#Naruto next generation
ravewoodx · 1 year
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luccacaca · 3 months
Realistically I feel like adult Naruto would NEVER neglect his family. Naruto who grew up as an orphan, having no one, who longed for bonds and wished he had a family. He would never spend his days in his office, not seeing his kids days on end and only coming home to sleep. Maybe temporarily but he would work something out so that he could spend time with his family. Adult Naruto would also realistically never take off his headband permanently. On multiple instances he allowed himself to get hit by attacks just to retrieve his headband. He'd never break a promise and he would never take being hokage serious to the point where Shikamaru is telling him to take time off and he is refusing.
That's not like him at all. It's just lazy af writing. The strong personality that he showed in classic and shippuden over and over again literally disappeared out of nowhere in boruto. Even though it was one of the most important aspects of the story. The whole point is that the only reason he didn't end up as a villain, is because of his strong personality and his grasp on whats right and wrong and the way that he cared about the people around him, especially the people he loves. This man chased Sasuke for years to get him back to the village and try to lead him off a bad path. He chased him, hyperventilated and passed out when the others wanted to go and kill him, fought him after fighting in the war, lost one of his arms over fighting Sasuke and was literally willing to give up his lifelong dream if he couldn't bring Sasuke back but he can't make time to see Boruto or Himawari? This bothers me sm when I watch next gen, because thats just not his personality that he portrayed in the past ~700 episodes.
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lvoryingrid · 3 months
Whispers in the Sand
Gaara x fem!Reader
Synopsis: In Sunagakure, (Y/n) befriends Gaara, a boy feared for the beast inside him. Despite the village's scorn, their bond deepens. After Gaara is critically injured, (Y/n) stays by his side. Lady Chiyo sacrifices herself to revive him, and Gaara awakens to (Y/n)'s tearful relief and confession of love, promising a future together.
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In the bustling village of Sunagakure, where the sun painted the sandstone buildings in hues of gold, whispers danced like shadows in the dusty streets. Among those murmurs, there lingered a tale that had woven its way into the very fabric of the village—a story of a boy with a beast trapped within him, a tale that had haunted the hearts of the villagers for generations.
(Y/n) had known this story since she was a mere child, her young ears catching the fragments of hushed conversations between elders and the nervous glances exchanged between parents. It was a narrative shrouded in mystery, one that sent shivers down her spine even as she sat by the hearth, listening intently.
The tale spoke of a boy, his name whispered in tones of both fear and pity, who carried within him a beast of unimaginable power. Some said it was a curse bestowed upon him by ancient spirits, while others whispered of dark rituals performed by his own kin. But regardless of its origins, the boy's burden was undeniable—a monstrous force that lay dormant within him, waiting to be unleashed.
His hair blazed like fire, a crimson beacon amidst the mundane, while his eyes, icy and enigmatic, seemed to hold secrets untold. To the villagers, he was the embodiment of fear, a specter of darkness with a name stained by rumors and whispered tales of horror. They whispered of his alleged crimes, of a mother slain by her own son's hand, painting him as a monster lurking in their midst.
Yet, to (Y/n), he was something different. She saw beyond the whispers, beyond the shroud of fear that enveloped him. To her, he was simply a boy, no different from herself, burdened by loneliness and yearning for connection. With courage as fragile as a delicate petal, she approached him one day, her heart pounding against her chest like the drumbeat of a distant storm. Her hand, small and trembling, reached out in a gesture of friendship, offering a lifeline amidst the sea of suspicion and dread.
"Hi, I'm (Y/n)," she uttered softly, her voice a beacon of warmth cutting through the chilling silence that surrounded him like a suffocating mist. In that moment, her smile, genuine and unguarded, illuminated the darkness that had cloaked him for so long, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the shadows of his haunted existence.
In a moment etched in time, he finally surrendered to a glimmer of hope, his lips curving into a smile as he reached out and clasped her hand. In that delicate exchange, a profound bond ignited, weaving their souls together in an unbreakable bond. Despite the relentless storm of disapproval raining down upon them, they stood resolute, united against the world's scorn. Their friendship blossomed, a radiant beacon of resilience amidst the darkness, defying all odds with every shared moment, every whispered secret, every heartfelt laugh.
On that fateful night, the tranquility of the village shattered into chaos as the deafening explosion tore through the air. (Y/n) felt her heart lurch with fear as the ominous sound reverberated through her bones.
The next day, when she laid eyes on him, her heart sank. He was there, but he wasn't the same. The warmth that once radiated from his presence had been extinguished, replaced by an icy, distant demeanor. It was as if a shadow had consumed him, leaving behind only a shell of the person she once knew.
Despite her desperate attempts to reach him, he remained unreachable, lost in the grip of his inner turmoil. His once vibrant eyes now held a haunting emptiness, reflecting the torment of the monster that now consumed him. And as he turned away, ignoring her presence, (Y/n) felt a surge of heartache, realizing that the person she cherished had become the very thing they had all feared.
Years had passed since Gaara of the Desert had become the embodiment of fear in the village, living up to the bleak reputation that the villagers had painted for him. His departure for Konoha to partake in the Chūnin Exams left a bitter taste lingering in the air, with his sand nearly grazing her as she timidly approached to wish him luck.
Upon his return to the village from Konoha, Gaara was scarcely recognizable. The once stoic and aloof figure had softened, radiating an unfamiliar warmth, calmness, and genuine happiness. It was a transformation that caught everyone off guard, especially (Y/n), who had known him in his previous, more hardened state.
Then, one day, he approached her, his eyes betraying a profound sense of remorse and regret. It was a stark contrast to the coldness she had grown accustomed to, and it stirred something within her—a glimmer of hope, perhaps, that there was more to Gaara than the menacing facade he had worn for so long.
"(Y/n)," he spoke, his voice trembling with emotion, each syllable heavy with regret. His words, though soft, echoed with the weight of his remorse. "I'm sorry," he whispered, the apology hanging in the air, laden with the depths of his sorrow.
Tears welled up in (Y/n)'s eyes as she looked at him, her heart overflowing with emotions. "You were always my friend, no matter what," she whispered, a smile gracing her lips as she reached out to him, her hand finding his.
Tears cascaded down (Y/n)'s cheeks like a relentless waterfall as she stood beside Gaara's motionless form, her heart gripped by a vice of anguish and fear. Every fiber of her being rebelled against the thought of losing him, of never again seeing the warmth in his emerald eyes. Their shared memories rushed back to her, not willing them to die off.
As (Y/n) stood beside Gaara's motionless form, her voice trembled with desperation as she pleaded for him to return. "Gaara, please," she whispered, her words a fragile echo in the silent void that surrounded them. Tears streamed down her cheeks, mingling with the sand beneath her feet as she clutched his hand tightly, as if trying to anchor him to the world.
"Come back to us, Gaara," she begged, her voice cracking with emotion. "You're not alone anymore. We're here for you. I'm here for you." Her heart ached with each word, every syllable a testament to the depth of her love and concern for her friend
But Gaara remained still, his form unmoving, as if trapped in a world of his own making. The weight of his inner turmoil seemed insurmountable, a barrier separating him from the world outside.
In the midst of her despair, (Y/n) felt a stirring within her soul as Naruto's voice pierced the heavy silence. His words echoed with a mixture of sadness and anger, mirroring the tumultuous emotions swirling within her own heart.
"Why is it always Gaara?" Naruto's voice rang out, resonating with a raw intensity that demanded attention. He stood beside her, his gaze fixed on Gaara's still form with a depth of emotion that sent shivers down her spine. "How could he die like this?"
As Naruto knelt beside her, his voice quivering with grief and frustration, (Y/n) felt the weight of his words pressing down on her like a heavy burden. She knew the pain he felt, the sense of injustice that threatened to consume them both.
And then, as Lady Chiyo intervened with a voice like the hollow echo of despair "Calm yourself, Uzumaki Naruto." her gaze hollow toward the young boy, (Y/n)'s attention remained fixated on Gaara's pale face, her fingers gently caressing his hair as if to coax him back to consciousness.
But Naruto's anguish erupted into a desperate cry, tearing through the air like a thunderclap. "If you, you damn Sand shinobi didn't put that monster inside Gaara, then..." His accusation hung in the air, a stark reminder of the pain and suffering inflicted upon Gaara by forces beyond his control.
As (Y/n) gently caressed Gaara's fiery red hair, her mind drifted back to a memory not so distant. It was just a while ago when he had shared with her his impending appointment as Kazekage, his eyes alight with determination and hope. "No one deserves it more," she had said, her heart swelling with pride for her friend. But now, as reality settled in, she realized that his newfound responsibilities would inevitably mean less time together.
Her sadness didn't go unnoticed by Gaara, his perceptive gaze catching the subtle shift in her demeanor. "What's wrong?" he asked, his voice soft yet laden with concern as he turned to her.
(Y/n) shook her head, a feeble attempt to mask the turmoil within her heart. "It's nothing," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she looked away, unable to meet his gaze.
But Gaara knew her too well to be deceived by her facade. With a gentle touch, he turned her face towards him, his eyes searching hers for answers. "Please, (Y/n)," he urged, his voice a gentle plea. "You can tell me."
For a moment, (Y/n) hesitated, her cheeks a light tint of pink as the weight of her emotions threatened to spill forth like a torrential downpour. But then, with a resigned sigh, she relented, allowing her walls to crumble in the presence of her trusted friend.
"It's just...," her voice faltered, choked with unspoken fears and regrets. "I'm happy for you, Gaara, truly. But... I can't help but feel a sense of loss knowing that we won't be able to spend as much time together."
Her words hung in the air like a fragile thread, tethering them to the reality of their changing circumstances. And as Gaara listened, a mixture of understanding and sadness flickered in his eyes.
"(Y/n)," he began, his voice gentle yet filled with unwavering resolve. "I may have new responsibilities as Kazekage, but that doesn't mean we have to change. You've always been there for me, through thick and thin, and I intend to do the same for you."
As Gaara's words washed over her with sincerity and conviction, (Y/n) felt a rush of emotions swirling within her heart. His reassurance offered her a lifeline amidst the turbulent sea of uncertainty that stretched out before them. In that fleeting moment, as their eyes locked in silent understanding, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of something more than mere friendship stirring within her soul.
For years, (Y/n) had harbored hidden feelings for Gaara, emotions too complex and profound to put into words. She had watched him from afar, admiring his strength and resilience, yet always keeping her own heart guarded, afraid to acknowledge the depth of her affection.
But now, as their hands met in a tender embrace, the walls she had meticulously built around her heart began to crumble. In the warmth of his touch, she found solace, a sense of belonging that she had long yearned for.
As they stood there, bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun, (Y/n) dared to let her guard down, to allow herself to embrace the truth of her feelings. With each beat of her heart, she felt the walls around her heart melting away, replaced by an overwhelming tide of love and longing.
And as Gaara's gaze softened, mirroring the depth of emotion reflected in her own eyes, (Y/n) knew that she was not alone in her silent confession. In the quiet intimacy of their shared moment, they spoke volumes without uttering a single word, their unspoken bond weaving them together in a tapestry of love and understanding.
As (Y/n) was shaken from her trance, she felt Lady Chiyo's presence kneeling beside her. With tear-stained cheeks, (Y/n) looked at the elder woman, her eyes silently pleading for her to intervene, to do something, anything, to save Gaara. "Please," (Y/n) murmured, her voice trembling with desperation as she reached out a hand towards Lady Chiyo.
The older woman nodded solemnly, understanding the unspoken plea in (Y/n)'s gaze. Motioning for her to move away, Lady Chiyo's hands began to glow with a gentle, healing light as she focused her chakra on Gaara's still form. Naruto, also, kneeled beside him, helping Chiyo.
Lady Chiyo's life force flowed into Gaara, her hands glowing with a soft, healing light. The old puppet master, having made the ultimate sacrifice, had given Gaara a second chance. As Gaara's eyes fluttered open, (Y/n) felt her heart swell with gratitude. "(Y/n)?" Gaara's voice was weak but filled with wonder as he looked at her.
Tears streamed down her face as she knelt beside him, her hand finding his. "I'm here, Gaara," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "You're alive. You're safe."
Overwhelmed with relief, she leaned closer, pulling him gently into her arms. She could feel the faint, steady rhythm of his heartbeat, a precious reminder that he was truly back. Gaara, still weak, wrapped his arms around her, finding comfort in her embrace.
The world seemed to blur around them, the intensity of the moment creating a bubble of solace amidst the chaos. Naruto and Sakura watched silently, their own eyes filled with tears of joy and relief.
Gaara's voice, though weak, carried a newfound determination. "I... I thought I'd never see you again," he murmured, his fingers tightening around her hand.
(Y/n) pulled back slightly to look into his eyes, her heart pounding with a mix of emotions. "I couldn't bear the thought of losing you, Gaara," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.
Gaara's eyes softened, a flicker of understanding passing between them. "I know," he replied quietly, his gaze holding hers with a depth of emotion he had rarely shown. "Thank you, (Y/n). For everything."
She smiled through her tears, her heart overflowing with unspoken words. "We're in this together, Gaara. No matter what."
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reilink · 1 year
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reehlia · 2 years
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“I don’t know when this journey will come to an end...”
“I don’t know where Sasuke is...”
“...but it doesn’t worry me.”
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2sakkun · 1 month
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Most of my pictures are au with narusaku ❤️
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brokenolivejar · 3 months
So there’s this awesome fucking twitter post I saw and it reminded me of the sunshine family
I uh
Took initiative
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Here’s the post I’m😭😭😭
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uselesstaroth · 7 months
Boruto breaking Shonen conventions by not queerbaiting the protagonist with his rival, and instead queerbaiting the protagonist with his best friend.
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titisorriso · 6 months
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InoShikaCho drinking some green tea and talking about their last mission.
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itwillallbeokay · 2 months
One of my main gripes about Boruto is the weird character assassination of Naruto and Sasuke, particularly in regards to their kids. I don't know why Kishimoto thought that at twenty almost every member of the Konoha 13 were to be married off like come on. You can wait for a few more years. I know this was done for the set up but I personally think the story might've worked out better with the original gang in their 40s. It seems like it would be in character for Naruto to get married after a sufficiently long dating period because he struggles to believe that someone can actually love him for who he is, and not what he has done for the village. We should've seen his internal struggle. One of his character traits was determination and the drive to prove himself as the best, and I have no reason to believe that it wouldn't be carried over to his relationship with Hinata. His thought process would deadass be “I still don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I will damn well make sure you have no regrets choosing me, dattebayo!” He would work so hard to be good father and Hokage, and I fully believe Kakashi would be helping him with Hokage duties. The Naruto I know would try his hardest to fulfil both his roles, and when he realises that it is too much for him to handle all alone, he would call his sensei in. I’ll never understand why Kishimoto made him into a borderline irresponsible father. It is not him.
Now onto Sasuke (I could spend days talking about him). Getting married during his late twenties to early thirties would actually be more in character for him too, because his redemption and the mission would be his top priorities. He has been through severe trauma, he needs time to heal and reflect. I don’t think that twenty year old Sasuke even wanted a wife and a child, btw. I also believe that if he’d been given time, he would’ve been a far better father (the awkward but very, very sweet kind) to Sarada. He KNEW familial love. It seems inconsistent to his character to have a child at twenty. And his return feels like something he did out of a sense of duty rather than an urge to spend time with his family. Are you telling me that the boy who loved his family with all he had, who was ready to destroy the village because they had used and discarded his brother, would not know his own daughter's face? Absolutely not. He would be a present, and attentive father.
I don't have a problem with the next gen characters, they have the potential to be great. I just wish it didn't seem like Kishimoto hated women, marriage and romance to this extent. He made both his main characters - one who knew the importance of a father figure and one whose entire journey was about the love he had for his family - into bad fathers, knowing it would piss off longtime fans of the series.
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ravewoodx · 2 years
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luccacaca · 3 months
I don't get why naruto is having such a hard time expressing his feelings to his son. Especially considering that up to this point, Naruto has always been the kind of person that was not afraid of saying what he thinks and feels at all. To a point where it even embarrassed people around him sometimes. I also always thought that naruto would never take being a hokage this serious. He only sits at his desk. I understand that it comes from new times and probably also trauma about the war so he wants to make sure everything is right and nothing is off but still, I always imagined that Naruto would be the kind of hokage that leaves his post from time to time for his loved ones. Not attending his daughters birthday party even after making a serious promise seems soo unlikely. Just thinking about how sakura asked him to bring sasuke back and Naruto held on to that promise for I shit you not years and never gave up until sasuke finally came back and stood in cooperation with the village. But he can't keep a promise to attend Himawaris birthday? It just doesn't add up.
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bc im a super original (not) I've got one question for yall
not including fanart!!!
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reilink · 2 years
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No one does it quiet like them
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reehlia · 2 years
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“Sasuke...Thank you!”
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2sakkun · 5 months
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here are my kids. The girl is the daughter of Sakura and Naruto, the brunette is the son of Sasuke and Karin, and the last is the son of Hinata and Kiba
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