#hi. i have been staring guiltily at this ask for three weeks while i wracked my brains for what i think amandil looks like
exercise-of-trust · 6 days
Would you be willing to draw me Amandil of Númenor?
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"what's got him looking so serious" probably the new weirdo calling himself Admirable The Wizard has started talking about human sacrifice or something idk
(taking requests through september)
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thetravelerwrites · 4 years
OkCryptid: Pevik Pikecarver (Goblin) Lemon
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Rating: Explicit Relationship: Male Goblin/Female Human Additional Tags: Exophilia, OkCryptid, Dating App, Goblin Content Warning: Adoption, Sex Words: 3159
A sweet commission for @mxnsterbabe​! A woman uses the "Blind Date" function on the OkCryptid app, and is surprised by who she's matched up with. Please reblog and leave feedback!
The Traveler's Masterlist
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OkCryptid was becoming the most popular dating app on the market. It was free, easy to use, and had rave reviews from it’s users. There were no end to the happy couples, or poly relationships, that sang it’s praises. You’d never used an app to date before, but your recent disastrous attempts at dating had caused you to consider it.
You weren’t even sure what you wanted, honestly. You scrolled through the profiles with no real interest. You must have swiped through a hundred profiles before a graphic popped that said: “Can decide? Try the Blind Date Option! Click Here to Try!”
Why not, you thought? You clicked it, and it took you to a form page to put in days and times you’d be available for a date. After filling it out and clicking “Next”, it took you to another page that asked which locations you were willing to go to for this date. You picked out a couple of cafes and restaurants you liked, and clicked “Match Me.”
There was a loading wheel, then a message that said, “At the moment, there are no matches that have selected any of the times and locations you provided. We will send you a message with a date and time as soon as a match is available!”
Well, that figured. You closed the app and put your phone in your pocket, turning your attentions to other things.
It wasn’t until three days later that you got a notification, which you ignored at first since you were at work. It wasn’t until you got into your car and took a moment to check your email that you saw it.
“A date has been made for the 23rd, 6 PM, at the Rosemary Gardens restaurant. To accept, click ‘Date’. To decline, click ‘Pass’.”
There was no other information. After a moment of deliberating, you clicked “Date.” It was followed by a message that said, “Congratulations! Pevik will meet you at the Rosemary Gardens Restaurant on the 23rd at 6 PM!”
Pevik? That was an unusual name. You had no idea what to expect. You had to resist an overwhelming urge to Google the name and see what came up, or at least search OkCryptid for people with that name. The whole point of a blind date was to go in blind. Peeking was against the rules.
The 23rd was only four days away. You could wait. Maybe.
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The day of your date with Pevik arrived and you had to admit you were a bit nervous. The not-knowing aspect of a blind date was always a little nerve-wracking. Should you be casual? Dressy? What if they were allergic to your cat and they had a reaction to the fur on your clothes? What if they went into anaphylaxis and died? Could you forgive yourself or your cat for killing someone?!
Okay, that probably wouldn’t happen…
But it could…Where was your epipen…?
Rosemary Gardens was a trendy place that required more presentation than jeans and a t-shirt, so you wore a simple sundress and cardigan, easy and cute. Light makeup, a bobby-pin or two, just to keep fly-aways out of your eyes. Nothing flashy or fancy, since you’d gone on disastrous dates before dressed to the nines and it had been a mistake, to the say the least. Red wine is virtually impossible to get out of silk chiffon.
You got there a little early, but when you told the hostess that you were going to be waiting for someone, she said, “Oh, are you here for Pevik?”
“Yes,” You said, surprised.
“He’s already here,” She said brightly. “Right this way.”
You followed the woman to a table across from the bar, and sitting there was a goblin. He had short black hair and long ears. His eyes were the typical yellow with slotted pupils and he had a cute little button nose. He had on black slacks and a blue button-up shirt on with shiny black shoes.
You managed to hide the fact that you were a little disappointed. You typically preferred men who were taller than you, and this guy was only slightly taller than your waist, at your best guess.
He was clasping and unclasping his hands over and over, but stopped and perked up as you approached, a smile spreading across his face. You could see small bottom and top tusks just poking out from his lips.
“Are you my date today?” He asked.
“I am,” You said, sticking your hand out and introducing yourself.
“Pevik,” He said. “Pevik Pikecarver.”
“That’s a unique last name,” You said as you sat.
“It’s Orcish, actually,” He said shyly. “I was adopted as a baby by orc dads.”
“Oh!” You said. “Wow, that’s amazing.”
He laughed. “Yeah, I get that a lot.” He looked up at you through his surprisingly long lashes. “I’m not exactly what you were expecting, huh?”
You shrugged a little guiltily. “I guess not.”
“I know. You were expecting me to have blue eyes, right?”
You couldn’t help but laugh. Poor guy. You imagined he got a lot of rejection but still had a good sense of humor.
“I get it if you’d like to end this early--” He started, but you interrupted him.
“No, no! I’ll admit, I had different… expectations, but you seem really cool. Let’s keep it going, if that’s okay?”
His smile widened and he nodded.
He was a social worker who insured elder care workers were qualified to do their jobs, in both retirement facilities and home care. He enjoyed his job because it reminded him of his dads, who had adopted him very late in their lives. You were sad to learn they had both died recently, making him feel very lonely. Usually he spent most of his time at work and with his two cats, Jenga and Fifi, who he inherited from his dads.
He asked you about yourself, eager to learn about your life and hobbies. The two of you had a lot of things in common, including tastes in music and movies, although he thought the depictions of goblins in fantasy films was super racist. You had to agree.
By the end of the date, the two of you had been talking for hours and the restaurant was about to close.
“I didn’t realize how much time had passed,” He said, staring at his watch. “I should go, I’ve got a lot of paperwork at home that needs doing, but I had a great time.” He seemed to want to say more, but was hesitant.
“Me too,” You said. “Do you want to do this again sometime?”
“Yeah, absolutely!” He said, brightening. “Anytime you want! Just let me know when you’re free.”
You laughed again. “”Don’t sound so eager! Let me give you my number.” You held out your hand and he handed you his phone. You put your number in it and texted yourself. “There. I’ll text you soon, okay?”
“I look forward to it,” He said, walking you to your car. “Take care, okay?”
“I will,” You said, wishing him a goodnight.
You texted him when you got home, letting him know you’d made it safe. You weren’t sure why you felt the need to do so, but it felt nice. He responded he had gotten home as well and wished you a good night’s sleep. You went to bed feeling a little giddy.
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You woke up to a good morning text from him the next day and smiled all through your morning routine for work. You didn’t expect this…reaction…from one date. Pevik was admittedly not your usual type, but there was just something about him that made you… feel good. There wasn’t an initial spark, sure, but after spending all that time talking with him had completely changed your perception. Maybe it was his unwavering attention or his sweet disposition or sense of humor. Whatever it was, you were looking forward to seeing him again.
Your next day off was Tuesday, and even though he was working ten hour days for the whole week, he still wanted to have dinner with you.
>Won’t you be tired? You asked him through text.
>Not if I’m with you, He texted back. >How could I be tired when I have you there to invigorate me?
>You’re so silly, You said, grinning at your phone.
>Hopefully in a good way, He replied. >My lunch break is over. I’ll see you tonight at seven. I can’t wait!
>Neither can I. Have a good day at work!
>I will.
He met you at a cafe that Tuesday still wearing his work badge on his button-up shirt.
“Sorry,” He said, taking it off and stuffing it in his pocket. “I came straight from work.”
“You didn’t have to do that,” You said. “We could have made the date a little later.”
“Nah, if I sat still, I’d have fallen asleep. Besides, I was excited to see you again and I didn’t want to wait.”
You could feel yourself blushing and tried to keep the smile off your face.
“I must seem like a weirdo,” He said, kicking his feet a little in embarrassment. “Being so happy to see you all the time, I mean. I know I should be kind of aloof and cool, but I can’t help it. I just feel like a puppy left alone for too long.”
“No, it’s really sweet,” You assured him. “Honestly, no one has ever showered me with so much attention before. It’s kind of nice. I expect guys to act aloof and disinterested at first, so it’s refreshing.”
He laughed self-consciously. “I’m glad. I’m always concerned that my enthusiasm is grating on people.” The two of you sat and ordered your coffee and treat from the waitress.
“I was thinking, actually,” You said slowly. “I hope this doesn’t seem forward, but I have the weekend off and was thinking of cooking for the first time in a while. Like, a full spread. I don’t often cook because it’s just me, but I’m pretty good at it. Would you like to have dinner at my house?”
He gulped but nodded. “Yes, that sounds lovely, thank you.”
“Well, don’t thank me yet. My cooking is either incredible or horrifying nightmares, and there is no in-between. No guarantees which one you’ll get.”
He laughed again. “Well, no one’s perfect.”
After coffee, he was walking you back to your car when you saw a bench.
“Hey, can you stand up on here for a sec?” You asked.
He hopped up effortlessly. “Sure, what for?”
You pinched his chin in your fingers and kissed him. He took your face in his hands and pulled you in closer, and you could feel his small tusks between his teeth. It was exciting.
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That Friday, you were in your kitchen, stirring red sauce in a saucepan, when there was a knock on your apartment door. Your heart rose up in your chest and you went to open the door. Pevik stood there with a really beautiful bouquet flowers.
“Not to be cliche, but,” He said, grinning. “For you.”
“Thanks,” You said, taking them and sniffing. “Let me see if I have a vase.”
You did not have a vase, but you did find a liquor bottle with a wide neck and used that to decent effect.
“I was praying you weren’t allergic to any of those. I couldn’t ask without being obvious, so I also got this,” He pulled a bottle of Benadryl out of his pocket. You laughed out loud.
“Very thoughtful,” You said, taking it. “It reminds me of just before our first date and my wondering if you’d have an allergic reaction to my cat’s fur and if I should bring my epipen.”
He laughed with you. “So, what’s on the menu tonight?” He hopped up on one of the stools at the bar in your kitchen.
“Stuffed bell peppers with a spring greens salad,” You said.
“That sounds amazing,” He said. “I eat way too much take out, but I never have time to cook.”
“Well, maybe I can cook for you more often. We could even cook together.”
He smiled. “I love that idea.”
You pointed to a stepstool you bought recently. “Want to help me stuff my pepper?”
He snorted and struggled to keep a straight face. “Sure.” He grabbed the stool and stood up next to you, taking one of the knives from the block and cleaning out the peppers. On the stool he was only slightly shorter than you, perfect height to lean in for a sneaky kiss on the cheek, so you did.
He jumped but gave you a startled smile, returning the kiss. The two of you worked together to finish dinner, stealing kisses as you did. When his hands weren’t occupied, he lay one of them on the small of your back, stroking up and down your spine a little. It made you bite your lip and squeeze your legs together.
The tension between the two of you was getting thicker by the minute, and by the time you both had sat down to eat, you were throbbing between your legs and shooting him sultry looks. You ate in relative silence because you didn’t trust yourself to talk, but your unshod foot found it’s way up his leg and between his thighs.
Halfway through dinner, he couldn’t take it anymore and threw down his silverware, standing and coming around the table to kiss you roughly. You pulled him into your lap and began unbuttoning his shirt as his lips made their way to your neck and collarbone, palming your breasts through the fabric of your blouse.
“Bedroom?” You asked breathlessly.
“Oh, gods, please,” He wheezed back, and you lifted him, carrying him to your room. He was heavier than he looked, but he was still light enough to carry a short distance. The both of you fell heavily on the bed with you on top of him. He pulled your blouse off just as you unbuttoned the last button and tugged the hem of his shirt out of his pants. He rolled you, straddling your legs as he undid your pants and helped you get them off.
Undressing each other took no time at all, and you lay back on your pillow as he kissed his way down your stomach. The pressure of his tusks pressed against your skin was like small charges, electrifying your body. His hands massaged your thighs and opened you up as he got lower, his long nails poking you slightly as he went.
“You’re okay with this, right?” He asked softly, his thumbs rubbing circles so very close to your swollen entrance. “I’m not moving to fast, am I?”
“If you’re moving too fast, I am, too,” You said. “It’s okay. Trust me, I’m perfectly happy with how things are going right now.”
He chuckled. “Just checking,” He replied before lowering himself down. His tongue licked one long strip from bottom to top before the pointed tip of it circled your clit, flicking it once or twice to make you whimper. Then he licked his thumb and used it to rub your bud up and down while he pushed his tongue inside you, moaning against the skin, contracting it against that sweet spot. You cried out and gripped his hair, rocking your hips back and forth.
Your breasts shuddered with every quivering breath that escaped your lips as he took his time pleasuring you. He was a little rusty, but he was more than happy to take direction, and your mind blanked as a rush of ecstasy washed through your body. You were completely unable to control the sounds that came out of you.
You lay on your pillow looking down at him as he got up on his knees, pushed your legs back, and lined himself up with your body, slowly pushing his cock inside, groaning and shutting his eyes.
“Oh, gods,” He whispered. “That’s so good. You feel incredible.”
“I could say the same to you,” You replied breathlessly. He wasn’t long, but definitely girthy and stretched you open pretty wide without being uncomfortable.
He opened his eyes and looked right at you, as if confirming that you wanted this. You bit your lip and fluttered your lashes a bit in a way you hoped looked appealing. He smiled and began to thrust, bending to kiss your belly and breasts. He gripped your hips hard and slapped his body against yours pretty hard with each thrust. It was exhilarating and you pressed your ankles into his buttocks to drive him faster.
He definitely took the hint, and your bedframe was smacking the wall with the intensity of his movements. Time completely blurred and it was as if the two of you were in a bubble in which nothing could enter in or leave until you both were sated. You couldn’t remember if any words were said from that moment on, whether by you or him, and fell into the fog of the best sex of your entire life.
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You weren’t sure if you fell asleep or passed out, but there was definitely a moment were you simply weren’t conscious anymore. When you came back to the living world, a soft morning light was filtering in through the curtains of your windows. Pevik was asleep against you, his head on your shoulder and an arm around your waist. He looked adorable sleeping. You had thought to extricate yourself to start breakfast, but you woke him.
“Good morning,” You said as he began to blink blearily.
“It is a most excellent morning,” He said, smiling his toothy smile. “Last night was… beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. I think you’ve spoiled me for any other woman.”
“Well, hopefully, you won’t be needing another one,” You said. “In fact…” You grabbed your phone from your bedside table and clicked open the app.
“What are you doing?”
“Uninstalling it,” You said. “I’ve got you now. I don’t need it anymore.”
His grin widened. “You know what? You’re right.” He retrieved his phone from his pants pocket and uninstalled the app as well. “It served it’s purpose. No point in wasting the memory space.”
You lay back down on the bed with him propped up on one arm, looking down at you.
“I’m glad you decided to give me a chance,” He said to you, kissing your shoulder.
“I’m glad I tried that blind date thing,” You replied. “It’s hard to believe that if I had clicked a different button, we may never have met.”
“Life is funny that way,” He said.
You smiled softly at him and gave him a sweet kiss. “Right now, life is telling me we need waffles.”
“It’s important to listen to messages when we receive them,” He said magnanimously, then chased you into the kitchen, tickling you as you went.
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Since my work is no longer searchable, please do me a favor and reblog this story if you enjoyed it. Help me reach a wider audience! To help me continue creating, please consider buying me a Kofi, becoming a Patron, or donating directly to my PayPal!
Thanks for reading!
My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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fightmechimchim · 6 years
You upset him - BTS Scenarios
{I had to repost Jungkook’s part from the ‘You upset him - BTS Scenarios’ because I realised after a while the whole text didn’t didn’t fit so here it is}
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You’ve been coming in and out of Jungkook’s room for the past week, you’ve told him you need his computer to work on something for studies while you visited so you wouldn’t miss any work. He gladly left you in your own space, giving you the time you needed to complete some work so you could spend the rest of the time with him.
Jungkook liked having you around, the process of seeing how you were so natural moving around his room, knowing where everything is and not needing his help in finding anything made him somewhat giddy. He could imagine the two of you having your own place someday, moving around naturally with no worries in the day. You’d be home with each other. You’re still young and nothing is for sure, but Jungkook can’t keep these thoughts out of his head.
You’ve just finished whatever you’ve been working on and joined your boyfriend in the living room just chatting and listening to music. The weather was bad so you couldn’t go out. After some time Jungkook decided to work on a video he was in the process of editing, he wanted to release it as soon as possible but first it had to be perfect. You let him go do his own thing while you settled for watching T.V.
Not even five minutes later Jungkook comes rushing into the room frowning at you with his arms crossed over his chest.
‘’Please tell me you did not use my filmmaking software while you were on the computer?’’ He looked at you accusingly. You felt panicked for a second. You did use it, but if Jungkook found out the surprise would be spoiled.
‘’Um, I-‘’ You started but Jungkook cut you off with a loud groan, he stared at the ceiling licking his lips in frustration.
‘’You deleted the entire software including everything I’ve worked on, I have no idea if I had the chance to even back it up. Everything is lost Y/N!‘‘ Jungkook spilled out in anger, he was trying not to get mad but he worked so hard and you ruined everything.
You stared at him guiltily. You were so careful about what you were doing, you knew how sensitive Jungkook could get, but perhaps you made an accident.
‘’I was just playing around, I’m sorry.’’ You supplied softly. Jungkook sighed running his hands through his hair.
‘’I’m going to have to reinstall everything and somehow get the files back, stay here if you want or just go home.’’ He said, walking away into his room.
You felt it was clear that he wanted some space, but you didn’t want to go leaving this misunderstanding to mess up your relationship, so you waited patiently.
Jungkook was trying not to stress over the lost files but he felt it was a shame to lose everything he worked on. He managed to reinstall the software but now he’s stuck looking for the files. He didn’t want to be mad at you, he knew it was most likely an accident and you’d never mess with his work on purpose, you’d always give him so much support. He felt like an ass, he hoped you didn’t leave so you could still talk it out.
Upon searching for the files Jungkook came by something unfamiliar that was titled ‘For Jungkook’, he clicked on it out of curiosity, it opened up in his software. Some sort of video, about three minutes long but still unfinished. He didn’t remember making it at any point so he clicked play.
A slow song started playing accompanied by a black screen that was soon covered in writing saying ‘For Jungkook with all the love in the world from Y/N’ what showed next was a series of videos and pictures carefully edited to make a beautiful video depicting the process of your and Jungkook’s relationship.
Jungkook was still the whole time, a wide grin stretching across his face with soft laughter escaping him at times when he saw something he remembered from the video. He felt sad when it ended. He wanted more, but judging by the sudden cut he expected there’ll be more to come. If only he didn’t screw everything up by yelling at you.
He quickly got up from his chair and dashed out of the room. You got up just as fast when he entered. You looked concerned walking towards him, you lifted your hand and using your sleeve you brushed at his cheeks wiping the dampness. He didn’t even realise he cried.
‘’The video, it was beautiful.’’ He grinned pulling you close to him. You gasped in surprise but let yourself rest in his arms.
‘’It was supposed to be a surprise.’’ You whined, disappointed that your sneaking around and study excuses were ruined. Jungkook laughed.
‘’It would have been a great surprise. I didn’t mean to press on it…and I didn’t mean to yell at you.’’ He pressed his lips to your forehead, hoping you’d forgive him.
‘’It’s alright, I should have been more careful anyway.’’ You felt glad you stayed. It was nerve wracking waiting for him, you knew you made a sincere mistake and you knew Jungkook knew that. No need for dramatics.
‘’Don’t worry about it, my stuff is nothing compared to what you made me, seems like I have competition.’’ He laughed causing you to laugh too. You looked at him feeling warm and content inside.
‘’You liked it?’’ You asked so full of innocence and care it almost made Jungkook tear up again.
‘’I loved it, and I can’t wait to see how you film the rest of our lives, all those long years to come.’’
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