. Here is the key and a helpful 'cousin chart', because this gets complex:
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And here are the segments.
Here is the line of kings, including Aragorn and Cin (my protag) plus Sauron:
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Here is Denethor's line, with our main love interest:
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Here is Elrond's line - things are getting a bit awkward for anyone who really deeply knows the canon family trees, but I'm saying that Dior was the younger brother of Argonui (who was Aragorn's great grandfather):
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And finally, here is Theoden's line, separate from the rest at the start of the fic, but obviously they ultimately join up in two places (Eowyn = Faramir and later Eomer = Lothiriel:
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So that's it. Let me know what you think guys, I had fun thinking through all this. Now I just need to actually write it :p
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