#neji deserved better
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awinterrosesstuff · 15 days ago
Neji was 4 when Hiashi put the curse mark on his forehead.
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And just a little after that, he saw his father getting tortured by Hiashi.
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And then, he lost his father, dying for the main branch.
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I'd like to add one question... is Naruto the only person who bothered to ask why Neji hated so much his family ? Because he didn't need to do much for Neji to tell his whole story in front of everyone... it wouldn't really surprised me honestly. In the primilaries, four jonin intervened in his fight just to stop him (a genin) and protect Hinata. Only Gai stopped Gaara to kill Lee. And only Lee helped Tenten when Temari was ready to hurt her even more.
Anyway, back to the topic... my beef with Hiashi doesn't stop there. Neji learnt the truth about his father's death when he was 13, almost 10 years after said event...
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I don't know what went throught his head to think it was okay to lie to a child. But not really shocking since he happened to be from Konoha (the village who thought it would be smart to lie to Naruto about his status and his parents...)
Then Hiashi decided to train Neji only after realising his full potential.
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It's written right there. Neji surpassed the main branch. He was the future of the clan. Hiashi is very surprised and in awe during the whole fight. How did Neji happen to be better than the main branch ? That's the question he has. And it's the sole reason he decided to train Neji.
How am I supposed to believe that man changed ? He had no problem enslaving a child, torturing his own brother, lying and using his nephew. And then overnight, he changed ? Yeah, right in your dreams.
I'm very upset that the victim had to die for a very ridiculous ship and that the persecutor was allowed to grow old. Hiashi should have died instead of Neji. Then maybe I would have believed the Hyuga could change.
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oraclesblog · 11 months ago
If you ever think your least favourite ship is the worst, just remember that Naruhina had to…
mutilate and fridge a 14 year old girl.
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And then kill off a fan favourite character.
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In order to pull off the ass pull of the century by making two characters with barley any page time of interactions end up together purely for the sake of fan service.
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rikustarlight · 7 months ago
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A little sweetness of my babies 💜 The twins really do love their little sister and they hug all the time no matter how old they are 🥹 they’re such mushes like their father! Neji can’t keep his hands off of Tenten some times LOL
Hizashi on the left and Nozomi on the right and of course little Meiten in the middle.
Nejiten kid designs | Nejiten Family headcannons
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thisearthycat · 1 year ago
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my top three fave naruto charsss
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tae-shimura-is-my-wife · 3 months ago
Yeah you favorite character may have died, but they weren't a super powerful and interesting character that got wasted and forgotten by the narrative to then appear again and die to a piece of wood because the author wanted to develop a couple in an ACTION SERIES
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mmprviolet · 1 year ago
As a teen i shipped myself with a ninja named Neji
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rookhuntbrainrot · 1 year ago
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oprescuewagon · 2 years ago
Happy birthday Neji Hyuga
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fusionblitz28 · 1 year ago
Yes, yes, yes to all of this 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼 I’m looking at you SasuNaruSasu 😬 Naruto and Sasuke have wayyy more chemistry than they do with Hinata or Sakura whom they both canonically marry. Even in Boruto, SasuNaru spend more time together than with their families and it’s cruel to their wives. Canon would have been better off putting them together (after Sasuke gets some major therapy).
Hinata’s entire personality is Naruto even though she has awesome abilities and a heartbreaking backstory that could have been explored more to have her come into her strength of her own accord. Instead her entire screen time hinges on her obsession with Naruto. She and her sister and Neji could have banded together to take down her father and do away with the branch family and their awful seals. Even if Hinata didn’t want to lead the clan her character could have had so much influence and done so much more then we are given. They could have made Neji the head of the clan. It would be a full circle moment for the three of them to escape their so called “fates” and rewrite the story for their people. Instead Neji dies for the sake of her and Naruto getting together. His sacrifice was wasted. He only escapes the seal in death which means he had never escaped fate at all.
My girl Sakura is the only member of Team 7 with ZERO backstory- nothing about her family, barely anything else bar the whole Ino fight in the chunin exams. She becomes Tsuna’s apprentice and is a baller medic and fighter but she only gets one awesome fight and her personality still hinges on her love for Sasuke. It would have been cool to see her grow past the obsessive little girl crush and love and care for Sasuke as a teammate. He had done so much wrong to her and the rest of the team and all of it just gets swept under the rug. Sasuke leaves right after being exonerated and Sakura just waits. And waits. For him to come back and they get married. The relationship gets no development and neither party matures enough to be together.
I write mostly KakaSaku and I always struggle to write Sakura’s perspective over Kakashi’s. And it’s this reason. Kakashi has a fully fleshed out and complicated backstory and past and so much growth as a character. Sakura is nearly a clean slate which can be fun but it’s also overwhelming cause I have to add more to her because canon was lacking. She deserved more. All the female characters in Shonen deserve more.
This is not hate on NaruHina or SasuSaku or any other ship. I am 💯 pro ship whether that ship is canon or not. This is criticism of a much bigger issue where females get left out of complexities in writing. Or left out of writing in general.
It just kills me when writers create franchises where like 95% of the speaking roles are male, then get morally offended that all of the popular ships are gay. It’s like, what did they expect?
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rikustarlight · 7 months ago
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The ending they deserved TBH. I have some head cannons here of if you want to take a look. Neji and Tenten definitely had three kids.
BRB sobbing:
My head cannons explained on my fanfic account:
Nejiten head cannons | Tenten Head cannons | Neji head cannons | Nejiten Family Head cannons | Full kid designs
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lil-bri · 7 months ago
Something about Naruto’s character has always made me so incredibly sad and horrified and I have no idea why. I don’t know if it’s due to his different treatment to both his parents, something about him immediately punching Minato the moment he realized that was his dad, that his father was the one to give him such a heavy burden, or something about him sobbing his little heart out and holding onto his mom the moment he met her. Like the little kid he was when he lost her (literally as a newborn) and the little kid he still was when he first properly met her.
Or maybe is something about how much he holds on to whoever doesn’t treat him badly. Even if he’s just being ignored, his sole existence not being acknowledged, he isn’t being treated like a filthy animal. Maybe not being treated badly was what Naruto thought love was. Maybe that’s why he’s always hold onto Sasuke. Because, in a way, they were one and the same, at least in Naruto’s eyes.
He doesn’t care for where does that love come from, or from who. As long as he’s not being hurt then Naruto is bound to think that that’s love. Because he grew up without it, so he doesn’t know how it should feel like.
Maybe it’s something about Naruto’s emotional dependency that has always made me so horrified and upset.
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yesulart · 3 months ago
Soo a month or two ago I watched the opening and endings of Boruto for the first time, and while I think they are nice and don't hate the characters or anything like that i couldn't stop thinking of how good it could be if the Naruto ending was just a little bit different and more satisfying for all the characters and overall plot.
I would love Boruto an Himawari and that other child they have if the NaruHina ship had ANYTHING in the canon, I would accept Sarada existing if she was Sakura child exclusively or they managed to make SasuSaku non toxic. I would love Orochimaru's child if the show actually made Orochimaru pay for anything that he has done instead of making him a comedic character.
I would adore the Boruto series if it showed how Naruto changed the Shinobi world like he promised to. If the hyugas changed to never allow something like the side family seal to be used again(and if Neji was still alive instead of following the hyugas destiny/curse) . If Konoha made anything to compensate Sasuke for the Uchihas massacre. If the Konoha people ever apologized for the treatment they gave to Naruto and so many more small things like that. But I know for a fact that none of that happens, so even though the colors and songs of the boruto series are nice I can't enjoy them because I know the story never progressed. And I wanted to enjoy them.
I can't fix the series nor I have the intention to do that, I just wish it was different because I like what Kisimoto was doing until the last bit of the war arc.
Idk I just needed to ramble a bit about this, because I do plan to make a next gen au with my headcanons of the story, picking and choosing from canon and filler. But I'm making it with the bitter taste of knowing that the next gen already exists and could have been perfect if it had just little adjustments.
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alybur635 · 1 year ago
The tears used to be for him; for the freedom he lost and pain he gained Now the tears are for his son, who is to lose his freedom and learn this pain
Idk I should be asleep and I did too much work on this to get rid of it
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tomicaleto · 1 year ago
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Team Gai bonding time!
Neji is teaching Lee how to help Tenten with her buns
Probably drawn during 2018 but I can't quite recall the month :P
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rookhuntbrainrot · 1 year ago
Taking into account that I’m not watching fillers I have 9 episodes left before Neji dies….
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nejiisbetterthanyou · 1 year ago
There is one thing about what you are completely wrong:
hinata is a horribly disgusting person and she is just as guilty as hiashi.
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Everything Wrong With The Way Neji Was Handled
I’m in the mood so I’m gonna write something that has been on my mind for quite some time. Here we go.
1-) Neji vs. Hinata
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Let’s start with the most obvious offense: Why did people allow this match in the first place?
Gai, Kurenai, huns, exactly what were you thinking? Both Hinata and Neji are heavily damaged children, seriously what were you expecting from this fight?
And that’s without saying Neji would get in a lot, a lot of trouble for defeating Hinata. Heyoo??? Hinata absolutely wouldn’t activate Neji’s seal but Main House elders would. Even if they didn’t care about Hinata’s well being at all, I’m sure beating a Main House member into a coma qualifies as a revolutionary act and I don’t think slave owners would be fine with it.
I don’t like how the narrative portrays Neji as the villain in the match too. Neji DID warn Hinata, he did tell her that he was gonna win this and she should give up. Hinata didn’t, she chose to fight and even when it was absolutely obvious she lost, she still came at him. What was she expecting, to get out unharmed? No, Hinata knew Neji had understandable reasons to hate her and Neji warned her to give up at the beginning. This isn’t to justify Neji’s misplaced anger but to claim why Hinata wasn’t completely innocent.
Besides, people do realize that Neji is a literal child slave, right? That stuff tends to slightly screw your mind up, do people know? It doesn’t make Neji a horrible monster that he hated his owner’s daughter who could exploit him and make his life a hell with just one hand sign, no matter how the said daughter was genuinely a good person. Neji was in the wrong and Hinata didn’t deserve his hatred, a big yes to this but holy sweet, be a little bit understanding.
But nah, Neji is a bad villain and great Naruto will kick his ass. Hinata is so undoubtly good that even Neji’s teammate supports her instead of… I dunno… realizing the “for the first time, Branch House shall win!” quote meant that the match wasn’t just about a black and white hard work stuff and Neji did have his reasons too.
2-) Neji vs. Naruto
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This match may be the most hilariously stupid thing I’ve ever seen in any form of fiction…
So… Naruto preaches about how hard work beats genius even though the one with one year worth of more experience and training among the two is Neji. Then, Naruto beats Neji by… using Kyubi?
??? :D
Hyuga’s style was extremely disagventagous against a Jinchuriki since Bijuus essentially work as a secondary chakra battery which can re-activate closed Tenketsus. That’s how Naruto beats Neji. Birth advantage. Neji has one more year of training and experience but it failed against birth advantage.
Hard work truly beats genius. Nice way to prove your themes.
And where was Gai during the match anyway? Kakashi has an excuse not to be there since Sasuke would have died to Gaara if he didn’t complete his training but Gai? Couldn’t he just carry Lee to the arena and watch his student’s match?
Besides, a simple “I’m gonna change the Hyuga when I become the Hokage!” was enough to touch Neji because that quote meant someone actually gave a fuck about what he’s going through. It meant someone else agreed that the slavery in his clan was wrong and his feelings about it were validated. It was that simple.
Question: Where tf was Gai during roughly one and a half year???
3-) Solution to Slavery
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Credit: https://www.deviantart.com/purple-snowflakes/art/Caged-Bird-Neji-198284847
Neji is shaken up enough already after his match with Naruto. Then Hiashi, his owner, comes and…
“We didn’t kill your father, he chose to die. That doesn’t mean all that much since we were gonna kill him even if he objected anyway, he had no choice but to use that fake freedom of choice narrative. Anyway, that’s not the topic at hand now. Your father escaped his destiny by dying to us so your feelings of anger are kinda invalid. Sorry, suck it up. Oh, and know I didn’t object slavery at all during all this time, there’s also an anime filler of me torturing a seven year old you, but heeey, I apologize so it’s fine. Don’t forget, your father wouldn’t want you to be bitter about our house’s unfair system :)”
Please tell me I wasn’t the only one who screamed emotional manipulation at that panel.
What kind of bs answer is ‘choose to die’ to slavery anyway? Do they have a right to choose not to die when their owner asks them to die? No, they don’t. Then, they’re not free.
I also hate how later in the series, Neji’s anger at the Main House was invalidated because his father had pulled the “well, I’m gonna die anyway, I may as well as trick myself into believing I’m finally free because I’m desperate and that’s the only way I can feel some closure at death” card. Excuse me but Neji is still a slave to the Main House, he’ll remain so as long as that mark is on his forehead remains - Hiashi’s apologize be dammed. He HAS the right to be mad at the Main House and the clan’s system.
4-) Later on…
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Neji dies to some flying pieces of wood he absolutely should have been able to defend against cus the author needed a… uh… What’s the word here? Anti-plot armor? The opposite of a plot armor? Negative plot armor? I dunno, send help.
Note: Hiashi’s or whoever’s words don’t mean a thing. Neji SHOULD HAVE BEEN able to defend that attack.
His death is insulted with a ship moment that comes mere minutes after. We also don’t get enough reaction from his teammates, one manga page is all.
And Naruto, the boy who lectured him about how destiny doesn’t exist turns out to be a demi God and the child of the prophecy. And all that jazz.
Nice way to prove your themes again.
Well, rest in peace my boy. You deserved a lot better with just about everything but look at from the bright side, at least now you’re safe from SP!
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Oh, H E L L N O !
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