#Star Wars abc
serifgothic · 11 months
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dum-spiro-spero99 · 3 months
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thanks to @pineapplecrispy for the suggestion + italian bonus, Owen WIlson bonus and historically inaccurated emo boys bonus
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Other request (dm/comments)
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cheekios · 2 months
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I did not make rent, I’m no where near it. I still have $750 to raise. Out of desperation I charged my card just to attempt to pay. The 3rd is the absolute last day to pay. The office is closed, so on Monday the leasing office will see whether I paid or not. If I don’t raise the remaining $750 the transaction will decline.
Goal: $750
CA: $HushEmu
If my payment declines I will be charged an additional $100 for processing fee. Not only that I will pay for the late fee which is $100 + $10 everyday rent is late. This is still in effect even if they are evicting the tenant. Evictions take 1-3 months every month I reside in my apartment they will charge me if I don’t vacate. The $100 + late fee will still resume even in eviction. I processed the payment despite not having enough to pay rent to buy time. I am lucky that rent fell on the weekend and not during the week.
This is my final plea to staying housed. I have exhausted all options. If payment does not reflect by Sunday Midnight. I will be issued a notice to vacate Monday.
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delicatekinglady · 19 days
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warpedpuppeteer · 3 months
Buck is absolutely clueless about most pop culture references but him having opinions about Star Wars?? I just know they had a Star Wars marathon at the Buckley-Diaz family movie night!!
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faramirsonofgondor · 24 days
My favorite MLM ships right now
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buffaluff · 14 days
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🎃🌌 a BET star wars halloween! ✨👻
(Buck/Tommy/Eddie dressed up for Halloween, with Buck as Luke Skywalker, Tommy as Han Solo, and Eddie as Din Djarin/the Mandalorian)
finished prompt fill with @911actions gotcha for gaza, for @theydjarin! thanks for donating, and for such an excellent prompt! this was a dream to draw 💖
check out how you can help a great cause here (only a few days left!!!) and request your own 911 prompts for art, fics, and edits! please take a look at our final week promotion to stretch your generous donations!
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agentx8d · 3 months
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The Basalah family lost their brother, Said Basalah, from an Israeli air strike on October 22nd, 2023. Now, the majority of them have been living in the tents of Rafah, an area under constant bombardment and threat of invasion! The Basalah family NEEDS to evacuate now to protect the rest of their family, including TWO CHILDREN!
Nezar Basalah, the father, suffers from many chronic diseases, and was supposed to undergo heart catheterization 6 months ago! Israa Basalah, one of his daughters located in the NORTH is 8 MONTHS PREGNANT, and has to prepare to give birth with NO medical care, food, or a healthy environment.
All of these people have hopes and dreams, and each one of them is somebody’s everything! PLEASE, TOGETHER WE NEED TO DO EVERYTHING WE CAN TO HELP THEM!
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sothisisablog · 1 month
If I had a nickel for every time I got a “these characters wouldn’t do this in canon” comment on a fanfiction I wrote I’d have way too many nickels. Why do so many people lack the ability to understand that fanfiction isn’t meant to be canon compliant.
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dogbound1128 · 3 months
I think we should keep in mind that once there's a ceasefire, everyone's loved ones, all the children, and all the sick and injured won't magically cone back to life and be healed immediately. What Israel is doing is irreversible, and letting them continue with their crimes against humanity is adding on to all these irreversible tragedies. This is not something you can put off for another day, because so many innocent people are being slaughtered by the second.
It's Ceasefire
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katsmtmsdoodles · 9 days
Reblog for bigger sample size! Based on this post by @rigorwhoring
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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rabnerd28 · 3 months
Okay, thinking about this got me weirdly very emotional. Cuz, we've all got our list of favorite queer characters, but we've also got this list of our favorite characters that we desperately wish were queer more than anything. The ones we held out hope for years and years that they would one day be confirmed queer, but never did. How many times does it actually happen that we can say that those characters made the jump to the other list?
Most of the time, queerness is established very early. Either as something that the character has already discovered, or as a coming out story within the first season or two. How often have fans been seeing queerness, and it never getting acknowledged? How often has that been ignored all because no one said it early? Fans loved Buck for so long, and have seen that he's queer, and have held onto that hope that one day it would be in the actual show. How often have fans waited to hear "you were right"?
Almost any time something queer happens it needs to be established fast, and anything straight cannot change. But this did, and honestly, the fact that I can say that Buck is now one of my favorite queer characters, makes me cry. There are so many others I hoped for over the years, but thank you 9-1-1 for being the first to let that hope not be wasted.
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midnightcrisisstuff · 4 months
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a collection of the universes in which my partner and I are soulmates in <3
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mrsfeiix · 10 months
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Commander Fox doesn’t understand why there are letters in math
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engagemythrusters · 1 year
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have this two-minute ezra to once again remind you he never got to go to school
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(Eddie, Christopher, and Buck are playing Uno. Christopher hits Buck with a "Draw 4" card) Buck:....NOOOOOOO! Eddie: Uh, Buck - Buck(to Christopher): - YOU WERE MY BROTHER ANAKIN! YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE! Christopher(to Eddie): Dad, he's doing it again. Buck: YOU WERE MEANT TO BRING BALANCE TO THE FORCE, NOT DESTROY IT! Christopher: Should we give him a Snickers bar? That always works in the commercials, right? Buck: - Ooh, I'll take a Snickers bar. :) Eddie: Actually, we don't have any Snickers bars. Buck: NOOOOO....!
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