#anti naruhina
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sourinartt · 2 days ago
It's unpleasant to think that if a girl gives everything for a boy she must be accepted, and that's literally everything they did with naruto, naruto didn't have to accept a girl he doesn't like just because she gave a lot of herself, but after all naruto never asked her for anything and she's not even in his thoughts
regarding the money thing, yeah, hnt fans are making fun of naruto's economy, not when he was a child, but with the thought that she supports the family because she comes from a rich family and he doesn't, when that family lives off of Naruto's effort that he made years ago
( I would post the tweets but I definitely don't want to go on twt to see such words sorry haha)
believe it or not, they do hate sask or nart because their favorites don't have an impressive weight in history or because sasuke is more important to naruto and naruto is more important to sasuke, ss fans have a tendency to belittle naruto with everything so that skr is seen as more "good" call naruto a creep But if you call his girl that way you are a misogynist, they call naruto ugly, clumsy, they look for many ways to label him as a stalker
hnt fans, in contrast, tend to rather look for a way to downplay the importance that sasuke has for naruto, yes, yes, naruto chases sasuke, looks for him, loves him, tells him beautiful phrases, but he definitely loves hnt more even though he ignored her for years until he was forced to be with her, yeah, naruto may not see his children, not be at home, he likes to be with sasuke more and he looks happy with him but he definitely loves hnt more because they have children and you know,but naruto looks unhappy when he is with her!! but she gave him two children so it doesn't matter and that's why sasuke is not more important!!
I have no problem with other people adding more words to my blogs that I probably agree with haha🙏🏻
thank you so much for sharing more thoughts on my blog
the hatred that the naruto fandom has for its protagonist is something to investigate
the character may have errors when trying to fix ninja problems, if that were the case I wouldn't be making this post. the fandom hates naruto for stupid things like ships or "manliness"
men will hate naruto because he is not a sexual maniac who will fuck every woman around him, they are so upset that naruto goes after a man, desires him, yearns for him, and that he doesn't do that for a woman makes them furious. power struggles? Seriously? men are fucking idiots
the girls in the fandom, on the other hand, either just want him as a trophy for their favorite female character or hate him because he has everything they want for their girls
nh fans want naruto as a trophy, I've seen several even making fun of the economy he had and "how lazy he was before meeting hnt", they use it like they use toneri for proof that their favorite girl is desired (although she literally isn't)
ss fans, in return he hates naruto because he has everything that causes his girl to be insecure, he is strong, confident, he has sasuke's attention and desire, he can fight side by side with sasuke without crying, sasuke pays attention to him, naruto may even be a better medical ninja, therefore they will hate him to death but since they have nothing to discuss about his character they cry because according to them "naruto is ugly" yeah, that is their best argument.
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kathrahender · 6 months ago
Please can the male character of a fantasy show/shonen anime not end with a female character for once? Stop with the heteronormativity dear God.
Give the main male character more female friends instead of giving him female love interests. Male characters deserve to have female friends. They don't have to be always romantically involved! I'm tired of people always wanting to ship a girl and a boy without any other option. They could be just friends! (and this feels very close to me because I had a best male friend in high school and people ALWAYS saw us as lovers and it WASN'T true at all! It was so irritating I swear. "You look good together" "You are a good couple" "Are you two together?" Why can't you leave us alone??? He was just my friend). Because YES, a girl and a boy can be friends without feeling romantic love for each other.
Annabeth could have been Percy Jackson's first female friend and she could have been the first girl who cared about him, just like a "female version of Grover" and just a friend- but no, they had to end up together because God forbid a main male character not being the boyfriend of a girl (and the same happens with Hiccstrid, Jlaire and Anidala, they could also just have been friends)
Naruto and Hinata could have been besties instead of lovers but no- they had to make Hinata a girl whose life was only centered in "How do I make Naruto-kun love me?" (and the same happened to Iris West. She could have been more important to the plot and Barry's best female friend- but instead she was just his love interests and her development was null. And the same happened with Allura. At first she was a good character, but then she was only there to be Lance love interest, what he should have been overcome. And btw Allura's romantic love towards Lance felt very rushed. As well as Hinny was so bad developed in the movies and Ginny's development didn't exist).
Seriously people stop with these things. Stop reducing a female character to a love interest. Don't make the main male character end up with a female character because that "it's better for the plot" "it's better for the world" "people won't accept the male character dating another male character" "people won't accept the male character not dating anyone". Not everything has to be a straight couple. Actually, not everything has to be a couple! All relationships in the book/show/movie/anime could be platonic and it wouldn't be a big deal! (Although personally I like romance, but aroace people also exist and they deserve to be represented in media).
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badgalsasuke · 6 months ago
This new generation of SNS shippers is so weak man, I see them on tiktok and twitter and SS and NH shippers come and harrass them and they still try to give them grace and say some bullshit like "I like Sakura/Hinata but I don't like those ships becau-" Bitch if you don't go for the jugular and tell them those characters are underdeveloped underwritten useless mfs that Kishimoto never gave two fucks about rn like don't piss me off
YOU SHIP THE MOST DEVELOPED SHIP IN THE MANGA don't let these hoes get to you omg we used to be so vicious back in the day
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lavender-phoenix-flames · 3 months ago
"Sasuke and naruto are just friends"
The just friends in question:
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narutouzumakiarchive · 2 months ago
How to deal with the homophobic and horrible ss, nh, sh etc. stans? Just reading their content makes me feel gaslighted and makes me want to quit my little sns blog, because I feel isolated.
First of all, I'm sorry you feel that way. The best thing to do is honestly to just ignore them. The canon ships, in particular, are horrid and are consequently routinely subjected to lots of criticism by people outside of the carefully constructed echo chambers of canon shippers. SS/NH fans cope with this by harassing SNS shippers who have been a particular source of insecurity for the entire run of the show. There's a reason why they routinely steal from the sns dynamic to prop up their ship and have to rely on fillers and novels and databooks, etc. instead of working with the manga.
This brings me to my next point. Part of the reason they are so emboldened is because the "victors" are the ones who write the story, and they've used this to control the narrative and recontextualize what actually happened during the original run of the story. So, something you should know is that SNS fans have always been right about the core of the manga.
While there were obviously endgame SS/NH believers, the idea that Sasuke/Sakura and Naruto/Hinata were mutually in love was not a unifying factor in those fandoms.
In the Naruto Collector Book 3, there was an interview in which Kishimoto himself acknowledged the fact that Sakura and Hinata's feelings of love were unrequited. This interview is practically lost media, and is conveniently never discussed but the book is still available. The collector series has other interviews with Kishimoto as well.
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But the main point is that this interview was released in 2007, long after we were already into Part 2 of the manga. This firstly debunks the idea that there was a secret budding love story that was sabotaged by SP, though you don't need any interview to tell you that Sasuke literally only thinking of Team 7 during Sakura's love confession, or Naruto not reflecting on any special moments with Hinata was proof enough of the lack of romance. More importantly, however, this is connected to my point about belief in "true love all along" was not a unifying factor in the SS/NH fandoms. Many of them were aware of this interview (see the respective examples of a SS fan and a NH fan reacting to it below) and thus spent their time taking solace in databooks and writing longwinded posts about how mutual romantic development weren't required for endgame.
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What DID unite solo/multshipping SS in particular was the belief that Sasuke considered Sakura special, and thus, she would be the one who helped heal his heart. And this belief is where the real "war" between SS/SNS lied. If you look at old SNS posts, you'll see that there was never a unifying belief that SNS would be canon either, for obvious reasons. You'll notice that many posts were prefaced with some variation of "regardless of the nature of their bond...." because it wasn't so much what they were to each other rather than how significant they were to each other. You'll see a lot of posts about them transcending traditional relationship categories.
So this was the primary context in which SS and SNS fans argued. You can see below just some of the drivel that SS came up with. They have always been relentlessly insecure harassers who used to attack SNS fans for simply seeing the direction in which the manga would go.
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They ignored Naruto making Sasuke's heart beat repeatedly, they ignored Naruto being tied to Sasuke's sharingan transformation — which later in the manga was explicitly called out for being the reflection of the heart that SNS fans postulated it was. They ignored the fact that Sakura was rendered fungible [a fact you can see reflected in the interview below when Kishimoto discusses what makes Team 7 special and completely evades mention of Sakura] and that Kishi usurped moments that could have been special for Sasuke and Sakura by including Naruto (eg. Sasuke bringing up not wanting Naruto to worry in the FOD, Sasuke thinking about Naruto to keep the curse mark at bay as well despite the fact that Sakura was the one who was explicitly worried about him, Sasuke including Naruto and talking about precious nakama in the fight against Gaara despite the fact that Sakura was the only one in mortal danger, etc.). They ignored the fact that Sasuke quite literally hierarchially ranked Naruto as a more intimate friend than Sakura. Harassed SNS fans for pointing out the basic setup in the manga that served to reinforce SNS fans' interpretations because they constructed a version of the manga that was wholly centered on the special and unique "bond" between Sakura/Sasuke.
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All this lasted to the war arc. They twisted themselves in pretzels to argue about how Sasuke leaving Sakura to burn in lava and outright stating that her and Kakashi's lives didn't matter was him repressing his super secret feelings of care for her while attempting to downplay the mutual affection displayed in the SNS bond. Even the more "neutral" pro team 7 SS fans looked for ways to subtly denigrate SNS' bond. Sasuke makes no mentions of Sakura when the 10 tails is about to blow up the shinobi alliance? Who cares because at least Sakura's face doesn't have a cut across it (yes, they really did misinterpret pro SNS moments where Sasuke individuated Naruto as negative). And they did all this while making anti Sasunaru clubs and hiding in forums to complain about how SNS was getting too much focus in the manga (something older fans can attest to) because deep down many of them saw the writing on the wall.
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Now SNS fans, on the other hand, displayed the critical reading skills that the SS fandom lacked — and I don't mean that facetiously. They picked up on the fact that it was significant that Sasuke lost control of himself when Naruto showed up. They understood the significance of Sasuke specifically asking about the status of the 9 tails given the prior context of Sasuke specifically needing to kill Naruto because he wanted to become stronger. They recognized that Naruto was specifically singled out with a cut precisely because he was special by picking up on the patterns peppered throughout the text. They also respected the Team 7 bonds established in Part 1 — they had no need to undermine it because there was a confidence in Naruto/Sasuke's relationship being special — while understanding the disadvantage in the fact that Sasuke and Sakura dynamic always included a "we" (see example from a 2008 analysis below). They knew there would be a reconciliation in which the tension between duty and desire would be resolved and would lead to Sasuke accepting his heart/inner child which would lead him to Naruto.
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And lo and behold, 698 came and SNS fans were validated while SS fans were livid and angry. They complained and harassed SNS blogs and threw tantrums and cried about the manga being retconned. It's so easy for them to pretend they knew everything in hindsight, but the receipts don't lie. There has never been anyone more in denial about the core facts of the manga than SS/NH fans. Don't let them prevent you from supporting SNS. The SNS bond was validated.
Even to this day, they have never gotten over the fact that Sasuke confirmed their worst nightmares which is why they have to cope by literally cropping Naruto out of panels (Look at the 97 likes — and this is tame for them), spreading poor translations, and taking glee in the idea of Kishimoto not being the arbiter of canonicity, so they can take refuge in material not written by him, because they hate what he did write.
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As I type this, they are getting made fun of in different languages and SS fans are coping by pretending that anyone who points out the dysfunction of their implied no kiss couple has has no literacy and is ignoring 700 chapters of development, the development in question being Sakura still acting infantile while Sasuke remains indifferent.
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Why should you feel isolated because you want to support the main bond when SS fans even have to lie about the poorly written filler novels that were expressly created FOR them (eg. Sakura forcefully kissing Sasuke and then Sasuke immediately grabbing Naruto and leaving Sakura to fall off the motorcycle they were all riding on; A scene SS fans repeatedly lied about and repeatedly misrepresented).
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Unfortunately I've nearly run out of images and I didn't even get to finish highlighting all of the lies of SS or discuss NH fans the way I wanted too but please, don't worry about the hate and the homophobia. A significant part of it is them lashing out because of insecurity.
Then and now, nothing has changed.
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They hated the fact that Kishimoto wasn't concerned with Hinata's unrequited feelings and patiently waited for Sasuke to fade into oblivion so Naruto and Hinata could ride off into the sunset. When that didn't come, and Naruto prioritized Sasuke even after Hinata's confession, they took to harassing SNS fans. All they have is a retcon movie that Kishimoto wasn't even devoted to, which is why, in addition to lionizing scenes from the film, they even have to read panels incorrectly to achieve some satisfaction.
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SNS is amazing and enough to keep me occupied, but another way of dealing with the hatred and homophobia (which is the main point of this post) is remembering why it's so rampant in the first place. The reason you feel gaslighted is because they are literally trying to rewrite history (these people have even lied about how much their novel sold and had to be corrected by a sale tracking account).
I haven't even scratched the surface, but you can see a few more examples here, here, here, and here. Giving in to their bullying is how the liars win. Don't let them!
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thesauce8 · 6 months ago
you cant expect us to believe naruto loved hinata all this time and didnt realize it simply because he wasnt aware. even if youre not aware, if youre truly in love then there should be signs (thinking about them, feeling good around them, worrying about them constantly, wanting to be around them, etc). weve seen this with naruto and sasuke but not naruto and hinata.
same with sasuke and sakura. “he just doesnt know how to express his feelings” doesnt work when he doesnt show them period. weve seen sasukes hidden feelings about naruto present themselves in the narrative but not with sakura. you cant just cut corners and expect everyone to believe it.
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ironjeonss · 3 months ago
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Hi, sasunaru shipper! You got new friend😂
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moon-trees · 6 months ago
If Naruto and Sasuke had to choose between each other and their wives, they would definitely choose each other.
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awinterrosesstuff · 15 days ago
Neji was 4 when Hiashi put the curse mark on his forehead.
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And just a little after that, he saw his father getting tortured by Hiashi.
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And then, he lost his father, dying for the main branch.
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I'd like to add one question... is Naruto the only person who bothered to ask why Neji hated so much his family ? Because he didn't need to do much for Neji to tell his whole story in front of everyone... it wouldn't really surprised me honestly. In the primilaries, four jonin intervened in his fight just to stop him (a genin) and protect Hinata. Only Gai stopped Gaara to kill Lee. And only Lee helped Tenten when Temari was ready to hurt her even more.
Anyway, back to the topic... my beef with Hiashi doesn't stop there. Neji learnt the truth about his father's death when he was 13, almost 10 years after said event...
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I don't know what went throught his head to think it was okay to lie to a child. But not really shocking since he happened to be from Konoha (the village who thought it would be smart to lie to Naruto about his status and his parents...)
Then Hiashi decided to train Neji only after realising his full potential.
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It's written right there. Neji surpassed the main branch. He was the future of the clan. Hiashi is very surprised and in awe during the whole fight. How did Neji happen to be better than the main branch ? That's the question he has. And it's the sole reason he decided to train Neji.
How am I supposed to believe that man changed ? He had no problem enslaving a child, torturing his own brother, lying and using his nephew. And then overnight, he changed ? Yeah, right in your dreams.
I'm very upset that the victim had to die for a very ridiculous ship and that the persecutor was allowed to grow old. Hiashi should have died instead of Neji. Then maybe I would have believed the Hyuga could change.
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snserendipity · 10 months ago
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sourinartt · 20 days ago
that nh criticizes ss's marriage is so curious , what makes them think that theirs is fine and there is love?
well.... we know that boruto took care of nh by putting thousands of fillers where they are a happy family and naruto feels comfortable being there
"sarada criticizes her parents' marriage, showing that there is no love there, sasuke doesn't want to see his family, much less his wife"
and boruto didn't do it?
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boruto, like sarada, is responsible for letting you know that both naruto and sasuke are not interested in their relatives or how they feel about their absence at home
At the beginning, boruto is like a hyena with rage because his father does not spend time at home, he misses important dates like birthdays and does not have time for him, he also doesn't have time for his wife because at sasuke's call, naruto ran away and didn't want any of her food, which was sent by his son.
The thing with nh is that it is more subtle than ss, because sasuke can freely express his emotions in the face of displeasure with sakura, but naruto can't, he is different, naruto will be good because hnt is not mean to him, apart from the fact that he was literally forced to marry her, his friends called him stupid for not paying attention to her, add to that the fact that naruto suffers from social pressure, so if the world wanted him to marry the first woman naruto liked, he won't say no.
but being nice and social pressure won't make naruto feel comfortable being there either.
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naruto is not comfortable in his office working all the time, but he also doesn't want to go home because he is not comfortable there either, when he is at home, he sleeps away from his family and he feels bored with his wife crying over a romance novel, (pst, this is so funny because nh really swears that naruto spends romantic time with hnt but the reality is that, she watching romantic movies and naruto bored being with her, naruto won't give she anything like that lol)
Another thing for which ss's marriage is criticized is because sakura makes sarada cry by hitting the ground because she got nervous seeing that her daughter is testing her marriage
crticism is fine, but again, them being criticized by nh is funny because again
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boruto also looks for a way to know why his father is not in the house, unlike sarada who cries, boruto gets angry and wants to hit and criticize naruto for this, And like sarada, boruto also seeks explanations from his mother, because she is supposed to be the closest person to his father.... or not?
boruto searches for explanations but what he finds is...
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If his mother is crying, because unlike sakura who is aggressive, hnt is not, she is very passive and oblivious to problems, then seeing her son angry about his pathetic marriage Instead of giving him an explanation, all she can do is cry, because, like sakura, she doesn't know her husband, hinata married naruto, but she doesn't know him for who he is hinata only knows naruto because of his fanaticism, she knows him as one more fan of the ones he had when he was young, damn, at least she knows some of naruto's hobbies?
absolutely not, and that's why sasuke must tell naruto's story to boruto to calm his anger against his father
that nh criticizes ss's marriage is hypocritical, because nh is not being different from ss's
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stardewpoesie · 9 months ago
I just want to say; sasuke being gay isn't a "headcanon" for me. It's pretty much canon. Naruto being gay is canon to me too, but I respect people who also see him as bisexual. There's honestly not much room for denying their queer coding and the queer portrayal of Naruto as a story.
And, Sakura's character is used in the story as a device to turn down heteronormativity. The way she comments on events, and the way her feelings canonically dont reach/touch Sasuke nor compare to Naruto's is proof of it.
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badgalsasuke · 3 months ago
My thoughts on the Naruto ending
So I had said I was gonna post about my feelings and thoughts regarding the Naruto finale that might contain a few hot takes for some people, so here it is.
The Naruto ending is universally disliked, there's not doubt in that. Veteran SNS shippers don't like it because Naruto and Sasuke end up with women they don't love and aren't attracted to, and believe Naruto and Sasuke could've end up "single" with no ships confirmed; younger SNS shippers that weren't there when Naruto was still coming out believe they should've ended up together even though that could have not been plausible due to the manga industry quite conservative practices. Het!shippers on the other hand, believe the ending is bad for two different reasons: the first being that some believe that Narusaku and Sasukarin would've made more sense than SS and NH (some say just Narusaku and Sasuke should've stayed single); the second being that although they like SS and NH and the potential they believe these ships have "but wasn't explored further", Kishimoto can't write romance so he messed up both ships, making them bland and barely romantic.
Another reason why the ending is disliked for non-shipping reasons and mostly by Sasuke stans, is that even though in the couple chapters before the 700th one Naruto and Sasuke talk about changing the shinobi system, we see in Boruto that the system has not been changed at all and instead Naruto and Sasuke are reinforcing it despite all the oppression and suffering they were put through it in its name. We even see Itachi, the man who committed genocide being lauded as a hero for his actions and zero reflection on Konoha as a genocidal State. Oh and the Hyuga clan still practices slavery.
So here I come to say the following: Naruto's ending makes sense.
Now before y'all tear me to pieces let me explain myself. The first time I read the finale I thought it was stupid, one reason being that the ships make no sense no matter the angle you try to look at them and the other reason being that Sasuke was now working for the same State that murdered his clan with Naruto now as the head of that same State and making no changes to the Shinobi system (not a very good look on him, right?), so I thought for many years that the ending sucked.
Then The Last, Boruto and Sasuke Retsuden came out and all I could think was "woah this is all really shit from the butt".
But then one day when I was thinking about the manga as a whole, mostly because I was starting to realize that Kishimoto was being intentional in his writing of Naruto and Sasuke's romantic bond and it wasn't accidental like most of the fandom thinks, I just started connecting dots and trying to make sense of the whole story and seeing how the ending fitted into that. I'm someone that whenever it comes to literary analysis and criticism always tries to think about what was the author intention before I label something as bad because it wasn't my personal preference how something was written.
And that's how I realized what there was theme to the Naruto ending is. It's all about conformity.
Now, don't get me wrong the Naruto ending still has flaws, two big ones in my opinion, which I'll point out further down the post, but what I want to do is show you the forest because I feel the fandom is mostly focused on a couple of trees when it comes to the finale. I want you to see the thread of events Kishimoto created and how he was trying to keep it as in character as possible.
So first things first. If you've read Kishimoto interviews over the years then you would know what was the ending he had envisioned: chapter 698. He talks about how he wanted Naruto and Sasuke to have their final fight, make ammends and change the shinobi system together. He achieved two out those three things he intended.
In a quite controversial interview that most of the fandom likes to ignore, Kishimoto stated that he had no emotional attachement to Naruto and Hinata as a couple and it was Studio Pierrot who had pitched the whole thing about The Last movie. He also states that he decided to make NH endgame after Shippuden had started and he had also considered Narusaku as well, but then in another interview that came later he started saying he had intended to make NH canon since the very beginning. He was constantly contradicting himself in these interviews over the years. Kishimoto has also expressed his distate for SS and Sakura's character in general in different interviews.
So what I personally believe is that Kishimoto's editorial, Shueisha, made him change his statements because saying he had no plans for NH and it was Studio Pierrot idea was quite damaging to the franchise (no wonder the interview got kinda buried too, lol).
I think the biggest challenge for Kishimoto was giving the editorial, the studio and most of the fandom the het!ships they wanted without compromising as much the characters the story of his manga revolves around, Naruto and Sasuke.
So we get to ch. 699 where I believe Kishimoto is laying the ground for the finale we ended up getting.
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In ch. 698 it seemed like Naruto and Sasuke had been able to resolve their issues and been able to talk about their feelings for each other. Something Sasuke repeats in ch. 699, a chapter entirely narrated by him. However right at the end of ch. 699 we get what seems to be a regression of what we had seen in the previous chapter.
It is implied that Naruto and Sasuke had an argument off-screen hence why Sasuke thought Naruto would not come to see him and bid him farewell before his atonement journey. What was the argument about is never really explained, some fans speculate Naruto was upset about Sasuke going on an atonement journey considering Naruto had pleaded for Sasuke to not be imprisoned and saw no reason for Sasuke to go on a redemption trip. I personally believe it had something to do with Naruto failing to come to terms with his feelings for Sasuke because, as we see right away, Naruto gives Sasuke back his headband and Sasuke says he'll keep it until they have their real fight which is interesting, to say the least, because didn't we just see their real fight the literal prior chapter? basically, we're being told Naruto and Sasuke haven't been able to truly talk about their feelings and put into words what their relationship really is about hence why Sasuke keeps the headband. As long as Sasuke has the headband, it will mean Naruto hasn't been able to truly accept what he feels for Sasuke. In essence, ch. 699 is Kishimoto retconning ch. 698 to give way to what comes later.
After chapter 700 came out we started getting so much content, both filler and canon, that tries to explain how we got there. Let's start with The Last, the movie that tries to explain how the heck Naruto ended up with Hinata.
The Last is sort of a hybrid, it's written for the most part by Studio Pierrot employees who had the idea in the first place and Kishimoto corrected a few things here and there and is also what for me, makes the ending flawed for one big reason: Naruto's character assassination.
Naruto is a shonen manga that's more focused and concerned on it's emotional battles and communicates it to the audience through it's physical battles rather than the powerscaling stuff Naruto dudebros would have you thinking the manga is actually about. So this means that Naruto, its main character, spends the entire manga learning about his feelings and putting them into words. That's what his story is mainly about; learning to love and to be loved.
The Last undoes this in the stupidest way possible. To give Naruto an excuse on why he always ignored Hinata they intend to make the audience believe it's because "Naruto doesn't know what love is" by writing Naruto not being able to differentiate between loving someone and liking ramen. This is absolute nuts. We know that Naruto understands what is love, what is not love and that love doesn't come out of nowhere, we see that when Sakura fake confesses to Naruto, he's able to spot right away she's not being genuine because he understands those three things. So this is the first flaw of the Naruto ending for me.
The second flaw is the dismissal of Kurama and Naruto's status as a Jinchuuriki. I find the most embarrasing thing about The Last to be that they had to put Naruto through a genjutsu so he could hallucinate "memories of Hinata being there for him but he was too dumb to notice" but it's even worse once you remember that Naruto canonically should not be able to be put through a genjutsu in the first place. Studio Pierrot had to break rules of Kishimoto's universe in order to give NH some mediocre development and to me this will always be the worst part of the finale. If you can't make a ship work within the universe rules, then why make it a thing at all?
Some people didn't like that Hinata is totally useless in the movie, but for me this is not a flaw, as it is entirely in character with who she is in the manga. Making her a mary sue out of nowhere on the other hand, would be a flaw of the story.
Now that I've talked about what I think are the flaws of the Naruto ending, let's talk about the things that work in The Last (and I believe is where Kishimoto put his input) to make the finale make sense. The first one being that Sakura is the one that pushes Naruto to be with Hinata. In the manga we see several times Sakura is insecure about Naruto and Sasuke's bond and being jealous of Naruto's spot in Sasuke's heart. Even Hinata is baffled by Sakura wanting to help her and asks her why she's doing all that because she knows they're not friends. We then see Sakura think about Sasuke (who's also conviniently excluded from the movie) and simply say "we, girls, should support each other", she wants Naruto out of the picture so she can have Sasuke for herself and she succeeded. It's also important to note that once Sakura got what she wanted she no longer pretended to be a friend of Hinata, she didn't even kept close contact with Naruto either as we see in Naruto Gaiden, Sarada and Naruto don't know each other like that at all, if Sakura was being a genuine friend to Hinata and Naruto, she would've kept her family close to Naruto's but she didn't.
One more thing that I find works about The Last is that Naruto doesn't passionately fall in love with Hinata, but instead is constantly guilt-tripped into liking her, which is more true to his character. You have a man already struggling to accept his sexuality, who also has his deceased mother's expectation of marrying a girl and on top of that is a pathological people pleaser, of course he's gonna marry the first girl that tells him she loves him. It makes sense this all happened while Sasuke was not in the village. Naruto panicked about his sexual identity and rushed to marry an "acceptable woman" in the eyes of the people whose approval he craves, as we see in the special chapter Kishimoto wrote that came out after The Last: the villagers fawning over Konoha's hero dating the Hyuga heiress.
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Likewise, Sasuke not attending Naruto's wedding helps the ending not be as contrived or out of character of them. Kishimoto never wrote anything on why Sasuke skipped the wedding as far as I can recall, but in the episodes that Studio Pierrot made dedicated to Naruto's wedding we see a Sasuke completely absent and detached from the event, something Naruto dudebros use to dunk on him because that made him a terrible friend from their perspective, but as usual they're not paying attention to the full narrative Kishimoto is creating here.
Making Sasuke be happy for Naruto and attend his wedding and give him a gift and all that crap, would've made het!shippers and Naruto dudebros happy but it would be at the expense of his character and the story Kishimoto was writing. Remember, Sasuke had kept the headband all these time until he could have his real fight with Naruto, meaning he was waiting for Naruto to be honest about his feelings for him, so him not attending Naruto's wedding is a way to communicate to the audience (at least the part that's paying attention) that Sasuke is heartbroken by the news.
I believe this is why Kishimoto designed adult Sasuke the way he did and makes him dress the way he does as an adult. All black and depressing. I also believe that Sasuke will stop dressing that way the minute he and Naruto have their real fight, if they ever have it, that is.
Additionally, Kishimoto nailed making NH canon before SS would be canon. Naruto, as I stated before, is the one that struggles with his identity and feelings for Sasuke and the one that has the expectations to marry a woman so it makes sense that he would be the one to marry a woman first. SS becoming canon first wouldn't make sense because not only is Sasuke more outspoken about his contempt for Sakura, whereas Naruto remains polite and neutral to Hinata's feelings, but Sasuke also has no reason to be with Sakura if Naruto is still available, in fact, Kishimoto making Sakura be the one to chase Sasuke after Naruto's wedding because Sasuke never came back, as we see it stated in Naruto Gaiden ch. 10, is also in character for both Sasuke and Sakura, instead of writing it the other way around like SS shippers wished, y'know their whole thing about Sasuke coming back to the village for Sakura and apologizing to her because he didn't realize how much he actually loved her because he was trapped in the darkness blah blah blah (I think this is what happens in filler novel Sasuke shinden lol).
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If Naruto is not available, then Sasuke is in a very emotionally vulnerable position and Sakura took advantage of that. You see the narrative Kishimoto is creating here? There's a thread to follow on why stuff happened they way it did.
Now, I mentioned before that the theme of the Naruto finale was conformity. Here's where I explain how:
The first thing is Naruto's physical appearance. Kishimoto liked to draw a young Naruto all punk and grunge. He even had already made a design of adult Naruto where Naruto looks, well, cool and HOT.
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Yet, for the actual finale he gave us an ugly Naruto, but also a Naruto that looks tired and exhausted. How does this tie with the conformity theme? when Naruto was young he used to go against the rules, defy expectations people had of him, tell authorities to fuck off. Like, when he was told to give up on Sasuke when he was 12, Naruto responded "If giving up on Sasuke makes me wise, I'd rather be fool my entire life", this man was a rebel. But as an adult we see him become the head of State that continues to reproduce the status quo that had once oppressed him. Naruto turned apathetic, his appearance reflects his attitude.
And this is consistent with the narrative Kishimoto's been crafting. Just in the same way Naruto conformed to society's expectation when he married a woman he doesn't love and barely knows, he also conformed and succumbed to the shinobi world status quo. It would *make zero sense* for Naruto to revolutionize the shinobi world while married to princess slaver Hinata Hyuga, that'd be an oxymoron, completely contradictory narrative wise. Certainly, Naruto always struggled to find an ideology, to put it in some way, when it came to Konoha and its ninjas practices and had a messed up perception of its villagers (see: the whole Dark Naruto mini plot) but he still wanted to change the shinobi world WITH SASUKE by his side, once the story established they don't end up together and Sasuke isn't by his side, Naruto doesn't care anymore.
This is why I don't find strange that Kishimoto wrote Naruto oversleeping in the eve of his name day as Hokage, a day Naruto had once dreamt about when he was a child. The spark is gone.
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But the spark isn't just gone for Naruto, it's also gone for Kishimoto. Naruto didn't even attend his name day because he was knocked out by Himawari. This is Kishimoto being petty. He spent 15 years writing a story where the goal was to see Naruto become Hokage and he knew how anticipated this moment was and he still went and ruined it for the fans anyway. Naruto dudebros were furious about this, but not once did they stop to wonder about the implications of this, what it said about Kishimoto's relationship with his work if it had gotten to the point he went and "fucked it up".
Naruto cared about the state of the world before he became indifferent to it. This is why when Sasuke stans complain about Naruto not actually caring about Sasuke's trauma but can never really explain why Naruto is like that as an adult. They try to pretend Naruto never cared but this is a lie, kid and teenage Naruto was compassionate to Sasuke's trauma and pain even if he didn't always managed it in the best way possible. So, I always feel like they're missing this particular piece of the puzzle: if Naruto can't be his true self then he cannot change the world and neither can Sasuke.
Because the same thing occurs to Sasuke. One blog once posted that Sasuke not caring about his child is out of character, but Sasuke not caring about Sakura's child is very much in character and I feel that sums up Kishimoto's writing of both adult Sasuke and Naruto. This passiveness you wouldn't imagine from their younger selves, takes a hold of them once they become adults and gradually "get in line" to be a part of the real world. Sasuke doesn't care about his child because he had her with a woman he doesn't even like or respect. Sasuke is stuck in time still holding onto that headband, hoping he and Naruto will one day have their real battle.
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Sasuke uses the forehead poke, a gesture he always hated, on his wife and child because he, just like his brother to him, wants to distance himself from them. Sasuke now serves the same village that plotted the mass murder of his clan and family because why not? his brother is lauded as a hero for killing his entire clan after all. Sasuke too, has conformed.
I actually wonder if this is in some way linked to modern Japanese culture. Japanese culture and society are deeply conformist with everybody is always trying to fulfill roles imposed in them, always trying to achieve what is expected of them. It could also be about how adulthood sucks the passion and hopes out of the youth (Kishimoto started writing Naruto when he was 24 and finished when he was in his forties). And of course, the closeting of queer people leading miserable lives as pretenders.
If Sasuke is meant to end up with Sakura and Naruto is meant to end up with Hinata then Kishimoto cannot make them happy marriages and give them happy families, he also cannot keep Naruto and Sasuke as revolutionary outcasts that stand up against the status quo, that fanservice would be out of character and out of theme.
This is what I mean when I say the ending makes sense, once you see the finale is all about conformity the thread of events becomes understandable and more heartbreaking too. You don't have to like it, but I do think we have to understand where is Kishimoto coming from when he wrote it the way he did.
The Naruto fandom wanted black and grey from Kishimoto and that's exactly what Kishimoto gave them, black and grey.
EDIT: I've written more on how the conformity theme starts to become present in the series as far back as in Neji's death, check it out HERE
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lavender-phoenix-flames · 6 months ago
I don't care what you think but Sasuke and Naruto should have eloped and traveled the world together.
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shiningstars-world · 10 months ago
I don't understand why ppl deny Naruto's love for sasuke and believe in such a things like " oh he didn't understand love until he met hinata"
Meanwhile we see multiple times that how much Naruto cares for him...
For instance: sarada is talking about how much is a person who made a lunch box is special
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And here we have Boruto who thinks of his mother make that lunch box with love
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But guess what? When Naruto receive the lunch box, the only one he's thinking is Sasuke...
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Like can kishi be serious?? He made Naruto think about sasuke instead of hinata!!
So sasuke is Naruto's special person and not hinata ... Hope this help
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thesauce8 · 6 months ago
another reason the canon pairings arent believable is that it is way too difficult for me to believe that naruto loves his wife more than sasuke
like just judging by the canon interactions, a bond that should be very obvious to me simply isnt
you cant just say “oh yeah he loves hinata more than anyone because she is the love of his life” but have him promise to die by sasukes side and say shit like “when you hurt, I hurt”
its plain laziness
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