#it will become a regular hashtag
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awinterrosesstuff · 15 days ago
Neji was 4 when Hiashi put the curse mark on his forehead.
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And just a little after that, he saw his father getting tortured by Hiashi.
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And then, he lost his father, dying for the main branch.
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I'd like to add one question... is Naruto the only person who bothered to ask why Neji hated so much his family ? Because he didn't need to do much for Neji to tell his whole story in front of everyone... it wouldn't really surprised me honestly. In the primilaries, four jonin intervened in his fight just to stop him (a genin) and protect Hinata. Only Gai stopped Gaara to kill Lee. And only Lee helped Tenten when Temari was ready to hurt her even more.
Anyway, back to the topic... my beef with Hiashi doesn't stop there. Neji learnt the truth about his father's death when he was 13, almost 10 years after said event...
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I don't know what went throught his head to think it was okay to lie to a child. But not really shocking since he happened to be from Konoha (the village who thought it would be smart to lie to Naruto about his status and his parents...)
Then Hiashi decided to train Neji only after realising his full potential.
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It's written right there. Neji surpassed the main branch. He was the future of the clan. Hiashi is very surprised and in awe during the whole fight. How did Neji happen to be better than the main branch ? That's the question he has. And it's the sole reason he decided to train Neji.
How am I supposed to believe that man changed ? He had no problem enslaving a child, torturing his own brother, lying and using his nephew. And then overnight, he changed ? Yeah, right in your dreams.
I'm very upset that the victim had to die for a very ridiculous ship and that the persecutor was allowed to grow old. Hiashi should have died instead of Neji. Then maybe I would have believed the Hyuga could change.
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fakeicecubes · 8 months ago
Each and every one of the members of the Batfam have some sort of “brucie” persona going on.
Dick becomes “Rickey” and turns into a mindless himbo. Everyone hits on him and he’s basically like a mini Brucie. Craziest thing he’s done as Rickey- knocked down a 6 foot tall champagne tower and no one got mad. 
Tim has been working on his persona since he was about 12. He realized what Bruce was doing one time and started to follow his lead before he even became Robin. Tim becomes brainless but still somehow still manages to make the rudest comments. No one really brings that up though because well the kid dropped out of high school. Obviously he isn’t the smartest, the kid just doesn’t understand what he’s saying. Craziest thing he’s done- threatened Lex Luther to keep his gadgets in Metropolis in front of Clark Kent and Lois Lane.
Jason doesn’t go to galas let’s be so real. Even when he did when he was younger, Jason was so sweet to everyone. It wasn’t even an act he was just happy to eat all the fancy party food. Craziest thing he did as a kid- someone once accused him of stealing a purse, Jason gave them the puppy dog eyes and they were taking it back.
Steph just turns her regular personality up to ten. The upper class is afraid of her because they think that’s just how she is all the time. Whenever she does something outrageous at a party they give Bruce looks of pity because she must do this all the time. Craziest thing she’s done- pulled a toupee clean off a guys head. She then proceeded to throw it in the chocolate fondue machine.
The only kid who doesn’t make up a different personality to the media is Damian. This has led to many different twitter accounts that’s sole purpose is to show all the time Damian has suffered to his crazy dad/siblings. The hashtag ‘FreeDamianFromTheBullshit’ has trended every single time the Waynes make a public appearance.
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blasphemousclaw · 21 days ago
Thoughts on the Curseblades?
the Curseblades are interesting because they’re related to a concept that seems very unique to hornsent culture… tutelary deities:
“Curseblades appear to dance when they spin their shimmering circular blades. These ascetics, who failed to become tutelary deities, were a scourge for those who attempted to invade the hornsent homeland.” (Curseblade Meera)
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“Attire of the tower's ascetics, embodying their commitment to an austere existence of strict self-control. In order to ascend from their mortal flesh into tutelary deities of the land, they heighten their spirituality through severe ascetic training.” (Ascetic’s Loincloth)
“Weapon of the masked Curseblades. Circular backhand blade with wave-like cutting edges, sharpened into points that incite blood loss. Long ago, this was employed by the ascetics who strove to become tutelary deities as a ritualistic object in their self-flagellating dances.” (Curseblade’s Cirque)
The Curseblades are essentially a religious sect who live as ascetics in order to ascend as tutelary deities, which are in fact the hornsent corpses holding the Revered Spirit Ash that you find all across the lands of the tower:
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“Spirit ash of those who came before, infused with potent spirituality. Acquired from the corpses of hornsent and other objects that ritually decorate townships and villages across the realm of shadow. Consume these at sites of grace to bolster your Revered Spirit Ash Blessing. The Revered Spirit Ash Blessing bolsters both summoned spirits' and spectral steed's abilities to deal and negate damage but has no influence outside the realm of shadow. The withered corpses were called tutelary deities, and Revered Spirit Ash was said to quietly accumulate in the palms of their hands.” (Revered Spirit Ash)
The word “tutelary” means “serving as a protector, guardian, or patron,” so the purpose of these tutelary deities were probably something like spiritual guardians or guides for the townships and villages they’re placed in… we use the Revered Spirit Ash to improve our spirit summons and spirit steed, implying that collecting the ash makes us more hashtag blessed, so I think it’s a fair assumption that the purpose of tutelary deities was to guard and guide others spiritually, help deepen spiritual connection, etc.
The most interesting thing about tutelary deities though is that they were mortal beings who ascended their mortal flesh to become “deities!” The Curseblades were people with incredible abilities due to their severe ascetic training, but presumably started out as regular hornsent, and yet it seems like a sort of godhood was within their reach! A similar sort of thing is described with Divine Bird Warrior Ornis:
“Ashen remains in which spirits yet dwell. Use to summon the spirit of Ornis the divine bird warrior. Spirit of the divine bird warrior from whom the horned warriors claim descent. Clad in golden armor, and granted wings and feathers by divine invocation. Ornis succeeded in taming the divine bird and made its wings his own as he soared through the sky. When he finally fell to earth, he lived on as the guardian deity of the temple quarter.”
Ornis, a mortal warrior, “tamed the divine bird” and lived on as a “guardian deity.” This is pretty unprecedented from what we’re familiar with in the base game: in the current order of the Lands Between, only ONE person — who must be an empyrean chosen by the Two Fingers — is able to ascend to godhood. Divinity is not something just any mortal can ascend to, even with all the spiritual training in the world! It doesn’t seem like the hornsent even had an equivalent to Marika, a “one true god.” To the hornsent, the Divine seems like it was something less centralized, with mortals regularly communing with and invoking divinity, and ascending as minor deities. This kind of makes sense with the concept of the Crucible as a “current” of spiraling energy, a primordial force from which life originated, something all-encompassing rather than centralized. This video by Zullie the Witch even implies that ALL hornsent were once called “empyreans,” and are referred to as such in the game files! I wonder if Enir Ilim’s Divine Gate is what allows the hornsent as a whole to access this divine power and invoke divinity, and no one person was supposed to seize that power for themselves?
This isn’t to say that the hornsent elite didn’t try to control who gets to access divinity, though… it seems like the spiritual elite strictly controlled what kinds of spirituality were “allowed.” Of course, in hornsent society, only those with horns are the ones considered touched by the divine to begin with. But even amongst those with horns, the Curseblades themselves were shunned and imprisoned:
“These ascetics, who failed to become tutelary deities, were a scourge for those who attempted to invade the hornsent homeland. Long ago, before the land was overshadowed by invasion, this scourge was shunned, and the curseblades were imprisoned.” (Curseblade Meera)
I’m not sure if they were imprisoned specifically because they as a group failed to become tutelary deities, or if the Curseblade cult as a whole was seen as a dangerous or distasteful way of ascending to tutelary deities. We do know of another cult that the elite imprisoned out of fear, though:
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“A stone mask twisted into an expression of rapturous grief. Use while disrobed to transform into a lamenter. The change cannot be undone except by death. Using this mask while already transformed causes the head to swell in size. This transformation tallies with the state of a denizen of paradise, but the people of the tower denied and hid it from the world. In their foolishness, they viewed true bliss with deep fear.” (Lamenter’s Mask)
The Lamenter’s path to enlightenment being achieved through grief is kind of similar to the Curseblades’ ritualistic “self-flagellating dances,” pain being a way of accessing spirituality. There’s definitely a pattern of the hornsent elite suppressing forms of spirituality that don’t fit the status quo, so I think this might be a reason for the Curseblades’ imprisonment rather than them just being imprisoned for being cringe and failing to become deities
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storytellerwhims · 6 months ago
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Welcome to the Tragic Tales of Life Legacy Challenge. This legacy challenge is a realistic story and goal-oriented legacy challenge. That revolves around real life tragedies and drama that happen. This is a more simplified written and less heavy on goals legacy challenge. This legacy challenge was inspired by the Crybaby Whims Legacy Challenge and the Joy of Life Legacy Challenge! I hope you enjoy this tragically fun legacy challenge!
Before You Play:🔞
This legacy challenge is for players who are eighteen and older. This legacy challenge covers heavy topics. That could be triggering or uncomfortable for some people. This legacy challenge uses most of the packs. And also, is a modded legacy challenge so you can’t play it on console. But I have other legacies that are un-modded so if you want to check them out! I would really appreciate it. I hope you enjoy the legacy challenge!
Each generation will specify if there are required mods or not! Here are some mods that I recommend to enhance your gameplay!
Recommended Mods:🖥️
MC Command Center/Mc Woohoo
(18+) Wicked Whims/Wonderful Whims 
Basemental Drugs (18+)
Lumpinous Relationship and Pregnancy Mod
Realistic Childbirth Mod by: Pandasama
-Must play on Normal lifespan
-No cheating money etc. unless it’s at the beginning to start the legacy challenge.
-Must complete all the goals to move onto the next tragic tale.
-If you enjoy the legacy challenge please share and give proper credit! 
📲(Use the hashtags #sims4tragictaleslegacychallenge or #sims4ttollg) If you play this legacy challenge and share it on social media, I'd love to see your sims!🥰
The Tragic Tales (The Generations)☠️
 Gen.1 Single Parent Who Has a Drinking Problem👩‍👦🍺
You're someone who hoped for a beautiful love life like the one you always saw on tv. But that wasn’t your reality. You fell in love with the wrong person and now you're stuck. Living alone with your child/children that reminds you of your tragic romance. You try to pick up the pieces and work a regular job as a teacher but that still was tiring. So after a long day of reprimanding kids you come home to your own child/children. As a person who didn’t want children it’s rough so when they're asleep. You start to sip on alcohol and it becomes a habit. After a while you start to realize you have a problem and try to fix it. To at least become a better version of yourself for you!
Gen.1 Requirements: 
Lifestage: Young Adult
Traits: Hates Children, Romantically Reserved and Bar Drinker 
Aspiration: City Native
Colors: Light Brown and Red
Career: Education
Required Mods:
Basemental Drugs (18+)
Bar Drinker Trait by: KiaraSims Mods
Starting Out:
-Start out living in an old apartment in San-Myshuno. Or in a one-star apartment building with the filthy lot trait. 
-Start out with Zero Simoleons
-Have the basic amenities in your apartment
As a Young Adult-Elder
-Live in an old apartment or apartment building.
-Be in the Education Career and reach level five of the career.
-Max the Research and Debate and Mixology Skills. 
-Have a child with someone you fall in love with and become a single parent.
-Have a bad relationship with the other parent.
-Start drinking once you become a single parent. (with the basemental drugs mod.)
-Have a negative relationship with your child/children.
-Decide as an Adult to quit drinking for yourself.
Gen.2 Neglected Child As an Adult Develops Anger Issues🚫😡
As a child you were neglected while your parent got buzzed. Through the pain of feeling unwanted you grew up bitter. At everyone and everything you started to have tantrums on people. That’s when you knew you needed to direct your anger into a career. So you become a Detective throwing criminals in the slammer. Which made all your rage fade away and you start to become a great cop, one that people admire. So much so you get asked out by someone who likes your uniform. You date and marry them, have kids. Life seems good till they realize what a hot head you are! They love you but you severely trouble them but you both stay together. You try to keep calm for them and your kids but your past precedes you.
Gen.2 Requirements:
Lifestage: Young Adult
Traits: Hot Headed, Nosy and Ambitious
Aspiration: World Class Detective
Colors: Dark Blue and Black
Career: Detective 
Required Mods:
World Class Detective Aspiration by: KiaraSims Mods
As a Young Adult-Elder
-Move out of your parents house to any world you want.
-Join the Detective Career and reach level ten of the career.
-Max the Charisma and Photography Skills
-Have five enemies from throwing tantrums on people.
-Have a Bad Reputation
-Date, Marry and have kids with someone who you meet who likes you in your uniform.
-Have at least two children
-Gain the Workaholic lifestyle
-Have problems with your spouse but stay married.
Gen.3 Art Student That Gets Into an Abusive Relationship🎨💔
You grew up in a home full of anger, but you refused to subdue that behavior. So when your parent got mad you shut down and kept quiet. To avoid having problems but as time went on that began to stress you out. So you focused your negative emotions into art. Which led you to graduate high school and get to go onto college. As an art student your world was filled with color and nude models. Whose bodies were art and you painted them beautifully. One day though you never knew could change everything in a terrible way. You meet someone who you think understands you. You date them after a while their true colors shine through and they're dark! You both argue day and night and to not start a fight. You let them seduce you till they get tired and pass out next to you. Your grades start to suffer so you start to avoid them to do what’s best for you. But all that gets thrown out the window when you find out you're going to be a parent! Your narcissist partner reels you back in because of the baby. So you stay but you fear for you and the baby/babies life! Once the baby arrives you make your escape with the baby/babies. Leaving your abusive ex behind you, move into a small home just right for you and your baby/babies. Then you go back to college and finish and become a freelance painter.
Gen.3 Requirements: 
Lifestage: Young Adult
Traits: Lovebug, Creative and D.V.S 
Aspiration: Academic
Colors: Soft Pink and Maroon
Career: Fine Arts Degree University Student/Freelance Artist
Required Mods: 
Trauma Bonding Mod by: Wicked Pixxel 
D.V.S Trait by: Muva Simmer
As a Young Adult-Elder
-Move out of your angry parent's house to go to university.
-Be in the Fine Arts Degree at Foxbury or Britchester University
-Max the Painting and Romance Skills 
-Meet someone who’s toxic become their partner and date them.
-Argue and make up by woohooing with your terrible partner.
-Have a baby/babies with your narcissistic partner.
-Drop out of university to focus on your relationship and family.
-Move in with your abusive partner.
-Leave your awful partner after the baby/babies are born.
-Have a negative relationship with your toxic partner
-Move to a new world far away from your ex-partner.
-Go back to college as an Adult graduate and become a freelance painter.
-Have an art studio in your home where you find comfort.
Gen.4 Geek Tries to Fit In and Becomes a Pill Popper👾💊
You're a true geek as they call you in high school. You learned from your parents horrible love life. To steer clear, not let raging hormones get the better of you! But yet after the popular kids called you out. You start to think differently you want to show them. You can be a true party animal! So you stop caring about school so much and hangout with the jocks! They show you how to be bad but still be adored! You all go to the nightclubs and sneak past the bouncers at bars. Get drunk and taking pills not prescribed  partying all night! One day they give you a makeover to make you look like one of them. You feel weird but excited taking it all in! Before you know it you're living the teenage dream! But it all ends when you find out that you/person you slept with. One wild night is pregnant! You never planned on your high school years turning out this chaotic! But now the popular teens left you spreading gossip about the pregnancy. So you're left on your own pregnant/going to be a teen parent. What happens now you stop being this pill popper and be yourself again. Starting a podcast about all the pill problems and teen parent struggles you went through. Now it’s up to you if you go and find someone but you have overcome so much at a young age!
Gen.4 Requirements:
Lifestage: Start as a Teen 
Traits: Geek and Party Animal 
Aspiration: Psychonaut
Colors: Purple and Yellow 
Career:  Podcast Host
Required Mods: 
Basemental Drugs (18+) 
MC Command Center/MC Woohoo (linked above)
Lumpinous Relationship and Pregnancy Mod (linked above)
Podcast Host Career By: KiaraSims4 Mods
Techie trait by KiaraSims4 Mods
As a Teen
-Live with your parent still or move out on your own at an early age. 
-Have a B grade in high school before you try to fit in with the popular kids.
-Max the Gaming Skill
-Make friends with Popular Teens 
-Go to nightclubs and bars with your popular friends.
-Drink, Smoke and Do Pills at the nightclub/bars (Using the basemental drugs mod.) 
-Get a “cool” kid makeover with new clothes that look like ones the jocks would wear! 
-Get addicted to pills and keep doing them till you become a Young Adult.
-Have woohoo with one of your popular friends and end up pregnant/or get them pregnant! (Using Mc Command Center/Mc Woohoo Mod!) 
-Become a Teen Parent 
-Don’t do well in high school after you become a teen parent!
-Become enemies with your popular friends after you become a teen parent! 
As a Young Adult-Elder
-Decide to quit doing pills and go to rehab
- When you age up add the Techie trait by KiaraSims4 Mods
-Make money being a Podcast Host talking about your experience you had as a teen having a drug addiction, being a teen parent and being bullied.
-Reach level Five of the Podcast Host career
-Max the Charisma and Media Production Skills.
-You can decide if you want to date and get married when you're a Young Adult and older or not!
Gen.5 Public Health Person Goes Crazy from a Disease Outbreak🥼🦠
(Inspired by Covid 19 pandemic.) 
You have always been a germaphobe but now you're making it through something terrible. You go into the medical field thinking it will be great you’ll help save lives. Well as a Public Health person the whole world's health rest’s on your shoulders. Now that there's a virus spreading you seek shelter in your home. Only going out with a mask you’re an philanthropist person this is not the way you hoped to spend. Your Young Adult life but now you're in charge of finding a way for this disease to be cured! Through all the testing in the lab and multiple reports coming in of deaths. It becomes too much for you to bear so you quit your job. Staying home becoming stir crazy from no social interaction. Suddenly you find that you made the worst mistake of your life. Quitting on all these people who can be saved from the outbreak. So you take care of yourself paint and do other hobbies. Then get back to the daily wear a mask save a life. After a couple years of research your the one that finds a cure! You're the hero and now everyone wants a picture with you! But you stay humble just happy you were able to help. You settle down after it’s all over with one of your fellow Public Health workers. You get married and have kids. But your job never ends by making sure you, your family and the public will be safe from future outbreaks!
Gen.5 Requirements: 
Lifestage: Young Adult
Traits: Erratic, Philanthropist and Researcher
Aspiration: Philanthropist 
Colors: Green and Blue
Career: Public Health 
Required Mods:
Researcher Trait, Philanthropist Trait and Aspiration By: KiaraSims4 Mods
Public Health Career By: KiaraSims4 Mods
Mask for story purposes By: Daisy Pixels
As a Young Adult-Elder
-Move to any world you want too into a house or apartment
-Join the Public Health career and reach level nine of the career. (You can have your sim go to University in the Biology Degree to jump ahead in the career.)
-Max the Writing and Logic Skills and Reach level five in any hobby skill such as painting. While your sim quits their job and goes stir crazy at home.
-Have your sim wear a mask whenever they go out. 
-Temporarily quit your job then regret it and join the career again.
-Become a Two Star Celebrity for curing the world of the disease.
-Meet, Date and Marry a fellow Public Health person.
-Have at least three kids (Have all of them wear masks to keep germs away.)
-Donate to Charity three times
-Volunteer at least five times in your lifetime.
-Teach your kids Good Manners have at least one of them gain the Good Manners character value.
Gen.6 Equality Fighter Turns Mean from Being Ignored🏳️‍🌈
(Inspired by the problems with fighting for equality rights in the USA)
You're a teen who believes love is love that rainbow people are beautiful. But not everyone feels that you are a very generous and outgoing person. Who always believed most people are good but when you leave home. As a teen to fight for equality everything changes! You live off the grid to show that you're serious about being who you are! And standing up for what you believe is right! But you end up getting in a fight with a politician. Then that’s when you turn mean as a Young Adult. Then when you feel like everything you hoped your world would be. Won’t happen you start to get into many fights with innocent people. From being ignored by the government for just being yourself! Now you're a Nectar Maker who argues with your fellow nectar lovers. Because all that fight that’s in you for good is lost.
Gen.6 Requirements: 
Lifestage: Start as a Teen
Traits: Generous and Outgoing (Add Mean and Loves the Outdoors as a Young Adult remove Generous trait.)
Aspiration: Expert Nectar Maker
Colors: Rainbow
Career: Nectar Maker
Required Mods:
Expert Nectar Maker Career By: KiaraSims4 Mods
LGBTQ+ Mod By: Lumpinou
As a Teen-Elder
-Must be a sim who likes the same gender. (for storytelling purposes)
-Drop out of High School Don’t go or graduate.
-Move to any world you want as Teen have zero simoleons live in a tent.
-Garden and Make Nectar for a profit sell it at a selling table.
-Have a Cat or Dog
-Max the Gardening and Nectar Making Skills
-Be in the Nectar Maker career as a Young Adult and reach level ten.
-Fight with a Politician as a Young Adult then add the Mean and Loves the Outdoors traits. (remove the Generous Trait.)
-Marry someone who is the same gender
-Have a baby by science with your partner
Gen.7 Person with Diabetes Who Wishes They Could Eat Sweets🍬🤒
You are a low energy person with only your wellness mate. To give you positive vibes and strength. Because you have diabetes and managing your glucose is a struggle. You keep yourself as healthy as you can with lots of yoga and walks with your dog. You wish more than anything you could eat candy and own a candy shop. But as a person with your health condition that’s not a reality it’s a wish. You work at as a Dietician to help others manage their eating habits. Which brings you some joy knowing you're helping others. Even though your life is filled with worry about your sugar levels. 
Gen.7 Requirements: 
Lifestage: Young Adult 
Traits: Gloomy, Vegetarian and Lazy
Aspiration: Neighborhood Confidante
Colors: Grey and Green 
Career: Dietician 
Required Mods:
Adeepindigo Healthcare Redux Mod
Dietician career by: KiaraSims4 Mods
-Move to any world you want as a Young Adult.
-Your sim must have a glucose monitor (for story purposes.) Give them diabetes with the Adeepindigo Healthcare Redux mod. (You can cheat this for story purposes)
-Max the Wellness skill
-Have the Health Food Nut Lifestyle or Sedentary Lifestyle 
-Be in the Dietician career reach level five in the career. (Kiarasims4mods modded career) 
-Never Marry 
-Have a baby by science 
I'm still writing this legacy challenge so future gens will be added. And also, past gens may change a little bit if I need to edit them! Thank you for reading the legacy challenge!! 💜 @ts4challengehub
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zippidi-dooda · 3 months ago
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You were disoriented.
The whole building was dark but filled wall to wall with blindingly colorful neon lights. People lounged about on plush lounge chairs, hands dancing across heated skins, others swayed enticingly to the raving music. Dopey grins and giggles echoed through the place, speech slured and broken unnecessarily. A heavy smoke filled the air, encouraging inhabitors to give in to the chill haze.
It was getting difficult to breathe.
But you had to talk to the Queen. All you needed was a quick signature from them and then you were free to leave. Plenty of others had asked for the same thing before and had gotten their wish with no problem ... Eventually ... This should be easy.
Slipping around the fluid bodies, you trudged closer to the stand.
The court was large, podium standing at a height much grander than you, further emphasizing how small you were in comparison. But sitting with his boots up on the ledge sat the Queen. So engrossed with his gaudy phone, he didn't notice you as you approached, nor did he turn to you when you cleared your throat.
"... excuse me, Your Majesty?"
He laughed, thumb scrolling through his feed.
"Your Majesty ...?"
He bit his lip, shifting to rest his cheek on his knuckles.
"Your majesty!"
At last, he hummed in response. "Hm? Yeah, what's up?"
You took a shuddering breath, wiping the sweat from your brow. "Sorry, for interrupting, Your Majesty, but I have a request. I've gone through all the regular customs in trying to move back to my hometown and all I need left now is to get your help signing all the papers ...."
Still looking at his phone, he chuckled. "Ah, I didn't know this had become a trend. I really need to get on it."
"... a-as I was saying, I've brought everything you need to sign and I understand it'll take a few days to actually go through but-"
"Hey you, look over here. Say 'Queensies!'"
You were caught off guard as the Queen shifted around in the stand so you were facing the same way, he raised his phone up and pouted his lips with a wink while he made a peace sign with his hand. The flash from his camera seemed to heightened your jumbled mind and you could feel the start of a migrane coming on. He shifted back into his seat, cheeks glowing with a smile, feet on the chair, knees to his chest and he kept typing on his phone.
"Hashtag hard at work, hashtag servant of the people, hashtag queen cay!"
You rubbed your eyes, "Y-our Majesty, please-"
"Awe, look at this, we're so cute. You know you're not so bad looking, but I think you could smile more. I could give you a makeover one day when I have time. Busy, busy, busy, you know how it is."
"I just need your pen on the paper-"
"Ooh, you know what," he lifted the tubed pen from the messy storage under the desk, "I should make that the point of the next party," he took a puff, exhaling a cloud of color changing smoke, "tips on making the most of your looks, hashtag becoming a sexy bitch," purple, blue, green, orange, yellow, "That'd be great, right? I'll schedule it right now."
You chest rose and fell heavily, trying to gain enough breath to beat the smoky air, but you only inhaled lungfuls of his puffs.
"Mmm, I haven't really gotten around to this shindig though, have I? I think it's time to mingle. You don't mind waiting a bit longer do you? I promise I'll be back soon, but I gotta let the people know I care, lmao."
Your brow curled as he stood, brushing himself off and tidying up his stand.
"You care?"
"Hey, card suit boy? Make sure to close off any appointments for the night, I'm gonna be busy till tomorrow, m'kay? Thanks hon, you're a doll."
You looked down at your bundle of papers, subconsciously crumpling the edges, "you haven't listened to a thing I've said ... and writing your name doesn't take long at all ...."
"Hey you, what was your name again? Anyways, coat on or coat off? It's very nice, makes me seems all posh-like. But it can get stuffy dancing all night. What do you think? Off right?"
You glared up at him. "It's no wonder so many other people are trying to leave."
"I think I'll go with off. Ah, look at that! Cute! Am I eating or what? Gotta take a selfie of that. Chu~ hashtag diamond swag. There we go, now I think I'm ready to-"
"You're a shit ruler."
For once, his emerald eyes turned to you.
"Excuse me?"
You stumbled backward, nearly tripping over your own two feet. "You heard me. All you do here is throw your flashy parties and take forever to help the people who come to you everyday. Do you even know the problems that are going on outside of your so called palace? People are trying to make the necessary changes adhering to the Queen's rules and standards but everything needs your approval and supervision to get started. Nothings changing cause we need to rely on an indolent guy like you. I feel bad for anyone planning on living here."
You turned, planning on leaving and finding another way to get your things done. But you were stopped by a firm chest you bumped into.
You were met with the boy who had been up in the pedestal.
Confused on how he got down to you so fast, you looked back.
"You have quite a mouth on you, don't ya?"
He was still sitting up on the stand whilst being an inch in front of you.
He prowled forward, each step forcing you to take one back until you bumped into something. You looked over your shoulder. It was ... him? Three of him? But, how?
"I'll admit I haven't been the best I could be, but I've made sure to give you all a place to let go of your worries haven't I? Look at the people here tonight. They all go home with a smile on their face and come back saying they're happier than when they left. This kingdom has the highest happiness rating in the world if the surveys are to say anything. Doesn't that merit me some credit?"
He brushed back a tawny curl of hair, tucking it gently behind his ear. The shimmery gold and scarlet makeup he wore shone distractingly under the bright lights.
"And the people all chose to anoint me Queen, didn't you? Surely there was a reason for it. I'm not that bad, am I?"
You inhaled sharply, clinging to his shoulders to keep yourself upright. "M-maybe you were good at first but ...."
He chuckled, resting his gloved hands on your waist. "See? I just got a little content is all. Just need some time and motivation to get back on track." His thumbs rubbed soothing circles into your sides.
The duplicate of him behind you spoke up, nuzzling his nose into your neck. He spoke in a soft, pouting little whine. "It's hard being a ruler, you know? Can't take care of everyone."
The version of him from up on the stand piped up, voice echoing throughout the chamber. "But if someone wants to take my place I wouldn't mind at all. It's what's best for the kingdom, right? Ah, I know!"
Then the three of them spoke at once, "why don't you take the throne?"
"Wh-what?" You squeezed your eyes shut and tilted your head to the side in attempts to sooth the ache in your head.
Soft kisses were trailed up your neck.
"Yeah! Since you think I'm not fit for the job, you might as well show me how it's done, right?"
"I ... I can't ...." You yawned tiredly.
"Ah, it is a bit overwhelming to start all at once though, huh ...?"
"Tell you what ...,"
"You can stay here with me for a while ...,"
"And I can teach you everything you need to know about this shindig ...,"
"After that ...,"
"I can step down once you're ready. Or ...,"
"If you want me to stick around as your right hand so things go even smoother, I'd be happy to. Keeping our cute little subjects satisfied is the top priority after all ...,"
"Having a new hand to guide them, but with the help of what they're familiar with ...,"
"Would be the perfect path to success, yeah ...?"
"After all, the first Queen did have her helpful little King of Hearts to run things. And the length of their reign was golden ...,"
"I think it's a perfectly swell idea, don't you ...?"
"What do you say ... um, I'm sorry, what was your name again?"
"My name ...?" You looked around with hooded eyes. Maybe it was cause of your state of being right now, but there seemed to dozens of the orange haired boy filling up the lofty room. "Y/N ... I think ... Y/N L/N."
"Ah, L/N and Cay-kun~! Has a nice ring to it, don't you think? Queen Y/N and her loyal Diamond. Why, the whole town would be in a rave after that don't you think? We'd go viral."
You weren't sure which one of him it was, but he guided you deeper into the room, past the grand stage and into a connecting room. Foggy, weak, addle minded and out of breath, you couldn't do much else but lean on him as he guided you to who knows where.
"Why don't you rest here for a bit, then tomorrow we can discuss the arrangements when you're thinking clearly."
"Oh ... o-okay ...." You breathed out, inhaling for every clear breath you could.
This place wasn't somewhere anyone should stay in for long periods of time, much less live in. How did this guy do it?
"Perfect!" He laid you down to rest on a much too soft bed.
The blankets seemed to swallow you as he gave a wave, smiling as he began to walk away.
"Guess I'll be demoted to King soon, but happy to be of service to you! See you tomorrow, Queenie."
Your lids grew too heavy, shutting as the egnimatic Queen walked away and you succumbed to the pillowy sanctuary of the mattress, the papers you held forgotten and now in Cater's hand.
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cameronsprincess · 8 months ago
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this is just a collection of asks you guys send me!! i decided to make its own masterlist since its not really blurbs, just discussions! all of my “daydreams” blurbs will be in my daydreams masterlist!🩷
the hashtag #rafecameronthoughts , #jjmaybankthoughts or #rafexreaderxjjconcepts will have everything like this there also!
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— how s1-3 rafe is in bed
— rafe x reader x jj concept
— rafe kissing/eating you after he cums in you/your mouth
— season 1 rafe in bed
— jealous!rafe
— season 2 rafe w/ his sir kink
— rafe stealing you from jj after he snaps at you
— blue collar!rafe builds you a vanity
— blue collar!rafe installing running boards on his truck for you
— moving in w/ blue collar!rafe
— blue collar!rafe going to a strip club after a long work week
— stripper!reader makes a sexy calendar/beer poster for blue collar!rafe
— stripper!reader calls blue collar!rafe when a regular gets a little too aggressive and waits on her by her car after she has him tossed out
— morning after w/ rafe
— bully!rafe taking pictures of your tear stained, cum covered face to humiliate you
— s1-s2 rafe is a loser perv who’s obsessed with you
— bully!rafe punishes you
— blue collar!rafe falling in love with the dog he caved in getting you
— blue collar!rafe fucking the attitude out of you
— blue collar!rafe lets you take in a stray cat
— bully!rafe making you say you love him while he’s fucking you
— does dom!rafe ever let you take the lead?
— that one rafe scene “DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” but he’s yelling that at you while telling you not to cum unless he says you can!
— blue collar!rafe builds you a deck
— making rafe cut your steak for you
— s2 sub!rafe is a crybaby
— rafe fucking your mom til he meets you and decides you’re a better target
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— rafe x reader x jj
— smoke sesh n blowjob
— jj is a chronic mattress humper
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— sub!jj with soft!dom!reader & mean!dom!rafe
— more sub!jj with mean!dom!rafe turned soft!dom!rafe
— sub!jj crying for rafe when kook!dom!reader is being mean while trying to get him off
— how sub!jj ended up in the humiliating situation of dom!reader and dom!rafe putting pink panties on him
— sub!rafe being thankful he isn’t as submissive as jj + he’s lowkey annoyed at how whiny sub!jj is
— what goes down after dom!rafe catches sub!jj fucking reader and making her call him daddy
— jj gets clingy with rafe
— dom!reader & dom!rafe humiliating sub!jj by putting him in pink panties and then pleasing him
— sub!jj whiny thrusting into reader & making her call him daddy… but rafe walks in and isn’t happy
— dom!rafe controlling sub!jj’s hips while he’s fucking his ass and sub!jj is trying to fuck you but can’t get it in due due to rafe’s thrusts and his hands controlling his hips
— what sub!jj calls dom!reader and dom!rafe (bonus: what they call him)
— dom!reader and dom!rafe punishing jj for his past of hookups and makeout sessions
— dom!reader and dom!rafe punishing sub!jj with a cock cage and lock in butt plug bc he playfully flirted with someone else
— dom!rafe and dom!reader having to hold sub!jj’s hips down so they can get him off without him bucking and trying to “take control”
— thoughts on rafe x jj x reader finally becoming a true polygamous relationship
— six examples of how dom!rafe would punish sub!jj
— how rafe punishes jj after he was a dick to him in front of the pogues
— the time rafe walks by the pogues and jj acts like a dick as if rafe didn’t have his dick down his throat the day before
— how likely sub!jj is to buck his hips and choke rafe with his cock
— the moment sub!jj and switch!rafe realize they have feelings for each other
— switch!rafe letting sub!jj have some control and teasing him before he finally snaps due to sub!jj’s crying
— the beginning of rafe x reader x jj
— rafe coming home with a buzz and shocking reader and jj
— jj crying when he cums and switch!rafe being super bratty
— rafe lowk guilt tripping jj after he caught jj and reader together in bed
— do ppl know you, rafe and jj are polygamous?
— rafe doing the “knee thing” when making out with jj bc he forgets it’s jj for a second
— rafe secretly loves giving jj sloppy head
— rafe being a diva bc reader and jj always inflict “pain” on him during sex
— reader not stopping punishments when jj begs her too bc she’s tryna make rafe nicer and softer
— mean!dom!rafe threatening to muzzle sub!jj
— rafe and jj play fight a lot
— switch!rafe & sub!jj moment
— more on rafe and jj’s “play fighting” moments
— mean!dom!rafe putting sub!jj in situations where he can’t even form a proper sentence
— sub!jj draws blood
— pogue!reader & pogue!rafe with their kook!sub!jj
— jj is a sloppy, messy kisser
— dynamics between rafe, reader and jj outside of the bedroom
— more on pogue!rafe & pogue!reader w kook!jj
— kook!jj supplying rafe with free coke and being rewarded for it
— jj sucks on rafe’s tongue when they kiss
— jj tells john b all abt his relationship with rafe and reader
— do reader & jj get jealous if rafe shows more attention to one over the other?
— rafe and john b can’t get along and it upsets jj
— how rafe, reader and jj handle jealousy in their relationship
— rafe wakes up to jj on top of him
— how marriage and kids would work with this trio
— jj gives reader and rafe the silent treatment
— how things go down after rafe kills peterkin
— how things go down at and after midsummers
— what’s the punishment for jj treating rafe like shit at midsummers
— shower sex, how it would go with the three
— thoughts on sub!rafe & dom!jj
— sub!jj shooting blanks
— the times rafe is submissive
— jj makes out with rafe’s bulge through his boxers
— horniest thing rafe & jj say to one another
— how jj is when rafe vs reader calls him ‘j’
— reader making out with jj to silence his moans when rafe sucks him off
— reader rides jj’s face to silence his moans when rafe sucks him off
— when rafe is a lil too mean and jj distances himself from rafe
— what happens when jj gets mouthy
— how jj started calling rafe ‘sir’
— reader slaps jj during an argument
— jj’s friends aren’t supportive of his relationship with rafe and reader
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— john b eats pussy like a starved man
— john b is never beating the whipped soft!dom allegations
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etesienne · 8 months ago
"Beauty seekers who aspire for a pair of “manga legs” or “chopstick legs”—thin, long, and white gams as straight as chopsticks, like a manga character—“calf-muscle blocking surgery” has become trendy. The procedure removes some nerves on gastrocnemius muscle in order to slow its growth, leading to slimmer calves.
Compared with procedures like Botox, which require regular shots, calf surgery is lauded by online influencers as a "simple" one-time process to get rid of several “unimportant” and “rarely used�� nerves with lasting effect, and allegedly no side effects. A hashtag related to the procedure attracted over 260 million views and 24,000 comments on Weibo in a couple of days in late May.
However, health experts pointed out that after these nerves are removed, people cannot walk as fast, or run or do other active sports that requires the use of calf muscles, without falling; moreover, their lower legs will probably recover to original size or even become deformed because of compensatory growth in other parts of the calf.
The procedure originated in France in 1985 as a way to treat club foot caused by spinal cord or cerebral injury. It was first performed as a cosmetic procedure in China around 2005, but is no longer offered at legitimate plastic surgery hospitals because the removed nerves cannot be recovered and the impact is irreversible, according to the Beijing News. Despite those warnings, two Beijing hospitals that the newspaper visited had received a flood of reservations for this service during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday from June 12 to 14."
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Horrifying. What happens to these women when they're chased, in danger, at the scene of an emergency, and can't fucking run ??
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probablyasocialecologist · 1 year ago
Many on the right have sought to depict the protesters as extremists, but the sheer scale and regularity of the protests and actions are in fact a sign of how mainstream pro-Palestinian feeling is within British society. The question, assuming the movement succeeds in ending the Israeli assault, is where does it go next? What becomes of movements when they stop moving? Traditionally, social movements went through phases of emergence, coalescence, institutionalisation and decline, followed by dissipation and co-optation by mainstream parties. This usually took decades, the classic case being the US civil rights movement. Yet the era since “Occupy Wall Street” in 2011 has been one of so-called “flash movements”. From Black Lives Matter to the gilets jaunes, movements have coalesced around hashtagged slogans with astonishing celerity, producing deep political crises – and then subsiding. The Gaza campaign resembles a flash movement. It didn’t come out of nowhere. Palestine has been a cause of the international left since the six-day war in 1967, and the UK has seen repeated protests over Israel’s flattening of the West Bank, invasion of Lebanon and serial bombardments of Gaza. There is a network of organisations doing the groundwork, such as the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Stop the War. But the turnout for these protests shows the virtues of the flash movement: it can rapidly mobilise masses of people, tolerate a diversity of tactics and keep focus on a simple, morally obvious demand. In many respects, it is succeeding. In the UK, despite efforts to demonise the protests as “hate marches”, and the then home secretary Suella Braverman’s inept provocation of the far right against the protests, the demonstrations brought up to 800,000 people to the streets on 11 November. This was the largest such demonstration since the invasion of Iraq. Nor was the UK alone. There have been mass protests everywhere from Tokyo and Kerala to Cairo, Washington DC and Rio de Janeiro. In France and Berlin, protesters have defied official bans. In the US, the Jewish left has led the movement and often engaged in the most militant tactics,including blockading Manhattan Bridge. The embattled Israeli left has also staged protests, despite a climate of police repression and mob violence. The movement has done what successful movements do: win over public opinion, catalyse cracks in elite consensus and expose divisions in the state. These splits were visible in the form of staffer dissent in the US state department, frontbench resignations in Labour over Keir Starmer’s refusal to support a ceasefire, protests by Dutch civil servants and EU employees, Macron’s ceasefire demand, and recently the call from Canada, Australia and New Zealand, three of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing coalition countries, for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire”. Only the US now vetoes UN ceasefire resolutions.
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itzpeppy87 · 22 days ago
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New Gameplay-Challenge #sims4
Hey there!
I have a new gameplay challenge for you - the Bucketlist Challenge!
In this challenge, you do everything you can to offer your Sim a fulfilled life and fulfill their wishes using the bucket list.
And to challenge you even more, you don't have any “regular” careers.
Let your Sim become a successful video producer, yoga teacher and breeder (among others) and give them the life of their dreams!
If you play the challenge, please use the hashtag #ts4bucketlistchallenge and link me! I'm so looking forward to your stories!
You can also watch my Let's Play in German on YouTube!
What do you think? Would you like to work through the bucket list in your next Sims 4 Challenge?
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blueikeproductions · 3 months ago
Oh I'm so glad to see someone else who thinks that Hashtag should have had cassettes! For a new transformers race, I feel like the first ones should be different from each other, a group of unique individuals. They're kids for now, but one day they'll be known as the first Terrans, they should all be memorable.
Like if we threw in medic servos being a thing, we could have the first Terran medic. Actually we don't even need that, we just need any one of the Terran kids wanting to heal instead of fight. It would still be relatable to a lot of children since not everyone wants to get in on the action.
The only thing I can think of right now are Twitch and Thrash being the first two, then JB being the first dinobot and Nightshade having an animal for an altmode. (Ignoring the fact that he scanned a statue and not an actual organic. Actually, I guess he could be the first scientist)
Hashtag having cassettes would be the thing that makes her stand out from her siblings, especially if the quintessons invade and she becomes similar to Soundwave, hacking into their databases and spying on them. (Probably not the best comparison, she'd need some sort of character arc before I can actually see that happening. Which could be what the cassettes are for: learning the responsibility that comes with adopting pets. And just imagine the cute companions she could get! Or little sibling figures, if they're like Rumble.)
EarthSpark is a frustrating experience with interesting ideas but lack of interest to make them work as you’d think they should.
A medic seems like an obvious choice to better explain Terranit biology and how it differs from Cybertronian born Transformer biology. You could transplant Medix into a Terran, with his RBA personality but his G1/RB body type.
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It would also be a better use of Ratchet, as he could bond with Medix and together with their applied knowledge better understand the Terrans and Cyber Sleeves.
In fairness to Nightshade, Scanning an object related to an animal or vehicle is something older stuff did before. Galaxy Force in particular shows Transformers can Scan pictures of cars or animal statues to gain the data necessary to Transform. Beast Wars era Transformers can Scan fossils and recreate the animal to Transform into it like Megatron, Terrorsaur, and Dinobot. Jawbreaker doing that is likely a reference to this.
Still this goes back to the medic idea, where Medix realizes Terrans might have a more advanced Scanning system that allows them to better adapt than regular Transformers.
Also I feel like Blaster and/or Jazz would be a much better fit as mentor to Hashtag. Both are already enamored by Earth culture and Jazz mentored Sideswipe in RiD15, so it’s not unheard of.
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I don’t trust the old writers to make Decepticons into mentors because as we’ve seen they don’t seem interested in picking Decepticons better suited for that, vs forcing the popular ones in the role. It’d be much more fitting to have a well meaning Decepticon that isn’t Starscream or Soundwave give bad advice that the Terrans have to struggle to figure out with the Maltos and Bee. Like say IDW Flatline was another medic that Medix mentored under, but his advice and skills are considered ghoulish by Ratchet, but Medix is able to hybridize Flatline and Ratchet’s skills into something that helps the Terrans and Autobots.
The pet analogy fits pretty well as the cassettes I had in mind would be based on CatDog and Reptar.
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alsofoundinpeas · 4 months ago
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Welcome to my blog! :)
Thank you for taking the time to stop by. <3 Due to the nature of my content, I do ask that minors do not interact as my writing is intended for adult audiences, but I may (in the future) create a secondary blog strictly for for fluff fics/non-nsfw material soon. :) Below you will find some more information about my blog as well as links to better navigate it!
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Masterlist ♡ Request/Inbox Guidelines ♡ About Me ♡ Hashtags
I started this blog on July 17th, 2024 originally, but I didn't make my first post until November 13th, 2024. My username comes from our beloved Doctor Spencer Reid's excited exclamation of "Peas, too! It's also found in peas!"
The blog started as a side project for me to flex my mind a little bit and do some writing outside of my novel without the intention of ever posting, but it has since turned into something I've become very passionate about alongside my novel and I figured why not put some works out there for fun? :)
I have been (unprofessionally) writing since I was thirteen years old, and my love for writing has only grown stronger since then. My goal for this blog is to not only create some stories that you guys enjoy, but to also step out of my comfort zone a bit and start actually posting my writing instead of hiding it away forever. I hope that anyone reading can find an escape through my writing in the way that I find an escape through reading all of the other talented author's works on here.
Another goal for my blog is to provide a safe space for people to find a little bit of peace and comfort outside of their regular lives. With that being said, hate will NOT be tolerated or posted. Anonymous or not. It will get deleted and blocked immediately. Any comments made harrassing or bullying other readers under my works will be deleted as well.
Now that we've covered that, I want to sincerely thank each and every one of you for taking the time to check out my blog. I'm excited to watch it grow and to get to know all of you as you get to know me.
K <3
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feetpiclovers · 7 months ago
In this video, we uncover the lucrative world of foot modeling and guide you through the essential steps to turn your fabulous feet into your next big paycheck. Whether you're considering a new side hustle or diving into a full-time career, we've got you covered!
In this video, you'll learn the key requirements for becoming a successful foot model. From impeccable grooming—think regular pedicures, daily moisturizing, and well-kept nails—to mastering the art of posing your feet to highlight their best features. We'll also discuss the importance of investing in high-quality foot care products and photography equipment to capture stunning, eye-catching shots that will captivate clients and followers alike.
But that's not all! We take you through the process of building your brand on social media platforms like Instagram and FeetFinder. Discover how to create a captivating online presence, engage with followers, and use the right hashtags to attract potential clients and grow your following.
Ready to step into your foot modeling journey? Head over to FeetFinder, get verified, and start today! Don't forget to subscribe for more valuable tips and secrets to turning your passions into profits. Happy modeling!
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fitgirlfemdom · 8 months ago
After reading the other guy's post that you published and your own about small dick humiliation, I wanted to tell my own story, and I hope you'll like it. Part of it is similar to the other guy. In my early 30s, I was a gym rat, and while I wasn't bulking up, I was lean at 160-165 lbs, and I was just shy of 5 inches. I started dating a girl and then a storm hit that knocked out power for close to two weeks, and between those two things, my gym days were over. Once my routine got throw out of wack, I never recovered. I'm in my early 40s now and weigh around 210-215 lbs (I've been in that range for a few years now), and I've lost nearly an inch of length. I'm barely over 4 inches now. Between the weight gain and the loss of length, sex sucks. It's a huge part of why I turned to gooning.
As far as my size, I've always known that I'm on the smaller side, but it didn't become a kink for me until OCT or NOV of last year. I actually used to post cum tributes for years, and never once got a negative comment on my size. Anyway, I was chatting with this girl on Discord and one of the things we bonded over was exhibitionism/public nudity. It's something I've never been into doing myself, but seeing girls engage in it is super hot, and she would tell me about some stuff that she's done, or we'd watch stuff together. One day, we're chatting, and I mention that I'm in my backyard. She asks for proof, so I send her a pic of my yard, and she tells me to strip. I was immediately turned on and there's a small area of my yard where I could get away with it without having to worry about any neighbors seeing me, so I recorded me stripping. My heart was beating like a jackhammer and I sent the video. Her first comment is, "damn, you have a small cock." I was absolutely crushed, and it broke something inside me. I wasn't expecting her to tell me it was the hottest thing she had ever seen, but I guess I was expecting a little bit of validation. "Nice job," or "I can't believe you actually did it," something like that.
Since then, small penis/dick/cock humiliation has become a major kink for me. I've had dozens of girls online degrade me after I send them a pic or video. I've gotten everything from laughter to mean comments to poor ratings. I have a few regulars that I chat with that are absolutely brutal towards me, and I love it. I reblog captions and use the #small dick humiliation hashtag on my blog. You mentioned in your post about a guy that jerks off with only two fingers, and I do that now. A couple of different girls have encouraged me to do it, and it feels so humiliating and looks so pathetic when I send them videos. At this point, two of my biggest fantasies are to experience SPH in a group chat, and IRL.
You had said that you wished more of your inbox messages were like that other guy, so I hope this fits that.
yes, for some reason, some of us girls find guys jerking off with only two fingers really hot in a pathetic way. it's mainly because it's how we play with our clits, and seeing a guy do it is like watching him wear heels and put on makeup--its so emasculating. i love it.
right now, all i need is a small dick <4in gooner on his knees jerking his little cock while trying his best not to "nnnghhh" and cum in 30 seconds in front of me. i need a pathetic gooner like that begging me to let him cum and calling me mommy while he does it. also i need a zero sugar smirnoff ice. preferably pink lemonade flavor. and maybe a cigarette.
imagine sending your pathetic dick pic to a girl and she adds you to a gc with all her friends, just so they can clown on you for being a degenerate pervert. imagine them sending audio messages, laughing and making jokes at your expense, asking with slight curiosity if you can even fuck anything with that. them asking if companies make condoms in that size, and if you're even fertile. imagine them thinking that's not enough, and forcing you to meet up with them IRL, lest they leak your unsavory pictures online. you get locked in chastity and forced to pleasure these girls for the rest of the night, whether that be through your mouth or your hands, while they spit and laugh at your pitiful dick.
that gives me an idea for a new post. AGHHH thank you for this
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nocelestialz · 1 month ago
hello, everyone! i'm rosie (she/her) here to introduce to you all ryu jiho! she's girl code's main dancer & youngest. i'm so excited to be here, and i'll have more information about her under the cut. as always, please do hit a ♥ on this post if you'd like to plot !! i am also available on d*scord upon request!
born to the most regular family you can imagine in seoul; two working parents and an older sister, both girls who didn't show much success academically starting from a young age, but their parents were always supportive of what they wanted to do
after standing on stage for a talent show in fifth grade, jiho decided that she really enjoyed singing and dancing. her parents thought she was too young to do that just then, so when she reached seventh grade, they finally signed her up for vocal and dance academics
it's when she's attending those academies that she gets casted for produce 48! initially, she isn't fond of the idea of joining a survival program (she thinks she'd be too weak to endure it), but she was a fresh face (independent trainee with no company backing) and can speak japanese (mother is a japanese professor), and so the ryu's eventually decide that it wouldn't hurt to join
although she ends thirteenth overall and doesn't make it to the final line up, her positive and friendly attitude throughout the whole program garners her a pretty supportive and big fandom (imagine #justiceforjiho hashtags trending the moment she's announced as 13th)
once the show finishes, she's reached out to by several companies who offer her a solo contract right away. however, she's always thought of herself as more of someone who'd thrive in a group setting rather than a soloist, so she signs with midas music who had scouted her with girl code in mind (or so they say)
the trainee life seems a little easier at first compared to her produce days as she isn't being filmed 24/7, but there's no doubt the competition is fiercer because the skills of the trainees are much higher
initially, she was pretty outgoing and friendly with everyone, trying to befriend people she thought she'd debut with in the future. however, once she started seeing people leaving one by one and getting bombarded with the reality of the idol life, she became a bit more secluded. while still kind and friendly, she didn't go out of her way to try to become besties with all the other trainees as it no longer seemed worth it
after two and a half years, she gets to debut in girl code as the main dancer and youngest! she's super proud of what the group has achieved and while the latest hate train did sort of bring her down, she's used that time to continuously improve herself so that people won't be able to say anything about their skills
jiho genuinely does love girl code as a group and her life as an idol, and she's proud of everything they've achieved despite what people may try to claim
jiho's gone through a bit of a personality change from her days on produce 48 and as a member of girl code now. while the constant hate had a part to do with it, it's also just something that naturally came because she simply matured
when she joined the survival program, she was sixteen and really naive. her parents were continuously supportive so she sort of grew up in a protective bubble where nothing could harm her
however, once she became a trainee, that bubble sort of popped as she saw how cruel and harsh the real world could be, and she realized that she couldn't always live life like it was all sunshine and rainbows
this is why she prefers to keep to herself. not a very talkative person and rather soft-spoken. she has a lot of thoughts, but she keeps them to herself because she genuinely does not want to get caught up in any messes that will become a nuisance
that's not to say she's a pushover, though. maybe it's because she comes from such a supportive family, but she's very confident in herself and her beliefs, so if she absolutely feels the need to, she'll speak up to either defend herself or a loved one
despite what her loud solo fans claim, jiho's content with the image that midas has given her. she likes the whole cool and chic thing going on for her, and the opportunities that it brings her. while she'd love to branch out into hosting or even variety shows in the future, she likes sticking to producing girl code's music and doing some modeling here and there for now
her biggest problem right now is that she's afraid that the success girl code found with whiplash may come crashing down again. while she's trying her best to ignore all the things everybody seems to have to say about her group, there's just so much talk about them that it's just hard
i'm open to all sort of plot ideas, so please throw me any ideas that you have! and if you read up to here, i'm so sorry!! while i can't promise that i won't stop yapping, i hope you just take it as me being super excited to be here and bring jiho <3
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dpgdaily · 1 year ago
hey guys, we don't usually make more personal posts on here but i just wanted to pop in and say make sure to send some love to all your favourite creators.
Gamingmas is a super busy time of year for the phandom and there are creators working so hard to bring so much content to us all and i think it's time for some praise. We've got the artists drawing and sketching fun moments and the original art based of the games and inside jokes, the gif makers working hard to gif as much content as they can (some of them even staying up long into the night) and i even a think a shout is deserved to all the hilarious people making memes and shitposts, I know we don't reblog you here but we know you are a valuable asset to this community!
So if there is someone in the phandom you really love and enjoy please consider sending them an ask (anon or not) and let them know you appreciate them!
and to all the creators we reblog daily I want to say a big thank you! You guys are doing the best work and I wanna thank you all for using our hashtag (#dpgdaily) and helping us run this blog!
I also lastly would love to give a shoutout to my co-admin, Ry (@dnphobe), they have made running this blog such a joy and I wanna thank them so much for dealing with my insanity. Its been amazing to get to know you and become friends with you! Thank you for believing in this with me! we really resurrected the phandom daily blog 😂
anyway back to your regular scheduled tumbling
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marxtheimpish · 4 months ago
Alright: Arkhamverse Scarecrow! Whaddya think 'bout him?
(Both Asylum and Knight, since he doesn't show up in City and Origins and Shadow is before he became Scarecrow, so no actual costume yet)
oh em gee its time .... its time for my hashtag Scarecrow Hot Take. i worry this one shall be divisive so i apologize in advance knight truthers </3
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if i am perfectly super honest. i MUCH prefer jonathan in asylum than knight. ive already said before that i like when Scarecrow designs have Scarecrow elements, and while asylum jon admittedly doesnt have many, he at least has more than knight. he also has Actual Color! im aware that the arkhamverse style has always been kind of dark and gritty (as soon as u appear in arkhamverse u become allergic to baths) , but the later designs especially became way more mellow color wise and i dont find designs of just grays and blacks very interestign, ESPECIALLY when in the context of these beign comic book characters . the fear toxin provides nice pops of colors but idk, i would prefer a nice brown the way asylum has - even though his clothes are just brown, they still have color ! i also love how asylum lets us see how thin and gangly he is, i LOVE his proportions, while knight just kind of looks like a regular guy body type wise. not to mention i like asylums voice WAY better , i will take more high pitched scarecrow over lower gravelly scarecrow any day, i think its more unique and also suits him better because under the costume hes just a nerd u know overall, i know a lot of people love knights design, but i am asylum all the way. the one thign i will say i prefer would probably be knights face - i dont like asylums mask all too much - but everythign else i like way more and i think its kind of a shame that they shifted jon over to beign more "traditionally" scary for the game he had a bigger focus in. i dont hate knights design at all ! (there are some scarecrows i REALLY dislike and he is most certainly not one of them) but in a competition between the two , for me it is not close </3
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