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mstrchu · 6 months ago
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he has the juice
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spicy-apple-pie · 9 months ago
Imagine Bruce being Jon’s godfather. Like imagine a couple of days after Jon is born he comes to visit the Kent’s and little Jon
He gets there and both Lois and Clark are totally pooped. They apologize for not being better hosts, but Bruce was prepared. He brought some of Alfred’s cooking for them to enjoy while he gets to play with the baby. And although he doesn’t help with the mess in the house, he gives Lois and Clark a couple hours rest.
And he spoils Jon rotten. He brings like a thousand baby toys and state of the art bassinets and baby carriers. And it’s just so painfully obvious that he’s living vicariously through the Kent’s.
But you know what? They get to lay down for a while so it’s fine.
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minyard-05 · 1 month ago
need to keep a little printed photo of neil josten in my wallet so he can help me make decisions
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patchesjam · 2 months ago
Dtblr Census: The Results 
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Hello all and welcome back to the DTBLR census of 2024/25. Happy Late New Year all! There are 5 parts to these results: Read as much or as little as you wish and thank you all for taking part.
Part 1: Popular and Unpopular CCs
Part 2: A Comparison with June 2023
Part 3: A Look at DTBLR in the Mirror
Part 4 : A communist perspective on the 1%
Part 5: The Average Dtblr Member
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hexblooded · 1 year ago
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natasha: d&d character profile
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months ago
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Siffrin plays Disco Elysium AU: Featuring backseat gamer Loop.
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xxplastic-cubexx · 4 months ago
*puts my fingers together* Can see see fastbender Magneto's comic accurate costume in ur style?
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you may have this outfit. ONCE ☝️
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wisteriagoesvroom · 11 months ago
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thunderstomm · 7 months ago
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“I wish… I WISH…!”
Alt. Version without the abstract shapes:
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CHARACTER/S: Dev Dimmadome
Time Taken: 2 Days
Program: Procreate
Likes, Comments and Shares are appreciated!
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a2zillustration · 1 year ago
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The most persuasive wizard you've ever met
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[[ All Croissant Adventures (chronological, desktop) ]]
[[ All Croissant Adventures (app) ]]
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nostalgia-tblr · 1 month ago
okay, so the thing with wishing we could kudos every chapter of a fic.
i get it, we all want to hit the little like button more than once, it's the easiest way to express our approval/enjoyment/gratitude. i am going to address this to a generic 'you' (hello Y/N!) and assume that 'you' has either never posted fic to ao3 or hasn't posted both oneshots and multichapter works.
hits, kudos, comments, bookmarks. every marker of popularity (which many will interpret as quality) on ao3 is inadvertantly weighted in favour of works with more chapters. no, not longer necessarily, but with more chapters. go and sort a few fandoms by any of those stats and you'll probably be able to spot this trend in action right away.
oneshots are only at the top of a tag (by the default date sorting) once, and even if you re-read it you can only leave one kudos on it.
a multichapter can stay near the top of the update-sorted results for months if you time your chapter drops right, and of course every time someone comes back for the next chapter that's another hit, and being seen more it is more likely to end up with more kudos. you can still only leave one per work, though, which limits the effects to some extent. multichapter works still tend to overall outperform oneshots on stats, and the longer they are the more likely that becomes, but you'll still usually see a couple of oneshots on the first page if you sort that list by kudos.
and a lot of people (percentage unknown) do sort by kudos (or some other stat) and works at the top of 'by kudos' will thus attract more readers and more kudos. so there's an incentive to get as many kudos as you can on your fic, and if cutting it up into 250 chapters will help... well it already does, and that's had an effect whether writers will admit to dragging fics out a bit on purpose or not, but imagine if that effect were to become orders of magnitude more intense.
even if you personally prefer longer fics cut into fairly short chapters, you probably don't want to get your 150k epic in chapters of only a 100-300 words, do you? you don't want the oneshot writers to just give up when every page, no matter how they're sorted, is full of 5000-chapter works to the point that readers now riot when asked to read a whole 2000 words in one go. your fave author is now feeling insecure because chapter 12 didn't get as many kudos as the last one did.
and this is why ao3 will never let you leave kudos on every chapter. they're aware that the site already incentivises chaptering works and doing that more than you otherwise might. so you're just going to have to learn to put an emoji heart in the comment box.
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zabreus · 2 years ago
one thing i see a bit with disco elysium fan script is a conflation between a failed skill check and bad advice from a skill. one of the beautiful things about DE is the skills are not arbiters of truth; successful checks won’t always lead to the correct outcomes, and a skill level being too high can impair you. in that sense, a failed passive (“anti-passive” according to wiki) wouldn’t be a skill giving bad advice, but a skill failing to fulfill its duty.
(bad example ahead) so it wouldn’t be:
LOGIC [Trivial - Failure]: Stick a fork in the toaster.
but more like:
BREAD-TOASTER: You peek into the narrow opening at the top of the electric bread-toaster.
PERCEPTION: You find a slice of bread wedged between the filaments. Smoke wafts into your nostrils. It’s burning, and you seemingly have no way of retrieving it.
INTERFACING [Challenging - Success]: The metal fork you found in the cupboard. It should be both long and sturdy enough for the job.
You: Grab the fork.
INLAND EMPIRE [Medium - Success]: The tips of your fingers tingle. This seems like a very bad idea.
LOGIC [Easy - Failure]: You are uncertain of the outcome here.
1. Use the fork to fish out the toast.
2. “This is beneath me.”
3. [Half-Light - Godly 16] Establish dominance. Fuck the toaster.
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raeofgayshine · 2 years ago
Thinking again about the fact that when Eddie and Dustin finally convince Steve to play DnD with the party, all of them, but especially Eddie, quickly become exasperated with Steve who has extremely high charisma, and decides that he can fix almost any situation by flirting with whoever they were in conflict with. Especially the fucking monsters, this man is bound and determined to himself a monster boyfriend and until it happens, he will make every single person they come across fall in love with him. So naturally, this happens a lot:
Steve: I’m going to flirt with them
Eddie, exasperated: Steve, you can’t date this monster, he’s trying to kill you-
Steve: Hot.
Steve: I’ll flirt with them harder then
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emo-nova · 1 year ago
Okay, au where Shen Yuan is the older than Shen Jiu and Yue Qing. And this boy just goes "I'm a single mother of two" mode, he is responsible but is on the fringes of unhealthily independent as to make sure both of these kids get food and water and have a somewhat decent childhood.
Shen Jiu most likely sees Shen Yuan as a reliable adult but with a bad penchant of focusing too much on Shen Jiu and Yue Qi for resources. Yue Qi sees the same but wants to help Shen Yuan in getting more food and water.
Of course when the Qiu House comes knocking, Shen Yuan puts himself in the stead of Shen Jiu and ensures both of them leave. While Shen Yuan tries to both get a better standing in the house and looking to leave over the course of the years, he doesn't hold out much hope for Shen Jiu and Yue Qi to come back.
Last SY saw of them, they were kids, thin and tiny and barely fast enough to outrun adults. But when almost a decade comes, both of them rock up.
SJ is pissed, but looks composed, but still ready to burn the place down. YQ is livid, looking calm as anything, but is talking very nicely with the Young Master of the house in getting one of their slaves.
SY is brought out. He looks slightly healthier, not much, but he has some weight to him, and he is clothed better than rags. He looks presentable. He looks over to the two and has a mini heart attack.
Dawning realisation that "oh fuck, I was raising the scum villain and the head of Cang Qiong Peak" add a light anxiety attack in his head as he just watches everything happen.
They leave, SY in slight shock as he is now free, to Cang Qiong. Now this can go anywhere.
I personally want SY to not be a cultivator but a librarian to the libraries of SJ's peak to help Binghe get the correct manuel but also guide him a teacher-adjacent way to him and others.
Sure, SY would have a shorter life compared to others, but I think with him trying to become a cultivator when he is an adult already would be more difficult and just not worth it.
But anyone can pick this up to something else, possible with a hibernating system until Binghe comes around? Who knows? But enjoy this random, in the moment au :D
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gloomglimmer · 27 days ago
𝐃𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐄𝐑  𝟎𝟎𝟏  here  is  my  latest  dossier  template!  designed  to  help  you  explore  and  develop  your  character  in  depth!  please,  like  or  reblog  if  you  intend  on  using. 
Full  Name:
Known  Alias(es):
Sexual  &  Romantic  Orientation:
Status:  (Alive,  deceased,  missing,  verse-dependent,  etc.)
Residencies:  (List  properties,  safe  houses,  or  frequently  visited  locations.)
Highest  Education  Level:
Occupation(s):  (Primary  career,  side  ventures,  or  any  criminal  affiliations.)
Facial  Features:
Faceclaim:  (Optional  visual  reference)
Voice:  (Describe  tone,  accent,  speaking  style,  and  cadence.)
Voiceclaim:  (Optional  reference  for  speech  patterns  or  voice  tone.)
Body  Type:
Distinguishable  Marks:  (Scars,  tattoos,  or  unique  features.)
Mental  Illnesses  (if  applicable):  (Diagnosed  or  speculated  disorders.)
Psychological  Profile:  (Core  motivations,  fears,  triggers,  etc.)
Positive  Traits:  (List  at  least  four.)
Negative  Traits:  (List  at  least  four.)
Alignment  Type:  (D&D  alignment  or  custom  moral  code.)
Personality  Type  (MBTI):
Phobias:  (If  any.)
Mannerisms:  (Unconscious  habits,  nervous  tics,  or  common  gestures.)
Hobbies  &  Interests:  (Leisure  activities,  intellectual  pursuits,  or  obsessions.)
Combat  Style:  (Brutal,  strategic,  erratic,  refined?)
Weapon  of  Choice:  (Blades,  firearms,  improvised  weapons,  etc.)
Hand-to-Hand  Combat  Proficiency:  (Strengths  &  weaknesses  in  close  combat.)
Tactical  Strengths:  (Leadership,  adaptability,  patience,  etc.)
Tactical  Weaknesses:  (Blind  spots,  arrogance,  temper,  emotional  ties.)
Signature  Techniques:  (Favored  moves  or  combat  tricks.)
Pain  Tolerance:  (How  well  do  they  withstand  pain  or  injuries?)
Defensive  Skills:  (Escape  artist?  Counter-fighter?  Tank?)
Family:  (List  members  and  relationship  status.)
Allies  &  Associates:  (Trusted  confidants  or  powerful  connections.)
Rivalries:  (Ongoing  personal  or  professional  conflicts.)
Enemies:  (Those  actively  working  against  them.)
Romantic  History:  (List  known  or  rumored  relationships.)
Notable  Friends:  (True  friendships  vs.  strategic  alliances.)
Daily  Routine:  (Structured,  chaotic,  or  ritualistic?)
Diet  &  Nutrition:  (Healthy,  indulgent,  restrictive,  etc.)
Exercise  Habits:  (Type  and  frequency  of  physical  activity.)
Grooming  Habits:  (Meticulous,  rugged,  or  indifferent?)
Substance  Use:  (Drinks?  Smokes?  Drugs?  How  frequently?)
Sleep  Patterns:  (Well-rested  or  chronically  exhausted?)
Personal  Aesthetic:  (Style,  wardrobe,  and  preferred  fashion  choices.)
Favorite  Books:
Favorite  Music  Genres:
Favorite  Art/Architecture:  (If  applicable.)
insert  here
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cementcornfield · 3 months ago
Would you take pride in Ja'Marr winning the triple crown?
Hell yeah, absolutely.
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