#Star Wars bound
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iftheresaproblem-whatever · 6 months ago
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My holiday ends today and I can now share photos of my look for Galaxy’s Edge inspired by “ma dude” Garazeb Orrelios.
I had a brilliant day on Batuu, the rides were incredible, the food and drinks were great and I got quite a few compliments on my look with many people saying how rare or “unique” it was. Zeb deffo needs more shirts and merchandise. Make it happen, Star Wars! Dude’s gonna be a movie star soon! 😏
Many thanks again goes to my good friend @ladywren7 for helping me design the perfect shirt for the day. 💜
I even got outfit approval from the king himself 😁 Icing on the cake!
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sheliesshattered · 11 months ago
After all my posting about Batuu Bounding the last few months, Jack and I did actually make it to Star Wars Nite 2024 last week! The new set of hooks and eyes I added to my vest helped it to lay much better in every way, and the rest of my outfit held up well, even with the colder night-time temperatures that set in by the end of the night. We arrived around 5pm and stayed until almost 1am, had a ton of fun, and remembered to take photos in a few places we'd missed during my birthday trip back in February.
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It was a ton of fun wearing my Batuu Bounding outfit again, and slipping back into Samæni Ray mode. I got to pilot the Falcon twice more (not that I've actually gotten any better at not crashing into things, lol) and ride Hyperspace Mountain and a few other things. We got stupidly lucky with our timing and got into Oga's with close to zero wait, enjoyed quite a lot of people watching and character spotting, ate lots of tasty treats, and generally had a blast.
This was the first trip out of the house for my lightsaber and the bag I made to carry it. The bag held up great and was lightweight and easy to carry, either slung across my back or hanging from one shoulder, depending on the density of the crowds. There were a ton of people just carrying their lightsabers in hand, and some people with the saber bags that Disney sells, but I really preferred the look and function of my bag. I also liked the look of my saber better than any others I saw, which I suppose is a good sign that all my effort to make a saber that's just mine really paid off.
As useful as the bag was, I did find a few chances to take my saber out, throughout the night -- one of the big lightsaber meetups in front of the Falcon with Rey and the whole crew, at the DJ stand at the hub to dance along to the music for awhile, and again later when the crowds were a bit thinner in front of the Falcon:
I was slightly off-balance trying to do my spins with my leather bag, but I'm still absolutely in love with how it looks with the Falcon in the background. I still want to make a whole post on the lightsaber itself, including the weathering I did on the hilt and maybe better footage of how good my spinning has gotten in the last couple of months. More of that to come at some point soon.
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leon-anna · 1 year ago
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Okay so there has been a shockingly small amount of Echo in this last season and I'm a little bit pissed. Don't get me wrong I've been loving every minute of it, BUT!!! I miss my Echo. I miss him. And honestly we have to rectify the situation, so here you go!
And obviously we couldn't not include our boi Tech, who is still alive by the way. We know he looks a bit different in Leon's art style, but that comes with trying to meld Tem's looks with the clone wars style and our own personal head cannons.
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tonyloon · 5 months ago
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Huxloween 2024 - Day 13 - Apocalypse -The true end of the world - Idea by @billiam-bonkarius & inspired by  @huxloween 's wonderful promptlist For all non-cat-owners: A hungry cat is as good as four apocalyptic horsemen
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skywalkr-nberrie · 7 months ago
Anakin’s love and marriage to Padmé wasn’t the issue of why he fell to the dark side. He was already being groomed by Palpatine in becoming his apprentice, and Padmé not being there wouldn’t have changed that. She just made it easier. Anakin was born a slave, which doesn’t leave him in the right headspace, and ever since Shmi died, Anakin became more unstable. Inevitably, he became more obsessed with control and wanting the power to stop the ones he loves from dying. Had Padmé not been in his life, Anakin still would have fallen due to Palpatine’s manipulations and topped with the Jedi’s mistreatment of Anakin. The Jedi and even OW failed Anakin in a way where Anakin came to a point where he doubts their faith in him, and he in return loses his trust him them. He says so himself in the ROTS novel. None of that had anything to do with Padmé.
But to insinuate that Anakin only cared for gaining “power” and essentially his “greed” is to blame for his actions, is super reductive understanding of his character. Yes, Anakin was greedy for control, and power. But not because he’s power hungry and wants to rule the galaxy. He only ever wanted more power to keep his loved ones safe, to assume control over what happens to him. (and this would’ve happened even if he and Padmé weren’t together.) saying that if Anakin “truly cared about saving his wife”, he would have told OW or any of the masters about his situation but didn’t because he was “greedy” is again, incorrect. Because Anakin DID go to the Jedi for advice. He talked to Yoda. Anakin put his faith into the Jedi but they didn’t exactly lead him down the path he needed.
Doubled with the fact that he knows the Council doesn’t trust him, and him not being sure he can trust them, (yes, including OW.) this led him to seeking answers in other and more dangerous places. Which was Palpatine. Whom Anakin is already vulnerable to and was being groomed by. Anakin’s fall to the darkside was due to his desperation and desire to save his wife, the love of his life. Not because he was greedy for more power and that he didn’t truly care about saving Padmé. That’s just a bad analysis of his character, intentions, and motivations. Anakin only became obsessed with the idea of “gaining power to rule and obtain authority” happened AFTER he fell. And that’s because the darkside plays with your sanity like that, makes you want and do things you normally wouldn’t do or want.
The main point is: Anakin’s fall doesn’t stem from his greed for wanting power because he seeks heroism, status, and authority. It was out of genuine love and desperation for his wife. Then again, his marriage to Padmé also isn’t to blame for his fall, because that was due to Anakin’s own fear of loss and abandonment. He would’ve fallen under any circumstance, with how unstable, vulnerable, and manipulated he was. That was the tragedy. He was always doomed to fall.
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kaxtwenty · 10 months ago
Y’know, considering all the mass-adoption and assimilation Mandalore has done, Mando’a probably has some of the craziest differences between regional dialects.
You will NEVER be able to convince me that clan Wren and clan Vizsla speak the same Mando’a. They probably have an easier time communicating with each other in Basic than their native language.
Just an absolute clusterfuck of a language, the Romans would pity them.
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mando-din-lorian · 2 years ago
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Bobadin Brain go VROOM
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yukipri · 1 year ago
Do you ever think about how common eclipses must be on Coruscant, which not only has FOUR moons, but has zero unpopulated surface area?
Eclipses are awesome, but they're also Events to us because Earth's so covered in water and inhabited areas are comparatively limited, so it's special when we can actually see them. But that's probably not the case for a lot of (most) planets.
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thecleverqueer · 7 months ago
I love how much Obi-Wan loves Anakin and Padme’s kids.
We see it all throughout his series.
He spends what little money he has to buy Luke a toy space ship. He dutifully watches over him everyday as he lives in a desolate, isolated desert scape.
He goes after Leia… fearful that he doesn’t have what it takes to save her any longer. He risks himself and everything else to find her. He taps into the force again after breaking himself off from it. He trusts her. He looks at her fondly. She reminds him of Padme.
Then, at the end, after Vader buries him alive, for a moment, he acts as if he has lost the will to live. He’s defeated. He thinks of the past. He feels that he failed Anakin. Flashbacks of their final moments on Mustafar plague him. Right as he’s about to give up completely, he thinks about the children. He sees flashes of Luke and Leia in his mind, and he draws upon the force. He is strengthened by his love and compassion for them. Even though he’d lost his family, lost Anakin, he still has an obligation to the kids. They provide hope to both he and the rest of the galaxy.
I don’t know. I just get all sentimental when I watch it. I just love Obi-Wan so much.
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this-acuteneurosis · 6 months ago
There are a lot of long distance "calls" that go just about as well as you would expect them to under these circumstance.
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justapotatoesack · 4 months ago
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Not even a day later and I’m redrawing them! The last one was kinda shit, so vampire Cody turning Obi-wan!
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wvyld · 1 month ago
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sheliesshattered · 1 year ago
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The silly pilot's license I mentioned in my post the other day just arrived! It's from this Etsy listing, and it turned out just as cool looking as I'd hoped. The seller was great to work with and let me use the unusual combined glyph for ae in my name, and it arrived stupidly fast. Now I'm going to be looking for excuses to bust this out when we're at Galaxy's Edge, lol.
In the background of this pic is the project currently on my sewing table, what I've dubbed the 'scrappy sweatshirt', which I'll be wearing under my Batuu vest unless the day turns out to be just obnoxiously warm. This bit right here is some detail from the lower section of the sleeve, but really the project deserves a whole post in its own right. I want to finish up the other sleeve, iron both of them, and take a couple pictures of everything, then I'll probably do a post sometime later tonight.
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imafluffycupcakey · 3 months ago
I love photo mode in games
Finally finding a good position to sleep in:
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(I probably sliced this last guy's arm off with the light saber)
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Rats :D
The second one was closest to Cal so he had a bit of detail to him, I couldn't get them when they spawned :')
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Now for the few nice photos I took:
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It's dangerous to go alone, take this:
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This is Jedi survivor, I've played the first game and a bit of this one on the Xbox. Had to start all over again :')
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guys-in-distress-database · 2 years ago
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Doctor Aphra #32.
I cannot express how ecstatic I am about this.
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merrysithmas · 2 years ago
lol laughing bc disney already ditched mando4 for "a truncated disney+ movie" because of the wga/sag strike (as if movies dont also need writers and actors lmaoooo). saying itll take too long to release mando4 and ahsoka2 before filoni's "mando-verse" movie and they need to speed things up LMAO
honey .... we all know you nuclear bombed the entire star wars franchise with the abominable mando3 and now youre scrambling bc you know no one on earth wants to watch the Bo Karen Adventure Show Part 2
and we know that disney is failing and they cant make mando4 at all unless they get bought out lmaooo.
so basically i was right when i said mando wont have another season, ahsoka wont get continued, and i fucking guarantee we wont be seeing this BS mcu mando movie from filoni 😂
like .. maybe .. every single one of your projects shouldnt be a convoluted mess and depend on each other to be released?? maybe literally no one on earth wants the MCU-ification of star wars??? maybe you shouldnt have assumed you could bait n switch a worldwide audience??? maybe your writing shouldnt nosedive and depend solely on the insane whims of one awful writer (Favreau) and someone with a horrible track record (Filoni).
allegedly this movie wont come out til "after 2026" too 🤣. so theyre thinking that ppl, who they already massively alienated, are going to ... still... care at that point?
man it literally is like the Microsoft Paint version of creative thought is running star wars over at DLF now.
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