#Shinobi bonds
lvoryingrid · 3 months
Whispers in the Sand
Gaara x fem!Reader
Synopsis: In Sunagakure, (Y/n) befriends Gaara, a boy feared for the beast inside him. Despite the village's scorn, their bond deepens. After Gaara is critically injured, (Y/n) stays by his side. Lady Chiyo sacrifices herself to revive him, and Gaara awakens to (Y/n)'s tearful relief and confession of love, promising a future together.
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In the bustling village of Sunagakure, where the sun painted the sandstone buildings in hues of gold, whispers danced like shadows in the dusty streets. Among those murmurs, there lingered a tale that had woven its way into the very fabric of the village—a story of a boy with a beast trapped within him, a tale that had haunted the hearts of the villagers for generations.
(Y/n) had known this story since she was a mere child, her young ears catching the fragments of hushed conversations between elders and the nervous glances exchanged between parents. It was a narrative shrouded in mystery, one that sent shivers down her spine even as she sat by the hearth, listening intently.
The tale spoke of a boy, his name whispered in tones of both fear and pity, who carried within him a beast of unimaginable power. Some said it was a curse bestowed upon him by ancient spirits, while others whispered of dark rituals performed by his own kin. But regardless of its origins, the boy's burden was undeniable—a monstrous force that lay dormant within him, waiting to be unleashed.
His hair blazed like fire, a crimson beacon amidst the mundane, while his eyes, icy and enigmatic, seemed to hold secrets untold. To the villagers, he was the embodiment of fear, a specter of darkness with a name stained by rumors and whispered tales of horror. They whispered of his alleged crimes, of a mother slain by her own son's hand, painting him as a monster lurking in their midst.
Yet, to (Y/n), he was something different. She saw beyond the whispers, beyond the shroud of fear that enveloped him. To her, he was simply a boy, no different from herself, burdened by loneliness and yearning for connection. With courage as fragile as a delicate petal, she approached him one day, her heart pounding against her chest like the drumbeat of a distant storm. Her hand, small and trembling, reached out in a gesture of friendship, offering a lifeline amidst the sea of suspicion and dread.
"Hi, I'm (Y/n)," she uttered softly, her voice a beacon of warmth cutting through the chilling silence that surrounded him like a suffocating mist. In that moment, her smile, genuine and unguarded, illuminated the darkness that had cloaked him for so long, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the shadows of his haunted existence.
In a moment etched in time, he finally surrendered to a glimmer of hope, his lips curving into a smile as he reached out and clasped her hand. In that delicate exchange, a profound bond ignited, weaving their souls together in an unbreakable bond. Despite the relentless storm of disapproval raining down upon them, they stood resolute, united against the world's scorn. Their friendship blossomed, a radiant beacon of resilience amidst the darkness, defying all odds with every shared moment, every whispered secret, every heartfelt laugh.
On that fateful night, the tranquility of the village shattered into chaos as the deafening explosion tore through the air. (Y/n) felt her heart lurch with fear as the ominous sound reverberated through her bones.
The next day, when she laid eyes on him, her heart sank. He was there, but he wasn't the same. The warmth that once radiated from his presence had been extinguished, replaced by an icy, distant demeanor. It was as if a shadow had consumed him, leaving behind only a shell of the person she once knew.
Despite her desperate attempts to reach him, he remained unreachable, lost in the grip of his inner turmoil. His once vibrant eyes now held a haunting emptiness, reflecting the torment of the monster that now consumed him. And as he turned away, ignoring her presence, (Y/n) felt a surge of heartache, realizing that the person she cherished had become the very thing they had all feared.
Years had passed since Gaara of the Desert had become the embodiment of fear in the village, living up to the bleak reputation that the villagers had painted for him. His departure for Konoha to partake in the Chūnin Exams left a bitter taste lingering in the air, with his sand nearly grazing her as she timidly approached to wish him luck.
Upon his return to the village from Konoha, Gaara was scarcely recognizable. The once stoic and aloof figure had softened, radiating an unfamiliar warmth, calmness, and genuine happiness. It was a transformation that caught everyone off guard, especially (Y/n), who had known him in his previous, more hardened state.
Then, one day, he approached her, his eyes betraying a profound sense of remorse and regret. It was a stark contrast to the coldness she had grown accustomed to, and it stirred something within her—a glimmer of hope, perhaps, that there was more to Gaara than the menacing facade he had worn for so long.
"(Y/n)," he spoke, his voice trembling with emotion, each syllable heavy with regret. His words, though soft, echoed with the weight of his remorse. "I'm sorry," he whispered, the apology hanging in the air, laden with the depths of his sorrow.
Tears welled up in (Y/n)'s eyes as she looked at him, her heart overflowing with emotions. "You were always my friend, no matter what," she whispered, a smile gracing her lips as she reached out to him, her hand finding his.
Tears cascaded down (Y/n)'s cheeks like a relentless waterfall as she stood beside Gaara's motionless form, her heart gripped by a vice of anguish and fear. Every fiber of her being rebelled against the thought of losing him, of never again seeing the warmth in his emerald eyes. Their shared memories rushed back to her, not willing them to die off.
As (Y/n) stood beside Gaara's motionless form, her voice trembled with desperation as she pleaded for him to return. "Gaara, please," she whispered, her words a fragile echo in the silent void that surrounded them. Tears streamed down her cheeks, mingling with the sand beneath her feet as she clutched his hand tightly, as if trying to anchor him to the world.
"Come back to us, Gaara," she begged, her voice cracking with emotion. "You're not alone anymore. We're here for you. I'm here for you." Her heart ached with each word, every syllable a testament to the depth of her love and concern for her friend
But Gaara remained still, his form unmoving, as if trapped in a world of his own making. The weight of his inner turmoil seemed insurmountable, a barrier separating him from the world outside.
In the midst of her despair, (Y/n) felt a stirring within her soul as Naruto's voice pierced the heavy silence. His words echoed with a mixture of sadness and anger, mirroring the tumultuous emotions swirling within her own heart.
"Why is it always Gaara?" Naruto's voice rang out, resonating with a raw intensity that demanded attention. He stood beside her, his gaze fixed on Gaara's still form with a depth of emotion that sent shivers down her spine. "How could he die like this?"
As Naruto knelt beside her, his voice quivering with grief and frustration, (Y/n) felt the weight of his words pressing down on her like a heavy burden. She knew the pain he felt, the sense of injustice that threatened to consume them both.
And then, as Lady Chiyo intervened with a voice like the hollow echo of despair "Calm yourself, Uzumaki Naruto." her gaze hollow toward the young boy, (Y/n)'s attention remained fixated on Gaara's pale face, her fingers gently caressing his hair as if to coax him back to consciousness.
But Naruto's anguish erupted into a desperate cry, tearing through the air like a thunderclap. "If you, you damn Sand shinobi didn't put that monster inside Gaara, then..." His accusation hung in the air, a stark reminder of the pain and suffering inflicted upon Gaara by forces beyond his control.
As (Y/n) gently caressed Gaara's fiery red hair, her mind drifted back to a memory not so distant. It was just a while ago when he had shared with her his impending appointment as Kazekage, his eyes alight with determination and hope. "No one deserves it more," she had said, her heart swelling with pride for her friend. But now, as reality settled in, she realized that his newfound responsibilities would inevitably mean less time together.
Her sadness didn't go unnoticed by Gaara, his perceptive gaze catching the subtle shift in her demeanor. "What's wrong?" he asked, his voice soft yet laden with concern as he turned to her.
(Y/n) shook her head, a feeble attempt to mask the turmoil within her heart. "It's nothing," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she looked away, unable to meet his gaze.
But Gaara knew her too well to be deceived by her facade. With a gentle touch, he turned her face towards him, his eyes searching hers for answers. "Please, (Y/n)," he urged, his voice a gentle plea. "You can tell me."
For a moment, (Y/n) hesitated, her cheeks a light tint of pink as the weight of her emotions threatened to spill forth like a torrential downpour. But then, with a resigned sigh, she relented, allowing her walls to crumble in the presence of her trusted friend.
"It's just...," her voice faltered, choked with unspoken fears and regrets. "I'm happy for you, Gaara, truly. But... I can't help but feel a sense of loss knowing that we won't be able to spend as much time together."
Her words hung in the air like a fragile thread, tethering them to the reality of their changing circumstances. And as Gaara listened, a mixture of understanding and sadness flickered in his eyes.
"(Y/n)," he began, his voice gentle yet filled with unwavering resolve. "I may have new responsibilities as Kazekage, but that doesn't mean we have to change. You've always been there for me, through thick and thin, and I intend to do the same for you."
As Gaara's words washed over her with sincerity and conviction, (Y/n) felt a rush of emotions swirling within her heart. His reassurance offered her a lifeline amidst the turbulent sea of uncertainty that stretched out before them. In that fleeting moment, as their eyes locked in silent understanding, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of something more than mere friendship stirring within her soul.
For years, (Y/n) had harbored hidden feelings for Gaara, emotions too complex and profound to put into words. She had watched him from afar, admiring his strength and resilience, yet always keeping her own heart guarded, afraid to acknowledge the depth of her affection.
But now, as their hands met in a tender embrace, the walls she had meticulously built around her heart began to crumble. In the warmth of his touch, she found solace, a sense of belonging that she had long yearned for.
As they stood there, bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun, (Y/n) dared to let her guard down, to allow herself to embrace the truth of her feelings. With each beat of her heart, she felt the walls around her heart melting away, replaced by an overwhelming tide of love and longing.
And as Gaara's gaze softened, mirroring the depth of emotion reflected in her own eyes, (Y/n) knew that she was not alone in her silent confession. In the quiet intimacy of their shared moment, they spoke volumes without uttering a single word, their unspoken bond weaving them together in a tapestry of love and understanding.
As (Y/n) was shaken from her trance, she felt Lady Chiyo's presence kneeling beside her. With tear-stained cheeks, (Y/n) looked at the elder woman, her eyes silently pleading for her to intervene, to do something, anything, to save Gaara. "Please," (Y/n) murmured, her voice trembling with desperation as she reached out a hand towards Lady Chiyo.
The older woman nodded solemnly, understanding the unspoken plea in (Y/n)'s gaze. Motioning for her to move away, Lady Chiyo's hands began to glow with a gentle, healing light as she focused her chakra on Gaara's still form. Naruto, also, kneeled beside him, helping Chiyo.
Lady Chiyo's life force flowed into Gaara, her hands glowing with a soft, healing light. The old puppet master, having made the ultimate sacrifice, had given Gaara a second chance. As Gaara's eyes fluttered open, (Y/n) felt her heart swell with gratitude. "(Y/n)?" Gaara's voice was weak but filled with wonder as he looked at her.
Tears streamed down her face as she knelt beside him, her hand finding his. "I'm here, Gaara," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "You're alive. You're safe."
Overwhelmed with relief, she leaned closer, pulling him gently into her arms. She could feel the faint, steady rhythm of his heartbeat, a precious reminder that he was truly back. Gaara, still weak, wrapped his arms around her, finding comfort in her embrace.
The world seemed to blur around them, the intensity of the moment creating a bubble of solace amidst the chaos. Naruto and Sakura watched silently, their own eyes filled with tears of joy and relief.
Gaara's voice, though weak, carried a newfound determination. "I... I thought I'd never see you again," he murmured, his fingers tightening around her hand.
(Y/n) pulled back slightly to look into his eyes, her heart pounding with a mix of emotions. "I couldn't bear the thought of losing you, Gaara," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.
Gaara's eyes softened, a flicker of understanding passing between them. "I know," he replied quietly, his gaze holding hers with a depth of emotion he had rarely shown. "Thank you, (Y/n). For everything."
She smiled through her tears, her heart overflowing with unspoken words. "We're in this together, Gaara. No matter what."
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Me: *tries to talk about the ways the Shinobi system has changed and bettered*
Some random person: Urge but these things didn’t change and even though we know why they didn’t change (even though the reason’s are 100% bs i agree) it means NOTHING CHANGED EVEN THOUGH WE SEE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE WAYS THAT THEY COULD BE DONE WITHOUT CREATING PLOT HOLES AND TAKING AWAY THE NEW GEN STORY FROM KIDS
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zincbot · 1 year
kakashi's death still kinda fucks with me
#naruto#free fucking closure!#i really think getting the chance to talk to sakumo was groundbreaking for kakashi. especially because so much of himself was#built on and over that old old hurt#i mean. the whole reason kakashi originally devoted himself to the village so wholeheartedly#was because he had something to prove. he was the obedient hound of the leaf for years. and all because he was making up for the verdict#the verdict laid down on his father by the same people he chose to protect.#kakashi Spurned his father's choice. he was angry with him for leaving him. he blamed him for the village's wrath towards them both#and so he completely and totally devoted himself to the rules and regulations of shinobi. he became a dog for the village to use.#and of course#as all things do#this bitterness slowly faded with time. as kakashi became less of an angry person. as he grew up#stopped being a kid desperate for the village's approval#and eventually kakashi figured out that people and the bonds you share with them are more important than anything.#and eventually (much later) he figured out that it was worth it to keep building those bonds even after losing so much#and after all this#after he's a completely different man than the tiny kid who walked in on his father's corpse#he meets him again.#and kakashi finds that he's not angry anymore.#in fact. many moments have passed in his life where he deeply understood his father in a way he probably was never meant to#but right now. he's tired. he's been tired. but right now he has time. he can sit by the fire#he can tell his father all about everything he missed. about the man he became without him. and it won't be bitter. it'll just be a story#anyway.
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betagarci · 2 years
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Siempre que se habla de los mejores juegos de una consola se tiende a hablar constantemente de los mismos títulos, listas que se repiten una y otra vez como un mantra tendiendo a dejar en el olvido a títulos notables. Y esto es lo que creo que sucede con #rollingthunder2, un juego que raramente aparece en tops, pero que rebosa diversión. Se puede definir como #shinobi meets #slyspy (aunque su primera parte sea anterior a ellos). Me encantan sus gráficos, su jugabilidad, esas escenas entre fases, ese rollito #Bond, el alma de recreativa que tiene… Puliendo cosas como el poder saltar y disparar, un ataque en corto o la calidad de algunos jefes finales estaríamos hablando de referente en los #16bits. When people talk about top console games, they constantly talk about the same titles. Lists repeated over and over like a mantra, forgetting notable games. And this is happening with Rolling Thunder 2, a game that rarely appears on tops, but which is a lot of fun. It can be defined as “Shinobi meets Sly spy” (even being his precuel released before them). I love his graphics, his gameplay, those scenes between stages, that Bond smell, the arcade soul... there are things that could have been improved like the ability to jump and shoot, a short attack or the quality of some bosses. #namco #sega #megadrive #retrocollective #retrocollectivespain #instagamer #instagamerspain #retrogamer #retrogamerspain #jamesbond #spy #action #platforms #recreativas #arcade #80s https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj0fSLRozsd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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actuallysaiyan · 6 months
Hey, I notice that your request box is open, mind if I requested a family hcs with Madara, Indra and Izuna?
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warnings: mentions of breeding, slight suggestive content, mentions of trauma word count: 0.8k pairings: Indra Otsutsuki x Fem!Reader, Madara Uchiha x Fem!Reader, Izuna x Fem!Reader
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Indra doesn’t realize that he wants to be with you at first. You’re too soft, too sweet. But then he begins to spend more time with you.
The more time he spends with you, the more he falls in love. It takes very little time after that for him to claim you as his and to get you pregnant. He is the first in the Uchiha family to have the blessed(cursed) breeding kink.
While you’re pregnant, he is very overprotective. Stays with you almost all day and all night. He won’t let most people around you. Just the midwives and the doctors.
Once your first child is born, Indra becomes hellbent on making sure the child has a good life. He will raise them so well and be soft and gentle with them.
Seeing you with his baby just makes him even more turned on. He wants to breed you even more, but he understands he needs to give you time to recover.
You’ll be pregnant a lot when you’re with Indra. He takes good care of you and the kids. He won’t make anyone feel left out. But he will possibly favor his first born at times, and they have a very special bond.
The children love to train with him, and even if he can be harsh at times, he does what he can to show them tenderness and affection. His curse of love runs deep within each and everyone of them, even affecting you as well. All in all, Indra is a decent family man.
Madara is very protective of you. He falls for you so deeply, and he doesn’t intend on sharing you with anyone. Hashirama is the one who officiates your marriage. Then you’re blessed with becoming an Uchiha.
While on your honeymoon, Madara gets you pregnant. He’s so happy and over the moon. He will keep you safe the entire time, not allowing too much excitement nor will you have too many people bothering you.
The Uchiha family will grow immensely with him as the clan head and you as his wife. You will have many children together. He can’t help himself, he finds you so beautiful when you’re pregnant and motherly.
Your children cling to you a lot, as they are a bit afraid of their strong and gruff father. Still, he softens up quite a bit when they spend time with him. And they love their uncle Izuna and uncle Hashirama.
Madara finds himself growing a little too soft at times when his children are begging to play with them. He wants to give them the childhood he never got to experience. But that trauma can sometimes get the best of him.
They all train to become shinobi, but not because they need to fight, but because they want to be shinobi just like him. Madara is very proud of each and every one of them. He’ll give them tips to improve.
Your clan grows more and more, leaving you to have a very happy life with Madara. And the two of you are able to grow old together and just enjoy your lives with your children thriving and becoming the next generation of shinobi.
Izuna is shy at first. After surviving the attack from Tobirama, he doesn’t even consider himself worthy of love. He spends his time boozing and whoring around. Then he meets you and his heart only beats for you.
It takes him a long time to realize that he’s allowed to fall in love. When the time comes for you two to get married, his brother is the first person he tells. Madara gives you both his blessings.
Izuna becomes insanely obsessed with breeding you. The Uchiha breeding kink hits him harder than his brother. He is a man on a mission, and you barely remember much from your honeymoon except the color of the bedsheets.
When you return home, you’re already pregnant. And as you continue going through the pregnancy, Izuna becomes insanely protective over you. He’s not letting you out of his sight. He keeps a tight hold on you.
Izuna cries the moment he gets to hold his firstborn. And this is something that continues with each child afterwards. You help the Uchiha clan grow so much, as Izuna pretty much keeps you pregnant.
He’s good with the kids. Having a family has really opened his eyes and made him see how much he’s happier to have been given a second chance at life. They all love their father so much and cling to him.
Izuna enjoys being able to grow old with you by his side and to have all these amazing kids. He knows that no matter what they decide to be when they grow up, he’ll always be there to back them up and support them.
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rokudaimeplease · 9 months
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“Thanks to you, Iruka sensei, we have guard duty covered with enough shinobi.” “No, that was all you, Kakashi-san.” “No, I didn’t do anything. I just helped a little. It’s all thanks to the bonds Naruto forged. Naruto’s here, and that’s why everyone is here today.”
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doudouma · 8 months
“you have 3 WIVES and a HUSBAND?!”
what it’s like being uzui’s husband!reader with his wives!
◆ greetings, my lovely lotuses! thank you so much for all 97 votes! with the winning option on my poll, uzui and his 3 wives & husband, please enjoy♡〜
there are no warnings, my dear lotus.
reader is male.❀ 〜
a/n : i had a feeling these headcanons would win the poll, especially since it seems unique〜 apologies if these may come out as short !
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ooo… such a beautiful relationship〜!
being tengen’s husband… such a delightful thing..
mainly because you have a loving husband AND loving wives♡
with a side of chaos due to makio and suma, never a boring day
as the second man, it’ll be a semi-unspoken rule to help tengen out with the ladies, to help balance things out.
he’s outnumbered by women, after all〜
and they would certainly help you out too! with anything as well, they wouldn’t mind.
you most likely met tengen by being a shinobi or demon slayer. especially since the wives are kunoichi.
they all wouldn’t treat you no different from how they treat each other, and they all say “i love you” in their own way♡
“my flamboyant m/n.. you returned back to me after your mission, and saved countless of lives. you’re a very strong man, im very proud of you.” (pats head)
“i appreciate the things you do for me, so i helped you out with things you needed done today. i wanted to return the favor for you, m/n.♡”
“m/n, m/n!!!! i’m so glad you’re back, why didn’t you return sooner?! do you know how worried you had me?! i was trying not to think of your grave so soon!!!”
“i said i didn’t need any help with the laundry, you know!!!! i could’ve done it myself, it was my job, not yours, m/n!!! ..but thanks.”
the wives love to do your hair, cook with you, talk about their day, and absolutely love to cuddle!♡
tengen would love gift you things with meaning, do small things for you that you forgot, making jokes and teasing you, talking about anything while you two cook for the wives, and love to cuddle too!♡
sometimes the wives forget theres only one of you, so coming home from a mission with all of them ecstatic to see you.. can be a bit overwhelming.
tengen to the rescue!
tengen would usually step in and calm them down, and the five of you would reunite once again in peace〜
he would also be very excited about being put on missions with you!
he’d protect you with his life, and would internally melt if you protected him. even while he tells you to prioritize your life over his♡
on times where you, tengen and the wives all go on missions together, it’s quite fun, and you all feel safer together than apart.
the hashiras may never hear the end of his flamboyant husband, and he’d constantly boast about you! even if you’re right next to him.. he doesn’t care.
i know for a fact rengoku will tell tengen, “you have too many spouses!” my, my rengoku
he wouldn’t mind rengokus jokes, because he knows you’re happy with him and he’s happy with you!
he absolutely adores the fact that you and the wives bond so well, the wives loves you way more than he thought they would!
of course not in a bad way. it makes him feel so happy inside, a very soft feeling of comfort.
if someone ever wronged you, you best believe you’d have four people behind you ready to fight! and since you love them, you’ll fight for them too.
you all have each others backs, no matter the circumstance of any kind, and would go unmeasurable lengths for one another.
such a true strong bond of mutual love and trust. nothing and no one will be able to separate you all♡
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wow, wow…. this took way longer than i expected!! lotuses, my heavy apologies, i’ve been busy with other things. surprisingly this was a little hard to write, and brung out a side in me that i didn’t know existed of being a uzui fan… thank you for your patience, my precious flowers❀
psps… send requests〜!
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x3luvr · 9 months
Love, Lust & Him —
Itachi x Reader
— In which the physical bond between you and Itachi only deepens the longer you're apart. —
a/n: I'm feeling nostalgic, I miss my Naruto era ;(
(Not proofread !!)
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It had been so very long since the last time you laid eyes on that crimson, gem-like gaze of his. Nostalgia enveloped your insides as his charcoal locks, which were now grown out longer than you'd last remembered, framed his pale, almost sickly appearance. The man was called many names, a murderer, a threat, a prodigy. However when you stand before him now, watching his cold expression morph into a look of longing, a look of love, the constant pain of distance, many sleepless nights and wondering if he was still alive seem utterly in the past. Itachi Uchiha wasn't just any Shinobi, he was your Shinobi.
"Hi love, It's been a while." His arms wrap so perfectly around your body, almost like their sole purpose was to hold you in them.
"It's been too long Itachi." You reply in a mellow tone, taking in his warm, earthy scent that always felt like home. Most people would bolt in fear at the sight of the Uchiha, but not you, you clung onto him as though he may slip away again if you let go.
“I missed you more than I can put into words." You sighed, as he intertwined his long fingers within your hair.
"You can show me in another way you know?" A hint of tease emerged from his delicate smile. After so much time apart, all you wanted was to feel him more than just surface level, to see the most vulnerable parts of such a powerful man, a man who was seemingly soul-tied to you. Gently pushing the front strands of his hair back onto his ear, you leaned in, breath hitching slightly before meeting his soft, cushion like lips. His body leaned into yours, tracing the silhouette of your hips, with a touch so soft like he was afraid to break you.
Stepping closer towards the bed, you found yourself light headed from the way Itachi's lips grazed over your neck, trailing lower and lower before pausing just before your breasts. "Are you sure about this love?" You knew that if you wanted to stop, he would. However you couldn't help but grin at his unsuccessful attempt at hiding the neediness in his eyes.
"If not with you then who else?" You hushed beside his ear before guiding him on top of you, spreading your legs in order to wrap around his defined waist. Itachi’s breath quivered at your touch against his large, clothed bulge. As his head dropped onto the crook of your neck, you began fiddling with the helm of his shirt, capturing glimpses of his bare chest.
“I’m all yours, do with me as you please.” He almost pleaded once he was left in nothing but his boxers, and you in a pair of underwear. In response, you laced his fingers and placed them on your plush breasts, allowing him to firmly grope you. A moan slipped past your lips as he trailed sloppy kisses down your abdomen. Pealing off the last piece of clothing from your body, two of Itachi’s icy fingers inserted into your already dripping cunt. They were long, and stretched you out as he pumped your walls, observing your features when he curled them or fastened the pace.
The back of your hand strived to cover up the unholy noises which you failed to contain, when all of a sudden the sensation of the Uchiha’s tongue pulsating through your sex hazed you much, much further. “Itachi.. if you continue like this I’ll..” Your words slurred, and as if without conscious thought, your hands passed though your legs and into the dark locks of your beloved. His mouth trailed like clockwork when you felt the rush of blissful climax engulf your body.
Itachi watched as your chest rose and fell with the heavy panting that turned him on more than he’d like to admit. Once you’d reached your senses, the intense yearning for more pulsated through you. Taking the initiative, you crawled onto his lap, straddling him with your bare sex before you felt the sheer size of his cock poking beneath you. Rubbing your cunt back and forth, the soft grunts emerging for Itachi’s flushed face gave you the courage to pull down his boxers. “Are you sure it’ll fit?” You hesitated.
“We’ll make it work love.” Itachi smiled ever so sweetly, before placing you on your back and aligning himself at your entrance. As he pushed in, you gasped at how your walls filled to the brim with his length. “You’re doing so well sweetheart,” he connected his lips against yours, taking in each whimper from the kiss. Once he pulled away with beads of sweat dripping down his body, the sight of his bulge poking at your stomach left you astounded.
The shinobi groaned in pleasure as his hips developed rhythm, pulling in and out with each thrust. Your arms reached for his back, nails digging into his flesh whenever you felt him go in particularly deep. This was the sight you craved for more than anything. To feel Itachi all around you, to have every inch touched by him and him only. His lashes fluttered in your direction, revealing an expression that was filled with so much emotion, yet so little comprehension. His base slammed into you repeatedly until you let out moans of utter satisfaction.
Itachi’s pace faltered once he reached his peak, his eyelids lowered and his groans turn into jagged breaths. The Uchiha’s bare frame laid on top of yours, allowing you to enjoy the comfortable silence whilst you spent time entangled within one another for perhaps the last time. On the inside, you began appreciating how smooth his skin was, the number moles plastered across his face, and even the dusty pink shade of his lips.
For a moment, the still atmosphere was broken when Itachi cupped the side of your face, reaching for your lips once more as he spoke up in a tone laced with nothing but affection and heartache. “Thank you.. for loving me.”
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bones4thecats · 5 months
Hello, I would like to request an imagine with a reader Mitsuri Kanroji or Shinobi Kocho( Kimetsu no Yaiba) with the characters Scarabia, Leona and Malleus please
Having A Shinobu/Mitsuri! S/O
Type of Writing: Request Name: Having A Shinobu/Mitsuri! S/O Characters: Kalim Al-Asim, Jamil Viper, Leona Kingscholar, and Malleus Draconia Requester: @marinahavik
A/N: This is a mixture of both Shinobu and Mitsuri as the readers, with two having Shinobu and the other two having Mitsuri by what I think would fit best. Anyways, enjoy!
⚠️ TW: Manga/Mugen Train Spoilers! Slight swearing, mentions of death and self-doubt ⚠️
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Shinobu Kocho! Reader ; Basic Headcanons
☀️ Kalim, as we all know, is danger prone. You on the other hand, are far more trained and adept to your surroundings and the poisons that come near you
☀️ Your smile is something that Kalim also adores, but when he notices that whenever someone asks about your family, he begins to suspect that there is something behind your smile that you don't want the others, including him, seeing
☀️ When he does find out about your past and how your sister died, the housewarden of Scarabia tears up and hugs you tightly, reminding you of Tanjiro after your fellow hashira, Rengoku, passed away
☀️ He really wants to meet your estate's members, and when they come by to visit you, probably due to a mission nearby, he admires Uzui and Mitsuri the most
☀️ You give him a genuine smile as he tells Tanjiro and the rest of the Kamaboko Squad stories of his childhood and his homeland of Scaling Sands
What do you think of Shinobu Kocho! Reader?
" I love her so much! Her smile is so cute! But, the way she teases Jamil does seem to make him become slightly annoyed… I wonder why. "
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Mitsuri Kanroji! Reader ; Basic Headcanons
🐍 When Jamil first met you, he was alarmed by how loving and kind you were
🐍 Like, how in the name of the Great Sevens did you end up getting organized into a college for dark-magic users? You seem to fit Royal Sword Academy far more
🐍 It's not that he hates how happy-go-lucky you are, in fact he loves that part of you. You’re like the sun to his moon. But, the way you effortlessly show off yourself just for others to google at annoys him to no end
🐍 He's not mad at you, rather he's mad at the others. They know you are together, so why are they trying to ask you out in front of him?
🐍 Anyways, when you had first brought your family to Night Raven College, his parents and yours bonded well, sharing the familiarity of their oldest child being strong at a young age, though Jamil was more magic while yours was physically
🐍 Speaking of your strength; Jamil loves it to no end.
🐍 He knows that you suffer from the curse of self-doubt, as he does himself in some areas. So, whenever he sees you doubting yourself, he comforts you and speaks of how sweet and gorgeous you are, no matter the body type or what decorates your skin. After all, beauty is on the inside just as much as the outside
What do you think of Mitsuri Kanroji! Reader?
" She's quite a bit of everything mixed into the most beautiful person ever made. Their personality is astounding and just the way she effortlessly takes care of Kalim to help me out is great. Though, her appetite is quite difficult to keep up with. Thankfully she knows how to cook and bake just as well as I do. Speaking of which, she made these amazing mochi the other day- "
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Shinobu Kocho! Reader ; Basic Headcanons
🦁 He was initially annoyed by you
🦁 You just seemed to appear so arrogant because of your constant teasing remarks to him and others and your sly smile was not helping his views on you increase
🦁 But, whenever and however you to had got together, he always is latched to your back. At least when your not busy
🦁 Leona may not seem like he does, but he listens to every explanation on the poisons you are either working on to heal your fellow Demon Slayers or to learn about in order to heal them
🦁 As a beastman, Leona has very good hearing and a excellent sense of smell. So, whenever you come back and he smells the scent of another on you, he gets pissy. The same goes if he were to find a male ZENITSU clinging and asking for your hand in marriage
🦁 You love to tease him, and it’s so gosh darn easy to do so. When you see his form stiffen at your words, you just go on. But, if you were to see his tail swaying and smacking against the ground or any nearby surface as his ears lay flat, you back away and tell him you were joking
🦁 When you had decided to tell Leona about your sister and everything that you were planning, he was extremely upset at first. But, after a while, he grew to understand, making you swear to at least find a secondary option
🦁 He knew you weren't, but he hoped you at least tried for him
What do you think of Shinobu Kocho! Reader?
" They're alright, I suppose. Their teasing does get annoying, but I can't lie. They’re real good with a, uh, whatever the hell their blade was called - a nichirin. But, I do hope their plan works with another route, I can’t stand the though of losin 'em in that way… I hope that bastard upper two dies painfully though… fuck him. "
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Mitsuri Kanroji! Reader ; Basic Headcanons
🐉 He, much like other Night Raven College students, believed that you belonged at Royal Sword Academy because of your personality
🐉 But, seeing you lunge into gear and protect Silver, Sebek, Lilia, and himself from Leona's oncoming overblot-filled attacks made him look at you in a slightly different light
🐉 You were an amazing person by nature. Your kindness and adoration of all things you deemed cute (which was nearly everything), made Malleus gently smile at you for the first time
🐉 He normally lays his head in your lap as you mess around with his hair, normally taking the back pieces and braiding it to match your own, this action normally makes Sebek upset, but Malleus loves it
🐉 Along with that, seeing how strong you are makes him overjoyed with pride in his lover. After all, normally no pure human can take down a half-fae such as Sebek with as much ease as you had
🐉 Your appetite is something that Malleus also likes. As a fae, he has quite the stomach as well, so seeing you absolutely mash down the delicacy you call mochi makes stars form in Malleus' eyes while tinges of fear get struck in other Diasomnia members
🐉 Whenever he sees you doubting yourself, your dragon-fae lover comes behind you and hugs you while his tail wraps around your leg, lightly squeezing your calf and thigh in reassurance; you were perfect in his eyes
What do you think of Mitsuri Kanroji! Reader?
" They are by-far the most interesting human I have met in my elongated life. Their sense of character is admirable, just seeing their smile makes my once-lonely existence light up with a delightful mixture of joy and love. I just wish they would see themselves in just as much of a shining light as I do. "
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reallyromealone · 2 years
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(name) was bleary as he was brought to a place that seemed like an endless castle, set on a soft bed as Muzan crouched beside him "you will live here now, you're my omega and I have expectations of you"
(Name) let the Alpha change his clothes into more elegant sleep clothes, his hands colder than the lake water "you're human so what you experienced would be rather traumatic on your body, sleep" Muzan said bluntly, never leaving room for discussion "we will discuss this when you wake"
(Name) was too exhausted to argue, body betraying him as it relaxed into the bed, the blankets and sheets soft on his skin.
Muzan knew it would be inevitable for them both to grow attached to one another, the bond of being soulmates would make it impossible otherwise, he just had to be patient.
(Name) slept for nearly three days, monitored by Muzan as he slept through his body recovering, now that he was near his alpha his body was becoming healthier.
He was pleased his mate was a sibling of a pillar, having something against them would be helpful indeed.
(Name) subconsciously moved closer to the scent of spices and bourbon, a strong hand caressing his face "I know you're awake, I can hear your heartbeat" Muzan said as (name) cracked his eyelids open "hello Omega"
"...are you going to kill me?" (Name) asked softly as he was lifted into a sitting position, Muzan surprisingly gentle with the Omega "it would be counter productive to kill you" Muzan said simply as he cleaned any sweat from the omegas face "you're my soulmate, if you die then I die and if either of us die, its said to feel worse than death for both parties"
"Where am I?"
"The infinity castle, my domain" Muzan had no right having such a smooth voice, eyes burning into him "don't leave the areas permitted, you will fall to your death if you do so"
"I-I see"
"I suppose we should talk about expectations" Muzan said formally, eyes unblinking as he stared down his Omega.
(Name) can't believe it got to this point, he was mates with the man responsible for killing those he cared for dearly... But his Omega preened under the attention from the Alpha, happy to have his eyes on him.
"Don't interrupt me while I work" Muzan started "stay out of the way"
"And I will kill whomever it is if you commit adultery before your eyes"
"I have some demands as well" (name) said pushing up that Shinobi strength, if he was going to be trapped here... Might as well lay down what he wants as well. Muzan raised an eyebrow but didn't speak "I want nesting materials, my omega likes your scent..." (Name)s voice was barely above a whisper as Muzan kept quiet "a-and I enjoy (hobby) and reading... If you want me out of your way, could I at least have something to do?"
"And I want to be the only Omega"
"Those things can be arrainged, the bond doesn't allow me to hold interest in anyone else"
"And... Would I ever be able to see my brother again?"
"Absolutely not"
(Name)s heart sunk at this, the realization that he would never see his loved ones again "could... I at least... Could I have a photograph of him?"
Muzans face was cold but his instincts made it hard to resist such a simple request "I can have one of my minions retrieve one" standing up he immediately went to leave, halting at the chirp that escaped (name)s lips, the Omega covering his mouth as soon as it came out.
Muzan pretended like his alpha didn't lose it over that sound and left.
(Name) awoke to the room filled with supplies for his hobbies and piles of books and nesting materials of the highest quality one could seak.
"This must have cost a fortune..." (Name) said softly, taking notice of expensive looking clothing boxes "I won't allow my mate to dress like garbage" Muzan said bluntly as he watched (name) open the top box, revealing an expensive looking yukata.
Muzan was definitely using items to remove any thoughts of defying him, wanting the Omega to be devoted and obedient to him as an obedient Omega is a less annoying Omega.
(Name) was already looking healthier, Muzan having made Daki get food for the Omega, something that made the woman bloodthirsty with rage.
She was doing tasks for a human!
This was far beneath her!
Though she would never ever do or say anything, he respect for her lord was far to high.
Currently her and her brother have managed to get a photo of a demon Slayer, the sibling of Lord Kibutsuji's Omega.
None of the moons have seen this Omega yet, their lord having kept him locked away from prying eyes and Doma as a concept.
Which fair.
She wouldn't want her mate near him either.
(Name) craved to see outside, missing the warmth of the sun under his skin.
(Name) was just thankful Muzan remembered that humans have needs like food and the restroom.
Muzan hadn't touched (name) since they got here, speaking to him when he woke and when he was going to bed.
The conversations weren't much, (name) mainly asking questions and getting short and simple answers.
He missed his family and the slayer's, before his soulmate he hoped he would possibly be soulmates with Rengoku....
(Name) crushed those thoughts, accepting his fate of being locked away in this maze of a castle with a mate who wouldn't touch him or look at him long....
Tengen was a mess.
His baby brother ripped from him "god knows what fate he's enduring..." (Name) was strong, he also came from the upbringing the white haired man had but he was no slayer....
"Muzan won't hurt him" Shinobi said simply as she stared at the distressed alpha "if he hurt him, he would receive the same pain"
That surprisingly did help him, knowing his brother couldn't be harmed.
"I need to get him back"
(Name) hummed softly as he worked on his hobby, distracting himself as the lights of the candles casted a warm glow on him.
Muzan didn't bother changing to his original form, wandering to his mates room in his female appearance and staring at the omega who looked so focused on what he was doing.
"Hello?" (Name) looked confused at him, a woman who reeked of his alpha and Muzan could smell... Jealousy? Interesting.
"What are you doing?" Muzan asked in his usual tone and watched his Omega calm down and assess what was before him "you're a pretty woman alpha" he commented, not even joking... Just an observation.
Muzan kept a neutral expression and stepped towards his mate, the Omega initiating contact by taking the demons clawed hand and having him sit beside him "I'm almost done..." (Name) said softly, showing him the project and explaining the process.
Muzan knew all of this already, having lived so long he's seen it all but he let the Omega explain his passion and the demon Lord found he enjoyed seeing his mate so dedicated to something.
"I will be working late" was all Muzan said before standing, the Omega grabbing onto the sleeve to the alphas yukata with a whine, clearly touch starved.
Muzan knew omegas were needy creatures and sighed.
(Name) yelped as he was lifted by his alpha, still in female form but none the less a force to fear.
(Name) hesitantly rested his head on the others chest, finding it to be soft and comfortable as the demon walked down the endless halls till they reached a room, a floor desk and many books scattered around "this is a part of my lab, you aren't to go into the other rooms, it's dangerous for a human like you" and if (name) gets hurt, that could be bad for Muzan.
Muzan set (name) in his lap and began working, the Omega subconsciously purring as he got to be close to his mate, his Omega forcing him to crave the touch and attention of the demon and (name) slowly gave up resisting.
Muzan let (name) play with a lock of hair around his face, focused on his work.
Then he felt warm lips against his cheek, eyes widening as he glanced at (name) who snuggled into him, body slowly slumping and Muzan adjusted him so his head rested on the others thighs and listened as the others breathing and heartbeat slowed down, the Omega falling asleep.
Muzan continued his work as his fingers gently raked at the nape of (name)s neck, close to his scent gland.
After that Muzan was more willing with contact, the two spending time reading with (name) in his lap or close to one another and though Muzan was still as chatty as usual it didn't matter as like his brother, (name) could converse for hours.
Muzan usually would have killed anyone who spoke this much but the Alpha found himself enjoying the sound of the omegas voice, their heartbeat... Muzan realized he was in love with the human.
His mate.
His soulmate.
Past Muzan would have been appalled at what he was doing, the demon gripping (name)s neck and jaw and pulling him into a demanding kiss, the Omega squeaking slightly and clinging to his suit but reciprocating the kiss.
(Name)s lips were sweet and warm, unlike Muzan having a firm grip the Omega gently cupped his jaw with his hands, thumbs gently rubbed his cheeks as he turned to straddle his lap and move the kiss into a slower pace.
Muzan was surprised he let the Omega do that.
He wouldn't ever admit it but he would let the Omega get away with a fair bit.
"My heats... It's soon" (name) said softly as they parted, (name)s head foggy from the kiss as Muzan gently pecked at his lips "will... Will you join me?"
"Of course, I am your alpha am I not?"
(Name) smiled and let the Alpha steal his lips once more.
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wing-ed-thing · 1 year
Konoha 12 Domestic/Spousal Headcanons
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Tags/Warnings: No Reader Pronouns, Boruto Doesn't Exist, No Mentions of Children/Adoption
Completed versions of these headcanons will be linked on the character's name.
𓆃 Choji
Loves bonding over cooking and baking— whatever you like! If there's anything you're ever craving, Choji is taking to the kitchen to make you a gourmet meal as good as any professional chef!
Prime rib, lamb, tartare, croissants, macarons, soups! It doesn't matter your allergies or preferences, Choji can and will make you any food your heart desires.
Offers excellent cuddles. 11/10 squishy and soft.
Is very understanding, a fantastic listener, and naturally positive.
Never lets the romance l die, and after a hard day at work, will feed you ice cream while you rant about your day.
𓆃 Hinata
Traditional wife who has always wanted to be a traditional wife since she was a kid.
Content with cooking, doing laundry, and other domestic work.
Although, because of the society and the way she was brought up, she might feel insecure transitioning out of shinobi life.
While being made to feel weak isn't something Hinata is a stranger to, she is sensitive to comments from others about her domestic life.
Be sure to give her lot of reassurance and validate her work around the house.
𓆃 Ino
Also wanted to be a wife growing up, but the stay-at-home life is clearly not for her.
She'll try it for a period of time after your wedding or union, but she's far too restless for cooking and cleaning.
You supposed that she thought it would be relaxing and aesthetic, but if anything, she's getting frustrated and throwing the potato across the kitchen as soon as it slips out of her hand.
Ino will eventually find important work to do, come home to complain about it over dinner, and buy you something nice in a half-brag about how much more money she's making.
This is, of course, not to say she's bad at housework or doesn't do her share. She's perfectly good at domestic work and does the bulk of it, but the moment you expect it from her is the moment she stops.
𓆃 Kiba
A slob who, if allowed, will live in heaps of trash.
For the bulk of his 20s, he'll be super unsure of the whole settling down thing. You could make a whole bingo chart out of the cliche bachelor lines he spouts.
I'm not really a marriage kinda guy. I don't wanna tie myself down to a ball and chain. I just wanna meet people. I'm looking for someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously. Nah, I'm not looking for a relationship.
That is... until one day he wakes up and desperately wants a family of his own. To an extreme extent. Like his expectations are absolutely insane.
As a husband, you'll need to reevaluate those and have a nice long chat because at the beginning of your relationship he will certainly not be pulling his weight.
𓆃 Lee
Sweet, clingy, loving and sincere man.
Ah, you are the sun, the moon, and the world to Lee. He is constantly thinking of or doing the sweetest possible thing he possibly could for you at any given hour of the day.
Is his execution great? You'd give it a 50/50. Does he ever take a break? NO.
Whether it's breakfast in bed or going on a grocery run to get it off your plate, you're sure to have to put out one fire and learn how to use 20 carrots in your meal prep for the week.
He really tries his best, he just gets a little excited.
𓆃 Naruto
Another slob, although well intended.
Naruto never had a formal family growing up, and so he has little ideas of what's expected.
Much of his idea of what a partnership should be comes from media or stupid things that Shikamaru probably told him on the playground growing up, so you'll have to work together as a team to set expectations.
A lot of what he does for you is in his language (you have to learn that him making you both ramen cups is indeed a romantic gesture for him), but he loves exploring things that you like!
Naruto explores your likes and hobbies in a very genuine and non-performative way. Sharing things you enjoy together will be the foundation of your relationship.
𓆃 Neji
You'll spend your first year of marriage focused heavily on strict boundaries, expectations, and other couples work.
The way Neji was brought up completely fractured his sense of family. Not to mention, no matter what you're like Neji will certainly have to fight with his family in a silent battle over clan politics.
Because even though the Hyuga clan has stopped certain practices, doesn't mean that everyone in the clan is in mutual agreement or share similar attitudes with each other.
This will be a marriage built on structure and meaningful confrontation. Neji is determined to break the cycles of his family to make a healthy life with you.
𓆃 Sakura
Wasn't sure if she'd end up with a partner. She really wanted it, but with everything that happened in her life, she had her doubts.
Most definitely too hard on herself. Sakura pushes herself to almost fall over you to ensure you're pleased. Whether it's housework or cooking, there's a part of her that feels the need to prove her work ethic.
It's the small things with Sakura. Even after a long day at work, she'll still bring you your favorite home for dinner, even if the place is out of the way. She'll stay up an hour later to spend time with you even if she has an early morning.
𓆃 Sasuke
An ironic mix between Naruto and Sakura.
As a kid, Sasuke 100% wanted to be a husband when he grew up. 100% wanted to have a spouse to provide for and had similar dreams that some kids often do when they think about families.
But after the Uchiha Tragedy, much of Sasuke's outlook about his future has been skewed. Any relationship will start off as rather unstable and you can almost count on Sasuke being emotionally distant
It's about how the two of you work through his baggage and his willingness to be vulnerable.
𓆃 Shikamaru
Surprisingly well-adjusted?
He knows how to do basic life skills. Pulls his weight and sometimes even does your tasks. Shikamaru is generally clean and organized.
Where's the problem? He's terrified of commitment.
Most of the relationships in the Nara clan seem to consist of passive Nara men with verbose spouses who have no issue bossing their partners around.
But at the same time, Shikamaru doesn't mind this dynamic. He wants to laze, but he's also almost seemingly afraid of dynamics that allow him to laze.
He'll be just fine around the house, just a bit dramatic if you ever ask him to do anything. He'll get over it.
𓆃 Shino
Great husband and great family to marry into.
Just overall very balanced, if not quiet. The Aburame clan is close, but respectful of each other. You'll never have to deal with nagging in-laws because Shibi has already taken you in as one of his own.
Enjoy fresh meals of produce expertly tended to from the garden.
While Shino has his more talkative side when it comes to people he's close to, he's still quiet by nature. Don't expect that to change just because you've gotten married.
The obvious con is the massive amount of insects that will constantly be around you. You're not allowed to trap them or kill them.
You will have to get used to bugs crawling on you.
𓆃 Tenten
You're always doing something crazy.
You don't think any of the other Konoha 12 ever expected that Tenten would have the most exciting marriage, but look at her now.
You're always innovating, making new things for her business, and taking spontaneous trips to check out crafting techniques.
Anything and everything you set your mind to, you support each other in. There are ten million projects scattered around your home.
You roll up to get-togethers (when they seldom happen), being the most traveled and bringing the most unique gifts.
No one knows what you're going to be up to next.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Notes: I apparently had a lot more opinions on all of these characters than I expected. When I make multi-character posts, I like to keep each section sort of short, so if you are interested in more in-depth hcs, tap the underlined name or visit my blog for more.
Sakura, Lee, Choji, Tenten and Sasuke are done at the current moment.
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サスケはオレにとっちゃ深いダチって訳 でもねーし.... 別に好きな奴でもねェ
Sasuke wa ore ni toccha fukai dachi tte wake demonē shi....betsu ni sukina yatsu demonē
Sasuke is not my deepest/best friend and I don't.... I don't even like him
Here Shikamaru is openly admitting that he doesn't like Sasuke.
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Even though he doesn't like him personally.... he is willing to put his life on the line to rescue Sasuke. Why?? Chouji and Neji went to the brink of death during the Sasuke retrieval arc. We haven't seen these boys have a friendly interaction with Sasuke yet. So, Why are they helping him?? Nakama is more like an associate amongst a group of people or people who are in the same team/group and have the same goal, dream, or purpose. Nakama also means one that is of the same nation. Even if they don't like or get along with each other, they are still your '仲間 nakama'. That's why they were willing to risk their lives to rescue Sasuke because Sasuke also belongs to the same village as them. After they heard about that Sasuke was joining the Akatsuki, an organization that destroyed Konoha, the Konoha 12 decided to kill Sasuke.
✲ Even Sasuke is a nakama of Naruto, but the nature of their relationship is not the same as between nakama.
✲ A boy who worked hard to gain the acknowledgement of others, leading him to the dream of becoming a Hokage. A boy who refused to die until he became Hokage. Ready to die with Sasuke
✲ persistent uncertainty, doubt and confusion about their relationship.
✲ longing
We know...Naruto always saves others because he can't leave someone so similar to him alone.
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In Gaara's case, Naruto understood him, but on the other hand, he was literally threatening to kill him if he didn't stop his rampage. From the panels above you can see how the expression in his eyes changes, his eyes with angry veins show that his emotions are heightened.
If Sakura was included among his important person, he could have saved her from Gaara. She became important in here only because Sasuke was on that team.
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If he considered Sakura as an important person, Naruto would never smile like this after Sasuke literally tried to kill her.
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And he clearly stated that his only bonds are Iruka and Sasuke.
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Naruto empathized with Gaara and tried his best to save him. And he was crying. That's understandable! But, Why is he mentioning Sasuke here?
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Seeing Gaara's dead body... He said: ぶん殴ってやる = bunnagutteyaru -> (I'll) beat the hell out of (you). Then he strikes Deidara repeatedly with his fists as he said. But when Sasuke died, Naruto's words and feelings were very different from Gaara's. Kishimoto did the scene very vaguely. Zooming out of the panels as Naruto leans into Sasuke and slowly closing their gap it's as if Kishi is giving them a private moment.
When his master Jiraiya died, he did not go into a rage because he chose not to voluntarily seek the power of the Kyuubi. But he cried a river of tears. But, At the end of the Pain arc, even though he wanted to kill them so badly, we saw a new and more matured Naruto as he forgave the enemy who destroyed his home and killed his master. And he also wanted to end the cycle of Hatred by carrying on Jiraiya's Will.
But this all turned upside down when he heard that Danzo had decided to eliminate Sasuke and Raikage has decided to kill Sasuke.
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Naruto wouldn't let them kill Sasuke and or stop the chain of hatred by forgiving them. Naruto implies that if Sasuke is killed there will be a war.
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友情 yuujou is a common word for "friendship". 友情- you and me. You can use this word when you want to refer to a good relationship of friends. 友情 refers to the wonderful feelings such as affection and love that occur between 友達 tomodachi - close friends. You can sacrifice yourself for other people. 友情 is a deeper and more personal friendship.
As you can see, Naruto calls Sasuke his Tomodachi in the panel above, and here the Raikage tells him that this is not considered friendship in the shinobi world.
✲ Have we ever seen a moment where he said he would start a war when Jiraiya, Gaara, Kakashi or any other Nakama died?
✲ Have we ever seen Naruto kneel down and beg in front of others?
✲ Have we ever seen him say that he can't become Hokage if he can't save others?
✲ Have we ever seen him offered to give up his life for anyone?
He did all this only for Sasuke. Just only for him. Sasuke alone. Because his feelings goes beyond Friendship....
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And also, Naruto starts hyperventilating and has a panic attack when he learnt that everyone turned their back on Sasuke.
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doveywovy · 1 month
desk nin sakura au in which, at like 13, she did too poorly on the physical part of the graduating exam and is given the choice to either repeat a year or to become a desk nin instead of a genin. she picks desk nin because at 13 she can imagine no greater embarrassment then being stuck in a class of 12 year olds and ino knowing she flunked an exam- at least this way she can pretend she wanted to be a desk nin. they're important! they do important work!
it actually turns out there aren't a ton of civilian kids in the desk nin business. if they don't make it as field shinobi they usually just drop out entirely, because they've got family businesses they could go back to instead, you know? most desk nin are from clan families whose family business is being a shinobi, but they weren't a big fan of murder at age 10 or are really big fans of making excel ninja spreadsheets. anyways what this means is they find sakura adorable and immediately adopt her. shes adorable! and shes got the filing system really quickly, how clever!
she gets put in charge of assigning the genin teams their low-ranking missions and gives ino-shika-cho the tora mission like 30 times in a row because she's a teensey bit mad with power. She initially gives team seven really nice missions to try and win over sasuke, but then he keeps showing up grumbling complaints because it wasn't a cool mission that would help him get revenge on his brother...eventually she snaps and starts giving them the tora mission instead. Be Humbled, You Brats!
she gets pissed with the hokage when he assigns team 7 the wave mission btw. and shes mad vindicated when they come back and they're like IT WAS A DISASTER. IT WENT TOTALLY ABOVE OUR PAYGRADE. she's like YEAH thats why PROFESSIONALS assign the missions not some old man whos trying to dote on his loser not-grandson!!!!!!
she uses her desk nin resources to find out where sasuke lives (forgive her the sins of being an unhinged 13 year old) and starts going to his house to bring him dinner half the week. shes not a great cook. at a certain point he takes over cooking duties and shes just there to hang out? and it takes him a month to be like. did i get tricked into dating sakura
kakashi talking to sasuke about how you need bonds with other people, with your team, and sasuke's like i HAVE bonds. me and naruto are rivals which is basically like being friends. and im somewhat engaged to sakura maybe
kakashi: who's sakura? is that the girl on our team bc i always forget her name
sasuke: no. she's this insane girl we went to the academy with who keeps giving us shitty missions to paint fences 'n stuff. i think she lives in my house now or something. naruto's in love with her
kakashi: and you're engaged?
sasuke: can we stop talking? if im late getting back she'll try to make dinner herself and i cannot have burnt rice with burnt fish for the third time this week
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siringadev · 4 days
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I was thinking about why I love Nero so much, and I realized that there is not only something so magnetic and unique about him and his design, but how the core of his whole personality is built on a deep love for Weiss, despite the fact that he is an antihero and does not very good things (first under orders from Shinra, since he is a Deepground soldier, and then out of duress, to summon Omega = to revive Weiss), but all this is out of desperation and love. I do not know any other character inside the FF7 world and beyond, who is so motivated to act out of love as Nero. Even take other iconic pairs of loving brothers (because it is brother's love that is depicted as the strongest in JP games and anime), their motivations were different, and love was secondary.
Take Itachi and Sasuke, for example.
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Itachi is stated to have a very strong love for Sasuke, but what he does ultimately causes Sasuke great pain. Yes, Itachi wanted to save him, but at what cost? And his main motive was: to prevent a world war. So, at the cost of his clan's life and Sasuke's mental health, he does something terrible, and I still can't accept it as an act of love. It seems such an unhealthy, twisted form of love, illogical and scary.
And yet, I cried watching those scenes where Itachi reveals the truth, where Sasuke cries, everything is built to squeeze out tears.
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Next, Madara and Izuna.
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It is stated that he loved Izuna, and loved him even more than Itachi loves Sasuke. And how is this shown and proven? Well, it seems like almost nothing. Madara's main motivation is to become the strongest shinobi, to take control of the world and establish his own order, and thereby establish peace through strict control and then through magical illusions when he became disillusioned with contradictory and rebellious human nature. I understand his motivations, and he is one of the most admired character in Naruto. But what does love have to do with it? Izuna is not even present in his motivation. He simply died and caused Madara's grief, making him cruel and aggressive. And also gave him his eyes. But what besides this?
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As for the others, like Lothric-Lorian from Dark souls, their connection was forced by the curse, and their motivation is simply to disobey their superiors. Their essence is nihilism and fatalism. Love is just an accompanying quality.
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Not to mention Miquella, who did not show love as a personal emotion, although it seems he should embody universal love. We just can't see his love for Radahn or Godwyn or anyone to the point that we start to wonder if there was love at all? Or if there was love but it wasn't shown? So he is out of the love list.
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If we talk about the love of Sephiroth, Cloud and other characters of FF7, they are so far from ultimate love that it does not even occur to me what can be said. Probably, Sephiroth wanted to love, but could not find anyone, suffering from loneliness and his own inability to build healthy relationships, and Cloud had many friends whom he valued, but never found "the one and only", whom he would love completely and unconditionally (which is why ship-wars still rage). It seems that Sephiroth could have become that one and only, considering how much Cloud idolized him, but Sephiroth ruined everything. Yes, Shinra is to blame for this, but partly it is Sephiroth's character, his selfishness and inability to put someone else's feelings above his own. Considering that Nero and Weiss grew up in much worse conditions than Sephiroth, and suffered abuse and pain from Shinra that Sephiroth did not experienced, yet somehow they were able to form the strongest bonds of love with each other and the healthiest relationships with each other (not toxic, not abusive, but built on loyalty, devotion, trust, unity and intimacy).
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Sephiroth was so unlucky in love that even his own clones wanted to leave him in the DFFOO, and Weiss even laughed at this, telling Sephiroth that his puppet (Kadaj) cut his strings. And Kadaj, embodying young Sephiroth personality, longed for a family and to find someone who understood and cared for him, and he saw this in the illusionary form of Jenova. Sephiroth could have given him this care and love, but he simply used him as a tool, which hurt Kadaj. As for Weiss, he remembers Nero as the only one who understands him and cares for him, someone without whom he feels incomplete.
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"Without Nero, there is no me" - this shows Weiss and Nero's relationship from Weiss' perspective. In DoC, we see their love from Nero's perspective and might have doubted about the reciprocity, but DFFOO shows that Weiss loves Nero as much as Nero loves Weiss.
Each case is unique, and each deserves its own respect and admiration. I simply analyzed one aspect, like love in a character, and came to the conclusion that Nero may be the strongest embodiment of this love at the moment.
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narutouzumakiarchive · 5 months
do you got any headcanons for narusasu?
I only have a handful.
My most significant headcanon is that Sasuke repeats his 698 monlogue to Naruto at some point. It happens during a significant moment after Naruto is emotionally vulnerable with him and he feels moved.
Basis: Kishimoto likes making Naruto and Sasuke's story parallel. In VOTE 1 he made Naruto internally realize unsaid feelings regarding Sasuke and then made Naruto explicitly state them during their 5 Kage Summit reunion. So I think I makes sense for Sasuke to do the same with Naruto
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Sasuke picks up fun action books on his journey that shares with Naruto. When he and Naruto meet they discuss them and these discussions make way for higher level philosophical conversations.
Basis: while Naruto found Jiraiya's Icha novels boring, he was very emotionally moved by Tales of a Gutsy Ninja. He found it valuable and it inspired him in his conversation with Nagato about peace and shinobi conflict. Sasuke is also highly reflective and thinks deeply about what he's experienced in order to apply it to the way he moves about the world. We get a glimpse of their discussion about in the Boruto movie (written by Kishimoto) about what it means to be a shonobi and it's a fun back and forth. [Trigger warning: Boruto artstyle]
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When Naruto is in the Hokage office amd has some down time he likes to draw, and of course, his main muse is Sasuke.
Basis: Young Naruto choosing to act out by drawing on the Hokage's faces and his artistic vision. We deserved more artist Naruto.
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Sasuke buries the letters Naruto sends him in beautiful vegetated areas. It's a way of honoring his bond with Naruto and harmonizing with nature, applying his shared feelings with Naruto to things greater than them.
Basis: Love in Naruto is frequently conceptualized through the LOVE IS A NUTRIENT metaphor and Sasuke spoke about being able to apply the concepts that exist between him and Naruto to bigger things. I think the physical manifestation of Naruto's feelings for Sasuke being used to help nuture growth would be a beautiful culmination of the whole love as strength vs. Love as a weakness quandary that Kishimoto explored through Naruto and Sasuke's bond (though VOTE 2 was excellent in how it resolved this and I prefer it).
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Naruto and Sasuke occasionally dance together.
Basis: Naruto and Sasuke are the kings of communicating without words. They previously used their fists to connect their mental energies but they've grown. Of course they'll always love fighting and being competitive but there are other ways of exploring their connection and communicating through physical means. One way is dancing. And there's precedent in the Naruto manga regarding fighting being a metaphorical form of dancing via Madara, Sasuke's parallel. It'd be nice to see the metaphorical become literal.
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sasukesun · 1 year
i’ve said it before that naruto and sasuke break the rules of their world (and the genre itself) for the sake of each other but they also break their own rules when it comes to their feelings for one another.
naruto says he refuses to die before he becomes hokage, his main goal, and yet, he is willing to die with sasuke so they can understand each other in the next life. it’s even more interesting that naruto usually says he won’t die until he becomes hokage in big battles, some of which he still isn’t powerful enough, so he can’t guarantee that he will live, and yet, he makes the choice to die with sasuke when he is a high level shinobi already, during a moment that he has things under control. he puts sasuke above his dream, a goal he swears it will happen. naruto says he never goes back on his word, that’s something important to him, to his character, and yet, it’s not that important when sasuke is involved. he makes a promise to sakura that he would bring sasuke back, but after sakura tries to make him break such promise (for herself) naruto admits that it was never about it and he would go after sasuke with or without it. it’s not that he necessarily is going back on his word here, but something that is important to him is dismissed when it comes to his own personal feelings of wanting to help sasuke. naruto wants peace, he wants everybody to get along, he takes time to listen to his enemies because of it, but he will also declare war by himself against another village if they happen to kill sasuke. he doesn’t want people to get revenge on each other anymore, but he will get his personal revenge if something happens to sasuke. he shows those contradictions whenever sauske is involved, because sasuke will always be his exception.
sasuke says he refuses to die before killing his brother and getting his revenge, his main goal, and yet, he instinctively jumps in front of what he believed was a fatal attack to save naruto’s life, he literally admits that when he’s dying in naruto’s arms. sasuke also puts naruto above his own personal goal, and in sasuke’s case, his goal is pretty much tied to how he lives his life, or actually, how itachi said he should. with hatred and anger and isolation. but sasuke is still able to get closer to naruto, to consider him, not only a friend, but his closest friend, his one and only, despite believing that bonds make him weak, naruto goes above those beliefs, goes above that way of living. it happens in vote1 when he refuses to kill naruto for the mangekyou, which is very interesting because his excuse is that “he won’t do it in itachi’s way” yet, he still tries to do all the rest in itachi’s way (having enough hatred so that will make him stronger). and it happens in vote2, when he accepts naruto’s love for him because, deep inside, he doesn’t want to be alone, he doesn’t want to cut naruto off. because his revolution in the shape that he believes it must go goes against what he actually feels. both sasuke and naruto have those contradictions inside them, they are each other’s exceptions.
they break the rules of the violence that was taught to them with the love they feel for each other, but they also break their own rules and principles for the same reason.
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