#Gaara fanfiction
eiloveir · 2 months
→﹐naruto imagines !
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naruto men and their jealous streaks
genre: fluff, fluff, and more fluff—very romantic
characters: uzumaki naruto, uchiha sasuke, nara shikamaru, gaara
warnings: none, aside from the potential cringe and the relationship dynamics
author’s note: this idea sprang from a post i saw on pins (again)
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uzumaki naruto
“is everything alright? you seem a bit off,” you asked him, concern evident in your voice. he had been his usual cheerful self, but when you both said your goodbyes to the people of sunagakure, his behavior had shifted dramatically. he hadn’t uttered a single word since then, and his silence was starting to worry you. You couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to cause this sudden change in him. but he didn’t answer right away. instead, he folded his arms across his chest and slouched slightly, his shoulders sagging. he turned to look at you, his eyes holding is something else you couldn’t quite place. his mouth was set in a pout, lips pursed tightly, making it clear that he was upset about something. his expression was a far cry from his usual upbeat and energetic self.
“you don’t do that with me...” he mumbled under his breath, but his voice was just loud enough for you to hear. “the... what?” you asked, eyebrows knitting together in confusion. you could sense the tension emanating from him as he shifted uncomfortably beside you. his eyes flitted towards you, searching for some sign that you were pretending not to understand. when he realized that your confusion was genuine, he let out a sigh and averted his gaze. “why do you talk with him that way?” you blinked in surprise, taken aback by his sudden question. his behavior was so unlike his usual self, and you struggled to understand the root of his discomfort. “what do you mean?” you asked, trying to grasp the meaning behind his words. his sulky demeanor was puzzling, leaving you to wonder why he was so unsettled over what seemed like a minor issue. naruto fidgeted, clearly uncomfortable with having to vocalize his romantic feelings. he toyed with the hem of his jacket, his gaze fixed on the ground. “when you talk to him,” he began hesitantly, “it’s different. you’re... softer, kinder, almost like you’re more patient with him. it feels like... like you don’t talk to me that way.” as his words sank in, you began to understand what made him act like that. seeing him like this, open and hurt, tugged at your heart. you reached out, gently placing a reassuring hand on his arm, “naruto,” you said softly, “you mean a lot to me. i had no idea i was speaking differently to him. maybe it’s just because i’m trying to be respectful. but that doesn’t mean you’re any less important to me. you have a special place in my heart, always." he lifted his gaze to meet yours, his eyes reflecting a roller coaster of emotions—relief, doubt, and hope. a small, hesitant smile began to form on his lips, and he leaned in slightly, seeking the comfort and reassurance of your presence. “really?” “really,” you confirmed, giving his arm a squeeze. “you’re special to me in ways you can’t even imagine.” his expression softened further, and he let out a deep breath, as if releasing the jealousy he had been carrying. his earlier sulkiness melted away, replaced by a shy, contented smile that made your heart flutter. he leaned closer, resting his forehead against yours, closing his eyes as he sought solace in your closeness.
uchiha sasuke
“i’m not upset,” he said, though his tone betrayed him completely. the words were delivered within a composed manner, but beneath the surface, there was an edge—a trace of irritation that he was trying, and failing, to mask with an air of indifference.
you watched him closely, your own expression of skepticism. raising an eyebrow, you crossed your arms over your chest in a gesture that was both defensive and doubtful. his posture was a clear signal that you weren’t buying into his attempt at denial. “sure,” you replied, your voice thick with irony and disbelief. “you’re not upset.”
he exhaled a quiet, almost imperceptible sigh, slowly turning his head away from your gaze. “i’m fine,” he insisted again, though his voice lacked the strength and certainty it usually carried, betraying his true state. the rigid tension in his shoulders and the way his stance became unnaturally tense suggested he was preparing for a confrontation he was clearly not eager to face. an air of unease enveloped him, and it was impossible for you not to be drawn to the sight of this usually composed uchiha, now so visibly disturbed. the very essence of his discomfort piqued your curiosity, making you wonder what could have unsettled him.
you tilted your head, examining him with a more scrutinizing gaze. although his expression remained a carefully maintained mask of neutrality, his eyes—dark and turbulent—spilled secrets of struggle he could scarcely conceal. despite his repeated claims of being fine, it was evident that something was troubling him. with a decision to probe a bit more, you leaned in slightly, a mischief dancing at the corners of your mouth. “you know, for someone who insists they’re not upset, you’re coming across as unusually grumpy right now.”
sasuke’s response was immediate. his eyes momentarily flashed with irritation, and he shot you a look — powerful enough to make most people instinctively retreat. “i’m not grumpy," he snapped back, but the low, grumbling quality of his voice did little to support his assertion. the sharpness and defensiveness in his tone only served the truth of what you had already surmised—something had clearly gotten under his skin, and he was making a strenuous effort to conceal his discomfort.
you let out a soft chuckle, feeling a strange sort of affection for his defensiveness. it wasn’t every day that sasuke allowed himself to lower his guard enough to show his true feelings, and it was even rarer for him to be visibly unsettled by something that seemed so minor. this glimpse into a side of him that was usually hidden from view brought a sense of pleasure to the moment. “it’s actually kind of charming,” you teased, your eyes dancing with amusement as you took in his uncharacteristic display of emotion.
sasuke’s glare grew more intense, yet you couldn’t miss the subtle blush that began to rise on his cheeks in response to your words. he swiftly turned his head, clearly attempting to conceal his embarrassment. “shut up,” he muttered, though his voice was softer than usual, lacking its typical edge. the vulnerability in his tone tugged at your heart, even as you maintained your playful teasing.
you couldn’t help but grin, feeling an irresistible urge to push his buttons a bit more. there was something endearing about seeing sasuke, who usually projected an air of composed detachment and aloofness, becoming flustered over something so seemingly insignificant. it was clear to you now that his irritation wasn’t just a reaction to your teasing but stemmed from a more personal place. perhaps he was feeling a a pang of jealousy—an emotion he rarely displayed openly. seeing him struggle to maintain his usual facade while clearly bothered by the situation made the moment all the more entertaining. “aw, come on, sasuke. don’t be like that,” you said, your tone light and playful. “it’s okay to admit that you’re jealous, you know.”
at the mention of jealousy, sasuke’s head jerked back towards you, his eyes widening in surprise and a blush crept across his cheeks. “jealous?” he said, clearly flustered by embarrassment. “what do i have to be jealous about?”
you shrugged casually, maintaining your smile as you observed him with a keen eye. “you tell me,” you replied in a calm and tone, “it seems like there’s something bothering you, or should i say, someone bothering you?” you added with a teasing edge, your gaze fixed on him, searching for any subtle hints that might reveal the true cause of his agitation.
sasuke’s cheeks turned a deeper shade of red, and he tried to mask his embarrassment with a scowl. “i’m not jealous,” he insisted, crossing his arms over his chest in a defiant gesture. yet, his reluctance to meet your gaze betrayed him, making him appear almost like a child caught in a lie, desperately clinging to his facade. you couldn’t help but smirk, clearly seeing through his tough exterior. “really?” you asked, raising an eyebrow with a playful glint in your eye. “then why do you get all grumpy whenever i talk to someone else?” you took a step closer, closing the gap between you. the warm, charged atmosphere between you made his struggle to maintain composure all the more evident. sasuke’s glare deepened, but there was a flicker of something else in his eyes—something that resembled uncertainty. “i don’t get grumpy,” he growled, his voice a low, petulant rumble. yet, as he spoke, you noticed the way his jaw tightened and the slight tremor in his hands as he clenched them into fists. you snickered, thoroughly entertained by his defensiveness. “oh, you do, actually,” you countered, taking another step closer. the warmth radiating from him and the thick tension in the air made the moment feel charged. “you get all moody and irritable when i talk to other people. it’s kind of adorable.” sasuke’s eyes widened at your comment, and for a brief moment, he seemed lost for words. “what do you mean ‘adorable’?” he snapped, his voice rising slightly in pitch. you moved even closer, a mischievous grin spreading across your face. “well, it’s cute seeing you all pouty and jealous,” you said, batting your eyelashes at him in an exaggerated manner. the playful teasing seemed to throw sasuke off balance, and he took a small step back. sasuke’s face flushed even more as you continued to tease him. he opened his mouth to retort, but the words seemed to catch in his throat. “i’m not pouting,” he protested weakly, though the pout in his voice was undeniable. the vulnerability in his eyes made your heart skip a beat. you chuckled, thoroughly enjoying his reaction. “oh, you definitely are,” you said, closing the final distance between you until you were standing right in front of him. reaching out, you gently tapped his nose with your finger, a gesture that made him flinch slightly. for a moment, sasuke looked like he was about to argue further, but then he seemed to deflate, his shoulders slumping in defeat. his cheeks were still burning with embarrassment, but he finally relented. “fine,” he muttered, looking down at the ground to avoid your gaze. “i am jealous. okay?” he took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. when he spoke again, his voice was soft, almost hesitant. “it’s just... whenever you talk to someone else, i can’t help but feel annoyed. like they’re taking your attention away from me.” his admission was quiet and vulnerable, making your heart ache with a mixture of sympathy and affection. sasuke’s gaze finally lifted to meet yours, and you saw the sincerity in his eyes. “i don’t want to feel like this,” he continued, his voice barely above a whisper. “but i can’t help it. it’s like... i want you all to myself.”
nara shikamaru
shikamaru’s gaze was sharp, a steely glint in his dark eyes that pierced through the quiet hum of the room. his brow furrowed, deepening the lines on his forehead, and his lips pressed into a thin, disapproving line. the weight of his scrutiny was noticable, and it felt as though the very air between you crackled with an unspoken accusation. he stood with an air of nonchalance that belied the tension simmering beneath his calm exterior, his arms crossed firmly over his chest in a stance that spoke of both confrontation and a subtle, guarded defensiveness. his fingers tapped impatiently against his biceps, a gesture that conveyed his agitation despite his otherwise relaxed posture. “the hell was that?” he demanded, the question hung in the air. the way he pronounced the words made it clear he was not merely curious but genuinely perturbed. it was as if he had caught you in the middle of deception and now sought an explanation that you were not entirely prepared to offer. his tone had a biting edge to it, the kind that suggested he was not in the mood for excuses or evasions. you stood there, attempting to maintain a façade of innocence, though you could feel the telltale signs of discomfort creeping into your demeanor. the corners of your mouth twitched ever so slightly, a smirk that you struggled to suppress. you knew exactly what he was referring to, the stunt you had pulled earlier—a move so calculated and audacious that it was almost as if you had choreographed it with the intention of provoking a reaction. the very thought of his jealousy bubbling beneath the surface was almost amusing, though you maintained your composure with practiced ease. “what?” you replied, feigning ignorance with a slowness, the memory of the earlier incident was so distant that you needed to retrieve it from the recesses of your mind. the subtle arch of your eyebrows and the slight widening of your eyes were all part of the act, a display of confusion that was more theatrical than genuine. his eyes narrowed further, and his expression hardened as he stared you down. the slight twitch in his jaw betrayed his struggle to contain his irritation, and the silence that followed was thick with the tension of unspoken words. he seemed to be grappling with his emotions—jealousy and frustration—as he waited for your response. “the thing you did earlier,” his gaze remained fixed on you, a demand for an explanation that would either placate his concerns or further ignite his displeasure. the accusation was implicit, wrapped in the layers of his carefully controlled demeanor, and it was clear that he was waiting for you to explain mystery behind your earlier actions.
his words caught you off guard, making your heart skip a beat as if it had been yanked into a sudden stop. the intensity in his gaze revealed that he was acutely aware of the event that had taken place earlier. you knew, with a feeling, that he was referring to the kiss you had planted on choji’s cheek—a mischievous act that you and the others had planned with the intention of testing his reaction. it was a prank meant to stir up some emotions and see if shikamaru could be nudged out of his usually imperturbable demeanor. your own curiosity had driven you to participate, intrigued by the prospect of seeing the usually unflappable strategist display a hint of jealousy. tilting your head slightly to one side, you allowed a coy smile to surface, a playful glint in your eyes that you hoped would mask your true understanding of the situation. “what stunt? i just gave choji a friendly kiss on the cheek,” you said, the words slipping out with feigned innocence. even as you spoke, you could feel the tightrope of deception you were walking on, knowing full well the motive behind your action.
“yeah, sure,” he said, the sarcasm in his tone sharp and unmistakable. “because kissing someone on the cheek is a completely normal way to be friendly.” His voice dripped with disdain, the sarcasm was heavy, the sort that carried an implicit critique of your attempt to trivialize the situation. his eyes narrowed, a storm of emotions flickering within his gaze.
you could not help but chuckle, a sound that was part amusement, part nervousness. the realization that shikamaru was not fooled by your act was relief and further tension. his reaction was as potent as you had hoped, the jealousy you had intended to provoke now clearly visible in his demeanor. “okay, okay, you caught me,” you admitted with a playful sigh, raising your hands in a gesture of mock surrender. the smirk on your face widened as you leaned slightly forward, your shoulders shaking with barely contained laughter. “it was just a prank.”
his expression softened just slightly as he rolled his eyes with exasperation. his arms, still crossed tightly over his chest, seemed to loosen a bit, though the trace of annoyance remained etched on his face. “a prank, huh?” “yeah, a harmless one,” you replied with a playful smile dancing on your lips, trying to diffuse the tension. “sakura, ino, and i thought it’d be funny to see if we could make you jealous.”
a small frown tugged at the corners of his mouth—his gaze, however, remained locked onto you with a level of intensity that suggested he was not entirely dismissing the matter. “and was it funny?” he questioned, it was pointed, as though he was challenging you to justify the prank, to explain whether it had indeed succeeded in its aim of provoking a reaction. you couldn’t help but tease, your eyes sparkling with mischief. “well, it’s a bit entertaining seeing you get all worked up,” you admitted with a grin, “but i didn’t mean to make you feel anything other than jealousy, and i wouldn’t do anything to hurt you intentionally.” the reassurance came with a warm tone, you wanted to ensure that despite the prank’s impact, your intentions had never been to cause genuine harm or distress. “not like it meant anything?” he repeated, his voice rising slightly, “you’re my girlfriend. i don’t appreciate other guys getting close to you like that, even if they’re just friends.” the words came out more forcefully than he probably intended. you raised an eyebrow at his overt display of jealousy, a small, secretive thrill running through you. the fact that your plan had worked was evident in his reaction, and you couldn’t help but take a bit of pleasure in seeing him so visibly affected. “is someone getting a little possessive?” you teased, stepping closer to him with a confident stride. you traced a finger along the collar of his shirt.
his eyes narrowed further at your touch, though a subtle hint of a blush began to creep up his cheeks. he seemed to be fighting a smile, the struggle apparent in the tight line of his lips and the faint flush of color on his face. “i’m just saying, you don’t see me going off and kissing any girls on the cheek, do you?” he retorted, his voice lowering slightly as if he were trying to keep his irritation in check. you laughed, thoroughly enjoying the playful exchange. “well, maybe you should. it’s not like i would get jealous or anything,”
he rolled his eyes, clearly not buying into your facade. “oh, please. you’d be mad as hell if i went around kissing other girls.”
gaara had always considered himself immune to jealousy or the idea of love itself, believing that such emotions were beyond his reach. that was, until you entered his life, almost as if scripted by fate. your presence stirred feelings within him that he had long thought inaccessible. now, he found himself grappling with an unsettling jealousy when he witnessed you and his brother, kankuro, engaging in playful banter right before him. he made a conscious effort to disregard the lively interactions between you and kankuro, attempting to ignore the way you both teased each other so effortlessly. yet, despite his best efforts, he could not suppress the rising tide of jealousy and possessiveness coursing through him. the sight of you laughing and enjoying yourself in kankuro’s company felt like a painful irritant, no matter how hard he tried to remain indifferent. his fists tightened into clenched knots as he observed you from the periphery of his vision. as kankuro’s teasing continued, gaara's frustration only intensified. he attempted to dismiss his growing irritation, but the heat in his cheeks and the tension in his jaw betrayed his internal struggle. eventually, gaara could no longer tolerate the scene unfolding beside him. the casual, affectionate banter between you and kankuro became unbearable, prompting him to rise from his seat, unable to mask his growing annoyance any longer.
“kankuro, knock it off,” he snapped, his voice taut with irritation. the lively, carefree banter between you and kankuro came to an abrupt halt, and the room fell into a heavy silence. the air was thick with the sudden tension that gaara’s commanding tone had injected. kankuro’s smirk faltered for a split second as he turned his attention to his brother, his expression shifting to one of feigned innocence. “oh, come on, bro. we’re just having a little fun,” kankuro said, his voice oozing with casual nonchalance. you looked up at gaara, your heart thudding in your chest. his reaction was intense, a side of him you hadn’t seen before. his irritation was noticable, and it was evident that he was struggling to mask the emotions simmering beneath the surface. gaara’s jaw tightened, his features hardening as he fixed a steely gaze on kankuro. “cut it out, kankuro. you’re being annoying,” he said, voice devoid of warmth and edged with frustration. the sharpness in his tone cut through the room, making it clear that he was no longer in the mood for light-hearted banter. kankuro raised an eyebrow, a sly grin spreading across his face as he leaned back in his seat with exaggerated nonchalance. “oh, am i annoying you, lil bro? it seems like someone’s feeling a bit jealous…” gaara’s irritation flared, his fists clenching into tight, white-knuckled balls. he turned to face kankuro fully, his eyes narrowing into dangerous slits. “i’m not jealous,” he asserted, though the strained quality of his voice betrayed the falsehood in his declaration. kankuro’s grin widened, clearly enjoying the effect he was having on his brother. “oh really? then why are you so worked up? you’re practically vibrating with anger.” his face flushed with ffrustration and embarrassment. he knew kankuro’s words were striking close to the truth, but admitting it felt like a defeat he wasn’t willing to accept. “that’s beside the point!” he snapped, his voice rising in volume. “just stop being such an idiot and leave us alone.” kankuro leaned back even further, crossing his arms and adopting an exaggeratedly thoughtful pose. “‘us? so it’s ‘us’ now?” he noticed the shift in your expression, the slight frown on your lips, and his grin grew wider, clearly reveling in the situation. sensing that the situation was escalating further, kankuro decided to heed gaara’s command. “alright, alright, i get it,” he said, raising his hands in a gesture of mock surrender. “my bro’s here is getting a bit too worked up for my taste. i know when i’m not wanted.” with a cheeky grin and a playful wink aimed directly at you, he made his exit, the door closing behind him with a soft click that seemed to echo in the now quiet room. with kankuro gone, the atmosphere in the room felt almost eerily still. the laughter and playful energy that had filled the space were replaced by a heavy, uncomfortable silence. gaara’s gaze remained fixed on the empty space where kankuro had been, his jaw still clenched tightly. after a tense moment of silence, gaara finally turned to face you. “sorry about that,” he muttered, his voice softer than before. he seemed unsure of how to handle the sudden shift in the dynamic between you two. you took a step closer, your eyes filled with concern. you reached out and placed a comforting hand on his arm, your touch tender and soothing. “it’s okay, gaara,” you said softly, your voice carrying a warmth meant to reassure him. “i didn’t realize it would bother you so much.” gaara shifted uncomfortably under your gaze, his eyes darting back to you. “i didn’t mean to overreact,” he admitted, his voice dropping to a quieter, more vulnerable tone. “it’s just… i don’t like seeing you so close to someone else. it makes me feel… unsettled.” a small, understanding smile touched your lips as you moved even closer, your hand gently cupping his cheek. “gaara, you don’t have to be jealous. you know i care about you deeply,”
his eyes softened at your reassurance, the tension in his posture easing slightly. “i know,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “it’s just hard for me sometimes. i haven’t felt like this before, and it’s… new.” you nodded, the vulnerability in his confession resonating deeply with you. “it’s new for me too,” you admitted, your thumb gently brushing against his cheek. “but i want you to know that you’re the one i choose. you’re important to me, and that won’t change.”
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lvoryingrid · 3 months
Whispers in the Sand
Gaara x fem!Reader
Synopsis: In Sunagakure, (Y/n) befriends Gaara, a boy feared for the beast inside him. Despite the village's scorn, their bond deepens. After Gaara is critically injured, (Y/n) stays by his side. Lady Chiyo sacrifices herself to revive him, and Gaara awakens to (Y/n)'s tearful relief and confession of love, promising a future together.
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In the bustling village of Sunagakure, where the sun painted the sandstone buildings in hues of gold, whispers danced like shadows in the dusty streets. Among those murmurs, there lingered a tale that had woven its way into the very fabric of the village—a story of a boy with a beast trapped within him, a tale that had haunted the hearts of the villagers for generations.
(Y/n) had known this story since she was a mere child, her young ears catching the fragments of hushed conversations between elders and the nervous glances exchanged between parents. It was a narrative shrouded in mystery, one that sent shivers down her spine even as she sat by the hearth, listening intently.
The tale spoke of a boy, his name whispered in tones of both fear and pity, who carried within him a beast of unimaginable power. Some said it was a curse bestowed upon him by ancient spirits, while others whispered of dark rituals performed by his own kin. But regardless of its origins, the boy's burden was undeniable—a monstrous force that lay dormant within him, waiting to be unleashed.
His hair blazed like fire, a crimson beacon amidst the mundane, while his eyes, icy and enigmatic, seemed to hold secrets untold. To the villagers, he was the embodiment of fear, a specter of darkness with a name stained by rumors and whispered tales of horror. They whispered of his alleged crimes, of a mother slain by her own son's hand, painting him as a monster lurking in their midst.
Yet, to (Y/n), he was something different. She saw beyond the whispers, beyond the shroud of fear that enveloped him. To her, he was simply a boy, no different from herself, burdened by loneliness and yearning for connection. With courage as fragile as a delicate petal, she approached him one day, her heart pounding against her chest like the drumbeat of a distant storm. Her hand, small and trembling, reached out in a gesture of friendship, offering a lifeline amidst the sea of suspicion and dread.
"Hi, I'm (Y/n)," she uttered softly, her voice a beacon of warmth cutting through the chilling silence that surrounded him like a suffocating mist. In that moment, her smile, genuine and unguarded, illuminated the darkness that had cloaked him for so long, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the shadows of his haunted existence.
In a moment etched in time, he finally surrendered to a glimmer of hope, his lips curving into a smile as he reached out and clasped her hand. In that delicate exchange, a profound bond ignited, weaving their souls together in an unbreakable bond. Despite the relentless storm of disapproval raining down upon them, they stood resolute, united against the world's scorn. Their friendship blossomed, a radiant beacon of resilience amidst the darkness, defying all odds with every shared moment, every whispered secret, every heartfelt laugh.
On that fateful night, the tranquility of the village shattered into chaos as the deafening explosion tore through the air. (Y/n) felt her heart lurch with fear as the ominous sound reverberated through her bones.
The next day, when she laid eyes on him, her heart sank. He was there, but he wasn't the same. The warmth that once radiated from his presence had been extinguished, replaced by an icy, distant demeanor. It was as if a shadow had consumed him, leaving behind only a shell of the person she once knew.
Despite her desperate attempts to reach him, he remained unreachable, lost in the grip of his inner turmoil. His once vibrant eyes now held a haunting emptiness, reflecting the torment of the monster that now consumed him. And as he turned away, ignoring her presence, (Y/n) felt a surge of heartache, realizing that the person she cherished had become the very thing they had all feared.
Years had passed since Gaara of the Desert had become the embodiment of fear in the village, living up to the bleak reputation that the villagers had painted for him. His departure for Konoha to partake in the Chūnin Exams left a bitter taste lingering in the air, with his sand nearly grazing her as she timidly approached to wish him luck.
Upon his return to the village from Konoha, Gaara was scarcely recognizable. The once stoic and aloof figure had softened, radiating an unfamiliar warmth, calmness, and genuine happiness. It was a transformation that caught everyone off guard, especially (Y/n), who had known him in his previous, more hardened state.
Then, one day, he approached her, his eyes betraying a profound sense of remorse and regret. It was a stark contrast to the coldness she had grown accustomed to, and it stirred something within her—a glimmer of hope, perhaps, that there was more to Gaara than the menacing facade he had worn for so long.
"(Y/n)," he spoke, his voice trembling with emotion, each syllable heavy with regret. His words, though soft, echoed with the weight of his remorse. "I'm sorry," he whispered, the apology hanging in the air, laden with the depths of his sorrow.
Tears welled up in (Y/n)'s eyes as she looked at him, her heart overflowing with emotions. "You were always my friend, no matter what," she whispered, a smile gracing her lips as she reached out to him, her hand finding his.
Tears cascaded down (Y/n)'s cheeks like a relentless waterfall as she stood beside Gaara's motionless form, her heart gripped by a vice of anguish and fear. Every fiber of her being rebelled against the thought of losing him, of never again seeing the warmth in his emerald eyes. Their shared memories rushed back to her, not willing them to die off.
As (Y/n) stood beside Gaara's motionless form, her voice trembled with desperation as she pleaded for him to return. "Gaara, please," she whispered, her words a fragile echo in the silent void that surrounded them. Tears streamed down her cheeks, mingling with the sand beneath her feet as she clutched his hand tightly, as if trying to anchor him to the world.
"Come back to us, Gaara," she begged, her voice cracking with emotion. "You're not alone anymore. We're here for you. I'm here for you." Her heart ached with each word, every syllable a testament to the depth of her love and concern for her friend
But Gaara remained still, his form unmoving, as if trapped in a world of his own making. The weight of his inner turmoil seemed insurmountable, a barrier separating him from the world outside.
In the midst of her despair, (Y/n) felt a stirring within her soul as Naruto's voice pierced the heavy silence. His words echoed with a mixture of sadness and anger, mirroring the tumultuous emotions swirling within her own heart.
"Why is it always Gaara?" Naruto's voice rang out, resonating with a raw intensity that demanded attention. He stood beside her, his gaze fixed on Gaara's still form with a depth of emotion that sent shivers down her spine. "How could he die like this?"
As Naruto knelt beside her, his voice quivering with grief and frustration, (Y/n) felt the weight of his words pressing down on her like a heavy burden. She knew the pain he felt, the sense of injustice that threatened to consume them both.
And then, as Lady Chiyo intervened with a voice like the hollow echo of despair "Calm yourself, Uzumaki Naruto." her gaze hollow toward the young boy, (Y/n)'s attention remained fixated on Gaara's pale face, her fingers gently caressing his hair as if to coax him back to consciousness.
But Naruto's anguish erupted into a desperate cry, tearing through the air like a thunderclap. "If you, you damn Sand shinobi didn't put that monster inside Gaara, then..." His accusation hung in the air, a stark reminder of the pain and suffering inflicted upon Gaara by forces beyond his control.
As (Y/n) gently caressed Gaara's fiery red hair, her mind drifted back to a memory not so distant. It was just a while ago when he had shared with her his impending appointment as Kazekage, his eyes alight with determination and hope. "No one deserves it more," she had said, her heart swelling with pride for her friend. But now, as reality settled in, she realized that his newfound responsibilities would inevitably mean less time together.
Her sadness didn't go unnoticed by Gaara, his perceptive gaze catching the subtle shift in her demeanor. "What's wrong?" he asked, his voice soft yet laden with concern as he turned to her.
(Y/n) shook her head, a feeble attempt to mask the turmoil within her heart. "It's nothing," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she looked away, unable to meet his gaze.
But Gaara knew her too well to be deceived by her facade. With a gentle touch, he turned her face towards him, his eyes searching hers for answers. "Please, (Y/n)," he urged, his voice a gentle plea. "You can tell me."
For a moment, (Y/n) hesitated, her cheeks a light tint of pink as the weight of her emotions threatened to spill forth like a torrential downpour. But then, with a resigned sigh, she relented, allowing her walls to crumble in the presence of her trusted friend.
"It's just...," her voice faltered, choked with unspoken fears and regrets. "I'm happy for you, Gaara, truly. But... I can't help but feel a sense of loss knowing that we won't be able to spend as much time together."
Her words hung in the air like a fragile thread, tethering them to the reality of their changing circumstances. And as Gaara listened, a mixture of understanding and sadness flickered in his eyes.
"(Y/n)," he began, his voice gentle yet filled with unwavering resolve. "I may have new responsibilities as Kazekage, but that doesn't mean we have to change. You've always been there for me, through thick and thin, and I intend to do the same for you."
As Gaara's words washed over her with sincerity and conviction, (Y/n) felt a rush of emotions swirling within her heart. His reassurance offered her a lifeline amidst the turbulent sea of uncertainty that stretched out before them. In that fleeting moment, as their eyes locked in silent understanding, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of something more than mere friendship stirring within her soul.
For years, (Y/n) had harbored hidden feelings for Gaara, emotions too complex and profound to put into words. She had watched him from afar, admiring his strength and resilience, yet always keeping her own heart guarded, afraid to acknowledge the depth of her affection.
But now, as their hands met in a tender embrace, the walls she had meticulously built around her heart began to crumble. In the warmth of his touch, she found solace, a sense of belonging that she had long yearned for.
As they stood there, bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun, (Y/n) dared to let her guard down, to allow herself to embrace the truth of her feelings. With each beat of her heart, she felt the walls around her heart melting away, replaced by an overwhelming tide of love and longing.
And as Gaara's gaze softened, mirroring the depth of emotion reflected in her own eyes, (Y/n) knew that she was not alone in her silent confession. In the quiet intimacy of their shared moment, they spoke volumes without uttering a single word, their unspoken bond weaving them together in a tapestry of love and understanding.
As (Y/n) was shaken from her trance, she felt Lady Chiyo's presence kneeling beside her. With tear-stained cheeks, (Y/n) looked at the elder woman, her eyes silently pleading for her to intervene, to do something, anything, to save Gaara. "Please," (Y/n) murmured, her voice trembling with desperation as she reached out a hand towards Lady Chiyo.
The older woman nodded solemnly, understanding the unspoken plea in (Y/n)'s gaze. Motioning for her to move away, Lady Chiyo's hands began to glow with a gentle, healing light as she focused her chakra on Gaara's still form. Naruto, also, kneeled beside him, helping Chiyo.
Lady Chiyo's life force flowed into Gaara, her hands glowing with a soft, healing light. The old puppet master, having made the ultimate sacrifice, had given Gaara a second chance. As Gaara's eyes fluttered open, (Y/n) felt her heart swell with gratitude. "(Y/n)?" Gaara's voice was weak but filled with wonder as he looked at her.
Tears streamed down her face as she knelt beside him, her hand finding his. "I'm here, Gaara," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "You're alive. You're safe."
Overwhelmed with relief, she leaned closer, pulling him gently into her arms. She could feel the faint, steady rhythm of his heartbeat, a precious reminder that he was truly back. Gaara, still weak, wrapped his arms around her, finding comfort in her embrace.
The world seemed to blur around them, the intensity of the moment creating a bubble of solace amidst the chaos. Naruto and Sakura watched silently, their own eyes filled with tears of joy and relief.
Gaara's voice, though weak, carried a newfound determination. "I... I thought I'd never see you again," he murmured, his fingers tightening around her hand.
(Y/n) pulled back slightly to look into his eyes, her heart pounding with a mix of emotions. "I couldn't bear the thought of losing you, Gaara," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.
Gaara's eyes softened, a flicker of understanding passing between them. "I know," he replied quietly, his gaze holding hers with a depth of emotion he had rarely shown. "Thank you, (Y/n). For everything."
She smiled through her tears, her heart overflowing with unspoken words. "We're in this together, Gaara. No matter what."
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sweet1delusi0ns · 4 months
Playing with naruto boys hair ──☆*:・゚
Slightly suggestive (kankuro ofc)
Characters: Naruto🦊,sasuke🗡️,Itachi🥀, kakashi🍃, kiba🐺, shikamaru🀄️,shino🪲,neji🎋,Lee🥋,choji🍥,gaara⏳,kankuro🪆
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He loves attention so honesty he is down for anything. Weither your petting his head or braiding it he will always rub into your hand like a little puppy😭 he doesn’t beg for you to play with his hair but he never refuses the offer~
You were braiding his hair while he slowly fell asleep, thinking he was already asleep you started to talk to yourself “ ugh your so cute with your fluffy hair” you whisper “tsk, and you think it makes you look like a hedgehog, a cute hedgehog if anything~” then you can hear him giggle and turn a soft pink “oh my god your awake?!” “Hehehehe…yeahhh” “thanks y/n~”
He thinks he’s so tough and mostly it is but when he gets all soft with you late at night all he wants is to cuddle and for you to play with his hair. He just lays on your chest and when you don’t start playing with his hair he will clear his throat in a very dramatic way!
“AEhemHHHH” “…yes?” “Well? Arent you going to…?” “Huh?” “Play with my hair y/n!!!” “Ohhhhh! I knew that I just wanted to hear you say it~” “Y/N!” You giggle at his neediness 
Straight forward, to the point, just “play with my hair.” And that’s it. He can be very timid but most of the time he’s not ashamed to ask for things!
“Y/n? My darling?” “Yes?” He sits down infront of you “can you play with my hair?” You reach down and kiss his hair softly “of course!” And you drag your fingers through his soft hair you ask “anything else baby?” He whimpers softly at the head massage “I love you y/n…” you giggle “I love you too!”
Every time you see his hair down it’s just an urge to go up to him a play with it, it looks so soft honestly! You never have before but one day after he takes a nice shower and walk out with his hair down and freshly dried you just had to ask!
“Why are You staring at me y/n? You think I’m that handsome?~” he teases “well you are handsome but I’m just looking at your hair” “ah why?” “It looks so soft!” “Oh!…want to touch it?” He walks over to you bowing his head in front of you while giving you cute puppy eyes. You reach for a strand of his hair and just as you thought it was soft as silk! “Oh my god what conditioner do you use babe?” He giggles while sitting down next to you, not moving his head away from your loving hand. You sat there playing with his hair for hours!
He always sees how excited akamaru gets when you pet him so he kinda wondered what if felt like, but he didn’t want to be weird so he didn’t know how to ask. So he didn’t ask!
“What’s up kibaa?” “Hey y/n!!” He lays down on your lap which he does often but this time he did something different “can I have your hand y/n?” “Of course puppy!” He grabs your hand and immediately places it on his head waiting for you to get the hint. “Uh? Heh what are you doing…OHHHHH you want me to play with your hairrr how cutee!!” “Shut up y/n!!! Gosh cant a guy get some pets without being teased.” You laugh at his response. But you gladly gave him all the pets he wanted! (Akamaru was jealous)
Similar to kakashi, you rarely see his hair down so once you saw him relaxing in bed with his hair down you couldn’t resist
You crawl in bed with him which Suprisingly he didn’t realize, but once you started playing with the ends of his hair he opened his eyes to look at you “uh, what are you doing dear?” “Playing with your hair” “w-why?” “Because I Love You?” “Hm, Ok……can you brush it out while your at it? It’ll get frizzy and I’m to lazy to deal with it” “of course! But only if you don’t whine about it” “be gentle and I won’t whine!” He closes his eyes waiting to feel the brush softly dragging through his hair (for now on he always asks you to brush his hair)
He doesn’t mind what you do to him as long as your happy! I feel like his hair gets frizzy in humidity and your happy to take care of it, kind of like shika. Except he asks you to help not because of the frizz he just secretly likes your hands on his hair
He walks up to you after a fresh shower and hands you a comb, detangle stray and a normal brush. You look up at him a little lost just to see his hair poofy and slightly curled “…do you want me to do your hair?” “Yes I don’t know how” (he does he just wants you to do it) “hm Finee, cmon sit in front of me” you took very nice care of his hair which he appreciated so much. Now most of the time when you play with his hair it just turns into you playing salon with him (LOL)
I’ve said it before he loves it when you play with his hair but he will never ask. Normally he just sits next to you and play with his own hair until you do it for him. He thinks he’s so sneaky when he does it but in reality it’s so obvious he wants your attention
He’s currently braiding the ends of his hair which he never does so you knew what he wanted already “neji what are you doing sweetheart?” “Just braiding my hair” He looks up at you with a small smirk hoping you caught on “oh ok!…may I help?” “YES” “…” “uhm I mean…sure!” He’s not smooth at all but let’s just pretend he is- he just lays on his stomach and let’s you do whatever you want to his long hair. You can put it up in a bun or maybe a ponytail, whatever you pick he just likes the attention!
He also LOVESSSS attention, love and care no matter what! He would just jump onto you and beg for you to pet him! Which you always do, especially after a long day he lovesss ittt
“Y/n-Chan! Please! I would do anything just for you to play with my hair!” You look at him for a while just to soak in his pouty lips and puppy dog eyes, but you took to long to respond so he took it as a no apparently. “PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLE-” “YES LEE OK!!” “YAY!” He tucks his head into your hand so you could hold onto his face while playing with his hair, also so he can stare at your beautiful face with love in his eyes
Now this boy has a lot of hair, it’s a like a blanket! So sometimes you just cling to his back and bury your head into his fluffy hair. Other than cuddling into his hair you also love playing with it. One time you put them into two pig tails and he looks ADORABLE! He didn’t take them out the whole day
“Your sooooo CUTEEE AHHH” He is currently twirling his hair which you put into a cute ponytail “ya think so y/n?” “Mhm!! But let’s try something elsee” you take the band holding his hair up out gently as to not put any hair out, then you dragged both hands from his scalp all the way down his hair which made him shiver. You grabbed two pieces of his hair from the front of his head to put them into two buns. After that you took a look at his cute face. “Oh my gosh you look like a cute little bear!” “Ha little?” “Yeah your just a silly little guy!” Which made him blush. He loves moments like this
He is very timid with any new form of physical affection so when you suggested playing with his hair he was a little shy but also confused, why does she want to touch my hair? Is it because it’s red? He didn’t understand but was willing
“I’m ok with you touching my hair I’m just wondering why?” You smile at his curiosity “it’ll feel good sweetheart, I’ll give you a nice head massage~” he likes massages so that comforted him a little. Once you made contact with his hair he felt a little less anxious. “Feel good?” His eyes softened while he turned drowsy “yes…thank you” he fell asleep not to far into the massage, but now you know any time he has trouble sleeping you could put him to sleep by playing with his hair
I’ve said before he LOVES his hair, you rarely get to touch is. But he will let you touch it if you pull it play with it which he does like but never admits it
“Why would I let your touch my glorious hair!” “You let me pull it last night?” “SHUP UP?!” Teasing him is always fun so you get a laugh out of it, but you do really want to play with his hair “no serious let me play with it! I promise you’ll love ittt~” “Ughhhh fineeeee” he mumbled while he sits on his knees infront of you. Once you actually started playing with it He visibly relaxed “told you you’d love ittt” “I don’t love it! I just…yeah fine you win I love it”
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Jealousy with the Naruto boys
A/n: I’ve seen this done multiple times so here’s my take on it :)
Warning/content: nothing :)
characters: Sasuke, Gaara, Sai
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Sasuke Uchiha
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☆ Sasuke claims to not be a jealous person, “he’s above that” as he puts it, but something about seeing you laughing and smiling with someone else makes him feel weird, insecure? No couldn’t be…. He likes to think that he’s just being overprotective and he’s not jealous, he believes he’s too good to be jealous and let’s be real, he’s far too prideful to admit he’s a little insecure. ☆
☆ One time when you guys were out in the Konoha market place, some person came up to you and started a casual conversation, but to Sasuke it seemed like this person was getting a little too close for comfort. So to solve this, he came up behind you and placed his arm over your shoulder giving the person a “can I help you?” Look, let’s say they didn’t stick around much longer. ☆
☆ If you try and bring up his jealous behavior, he’ll deny it adamantly. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you, he just doesn’t trust other people. If we’re being honest here, he’s deeply afraid of losing you, to him you’re the only person he has left. So even when he’s being a jealous prick, it comes from a place of love even if he doesn’t outright express it. ☆
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☆ He wouldn’t consider himself a jealous person by any means, he love you and you love him. He has no reason to be insecure or jealous, but even the kazekage struggles to be reasonable sometimes, he’s only human after all. He wouldn’t be very upfront about his feelings, if you noticed jealous behavior then you’d have to bring it up because he won’t talk about it first. ☆
☆ One time you were waiting for a council meeting to be over and you were in meeting room with him, it was very boring like watching paint dry would’ve been more entertaining. You soon notice a younger council member staring at you trying to get your attention and smiling at you, you politely smile back but then Gaara catches on to the silent interaction. He wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you closer while clearing his throat and continuing speaking. ☆
☆ If you ultimately decide to confront him about his momentary jealous behavior, he won’t deny it but will probably be very embarrassed he was caught doing something like that even if you reassure him that you’re not upset and may even find his jealous protectiveness attractive…..☆
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☆ He didn’t know anything really about relationships do to growing up in Root, so you and to guide him and explain things basically. Some might’ve found It tiring but you found it endearing to an extent. He had never experienced jealousy before until he saw you talking to someone else who seemed to be pretty funny because you couldn’t stop laughing, he had a weird feeling in his chest and it made him feel *strange* he didn’t understand.☆
☆ He decided to try and get to the bottom of this weird feeling in his chest, so he decided to just outright tell you how he was feeling, you were kinda surprised, but after breaking through the momentary freeze and explained it to him. He was surprised, he never thought he’d be jealous, he trusted you, he knew you’d never do anything to hurt him. ☆
☆ There’s no really confronting him about jealous behavior because he’s very honest about how he’s feeling, he definitely forgets appropriate time and place sometimes when he says something, he’s unintentionally a good communicator because of how honest he is and won’t beat around the bush with how he feels. He loves you and wants you to know. ☆
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A/n: I’ve never written for Sai before, so sorry if his part sucks. Thanks for reading, love u <3
Do not repost
Edit: thank you all who heart or reblogged or in someway interacted with this post, it means so much <33
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animexts · 1 year
For her | Naruto Uzumaki
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Naruto Uzumaki X Fem!Reader
Naruto will protect you at all costs.
"You will be the first one I kill."
Naruto swears he saw red after hearing that phrase come out of Sasuke's mouth to his beloved Y/n.
See, Naruto is there for Sasuke, to bring him back, but no one, and I repeat, NO ONE, hurts his Y/N.
Even if she doesn't know it, Y/n was the love of his life he.
He finds his legs moving on their own when he sees Sasuke approach Y/n.
"Naruto!" Kakashi tries to hold him back, but no one can hold Naruto Uzumaki.
"what did you say to her?" Naruto says with all his fury.
"That I'm going to kill her."
"If you touch her I swear I'll kill you." He says pulling Y/n's wrist, coming face to face with Sasuke.
"You can try" Sasuke says.
"I've already taken enough of your shit Sasuke, but that I will NEVER accept, not from you, not from anyone else, I will walk over anyone who wants to touch her." Naruto pushes Sasuke's chest.
"What are you going to do? Kill me?" Sasuke says with a smile. "
If it's to protect her, I will, and you can bet me I'll kill without a second thought."
I love this kid
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sagemoderocklee · 5 months
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GaaLee Fanfics for Gaza // Fic WiPs for Falastin // Pre-Order for Palestine: Return to Sender Sequel // E-Sims for Extras
This post is up to date as of 7/20/2024.
In an effort to help Palestinian families who are trying to raise funds to evacuate from Gaza due to the occupations continued genocide, I have decided to offer up GaaLee fanfiction for anyone who donates. My goal with this campaign is to focus on a small group of GFMs at a time in order to better focus the financial impact on these families and their campaigns.
There are, at present, four ways to donate:
GaaLee Fics for Gaza
Fic WiPs for Falastin
Pre-Order: Return to Sender Sequel
E-Sims for Extras
The first and second options are part of @ficsforgaza. This is an incredible organized, multifandom effort that updates regularly with various writers offering fics for donations. If you are not interested in donating for a GaaLee fic, please check out the other authors working with @ficsforgaza.
The third and fourth option focus on new content for older and already completed fics. The third option focuses on a single family, who have struggled a great deal in obtaining funds. The fourth and final option focuses on E-sims, which are desperately needed so many months into the genocide in Gaza. The cheapest option for e-sims is $9.
Here is the list of families GaaLee Fics fo Gaza and Fic WiPs for Falastin will be focused on. For the RtS Pre-order, see the next campaign after the list. For e-sims, please check out GazaSims.
Note: While only two of these families on this list have been vetted by someone on tumblr, I have been in contact with each and every one of these families on Instagram for months. I have spoken at length with them on a regular basis, followed them, and witnessed their first hand accounts in their stories and in posts they share. If you wish to speak with me about any family for verification, please DM me. I would rather you contact me and ask than overlook a family because of any doubts you might have.
Donate to:
Amal is 24 years old with two beautiful daughters. Her goal is $50,000 and (at the time of posting) she has raised $9,195.* (*Link updated)
The Wishah family is a family of 8, which includes their surviving cat. Their goal is €71,500 and (at the time of posting) they have raised €12,253. (vetted by @/el-shab-hussein)
Nourhan is raising funds to help her family of 9 evacuate. Her goal is €70,000, but (at the time of posting) she has only raised €25.
The Rozan family is a beautiful family of six, including children and teens, trying to evacuate. The family's goal is €38,000 and (at the time of posting) they have raised €5,915. (vetted by @/el-shab-hussein)
Rawan is a 15 year old girl doing everything she can to raise the funds for her family of 6, which includes her younger brothers. Rawan's goal is $30,000 CAD, and (at the time of posting) she has raised $6,159 CAD.
Omar just turned 20, as today (4/26) is his birthday. He is a friend of Rawan's and is raising funds to evacuate himself and his family. His goal is €20,000, and (at the time of posting) he has raised €11,022.
Mona is a mother of three trying to evacuate herself, her children, her husband, and her sick mother. Her goal is $50,000, but (at the time of posting) she has only raised $609.
Wafa is a single mother from Gaza trying to raise funds to evacuate herself and her daughter. Her campaign is in Danish krone with an exchange rate of kr6.97 for every US $1. Her goal is kr100,000 (=$14,345.56), and (at the time of posting) she has only raised kr5,562 (=$797.90).
Somaya needs help to evacuate herself and her two children. Her goal is $40,000, and (at the time of posting) she has received $2,085.
Jehad is 20 years old and doing everything he can to try and help his family. They are struggling against the awful conditions, especially his younger sister, Farah, who is disabled. His goal is €40,000 and at the time of posting he has only received €1,093.
Fadi is only 17 and was recently injured in the ongoing assault against Gaza. He broke his leg, which now has pins in it for him to heal. He is raising funds for his family and his goal is €30,000, but he has only received a small €128 in donations.
Seham is a young woman from Gaza doing her best for her family. Her goal is £40,000 yet she has only raised £835 at the time of posting.
Nour is Rawan's (line 5) 12 year-old cousin. She is working so hard on IG to raise funds for her family. She recently became a big sister again, and her younger sister was born in a tent. At the time of posting, her campaign is at $4,610 of its $50,000 goal.
Tala Al-Haj is a friend of Rawan's (line 5). Like Rawan, she is 15 and experiencing unimaginable horrors. On top of that, her previous GFM sponsor was untrustworthy and what little she'd managed to raise previously had to be refunded after this betrayal. Tala has taken it upon herself to help her family, and has decided to trust again and made a new GFM with a new sponsor. Please help her regain both the donations she needs and her faith in people. At the time of posting, her campaign is at $227 of it's $80,000 goal.
Mustafa's wife, Esraa, has worked tirelessly to raise funds for her and her family. Her two children are suffering through this genocide, and she and her husband only wish to see them safe. After much struggle, Esraa has finally started to receive donations and has begun to receive more help, but she is still far from her goal. At the time of posting, this campaign is at €9,184 of it's €25,000 goal.
Pre-Order for Palestine: Return to Sender Sequel Donations to be Made to Dr. Maryam and her family's evacuation fund.
Dr. Maryam is a doctor living in Egypt working tirelessly to evacuate her surviving family from Gaza. Due to the occupations continued genocide, her mother and one of her nephews was martyred, her father needs medical care due to shrapnel in his body and age, and recently, one of her family members gave birth in a tent. Maryam's campaign has struggled to reach its goal of €40,000. Originally, her goal was higher, but due to the slow nature of donations, she lowered it in the hopes she can meet her goal more quickly. Maryam works long hours as a doctor, and has repeatedly told me, heartbroken and exhausted, that she 'saves lives everyday but can't save [her] family'.
For more information on how each of these campaigns will work, please check below the cut. If you are not familiar with my writing, you can check it out here.
If you have any questions after reading below the cut, please feel free to DM me or send an ask.
You can find the donation & fic tracker for this here.
GaaLee Fics for Gaza
This is a fairly straight-forward donation campaign. Donate at least the minimum amount to any of the above families (or multiple of the above families), and I will write you a GaaLee fanfic. Below are more details:
Minimum donation is $5USD. Any donation to a campaign run in a different currency must still meet the minimum in USD. Send proof of donation to me via DMs. The screenshot must clearly show your name and the amount as a finalized payment.
Only GaaLee fics, Gaara-centric fics, or Lee-centric fics. Side pairings are fine, assuming it's a side-pairing I typically write (ShikaTema, NejiTen, KakaGai) and not a NOTP in order to ensure the speed and quality of the fic.
AUs and canon-verse are fine. No Bortuo.
Fics will be 2,000 words minimum, but depending on the prompt may go up to 5,000.
Donating more than $5 will not change the word count, unless it is a generous donation (ie. $50 or more) and/or you donate to all 12 families above. However, bear in mind this will prolong the writing process.
Donations to multiple families counts as separate fics, or you can combine these donations into a longer fic. Again, bear in mind longer fics will take more time.
You may request a fic idea of your own, or if you do not have one you may request a fic from my 'ideas doc' which I will pick at random.
I reserve the right to refuse a prompt for any reason including: not feeling comfortable with writing it; not agreeing with the characterization; finding the prompt offensive, and so on.
You cannot make a $20 donation for a GaaLee Fic for Gaza and use that same donation towards Fic WiPs for Falastin or the RtS sequel. Those must be separate.
DM me proof of donation. No anonymous donations. As this is now in conjunction with @ficsforgaza proof of donation will be shared with them. I also have my own personal tracker, which you can find here.
If you would like to remain anonymous on my personal fic tracker, please let me know right away.
There is currently no cap to how many fics I will write, but that is subject to change in the event this blows up (which I don't expect).
Fic WiPs for Falastin
If you were already following along with this campaign when I was offering a bid for an update, then this is similar in nature. However, instead of an individual bidding on a fic, this is a collective effort wherein every person's donation counts towards a total number of words written leading to a WiP being updated. In other words, multiple people can now work to sponsor an update for any number of my on-going WiPs (listed below, list subject to change).
Minimum donation is $5USD for 250 words towards a fic update. Any donation to a campaign run in a different currency must still meet the minimum in USD. Send proof of donation to me via DMs. The screenshot must clearly show your name and the amount as a finalized payment.
For every $5 dollars added to the minimum donation, I will write another 250 words. This price is based on the nature of my writing and the amount of research involved with the fics listed for updating. If an update is estimated at 20,00 words then a collective donation amount of $80USD must be met.
A single donation towards a sponsored update cannot be combined for a GaaLee Fic for Gaza or for the RtS sequel.
DM me proof of your donation and include which fic you wish to have said donation go towards being updated. Because this is in conjunction with @ficsforgaza I will be sharing any proof of donation with them and no donations can be made anonymously. You can find the donation tracker here.
Despite the plethora of WiPs I have, this campaign will only be focused on a handful of fics, listed below. Please do not request an update for a fic that is not on the list.
Sponsoring an update does not mean you will be given any input on the update. For instance, you cannot make a request for something specific to happen in the fic.
If you would NOT like to be listed as a sponsor on the update or specifically named on the tracker, please let me know ahead of time. This is incredibly important work, and I would like to acknowledge the people who support these families with a shout out, but understand if you would rather not be mentioned.
If at anytime I feel the need to pause accepting donations, I will make an announcement, but at the moment this will be open for any of the below fics.
Fics to Sponsor and donation target:
Absolution ($100USD; ets 25k words) Update: Ch6+Ch7 have been donated towards. Next chapter available for donation is Ch8
The Art of Love ($60USD; est 15k words)
Blood on the Branches ($26USD; est 6,500 words)
It Eats Your Heart ($52USD; est 13k words)
Thirteen Strokes ($100USD; est 25k words)
Pre-Order for Palestine: Return to Sender Sequel
This particular campaign is similar to the sponsored campaign, however, with a targeted goal--sort of like a kick starter.
In an effort to help Dr. Maryam, I am offering a sequel to my most popular fic, Return to Sender. This sequel will be a long shot, or a long one-shot for those not familiar with the term, set after the end of RtS. It will be a light, fluff piece, focusing on their life after the events of the fic. It will not be plot heavy, and is designed to be a feel-good piece.
For this unplanned sequel to be published, a collective amount of donations totaling €200 must be met. This is in order to maximize the impact on Dr. Maryam's campaign, which has consistently struggled to reach higher sums despite the tireless work Dr. Maryam and her brother, Omar, have both put into it. The guidelines for how this campaign works are essentially the same as the Fic WiPs, with the exception to this being a goaled campaign.
At the moment, I do not have an exact idea of how long this fic will be, but likely between 15k-20k words. Again, this is a collective effort, and no one is expected to donate the full €200.
For every additional €100 over the aforementioned goal (ie the campaign reaches €300 with proof of donation), I will write an additional story set within the RtS timeline. For instance, I might write one of the scenes already written from Gaara's PoV, or I might write something that happened off-screen, such as the rescue of Lee that took place between chapter 9 and 10.
As with the above two campaigns, donations to Dr. Maryam cannot be combined with the other two, proof must be sent to me, and requests will not be accepted for what happens in the fic. The minimum donation amount GFM allows is $5/€5, so that is the minimum bid for this campaign. Again, you can find the donation tracker here.
E-Sims for Extras
This particular campaign focuses on connecting Palestinians in Gaza to the world via e-sim donations. As of 7/20/24, the genocide has lasted for nearly 10 months and Gaza's infrastructure has been utterly destroyed. From hospitals and schools to sewage, the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza is many fold: if it's not bombs, it's famine; if it's not famine, it's a lack of healthcare.
In order to help Palestinians remain connected to each other and the world, e-sims are vital. However, there is a shortage of e-sims now, almost a year after the start of this genocide.
An e-sim is an easy way to help Palestinians, and the starting price for this campaign is the minimum amount of an e-sim of $9. This campaign follows the same rules as the above campaigns, however, like the campaign for Dr. Maryam, this one is focused not on new fics or updates to WiPs, but on new content for completed projects* (RtS not included, as that's reserved for Dr. Maryam's family's campaign).
So if there's a fic of mine you absolutely loved and just couldn't get enough of, now is your chance to get more! The options for "more" include off-screen scenes, scenes rewritten from another character's PoV, and scenes from before the start of the fic or after.
In order to donate, please check out gazasims website and remember that I also will require proof of donation. When you buy the e-sim, please remember you MUST email the QR code to [email protected] and do NOT activate it. Activation by someone in Gaza is not required for the e-sim donation to count towards fic, as that can take time.
Word count is not based on the amount donated for this particular campaign, due to the nature of it. However, donating an e-sim worth $20 or more will grant you two extras. And as with the above campaigns, any donation amount related to E-Sims for Extras cannot be combined with the above campaigns.
Fics for Extras:
My Home is Your Home* (Note: a sequel is planned, so this will only include scenes from before or during the events of MHiYH, not after)
Plus One (Note: a sequel is planned, so this will only include scenes from before or during the events of Plus One, not after, and will not include NSFW content)
Pearl-Filled Lungs
Gate of Dreaming
Flyweight Love* (Note: a sequel is planned, so this will only include scenes from before or during the events of Flyweight Love, not after)
Alliance* (Note: a sequel is planned, so this will only include scenes from before or during the events of Alliance, not after)
Stolen Glances
if wanting were enough, i'd take you by the hand (TW: suicidal idealization, suicide attempt, past character death)
A large number of my completed fics are just ficclets, which is why they are not included here. However, if you did want to see me extrapolate on something from a ficclet, you can still request that when you DM me proof of e-sim donation. Any 'longer' fics not included in this are not available for extras (longer, in this case, referring to the handful of one-shots I have).
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Fanfiction Bids for Falastin [CLOSED]
Final bid: $50USD to @shukakumoodboard for the next chapter of The Ballad of the Dragon and the Phoenix
As a general note to everyone donating, I will do my best to deliver fics quickly, but I am disabled and recently came down with covid again, so please excuse any delays. However, I will ONLY be writing fics related to this fundraising effort, so no other fics will take priority.
Also thank you in advance to everyone who donates, whether you donate for a fic or not. Truly, you have no idea how important every single donation is to every single family is. The messages I have received filled with gratitude and kindness would break your heart and make you cry. It was so impossible to pick only fourteen families to ask you to help when I have so many more reaching out to me; when there are so many more who I haven't spoken to whose campaigns I've seen on my various social media feeds. No one family is more important than another. Every family is filled with love, with stories, with memories, with hopes and dreams; every family matters so much; every single family deserves to live free, long, happy lives; and every family has experienced so much pain and loss there is no way to do that justice with words, but they deserve the chance to grieve, to breathe, and to heal.
Please help these families reach their goals, please share even if you can't donate. Every single thing we do creates a ripple effect. One dollar becomes two, becomes three, becomes four... until one day a family is safe.
So please, regardless of the fic I am offering, do what you can--whether that's sharing GFMs or donating. Every little bit helps.
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wing-ed-thing · 2 years
I Guess You Don’t Love Me Anymore (Gaara x Reader)
Synopsis: Your normal nighttime routine with Gaara
Word Count: 0.8k
Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Gaara puts his whole weight on Reader, Fluffy Couple Things, Reader is Picked Up/Tossed
Notes: On the Gaara brain rot train
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When it came time to turn in, Gaara wore his nightshirt. The garment, traditionally worn by men of Sunagakure, was woven out of a light, tan fabric and featured three white buttons that led up to a scoop neck collar. Gaara pinched the front of it, almost to remind himself of the shirt’s looseness as he fanned himself. You watched as he cracked open a window from your shared bed, musing to yourself over how the fabric draped over Gaara’s shoulders. He always seemed more relaxed at night, like he could finally breathe after a day of work as Kazekage. Perhaps it was from wearing his armor all day…
“What?” His rough voice cut through your thoughts. You blinked, locking eyes with Gaara as his forehead crinkled in acute curiosity. “What are you looking at?” You sat up, leaning on one arm as you tugged him forward by the hem of his shirt. You leaned up to kiss him.
“Am I not allowed to admire my handsome fiancé?” you said, a playful vibrato in your voice. Gaara planted a firm peck on your lips. You fell back onto the thin sheets and Gaara unceremoniously plopped the entirety of his body weight on top of you. You let out a dramatic groan and the corners of Gaara’s lips twitched upwards from above you.
“You are,” he conceded, his nose touching yours. His elbows dug into the bed around the opposite sides of your head and he rested his cheek on his palm. “But you’re a mischievous one. I don’t know what goes on in that head of yours.” He gave your temple a light tap with his opposite hand.
“I was thinking about your shirt.” Gaara’s lips formed a tight, misshapen line. A light puff of air escaped his nose: Gaara’s rendition of a snicker.
“My shirt,” he repeated, stretching as he lifted himself off of you. By the time you sat up, he was already beginning to settle under the covers. “What about my shirt?” A hint of mischief of his own glinted in his tired eyes.
“I think it’s a nice look for you.” You flung the sheets over on your side and rested your head on Gaara’s shoulder. You tossed a leg over his. “It’s very… farmer.” You looked up at him, dragging your cheek across the light cotton of his nightshirt as you nodded. He looked down, chin beginning to scrunch up by his neck.
“Is, uh… I reckon that’s a good thing.” You couldn’t laugh at the innocently lost look on his face. No one had ever really joked around with Gaara before you. Between the stigma around his Jinchūriki status as a child to his drastic promotion to Kazekage, you figured that most of the villagers thought of him as too serious.
“I’ll have you know that farmer-Gaara is easily in my list of top fifteen Gaaras.”
“Ah, I see…” He hummed, straining to reach over to the bedside light. You always said things like that to him and he never understood. But he liked you, and so he had long since learned to simply roll with it. You wrapped your arm around his middle as darkness suddenly overtook the room.
You both shifted. You nestled deeper into Gaara’s side as he traced the outline of your ear. Gaara kissed the top of your head. The silence of the night filled the air. It had been a long day for the both of you.
Gaara’s chest rose steadily as he breathed. You played with the buttons on his shirt, his heart beating like a metronome in his chest. His fingertips drew little circles on your skin as the night grew darker.
As time passed, you couldn’t tell if you actually fell asleep. But in a half-awake trance, you felt Gaara move. He turned on his side, taking half of your portion of the blankets with him. You looked over at his broad shoulders and his messy hair. You clutched onto what little blanket realestate you could.
“Oh, I see how it is.” Your tired voice cut through the stillness. “I guess you don’t love me anymore.” Even just barely awake, you still found ways to joke with him.
Almost immediately, Gaara shot up in bed, resting his weight on his elbow away from you. He paused, almost as if he had to take a moment to process what you said. You giggled quietly to yourself, always one to be amused by your own jokes. But your laughter was quickly knocked out of you as Gaara, now laying flat, snaked one arm under you. And with one movement, he flipped you completely over his body. With you now on his left, he turned back on his side, holding you to his chest and burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“Go to sleep,” he muttered and held you close as the both of you fell asleep.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed and otherwise supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated. 
Notes: I think I once found a tweet that was like “When your partner turns on their side in bed and it’s like wow I didn’t know you didn’t love me anymore.” Ever since I showed my boyfriend that I say that every time he turns over until the one time I did it to him and he went “... wow I didn’t know you didn’t love me anymore” hahaha
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sur-i-ki · 7 months
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⇝ 𝘎𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘊𝘳𝘰𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘴
⇝ 𝘎𝘢𝘢𝘳𝘢 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
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Birth order is what determines power. Growing up as the youngest, he’s always seen this. His father attempted to implement it as well. However, Temari is as swift as she is terrifying, and she’d nourished love between the siblings after years of wariness.
Somewhere along the line, Gaara now is the crown prince for his kingdom. With how reluctant he was with public showings with his family, he had no reputation.
Well, no reputation as Crown Prince Gaara. Shukaku is another story.
Gaara’s eyes fall shut as the carriage ambles down to the main road.
Shukaku was born out of desperation. He was born out of hurried, quite steps to the soldiers barrack for a horse and a cape. He was late nights down in the heart of town. He’d give out money and teach children in the courtyard under the moonlight.
He was also the one who met you, two years ago, hungry beyond belief. He was glances to the display windows as you closed shop. He was the one who you looked up to as you handed him a croissant.
Gaara thinks it was your eyes and your smell. Innocent beyond belief and a smell that wrapped around him and was home.
He was so smitten in that first meeting, that he soon came down everyday to meet you. He was calming nights with his arms around you, kisses stolen as you mixed batters and kneaded dough, flustered looks as you hoisted flour bags up and down.
It was also a confession. You’d seen his tattoo, the one only known to the prince of the kingdom. He’d explained through sobs and a fear of you leaving but you only gripped him harder.
He’d expected shouting and anger. He got sympathy and compassion.
Two years later, and you’re still with him. Today, he’ll meet you at an inspection. You’d been nominated to represent the bakers district, and told him much when he meet you a week before. A few words from him to Temari, something about showing care for his people to help his reputation, and here he was, heading to your tiny bakery.
The bell rings as he opens the door, the smell a familiar scent. Around him, the officers and officials take a double take, eyes brightening and wandering to the display case. Gaara smiles.
“Hello,” you say, walking out the back holding a bowl of dough, your sleeves rolled up.
Gaara feels himself blush, your confidence and unwavering gaze falling on him. You set the bowl down on the counter, bowing to him.
“My prince.”
Your voice is going to be his downfall. He knows you don’t mean it, but your voice does something to him, and he’s fighting to keep his composure. You both had decided to keep the relationship a secret, but you’re making it difficult for him.
Gaara moves to the back of the group as you begin the demonstration. You push your sleeves back up higher, and he has this impulsive need to squeal. He opts to cough into his hand instead.
This keeps happening, over and over until he’s sure that his face matches his hair. The way you talk through the whole thing, grunting slightly here and there, and the flush to your skin from the physical work has him banishing his thoughts to the darkest corners of his mind.
Finally, as people crowd the countertops and tables to sit down and eat your delicacies, he announces in a loud voice:
“I’ll be heading in the back to inspect the conditions. Stay here and prepare a batch for me to take back to the palace,” turning to you, his faced wiped of all emotions, he gestures to you, “Please, lead the way.”
The minute he is out of sight from the others, he grabs you and kisses you, hard.
You laugh quietly against his lips, “Well, my prince,” his lips are on your neck and he can feel your voice, “Do you know, you look very dashing in these clothes. I almost messed up, on quite a few occasions.”
He chuckles against your skin, “I almost broke character there.”
You both spend a few moments together before he hears his men start shuffling around. Your voice breaks through his thoughts.
“However, I do have to say, when you looked at me outside, you looked as if you wanted to devour me.”
His noses against you cheek, leaning down to give you a final hug.
“I will. Keep the door unlocked tonight.”
And with those words, he goes out, grabbing the bag and thanking you as he leaves. There’s a new flush to your skin.
“Go to the palace, fast.” He orders as he settles into the carriage once more.
He has a meeting to prepare for.
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⇝ 𝘓𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘴, 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘴, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥! 𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘣𝘶𝘵𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯
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animeficsworld · 13 days
His Love
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Gaara x Reader
Summary: Love was something he never knew. It was only something he could see in others, but never in himself.
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He was lonely his entire life until he met Naruto. They were similar yet different. 
The leaf village changed his life forever. 
He found friends and something he never knew he could find love.
Gaara became the youngest Kazekage in the history of the sand village, and he became the youngest man to get married.
Your love started to bloom when your eyes met, even if neither of you realized it at the time. 
But by the age of 17, you were married.
A ninja from the leaf village fell in love with the Kazekage. And yet, your love was perfect.
You showed a new side of life to Gaara, and he admired you for that. Even if many told you that your marriage wouldn't last, you proved them wrong.
When you arrived at the leaf village, you were alone, seeking to find Hinata so you could help her on her big day.
After all, you couldn't have a nice wedding, and so, you were determined to have every friend of yours have their big day as perfect as anyone could dream of. 
You loved seeing everyone so happy. All of your friends.
You also noticed some new love beginning to bloom. 
You let out a sigh and took a bite from your cake.
Gaara couldn't make it to the wedding, he was too busy. But you did have a great time with his brother and sister.
You had a lot of fun. 
You even got a bit tipsy during the late hours. But it was all simply so much fun.
You got back to your room when the sun was almost rising. You were tired but your mind was running miles.
You missed your husband. You knew he was busy, you never blamed him for that. But in moments like this, you did want to be with him.
The next day, you went home after saying your goodbyes. Everyone was aware of your relationship with Gaara, you two barely separated. And anyone who dares and forces you to leave the other's side will die.
Simple as that. 
And so, home you went to your husband and your beloved cat.
It was no surprise to you that Gaara was in his office working, but you did go and say hello to him before disappearing into the kitchen so you could cook a nice meal. 
You were almost ready when a presence behind you made you alert. 
"Do you ever regret marrying me?" you turned around and looked at him, letting him continue. "I'm so busy all the time, I do not have time for you, we couldn't even have a normal wedding."
"It doesn't matter to me. I know you love me and I love you, that is what I care about," you said as you turned back and finished up dinner. "Let's eat. Unless you have to go back?" 
"No. I'm done for today."
It has been a while since you two ate at the table. It was a nice change. Just a light conversation and some nice homemade food. 
You decided to go to bed early, laying in his arms was nothing new to you. Laying in his arms while falling asleep was very rare for the two of you. 
So when an opportunity like this arises, you are quick to act. 
"I love you." you said before you fell asleep.
"I love you too." he said it back but you were asleep already, but it was okay, because you knew.
You knew he loved you.
He showed it to you when he took you in after you felt so lost when Naruto left.
He showed his love when he refused to let you out of his sight because the last time he did, you got hurt.
He showed his love when he blushed so much after your first kiss.
You knew he loved you, and you loved him just the same.
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ambraxell · 19 days
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My first post on Tumblr
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velvetwyrms · 2 months
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Some illustrations for the first chapter ‘How to find the good ones,’ of my GaaLee Alien AU: Falling Fast Through Fragmented Universes.
Go give it a read for some horrifying-meet-cute shenanigans with a huge bunch of flowers and rain heavy enough to feature in a romcom.
[Please do not repost, reblogging stops my hours of work from dying in your likes, lets others enjoy this too and spreads the word of my work. I’m also in the process of opening a Sand family askblog ft GaaLee <3]
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sweet1delusi0ns · 4 months
Naruto boys random headcanons──☆*:・゚
Characters: Naruto🦊,sasuke🗡️,Itachi🥀, kakashi🍃, kiba🐺, shikamaru🀄️,shino🪲,neji🎋,Lee🥋,choji🍥,gaara⏳,kankuro🪆
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Hes lazy at home. Not because he’s tired he just wants you to take care of him, but when you call him a baby for all these requests he gets mad “I AM NOT A BABY! I AM A GROWN MAN! NOW SPOON FEED ME!”
He tries to prank you but fails, your too smart to fall for it. He always tries to trip you in public while walking and every time he is the one on the floor and your the one laughing some how-
He likes the idea of drawing and being an artist he just can’t draw. He can only draw stick people with different hair, one time he tried to draw you, gave up and instead gave you a picture of a stick person with your hair. It’s now on the fridge LOL
He tries to act cool around his friend with you but just makes a fool of himself. “Yeah this my bae so what?” “Yeah I’m his bae and he’s my baby, my big, soft, smiley baby!” His soul is now crushed and his friends all laughing
He sleeps like a ANIMAL. he full on can’t sleep normally, You both go to bed the same time, one of you is always gunna wake up on the floor, mostly you. Then he wakes up like “why you on the floor?”
He may seem cool but he gets very flustered. He doesn’t cover his face though he just closes his eyes so he doesn’t get more flustered and so he can ignore the fact that he is red
He CANT Dance, don’t EVER take him dancing. It’s not because he’s bad at dancing he just never learn. If there is music he will bop his head to the beat though, if you try to get him to dance he will freak out and freeze. He just doesn’t like it ok!
His waist is weirdly sensitive, you could barely touch his waist and he will start giggling. He isn’t ticklish anywhere else but if you take a feather to his waist he will start LAUGHING
He will kick your feet when he wants attention. If you guys are out to dinner with friends he will kick you under the table to get your attention, he thinks it’s funny until you fight back and stomp on his foot. He made you kiss his pain away at home, atleast he got attention LOL
He forgets the silliest things one time he forgot how to tie a knot so anything he needs to tie like his clothes or shoes you had to do for him. You don’t know if he actually forgot or if he just wanted to be babied-
He can’t handle heatwaves. If it’s over 90 degrees he’s gone for. One time you woke up on a heat wave morning waiting for him to wake up and walk out but he never did, you went to find him and he was in bed, sprawled out, shirt and covers off soaked in sweat. You had to rub ice on him to get him conscious -
Unlike naruto, he likes drawing and can ACTUALLY DRAW, although he can only draw plants but he doesn’t mind he likes plants! He will draw you flowers instead of buying you some which is like equally as cute~
He has very sensitive eyes. Like how he can’t handle heat he cant handle the sun either. If it isn’t cloudy he will have to squint to keep his eyes from hurting. When you told him to wear sun glasses he said “I still want to see you clearly though love…”
He’s not a big fan of skin care but he likes those face roller things. He bought one just so you could use it on him, he likes that it’s cold but also massaging!
He sneezes like a girl- he has the cutest, most petite sneeze you’ve ever heard out of a man which is cute and very funny. He doesn’t even realize it either “a-choo!” “That was crazy out of character” “huh?”
He’s allergic to cats, he likes cats sure but he never hangs around them because he’s allergic. You didn’t know that and one day you brought a stray inside and he instantly turned puffy (poor thing)
Once he gets home and discards the mask he puts lip tint on. He has pink lips for that reason. When he first puts it on he will find you and kiss you just to leave a mark before waiting 10 minutes then whipping it off
He needs reading glasses but never uses them, then complains to you when he gets a headache as if you didn’t tell him to put them on
He takes a lot of baths. If he showers it bound to end up a bath. And he doesn’t care if your using the bathroom if he wants a bath he’s gunna make a god Danm bath. One time You were just washing your face and he busted in the door and ran to the bathtub, You washed your face as fast as you could-
He is EXTREMELY tired when he first wakes up, he doesn’t move for like 20 minutes so if he needs to get up and do stuff your gunna have to make him, like actually you’ll have the carry him out of bed.
He bites his nails from stress so you have made it a habit to smack his hand away when he does. It worked since all you have to do is tap him softly and he will stop. He’s so glad you help him get over bad habits
He decorated akamarus ears when he’s bored, one time you walk in on him giggling like a little girl and akamarus ears were pulled together in a little ponytail! You joined in on the fun🤞
He comes back from a casual walk along a complete mess, you have no idea how but one day he came back with half a bush stuck on his leg. He always cleans up though!
He sometimes transforms akamaru into himself to prank his friends or you, mostly you. One time akamaru came up to you as Kiba and started licking your face “EW OH MY GOD?!” “AUUFF AUF!” “KIBA YOUR NOT FUNNY”
He always has tan cheeks and nose. Compared to the rest of his face, his cheeks are cute and golden!
He lets you win at intelligents based games to make you feel better. Except one time he actually tried and lost. He’s convinced you cheated
His hair is straight but gets very frizzy if not cared for. (You care for it since he’s lazyy)
He draws on himself when bored, mostly just trippy designs like swirls and stuff. Will also let you draw on him, only if your good tho he doesn’t want “bad drawing” on him😔
He has a box FULL of hair ties and will notice if you take one. “This one you literally stole from me?” “Don’t care put it back!!!”
He gets Freezingly cold at night, like really really cold. When he snuggles up to you to warm up you could feel how cold he really is and you don’t understand how since you are both under covers-
He keeps bugs in the house so they can watch over anything, they are basically his security cameras-
His hair is so cute and wavy! Also gets very frizzy because of the texture like Shika. He also makes you take care of it, he just really likes you touching his hair
He gives you bugs as gifts, not like freaky beetles but cute little bugs like lady bugs or fuzzy green caterpillars. You find it cute that he gives you things that mean so much to him
He shockingly has a sensitive neck, only to you though. Bugs can crawl all over it and he doesn’t move but if you try to kiss it he gets chills. Also shockingly he has really soft skin idk maybe he sheds skin (IM JOKING)
When he gets home and can finally undress he lets you take his glasses off since you love his eyes and he loves that you love them. He gets insecure about it sometimes!
He speak really highly and intelligently but he’s honestly a little dumb sometimes, or maybe he’s just dumb with you to be silly we don’t know
The only jewelry he really wears is an ankle bracelet you got him
He loves hair charms, he likes decorating his hair! He likes putting clips and braids in it, sometimes even put color streaks in it if he wants to be festive
He really likes pottery and making things out of clay, he’s very creative and he finds clay the perfect outlet. He even makes pots for you!
He has a flower garden that NO ONE is allowed in. He treats them like they’re his baby’s, because they are! He’s favorite plant he has is his cactuses.
He’s extremely energetic and powerful yet he has asthma, he denies it. But if it’s really hot outside he runs out of breath REALLY fast which makes you worry
He’s scared of spiders you kill the spiders for him or he runs! If you trap a spider and chase him with it he will almost start crying (he will start crying) he’s ashamed to admit spiders are his weakness
He wears mascara, he gotta make them lashes voluminous yk. He stole his mascara from tenten too. You made him give it back to her and bought him his own
It’s pretty obvious but he is FLEXIBLE! Backbend, splits anything he can do. You thought he broke his spine onces-
He’s not much of a plant guy but he has the TINIEST succulent in your room that he cares for, every other plant he has had died but not that one~
He loves finger painting and is actually really good at it, you’d think it was made by a professional and an actual paint brush but no it was Choji and his finger paint😭
His hair is so thick most hair ties he uses break. He has to use hair needles instead because it’s the only thing that holds if he wants his hair up for a while
He thinks pillow fights are actually entertaining he could have a pillow fight with you all day and never get bored. He goes crazy if he’s over at someone’s house and they suggest pillow fights!
He loves bath bombs!!! He basically died when you run him a bath and put bath bombs in it, his favorite scent it lavender. Even if you didn’t add a bath bomb he loves when you make him baths he thinks its adorable
He paints your cheeks like his in your sleep, that’s his idea of a prank even though it’s basically him just being a cutie “look now your like me y/n!!”
He turns the black rings around his eyes to cat eyes sometimes. He looks ADORABLE with cat eyes. He sometimes even uses eye shadow too, if he can’t change it he thought might as well make it look cutee
He’s scared of mosquitos, he just doesn’t like bugs that can fly and go after human blood it freaks him out
He wears one of those scent bracelets and puts your signature scent in it so he always smells like you~
He gifts you plants all the time
He collect the silliest things, there are these cute little cat charms at a near by store and he’s working on collecting them all!
Shockingly he really likes reading. He likes fiction books the most, he asks you for suggestions
He asks you what new make up design he should try, sometimes he just gives you the brush and lets you go wild. But you always make him look cute~
He fidgets with the ears on his hat when he’s bored. It rubbed off on you so now if he’s around you with his hat on you start messing with them-
He steals your clothes and hides them so you have no choice but to ask to use his for the day. After the day is over he comes up to you smiling and hands you your missing clothes “found em!” “By found em do you mean took them out of the hiding spot?” “Yeah-”
He paints his nails either black, pink or purple. He also lets you paint them, it honestly just ends up a mess. He would totally whip nail polishes on your nose~
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What makes the Naruto boys flustered
Warnings/content: nothing :) Gn! Reader
Characters: Gaara, Sasuke, Neji
A/n: whenever i write one of these, I just pick 2-4 characters I like literally no consistency lol
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Sasuke Uchiha
★ Sasuke was never easily flustered or embarrassed for that matter, hes always been able to keep a straight face in most situations but when it comes to you, it’s a much different circumstance. He can’t handle expressions of love very well, whenever you tell him you love him he turns bright red and most the time you’re met with a half hearted. “S-shut up.” ★
★ He’s not a huge PDA fan, he might hold your hands in public but I wouldn’t hold your breath for it. He loves you, he’s just emotionally stunted. He gets really embarrassed when he just gets caught staring whether it be by you or one of your guys’ friends he’d adamantly deny any part of it. ★
★ When you guys are just at your house together he clings to you like no body’s business, as cold and distant as he may seem he loves being close to you even if he has to swallow his pride to do so. If someone like Naruto caught the Uchiha being clingy he’d never live it down. ★
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★ As the Kazekage, Gaara doesn’t fluster easily. That was until…he met you, his only weakness, someone he’d do anything for. He loves you dearly and can’t help but blush whenever you’re around even if it’s on an unconscious level ★
★ You like being a tease, whenever you’re in a public place whether it be a restaurant or just walking in the park you always have to be touching him in some way, he doesn’t mind but it gets kinda embarrassing when he’s completely flushed in front of the council because of your ministrations ★
★ Or when you guys are just at home and he’s making something for you like the good partner he is and you walk up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist he always folds so fast. His face turning as red as his hair, you have him completely wrapped around your finger. But you know what really gets him? Shoulder and neck kissing, whenever he feels your lips on him he completely melts ★
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Neji Hyuga
★ Since Neji did grow up under the rule of the Hyuga he’s not one to get embarrassed or ashamed easily because of his pride and like Sasuke with his stunted emotional growth. He’s not one of much PDA having grown up in a semi conservative clan so at most he might rest his hand on your waist or just hold your hand but no “egregious” displays. ★
★ When you guys first got together he didn’t really *know* how to accept affection so he was actually pretty awkward even without realizing it. Like when you tried to hug him or just hold him he’d get pretty tense unsure of how to react so you definitely had to help him ease into the idea of physical intimacy and affection. ★
★ When you guys are just by yourselves or at your house, sometimes he initiates physical contact by most the time resting his hand on your thigh or kissing your forehead, once he got used to the concept ge actually really started to enjoy those small acts of intimacy, it made him feel warm in his chest and made his cheeks heat up. He shows his love in his own way. ★ …………………………………………………………………………………
A/n: i don’t like these very much, but I hope you enjoyed reading them anyway, it means a lot. :)
Do not repost
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animexts · 8 months
May I have that Gaara with "you're not ok, stop lying", please? Thank you!!
I hope you like this, Gaara is my favorite boy and I love him. 💞
Prompt 53: "You're not okay, stop lying."
Pairing: Gaara X Reader
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Gaara watches his fiancée move the food in front of him with her head resting on her hand and sighs.
"Do you want to tell me what happened or...?" Gaara is new to this whole feelings thing, but he's doing his best to be a good boyfriend, soon to be husband.
Y/n raises her head and looks at him quickly and then looks away.
"I'm fine, just a little tired."
He knew her, Gaara knew that that smile was forced and that there was something going on, did he... Did he do something?
"Did I do something? I'm sorry if I did." Gaara says, starting to feel anxious.
"You didn't do anything love, I promise." Y/n says taking Gaara's hand that is on the table.
"So... It's the wedding? Do you... Think we're moving too fast?"
Gaara feels like the happiest man in the world to be engaged to Y/n, she is his first and will be his last love, but he would hate himself If there was pressure on her to do something she wasn't ready for yet.
"Gaara, I'm more than happy to marry you, I already told you, I'm fine."
"You're not okay, stop lying." He says a little more firmly this time.
Gaara has known Y/n since they were little and knows how stubborn this woman is, after all, she has always been alone, but now he wanted to show her that she has him for everything.
"Please, I...I know that you were always alone, I also know I'm not the best guy when it comes to feelings, but I'm here for you, let me in darling." Gaara says smiling and caressing the back of Y/n's hand with his thumb.
"I don't know what's going on, I just... I don't feel like doing anything Gaara, what's wrong with me?" She says with a choked voice and Gaara would just like to take away all this pain she's feeling.
Gaara gets up and goes to Y/n's chair, bending down to be at eye level with her.
"Hey, there's nothing wrong with you my love, you're still the incredible woman I fell in love with, and I continue to fall in love with every day, the woman who always gives me strength, The woman who makes me want to be better every day." Gaara says, and approaches slowly kissing his fiancée's cheek.
"These days of anguish are temporary, this feeling is temporary, I promise you, Let's beat this together."
"I won't leave you for anything in this world, my dear wife." Gaara says placing kisses all over Y/n's face.
"We're not married yet, my love." She says, taking his face with both hands, and giving him a little kiss on the mouth.
"But my heart It's been yours for a long time, you know?"
"How much time?" She asks, smiling softly and he lets out a chuckle.
If she knew.
"My heart was made for you."
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innocuousibis · 3 months
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New chapter and illustration
35: Thalassophobia
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wing-ed-thing · 2 years
Chosen Days (Gaara x Reader)
Synopsis: Gaara holds his newborn son for the first time.
Word Count: 0.5k
Tags/Warnings: Birthing-Abled Reader, Post-Childbirth, Fluff, Hospitals
Notes: I don’t know what came over me. I’ve just been having some very deep feelings about Gaara.
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“What?” he asked, not knowing if he heard the question correctly. His mouth suddenly ran dry. His tongue darted out across his lips as his wide, terrified eyes scanned up to meet yours. You looked as gorgeous as ever, he decided, even with the thin layer of sweat that covered your skin and exhaustion under your eyes. “What did you say?”
He asked you with hesitancy, almost as if afraid to speak.
“Do you want to hold your son, Gaara?” You shifted the infant in your arms. Gaara gazed down at plump cheeks, surrounded by a swaddling of blankets.
After the commotion of his birth, the three of you were left in the hospital room alone. In the silence was a sense of peace, almost as if it was always destined to be the three of you. Gaara felt frozen, suspended in the stillness as he took in the first and second loves of his life. He thought that the delivery had been intimidating, but the terrified concern for your wellbeing was swiftly overtaken by a new, equally terrifying unknown.
You rested, exhausted and beautiful. The very one who brought him the child that was nestled on your chest.
He opened his mouth, a light, strangled sound tearing from his throat as he struggled to find words in a flurry of emotions. His hands trembled upward and then back down again.
“Take him,” you said in a low, gentle voice. You carefully offered your child up to his father, his head cradled in the crux of your elbow.
“Are you sure?” Gaara asked, a slight tremble in his words. He looked to you for direction. You nodded.
“You’re his father,” you told him with a reassuring smile.
Gaara bent down and gingerly wrapped his arms through yours and under his son. The weight of him sat in his grasp like nothing he had ever held before. Soft. Tender. Important. Gaara shook, tears welling up in his eyes as he looked down at his newborn. And soon enough, droplets began to roll down his cheeks.
“I feel like I’m going to drop him,” he stammered out with a laugh, tightening his grip on the blanket as he adjusted his hold. Tears stained the cloth. “I’m shaking so much.”
“You’re not going to drop him.” You allowed yourself to fully settle into your bed, your head sinking down into your pillow. You took a breath as you watched your crying husband hold your child for the very first time. “He looks like you, doesn’t he?”
Gaara sniffled, leaning his head down to wipe his face on the sleeve of his bicep.
“I was going to say the same thing about you,” he said, not taking his eyes off your son for a single second. The more he stared, the more he seemed to cry. “I have a son… we have a son…” Gaara repeated himself like a mantra, as if he had to convince himself that it was all real. “I never thought…”
You took in the moments you spent together. Time seemed to stop as the two of you fawned over the beautiful creation you brought into the world. Yes, three of you felt right.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed and otherwise supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated. 
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