#tolkien gen week
ela-draws · 1 year
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Family - Findarato and Artanis
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elronds-library · 1 month
Wayward Son
by theScrap_Witch (@thescrapwitch)
“You were not someone I ever expected, or wanted, to see again.” Círdan gazed down at Fëanor coldly. “Why are you here?” “Maglor.” Fëanor took a deep breath, forcing himself to be calm. To not knock the table over and demand answers. “My second son still remains in Middle Earth, and I have come to bring him back to Valinor.”
General, No Archive Warnings
Words: 6,429
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bookish-tardigrade · 1 year
Fanfiction Recommendations for Tolkien Gen Week 2023
Hello everyone!
I have a huge collection of LotR fanfiction that I love to read and revisit. For @tolkiengenweek, I compiled a couple fics from that collection as per the day-wise prompts. So this is a kind of gen-fic rec list. Do let me know how you like the fics and please tag the authors of the fics here if you know their usernames! Also don't forget to leave a comment on their work if you liked it :D
Most works are from Stories of Arda, and Fanfiction.net. Some are also from AO3.
The full list of fics arranged prompt-wise is below the cut.
DAY ONE: Family ● Mentorships ● Community
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13983155/1/A-Lesson-Remembered A Lesson Remembered (Elladan, Elrohir and Legolas teach a young Estel to fight. fluff!!) 
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterlistview.asp?SID=240 Blood of Kings (Theoden takes Eomund’s place to support Eomer through an important ceremony. Fluff!)
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterlistview.asp?SID=5346 Dawning Hope (Theoden and theodred help Éomer and Éowyn adjust to Edoras after their mother's death) (so sweeet and full of love and compassion!)
4. http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterlistview.asp?SID=5429 Dawning Hope: A Day Out (theodred takes Éomer and Éowyn out riding and...)
5. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10176609/1/Fathers-and-Daughters Fathers and Daughters (Imrahil and Lothiriel's relationship throughout the years.)
6. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13194454/1/make-the-world-safe-sound-for-you make the world safe & sound for you (Boromir and Faramir spend time with their young cousins. pre-war, ofc. pure fluffff.) 
DAY TWO: Friendship ● Animals ● Group Dynamic
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1149706/chapters/2330031 A Conspiracy of Hobbits (how did Sam, Merry, Pippin and Fatty plan their conspiracy?)
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterlistview.asp?SID=2094 A Different Sort of Game (an intra-fellowship food contest on the way to caradhras)
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterview.asp?sid=74&cid=323 An Elf, A King and Blueberry Tarts (exactly what the title says.)
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterlistview.asp?SID=5992 Eight Elven Cloaks (eight maidens of the lady Galadriel weave the fellowship cloaks and blessings) 
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterview.asp?sid=6441&cid=27882 A Yule to Remember (the fellowship celebrates Yule)
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterlistview.asp?SID=3091 Healing the Healer (the hobbits take care of Aragorn, who has cold. fluffy!)
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterlistview.asp?SID=2892 In the Deep Places (the evolution of Legolas and Gimli's unusual friendship.)
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterlistview.asp?SID=7055 The Riddle of Strider (bilbo comes to know Aragorn and writes him some verses)
9. https://archiveofourown.org/works/38280559/chapters/95651293 His Humble Opinion (exploring the relationship between Éomer and firefoot)
10.  http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterview.asp?sid=1101&cid=4382 Havoc in Hollin (pippin is a frog. or is he? - by Gandalf) 
DAY THREE: Gray Spaces ● Enemies and Rivalries ● Fealty
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13526063/1/Brother-Captain-King Brother, Captain, King (Faramir's musings about his liege lord and king.)
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13477219/1/Coming-of-Age Coming of Age (Elboron comes of age. so sweeeeet omg!)
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterview.asp?sid=7124&cid=31715 Oaths of Allegiance (Faramir swears oaths to two very different liege lords)
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1381980/1/ Proof (stories about Faramir and (his) rangers of Ithilien.) 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1017881 A Captain and a Cause (thorongil and a young boy in minas tirith.)
DAY FOUR: Solo ● Work and Craft ● Language
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26066944 Down From the Door Where It Began (pippin reflects on how he's changed after the quest.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15472 Emblematic (aragorn's musings during the fellowship's journey.)
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11345772/1/B%C3%A9ma Béma! (Eothain gives Amrothos rohirric lessons. yes, while drinking.)
DAY FIVE: Culture ● Diversity ● Traditions
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterlistview.asp?SID=4246 Making It Right (the hobbits bring shire traditions into Aragorn and Arwen's wedding.) 
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterview.asp?sid=3515&cid=13364 Mushroom Lore (the fellowship exchanges shroom dishes according to their regional recipes.) 
DAY SIX: Environment ● Places ● Objects and Symbols
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterlistview.asp?SID=107 Belts of Silver, Leaves of Gold (Merry and Pippin receive some relics from their quest) 
DAY SEVEN: Freeform
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterview.asp?sid=7436&cid=37395 Shadow and Flame (Glorfindel helps Faramir and Legolas overcome ptsd attacks)
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterview.asp?sid=7438&cid=37405 Black Raven (Faramir meets someone in the woods)
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13525384/1/Ballista Ballista (Faramir's geometrical theories are tested in the battle of the Pelennor fields)
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exercise-of-trust · 2 days
Hey there, been loving the way you draw silm characters! If you’re still taking requests in September I’d love to see Tuor? Thank you!
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not sure where i think this is but i wanted some tree practice and some soft light from behind. maybe an early morning in gondolin? or maybe he's taking a stroll around his cave in mithrim? up to you!
(still taking requests through the end of september!)
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thecoolblackwaves · 7 months
Maemags Week 2024 Feb 23: Respite
for @maedhrosmaglorweek day 6 prompt respite
Warnings: None! Fluff, Gen, Childhood
“Nely! Nelyooooo!”
Carefully laying down his quill, Nelyafinwe sighed and called out to his younger brother.
“In here, Kano! What do you need!”
“Nothing!” The little Elfling giggled, peeking around the doorway. Nelyafinwe couldn’t help but smile at his gap-toothed grin and rosy cheeks. “I brought you a treat!”
“Oh? And what is it?”
He was eagerly waiting for Kanafinwe to show him whatever he had found. If this was Turco, he would have been worried about being mauled by some wild animal suddenly thrown at his face, but Kano was sweet and thoughtful and just old enough to understand what was and was not an appropriate gift.
“It’s lemonade! And cookies!”
Smiling with pride, Kanafinwe brought him a carefully balanced tray of refreshments, walking comically slow so as not to spill any. Nelyafinwe took it from his small hands into his larger ones, resting it upon his desk.
He looked over his present: freshly squeezed lemonade in a cool pitcher, and round shortbread cookies decorated with mint leaves and colorful flowers.
“Oh, Kano, this looks lovely! Did you make it yourself?” He asked, knowing that his brother had not.
“No,” the Elfling replied, giggling and looking at the ground “Atya made it. He was going to bring it to you but I wanted to do it.”
Nelyafinwe cooed at this, patting his younger brother’s dark head and thanking him. As Kanafinwe turned to leave, he suddenly asked:
“Have you had any, yet?”
Kano turned around, not looking him in the eyes.
“No,” he whispered, clearly lying.
Nelyo smiled. He could indulge his favorite brother, just this once.
“Well, why don’t you sit down and share this with me? I could use a break, and I want to hear the song your tutor taught you.”
Squealing with glee, Kanafinwe ran out of the room to grab his lyre. His older brother smiled, making himself comfortable on the floor and took a cooling sip of lemonade.
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i-did-not-mean-to · 5 months
Family, Loyalty - Finwë & Fingolfin
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Ah, an uncomfortable letter :S
Very gen, but not very sweet...
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To Ñolofinwë, son of Indis, beacon of hope
My beloved, wronged son,
I hope that the right to address you thus is not yet denied to me.
Mayhap, you shall frown at receiving this missive, unlooked-for, from one who’s decided—against the council of his wife and despite the need of his cherished progeny—to follow your wilful, quarrelsome brother into exile.
Impertinent and selfish as such a plea might be, I dare ask you not for your forgiveness but for your understanding, and I beg you to hear me out rather than toss this letter into the nearest fireplace.
You wouldn’t, though, would you?
Never have you been as changeful and brash as Curufinwë, and this quiet strength of character of yours, amongst other more pressing and just as unfair elements, has allowed me to act as I have.
How cruel and heartless a father must I appear to be, seemingly indulging and condoning the shocking misdeeds of my firstborn son against you, my darling boy—believe me when I say that it is not so.
Curufinwë Fëanáro, you must understand, is suffering, and I blame myself for his unhappiness.
Of course, you’ve never known Míriel; she was beautiful, radiant, and inspired, and I loved her dearly.
Nevertheless, I shall not hide from you that—since the day of his birth—Curufinwë, and all the helpless, overpowering devotion I feel for him, has eclipsed even my deep regard for my spouse.
I admit freely that it is an ignoble, deplorable stroke of fate that this fatal weakness has led to both your birth and your abandonment for—holding your brother in my trembling arms—I’ve understood that I’d yearn for that singular feeling of terror and amazement forevermore.
Your mother is wroth, and I don’t doubt that my whole household is rightly displeased with me—this I must bear with equanimity as I deserve nothing less.
By wanting and loving my children too much, I keep leaving half-orphans in my wake, and I know not how to stop the avalanche of misery my unquenchable need has set in motion.
All I can say in my defence is that Curufinwë needs me and that, having lost his own dear mother and been relegated to the rank of a tolerated but little-loved intruder by yours, he would have lost all faith in me, had I refused to stand by him. I couldn’t bear that, you see?
There is great potential and creativity in him, too much maybe, but he lacks your enviable tendency for empathy and forgiveness.
Fear not, my son, even as I pen those lines, I’m aware of how callously cruel it is to call upon your best qualities even as they serve as pathetic justifications and excuses for my hurtful actions—your gentle heart and unwavering loyalty should never bring you suffering, especially not at the hand of the ones you love.
I hear Curufinwë stirring, and thus, I must leave this letter unfinished.
I hope that we shall soon be reunited so I can tell you, in person, how proud I am of the man you’ve become and how much I’ve loved you even before you were born.
Finally, let me reiterate that I do not beseech you to absolve me of the malefactions I’ve inflicted on you, but—if you can find it in your heart—pardon your brother for his temporary folly.
I’m sure he regrets having parted in anger even if he doesn’t admit it.
I love you. All of you! Never doubt that and convey my fond greetings to your siblings.
Your father
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emyn-arnens · 1 year
I've finished up the prompts I've gotten so far (from this prompt list), but if anyone else would like to send some in, I'm still taking requests!
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arofili · 5 months
Leave your second opinion in the tags/replies, if you want :)
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lathalea · 4 months
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Yes, it is finally happening!
💎 HUGE 💎
Follower Celebration
… is here!
Remember the poll from last week? The results are here! You have spoken!
Thank you everyone for participating! 💙🙏
💎 What happens now?
Per your request,
I’m going to write ficlets for you, my lovely followers!
And I can’t wait! 🤩
💎 It’s time for the Prompt Game!
💎 To take part in the celebration, you have to be my follower before it starts!
💎 For the Prompt Game, I will have around 10 slots open. Maybe a few less, maybe a few more (it depends on boring real life stuff, sorry, I’ll try to do my best!).
💎 The participants will be picked on the "first come, first serve" basis.
💎 I’m going to write ficlets (300-500 words) based on Tolkien’s Middle Earth and the characters created by JRRT.
💎 Pick your favorite pairing, the prompt you’ve been dreaming of (or 1-2 prompt numbers from the list below), any additional details you want me to include (like your OC, quote, vibes…), and send me an ask! No anons please 🙏
💎 I will be happy to write about things like: canon x canon, canon x oc, canon x reader, oc x oc, oc x reader, textual ghosts, G-E rated romance (to request E-rated stuff, you have to be an adult), angst, gen fics, fluff, GIME, crack fics, Middle Earth locations, headcanons, imagines, worldbuilding… and much more.
💎 I’m not in the right headspace to write about things like: incest, rape, death, explicit descriptions of injuries/childbirth, themes/characters I’m not too familiar with.
💎 If you’re one of the lucky participants but I’m unable to fulfill your request because of some its content, don’t worry! You won’t lose your spot! I’ll ask you to submit a new fic request.
💎 Any questions? You know where to find me!
If you’ve just ran out of fic ideas or there’s something here that speaks to you, please add one or two prompt numbers to your ask:
1. “I lost my way. Twice.”
2. Regency AU
3. "It was an... accident?"
4. Pirate AU
5. “You did this for me?”
6. Neighbor AU
7. “We could just stay like this, cuddling all night, if that is what you wish."
8. Forbidden Love AU
9. “Whose wedding is this?” “Ours.”
10. Soulmate AU
11. “Tell me what you see.”
12. Library AU
13. “Where am I?”
14. Best Friends AU / Friends to Lovers AU (you pick)
15. “Is anything you say to me true?”
16. Modern AU
17. “The stars are bright tonight, aren't they?" "Not as bright as you…”
18. Stranded AU
19. “This quest is yours alone.”
20. Room Mate AU
21. “We shouldn’t be doing this.”
22. Fake Dating/Engagement/Marriage AU
23. “Make a wish.”
24. Amnesia AU
25. “Do I know you from somewhere?”
26. Hurt/Comfort AU
27. “What does your heart tell you?”
28. Meet-awful AU (funny!)
29. “How did you get here and what are you doing in my bed?!”
30. An AU of your choice
31. Surprise me, Lathalea! 🤩
🎉 Let the Prompt Game begin!🎉
Good luck everyone! 💙
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tolkiengenweek · 1 year
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Hello and welcome to Tolkien Gen Week!
July 3-9, 2023
This is a week to appreciate all of the incredible characters and relationships within Tolkien’s legendarium that fall under the broad category of “gen.” There is a great wealth of wonderful gen content in the Tolkien fandom, but those creations are not always the most visible because of the shipping-focused nature of fandom at large. This week is an effort to give them the appreciation they deserve.
Tolkien Gen Week began in 2018 and occurred again in 2020, 2021, and 2022, and we’re back for more from July 4-10, 2023!
Any content and creations are welcome as long as it is non-romantic and non-sexual! You can create edits, gifs, fanart, fanfic, fanmixes, and more! Please tag your posts with #tolkiengenweek AND @ mention this blog @tolkiengenweek so they can be easily found. If your submission turns into a long post, please put what you can beneath a “Keep reading” divider. You may also post your creations to our AO3 collection.
Below are some prompts for each day of the week. They are not mandatory, but they are here to inspire you. This post will lead to an explanation for each one.
DAY ONE: Family ● Mentorships ● Community
DAY TWO: Friendship ● Animals ● Group Dynamic
DAY THREE: Gray Spaces ● Enemies and Rivalries ● Fealty
DAY FOUR: Solo ● Work and Craft ● Language
DAY FIVE: Culture ● Diversity ● Traditions
DAY SIX: Environment ● Places ● Objects and Symbols
DAY SEVEN: Freeform
This event is being organized by @arofili. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to message this blog or my main.
For further clarification, check out our about, FAQ, code of conduct, and prompts pages! Happy creating!!
Art in the promo banner is by @welcometolotr.
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marhelf · 1 year
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Maedhros and Fingon for Tolkien Gen Week @tolkiengenweek
Day 2: friendships, animals, group dynamics
Watercolor and watercolor pencils on paper, 2023
I have always seen these two only as cousins and big friends.
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essenceofarda · 1 year
Elrond Elrond Elrond (for the modern fashion studies) I’ve had a LotR/Silm modern au scratching at the back of my head for wEEKS and I really enjoy your art and lowkey adore your take on Elrond. Or maybe Celebrían? She’s always been much harder for me to pin down her style
Hehe thanks for requesting the faves 🥰
modern Elrond rocks the "Cool Professor" dark academia vibes:
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While Celebrian is a cutesy Gen Z vibes kinda gal:
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Here they are together for height difference,, purposes,, (Elrond is hella tall, and Celebrian is short (for an elf) so they pose quite the difference in stature haha)
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What Tolkien/Silm/LOTR character should I do modern fashion studies for next? [send suggestions via askbox pls!]
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elronds-library · 18 days
by JazTheBard (@jaz-the-bard)
Part 4 of Reunions
After the Last Alliance, Elrond is helping to clear the dungeons of Barad-dûr and rescue survivors. One of them is very familiar indeed. Actually freeing Maglor is the easy part -- convincing him he's really being rescued is harder
Teen, No Archive Warnings
Words: 5,230
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lucigoo · 5 months
Weekly Roundup: 29th April - 5th May
Whoop its Sunday, that went fast ... So, I have writte 12,456 words this week with only 2 uploaded, but I have a suprise at the bottom.
So, as always, recs first my good peeps <3 Water Whispers - Morg47 - Multifandom (Bagginshield, this whole serious is cute and clever, what if different valar created hobits, Morg47 has written the answer) Summary: It is a myth that hobbits cannot swim. It’s a falsehood that started when a group of men saw a hobbit slip into a river and sink straight to the bottom. They did not see the young girl come back out. They assumed she drowned.
That, as stated above, is blatantly false. Hobbits can swim just fine, thank you. They can also breathe water, effortlessly switching from water to air as they switch environments. They spend the first years of their life almost always completely submerged. They could never drown.
For hobbits were created by the Valar, Ulmo, the Sea-King, the Lord of Waters, the Commander of Rains. All water comes from Ulmo and all water leads to Ulmo. The hobbits understand this intrinsically. They really can’t fathom why the rest of Middle Earth is confused about this.
Ulmo loves his little sprites. He loves their large feet, perfect for paddling through his waves. He loves their dainty size and voracious appetites made flawlessly to mimic the element he commands. Water is always hungry; even the smallest amount can make a large difference in the world.
He created them and thus welcomes each new life into the world within his realm.
All but one. Smials & Eyries - Morg47 - The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien Bagginshield but mostly gen, another from Morg47's different valar creating hobbits series) Summary: The eagles and the hobbits have a pretty tight relationship. They should, they both serve the King of the Valar. When the hobbits are in need, the eagles help. When the eagles are in need, the hobbits help. It has always been this way and always will be, even if some hobbits claim to be angry with them for being a little late sometimes.
the bones, picked clean - galehautstomb - The Hobbit - All Media Types (Bagginshield, courting misunderstandings and lots of pining, so Bagginshield staples!) Summary:
“It’s not a merry mountain Bilbo,” Dís tells him, with all the sincerity of a general prepping their troops for war. “It’s hard-won and hard-fought and it’s spent centuries picking the bones of my family clean. You, you need to go break some bones of your own.”
(Or Thorin is betrothed, and it’s not to Bilbo, but the hobbit won’t go down that easy.) A Gift of Daisies - issaro - The Hobbit - All Media Types (Bagginshield, a clever and unique Soulmate fic) Summary: Every Hobbit was gifted a soulmate, a promise from the Green Lady that they’d never be alone. Sometimes though, the gift is a bit less straightforward than a Hobbit might wish. again and again and again - marzipan_menthol - The Hobbit - All Media Types (Bagginshield, BAMF Bilbo, he is also imortal so that helps) Summary:
As a fauntling, not even double digits, Bilbo Baggins falls from a tree and splits his skull neatly in two. He had been exploring alone, and so is left unbothered as he lays dead in the grass. He is still unbothered half an hour later when he sits up, stares curiously at the bloodstained earth, and scampers back home. He stands in the kitchen, happily munching a cranberry-orange scone and oblivious to Belladonna’s tears as she runs her fingers frantically through his blood matted hair.
Bilbo can't die, and the company finds out much sooner than he had planned (implying he had been meaning to tell them at all, but, well, Bilbo would be a fool to believe anything would go as planned on this confounded journey). the world is sleeping (my world is you) - katheneverwrites (mandolinearts) - The Hobbit (Bagginshield, the Hades/Persphone Bagginshield fic I never knew I needed until I DID!) Summary:
I asked Persephone, “How could you grow to love him? He took you from flowers to a kingdom where not a single living thing can grow.” Persephone smiled, “My darling, every flower on your earth withers. What Hades gave me was a crown made for the immortal flowers in my bones.” - Nikita Gill ---
“What do you mean, my friend?” There is a line of thought that surfaces in Gandalf’s mind, but he drowns it before it can take root. Surely not.
But Bilbo’s chuckle sets him on edge. The small, gentle god of harvest, nature, and flowers sits up straighter, and in his crown of flowers there is a wire of strong metal, his cloak is suddenly not colorful anymore but the deepest black and he is terrifying, horrific, powerful - “I married Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the World.” I hope theres at least on fic someone will like. All BAgginshield this week <3
Now for my fics, as I said there are only too, but still here they are. A Home, A Pack, A Place of Love - Chapter 5 -Chap 5 of the Corgi Bilbo/Wolfdog Thorin fic for your enjoyment I Loved Him First - Harry/Geroge, its bittersweet ive been reliably informed lol Summary:
It's Harry and George's wedding day. Everyone they love is here, at least those alive. But there are still so many empty seats.
Imagine thier suprise when they get unexpected guests from beyond the veil of life and death. As for the suprise, A Pasture Too Small for A Bovine’s World so Large has embedded fan art that I created for it, go and check it out cause Highland Cow Bilbo is the cutest imo. Anyway, I hope you all have a good week <3
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exercise-of-trust · 6 days
Would you be willing to draw me Amandil of Númenor?
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"what's got him looking so serious" probably the new weirdo calling himself Admirable The Wizard has started talking about human sacrifice or something idk
(taking requests through september)
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thecoolblackwaves · 7 months
Maemags Week 2024 Feb 20: Himring and the Gap
for @maedhrosmaglorweek day 3
Warnings: This one is light and almost fluffy, no warnings! POV outsider + slight songfic + Gen 
She was gathering firewood in the woods when she heard it. A voice, singing one of the winter hymns the children in her village favored, beautifully tongued words of whimsy floating through the trees towards her. Her feet drifted towards the music before she could stop herself, her small pile of kindling forgotten in a snowdrift. 
When she came upon the river bank, she stared in shock. There at the waterside were two Elven warriors with their backs to her. One sat upon a boulder, cleaning a gutted fish with a skin of water, a broadsword across his back. The other stood behind his - for he sang in the most angelic male tenor she had ever heard - companion, saber set aside, delicately weaving lenten roses into copper hair. 
“I was following the pack all swallowed in their coats, with scarves of red tied round their throats. To keep their little heads from falling in the snow, when I turned ‘round and there you go! And, darling, you would fall, and turn the white snow red as strawberries in the summertime.”
Her eyes drifted shut. She listened for some time as he serenaded both his companion and their secret audience. The song finished and she opened her eyes to see the singer complete his weaving; his long, pale fingers left a perfect crown of white roses atop the ginger head. The adornment was breathtaking in its effect, simple yet strangely compelling in its delicacy on such a large, capable looking warrior. 
The seated Elve spoke - at first, she thought it was the creaking of some tree bough or a gust of wind, his voice was so low and rough - and she could not understand the language he used. He gestured with an arm sans hand and she gasped- 
They leapt to their feet as one, turning to her with weapons drawn before she could blink. 
“My Lords! I wished not to startle you so, I only wished to compliment the music. Your voice is a thing of wonder, My Lord,” she addressed the singer, whom she now saw was possessed of both a much shorter stature and an exceptionally beautiful face to match his voice. 
Her hands were held far apart, foraging basket dangling from her left elbow, the bow across her back clearly meant for hunting small game and not combat. She hoped that her decidedly human ears and rough clothes would discourage them from any anger. 
After lowering their weapons, the shorter Elve gave his thanks and enquired as to her business in the forest. She informed him of her desire to find a suitable yule log, and wished them both a pleasant year, before wandering back to her sad pile of sticks now half buried by the falling snow. 
The walk back to the village was long and quiet. The Elven warriors and their companions had protected their lands from Orc invasions since her grandmother was a child – some small parties made it through their initial defenses, but never as far as the woods on the southern side where the river ran. It was why she had no fighting weapons with her, and, perhaps, why two such fastidious and deadly creatures - processed of superior senses, too, she was sure - had not noticed her lingering some twenty paces from them. 
She had accidentally snuck up on Lord Maedhros of Himring and his brother Lord Maglor of the Perilous Gap! Upon the grace of the land may her grandmother not hit her with a shoe when she returns. 
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