#So the 'editting process' was literally me changing everything about it and trying to make it readable
whumble-beeee · 1 month
You Can Check Out Any Time You Like, But You Can Never Leave
The (Un)Official Guide to Hero-Keeping | Cont'd from Part 14
Content: kidnapping/captivity, noncon drugging, recreational drug use, disabled whumpee, trans whumpee, past captivity references
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Excerpt from: The (Un)Official Guide to Hero-Keeping; a self-help guide for villains and bounty-hunters
[It’s a tale as old as time. You see it so very often in movies, books, YA love stories; The phenomenon known as Stockholm Syndrome, where a captive starts to develop positive feelings for their captor. However, Stockholm Syndrome is not a thing to be feared! Humans are very social creatures, after all, and control over another’s emotions is one of the most powerful thing’s a person can possess, super or not!
This is why you, villain, need to beware it’s the lesser-known counterpart: Lima Syndrome, where the captor becomes sympathetic or develops feelings for their captive. These disorders often develop side-by-side, so be wary and be vigilant! Developing Lima Syndrome may lead you to make rash decisions about your captured hero, cloud your judgment, allow your hero to take advantage of you, or even allow them to escape! Do not let your captured hero control you like you control them. You are jailor and prisoner. Nothing more.]
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Declan gawked at the Villain Brand tattoo staining Stan's back. The one he could finally see unimpeded now that he'd literally pinned the guy down and stripped him. The one Stan had fought so hard to hide.
“Holy shit…”
The ID number. He knew that number from so long ago. And Level 4 super. Manipulator power type. Social Designation Black.
Supervillain: Incarcerated for power-related crimes.
… and blue.
Test subject.
He fucking knew it.
He knew it.
It was that girl. That one from the raid that happened, what… ten years ago now? Longer? The one he’d found hiding with the toddler. One he saved, one he couldn’t. Fuck, man, he’d risked everything for that toddler. A little sister. A moment of weakness, or what some would call a moment of strength.
Stan had a little sister. Chloe. That was her name. That was the toddler’s name too.
She was still safe. She was still alive.
Thank fuck. 
Declan hadn't even realized at first because, well, the guy was a dude now. And an adult. There were no records on him, period, so he couldn’t go back to look before now, and his superiors certainly never deigned to tell him anything. Thanks Lana, fuck you Vaughn.
Though he’d been suspicious for a while. It all just clicked into place with that last piece of the puzzle: why Stan had no records, why he didn’t legally exist, the way he fought back no matter how impossible the odds were, that nagging feeling that he knew this kid from somewhere, the similarities between his and the girl’s powers, not to mention those weird looks he kept catching out of the corner of his eye, the way Stan has said something about protecting ‘her’ in his fit earlier, the concealment of his transness, the recognition in Stan’s eyes since the start–...
Declan smiled.
Oh, Stan already knew. 
He knew, and he kept it to himself.
On purpose.
That conniving little fucker.
 “What? What holy shit?” Stan squirmed weakly under Declan, demanding his attention back as always, stuttering like he did always did whenever he got scared or angry. He even tried briefly to twist around to look at the man seated on top of him, only before immediately giving up and laying his head back down on the floor.
Declan rolled his eyes and held back a chuckle at the poor little guy as he tossed out some half-assed excuse he didn't even bother remembering, then grabbed his phone to take a picture of the brand. He’d definitely have to bring the uh… dishonesty up. But later. Stan was much too high for any of that right now. 
Though it did feel a little bit gross to take a picture of Stan like this while he was drugged, especially with how much he’d fought Declan about the brand earlier and especially after Declan had forcefully stripped the guy. But Declan needed proof.
None of it even mattered in the long run, anyway. Declan still had a job to do.
“Yeah… maybe you should…” Stan retorted loosely into the floor. “Not… Aheh, uh, throw me… to–... walls anymore…” 
Declan nearly burst out laughing.
Yeah. Maybe.
Maybe Stan should consider that next time he's being a little shit.
He pulled the white shirt back over Stan's head with some large amount of difficulty, and probably much more swearing than necessary since Stan may as well have been a floppy fish weakly squirming against the floor at this point. Then picked him up with one arm under the stomach, tugged the oversized white shirt down over his skinny little twink body, and then, with a sigh, let him drop unceremoniously back onto the floor and went to retrieve a plastic water bottle from his little plastic grocery bag, patting himself on the back for a job well done. He’d successfully de-bindered Stan without seeing the kid’s stupid man tits. Hooray! All that work to specifically pin him down on his stomach so they'd be hidden from Declan’s gaze, all because of Stan’s incessant fighting about it before. The things I do for my captures, he thought.
He was not looking forward to the indefinite amount of time he’d have to keep doing this.
“We don’t know how long, love,” Lana had said over the phone, “That fiancé of his doesn’t believe he’s dead, and you better believe he'll raise hell about it, the poor man. There’s probably going to be some extra ‘convincing’, paperwork, you know how it is. He can’t be here. Just hold onto the little guy until we get everything cleared up.”
So that was that. No argument. Just indefinite babysitting of a very unwilling baby.
Declan walked back over to hold the bottle out to Stan before he even fully agonized himself back up off his stomach, and yet somehow, miraculously, he still managed to do that skitter backward that he always did when Declan got even remotely close to him
He crouched down and shoved the bottle into Stan’s hands. “Drink,” he ordered. “Not too fast though.”
Stan looked in bewilderment at the bottle. Almost like he couldn't believe something so sacred could just be thrust within his grasp like that. Then his brow furrowed. He popped open the cap and sniffed it, then glared angrily at both the container of liquid and the person who’d given it to him. “Don’ want your stupid–”
“It’s not drugged. You haven’t drank water in almost three days, you’re gonna die. Drink it, NOT–!”
Half the water already disappeared, drained down Stan’s throat. Declan scrambled and snatched the water out of his grasp. “Not too fast! Christ, you’re gonna throw up!”
“But– But…” He smacked his lips, shook himself off like a dog from the water that spilled on him from Declan’s snatch, then gaped for a moment around the room as he once again seemed to remember the concrete and the chains that held him prisoner. “Fine. Who cares? Protein bar’sss-ssstupid anyway.”
Eh. Fair enough. To be honest, after the like, eight protein bars Declan’d had over the past few days, he was also pretty sick of them. He’d get them both some actual food later. 
With that task half-done, he stashed the half-empty bottle in his back pocket. “You can have the rest in a bit,” he told the wet cat of a human he was still inexplicably in charge of. Stan’s shoulders drooped. He just nodded, eyes affixed to one specific spot on the empty opposing wall.
Declan looked around at the mess of torture implements strewn about the room. Anything else he needed to do before they left?
Yeah, right.
“You need to go to the bathroom, runt?”
Stan's eyes shot up to his captor, then settled there for just a moment. Then drifted away into the middle distance for a longer moment. Narrowed his eyes slightly. Declan just about took that as a signal that he needed to save Stan from an apparant stroke when his head shook a slow and conspiratorial ‘no’. 
Declan rolled his eyes, already producing a hairpin out of his hair to click open Stan's ankle fetter, then pulled him to unsteady feet and guided him out the door to the dinky little bathroom at the end of the hallway. Stan didn't even struggle as Declan held him up, too busy ogling at the apparent novelty of being out in the hallway without running for his life.
“Five minutes,” he told Stan, depositing the vacant-stared man in the bathroom. Then he shut the door, started the count somewhere in the back of his mind, and went back to the torture room to clean up so they could finally head home.
God, he felt like shit.
Almost as bad as the kid looked, actually, which was saying something because little Stanny looked pretty fucked.
He was just tired. They both were, actually, that's why Stan had to be drugged. Sure, Declan enjoyed putting him in his place, but after the fifth time, after nearly three days of this, after almost two nights of no sleep, another prospective sleepless night of driving, double the usual amount of G to compensate for that, probably not enough food or water himself, and Stan still testing his patience at every turn… yeah, Stan needed to stop. For both their sakes. Mostly his own, if he valued still having at least one working knee.
Declan meandered over to Stan’s shredded former grey button-down and swooped it up off the ground, inspecting the damage Vaughn caused with those shiny steel surgical scissors of his. The shirt couldn’t even be recognised as a shirt anymore. Just a mess of crumpled fabric lying miserably on the floor, kinda like Stan had done for most of time he’d been here.
Vaughn was gonna rip that poor kid apart.
It wouldn’t be neat and clean like the persona that creep worked so hard to maintain, either. He usually waited until at least the drop-off before shining his true colors as a giant fucking creep in the safety of his creep-ass torture lab. Never directly in front of Declan, and certainly not outside of his jurisdiction like this. Sure, Declan was a piece of shit, but that man’s shittiness truly defied all modern interpretations of physics.
Declan pulled out his phone to stare at the picture of the hero brand again. Proof of his suspicions. Proof of identity. Proof of both their past misfortunes. Proof that also happened to contain evidence of the brand new abuse Declan had caused over any old scars that had long since faded. With Stan’s now bare back sporting a very mottled score of blacks and dark, painful blues and tender purples and even some fading greens and yellows and reds of all kinds: dark, smeared, and caked burgundy blood, or the bright, raised welts. Definitely a couple of broken ribs in there too. Not to mention all the distress peeking out from under that damn collar, the probably several concussions, the emotional turmoil, the mental distress that danced across his face every time Declan so much as stepped in his direction.
All of that was his doing, huh? Not Vaughn’s, save the missing shirt and the single clean slash running along his jawline. 
He twirled his gun around his middle finger, relishing the way it fell so cleanly back into his grasp, the thump of the wooden grip against his hand and the shining, perfectly balanced metal.
Oh well.
Those were just their roles;
Hero and villain. 
Predator and prey.
Bounty hunter and captive.
Stan knew the rules of the game. He'd been given a choice to comply every time. Every time. And every time, he chose to fight. 
So Declan didn’t feel all that bad about it.
Four minutes gone by.
He needed to get back.
He did one last check over of the room, put the chain away, placed the chair back, got all the rope and weapons and even Stan’s crapped-up shirt, and put it all in his plastic bag. Then he went ahead and put on his hat and bandana again, because he’d be damned if he broke any more of the rules that kept him alive in this business for ten years and counting. Then headed back down the hall to the bathroom.
And to a not-at-all-surprising Stan who was agonizingly slowly and painfully and single-mindedly mading his way down the hall. Step by wall-assisted, unstable, limping step.
Did he even go to the bathroom?
Declan wasn’t going to check that. Stan could suffer if he didn’t.
“Stan! Really, runt?” he called out, tromping over to the captive. Stan jolted violently and loosely spun around with a loud squeak, except his feet forgot to move along with the rest of him and sent him crashing and clawing into the wall for any semblance of support. A look of pure unadulterated fear cascaded down his features. No defiance. No anger. Just wide-eyed, breath-taking, heart-pounding, fist-clenching fear.
Declan didn't even say anything. Stan stumbled backward as Declan got closer and landed wrong on his bad leg, enough to cause a cry of pain that almost unbelievably slowly turned into a battle with gravity that ended with Stan crumpled on the floor. Stan groaned and yelled in frustration. Then slapped his hands over his mouth, eyes wide, shaking. For a moment, Declan could only see the lurching of his body as he curled in on himself, then the shaking turned more into heaving, shallow, impossibly quick breaths, and as Declan got closer, it became very clear that it wasn’t just crying or whatever, but laughing, quietly cackling while clutching at his bad knee, whispering “ow, ow” to himself in between giggling heaves.
Declan took a deep breath. He didn’t have the heart to punish him about the escape attempt, if you could even call it that. Or the energy. Pick one.
Stan’s gaze shot up to him, straining against the stupid collar that rendered the admittedly very powerful super helpless. Tears shone in his red and dilated eyes, sparkling in the fluorescent light, a smile stretched and cracking across his face like a long-rotted jack-o-lantern still left out three weeks after Halloween.
Then dropped completely.
“Please don't hurt me,” he whispered, shuddering.
No, he begged.
Like something out of a horror movie.
Some weird sense of subdued panic and revulsion wove through Declan’s chest, a feeling he wasn’t sure he’d ever felt before. Then just a sense of overwhelming weariness at the pitiful sight.
They both needed a break, didn't they?
“I’m not gonna hurt you,” he conceded softly, pulling the half-empty water bottle back out of his pocket and placing it into Stan’s shaking hands. “Not now, anyway. Drink the rest of this, yeah?”
Stan simply clutched it, never once moving his unfocused and bloodshot gaze from his jailor. Declan sighed, grabbed the bottle and carefully twisted the cap off, and even more carefully lifted Stan’s death grip up to his lips so he could drink. The whole ordeal reminded him of taking care of a drunk friend, way back when. Except they weren’t friends. 
After a tentative pause and an immensely encouraging and monotone “it’s not poisoned, don’t drink too fast,” from Declan, he swallowed the first tentative sip. 
His entire body untensed, practically melting into the wall. He drank until the entire bottle disappeared in his shaking hands, head lolling all the way back to let gravity gift him those last few drops as it crushed to practically nothing
“Ya done?” Declan asked languidly. 
Stan nodded.
“Good. I’m gonna tie your hands behind your back now, and then we’re goin’ out to my car, and we're leaving.” He explained slowly. “If you can behave yourself, you can sit in the passenger seat. Otherwise, you’re goin’ in the trunk. Agreed?”
“Agreed, chiquito?”
Stan looked around the room as if desperately searching for the answer. Then nodded.
“Great. Also, that's what she said,” he chuckled
Oh, he was definitely delirious.
Stan didn’t even fight him this time as he yanked the man up and turned him around to cuff him. He barely even stood, practically limp, swaying on his feet, with the only thing keeping him standing being his single locked knee and Declan’s occasional shoves that kept him from leaning too far in any one direction.
Declan didn’t like drugged Stan. Even if it was funnier, easier. He'd rather Stan fight him, because that'd at least show he's able.
Though the real Stan would be back in another 12 hours or so, and by then he’d probably be missing drugged Stan just as much.
He pressed the captive into his side for support without even checking if he could walk on his own, because he obviously couldn’t, then made a mental note to get Stan a temporary cane later. He felt so small, so… nonconcrete, pressed into Declan’s side, forced to rely him to do something as simple as walking. 
So squishy. Fragile. Breakable. He almost couldn’t believe that the person giggling and drooling into his precious leather jacket was the very same as the one he’d spent night and day staking out to find the perfect way to capture, making sure he accounted for every detail, everything that could possibly go wrong, because in every scenario if things didn’t go exactly according to plan, Stan would absolutely crush Declan into a fine paste before he let him get anywhere near him.
He couldn’t dwell on those differences now. He couldn’t mourn the fates of all the people he captured. It broke the rules, the rules that kept Declan alive, and it wouldn’t be fair to all the supers that came before Stan; Those who never had anyone to mourn them, and those forced to continue living in a special type of hell even as their loved ones mourned their deaths, accepted it, and moved on. Even as their own selves died, and yet their bodies kept on living anyway.
He couldnt dwell on it unless he wanted to become one of them himself. Metaphorically. Literally. Who even cared anymore? He was too tired for this. Not thinking sounded like a great idea right about now.
Declan shoved Stan into the passenger seat of his truck, practically threw him, actually, then rummaged through the glovebox until he found the little baggie filled with those special little white pills and popped one in his mouth
Wonderful. Great.
He buckled Stan’s seatbelt for him after a brief confusion when Declan told him to, but he realized he couldn’t and got very upset and scared and started shaking again before Declan just went ahead and did it for him.
Declan slid into the driver’s seat and turned the key in the ignition, relishing the rumbling sound of the motor reverberating through his chest as it roared to life. His head already felt clearer. The world a little brighter, despite the bright crisp orange of the setting sun dyeing the sky an ever-darkening, gorgeous mixture of hot pinks and burnt oranges and burning reds, spanning unimpeded except by whisping grey clouds breaking the harmony of the dusk-washed light. Then the stars, near invisible speckles, sparse at first, teasing even, until they slowly and inevitably beckoned forth the darker violets and deep indigos and what looked to be the purest of blacks broken up by the sprinkling of the purest white stars, soon to be a cavalcade too numerous to ever count.
So big, all-encompassing. 
Light years away, unencumbered by the existence of humanity.
Even Stan couldn’t help but stare in the silence.
Deeby let out a deep breath.
“Alright, bud. Let’s head home.”
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Taglist: @flowersarefreetherapy | @pirefyrelight | @cakeinthevoid | @painsandconfusion | @books-are-everything
@paperprinxe | @tippytappytyping | @chaotic-orphan | @notactuallyluska | @lumpofsand
@watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees | @whumpwhittler | @thelazywitchphotographer
(A special thank you and welcome to all the new people who joined the taglist! Y'all are genuinely so wonderful :D If you'd like to be added or subtracted from the taglist, don't be afraid to ask!)
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byoldervine · 3 months
Why No Writing Advice Seems To Work
There’s millions of tips out there for writers, but so much of it just doesn’t apply, and it often feels like nothing ever works because you have to wade through a million failures before you find a success. But why is that, exactly?
1. Implicit phasing. Seeking advice while in the drafting phase of your writing can be difficult when many popular tips are more important during the editing phase. It can build on perfectionism struggles that a lot of writers have, but a lot of people genuinely don’t realise that this advice will suit them better for editing rather than drafting. If it’s about improving what you’ve already got, or just improvements in general, don’t touch it until you’re editing; you can’t improve on something that doesn’t exist, so you’ll just be going over the same draft a gazillion times without making progress. What you need to look for are tips for brainstorming, getting out of a funk, etc
2. Concept to blueprint. For me, literal thinking has kept me from understanding a lot of writing advice and, even when I’ve got the gist of it, I struggle to figure out how to take it from a general phrase (e.g. “Show don’t tell”, “Make it a habit”) to something actionable that tells me what I need to do. If you’re misunderstanding what the advice is saying, or you don’t know what actions it’s implying that you take, of course it’s not going to be helpful. Sitting down and dedicating a minute or two to considering it can really help, and if you’re still unsure then always feel free to ask other writers; there’s bound to be others who were in the same boat that can share their own interpretations and the actions they took that helped them
3. Hobbyist approach. If you’re only writing for fun, and especially if you don’t consider yourself a ‘real writer’, it’s easy to think that some of the advice doesn’t apply to you. For me, I always thought that the whole “Write every day, make writing a habit” thing was just for people who were super serious about it or on a schedule, not for people who were just writing for fun and didn’t mind it taking forever. But after trying out NaNoWriMo, I realised I actually quite enjoy having a set routine that allows me to see consistent improvement, and even after NaNoWriMo I experimented to see how often I could write without it feeling more like a chore than a fun activity. It’s definitely worth it to at least try out tips that you think may not apply to a hobbyist just working for fun; sometimes you might learn something else about your writing style, even if the tip doesn’t work for you
4. Unique takes. Ultimately, we’re all different people with different experiences, habits, interests, styles, physical abilities and neurotypes; not everything will work for everyone. And that’s a good thing! Yes, it’s frustrating when we try a popular tip and it just doesn’t work for us like it does others, but that’s one more thing we know about ourselves and how we work, and maybe it’ll lead us to a new discovery that makes it easier going forward. If everyone was the same, all our writing would be the same, and that would be boring. You’ll stand out as a writer by working differently to achieve unique results. And if you find something that works for you, make sure you share it in case others benefit, too!
5. Customise. Finding your own tips and sharing them can lead others to you, and it all starts with experimentation; try new things, mix and match existing tips you’ve tried and figure out what can be adjusted to make your writing process better. I can’t keep to NaNoWriMo’s 1667 words per day demands, it’s too much work in too little time, but I can do 1000 words every week and be much more consistent than I used to be. Or maybe watching your word count all the time demotivates you? Try changing your measurement from X words to writing for Y amount of time - or you could even try both and say you’ll write for a max of Y minutes unless you can reach X amount of words beforehand. Even if it’s not something that was originally intended by the tip, can you find a way to customise it to work better for you?
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unformula1 · 7 months
sun and earth (LS2 x reader)
sun and earth (LS2 x reader)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ synopsis: you love him. he can’t love you back. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pairing: logan sargeant x reader w/c: 1077 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a/n: kinda poorly written but i hope it still makes you cry!! i'll edit it soon. sorry for lack of fics, i've been sick (very). masterlist(read more) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You love Logan. You definitely do.
“You’re such a dickhead.” Logan says as he punches your shoulder gently, but hard enough to cause you to stumble.
“I’ve got a very strong point there!” You regain your balance and punch him back.
“I do not… look like a cat.” He says, his smile growing as he does so.
“You’re literally doing it right now.” 
“I am not.”
“You definitely are. Look at yourself.” You shift to the side so Logan can see himself through the glass panel.
“Okay… well I don’t see it.” Logan crosses his arms, making his chest bulge in a way you would never get over.
“Well…” You stutter slightly, keeping your eye on his chest.
“Well?” He questions, causing you to snap out of your staring.
“I’ll put them side by side, then maybe you’ll see!” You quickly regain your composure.
He scoffs and ruffles your hair which sends a weird chill down your spine, you shiver slightly.
“You know, I think you’re like… the sun in my life.” Logan stuffed his hands into his pockets as he says.
“What a weird analogy.” You comment, scoffing as you do so.
“Shut up. I’m trying to compliment you.” He says, rolling his eyes and punching you on the shoulder.
“Fine. If I’m the sun,” You drag the last word, “Then you are the Earth!”
He raises an eyebrow and gives you a blank stare that screams ‘I don’t know what you just said’.
“You’re pretty, and gorgeous, or something like that.” You say, trying to sound as nonchalant as you can.
“Aw…” He drags the aw and scrunches up his face.
It’s adorable, you’ve never seen anything like it and you don’t think you will. Logan makes your heart flutter in ways you never knew could ever happen. Before him it was always you in charge, but somehow, someway, Logan changed everything.
All of a sudden you were killing to get him to look in your direction and nothing meant more than him smiling at you. You knew you liked him but did he like you back? You didn’t know and you weren’t willing to take any chances.
“Hello?” Logan’s voice comes from across the phone when he finally picks up your call.
“Hi.” You say back, loud music blasting in the background.
“What’s up?” He asks you, concern rising in his voice.
“I need… uhm�� a ride back home.” You reply.
“Send me your location, I’ll be there in 10.” He says.
“Thanks Logs.” You say as you hang up and send over your live location. 
You clutch your phone tightly as you wait outside the door. The party had gotten hectic and chaotic within minutes and you don’t think you have the energy to deal with all of that.
Leaning against the wall, you wait patiently for Logan to come over. 
It takes him about 20 minutes to get here, which felt like forever, but when he pulls up, you waste no time before getting in the car and slamming the door shut. You take a huge sigh of relief as you lean back into the chair.
“Jeez, was it that bad?” He says, driving off.
“Horrible I say.” You sigh loudly as you buckle your seatbelt, “Thanks… for coming to get me.”
“No problem. Sorry I was a little late.”
“Don’t worry, you were- like the 50th person I called.” You admit, leaning back further into the comfort of the chair.
“Really?” He says with a tint of confusion.
“Yea, no one else was free.”
“Damn… glad I could help you out.”
“You’re an amazing friend. Sometimes you feel like my boyfriend.”
What did you just say?
The words that escaped your mouth finally process and your eyes widen as you pray hard Logan doesn’t react too much about the words. 
“What?” He says with a chuckle.
“Boyfriend?” He teases, wiggling his eyebrows up and down.
It’s hot, unbearably so, but you push the blush that wants to surface back down. You take a deep breath and try to quickly diffuse the situation.
“Yea, because you’re- like really close and really protective and all that,” You start rambling, “Not because of- like, romantic or anything, you know?” 
“Mhm…” He says, clearly suspicious.
The next few minutes are awkward, the tension could be sliced with a knife.
“Do you… want me to be anything more than a friend?” Logan breaks the silence.
You shuffle your feet and fiddle with your seatbelt. You know your answer, and you’re pretty sure he does too.
You clear your throat.
“Right…” Logan responds, turning the corner, getting onto the street your apartment was on.
“You know…I have to make quite a lot of sacrifices to be where I am and to maintain that.” He starts.
“Yes, of course, and I don’t want to get in the way of that.” You desperately hope this doesn’t go south.
“And you know how it’s sometimes really hard to make those sacrifices.” He continues.
It’s starting to become draggy.
“Well, I hope you understand, that you and I being friends… is going to have to be one of those. Those hard sacrifices.” Logan says, his tone growing solemn.
“Right… you can’t exactly… be something with me because of… things.” You reply, shuffling your feet more.
“I love you.” Logan says as he pulls up to your apartment.
“But sometimes, I can’t love the people I want to.”
You nod, the tears fighting their way out, streaming down your cheek. You look down, hiding the tears from Logan as he stops to let you exit the car.
“I’m sorry…” Logan says. He doesn’t strike any eye contact and his face is gloomy. He hates that he has to do this and you know that.
“It’s…” You say between the sobs, “Yea no, It’s fine.” 
You don’t make any eye contact as you exit the car. The tears become real and you try your best to wipe them away as you walk into your apartment. Once you’re in the safety of your house you break down. Falling to your knees, you drop everything else and just cry.
It hurts you knowing you could never have Logan.
The Sun and the Earth. The Earth needs the sun for its life, but if it gets too close, it burns; so whether they like it or not, they’ll remain the same distance apart for their entire lives, never being too close to each other.
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loveshotzz · 2 years
Tumblr media
Authors Note:This is my submission for @sparklingsin ‘s ‘Spookinktober’ my prompt word was pumpkin. Obviously I got carried away. Tumblr was being a bitch so ignore the editing and typos please. It literally has paragraphs disappear when I go to edit it, so it is what it is 🤷🏻‍♀️
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: SMUT (18plus) NO MINORS. Choking, spanking, slight dom!eddie and bratty reader.
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Laurie Strode’s scream filled your ears as you shoved the carving knife into your pumpkin.
“Jesus sweetheart, watch your fingers.” Eddie had been watching you through out this entire process with apprehensive eyes. Not known for your grace he wasn’t trying to take you to the emergency room on Halloween night. Again.
“Jesus Eddie, I’m fine.” Rolling your eyes hard you continue your assault on your pumpkin doing your best to make it look like the one on the VHS cover of Halloween the movie you were watching.
“Just.. be careful.” Warm hands on your shoulders Eddie places a chaste kiss on the crown of your head. “I’m gonna go get out of these jeans really quick, don’t cut your fingers off.”
Dropping your knife with a loud huff you knew he didn’t mean anything by it, in fact his fear was valid having taken you to get stitches on more then one occasion you just couldn’t help but be a brat.
“Look, I’ll stop while I’m unsupervised Dad.” Raising your hands in the air Eddie’s eyes narrow at your attitude from the hallway. Shaking his head he turns back around muttering under his breath.
The sound of Michael’s notorious music brings your attention back to the small TV in his living room. The soft glow of it making the everything look that much more cozy, one of the many reasons you always preferred hanging out here rather then your parents house. Eddie didn’t understand it but it was home to you.
Eyes flicking back to the movie your breath catches in your throat when you see Michael wrap his hands tightly around a woman’s throat. Pushing her against the wall with force, he lifts her up a few inches in the air. Biting your bottom lip the heat rises to your cheeks when your thighs press themselves together. The familiar tingling in your gut that usually only Eddie brought out in you makes your toes curl.
So distracted you didn’t hear Eddie sneak back in the room, his plan to scare a smile out of you with Red’s Michael mask was put on pause when he saw the way you were staring at the TV. The familiar glaze covering your eyes he takes in your body language eyes trailing back to the TV where he saw exactly what was happening.
He knew you liked being choked in the bedroom from time to time but this was a little more aggressive then what he was used to doing to you. Fingers fiddling in your lap he knew you had it bad. Smirking to himself under the mask he was glad you were being a little brat.
Eddie clears his throat snapping you out of your lust filled daze, mouth going dry at the sight in front of you. In nothing but black sweat pants that rested low on his hips and a Michael mask Eddie was the epitome of your own personal wet dream right now. Gulping loudly you’re left speechless as he starts to stalk over to you, the playfulness he came in with gone.
“What’s going on in here huh?” His voice is low behind the latex of the mask. “You only ever look at me that way. What’s got you so worked up pretty girl?”
Your own nerves getting the best of you despite knowing it was just your goofy loving boyfriend underneath, you couldn’t help but push yourself off your chair scrambling to get away from him.
“Eddie, come on.” Whining the heat rises to your cheeks excitement mixing with the embarrassment of being caught.
“Does my girl like it rough? Is that it?” You can hear the smile in his conceding tone as his long strides bring him closer. The muscles in his abdomen flexing slightly with each movement of his legs. He’s never looked sexier to you.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Changing the octave in your voice trying to sound more innocent, you lay it on thick noticing the tent that started to form in his sweats.
“No? Do I need to remind you?” Closing the distance with quick steps his ringed fingers wrap tightly around you throat shoving you hard enough against the wall it has Wayne’s coffee mugs clinking together on impact.
Unable to stop the loud moan that falls from your mouth, your eyes close tight as his rings bite into the sensitive skin underneath his hold. Pushing your legs apart with his knee, he slots himself between them the top of his thigh pressing tightly against your aching core. Wiggling your hips your body searches for friction on its own accord.
Squeezing tighter he tuts at you from under the mask.
“Behave yourself baby, I’m just reminding you of what you seemed to of forgotten.” Flexing the muscle of his thigh against your heat, your head lulls back into his hold. You were putty in his hands like this and he couldn’t get enough of it.
“Is this why you were being such a brat earlier? You were hoping I’d get the picture huh? That you just wanted me to punish you.” The last two words coming out from between clenched teeth his hold getting tighter for a minute before he lets it go. Removing his leg from between yours without warning your feet hit the ground with a light thud.
Ripping the mask off there’s a light sheen of sweat coating his forehead making his bangs stick to his skin, chocolate pools blown into black Eddie was just as effected by this as you. The knowledge adding more slick to the coating that was already inside your panties.
He takes a minute to search your face for any trace of discomfort but all he sees is how your pupils have dilated so much there was no color left. You’ve always looked at him like you were attracted to him but you never looked at him like this. His erection becoming almost painful against the soft fabric of his sweats when he thinks about how wet you must be. Grabbing your face between his ringed hand he squeezes your cheeks together before slotting his lips roughly against yours. Sighing in his mouth your tongue meets his eagerly before he rips himself away trying to keep himself calm enough to remain in control.
“Turn around.” His voice is quiet but his tone is demanding and he watches the internal battle of wanting to behave or be a brat happen across your face before you finally give in turning around. “Hands on the wall.”
When your palms hit the smooth paint of the walls you weren’t expecting the first smack. Eddie’s open hand making harsh contact with your right butt cheek, the metal hitting hard enough you’re sure there will be a bruise there in the morning.
“That was for having to think about listening to me. I saw that.” Pushing himself flush against your back his voice sends shivers down your spine as his lips ghost over the shell of your ear with each word. With his hard cock pushing against your covered entrance part of you feels like this might actually be torture. Your hips seek friction but his firm grip on them holds you in place.
“Be good.” The condescending way he sings good makes you want to be anything but. The need to cum overpowering your pride you decide to stay still.
Nipping at your ear lobe you feel Eddie start to work his way down your body. Big hands slide down your curves squeezing and kneading at the flesh as he makes his way down to the tops of your jeans. Popping open the front buttons with quick fingers he starts tugging them down your legs leaving a small bite on each ass cheek when they pool at your ankles. Cupping under the curve of each cheek he pulls them apart so he can see if you’re as wet he he thinks you are.
“Fuck baby, all this for me?” Breaking his dominant character a strangled moan leaves his throat at how your panties are completely soaked through. Pushing his face in between your covered folds he inhales deeply the tip of his nose brushing against your swollen nub.
Shaking legs beg to give out on top of him as your finger nails scrape against the wall, the needy whine you give echos through the trailer and you swear you feel him chuckle against you.
Calloused fingers grip the sides of your panties yanking them down to join at your feet with the denim of your jeans. Another loud moan leaves his swollen lips when he sees your slick glisten against the newly exposed skin of your cunt.
“I’m gonna take care of it pretty girl don’t worry.” Mumbling to himself he pushes your legs further apart, you knew he was coming but you still gasped when his tongue licked a long stripe through your folds. “God you taste even better when you’re this worked up, you’ve been holding on out me.” Another unexpected smack to your ass sends your body forward slightly.
“Eddie, please, please.” Your pleading comes out breathless while your body feels like it might actually combust if he doesn’t fuck you.
“Please what?” Pushing himself off the ground you can feel him crowd behind you, the rough hair of his happy trail scraping against the small of your back while an arm loops around you. Fingers gripping tight around your neck again he pulls your head back so you can meet his eyes. “Use your words.”
Pushing your ass against his hard cock that sat nestled between your cheeks you don’t care anymore how pathetic you might sound.
“Please Eddie, fuck me, I need you to fuck me.” stomping your feet it comes out as if you’re throwing a fit. “I’ve needed it all day.”
“I could tell by the way you were behaving, don’t worry I’ll make sure to fuck that attitude right out of you.” His grip leaves your throat before both hands find a place on either side of your hips pulling them back before an open palm pushes your back down. Angling you perfectly for him to control the pace.
Positioning himself with legs on either side of you his hands only leave your body long enough to push his sweat pants down his thighs, hissing when the cool air hits the leaking head of his cock. Giving himself a few pumps he pulls you in closer by your hips, swiping himself between your folds coating his thick mushroom head with your slick before stretching out your walls with one quick thrust.
Your voice gets caught in your throat at the feeling of him splitting you in half. Slapping the wall in front of you tears prickle at the corners of your eyes at how good it feels after being worked up for so long.
“Fuck, you feel so good.” grunting his thrusts are slow at first wanting to savor the feeling of your silky walls sucking him. The way you shudder against him has his eyes roll in the back of his head with each push your own hips start to meet his.
Blaming lack of self control you can’t help but try and set a faster pace, the slow build up in your gut not moving at the speed you were so desperate for. Eddie struggles to meet the movement of your hips snapping him out of the pussy drunk state he had slipped into when he was met with the wetness of your walls.
His fingers dig deep into your hips bruising the the soft skin underneath stilling your motions, keeping you in place his right hands releases its grip on you to smack your ass even harder then the times before. Biting your lip the string makes you clench around him earning a strangled moan from behind you.
“Such a dirty girl, who knew you were hiding all of this from me.” Smoothing a hand down your back his hips finally start setting a pace that satisfies the dull throb in your gut.
The sound of skin slapping against skin is the only thing that can be heard in the trailer, the grunts and whimpers leaving both of you without abandon drown out the slasher movie on in the background.
The hand that laid on on the small of your back snakes it way to the front of you with gentle pressure on your stomach he pushes you flush against his chest. The new angle making him hit a spot so deep it had you seeing stars behind your closed lid. Jaw going slack your mouth open his a silent scream as his rough fingers start drawing relentless circles on your clit.
“Eddie, eddie, eddie.” Your voice is unrecognizable when his name comes tumbling out of your mouth like a chant.
“Cum for me pretty girl, be a good girl and cum for me.” Lips pressed against your ear his voice sends a shiver down your spine clenching yourself even harder around him. A cocky laugh leaving his mouth at the feeling of how his words were effecting you.
Applying more pressure with his fingers it’s enough to finally send you over the edge, vision going white as your orgasm vibrates through your body like an earthquake. Shaking around him in a way he’s never felt before mixed with the hard clamp of your walls as you come undone on top of him has his following closely after yours. Cock twitching against your constricting walls the tail end of our orgasm milks his even further. Burying his head in the crook of your neck he moans loudly against your skin. His open mouth leaves a trail of drool that starts to slide down the curve of your neck as he tries to catch his breath. Hot ropes of his cum paint your insides. Leaning forward one hand grips your hips to hold you in place while the other lays flat against the wall holding your weight up.
It takes you both a minute to collect yourself before either of your make the effort to move or speak to each other, your bodies completely spent.
“So clearly there was a kink of yours I didn’t know about.” Eddie chuckles placing a chaste kiss on your cheek before making sure both your feet were flat on the floor. Pulling himself out slowly you both whimper at the loss of contact. The grip on your hips only loosens when he feels your start to balance yourself, they hover until he thinks your safe to do it on your own.
Heat rising to your cheeks you can’t fight the shyness that breaks through when you feel the remains of him start to drip down your thighs. Noticing the way your eyes won’t meet his, he grips your chin with his thumb and his index finger gently brining your attention back up to him.
“I liked it. I liked it a lot. There’s no reason to be embarrassed.” Kissing the tip of your nose he grabs a handful of your ass jiggling it playfully before pushing you towards the bathroom.
“Get in the shower, let me clean this up and I’ll meet you in there in a minute.” A devilish smirk graces his lips before adding. “And then we’ll rewind the movie as long as you promise not to get worked up again.”
Groaning loudly you crumple up a piece of newspaper that you had been carving your pumpkins on throwing it at him before stomping away. Slamming the door for good measure there was a part of you that hoped he’d come in here and do it all over again.
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dearweirdme · 1 month
I asked this from Peach and I really want to know your opinions on this one Rain🙏💜
I have one “thing” that I want to say and it’s super crazy😂I call it a “thing” because I really don’t know how to name it especially when I know that I’m biased towards both JK & Tae and their relationship regardless of what it is and you want to lable it👍
What if everything that we’ve seen so far (literally since 2017/2018 when I first kinda felt the first change of vibe and behavior in their interactions) is just a scenario to help Jungkook and Taehyung out with their coming out process? (Like it has multiple phases which are all written in their contracts.)
SK is homophobic and coming out will change many things (change = ruin) and I do know well that it’s all WISHFUL THINKING but I personally believe (a part of me) that many things are play to help them come out and they’ve been taking all these measures to reduce the impact of its consequences and we will see more of these measures in the years to come…even Jennie and the girl in the footage from JK’s apartment and Dispatch😁 (Money, Money, Money💸) (To this day, I still cannot believe that TaeNnie’s associated contents were edited or that one footage was not JK in his apartment with Bam and that girl and the weird stance that Dispatch has taken over the years).
Call me crazy (I know I am one😂) but this is how a part of my mind thinks and I’m crazy enough to share it with ya’ll😂
Like HYBE has been taking all measures possible to make sure that everything is confusing about TaeKook (ITS talk / Promoting JiKook / Hiding TaeKook / TaeNnie, to name some) until the right time comes😂
Bro this is just crazy and downright madness and I’m laughing about how crazy this thing is but I’m thinking about it😂
I mean like, JiKook enlisting together is the obvious sign that they’re not a couple because it’s just me or ya’ll think it’s so dangerous to engage in homosexual activities in the Korean army!? Ok, let’s say it’s BTS and they have signed NDAs to protect their privacy…but a whole unit just because they couldn’t stay away from each other for two years? It’s not a rational move in my opinion! (JiKook enlisting together was the end of JiKook for me).
I still have TaeNnie and that girl in JK’s apartment. There are many things that have stopped me from believing that something is really going on between TaeKook: JiKook being the first one, then comes TaeNnie and the girl in the apartment😁
Let’s see what narrative HYBE wants to promote by adding Taehyung to AYS🤭
Hi anon! So I asked @peachjagiya if I could post first, because I always feel some kind of way about answering the same asks.
Basically, I understand what you are saying.. I love the hopefullness, but I don't think this is what's happening.
I think what we have been seeing is that Tae and Jk are being more and more portrayed as close friends. I think they themselves have worked on that the hardest, because it matters to them. I don't think Hybe actually cares about them and their private lives enough to bother to try and help them. When the time comes for them to come out (and I think it will, but probably not for a few years... 5, possibly 10), Hybe will work out a plan to make them come out and benefit of that as much as they can, but before that.. I'm pessimistic. Taennie happened for a reason, and it was (for Tae's part) to keep people thinking he loves women. They are making a comeback next year, which is not the right time for a potential scandal. What Hybe will do to seed the news of a coming out, is let Dispatch publish increasingly more pics of Tae and Jk out. At dinner, visiting each other's places, on holiday, and at a certain point perhaps holding hands. That will take place over a couple of months.. so relatively fast, and it will end with an official announcement (if they are still with Hybe at the time). I tend to think that it's possible for them to come out individually first.. but I'm not sure what that will do for speculations, and if that's something they would want before coming out as a couple.
For me personally, Tae and Jk and everything around them isn't confusing at all. They fell in love, that was a problem and Bh tried to hide them. I'm never going to believe anonymous sources on the internet with clear signs of editing over Tae and Jk themselves, but I understand why it throws people off.
I don't really think Hybe is portraying much of a narrative with AYS to be honest. I think all of them are portrayed as good friends, which is truly all I need. I'm sure Jm will be put in the middle a lot, and I'm expecting to see more Vmin cuteness than Tkk cuteness for sure. But when I think about what we came from.. this is already so much. Pleassssseeeeeee, let it be Tae and Jm sharing the bed in jeju though 😂.
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Taco Truck x VB | O. Hightower
Description: Otto Hightower begins dating Viserys Targaryen's youngest daughter. Social media goes crazy because of the age-gap. Pairing: COO!otto hightower/actress-socialite!reader
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"Is there a man in your life?" James Corden raises an eyebrow, and the entire audience erupts into laughter. "I mean - it would be weird if I didn't have a man in my life, because how would I be born?" you try to change to topic, but your friend was already suspicious.
"Okay for the record, Henry Cavill is hot?" he asked, and you laugh nervously. Otto was most definitely watching from home. "He's a respectable man, and I'm sure that he treats ladies properly, but personally I think he's too young for me." you shrug, and a sarcastic chuckle escapes the host's mouth.
"Okay," he rolled his eyes and the audience laughs again.
"Now let's move into your new movie with Cate Blanchett,"
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(your name)arryn-targaryen: 💚
2,678 comments 971,238 likes
gigihadid: 💚 Hightower_Gwaynie: welcome to the family 💪🏽💚 user12: the green hearts are throwing me off guard
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The socialite and actress is known for her small indie films in Hollywood, mostly gaining critical acclaim but 'flopping' in box-office. Now, her fans can't stop speculating the identity of her new boyfriend.
Well, here is what we know:
In a cryptic post in instagram, she used a green heart and her friends retaliated with posting the same color. Green is the signature color of 'House Hightower', a family that used to be prominent in Italy during the Renaissance Period. The family comes from a line of bankers that used to dominate medieval Europe.
The patriarch, Otto Hightower, has three sons: Hobert, Toto, and Gwayne.
The actress is yet to confirm the relationship with one of the three.
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It was nice being in America, since no one knew about your family. They were all treating you like shit, but that was okay.
"Sometimes I walk around museums and think that these artifacts shouldn't be here," you mused, taking a lazy sip of your espresso.
Otto had the entire museum closed just so you could walk around without fear of the media. It was sweet, but it wasn't anything out of the ordinary for you - you were used to luxury.
"Buy it and give them back." he replied, holding your other hand tightly. Smiling while his cold palms were defrosted by your warm ones. He had doubts about the relationship - figured that he was too old to be your boyfriend, but you assured him.
This was what you wanted - and there was nothing wrong with it.
"I guess," you hum - walking past the Asia section.
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arryn.family.updates: Y/N Arryn-Targaryen (Aemma's daughter) with Otto Hightower.
167 comments 200 likes
fabyrtestar: The power she holds, if they get married her last name is literally gonna be Y/N Targaryen-Hightower antonio_fuoci2: She's so lana del rey vinyl
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"She's a nice girl, but we're not [uhh] together. Honestly, when you're at this age - all you worry about is work and making work better. I mean the new Targaryen 291 Adventure Edition is a wonderful car for a family, and we've been working on it for the past decade now - to make sure that everything is fine and safe."
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"I don't think that the rumors should be taken as truth, I've spoken to Otto a few times and it's all business between us - he's my father's COO. I haven't been out actually, I was really shocked when the rumors came out. I've been so busy on my film with A24, and processing the Arryn Hotel Chain, [super] busy."
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(5 years later)
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(your name)arryn-targaryen: look at him. i'd die for him. i'd kill for him, but either way what bliss?
pictures for our wedding in may.
future mrs. hightower
credits to @jace_strong_photography
34,238 comments 244,779 likes
RhaenyraArryn-Targaryen: Congratulations dear! leaving the nest already, even though you swore to be here til 30. 😊 - (your name)arryn-targaryen: I didn't pinky swear 🤷🏻‍♀️
benjamineur29: IT'S ALL BUSINESS BETWEEN US 😭😭 bitch u lied
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overdicebro · 11 months
continuing my rant about wanting a mermaid princess
Okay I've thought about making it it's own chapter but then that would mean there will be another Voice so instead I made it another subroute of “The Prisoner”
The thought process and perception of the Princess should be somewhat alluring, seductive, mysterious yada yada yada
That the Protagonist just find her nonchalance and ambiguous answers somewhat attractive. It'll end up with the princess beheading herself and the hero just traumatized to the point where the "can we put it back?" was actually considered. The Skeptic could've also just questioned the entire being of the Princess and perceived that putting it right back didn't seem impossible. So walking right up to the head and trying to salvage(?)😭 it back. She'll be stunned and she'll beat the shit out of you still without her head andddd you die and transition to next chapter.
I don't even know where you'll get siren from that scenario but STILL hear me out. *Perceived her as mysteriously seductive and soothing from the start and downright horrifying the moment after (?)??()?((
Chapter III : The Siren
Voices: Hero, Skeptic, Smitten, maybe even Paranoid
The cabin's interior has changed into a more intimidating, submerged in water similar to the Grey. The blade the mirror everything is still there blablabla. Going down the stairs nearly opaque and almost filed with water it's difficult to even step in it. The Princess has a siren-y voice. Thats it.
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She's resting on a stone and the basement is kinda filled with water just enough to hide her tail. She'll have more flowy hair, tattered dress, fins and stuff, and some chains shit. The Princess will have disdain towards you for trying to put her head back instead of helping her get out of the cabin but she's still chill. Basically Specter underwater edition, she's still has her chains but its useless now since the metals been in contact with water it might be easier to break it idk. The scene might play as to how can she even end the world when she literally can't walk rn. Shes more helpless since there isn't enough water to swim her way out of there; crawling her way out won't work in her favor because the tails heavy as fuck. So it's up to you if you're willing to carry her up outside the cabin or just slay her. Idk what happens if you slay her. But choosing to carry her all the way up will just let her be eaten by the hands and turn into a vessel. She'll be an “Enchanting heart” I think
“She who has never found support even in her darkest time still finds herself in a better judgement than those who put her in this the first place”/ Do not mourn her for she now has all the help she needed/ kinda shit
You can choose to leave her behind I think and I think that's where she'll begin to plead and be more desperate. Andd maybe her theme can have her singing?
This shits rough man but it's all I can think off, been here some days on my drafts but welp
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kings-highway · 15 days
i've got quite a lot of fics written but they don't seem complete or cohesive enough to leave my docs,,, i don't know how to outline fics so everytime i get back to them im all over the place and end up doing things from the beginning do u have any advice :⁠,)
so... mhm... this is an interesting question. First of all I GREATLY appreciate you asking but unfortunately this installment of King's "advice column" is going to be half rant, half pep talk, and like maybe a sneaky 3% advice because the truth is... I don't know.
first off: I don't outline anything. Never have. The few times I do outlines it's for the sake of "trying to outline" and never because i wanted to. If you ever see me say the phrase "my outline" what Im actually referring to is the dance-break hallucination of the characters I've set to whatever Top 40 song Im listening to at the moment. I... cannot help you with outlining. Not really.
But I have some things that may help you overall. It sounds like the problem you have is with editing, not writing. Which... if you're new to editing or haven't edited a lot, can be entirely tedious and confusing and you might be saying "ach, but whats the difference!" - the difference is everything. I, personally, love editing. editing is where a story comes alive and can be perfected. If you have a finished full draft of a story, and you truly dont know where to go next... the next step is to be done with it. Literally. I've been working on a personal novel for about 2 years now, and half that time is spent waiting. Put away your draft, write something else. In 2 months, 3 months, come back to it and read it again, change anything you're no longer satisfied with. You'd be SHOCKED how much just taking a break from a story can improve your understanding of it. You may think of things to change in this waiting period - hold off. Hold it in. Let it stew. consider it caramalizing onions. there's simply no way to rush it. NOW - you expressed the sentiment of "i always end up doing things from the beginning-" I say... no you dont. That IS editing. My story has fully changed from front to back multiple times. That new draft you wrote from scratch? congrats, thats your second draft. Not your first. then you do it again. And again. Until the edits become smaller and smaller and smaller. And then when you hate it enough, you say "i cant possibly touch this anymore" and thats when you let someone read it.
And the truth is, they should have been reading it before. Feedback is infinitely important, in the editing process. You cannot expect to only ever show the best product. I have friends who have read drafts of my novel that wouldnt even be able to recognize what it is now. but I could never have gotten it to this point without their feedback. You have to be okay with letting someone - even just one person - see your bad first draft. THEY will be able to tell you where your cohesion is or isnt and how to improve it.
BUT that brings me to a second point, and the idea that this is probably fanfiction. Now, your initial ask was a little vague, so consider the first response there me being under the assumption you were interested in completely finishing a novel or short story with incredibly serious intent. Now Im going to assume you might be looking to publish chapter by chapter or take it "less seriously" because its just for having fun.
And to that i Say:
if youre publishing chapter-by-chapter (and writing chapter by chapter) your cohesion is gonna be shit!!! thats a first draft youre putting out into the world, babe, its gonna be ass! but embrace the chaos!!! I have learned and developed SO MUCH as a writer by publishing chapters one at a time, namely how to "punch through" that lack of cohesion. Consider your first draft a challenge. no matter how many errors you make, you are NOT allowed to go back and change it. that thing you committed to chapter 2? well its chapter 18 now and you either need to address it, or ignore it and hope your readers dont comment. You are beholden to your own writing and theres nothing you can do. Make it work. Its probably not as bad as you think.
Which brings me back to my initial point - dont trust me on cohesion!! Or, maybe, don't trust *yourself* on your judgement of your story. I'm assuming if you're asking you like at least 1 of my stories, so here's that aforementioned peptalk bit from the beginning:
if we're talking about incohesive stories and bad choices and things that REALLY should have been edited, I'm the (hehe puns) King of them. (I sometimes just vaguely think about Paranormality and want to tear my hair out - and yet this is one people seem to love the most!) here's two facts from my stories that are currently still available to read on ao3:
1. In "The Island" Jasvir and the rescue team make a 24 hour journey in about 6 hours (Because I forgot where New Zealand was and didnt fact check before)
2. In "Soulmake Adventures" Tendou describes how Ushijima stays at his apartment when he's "in the city" despite that city being Tokyo and the home base for the Adlers and Ushijima really should, like, have a home. (It did not occur to me to even check)
And Honey, if you think I had a plan for even one goddamn second of Paranormality you're mistaken. Holy shit it's just nonsense after nonsense after nonsense. I REALLY should have like, at least at one point, like... thought ahead. I just kept shoving stuff in and backpedaling and doubling down on things. But it was FUN to write. And people had a lot of fun reading it. I could edit it into something cohesive, but I dont think it needs that. I think if youre writing fanfiction, maybe its okay to just let it be a little bit loose and fucked up for the sake of the joy of it.
here's.... uh.... 3% advice:
1. have an ending. the stories where I know what my last scene (or my last line) will be always get drafted easier and with less stress. I dont mean have an ending idea. I mean literally mentally map out the last paragraph. Really helps me keep on track
2. talk to people. Walk them through your premise and your themes and what you want it to be. saying it out loud almost always will start clicking puzzle pieces together.
3. learn editing. unfortunately im not talking about grammer and spelling, i mean proper content editing. You have to build this skill seperately from your writing.
4. accept that your first draft is for vibes and fun. Push forward and do your best to "force it" however you need to, but;
4.5. understand that deleting work is part of the creation process too. If you do scrap an entire draft and start over, youre not "starting over" - youre starting draft 2. Thats editing!
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writtenbyaris · 9 months
my creative writing process as a planner 🌟
the idea:
story ideas come to me at the most random and inconvenient of times. right before i fall asleep, when i'm in the shower, during my classes, etcetera. my main rule is to always write them down, whether it's in my notes app or a slip of paper or a journal... i'll forget it if i don't.
i try keeping it simple at this stage and not thinking too deeply about it, otherwise it becomes quite overwhelming. sometimes ¡'ll make a pinterest board depending on what the idea is. if it's more of an aesthetic, then i can make a moodboard out of it to help inspire me more. however, if the idea is a plot of some sort, that can be a bit more difficult.
character and world building:
this is my favorite part. once i have an idea set in stone and i'm ready to work on it, i begin building the characters and the world around it. i figure out the mechanics of the idea and how it can relate to characters and the world they're in.
at this point, i'm definitely making pinterest boards, playlists, and picrews to feel more immersed in the skeleton of the story.
i still keep it as simple as possible, and try to enjoy it. when i try juggling too many things at once, i end up wanting to abandon the project. slow and steady is the key for me :)
creating the story:
now we get down to what being a writer actually is.. transforming the idea into a story. i have to at least come up with one major plotline to start. i usually write in my journal during this stage, but sometimes i'll use notion to organize everything and keep track of it all.
oftentimes, the main plot will come to me when i'm working on character and world building. sometimes it's even the idea that first popped into my head. the story is usually influenced by dreams i've had, my own every day experiences, and other media i consume.
arcs, subplots, themes, etc:
this stage is for the smaller details that are vital for the story to flow and actually work. it's like a puzzle that's finally coming together.
for me, a story isn't a good one without arcs and themes, so those are of utmost importance. subplots are necessary to make the world more immersive, give readers insight on the characters, and keep the story naturally flowing. everything has to be woven back in to the main plot or idea, though.
i will say, this is the stage that tends to give me the biggest headache :P
zero draft:
jumping into a first draft as a heavy planner is too scary for me. so i came up with the idea of a zero draft. basically- zero expectations.
this is the backbone of my story. in this stage, i'm basically just taking myself through the steps of the story. i organize the plot and subplots into chapters, and with each chapter i go through all the beats of each scene. literally every. single. thing. that happens.
i don't usually include dialogue in this phase, but i do mention when a character will be in a conversation. all the focus should be on putting a needle and thread through the story and tying it all together.
first draft:
the first draft is somewhat easier for me because i do a zero draft. so, i know everything that will happen in a chapter and just have to utilize my writing abilities to make it rhythmic.
this is the first stage where i write dialogue, so it tends to be corny. a lot of my writing can be cliche and basic as well. that's what editing is for though!
i usually stress the most when writing my first draft, because it's the first time the story is actually being written in the format of a novel. by the end, it's not always very good either. but i do not look back at all, which means absolutely no editing until the first draft is finished.
and so on…
once the first draft is finished, then comes draft two. it's enjoyable to be able to read your own work all over again, though it's sometimes embarrassing as writing does improve with practice.
i focus on one chapter at a time-reading slowly, editing, filling in plot holes, fixing anything that changed later in the story. i try to catch as many details as i can.
usually, after as many rounds of editing one likes, the draft would be sent to an editor and beta readers. then i'd look into publishing companies (can you tell i haven't gotten to that point yet? lol)
are you a planner or a pantser?
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thecomfywriter · 3 months
Welcome to my Writing Corner!
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2024 updated edition:
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Hey! Welcome to my writing corner. My name is (not) Naveena, though I more commonly go by @thecomfywriter. This blog is dedicated to sharing tips and tricks pertaining to writing. Occasionally, I'll also share artwork relating to my ocs or details about my own WIP, but I tend to gear most of my content towards helping other writers tackle the messier parts of writing and make the entire process easier for all of us. Here are some fun fact about me, and then some about my WIP.
Follow my socials! You can find my book on wattpad and tapas :)
instagram: thecomfyywriter wattpad: thecomfywriter tiktok: thecomfywriter pinterest: thecomfywriter tapas: thecomfywriter
When did I get into writing?
I actually got into storytelling first in the form of my doll games, believe it or not. When those stories all started layering and becoming more complex, I decided to take my stories to paper. I think my sister's need for a bedtime story every night is what initially inspired my brain to start weaving stories, but I started creating stories and orating them at the age of 5 (my audience was my sister) and I started writing when I was 6.
What genres do I like writing the most?
Over the years, I have experimented with a bunch of different genres, from horror to paranormal to mystery to romance to action... literally everything. But, the one my heart settles in the most is high fantasy, mainly because it engages every part of my brain and really makes me think. I think it has to do with the worldbuilding part of it. If you've seen my previous posts, worldbuilding is my favourite aspect of writing, and when you're writing high fantasy, the entire world and all its lore is made from scratch. I absolutely ADORE the creative process of forging politics or economic systems; trade routes and cultural history; mythology and language. Every part of worldbuilding makes me devote myself to high fantasy like no other genre. It's also the reason why I become so invested in my own writing.
What are my favourite books?
RECOMMENDATION ALERT. Read all of these books please because I promise you, if for nothing else, it will give you a fresh taste of different styles of literature. I'll keep my essays as to why I love each novel short, but I literally have an entire shelf in my room dedicated to all my favourites. In terms of my top two, The Iliad by Homer and Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte have to tie. They're both classics and they both hold a special place in my heart. Wuthering Heights for its depiction of different types of love and the complexities of falling and maintaining love, even through maladaptive and obsessive ways like revenge, grief, and resentment. The Iliad for the sheer theatrics of Achilles LMAO. He's so goofy I love him. Such a drama king, but also so lethal? I love the dichotomy. I love that you can feel his wrath, feel his indignation, and feel the consequences of his retreat through its impact on the war. It speaks volumes about how powerful his character is long before his 3 bellows on the top of the wall after a certain someone-someone dies. I'm not going to say who, but also... Zeus listing off all his affairs while trying to tell Hera how much he lusts for her will always make me laugh. Like, damn bro is really dense, huh?
In terms of non-classics: The Giver by Lois Lowry for how it has changed my perspective of the world. It has made me more appreciative of all the aspects of being human and all the small sensational things I had previously taken for granted. The Last Dragon by Silvana De Mari for the adventure aspect of the tale and getting me so emotionally attached to the characters. The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro for the reflective aspects of the tale and how the story tends to hold more meaning after it simmers in the conscious and lingers behind with endless thoughts. I cannot tell you how many times I've reflected on that book. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini for how RAW and emotionally impactful that story is. GOD the ending gutted me. I've never had a book make me sob before this one. And then, goofily enough, The Vampire Diaries by L.J. Smith because I love how iconic it is, especially with og Elena.
What's the name and genre of the story?
Throne of Vengeance! It's a high fantasy action adventure.
Is it completed?
As of April 2024, yes! I am going through to edit it a second time since I'm pretty sure my brain was slightly fried the first time, but also starting the querying process right now.
How long did it take to complete?
In terms of the entire concept? I originally drafted the idea for this book when I was 7 years old. Finished it when I was 9 because I took a year long hiatus where I forgot about it. Then, I decided to revisit and rewrite it when I was 11ish? And it took me until now, at the ripe age of 21, to have it done and dusted.
A long journey indeed.
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Alrighty! So, I'll keep the WIP questions short, but I hope you guys enjoy my blog. If you have any questions or post requests, do let me know. My asks are always open :)
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runningfrom2am · 7 months
sejanus and coryo not understanding what r is saying when she is quoting a line has got to be one of my favourite things.
“Oh, only being able to hold you without retraumatizing you.” sir-
i love how no matter how much changes in the story, coryo’s hatred towards birds STAY. the boy hates them more than everything.
lennox is making some points with that guilt and love one. being smart is genetic it seems.
you know what? i agree with sejanus so much on the arena part.
i desperately needed someone to tell them what she did in the arena and i’m glad it was sejanus, out of the three who know it. the fact that neither lucy gray nor lennox will be able to process this information as truly real because r, really? oh, how devastating. girlie had convinced herself that [salt->???->staying alive]
“All you did by surviving was make everything weird.” me, one day, probably.
the real comedy is coryo not understanding the joke. also, beatrice the queen <3
she closed her book! she put her book into her bag! she wouldn’t have done that had she not been keen on talking with him. she hadn’t when he first came. 🥹
the fact that she was about to die thinking she was in love while hardly knowing him and now that she is alive, she is living the “what could have been”.
i’m 99% sure that lennox has a calendar where he circled the day coryo will leave, hopefully, with a red marker.
“Watching his eyes- but nothing changes. Baby blue. Worry. More worry.” all i will say is that, this is emotional 🥲
bro i just edited part twenty and it’s over 6k words so get ready hahahah. anyway, let’s dive into this for now!!
1. no me too hahah it’s so funny and coryo tries so hard but sejanus is just always so normal and honest about not really understanding. like at the very beginning when he was like “i thought we were supposed to be mentoring you”, but coryo has always seen her as some kind of walking poem. sejanus loves her honestly, coryo has put her on a pedestal. (not that it’s a bad thing or that he doesn’t love her honestly but he doesn’t try really hard to make her feel understood and she doesn’t even mind)
2. oh my god yeah the DRAMA going on in this man’s head 24/7 hahaha
3. yeah there’s no way that would ever change. (and that makes me believe that tybs will really grow on him lol)
4. we’ve BEEN SAYING THIS like lennox just gets it
5. like,, no one ever thought to ask sejanus what he thought? he was the only other person there! smh
6. literally like they needed to know. she tried to tell lucy gray, but she made the active choice to not tell lennox, even though she doesn’t know the extent of what she had done. (well, she does, she just can’t admit it yet)
7. me now honestly
8. beatrice is such a girlboss i literally love her sm
9. coryo didn’t even have TIME to process the significance of that, he was so focused on keeping her attention 🥹 and bless her HEART she is trying so so hard
10. omg yeah and she totally knows that too 🥹 she’s been comparing them to that story from the very beginning, she doesn’t even know what to do now that she’s seeing the other side. (but also, it’s extremely tragic in a different way, seeing as now she can hardly be around him without shutting down when she wants to be with him so bad)
11. HAHAHA IM SO SURE HE DOES. he is counting down the DAYS
12. as per usual lucy gray was 100% correct and his haircut has made all the difference. she knows her bestie so well
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bcbdrums · 6 months
"🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?"
well. one day in 2004 when visiting my cousin in the hospital after her car accident. i missed an episode of Bonanza, due to...you know, being at the hospital. this was back in ye olden days of TV guides, recording things on VCR's, and....no....wikis.... not like we have now. no sites to tell you everything, no screencaps, no youtube... and ye olde dial-up internet days. and anyway.... the TV guide descrip made that episode sound thrilling. and...and i just had to know!
and i knew... i remember, knowing in my heart. that if i went online and tried to find out what happened. i'd never get off the computer again. well, i was right. the short conclusion to this tale is i found specific Bonanza fansites loaded with fanfiction!!! and i devoured it. i wanna say within the same month? i was hand-writing fanfic in spiral notebooks for Bonanza. still have that spiral notebook and that unfinished fic, literally locked in a treasure chest. and i still remember the entire plot, what i planned to do with it... yeah.
no, i never did find out what was in that episode i missed/didn't get to record... like i said, no wikis or anything of that nature... (we had to leave from school that day so i didn't get to go home and program the VCR; i'd not known that morning we'd be going to the hospital later.) and they didn't re-run the episode again... so i've still not seen it... but, i started writing fanfic that summer. a defining moment in my life. and yes, my cousin is well!
"🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?"
ohhh, hmmm... idk if i could scale it. maybe right in the middle, a 5 or 6? this will make more sense if i describe my process perhaps.
so if i'm really in the writing zone, i just...plow ahead until i'm finished. and then i go back and edit. when i'm "in the zone" oftentimes i don't see things that could genuinely be improved by better phrasing, better language choices... they just elude me cuz i'm so hyperfixated on the story and it's so clear in my head, so, of course it's great on the page! (example: Forfeit was written this way.) usually i then just quickly fix obvious typos/grammar things and toss the fic into the void. then i'll return a few months later when it's no longer fresh, and then see soooo many things that could be better, and depending on my mood i'll go back and heavily edit, or, i won't.
the other process... if i'm not "in the zone" usually i write a few lines, get stuck, and to get myself unstuck i go back and edit what i've done. fixing things, adding things... and usually once those few lines are edited i have the next ones ready to be written in my head. it's a slower process overall.
editing for other people is a whole different ball game. i love doing that (as long as i'm in the mood/have the energy/time) because it helps me refine my writing craft too, in trying to assist someone with a totally different style than mine. it's great. and i've edited/beta-read for so many diff people now with such a variety of styles it's really making me more aware of my own, and how it's changed over the years. and i also just enjoy helping people.
the idea of something getting better just appeals to me i guess. it's a good feeling, it's productive. so in that sense, i enjoy editing. if i feel really stuck on a project, then it can become just another slow-down however. that would be the only negative i suppose.
"🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?"
haha, already answered this in a prior ask but i'll choose a different one.
i spent days learning how to waltz properly. all the techniques, and the process by which one learns... to write one character teaching another character, very, very methodically. and apparently i did it well, i received a comment about it from someone who actually waltzes professionally if i remember correctly who was very pleased with my writing of it! can i waltz? or dance at all? no, no i cannot. but i could probably talk someone else through how to learn!
thank you SO much for the ask!!! ^_^
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quartztwst · 5 months
May I humbly ask about your animatic-making process?
i got you
1. Find an idea
I usually get my ideas from tiktoks or some songs.
I kinda try to fit the song to the character I want in it lmao
2. Download the audio
I’m an android phone user so downloading stuff is really easily.
I usually use YTMP3.com to download my stuff
there is a lot of websites with that link but l usually pick the second or first one
Then insert the audio in Alight Motion. I use Alight Motion a lot since there’s a lot of choices there.
Also I use the APK version so I don’t have to pay for premium features. ALSO THIS IS ON MY PHONE. I use an Ipad to draw….
3. (Optional) Storyboarding
The only animatic I did need to storyboard was Floyd’s little minecraft song angst video LMAOOO:
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a lot of people happen to storyboard their animatics so they have a plan but i literally storyboard in my head and if i think it looks good, i just put it in 😭😭😭
I literally have to go on my old tablet to fetch some of my old content here
In my drawing process, it’s kinda easy unless I’m using a bunch of colors.
I also try to change the styles up so you can differeniate the animatics from eachother like how in Jade’s Laufey video, the colors are warm and soon turn pale and cold. And in the To Love a Boy, it’s like pt 2 of Jade’s Laufey video but in MC’s perspective and in which the MC does not return his feelings so the colors aren’t warm as Jade’s perspective.
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And then in Azul’s Laufey video, the appearance and color palette’s looks very sweet and valentiney since it’s in the MC’s perspective on having a FAT FUCKING CRUSH on Azul
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Epel was the hardest because during that time, I was not that active on TikTok and school took my time so it took a lot of time to gain back the motivation and finish it
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ALSO, i literally draw on my Ipad now and I send the pictures to my phone to edit them so it’s an annoying process since I DON’T WANNA PAY FOR ALIGHT MOTION WHEN I CAN GET IT FOR FREE
BUT YOU KNOW WHAT TOOK ME A YEAR?? My “I Wanna Be a Princess!” MUSIC VIDEO… it’s not animatic but that took like a year to finish because I forgot about it but I did so well on it.
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5. Editing
Okay, I’m so happy that I actually got into editing for a bit because my videos would’ve looked so trash bro
LMSOOO but editing animatics aren’t really that hard unless you’re going for a specific transition or movement
I guess the transition that pissed me off the most were the ones in Jade’s Laufey video when it switches from warm to cold and Epel’s MLP video where it switches from silly to dark.
My editing process isn’t that unique. I just insert the song, move the pictures, and done 😭😭😭
6. Touch-ups
Touch-ups include subtitles, effects, filters, etc
I don’t really use filters for my animatics unless i’m going for something
BUT SUBTITLES?? yeah I use them a lot lmao
But also trying to fit the subtitles with the animatic is hard bc IDK WHAT TO GO FOR so i literally pull them out my ass
7. Post
I don’t do much about posting or what to say with my animatics
i just post them
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justagalwhowrites · 11 months
I'm so curious what is your writing process like? I'm floored by how fast you write yet the quality is always sososo high. Do you have a beta? Are you a god? What..how..😱
Please get some sleep
Ahhhh Hi Bestie!
Um you're so sweet???? This is so nice??? Thank you so much??????
....probably don't fully approach writing like I do if you're trying to write because I approach it like a trash goblin in a human suit trying to make things BUT here's what I do!
When I get the idea for a story (fan fic, novel, screenplay, whatever) it usually comes character first. There's someone who intrigues the hell out of me whose story I want to write and then I just have to figure out what their story is. The second part usually comes pretty quick, at least one or two major story moments and the climax and the resolution at least. Then I think through how to get them there and what kind of journey is going to be the most impactful for them. Then I write that down in the form of a story map where I lay things out beat by beat (these notes are usually very vague, like 2 or 3 words per chapter, my vision is far from fully realized) and then write down some basic stuff about the main characters. Actually write it, too, I've got a real cute lil' notebook that I have my story notes and any poems I've written lately (and my D&D notes) in it and I carry it around everywhere when my brain is feeling particularly creative.
This is where the trash goblin takes over because then I just write it. The story map is pretty fluid, I don't think I've ever stuck to one entirely, it always shifts and changes depending on what I get up to narratively. Sometimes that's just story beats stretch longer than I thought so they span several chapters instead of one, sometimes I change my mind on something altogether (like in Yearling, the stable incident with Simon was originally something else entirely but I was like "wait no that doesn't make as much sense, this feels convoluted, doing something else now" and took place in a slightly different spot). When I'm writing, I kind of picture what happens in my head like I'm watching a movie. The characters have their conversations, I write those down, describe how they're feeling, what stuff looks like, etc. The downside to this is the movie of this shit is literally ALWAYS ON in my head and will NOT go away until I write it. The angst that's coming in Yearling? Been playing in my head on a loop for weeks. IT'S DRIVING ME INSANE SEND HELP.
Once I get a chapter done, I give it a quick read mostly for grammar and stuff and to make sure it flows right (and there aren't a bunch of repeated words and stuff - I was a copy editor previously in my career but copy editing your own stuff is tricky so this is a questionable process) and then I post it. No betas, no editors besides myself, generally very little rewrites (I'll rewrite a chunk of a chapter once every like 20 chapters or so, it's rare.) I just throw all these words on the page and then hurl them at y'all and you're kind enough to make super sweet comments like this!
I'm so happy you think my work is high quality and written quickly!! I think I've finally adjusted from the schedule I was keeping for Lavender so it no longer feels like I'm slacking only putting out 2-3 chapters a week but it still doesn't feel like I'm quick lol so thank you for that, too!
And as far as the sleep goes? You saw nothing, definitely not me posting at 3 a.m., don't tell my therapist, everything is fine here.
JK I'm largely just fine! I've always been a night owl and function fine as long as I get a total of 6 hours of sleep, even if that's between a nap and an overnight sleep. It's probably not the best but eh, I'm having fun.
Thank you again for reading and for being so kind!! So happy you're here. Love you!!
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teawizard · 8 months
Thank you for asking me a question for the oc ask!!
I wanted to prepare a good explanation, with illustrations, etc. and just kept putting off answering this ask, so..........
I'm finally doing it!
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
I really wanted for Daniela to have certain traits and facial features, but everything else is a real challenge.
Here on a photo below you can see her old designs numbered chronologically. Daniela has a big nose and curly hair on all of them and these are the things that stayed with her till the current design.
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Since the 2nd design I started making her more curvy. Her body shape is more like a pear, so her hips are wide, but her chest and shoulders are kinda narrow. At least I try to make her look that way ':D
Ultimately I didn't like the design I posted for the Encanto Extended Edition Event
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and changed the design for when she's 20-ish to this:
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I literally drew these yesterday and for now these sketches are the ones that got her new design the best. I still want to change it and for Daniela to be more soft, but it's fine for now I think :D
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
Daniela is a difficult character. I almost immediately got her best friend's personality, but for Daniela it's different for some reason. I want her to be everything at the same time. Well despite that, I think what I like most about her is that she is a kind person who would do anything for people she loves. Unfortunately, this doesn't do well for her, because she loses herself in the process of being a good daughter\sister\student\employee\girlfriend.
Well, I believe this is all!
Thank you again for sending me this ask, I had fun answering it and it really helped me develop Daniela! I know what changes I want to make now :)
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donnerpartyofone · 10 months
I once found myself foolishly complaining to my old therapist about some deeply unsatisfying exchange I had on tumblr with somebody who had willfully misconstrued what I said and was going after me about what they decided I meant, just because that was what they would rather talk about. You know, the usual. My therapist threw me off my game by just asking my why I post here to begin with, instead of indulging my desire to passionately bitch and moan. She seemed very skeptical about whatever I said, I had the idea that she wanted me to admit that I was either looking for a fight, or attention, or validation from a bad source where I am destined to encounter a lot of friction. (Man o man, if only she knew about the absolutely bonkers and irrational "you are valid" culture we have here...) And I mean, she's right, you ARE destined to encounter a lot of friction on tumblr if you do anything remotely personal with it, but somehow that annoyance can be outweighed by
a) the internal satisfaction of putting your thoughts in order
b) the catharsis of venting, even into the void
c) the small but unignorable possibility that someone will deeply understand what you said, or have something relevant and provocative to add based on their own unique and valuable experience/expertise.
I think about turning off replies all the time now, quite a lot of the time there's someone being rude either on purpose or inadvertently, because they're too obtuse or thoughtless to consider the implications or real usefulness of what they are saying. Sometimes I think about turning off reblogs on everything too, and I'm trying to develop the habit of stopping before I post to ask myself, every single time, how I'm going to feel when some total cretin reblogs something that is obviously either not universally applicable (e.g. just personal in-the-moment venting) or actually not their business (discussion of personal tragedy that you'd think people would have the good sense to leave alone, like just let strangers who need to talk about something do so in peace?). All of these things have happened more and more lately, and I think what would be really great for me is if I developed a much tougher hide, if I developed a mental baleen that filters out all the shit I don't need to care about and lets in all the tasty, nutritious stuff that I'm actually here for, that I like so much that it makes all the chaff totally worth it.
My problem is that I don't have that natural thing that tells you what incoming stimulus is relevant and what you can completely ignore, I'm curious about EVERYTHING especially how other people think and behave. When I hear something insulting or idiotic directed at me I immediately start processing it like it's a mystery that it is my duty to unravel, instead of casually throwing it in the trash like I should. This morning I posted about how I was reminded of a personal tragedy by some stupid thing a business did to me, and I get this complete stranger unloading his own version of that tragedy, only to then condemn me morally for my interaction with the business. Like does he think I'm going to be so humbled by his "direct action" that it's going to change the world? What was the goal besides picking a fight before the sun is all the way up in the sky? Yesterday I posted links to a bunch of film scholarship I published along with some new blu ray releases, literally calling it my life's work, and somebody reblogged it and put in the tags that they don't like one of the movies and they don't know what the other two are. So...what was the point here? Are you planning on buying two expensive collector's editions of movies you don't know by a director you don't like? I mean thanks for promoting my work, I guess if the price of your sponsorship is that you say rude, pointless things that don't mean anything to anyone, then I'll take it? It might have a positive impact on my mental health if I turned off replies and reblogs universally, but then I wouldn't get to hear from any of the smart and nice guys I've met on here who have opened my eyes to all sorts of things. So yeah my Christmas wish or New Year's resolution or whatever is to give a shit much, much more selectively, for the rest of my life.
PS Regarding disagreements on the internet: There is an important qualitative difference between someone saying something you find disagreeable on their own blog, which you don't even have to be aware of if you don't want to, and someone going out of their away to like cross into your yard to start a fight about what's on your blog ~as if~ you had called them on the phone and said it directly to them personally. Most of what you see on the internet doesn't require your input at all, if you don't really have anything to add except your own emotional content. The difference: Learn it, know it, live it!
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