#tony loon
djevilninja · 1 month
Toni Braxton feat Loon - Hit the Freeway (Extended Mix)
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commedessgarcons · 2 years
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quitecontraryy · 2 years
You had your chance, you owned me
What makes you want to call now?
Can you try and tell me what made you choose her as your friend?
Just when I think you've given up, it's you again.
All I can say… Farewell my lonely one
Nothing else here can be done
I don't ever want to see you again
You didn't do me right so
So long, goodbye, goodnight
Maybe in some other life
I'll see you again
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missvelvetsstuff · 3 months
As per usual, I'm a bit stuck on my current story, No Benefits(don't worry, I'm working on it but progress is slow.) And this idea popped into my head. Well, the truth is I rewatched the Newsroom and it gave me an idea. If you've seen the show you might see the similarities but it's not identical.
If you haven't seen the show, you really should.
Here's a draft of the prologue, LMK what you think and if you want more.
The Situation Room
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: After a mission almost gone wrong, Tony brings back Bucky's former assistant, who is also Bucky's ex. Can they work together without hurting each other? Will the whole truth about their break up finally come out?
Avengers AU where Thanos never happened.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, cannabis usage
Buckys motorcycle roared up the driveway of the Avengers compound, returning from a two week vacation after a mission fiasco. Tony had sent him to his house on Loon Lake, upstate. It was bigger and fancier than Bucky ever needed but secluded, quiet and on the water. Very relaxing. Pretty girls at the bar down the road helped pass the time.
He felt himself tensing as he parked and turned his bike off. Flashes of the drama went through his mind and he shook his head in an attempt to clear it.
His goddamn assistant had risked the mission when she didn't make sure he was fully  equipped. She was cute and not bad in the sack but had only lasted a few weeks before forgetting his favorite knife and guns, causing him to be unarmed and unable to protect the civilians he was trying to rush from the building. Thankfully Sam had been close by and able to get them to safety.
Bucky was lucky no one was killed. Well, no innocents were killed but a couple were seriously hurt, including a young girl, maybe 10 years old. He was shot as well but that was healed before he had headed upstate.
The press had a field day and the anti Avengers crowd went nuts. It didn't help that he lost his temper at a reporter who pushed a camera into his face, which he grabbed with his vibranium hand and crushed before returning it to the reporter with a big grin.
Bucky strode into the building, nodding at security as he passed, and went straight for his room to drop his backpack. Then he headed to the common room, just in time for dinner. Most of the team was there and Tony reminded him they needed to meet about the assistant situation.
Obviously his old assistant had been fired but a new one would need to be hired and Bucky hated that whole process. Tony expected him to at least sit in on the interviews since the first three he had were only interviewed by Pepper and washed out within the first week.
After he ate Bucky cleared his plate, confirmed he would meet up with Tony first thing in the morning, and went to bed.
His sleep was interrupted by nightmares of that mission, they had eased while he was gone but were back now that he was home. In his dreams, he failed and innocent people died, he watched that young girl bleed out in his arms before he woke up yelling.
Bucky was up at 5am, worked out, showered, ate and headed to Tony's office. When he arrived Tony's secretary waved him into the office.
Bucky sat across from Tony and waited for him to finish his phone call "Perfect, I really appreciate your help on this. I'll see you in a few minutes?" He paused, listening "No, that's no problem, I'll keep him here."
Tony hung up the call and looked at Bucky with a big grin on his face. "I believe I have solved your assistant problem. I found the perfect person and she'll be here any minute."
Bucky nodded "Great, so I can go now, right." Standing up from his seat, Bucky turned around and saw her. He did a double take, then glared at Tony
"NO! Hell no. No fucking way, this isn't happening Stark. I'm not working with her! Not after what happened. What she did."
Y/N smirked and winked at him while her gut wrenched at the hate in his eyes, she wouldn't let him see her pain. "Nice seeing you again too, Barnes."
Tony shook his head "Sorry pal, you don't get a vote in this. You've gone through 13 assistants in 6 months, not to mention the dozens in the 2 years before that. Y/N was the last one who knew what she was doing. The rest just wanted to get in your bed."
Y/N chuckled "That won't be a problem with me. I wouldn't have even come but I could use a break. Madripoor has been worse than usual since the Power Broker showed up"
Bucky flinched at the mention of Sharon Carter but pushed it aside then smirked "Well we agree on that, you're not getting anywhere near my bed." He looked at Tony "Can I go now?"
Tony nodded. Once Bucky was gone Tony hugged Y/N "Sorry about that but you know how he is better than anyone."
She shrugged sadly "It's fine. I mean he could have gone violent. I'm gonna go get my room unpacked. I'll see you at the team meeting tomorrow morning."
Bucky stalked to his room where he paced angrily for a few minutes before yelling into a pillow then changing and heading to the gym to work it out.
He started on a punching bag and his mind wandered. Why did Tony have to bring her back? There had to be other people out there that could do the job, the rest of the team all had long time assistants and didn't go through all the drama he seemed to. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't hear the door opening.
Steve walked up to him at the same time he broke the punching bag which slid across the room and threw sand everywhere. "You alright there punk?"
Bucky glared at him "Do you know what Tony has done? Did you know?"
Steve sighed "Tony told me this morning. Said he didn't want me tipping you off. I know you're not happy about it but she was the last competent assistant you had. Your mission gear, appointments and paperwork were under control so no goofs like with every assistant you've had since, you know." He rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably, not wanting to open any old wounds.
Bucky scoffed "How am I supposed to deal with her every fucking day. After everything that happened. I don't know if I can do this without losing it."
Steve nodded "I know but maybe it won't be so bad. Maybe you two can talk and find some kind of closure, even be friends again."
Bucky snorted "Thor been visiting with his fancy liquor? You can't possibly say that and be sober. How can I be friends after she-" he couldn't say it.
"I know jerk but just give it a shot. If it's awful then we'll make changes but at least you'll have tried."
Bucky sighed "I was gonna marry her."
Y/N went to her bedroom, Tony was kind enough to find her a place far from Bucky's quarters, where she had practically lived before everything blew up. She sighed and looked at the boxes stacked up next to the sofa, in her little seating area, before falling into the sofa.
Being in Bucky's presence for just moments was exhausting, forcing her to wade through all the heartache from two years ago. For a long moment she questioned her ability to deal with seeing him again, every day and still so pissed at her. Obviously he still hadn't learned the truth about that day but she wasn't going to try to tell him. She already did that, tried to get to him before anyone else could spin what happened but she was too late and what she found when she tried to go home had blown her life up. She had no reason to expect him to be open to hearing anything from her.
She shook her head to clear the negative thoughts. Bucky might hate her but he needed her, even if he would never admit it. Once his life was back in order and his reputation polished she would disappear back to Madripoor.
When she was done unpacking and organizing her room, Y/N grabbed a sandwich and iced tea from the cooler on the coffee table and sat back to enjoy her dinner. As she cleaned up, she ate a special brownie hoping it would help her sleep but knowing that it wouldn't be enough to stop the nightmares.
Tomorrows meeting would be interesting.
Chapter 1
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
Sleigh Ride: Winter Warmers Collection [Loki x Fem. Reader]
Part of the Winter Warmers Collection A link to my Masterlist is HERE Summary: Loki organises a romantic, moonlit sleigh ride. But somehow, things still get pretty hot. (w/c 1.5k) Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Smut. Language. Fluffy too.
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“Open your eyes, darling.”
Loki’s breath fogged the air as you did what he asked; feeling the soft leather of his gloves slide gently from your eyelids.
“Oh my god...Loki!” you squealed, hopping from foot to foot.
The snow crunched beneath your boots as you spun on the thickly blanketed ground, a gleaming white under the low floodlights. You threw your arms over his shoulders, drawing him into an excited kiss as his hands looped around your lower back.
“Do you like it?” he murmured, his warm breath soothing the evening chill resting on your skin.
You nodded, turning back in amazement to the two beautiful chestnut horses waiting patiently on the curved driveway of Tony’s country house. Jingle bells adorned their harnesses, tinkling gently as they shuffled against the snow.
An ornate sleigh of deepest green sat behind them, shining in the moonlight.
Making your way forward, you ran a gloved hand over the glossy neck of the nearest horse. It turned its head, nosing your arm. “They’re absolutely wonderful, Lokes...is this...is this just for us?” you said, already knowing the answer.
“Of course, darling” he huffed, throwing a glance towards a roar of his brother’s raucous laughter from the house. Shadows danced behind the curtains, the Avengers winter getaway in full swing. “As if I would organise a romantic sleigh ride for anyone else…”
You turned, drinking in the sight of him standing majestically with his long dark coat swirling in a very cape-like manner. The thought made you smile as he extended his hand with a coy tilt of his head, one foot resting on the dip in the side of the vintage sleigh.
“My Winter Queen…” he purred. “Your carriage awaits.”
You raised your eyebrows with a playful smirk, “Not just for winter, I hope…” you quipped, feeling his grip on your hand tighten as you hopped into the sleigh. A reindeer pelt was folded at the side, a thermos and two mugs placed against it.
Shuffling into the seat, you smiled like a loon as the handsomest man in the world, nay...the universe, arranged himself with a flourish.
He unbuttoned his coat, fanning the sides before sinking with one arm around your shoulders, tipping his sharp jawline upwards as he looked at you with a self-satisfied grin. Curls fell haphazardly over his dark green scarf, your present to him. Even Gods can catch a cold, you’d said earlier, relishing the light-hearted roll of his eyes.
“Onward, then.” he said decisively, gripping the leather reins with one hand and giving them a quick flick.
The lights of the country house grew further away, but there was never darkness. The full moon shone above, bathing the countryside in a mysterious, ethereal glow.
Loki’s fingers curled protectively on your shoulder, even when you unfolded the reindeer pelt and snuggled it up to cover you both. You leant back on his chest, reshuffling your legs to fit beneath the edges.
“Perhaps you could sit on my lap, love.” Loki said, a smile curling at his lips as he stared ahead, muffled clips and clops sounding on the beaten track. “You could take the reins?” he added innocently after a pause, as if that created greater incentive.
“Are you sure? That’s a lot of responsibility.” you toyed, scooting ungracefully onto his wide lap beneath the pelt. His chin nestled into the curve of your shoulder, lips finding a sliver of bare skin above your scarf. He hummed against it, his cold mouth warming with every flex of the gentle kiss against your neck.
Minutes passed. You could feel his cock hardening; thickening with every shift of your body against the sway of the sleigh. Without thinking, your hips began to rotate gently, teasing him wordlessly as the beauty of the moonlit countryside slid past.
“Gods, darling...why must I always be in need of you thus.” he moaned gently behind you, hips thrusting upwards against your ass. You pressed down on the hard column straining against his thigh, relishing the needy whine of pleasure it produced.
“Maybe we could get a little closer...what do you say?” you said coyly, casting a glance over your shoulder.
His lips were parted, a cloud of frosted breath exhaling gently as those beautiful eyes flickered upward.
Loki’s face in the moonlight was breath-taking, the chiselled lines of his bone structure radiant in the half-lit winter paradise which surrounded you. Beside the darkness of the high-collared coat, his skin glowed; matching the fields and hedgerows blanketed with heavy snow against the midnight sky.
“Hold these.” he murmured, pressing the reins into your gloved palms before covering your hands with his.
The feeling of sinking into a hot bath washed over your lower body, the familiar firmness of his taut muscles suddenly flush to your naked skin. “Just the trousers?” you chuckled, nuzzling into his cheek.
He tutted. “And the panties, my love. You would catch your death if I removed it all. And whatever they may say, I am a gentleman.”
His hands slid beneath the blanket, fingertips pressing against your waist as he raised you deftly before sinking you down his waiting length. The horses snorted in surprise as you and Loki groaned in tandem, your head falling back against his neck before you both giggled like teenagers.
“I’m not sure the horses would agree you’re a g-gentle-fuck,-man…” you muttered through a panted moan as he filled you slowly with a careful thrust. Loki let out a stuttered laugh, choking into a guttural moan as he bottomed out.
“Oh g-gods, your so tight darling. So hot.” Loki muttered against your ear, his deep voice warming the depths of your soul. “Does that feel good, my sweet one?”
Your hips thrust forwards, rocking against the base of his cock; every graze of his girth sending sizzling sparks through your body. His name fluttered from your lips like foam on waves, echoing every careful caress of his manhood snug inside your core.
“Watch the road…” he whispered through a smile, guiding your clenched fists to the side as the horses swerved a hedgerow. You whined, opening your eyes reluctantly. “I can’t, Loki...it feels too f-fucking g-good…”
“Oh dear…” Loki purred darkly. You could hear him smirking as you squirmed. “I better not do this then.”
You hadn’t noticed one of his hands sliding covertly over your parted thighs; calves tightening against his legs as Loki began to rub your clit in circles beneath the reindeer pelt.
Your hips bucked upwards, biting your bottom lip to stifle a high-pitched cry. The god hissed behind you, a low aaaaa rumbling in his throat as your pussy clenched around him.
It had begun to snow again.
“Move for me, darling – like you’re riding one of those pretty horses.” he growled darkly, before sucking your earlobe; pulling it outward between his teeth.
The words set you aflame, tightening the grip of your walls around his cock as you drew upward.
The leather of the reins wound around your fingers, keeping the animals straight as you fucked your god below. Warm wetness slid against your centre with fluid strokes up and down his length, glancing backwards longingly as he moaned your name to the endless night.
Loki’s head had fallen back, tendrils of snow-speckled hair falling over his shoulders. His scarf was untucked from where it had been nestled pristinely in the neck of his coat. Dishevelled, you thought with a secret smile.
His fingers stroked your clit in waves, the perfect pressure mounting; the root of his cock tugging against your base at every roll of your hips. Your face turned upwards toward the open sky, light flakes drifting on the gentle breeze; melting on the surface of your heated cheeks.
You gripped the reindeer pelt draped across your lap, the smart of tight leather cutting through your gloves from the reins. Loki let out a long growl, tapering to a whine as he came slowly undone.
“That’s it, darling...t-that’s it. Uhhhh...fuck, r-ride me hard, s-sweet darling, yes...yes…”
You whimpered, feeling your thighs begin to shake. Loki’s free hand gripped the pelt at your hips, pulling it down in a tight fist; pressing you as deep as physically possible on his magnificent cock. “Loki, f-fuck I’m c-coming...I’m- uhhh-”
His fingers pulsed above your aching bundle of nerves, rocking you over the precipice as he claimed you with shallow thrusts; tipping the balance.
Your head fell back, a moan of his name filling the frozen country air as he mouthed messy kisses on your neck. The god let out a muffled cry against your skin as he came, his legs juddering beneath yours as he bottomed out with a final thrust into the warm heat he craved.
The horses walked on, hooves hitting the virgin snow the only sound above Loki’s shallow pants.
His forehead rested on your cheek, your hand feeling backwards to pull him closer; fingers combing through his hair. “I love you, darling.” he murmured through broken breaths. You hummed happily, still catching your breath. An unexpected shiver ran over your body, making Loki pull you closer.
“Shall we break out that hot cocoa?” he whispered, pointing lazily to the thermos discarded on the floor of the sleigh. A sigh sneaked from your lips, nestling back into your love’s chest and pulling the pelt higher. You could feel his godly cock softening inside you, liquid arousal beginning a descent between your inner thighs. “In a minute…” you murmured dreamily, “I don’t want this moment to end.”
“End? My love...” he chuckled, chiding you. He summoned the thermos with a flick of his wrist, the steel meeting his firm grip with a soft slap.
“Tonight’s festivities have only just begun." He winked, twisting the lid of the thermos with a pop. "We haven't even had a chance to take to the skies, yet."
@lokischambermaid @lady-rose-moon @mochie85 @gigglingtigger @holymultiplefandomsbatman @muddyorbsblr @xorpsbane @lokikissesmyforehead @simplyholl @fictive-sl0th @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @loopsisloops @thedistractedagglomeration @loveroflokiforpoeticjustice @123forgottherest @holdmytesseract @joyful-enchantress @sititran @jaidenhawke @silverfire475 @mrsbarnes32557038 @michelleleewise @vbecker10 @imalovernotahater @lokiprompts @thomase1 @morriggannlostinfandoms @ladylovesloki @marygoddessofmischief @ravenwings73 @xorpsbane @filthyhiddles @peacefulpianist @maple-seed @yelkmelk @wheredafandomat @mistress-ofmagic @five-miles-over @goblingirlsarah @ozymdias @peaches1958 @your-taste-on-my-lips @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lokisgirll @lokidokieokie @peachyymallows @tbhiddlestan83 @peachyjinx @kikster606 @tbhiddlestan83
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robertdowneyjjr · 1 year
giggling during sex + rhodeytony, pretty please?
Usually, Jim adores all the nicknames that Tony gives him. They're all slightly ridiculous and random as all hell, but it's Tony's love language and it makes Jim smile like a loon.
But really, Tones, there's a time and a place.
"Come on, dude, stop teasing and just fuck me," Tony pants.
Jim pauses from where he's mouthing at Tony's thighs and looks up. Tony's head is thrown back and his eyes are closed and he is clearly completely unaware of what he's just said. Jim bursts out laughing.
Tony's eyes pop open. "What?"
"Tony, baby, I love you and would love nothing more than to fuck you but you have to understand how unsexy it is to be called 'dude' when I'm about to go down on you."
"I did not call you dude. I have never said the word dude in my life."
"Yes, you did! 'Come on, dude, just fuck me.'" Jim does a poor imitation of Tony.
"Lies. I did not."
"JARVIS, did Tony ca–"
"Okay, no, don't bring our son into this!" Tony giggles and covers his face with his hands.
Jim falls onto his back next to Tony and laughs some more, egged on by the breathless giggles he hears from the other man. They clutch at one another's hips and burst out into little fits every time they look at each other, and it's a while before they start to calm down.
Eventually, they start kissing again in between their laughter, teeth clacking together messily because they're smiling so much and Tony asks, "Well? Are you going to fuck me or not?"
— soft fic prompts.
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its-moopoint · 1 year
Unbelievable!!! 🤦
Anonymous asked:
You can claim anyone is your reflections or fuzzy photographs, screenshots. The truth is there is othere clearer photos of Sam being in the US at the time/days around the funeral. You have zero evidence disputing the US photographs. Your fuzzy photos don't. Don't know who your funeral photos are but they are not Sam. Plus there are clear photos of Tony holding Tony's son at the funeral. Bang another 🥁 your story has too many holes to be real.
I can see my recent photo post of Kevin v Sam, aimed at the visually impaired and the cognitive dissonant has you triggered. I understand this is difficult and a challenging time for you. I know that you see it but are in denial and that's ok. I am a patient and understanding person.
Seems the Anon tends to forget there are zero, that's a big 0 photos of Tracula at the funeral. The man sitting next to Caitriona is NOT Tracman. The man behind Caitriona is hidden behind a mask. So Anon, please clarify where you DO see him inside the church, in a pew, with the immediate family. Please add that photo to this thread. Once found and clarified, you'll have my sincerest apologies for my error in judgment.
Actually Anon, there are no clear photos of Tbag/Toenail at the funeral. What you have is a man with a face mask holding an infant seated in the Second Row behind C. Did your Tbag/Toenail have cooties?
Desperation personified!
Odessa conveniently forgets herself that people could check the original stream rather than her manipulated screencaps so that when she grabs the most pixelated shit she can get hold off others see T clearly holding his son. They also do forget the pap pictures outside. That ain't T either, that must have been either his body double or a long lost cousin of C.
It's hilarious these loons talk about desperation when they have been proven wrong to the whole world. They live in denial of reality and getting their faces slapped by it each time they get a glimpse of the real thing.
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neogoed12clips · 5 months
Toni Braxton ft. Loon - Hit The Freeway
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https://archiveofourown.org/works/52459804 by brookluunn When a new mafia group pops up in Queens New York, both Peter Parker and Brooklynn Loon (oc inspired by Cindy Moon) take it into their own hands to handle it. Dealing with previous villains, school work, teenage angst, and difficult situations including past trauma; makes it extremely difficult for the pair. Hopefully the two can push through and figure out all of life’s issues while trying to keep the double lives separate. Words: 1599, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Categories: Other Characters: Peter Parker, Original Female Character(s), Cindy Moon, Tony Stark, Avengers Team Members (Marvel), Wilson Fisk, James Wesley, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Karen Page, Matt Murdock, Uncle Ben Parker (Marvel), Michelle Jones (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Harry Osborn, Gwen Stacy (The Amazing Spider-Man), Betty Brant, Flash Thompson, Hydra Agents Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Aunt May Parker & Peter Parker, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker, Bruce Banner/James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton/Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov/Tony Stark/Thor/OC, Cindy Moon & Peter Parker Additional Tags: Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Hurt Peter Parker, Peter Parker is a Mess, Protective Peter Parker, Mentioned Cindy Moon, Avengers Family, Avengers Tower, Violence, Implied/Referenced Torture, Kidnapping, Mental Instability, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, Past Rape/Non-con, Love Confessions, Teen Angst, Crime Fighting, Sad read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52459804
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kits-shrine · 11 months
"Um?" Roko parroted with a tilt of his head before giving Touma a beaming smile, "Kokoko!"
Tony rolled his eyes fondly and waggled his fingers, "Magiiiiiic~"
"He's a lot like Yurei and Sei, in my opinion," Ziz added.
Tum's looked up at the other narrowly even as his tail waved just a little.
Tamashii was grinning like a loon at Tony "Haaaa! Welcome to the club."
Twist the knife in Seishin's guilty conscious a little more there Ziz.
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jonjmurakami · 1 year
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#saturdaymorningcartoons 091623 • Tiny Toons Adventures • I found this sketch I started several months ago and decided to clean up, color, and finish Buster & Babs Bunny in Hawaii ^_^
•BTW, on MAX, there’s a new series of Tiny Toons Looniversity. I really enjoy it! It captures the feel and essence of the OG Tony Toons from the 90s. The characters are updated: Buster & Babs are twin siblings now, Shirley the Loon is a new-age RA instead of a valley girl, Granny is the Dean of the University, etc. But it’s well done. I’ll talk a little more about it next week :)
#jonjmurakami #copic #copicmarkers #cartoons #comic #tinytoons #tinytoonadventures #busterbunny #babsbunny #hawaii #shaveice #hula #alohashirt #shaka
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ao3feed-moonknight · 7 months
Moon Knight System Meets the Avengers
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Z65278M by IAmActualTrash Obligatory Moon Knight meets the Avengers fic. That's it that's the fic Words: 4652, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Moon Knight (TV 2022), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Steven Grant (Marvel), Marc Spector, Jake Lockley, Moon Knight (Marvel), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Bruce Banner Relationships: Steven Grant & Jake Lockley & Marc Spector, Avengers Team Members & Moon Knight (Marvel), Steven Grant & Marc Spector, Jake Lockley & Marc Spector Additional Tags: First Meetings, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Mentioned Khonshu (Moon Knight), Canon-Typical Violence, Swearing, Jake Lockley Speaks Spanish, Protective Jake Lockley, Protective Steven Grant (Marvel), Marc Spector Has Issues, Ableism, unintentional and internalized, ie "crazy" "loon" etc, I Tried, i made up some stuff up, Action, Post-Moon Knight (TV 2022) Season 01, Sam Wilson is a Gift, Timeline What Timeline read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Z65278M
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ao3feed-petermj · 9 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/8kce5iM by brookluunn When a new mafia group pops up in Queens New York, both Peter Parker and Brooklynn Loon (oc inspired by Cindy Moon) take it into their own hands to handle it. Dealing with previous villains, school work, teenage angst, and difficult situations including past trauma; makes it extremely difficult for the pair. Hopefully the two can push through and figure out all of life’s issues while trying to keep the double lives separate. Words: 1599, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Categories: Other Characters: Peter Parker, Original Female Character(s), Cindy Moon, Tony Stark, Avengers Team Members (Marvel), Wilson Fisk, James Wesley, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Karen Page, Matt Murdock, Uncle Ben Parker (Marvel), Michelle Jones (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Harry Osborn, Gwen Stacy (The Amazing Spider-Man), Betty Brant, Flash Thompson, Hydra Agents Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Aunt May Parker & Peter Parker, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker, Bruce Banner/James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton/Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov/Tony Stark/Thor/OC, Cindy Moon & Peter Parker Additional Tags: Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Hurt Peter Parker, Peter Parker is a Mess, Protective Peter Parker, Mentioned Cindy Moon, Avengers Family, Avengers Tower, Violence, Implied/Referenced Torture, Kidnapping, Mental Instability, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, Past Rape/Non-con, Love Confessions, Teen Angst, Crime Fighting, Sad read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/8kce5iM
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Toni Braxton - Hit The Freeway (Video) ft. Loon
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mc-posts · 1 year
Getting back at the junk science. In-N-Out Requiring Employees to Show Medical Note to Wear Masks.
Getting back at the junk science. In-N-Out Requiring Employees to Show Medical Note to Wear Masks. Who can forget the COVID days when the loons told you that you bascially needed an exemption from Congress to not wear a mask? Or about 50,000 medical doctors approved by Tony the Fauch to not wear a mask? OK I’m stretching it. Well In-N-Out Burger has loon employees who still think that they’re…
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its-moopoint · 2 years
JHRC!!! No words.
Anonymous asked:
lovejustlove answered:
I will say that extreme shippers have no place in any fandom if it causes anyone to feel threatened. . . Oh…we also don’t hide behind the title of anonymous.
So when shippers call Cait a liar, shit on her husband Tony, claim that Sam was with her at her father's funeral, that her baby is Sam's, that her marriage is fake or attack her for everything under the sun, none of those things are extreme? Oh . . . you do hide under the "title of anonymous", because you're having a "username - lovejustlove" which is not your real name. Anonymous is no different than username unless you use your real name. And if you were about "love just love", you'd be happy for Cait and Tony for finding love, getting married, having a child and building a long life together. That's love. Obviously, you're only about a fantasy love made up to please you and others like you.
lovejustlove answered:
First of all let’s address the anonymity. I’m not hiding my name to go to other peoples pages and try to stir up trouble or to convince anyone that they should believe what I do. That’s what I’m seeing from many people that go anonymous, you included. Not all of them, some have given some really good insights and evidence of what we believe. Many of us here do know each others names. This name was chosen because there is already too much hate and division in the world. We should always strive to love. Now about calling Cait a liar, it’s pretty well documented that she isn’t always truthful concerning her relationship, nor is Sam. Not believing that Tony is her real husband doesn’t mean I’m shitting on him. I try my best to be respectful. Maybe he’s a great guy, a good friend of hers, a good PA …..🤷🏻‍♀️ who knows. If I had seen even one picture of Caitriona and Tony acting like they were the loves of each others lives I would be glad they were happy together. I’ve dug pretty deep and haven’t found any that even remotely look like they are in love or happily married.
Pictures with Cait and Sam looking at each other that way…I couldn’t begin to count how many of those I’ve seen. In pictures their body language alone speaks volumes. They are truly head over heels in love and it shows. Soulmates.
As for Sam being at the funeral, it’s right there on camera. If you can’t see that it’s Sam it’s because you don’t want to see it. This newest little baby isn’t Caits first. Go back and do some looking on your own. Pictures don’t lie and there are many of them out there that clearly show she’s been pregnant a few times before. IF they were from her pretend husband she would have been open about them.
There would be no need to hide. I hope this helps to clear up any of your accusations!
This loon should accept the only thing truly well documented is Tait's wedding. With an official certificate from the GRO that anyone can get a copy of and that many actually got and saw with their own eyes.
So you and your stupid bunch choose to hide your head under the sand instead of looking at her wedding , her companies, her house and her new and only son.
You accuse her of lying about it all and hide it all while it's you that are pretending reality is different than your desired fairytale.
It disgusts me beyond reason that all these folks refuse to see anything beyond the tales they come up with. Names and all. Folks who know each other here are the biggest fandom trolls making stuff and lying.
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