#hyuga slavery
🤡: Hiashi is a horrible father for hinata! He forced her to become a kunoichi when she never wanted to! Hinata is far too kind to be a kunoichi,this is so cruel!
Yet you have zero problems with Chouza making Choji a shinobi. Hiashi never “forced” hinata to do anything at all—hinata always wanted to be a kunoichi and her speech about “ninja way” on chunin exam proves this.
Hinatafans made up a lie about “Hiashi abusing hinata”—there is not a single panel in the manga odd hinata actually being abused—solely so that they can remove any responsibility for her own actions and behavior from hinata and blame it all on Hiashi.
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Nobody calls “abusive” Shikaku,Inoichi, Chouza,Shibi, Tsuna,Fugaku for making Shikamaru,Ino,Choji ,Shino,Kiba,Sasuke and Itachi ninjas—Minato literally forced Naruto to become a jinjuriki what caused him to be badly bullied and neglected his whole childhood,but fandom still cheers on Namikadze as number one father. Because it NEVER was about actual abuse: hinatafans just need a scapegoat for hinata’s actions so they lie about Hiashi “abusing” and “forcing” her.
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When hinata trains Boruto and Himawari in non-canon novels,openings/endings hinatafans piss their pants from joy,but when Hiashi trains hinata this is suddenly labeled as “abuse”.
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atanxdoesstuff · 1 year
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a scene from @tsukuyue 's fic "Cell Mates (oh my god they were cell mates)" that wouldn't leave my head so i had to draw it sadjiaklwdk
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adelalovesmadara · 2 years
It Comes Back Biting Him or Naruto Is Crudely Reminded That The Hyuuga Practised Slavery
"It's been decided that Uzumaki Himawari, courtesy of her possessing the Byakugan and her being the cousin of the heir of the Hyuuga main family, is to be sealed."
Naruto is sure that he has misheard. "Sorry?" He coughs and catches himself. He politely rectifies, "I must have misheard that. Could you, uh, repeat that for me, please?"
Being the son-in-law of the Hyuuga's clan head, Naruto had been strongly advised to be as cordial and polite as possible, even before his marriage to Hinata.
"Higasa-sama, Hanabi-sama's son will be three in a few days from now. So we, the Hyuuga, have decided that Uzumaki Himawari is to be sealed."
"Excuse me," says Naruto eloquently. "Sealed?"
"Uzumaki Himawari will be receiving the Caged Bird Cursed Seal on Higasa-sama's third birthday."
It takes all that Naruto has to not let out a scream. "Third birthday," he weakly says. "But ― isn't Hinata still a part of the Hyuuga main family?"
"Hinata-sama is. But both of her children are not."
It feels like reality is punching Naruto in the face as the muscles of his face go slack. "Why? Why do this at all?" he demands.
"For the good of the village. For the stability the Hyuuga have maintained for centuries," an elder proposes. She adds, "This will also benefit your heir, Hokage-sama. Uzumaki Boruto might not possess the Byakugan, but he will have his sealed sister as his loyal aide."
Naruto stands there gawking in the middle of the Hyuuga's training room.
"Uzumaki Himawari will have to be a gift to Higasa-sama first and foremost," one of the Hyuuga elders says imperiously.
An elder interjects with a sneer, "Her first priority can be both Higasa-sama and Boruto-sama."
"Of course," a few elders voice their agreement.
"Of course," Naruto echoes dumbly. It sure feels different when this... thing personally involves him.
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gojobait · 2 years
i could rewrite naruto and make it better (i would make it worse)
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watermelonsloth · 7 months
I think the reason why Naruto fans get so passionate and upset about the series is because of how real it can be. Naruto isn’t about paragon heroes outdoing dastardly villains. It’s about human beings fighting tooth and nail to survive in a world surrounded by death. It’s about broken systems made and perpetuated by broken people.
The Hyuga clan isn’t just antagonistic or pretentious, they practice slavery.
The Uchiha clan weren’t just killed by some raging psychopath, they were systematically massacred.
Itachi isn’t just cruel to Sasuke because he’s a bad brother, he’s cruel because he’d been told time and time again that you can only survive by being cruel and he wants nothing more than for Sasuke to survive.
Nagato isn’t trying to take over the world just for the sake of power, he’s trying to take over the world because it beat him down to the point of believing that the only chance at peace there is is the world being forced into compliance through fear.
Iruka isn’t hard on Naruto just because he’s a strict teacher, he’s hard on Naruto because he knows from experience how unforgiving the world is towards orphans.
Kakashi isn’t just some silly and slightly lazy teacher, he’s a contract killer still grieving his loved ones and struggling to do better without knowing how he’s supposed to.
Sakura isn’t just a fangirl, she’s a normal girl in a very dangerous and abnormal world constantly being made to choose between what she’s supposed to do and what she feels.
Sasuke isn’t just some edgelord, he’s a survivor who lost everything then gets repeatedly told that he has to choose between keeping what he’s gained and doing better than his brother.
Naruto isn’t just trying to be the best Hokage there ever was, he’s trying to prove his worth to a society that abandoned him just for existing and, in a way, confirm his worth to himself.
The Naruto story is about humans trying to force themselves into the role of weapons because that’s what they were told they had to be. It’s a story where everyone is a perpetrator but no one is trying to do wrong. It’s a story where everyone is a victim but no one is a perfect victim.
The world and the characters aren’t simple and trying to simplify them only takes away from them. So of course we get passionate about showing off all the reasons why they shouldn’t be simplified and all of the ways they’re complicated. Of course we get upset when we see others simplifying them or selling certain aspects of their characters short. Of course we get upset when the series itself simplifies them. Of course we get upset when the series chooses to abandon them. Because it not only feels like the characters are giving up, it feels like the series is betraying anyone who chose to get invested in its complexities.
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What do you think about hinata
Hi there, anon.
I don't really have an elaborate opinion about her, I don't give her many thoughts, actually. She is mostly irrelevant to me.
She was born from the enslaver branch of her family, something that can't really be blamed on her. As a kid, I don't think she was clever or deep enough to understand the position of privilege she was in, her brain was apparently equipped barely enough to fangirl Naruto. So, when people trash her for not empathising with Neji, really, I see their point but I can't really blame a child for the crimes of adults.
As an adult she clearly had a responsibility to end slavery in her clan. Some people claim she has no power as she is not head of her clan, but I am sure her Hokage husband can give a hand. Konoha pretends to be unwilling to meddle in private clan affairs, but we know they indeed do so when they find it convenient. So I don't want to hear any excuses, we see her (them) doing nothing, so I can't respect her (them) at all. I wonder what the Hyuga people from the side branch are thinking or doing right now... I think they are in need of a revolution against those parasites...
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leportraitducadavre · 7 months
Do you think people in the fandom would be more forgiving towards Sasuke character as a whole if we got the show from his perspective or if not that then if his thoughts are more shown?
I find myself drawn to his character because, in many ways, I see reflections of my own inclinations, albeit magnified. The tumultuous events that unfolded within his clan and the devastating actions of his brother, wiping out everyone, add a layer of complexity to his character. It's kind of intrigued me to consider that, under similar circumstances, I might make similar choices, perhaps even worse. The Narutoverse, with its deeply rooted issues like child soldiers, clan annihilation, and internal slavery within the Hyuga branch, presents a grim reality. While some characters, and even elements of the fandom, criticize and reject his actions, arguing that trauma should not be an excuse, it's hard to ignore the systemic problems within the Narutoverse itself. The pervasive cycle of suffering, with clans being wiped out and individuals enslaved, points to a broken system that breeds villains and antagonists seeking change.
In contrast to the complacency and cooperation displayed by many characters, those who rebel against the established order and strive for something different, flawed as their execution may be, at least attempt to address the root issues. The fact that they are trying to break free from the oppressive system suggests a level of agency and resistance, even if I may not fully agree with their methods. That's why I'm more forgiving towards the antagantis like Pain, Madara and especially in Sasuke case.
Reflecting on Naruto's journey and his current achievements the fundamental issues persist unchanged.
Also, sorry if this got long I ramble a lot when discussing lol. I hope you have a good day.
Hello, this took long to reply, and for that, I apologize.
I don’t think the issue is “not having Sasuke’s thoughts on display” for him to get sympathy, as we get to see firsthand the reasoning behind his actions, his background, and connections; we also get to see the atrocities committed by the system on multiple characters including those that the fandom takes as “less controversial” and which are considered victims of a bigger scale than Sasuke. I put more blame on the naturalization of state-sanctioned violence and the oppression of minority groups who are then blamed for their village’s actions as they are “savage-coded,” which turns the government’s oppression into a response to their behavior rather than an action born from their own bias. Their ultimate argument always boils down to “fighting violence with violence is not the way,” yet they fail to understand that a government built with brutality as its primary basis and as its primary tool leaves no room for negotiations, as it also implies that those oppressed continue to be oppressed until a “solution” is reached through time. They blame those discriminated against and later on massacred for their demise and not those in power who decided that committing genocide was a plausible solution to their dispute. 
The main issue with the idea that “their hearts are in the right place, but I don’t agree with the antagonist methods” also derives from this same perspective, where the discriminated must take all the consequences of the persecution they suffered and choose the “moral high ground” still to keep being “victims” and not become “victimizers.” Their categorization as innocents/savages is always based upon their response to the mass killing of their kin, minimizing the actions of those in power and diminishing the value of their critics to the system in place. 
Yet, while the naturalization of state-sanctioned violence plays a part in Sasuke’s status as a “villain” by many of his detractors, it’s not the only one, as many feel Naruto has a similar (perhaps harder) experience with the system in place as he was ostracized, yet he chose to follow Konoha’s WoF –many fans are closer to experience something similar to Naruto (an unpopular kid that was often shunned by comrades), so they feel more inclined to stand behind a character that reflects a personal experience of them, and not behind the boy who suffered genocide, a thing not many can see themselves in nor can build sympathy for as they (again) naturalized such occurrence. 
The popularization of the action genre featuring first-world soldiers invading the global south, whose focus is more on the trauma that lingers in the invader for trying to bring peace than on the indiscriminate killing of minorities, also contributes to seeing those in power as more humane or deserving of redemption than those responding violently against the intruders, because those invaded should put their trust in the “good intentions” of those abiding by the system that destroyed them in the first place.
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bimgtt · 11 months
One thing is even if naruto acknowledged itachi's words not bearing everything alone that doesn't matter to Sasuke bc naruto is align with the system, like him also his friends they are blinded by WOF of Konoha, so they can't understand why Sasuke's revolution is important
Sasuke understands that the ninja system and missions based on usage of warfare, spying and proxy wars and WOF created autocratic blind and extreme nationalism like hokage's words are final laws who can change anything on a whim or may not reform anything from past hokage's mistakes as their blind amoral loyalist nationalism refrain them for any reform the best examples are
Hiruzen who did not reform anything for uchiha or Naruto who still teaches children endure and die for the village bc they are your family, child soldiers custom, unnecessary chunin exam ,
so for these reason sasuke can't align himself with these villages bc they have different types of ultra nationalist propaganda like WoF from Konoha, WoR from Iwa etc. where you can't choose different ways of life even if those ways of yours are harmless to the overall village population and you can't follow or advocate your ways bc corrupt and prejudiced and autocratic kage and elders will not let you go against any custom of shinobi as you just have to act and endure like a blind loyal tool without no question according to those kage and elders otherwise you will be executed or marginalized in your respective village even accept being bullied and shunned and hatred from villagers for their war trauma scapegoat like mainly kekegenkai clans and jinchurikii , you have to endure oppression from shinobi system and its shinobi and kage bc enduring for greater good and greater goals means being ninja that lies being align with the village where you can't advocate individual or certain group rights otherwise you will be targeted by corrupt and fascist and nationalist and autocratic people like Onoki, Danzo, Raikage, tobirama, Hiruzen and konoha elders and Suna elders, Kurotsuchi etc. who will do anything to maintain their respective village hegemony many examples in the whole naruto series for such these scenarios and mindsets and principle values for examples:
1.rin dying for greater of the village without relying on kakashi as she is blindly indoctrinated from the childhood even kakashi in the waves arc saying how "we" as shinobi are
2. Itachi being indoctrinated with blind nationalism of WOF which clouded his moral judgement and couldn't help him saying how segregation and confinement to one job were dangerous policy from authority and pure injustice for Uchiha and then daily bad words from villagers, even tho Uchiha also suffered so much from wars and missions and invasions
3. Sakumo hatake's suicide, amegakure and small villages being pillaged, naruto being shunned, jinchuriki practice, zabusa and haku's yuki caln genocide, uchiha clan genocide, iatchi and shisui immoral spying on their own people, neji's father death, hyuga slavery and curse, Madara being ostracized by tobirama from being hokage bc of sharaingan power without given any chance and proof for at least as beginner, child soldiers practice, immoral anbu spying practice, supressing your emotions for missions, glorifying your ancestors as Gods and WOF like propaganda without knowing their bad sides and betraying or opposing and leaving village means death, hokage's words and judgement are constitution no one can oppose, covering uo genocide, grooming and indoctrinated child soldiers in exteme belief of WoF propaganda like itachi, shikimaru, rin, naruto etc. and so on
Sasuke knew most of the people live in this shinobi framework which destined to bring disaster and inhuman and injustice to certain groups of people and individuals and disagreeing to opposition and different views where change and reform can't be possible in the long run as they all are in village circle blinded by this propaganda and shinobi system which is casuing child soldiers practice, jinchuriki practice, various tragedy, bullying, mass killing, genocide, systematic and direct oppression, cycle of hatred among clans, individuals and villages in the shinobi frame work, for the sole reason why Sasuke have to be alone for his revolution bc whole shinobi worlds are blinded by shinobi customs and propaganda in shinobi framework or shinobi system
So to cure the darkness that shinobi system created without time to time reform or fact checking, Sasuke have to be alone bc everyone is blinded by the system and stupid enduring meaning of the shinobi, so revolution is important no bloody it is bc people alrady died bc of this blind nationalist system that created only violence after violence down the line, either you maintain and judge it with impartial executioner like Sasuke or abandons this fascist and stop being ninja,
Being alone is necessary for Sasuke's revolution bc all of the shinobi people are blinded by shinobi village system, even in peace time child soldier still in practice where children still taught in ninja academy about fighting but not history of its dark side, in konoha shinden mirai still glorifies 3rd hokage without knowing his dirty secret and many house women talking about their children being in ninja academy but why chidren needs to go to ninja academy or shinobi missions only adults can go as it is peace time meaning nor kakashi nor naruto did not change a thing still practicing child soldier shinobi custom, bc of this non changing mindset of shinobi from these villages which is why Sasuke has to bear his Revolution alone so he could slowly uprooted it little by little and thus he can completely change the past of this shinobi village system no he will slowly destroy it to the core until shinobi start to live like normal civilian people so past will be totally transformed slowly
For sole reason why sasuke has to bear darkness alone in his revolution as darkness of the village causes proxy and cold wars or genocide or cycle of hatred, personal tragedy, brainwashing people immorally etc. which causes more and great war geopolitically down the line in the shinobi world and why changing the past of the shinobi system is necessary as everyone is blinded by the system
so in easy term sasuke has to do his revolution solely alone to be impartial as everyone is blinded by the system and behaves like blind brainwashed tool where no will understand his point how dangerous they have become under shinobi system and by becoming a darkness that darkness that shinobi system has been using for its villages hegemony and its interest and to destroy the past that current shinobi system has been based upon that caused so many inhuman acts and injustice that made everyone blind and ignorant to the truth and humanity and created paradoxical aspect in its nature and core
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nejiwasalwaysright · 7 months
hinata fans: hiashi already said that there is no more slavery in Hyuga clan! Stop lying!
Also hinata fans: hiashi is a horrible person,he abuses hinata!
What 🤡 hinata fans are.
So,”hiashi is a horrible person who abuses hinata” but “hiashi said that side and main branch are equal and we can trust him 100%”…
These bitches aren’t even hearing themselves.
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nocusbonkus · 3 months
Knowing you since childhood irl, absolutely fucking batshit insane for someone to accuse you of being white & right wing conservative, and on top of that to insinuate you are pro-slavery just because you disagree with their extremist take on Hinata (who is likewise young and powerless to stop heinous Hyuga practices and has never been shown to be complicit and a direct participant in causing any branch member pain - that I know of anyway. Plus the fact that she wouldn't be a part of the main family anymore since she's been booted out of the direct line of succession).
Almost forgot, and *on top of that* assuming you're not familiar and are narrow minded about abuse. All this from a complete stranger on the internet that disagrees about your interpretation of a character's role in clan politics.
Complete dick behavior, hope other people can enjoy your stuff without being virtue signaling pricks. Waffles and Pancakes jesus christ
White, right wing AND pro slavery being thrown at me while I'm an afab Filipino with green hair and pronouns was certainly something 😭 I didn't think this was where posting about my rarepair on tumblr would go but, here we are.
I think believing someone cannot be a victim because they're a perpetrator of abuse is a dangerous mentality to have. We both already agree on Hinata not being a perpetrator, but believing she is one simply because she's in the position to do that is 😭😭😭 again, something. I don't know why we want to believe the worst of her character, isn't it a good thing she isn't as terrible as she could be?
Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled gayness. At least Hinata would've been happy Neji found love with Shikamaru 😭
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everyneji · 2 years
What's your opinion on the Hyuga clan slavery aspect?
Well, I can't say I'm a fan, but I assume you're not so much asking if I think it's horrible but about the place it has in the narrative.
In text, the Hyūga system is only called a matter of 'main' and 'branch' families. This reflects many real life noble clans -- but in real life, cadet branches were not so rigidly restricted. If a bunch of people dropped dead, for example, a random cousin could end up inheriting a great deal of wealth and power, which we know is a no-go here:
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What makes the Hyūga clan unique is that it's really more of a caste system. It's hereditary discrimination that sees them as inherently lesser because of the situation of their birth. Then we get into the slavery by the fact they are branded and are forced to assume a subservient role under threat of death or torture.
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Why do they do this? That gets into more speculative territory. We have the generalized answer (people enjoy power and having a stratified social system allows them to better exploit that power in a way they feel creates 'order') and the in-text explanation from Hizashi:
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Neji further explains to Naruto that the branch family are to "shield the main branch ... and never disobey them."
This comes down the real issue which is: the branch families may have always existed for reasons of clear inheritance, but the sealing practise (and the dominance of the main family it represents) can't be accepted at face value of 'protecting the family's techniques' -- and so we get into a chicken/egg thing about the function of oppression and the seal in the clan's hierarchy. In other words, what came first: the oppression, or the seal?
The sealing practise is illogical as we see it applied. After all, main family members become shinobi and go on missions without a protective detail of branch family members or a seal to protect their eyes. I discuss it more at length in this post here, but to sum my view up: I believe the branch family's duty is to take on the most dangerous or difficult work the village demands of their citizens so the clan can retain its honour, without risking people of the main family as often or as thoroughly.
So, in this more speculative territory that combines our real life explanation and the in-text explanation, the answer to "Why do they do this?" seems to be "Because the main family wants to feel powerful and important without doing any of the actual work, using the branch family as a prop and a resource."
Now, I wouldn't say their fears about their kekkei genkai being stolen aren't valid -- between them and the Uchiha, we see how desirable dōjutsu in particular are. This is where the second question of 'what came first' crops up again. Perhaps the seal started life as a genuine desire to protect their clan, but the whole 'brain melting' aspect make this suspicious. Neji's phrasing here is interesting:
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You have to ask yourself, Does the the way the seal interact with their brain/eyes just naturally result in death and pain, but sealing the eyes on death was the only original purpose? Was it intended only as a killswitch (which could have a pragmatic purpose in wartime, if a battle was lost and an enemy nin was about to go for the eyes) and the torture was later discovered as a bonus perk? Was it developed for punishment and control and then they realized "Oh, the horrific brain frying can also kill if we push it far enough! Neat!" Were all of these applications discovered and/or developed together?
We don't know, but while in the first scenario you can see the seal existing outside a rigid oppressive structure, it only gets more telling from there. It's also telling that another person could ever even have the ability to activate or manipulate someone's seal.
My headcanon is that in the long warring eras before the villages were founded, the cadet branches were the vanguards of the Hyūga, and did the fighting while the main family hung back and handled things of a more political or financial nature -- like, Kishimoto doesn't really get into it, but there's a daimyō and a capital where he presumably lives and more going on in this world than just shinobi politics. We know that the warring countries hired shinobi clans to fight their wars for them, and that the Land of Fire was established as a political power well before the village:
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Where were the Hyūga before the forming of Konoha? Who did they fight for? Who were their major enemies? How old is the sealing practise? We don't know any of this, but whatever the case, life was dangerous, and like most clans, they were likely either a militia or PMC. A lot of my theorized structure -- the idea of having 'forward forces' who are more expendable, accept orders without question, and who can conveniently have their most valuable secrets destroyed on death -- tracks with them being a militarized outfit.
Consider also that the kaiten is stated to be only taught to the heir of the clan. The idea that only the most important person in the clan would learn this incredibly useful defensive jutsu -- it suggests both that others are disposable, and that the clan head and heir need a panic button if an enemy ever did get too close. If it was purely about being a field ready combat technique, why keep it so secret? It's not like it's an incredible offensive power like the trigrams. The cadet branch and the kaiten are both shields, and that says a lot about how the primary concern of the Hyūga was not their clan head being some kind of ninja war god, but someone who stays protected.
This creates a divide between 'protecting the clan head' (i.e. the main family) and 'protecting the clan itself', despite some Hyūga main family members trying to link them:
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Like, okay gramps, if protecting the Byakugan is so important, why don't all of you go get sealed right now?
It's interesting to consider that maybe once upon a time, everyone in the Hyūga family did have such a seal -- but regardless, the eventual evolution of its use to brand only part of the family tells us that it's about control. It's depressingly realistic to have a powerful social caste invent excuses to oppress another caste, and then when those of that lower caste become angry at this treatment, suddenly their resentment and potential for lashing out is also reason to need to control or suppress them.
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Bringing this together, I would say my instinct is that the divide in 'main branch' and 'cadet branch' happened naturally to maintain the line of inheritance, but the oppressive caste system was a result of needing soldiers as vanguards while retaining a strong, protected core of the family. The seal was a wartime strategy to protect family secrets, but deliberately not given to every member of the family in order to reinforce the caste system and keep their soldiers in line -- that the Hyūga deliberately left themselves vulnerable as a whole just because that hierarchy of main family supremacy matters so much to them.
Neji, of course, challenges the main family's assumption of superiority: even Hiashi, who tells Hanabi "The Hyūga blood flows thicker in [Neji's] veins than anyone else's" is shocked by the great heights Neji has reached. Neji proves them wrong; Neji proves that the Hyūga family is weaker for the rigid hierarchy they have implemented.
It would have been nice to get some resolution for this clan beyond just "Don't worry, dead brother, Neji and Hinata are besties now 😊" -- in an ideal world there are reparations for the cadet members, but more realistically, I guess that Hiashi in his soft old age finally outlawed this practise and told everyone to deal with it and they were all riding high on Naruto TnJ peace juice post war so they were like "k."
I'll end this by saying that though we mostly all call it the 'Caged Bird seal', this isn't the name in the manga, only being using in any official respect in the anime. Saying it represents a 'caged bird' is Neji's view of it, and it's just so heartbreaking how he couches it in this poetic imagery. What can the caged bird do? It can't fly -- it can't break its bars -- but it can sing, sharing its pain with the world. This is, unsurprisingly, imagery you see a lot in writing by marginalized peoples. The bird sings until it can't anymore, or until it escapes (if escape from such oppressive social forces is even possible.)
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Neji sees his treatment by the clan as an inevitability of fate, and fate is a cage, but I think once he came to feel more in control of his own destiny, he was likely able to more directly confront the real source of his pain. Or, at least, I think it makes for an interesting topic to write on ... the combination of 'the home as source of terror' and 'how do you reconcile your desire to be strong in the way of your family with your family's abusive treatment of you' and 'it's hard and demanding, to love the ones above you.' It's all interesting! I only wish the story of the Hyūga's internal oppression had a more concrete resolution.
Thank you for the question! ♥ I hope I answered the particular aspect you had in mind somewhere in this.
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madaraservingcunt · 4 months
a better ending for Naruto: Shippuden than the actual ending is what if Sasuke died sacrificing himself to save the world alongside Kaguya. Sasuke's sacrifice also revives Neji, Madara, Itachi, Obito, and those nameless samurai ppl from the five kage summit arc and them sasuke haters on reddit can finally shut the fuck up and be satisfied with him dying (eh, i do not hate sasuke or anything but i'm fine with him dying because he's in the way of the great Naruto X Madara ship and I also want to make Sakura suffer because I hate her). Then after mourning Sasuke's death Naruto decides to marry Madara Uchiha, become hokage, and start actually fucking fixing the shinobi system starting with getting rid of those stupid Chūnin Selection Exams, restoring the rain village like he promised konan, and banning slavery in the hyuga clan. Sakura is a stupid bitch who is too busy being a cook at some restaurant spending the rest of her life being a miserable sad bitch who gave up being a ninja because her bad boy crush died and everyone tells her to stop whining and get back in the kitchen because i hate her. Naruto is such a giga chad alpha male hero protagonist of the Konoha village he also ends up marrying more men like Ryu from Street Fighter and Jin Kazama from Tekken who join his harem. They join Madara in giving Naruto all the love and respect after Naruto suffered so much in life. One day, Madara finds out he is pregnant with Naruto's child. Madara is a male hermaphrodite who has a vagina thanks to Indra's chakra. Naruto would be a such loving husband satisfying Madara's cravings for ramen, rubbing his massive pregnant tummy, and feeling their child kicking inside of his pregnant belly. Naruto would hold Madara's hand as Madara keeps pushing giving birth to the hokage Naruto's child. Itachi and Obito would also get harem of bitches and have lots of children, starting a large family. Itachi, Madara, and Obito fufill Sasuke's dying wish of restoring the Uchiha clan. Both Jin and Ryu also end up pregnant with Naruto's babies and give the firstborn more siblings (let's say Jin Kazama is also a male hermaphrodite who has a vagina because he has the Devil Gene). Madara and Naruto's kids would be broken as fuck think about it - rinnegan, healing factors, wood style jutsu, sharingan, Perfect Susanoo, large chakra reserves, Rasengan, shadow clone jutsu. Yes, their son would be so powerful he can beat goku, saitama, unicron, galactus, the one above all, the presence, rimuru tempest, gojo, Anos Voldigoad, bill cipher and can easily one shot all of the stupid lame boruto villains like delta or eida - truly I don't think any anime character stronger than naruto and madara's son. their kid will also not be an unlikable badly written brat asshole unlike fucking burrito and their kid will be grateful for his giga chad daddy naruto's existence. adult naruto will look more like his father minato instead of the ugly ass design he got in boruto. yes this ending would be a million times better than the abomination that is boruto and chapter 700.
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maoam · 10 months
The games aren’t canon ik but it really irks me the new game is pushing the “uchihas were really evil people who experimented and enslaved people” agenda and when people had the absolutely audacity to not like that you had people coming down their throats lol.
It makes no sense to create some sort of slave system within the uchiha clan for the plot when the hyugas already have it and considering the main character of the game is boruto… aka Hinata’s son it would make much more sense to go into that being something that was already well established but no.
Eww for real? Absolutely disgusting. There was no such thing in the canon manga, so it's complete bullshit. These other creators really want to tear the series down and change everything about it huh?
Of course Uchiha haters would like that. The Hyuga had the slavery plot but let's just pretend that didn't happened. Therefore don't have to call Hinata's useless ass out nor think Neji's death was bs.
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lira456 · 1 year
Hypocrisy of Naruto's Author
One think disgusting about Sasuke Shinden Sunrise novel was author tried to teach Sasuke about Uchiha clan past feud with Chinoike clan to make him understand nature of the war and finding comparison with Uchiha-Senju led Konoha feud but isn't it hypocritical for author to not teach Naruto's next generation about Konoha's dark past to find and compare the nature of war among shinobi, clans, villages, countries etc. bc in Shikimaru Shinden novel there was a war almost near at door, so why it's okay for author to teach Sasuke about some dark past of Uchiha clan but not okay for author to teach the dark past of Konoha regarding Uchiha slaughter and persecution, hyuga slavery, child soldiers tragedy, invasion of Amegakure etc., so why not? It is full of hypocrisy from author to make Sasuke aware about the nature of war but not Konoha's next generation or other residents such as Asuma's daughter, Boruto, Sarada, Shikedai, Konohamaru etc. about the nature of the war even though there was almost a 5th Great Shinobi War in Boruto's timeline of Shikimaru Shinden?
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