#hyuuga hizashi
chrimsonfoxdon · 3 months
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They deserved so much better😭
I definitely cried while working on this lol
@nejiweek 2024 Day 1 - Family Time | Fashion
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alybur635 · 11 months
Sat my ass down and did some naruto art
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arbitrarygreay · 10 months
What the fuck is the Hyuuga clan structure Lots of fanfiction angry about the cursed seal (and they should be, the manga completely drops the thread about it and the fucked up structure of the clan) tend to emphasize a large council of stuffy Elders getting in the way of progress. They also like to assume that depending on who would become the heir of the clan between Hinata and Hanabi, the other sister would get sealed and become branch house. This tracks with the canon history of Hizashi and Neji getting sealed. However, this makes zero sense! If everyone except the line of former leader(s), current leader, heir, and presumably spouses, is getting sealed, then who the fuck are the other main house members? Who are the main house members marrying? How would the main house beat replacement fertility rate if they're sealing non-heir siblings? How can Elders exist that aren't in the direct line of succession? Why are there canonically other relatively young main house members, but Neji is getting sealed? Like, even if we assume that there are other lines of main house families, with only the direct succession line sealing sibling lines away, that also makes zero sense when looking at real life history. It's begging for incessant main house in-fighting and coups, as well as insanely high paranoia for those in the direct succession line. Seriously, "only the direct succession line is categorically not allowed to beat the replacement fertility rate" is a recipe for DISASTER. The timeline for the Hyuuga Affair is also wonky. Apparently, Hinata's 3rd birthday, Neji's sealing, Hiashi activating Hizashi's curse seal during Hinata's training, and the Kumo ninja kidnapping Hinata, all took place within the time span of the Kumo ninja being in town in order to sign and celebrate the signing of the Kumo-Konoha treat. To what narrative purpose is this time span so condensed, Kishimoto? (Meanwhile, while fact-checking this against the wiki, I laughed really hard at the canon pictures of the Hyuuga clan lineup, at how miniscule the lineup is. This is definitely not a clan that could run an entire village's police force, like the Uchiha did, unless Konoha was also way tinier than we thought. Then again, Kishimoto seems incapable of believing that people who should desperately want to pass on their incredible abilities would also have more than the replacement rate number of children, so.)
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priscamachado · 26 days
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So I ranked the naruto dads
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fuyutohime · 27 days
just imagine how interesting the hyuga clan storyline could have been if Neji had actually married Tenten and they had twins.
these twins could have been a parallel to hiashi and hizashi that explore the potential of what they could have been like if they had been born in better circumstances without the main and side branch system (but with a better set of characteristics and personalities)
furthermore, it could have shown that the Hyuga clan has truly changed, as the storyline in Boruto mentions that things have changed, but there's not much evidence to support that. we only saw hiashi regretting his choices, but we never get to witness any real changes or transformations in the clan's traditions or dynamics. this kind of storyline with nejiten and the twins could have been a great opportunity to show real change and growth within the hyuga clan
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okamirayne · 5 months
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BtB Throwback… Stirring the old feels as I plod along with chapter 9 of HHU…these Hyūgas….💔
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🤡: Hiashi is a horrible father for hinata! He forced her to become a kunoichi when she never wanted to! Hinata is far too kind to be a kunoichi,this is so cruel!
Yet you have zero problems with Chouza making Choji a shinobi. Hiashi never “forced” hinata to do anything at all—hinata always wanted to be a kunoichi and her speech about “ninja way” on chunin exam proves this.
Hinatafans made up a lie about “Hiashi abusing hinata”—there is not a single panel in the manga odd hinata actually being abused—solely so that they can remove any responsibility for her own actions and behavior from hinata and blame it all on Hiashi.
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Nobody calls “abusive” Shikaku,Inoichi, Chouza,Shibi, Tsuna,Fugaku for making Shikamaru,Ino,Choji ,Shino,Kiba,Sasuke and Itachi ninjas—Minato literally forced Naruto to become a jinjuriki what caused him to be badly bullied and neglected his whole childhood,but fandom still cheers on Namikadze as number one father. Because it NEVER was about actual abuse: hinatafans just need a scapegoat for hinata’s actions so they lie about Hiashi “abusing” and “forcing” her.
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When hinata trains Boruto and Himawari in non-canon novels,openings/endings hinatafans piss their pants from joy,but when Hiashi trains hinata this is suddenly labeled as “abuse”.
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fan-dot · 1 year
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chrimsonfoxdon · 3 months
@nejiweek 2024 Day 1 - Family Time
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alybur635 · 19 days
Who're you looking at??
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Certainly not HIS father!
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kyriolex · 1 year
Actually I have a bit of a theory about Neji and Hinata's parents
Now this Headcanon is a long shot and probably nowhere even close to canon but:
Hinata and Neji's Moms were actually the SAME PERSON
Think about it. Doesn’t it sound a bit odd that BOTH Hiashi and Hizashi's Wifes are never mentioned (and implied to be dead).
Given that Hiashi is the Clan Leader of the Biggest and allegedly the most Wealthy Clan in Konoha, is it too out of the question that the Hyuga Clan could've had arranged Marriages or even Concubines? 😳
Well Hinata's Mom could've been in either situation.
So Here's where my theory comes in.
Perhaps Hinata's Mom was in an arranged Marriage to one of the Hyuga Brothers (let's say Hiashi to make this easier) but she didn't actually love him.
Perhaps, She may have preferred the other Sibling romantically but she had already been set up to fulfil her duties to bear an Heir to the Brother she was already engaged with
My personal Headcanon is that Hinata's Mom was in a loving relationship with Hizashi, already unknowningly Pregnant with Neji but however, the Hyuga Elders had declared that she would be the one to provide Hiashi with Heirs since he was the one set up to be Clan Leader.
After giving birth to Neji, she had to be forced to leave him with Hizashi as much as it pained her because she loved her son Neji dearly but she knew she wouldn't be allowed to see him much.
While she never felt any love for Hiashi himself, she did truly love her daughter Hinata and always stayed by her daughters side, far more than she ever liked to stay with Hiashi..... (Which bothered Hiashi a lot lol)
.....That is until, she gave her 3rd and final birth to Hanabi five years laters and sadly passed away shortly after.
Neither Neji or Hinata ever found out that they shared the same Mom.
But somehow Neji could always sense that there was something not quite right whenever she would just stare at him from a distance or when Hizashi would never speak about her.
I know it sounds far-fetched but I think it puts an interesting spin on Hiashi and Hizashi's conflict as well as giving Hiashi even more of a reason to be harsh towards Hinata.
Because Hinata looks EXACTLY like her mother (Blue Hair and everything) she'll always be a painful reminder of his "Wife" who preferred his Brother over him
Also given what has been implied about the Clan, it doesn't sound too out of the question for the two Brothers to have to share a Wife....
Honestly? Headcanon accepted. It's a better explanation than anything we got from canon.
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team7-headquarter · 2 years
The parallel of Neji's dad sacrificing himself by taking his brother's place without his consent and Neji years down the road sacrificing himself by taking Hinata's place without she knowing.
At the end of the day the secondary branch did exactly what they were meant to (die in order to protect the primary branch). They did it out of love and not duty, to protect their families and not their superiors.
Still, I think that's very cruel.
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gaiash · 2 years
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Thanks to NaraShadows releasing the Karui models I realized I had all the tools I needed to depict the battle the war arc really needed. One last fight for Neji, a conclusion to the Hyuga arc and a good reason for Hizashi to be part of the undead army. Threw in a couple bonus Edo Tensei edits to balance out the fight.
NaraShadows - Hinata, Neji, Karui, Hizashi, Dan, Dosu, Hayate and the Hiashi model used to get Hizashi's outfit Friends4Never - Kurotsuchi blacksoul1890 - Grassy Waves Stage LeaopardHeart and NaraShadows - Poses Me - Edits to models
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kegareki · 2 years
"rei," you might ask, "why the fuck are you making genin teams for the parents in naruto? why are you giving them jounin-senseis and intended specialties?"
my answer is "i cannot fucking tell you. to torture myself i guess"
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okamirayne · 5 months
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Old Hyūga vs Nara throwback (gods what a time ago!) whilst cranking out this next damned HHU chapter… 💪🏼
Hiashi’s POV + sad music = ❤️‍🩹👌🏼#hitmehardfeels
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