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politik-starnberg · 4 months ago
Vom Hindernis-Seher zum Chancen-Sucher
Irgendwie so eine Art "Wort zum Sonntag".
Wir brauchen viel mehr Chancen-Sucher als Hindernis-Seher - nicht nur in der (Kommunal)Politik und manchmal auch in unserer Verwaltung.
(Quelle: https://www.xing.com/news/article/vom-hindernis-seher-zum-chancen-sucher-ein-perspektivenwechsel-fuer-mehr-erfolg)
Alles hängt vom Fokus ab. Erfolgreiche Menschen erleben nicht weniger Rückschläge – sie bewerten sie nur anders. Sie haben nicht mehr Chancen – sie erkennen sie nur häufiger und ergreifen sie entschlossener. Wir können die Herausforderungen nicht immer ändern, aber wir können entscheiden, wie viel Macht wir ihnen in unserem Leben geben.
Fokus auf Chancen statt auf Hindernisse
Häufig erlebe ich, dass jemand etwas Neues beginnen möchte. Statt jedoch direkt loszulegen, stehen viele erst einmal da und fragen sich: "Geht das überhaupt? Ist das realistisch? Was, wenn es schiefgeht?"
Dann gibt es andere, die sehen eine neue Situation und denken: "Cool, eine neue Chance! Die ergreife ich!" Die einen sehen die möglichen Probleme und Gefahren, die auftreten könnten, während die anderen die Chancen und Möglichkeiten sehen. Wer von beiden hat wohl mehr Erfolg?
Vielleicht gehörst du zur ersten Gruppe und denkst: "Aber es macht doch Sinn, erst einmal zu überlegen, was alles schiefgehen könnte." Wirklich? Wäre es nicht sinnvoller, einfach anzufangen und sich erst dann um Hindernisse und Probleme zu kümmern, wenn sie tatsächlich auftreten? Schließlich kann niemand die Zukunft vorhersehen. Ohne übernatürliche Fähigkeiten ist Hellsehen ein ziemlich unsicherer Plan, oder?
Im Silicon Valley, dem Zentrum der amerikanischen Elektronik- und Computerbranche, werden Produkte zum Beispiel schon nach kurzer Entwicklungszeit auf den Markt gebracht, um zu sehen, ob sie erfolgreich sind oder nicht. Wenn ja, werden sie weiterentwickelt; wenn nein, werden sie verworfen. Während dort oft bereits klar ist, was funktioniert und was nicht, stecken wir hier noch in endlosen Strategieplanungen fest und überlegen, ob wir überhaupt mit einem Projekt beginnen sollten.
Vom Problem- zum Lösungsfokus
Die Art und Weise, wie wir Probleme und Herausforderungen betrachten, bestimmt maßgeblich unseren Erfolg. Wer sich zu sehr auf mögliche Fehler und Misserfolge konzentriert, läuft Gefahr, nie wirklich anzufangen. Ja, es ist richtig: Wenn man nie startet, scheitert man auch nicht. Doch ist das wirklich eine erstrebenswerte Strategie?
Kein Kind lernt laufen, ohne hinzufallen. Kein Sportler verbessert sich, ohne bereit zu sein, Fehler zu machen. Kein Verkäufer erzielt Abschlüsse, ohne vorher immer wieder Rückschläge hinzunehmen. Erfolg bedeutet, hinzufallen und wieder aufzustehen, nicht liegenzubleiben.
Es sind nicht die äußeren Umstände, die entscheiden, ob wir erfolgreich sind oder nicht, sondern der Fokus, den wir wählen. Wir können die Zukunft oder die Umstände nicht kontrollieren, aber wir können kontrollieren, wie wir darüber denken. Es liegt an uns, ob eine Niederlage uns zum Aufgeben bringt oder als Anreiz dient, es erneut zu versuchen.
"Ja, aber…" – Die Mentalität der Verhinderer
Hast du schon einmal bemerkt, wie oft in Meetings oder Diskussionen Sätze mit "Ja, aber …" beginnen? Jemand bringt eine Idee ein und sofort folgt: "Ja, aber das Problem ist …" Diese Einstellung bremst jede Diskussion und jedes Vorhaben aus. Wenn wir immer nur über Probleme sprechen, schaffen wir es kaum, Chancen zu erkennen oder zu nutzen. Dieses Verhalten führt dazu, dass wir uns in theoretischen Problemen verlieren, die oft noch nicht einmal existieren.
Natürlich sollte man nicht blindlings in jede Situation stürzen, aber wie sinnvoll ist es, sich auf potenzielle Probleme zu konzentrieren, die vielleicht nie eintreten? Mit einer "Ja, aber"-Haltung verhindern wir, dass Ideen zur Realität werden. Alles, was heute existiert, war einmal eine Idee, eine Vision. Wenn du etwas erreichen willst, musst du zunächst die Möglichkeit zulassen, dass es funktionieren könnte.
Die Kraft des Fokus: Was du siehst, das wirst du bekommen
Unser Handeln folgt immer unserem Fokus. Du kannst nicht nach links schauen und nach rechts laufen. Genauso kannst du nicht auf Probleme fixiert sein und gleichzeitig Lösungen finden.
Stell dir vor, du bereitest dich auf ein wichtiges Gespräch vor. Anstatt dir auszumalen, was alles schiefgehen könnte, visualisiere den bestmöglichen Ausgang. Wenn du dich auf Probleme konzentrierst, wirst du auch nur diese wahrnehmen. Richte deinen Fokus auf die Chancen und die positiven Ergebnisse, die du erreichen möchtest.
Es gibt ein einfaches, aber wirkungsvolles Gesetz: Unser Handeln wird immer von unserem Fokus bestimmt. Wenn wir nicht wollen, dass unser Fokus uns unbewusst steuert, müssen wir ihn bewusst lenken. Das bedeutet, wir müssen uns umprogrammieren – weg vom Problemfokus hin zum Lösungsfokus. Vom Hindernis-Seher zum Chancen-Sucher. Von dem, was schiefgehen könnte, zu dem, was wir erreichen wollen.
Wir haben die Wahl, wie wir auf die Herausforderungen des Lebens reagieren. Ein Perspektivenwechsel – vom Hindernis zur Chance – kann uns helfen, mehr Erfolg und Erfüllung zu finden. Wir sollten uns darauf konzentrieren, was wir erreichen wollen, anstatt uns von möglichen Problemen entmutigen zu lassen.
Lass uns anfangen, Chancen zu sehen und zu ergreifen, anstatt nur über Hindernisse zu sprechen. Denn letztlich hängt unser Erfolg davon ab, worauf wir unseren Fokus legen.
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alles-ist-anders · 2 years ago
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emma23 · 3 months ago
Headcanon y/n birthday: reaction of Oscar Issac characters:
Today is my birthday so I thought of this headcanon. I hope you like it !!! 💕
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Marc Spector:
Marc isn’t one for big gestures, but he knows how important your birthday is to you. He surprises you by taking you to a hidden spot in the city, a rooftop with a view of the skyline. It’s quiet, just the two of you, and he gives you something small but meaningful—a keepsake tied to his past as a mercenary, showing he trusts you with it.
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Jake Lockley:
Jake is more impulsive and unpredictable. He’ll whisk you away in his cab for an adventurous night. Maybe he takes you to a bar he frequents or somewhere a little dangerous but thrilling. He’s not great with words, but the way he looks at you throughout the night says it all.
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Steven Grant :
Steven plans your birthday down to the tiniest detail. He buys you thoughtful gifts related to Egyptian mythology or something niche you mentioned once in passing. He probably writes you a long, heartfelt letter expressing how much he appreciates you, though he’s shy when he gives it to you.
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Anselm Vogelweide:
Anselm makes your birthday weird but memorable. He’d throw together some bizarre but artistic celebration, like organizing a poetry reading in your honor or giving you an odd, homemade invention. It’s quirky, and maybe not exactly what you wanted, but you appreciate his eccentric effort.
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Blue Jones:
Blue acts possessive on your birthday, insisting on controlling the entire day. He organizes everything—what you wear, where you go, and who you see. He gets jealous of anyone else trying to make the day special for you and reminds you constantly that he’s the one who knows you best.
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Poe Dameron:
Poe’s birthday surprise is exciting and full of energy. He takes you on a joyride in his X-wing, giving you an incredible view of the galaxy. Later, he throws a big party with the Resistance, complete with drinks, laughter, and maybe even a little dancing.
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Santiago "Pope" Garcia:
Santiago is practical but thoughtful. He gets you something useful, like a new piece of gear or equipment, but there’s a sentimental note to it. He organizes a low-key celebration with just close friends, but there’s an intensity in his eyes when he hands you your gift, as if it means more than he’s letting on.
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Nathan Bateman:
Nathan doesn’t do “emotional” birthdays. He gifts you something high-tech and experimental, probably something you don’t even know how to use. He teases you about it, but there’s a glimmer of affection in his sarcasm. He likes pushing your boundaries, so expect something intellectual or provocative as part of the celebration.
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Jonathan Levy:
Jonathan is thoughtful but reserved. He plans a quiet dinner, just the two of you, and cooks your favorite meal. He’s not overly emotional, but the way he listens to you and the meaningful conversations you share show how much he values you. He might also offer a small, symbolic gift that reflects your relationship.
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Duke Leto Atreides:
Leto is noble and composed, treating your birthday with the utmost respect. He gifts you something grand, perhaps a precious item from the royal house of Atreides or a rare artifact. The celebration is elegant, yet intimate, and he makes sure to convey how honored he is to have you by his side.
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amsukebe · 1 year ago
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Jin Sakai, Ghost of Tsushima
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pudgiehedgie · 22 days ago
it's wild because openai just did this to one of their own copyright whistleblowers, and techbros are in complete denial of openai's possible involvement, 'no not our openai, why would they kill a guy that whistleblows on them for scrapeing ai training off of copyrighted artworks.'
Sucher Balaji just mysteriously committed suicide recently, like the day before he was due for trial, and he just offed himself, and everyone in the police and medical examiners office just agreed that it was suicide.
I would really like it if this man's name was shared like these folks because he was trying to do the right thing like them.
Remember earlier this year when Boeing very clearly had a whistleblower executed? And law enforcement didn't even look for anyone or release any info about it or anything?
People keep comparing Luigi Mangione's case to the subway murderer who got off because of systemic eugenics, but I think there's something more apt about the fact that a CEO had someone executed in recent memory, with zero attempts to find a culprit, while they spared no expense at all to find (and probably frame, it's beginning to look like) someone who shot a CEO. It's always fine to slaughter if you're rich, but if you kill the rich, they will hunt you down.
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opera-ghosts · 4 months ago
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The German dramatic soprano Rosa Sucher (1849-1927) was the first Isolde at the Bayreuth Festival. She celebrated triumphs on several continents, especially in the Wagner repertoire. She spent her final years impoverished and completely paralyzed, dependent on outside support.
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dragansilvia · 1 year ago
Entfesselte Vielfalt-Deutschlands Bordelle für jeden Geschmack neu definiert
Am oberen Ende des Spektrums stehen Luxusbordelle, die Opulenz neu definieren (http://tinyurl.com/4r98kpxt). Diese Einrichtungen zeichnen sich durch großzügige Innenräume, diskrete Eingänge und einen Fokus auf die Bereitstellung eines High-End-Erlebnisses aus. Gäste können eine Mischung aus Komfort, Eleganz und Genuss erwarten, was diese Veranstaltungsorte zu einem Zufluchtsort für diejenigen macht, die ein raffiniertes und luxuriöses Erlebnis suchen.
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uhohdad · 3 months ago
(18+) König x Reader - Jealous of Your Sex Toys
WARNING: Implied Toxic Relationship Dynamic
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You’re a grown woman. You are allowed to have sex toys - it’s expected even. And yet, you feel guilty. Caught doing something you shouldn’t have been. Body locked up and eyes wide as you stare down at the brightly-colored silicone sex toys resting in the flat of König’s massive palm.
“You don’t need these. I’m enough for you, ja?”
It’s a simple question - a yes or no question - but you both know there was enough strings attached you could spool it into a ball of abrasive twine.
You weigh your options.
‘Yes’ - No more sex toys for you. A life of relying purely on your fingers and him, clit never knowing the buzz of a vibrator again. Giving into his will and letting him control you to a degree that you know isn’t healthy.
‘No’ -
Well, you can’t say no.
Aside from how soul crushing you understand the weight of that word would be coming from you - it’s far from the truth. He is enough for you. More than enough - too big, even. Too insatiable. Too much of an ego to not leave you whimpering and covered in the evidence of finish after finish until you were begging him to stop.
Your hesitance is somehow worse than either of your impossible options. You should have just blurted the first answer that came to mind.
His brow quirks as his gaze continues to bore into you with sly, half-lidded eyes.
“No?” He asks, with a quirk of his brow and a thrilling glint of mischief in his eye.
You still can’t bring yourself to confirm or deny.
He nods in understanding, his giant hands wrapping around your sex toys, so little in his palms.
“That’s okay, mein Nervenkitzel Sucher,” He purrs, “I can share.”
Your shoulders brace instinctively, insides coiling as tight as that ball of abrasive twine, those attached strings getting more and more tangled with every silken word that rolls from his tongue. He says it’s okay - but it sure doesn’t feel like he means it. Choking you with those tricky strings.
The fistful of your sex toys - your misdeeds, your dirty, shameful little secrets - falls to his side. He approaches with precise steps until he’s between your knees, looming over you.
“I’ll show you,” He says with a dangerous crinkle in his eyes, a sickeningly sweet smile surely hidden underneath that mask.
You unintentionally shrink in on yourself in the shadow of his hulking, commanding figure. A calculated move. Not-so-subtly reminding you of just how small and defenseless you are in his presence. His voice drops, and those brows furrow, that smile surely faded behind the black fabric obscuring his face as he stares down at you intensely.
Your mouth has gone dry, your attempt at words - an apology, a flirt, a joke, anything - leaves you as nothing but a dried out squeak lodged deep in the back of your throat.
“I’ll show you how I share.”
“Sh, sh. Isn’t this what you wanted, Blümchen? To keep both?”
You let out a truly pathetic whine, throwing your head back on the mattress. How many times have you cum?
You lost count, lost your very rationality, lost to him - the gift of bittersweet pleasure twisted into something unbearable.
“Greedy, greedy girl.”
Plugged, stuffed, and spread open. Your vibrator buzzes ruthlessly on your abused, swollen, throbbing clit at a torturous speed. Restrained by your own handcuffs, secured tightly to the headboard and keeping you from putting up the fight that would be useless anyway. There’s surely a metaphor hidden somewhere within this detail - but your thoughts are so clouded with arousal there’s no way you’d be find it.
Too much, too much, König, too much!
And while you know he knows exactly what you’re pleading, your mouth will never form the words - stifled by the drool-covered gag nestled between your lips.
His pumps in and out of you at a punishing pace, thick cock soaked with your arousal and disciplined hips snapping against the back of your thighs, ignoring the tears of pure overstimulation streaking down your temples.
He studies you with narrowed, unreadable eyes, watching you writhe. His stare lingers on your chest, arching and twisting beneath him as you fight the cruel pleasure between your legs. His stare is eerily cold for a man whose cock is being pleasured by a warm, tight cunt. You’re not even sure if he’s enjoying it, or if this is purely a lesson he must teach you in his eyes.
You know he’s trying to prove a point - to show you that you only need one or the other. Can’t you see? Both is just too much for a little girl like yourself to handle.
So choose wisely, little one.
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whereifindsanity · 4 months ago
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Margaret Sucher
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mariacallous · 3 months ago
A far-right party founded by former Nazis whose leader has adopted a moniker used by Adolf Hitler won in Austria’s national elections on Sunday.
The showing by the Freedom Party, known by the acronym FPO, is unprecedented there since the end of World War II and adds to a wave of support for far-right parties across Europe.
FPO took 29% of the vote on Sunday, twice its tally from the last election in 2017, according to early results. The center-right party that currently leads the government came in second, with center-left and left-wing parties posting historically poor results.
Whether the FPO is actually able to form a government remains to be seen. Leaders of the other parties have sworn not to enter a coalition with its leader, Herbert Kickl, who has said he wants to be seen as “Volkskanzler,” a term meaning “people’s chancellor” that Hitler used to describe himself. FPO was founded in the 1950s by former members of the Nazi SS paramilitary group.
Just before the election, top-ranking FPO leaders attended the funeral of a longtime party politician, Walter Sucher, where attendees sang a song popularized by the Nazis that praises the “holy German Reich.” Sucher, who was 90 when he died, himself drew criticism two decades ago when, as a party representative, he saluted a meeting with the word “heil,” which is largely associated with Hitler.
In the lead-up to the election, the Austrian Jewish Students Union protested against FPO, saying that the group’s rise augured danger for Jews and others in the country.
“As young Jews, we often confront the tragic question of who would have hidden us during the Nazi era,” Alon Ishay, the group’s president, said in a statement shared by the European Jewish Congress. “The FPÖ leader’s response is brief and chilling: Herbert Kickl would have deported us.”
The wave of far-right successes across Europe are driven largely by rising anti-immigrant sentiment and discontent with the governing parties; the parties are typically fiercely nationalist and, in many cases, pro-Russia. A far-right politician, Geert Wilders, won the Netherlands’ national election in December, not long after a politician once photographed wearing a Nazi armband won Italy’s election. The far right in France posted stronger-than-expected results in the country’s surprise elections this summer. And earlier this month, a far-right party won a state election in Germany for the first time since World War II.
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oldsardens · 6 months ago
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Jurgen Klauke - Sucher
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babybatgrimm · 2 years ago
Patchwork and Platforms | Simon 'Ghost' Riley X Medic!Reader {Chapter 1, Page 1}
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Summery: Ghost, ever vigilant, is caught off guard by the reality of who the 141's new medic is outside of work.
Warnings: fem!reader, goth!reader, canon injuries, swearing, needles, stitches, use of she/her/her's, reader call sign is Stitch/Stitches
A/N: this is my first story on here, and my first in awhile, so I apologise if I'm rusty 😅 I had this (very self indulgent) idea awhile ago, decided it was time to make it a reality, enjoy!
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It had been a long one, but the mission was finally over. However, Ghost, along with a few others, had managed to get injured somewhere along the way.
As the chopper touched down back at base, Ghost half stepped, half fell, out of the door onto the tarmack, steadying himself before, slowly but surely, limping his way to the infirmary. He'd never been one to let someone else take care of him, but something about the experience was easier when it was her.
Stitches. A rather short medic, though who isn't compared to him? Her eyes sparkled as she looks up at him, wearing her usual lab coat and long scrub pants, smiling sweetly at the much larger man in her doorway. Her smile quickly fades to an upset pout as she noticed his leg, bloodstained pants covering what she ssumes are bullet holes.
As she rises from her desk, she gives a small huff, gently leading Ghost to the table before grabbing the necessary tools; scissors, a needle, sucher, gauze, disinfectant, and cotton swabs. Making her way back over to his side, looking up at him before she spoke.
"I need to see your leg, can I cut this?" She asks with a velvet voice, gently moving the fabric of his pants when he nods, she began delicately snipping the fabric to make the wounds visible. A short sigh leaves her lips at the sight of two holes, one in the lower thigh, the other in the middle.
"This is gonna sting." She warns, gently soaking the cotton swabs in disinfectant. "Ready?" Her soft eyes met his, Ghost giving a short nod, followed by a soft wince as the disinfectant starts to do it's job. Gently wiping the blood away and disinfecting the wounds, she grabs the needle to start stitching him up.
"What'd I do withou' ya'?" Ghost chuckles softly, watching her steady hands effortlessly stitch his leg closed. She smiles softly, her eyes not leaving her task as she replies.
"You'd all be long gone without me," she giggles, snipping the end of the sucher twine and placing them to the side. "Especially you and Soap" she teases, gently sticking the gauze over the stitches before wrapping his leg in a bandage.
"Suppose you can't leave us then" Ghost replies, looking at his leg before sitting up slowly, watching her take off her gloves and throw them in the bin.
"You lot wouldn't last five minutes if I left" she teased, giggling as she turns back to looks at him "so I guess not" she smiles up at him as he stands up "good as new" she gestures to his leg.
Ghost chuckles low in his chest, barely more than a rumble like stones in a cave. "Thanks Stitch" he says before starting to walk away, something telling him to pause and turn around. He takes a moment to compose himself before he speaks again. "Hey Stitches?"
Hearing his voice again, she turns back to him from her desk, a soft, confused, mildly concerned look on her face "yes, Ghost?" She asks, her voice sweet as honey.
His breath hitches in his throat at her saying his name. He forces a deep breath. "I was wondering if you'd wan' ta' come out with Johnny an' I. We're going to a pub 'e found in town and won't shut up abou'" he tries to sound calm, but there's a hint of nervousness in his voice.
Much to his surprise, he watches the corners of her mouth quirk up into a soft, sweet smile "what's the dress code?" She asks with a hint of amusement at his nervousness.
Ghost can't help but blink in surprise 'i didn't think that'd work' realising that he's staring, he clears his throat in an attempt to compose himself. "Uh.. well, just.. whatever you'd usually wear out with friends?" He asks more than says it, feeling the heat build behind his mask.
"sure, I'll meet you there then?" She smiles at him, as if oblivious to his nervousness. He was a bit thankful for it, but also somewhat disappointed, though he wasn't sure why.
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Ghost is slumped in a booth, sitting beside Soap, who's in the middle of the curved seat. Intently listening to soaps rambles, he scans the room.
Minutes pass by, Soap continuing to drone on as ghost slowly lost track of what he was saying as he keeps an eye out for her, waiting for her small figure to come into view.
After about an hour, he's looking between his glass and Soap, given up on her coming when Soap shoves his elbow. Ghost shoots him a glare before realising Soap is staring at something, or rather, someone. Turning his head to follow Soap's gaze, his own landing on her. No longer the soft, cute medic he'd come to know.
Before him, making her way to the table, he can't help but take in every detail. The black, platform boots that make her almost his height, the ripped skinny jeans, the cropped hoodie that meets the hem of her jeans with chains resting over her hip. Her lips stained black with lipstick, the sharp cateye eyeliner, paired dark red eyeshadow. It was like a dream striding toward him.
His eyes continue to linger as she smiles at the two men, taking a seat in the booth, across the table from Ghost. He only realises he's been staring when Soap kicks his shin, greeting her and striking up a conversation as she flags down the bartender to order.
After a few minutes, Soap announces he needs to use the bathroom, fumbling as he climbs out of the booth, trotting off to the bathroom in the corner. Ghost stares down at his glass before his breath hitches at the sound of her voice.
"you just gonna stare at me all night, or are you gonna say somethin'?" She asks, sipping her drink as she eyes him, watching his reaction. He takes a deep breath, lifting his eyes to meet hers. He swallows the lump in his throat, toying with his glass as he speaks.
"jus' wasn't expectin' ya' to look like... This" he gestures to her, feeling his chest ache as he watches her smile twist into a frown
"you don't like it?" She pouts slightly, he quickly shakes his head, waving a hand in defence. "No no, I do, I just.. wasn't what I expected is all." He mumbles, his voice low as his eyes drop back to his glass, drinking the rest and flagging the bartender for another.
"well what?"
"do you like it?" She asks, her voice filled with curiosity and something else Ghost can't quite pinpoint. He gazed back up at her, meeting her questioning eyes as he takes a moment.
"I do."
"yes." He says bluntly, nodding to the bartender as he's given another glass, before looking back at her "I just expected something... Softer." He states simply, sipping his drink.
"why, cause I'm a medic?"
"no, just seemed like you'd rather something like that. But I ain't complainin'" he chuckles, low, almost inaudible amongst the noise of the pub, especially when Soap makes his way back to the table, yelling something, but it only fell on deaf ears as Ghost watched her, examining every detail of her face the way it is, noting the way her nose scrunches as Soap makes her laugh, the small crease on her cheekbone that come out when she smiles.
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Hours, many drinks, and laughter pass before the three decide it's time to head back to base.
Ghost has Soap's arm draped over his shoulder, carrying him as he stumbles, slurring his words as he looks up at the larger man "you teh' best LT!" he grins before hiccuping and almost falling if it weren't for Ghost's hold on him.
Soft thuds follow along beside Ghost, keeping an eye on Soap as she keeps up with Ghost's walking pace. She shakes her head and giggles as Soap professes how much he appreciates the two as they walk back onto base, ghost quickly taking Soap to his room, leaving Stitches to wonder back to her own.
After about an hour however, Stitch hears a solid, but soft, knock on her door. She paused in confusion before walking over to the door, as she opens it, she's met with the chest of Ghost, who she looks up at and smiles.
Ghost pauses, taking in her smile, examining her now plain face and clothes. 'she looks a lot more comfortable' he thinks to himself before speaking. "I uh.. I jus' wanted to tell ya, I.. thought you looked really good. Earlier. I mean, not that you don't now, I just-" his nervous rambles are interrupted by her sweet giggle.
He looks down at her, the tension in his shoulders easing as she smiles at him. "Thank you, Ghost." He paused for a moment before replying. "My names Simon."
"Thank you, Simon." She says softly, soon closing the door once again. Ghost stands there for a moment, smiling softly to himself as he makes his way back to his room.
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PT 2?
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emma23 · 2 months ago
headcanon y/n and Oscar Isaac characters during Halloween:
Happy Halloween guys 🎃
Hope u enjoy it 💕🤗
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Steven Grant:
Halloween brings out Steven's passion for mythology, and he suggests a night tour of the museum to explore its more mysterious artifacts. As he eagerly guides you through the Egyptian exhibits, he starts sharing stories.
“Did you know the ancient Egyptians believed the dead lived in a world parallel to ours?” Steven’s eyes light up as he whispers. “They thought, on certain nights, like All Hallows' Eve, the boundary thins.”
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued. “You mean like... they could just walk back into our world?”
Steven laughs nervously. “Yeah, but don’t worry! They’re friendly spirits, mostly.” He leans closer, eyes wide with excitement. “Although, if we see anything out of place… just, uh, pretend you don’t notice it.”
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Marc Spector:
Marc isn’t one for costumes or spooky stories, but he’s all in for protecting you during a Halloween adventure. He ends up taking you to an abandoned warehouse turned haunted house. You’re both wandering through dark corridors when he notices you jump at a sudden sound.
“You alright?” Marc’s voice cuts through the dark, firm but soft.
You laugh, catching your breath. “Yeah, just… wasn’t expecting that.”
Marc smirks, moving in closer. “You’re safe with me. Besides,” he adds, “those fake ghosts have nothing on the things I’ve seen.”
“Care to share any horror stories?” you tease.
His smile fades, turning into a mock-glare. “Nah. Some things are better left in the dark, trust me.”
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Jake Lockley:
Jake insists on taking you for a wild ride through the city at midnight, where the two of you watch costumed crowds roam the streets. You pull out your phone to capture the scene, but he nudges it down.
“Forget the photos,” he says, one hand resting casually on the steering wheel. “Some things, you gotta see for yourself.”
You raise an eyebrow. “What, like you?”
Jake chuckles, eyes flicking to you. “Exactly.” He slows down, the car idling under a streetlight. “Want to do something that’ll really give us a thrill?”
Your eyes widen. “What do you have in mind?”
He smirks, tapping the steering wheel. “Trust me. I’ve got a few tricks.”
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Anselm Vogelweide:
Anselm has his own idea of Halloween—a bit unconventional. He takes you to a dingy jazz club, far from any typical Halloween crowd. As you both settle in, he orders two drinks and raises his glass.
“To... not being anywhere near a bunch of fake monsters,” he murmurs dryly.
You clink glasses, laughing. “So, not a fan of Halloween?”
He shrugs, a faint grin pulling at his lips. “Why pretend to be something you’re not? Reality’s scarier than any costume.”
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Blue Jones:
Halloween with Blue is an extravagant affair. He insists on going to an exclusive masquerade ball, and you find yourself in an elegant costume that he’s carefully chosen.
“You’re quite the mystery tonight,” you tease, as you both dance in the candlelit hall.
He smirks, his eyes glinting behind his mask. “Tonight, all eyes are on you, sweetheart.”
As you dance, he leans in close. “Tell me, do you really think anyone else here can match up to me?”
You laugh, knowing exactly what he’s doing. “You really don’t have to worry.”
“I know,” he replies smoothly, his arm tightening around your waist. “But it’s more fun to make sure.”
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Poe Dameron:
Poe is all about the thrill of Halloween, and he suggests a late-night ghost tour at a supposedly haunted location. As you walk through the eerie surroundings, he stays close by, casting playful glances your way.
“Alright,” he grins, “if you see anything spooky, just scream, and I’ll heroically save you.”
You roll your eyes. “Pretty sure I could handle a ghost myself, Poe.”
He laughs. “Oh, so you’re the tough one tonight?”
“Guess so,” you reply, smirking. “Maybe I’ll be the one saving you.”
Poe’s laughter echoes in the quiet as he wraps an arm around you. “Alright, hero, lead the way. But I reserve the right to hide behind you if things get intense.”
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Santiago Garcia:
Pope keeps it low-key, but he suggests exploring an old, rumored-to-be-haunted trail. Walking side by side under the moonlight, he keeps you talking, subtly checking the surroundings.
“So, what’s your take on ghosts?” he asks, giving you a sideways glance.
You shrug. “I think they’re probably out there… somewhere.”
He nods, pretending to be deep in thought. “You know, if we see one, you’ve got to be the brave one.”
You laugh. “What, the tough ex-soldier needs protection?”
“Hey, I never said I was scared,” he teases, nudging you. “Just wouldn’t want them getting in the way of our night.”
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Nathan Bateman:
Nathan’s Halloween style is an intellectual one. He invites you over to his house for a horror movie marathon, accompanied by his very strong opinions on everything you watch.
During a jump scare, you flinch, and he raises an eyebrow. “Scared?”
You play it off. “No, just… surprised.”
He chuckles, leaning back. “Look, most of this stuff is laughable if you think about it. The real horror? The way humans mess with things they don’t understand.”
You smirk. “Like you?”
“Exactly,” he replies, a devilish glint in his eye. “Welcome to the scariest place of all—my mind.”
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Jonathan Levy:
Jonathan is surprisingly sweet about Halloween. He plans a cozy night in with you, pumpkin carving and Halloween treats included. As he carefully carves a pumpkin, you try to match his focus but end up making a mess.
He laughs, shaking his head. “Here, let me help. You’re... definitely not doing this right.”
You hand over your pumpkin. “Fine, but don’t judge my carving skills.”
He grins, working quickly. “Wouldn’t dream of it. But next time, maybe we’ll pick something less… complicated.”
You both laugh as he finishes the pumpkin, the warm glow of the candle inside casting shadows across the room.
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haikuckuck · 3 months ago
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Das Foto habe ich mit einer älteren canon bridge camera gemacht,ohne Sucher,nur display hat sie.So erkannte ich die Nacktschnecke erst auf dem leicht ausschnittvergroesserten Bild!
Wohl ein Schnegel,ist es eine Tigerschnecke???
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year ago
You made me cry with "The Watch". I love how you write! The 12k words had my heart squashed with that beautiful angst you wrote. I couldn't stop reading. As much as I tend to prefer to read lighter pieces, I'm a sucher for the angst you wrote. Although, all that angst was so worthy just to read that feralJoel, lol!🤣 He was lost as soon as he spent some time with Baby Doll. At his core, he's a protector, an aloof, unhinged, and sometimes scary one, but at the end of the day, it's what he's. And for someone who gives him some hope and brings light into his life, he would scorch the whole QZ if needed. Thank you so much for sharing this! I wouldn't mind it at all if you decided to write a second part of this.♥️♥️♥️
Ahhh thank you so much, Bestie!
I'm so glad you're on board for my angst lol QZ Joel feels so angsty to me, I can't with him. I love him so much but he's such a tortured soul, there's so much internal conflict that he has to be angsty. And then we get Feral!Joel out of it so... lmfaooooo FERAL JOEL FERAL JOEL FERAL JOEL God he's so fun to write and watch and just have in the world. Love him!!
Thank you so much for reading!! Love you!!
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opera-ghosts · 1 year ago
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„WALKÜRE“ R. Wagner / SECOND ACT Some Sieglindes, Siegmunds and Walkyries
Henriette Gottlieb (Brünnhilde), ? Friechrichs and others, Berlin, ?
Walkyries: E. Overgaard (Gerhilde), M. Rassmussen (Ortlinde), E. Leisner (Waltraute), A. Maucher (Schwertleite), L. Hoffmann (Helmwiege), M. Schreber-Sattler (Siegrune), I. Dörwald (Grimgerde) and I. Sarauw (Rossweise). Bayreuth, 1925
N. Larsen-Todsen (Brünnhilde), Charlotte Müller, Ingeborg Holmgren, and others, Bayreuth, 1927
Walkyries and Sieglinde. No informations
Walkyries - No informations
Walkyries - No informations
Walkyries - Toulouse, 1920es
Anny Konetzni (Brünnhilde) and Walkyries, with ? Vienna Volksoper (Backstage), 1926
Alois Burgstaller (Siegmund), Rosa Sucher (Sieglinde) and Ellen Gulbranson (Brünnhilde)Bayreuth, ?
Heinrich Vogl as Siegmund. Bayreuth, ?
? as Siegmund, Strassbourg, ?
? as Sieglinde, Köln, ?
Hanni Weber as Sieglinde. ?, ?
Wälsungspaar: ? and ? No informations (probably Toulouse or a french opera house)
Dr Horst Wolf (Siegmund) and Anny Prell (Sieglinde).Dessau, 1955
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