#Severus narcissa Lucius
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These three are extremely meme-able
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meemoop · 3 months
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A rough estimation… Nietzsche is clearly the tallest.
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souryam · 3 months
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lucissa's firstborn
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lilbeanz · 1 year
Lately I've been pondering alot on footwear in the wizarding/wixen world...
There's so much to tap into fashion wise...like what the hell does just "robes" even mean Terf-face McRowling????
And I feel like the fan base has done such a wonderful job to portray their own beautiful and unique designs and descriptions... but not so much on shoes 🤔
Like the most generic thing is for them to be walking around in muggle shoes or "loafers" or "dragonhide boots"....
Hell no. These mfs are walking around rocking THESE bad bois!!!
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✨️S L I P P E R S✨️
At least for dress robes, formal wear, and those who are fun, fancy biatches on the daily......
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ham-tuitui · 4 months
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band au🎸🎶
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mori221c · 5 months
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eleni-anz · 3 months
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daantihero · 9 months
Scorpius: Did you have a bully growing up?
Draco:Have you met your grandfather?
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bey0nd-1he-stars · 8 months
I know Snape was the only death eater that was able to produce a patrons and I’d just like to beg your pardon.
Snape conjured a patrons based on an obsession. What he had for Lily might have been love once but let be real, we’ve surpassed that phase. Now it feels like it’s just an obsession over her.
Other than Lily, his life was fucking miserable. His father was a prat and his mother was weird. He got bullied at school and he doesn’t really seem to enjoy his teaching life very much.
It’s also portrayed that his patronus is conjured from love and not happiness.
So excuse me if I feel like any other death eater has happier memories than Severus Snape.
Lucius Malfoy, he’s respected at the ministry and has a wife, a son that he at least cares about, a nice ass mansion. He’s wealthy and grew up in a famous, rich family, why can’t he conjure a patronus?
Bellatrix Lestrange, like the only death eater who really enjoys what she’s doing with Voldemort. She straight up laughs when killing Sirius. Why can’t she conjure a patronus?
Regulus Black, whose love for his god damn house elf got himself killed. Why can’t he conjure a patronus?
Narcissa Malfoy, who loves her son more than anything, so much that she straight up lied to Voldemort who can read minds just because there’s a chance her son is still alive. Why can’t she conjure a patronus?
Why can’t any of the death eaters conjure a patronus especially since Harry, at 13 years old, could do it based on a made up memory.
It’s a shit excuse to get people to like Snape more.
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wordsarelife · 20 days
—the black dog
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pairing: theo nott x fem!reader
summary: the war awakes something in theo you hadn't thought was even there. you battle with your feelings of heartbreak, while you try to forget his everlasting presence in your life
warnings: mentions of death, grief, pain and torture. canon typical violence. this is very much heartbreak through and through
note: this isn't exactly what you asked for but your request inspired me to write this. i feel like it was important to highlight the complicated relationship that theo and reader resulted in because of the war.
theo and draco are cousins in this.
"would you please just talk to me?" you screamed. he had been acting weird for a few days now. 
at first you hadn't thought anything of it, not at the beginning. it had started with draco, who had been strange since the school year started, staying behind when the rest of you would go somewhere or disappearing in the middle of dinner. 
you had tried talking to him, you had grown closer over the time you and theo were together. you had quickly realized that it was hard for draco to build relationships, partly because he wasn't sure how and partly because he was scared of being left. 
you had done a pretty good job at showing him that you were going nowhere and that he, even if theo and you should break up one day, would still be your friend. 
you had thought that it had something to do with his parents. he didn't mention them often and you had only met them once, during a visit to the manor for a festivity during the winter break of the fifth year. you admitted that you didn't know them well, but it was easy enough for you to judge narcissa malfoy and the connection she had to her son. the love that kept her from ever risking something happening to him.
whatever was going on with him, his mother was well informed and probably already searching for a solution.
but draco had made it clear to you that he wanted to be left alone and you didn't push him to tell you more, just comforted him whenever he would let you or pansy. 
his weird behavior had been a constant throughout the entire year, until the point where it had influenced mattheo and enzo to act just as suspiciously and if you thought it couldn't get worse, you had been wrong. 
"i can't" theo muttered between clenched teeth, and you tried to look at his face as he frantically turned away from you. 
"is it about harry? is it about something he said to draco? did he say something to you?"
harry and the rest of your gryffindor friends were normally a topic you strictly avoided when in company of the slytherins and especially draco. you didn't agree on the childish rivalry they had going on and rather just kept out of that. but now that you thought about it, harry had been acting just as strange as draco had since the beginning of the year.
"potter doesn't matter, y/n" theo pressed his hands on both your shoulders, scaring you with the look on his face. 
"let me help you, love" you tried to not let it affect you, to not let the fear shine through your voice and honestly, you weren't scared of him, but of what would happen to the boy you loved so desperately it felt like breathing. 
"you can't" theo shook his head. "but you have to get ouf of the castle immediately, promise it to me"
"what? why should i--"
"you have to promise it" theo repeated louder, desperate and teary eyed as he stared at you like you had already died. 
the threatening war had made it harder to overlook the differences between you and the slytherins. you were a pureblooded witch, but definitely didn't share the same views about blood purity your friends did. 
"okay" you cooed, taking him into your arms. "i promise, i promise anything you want" 
theo didn't leave much room for questions when he told you to get off the hogwarts grounds and apparate home to your parents a few minutes later. you were scared and confused, as you watched the fear in his eyes flame up at whatever was coming. there was something he was not telling you and it simply broke your heart, knowing that he had to go through it alone. 
you weren't sure what took over you, when you heard a familar laugh, one that was so earth shattering and haunting, you couldn't help but dash back into the castle, despite what you had promised your boyfriend, his name repeating over and over again in your mind. 
you took two stairs at once, sprinting up the tower, wand in hand and ready to jump to theo's defense. 
"you made mummy so proud, boys" bellatrix said and you wanted to throw up at the tone in her voice. you could just imagine enzo and mattheo, or what was left of them, looking at their mother, not one bit of love or familiarity on their face. just fear. 
before you could climb the rest of the stairs, a hand grabbed you, pulling you to the side, behind old school supplies. the persons other hand was pressed onto your mouth and your eyes grew big until you noticed harry, stoic expression, not amused at seeing you. 
"harry" you muttered relieved. 
"what are you doing here?" harry whispered, not caring for the fear in your voice or the intent you had had coming up here in the first place. 
before you could answer, bellatrix spoke once again. 
"your boy has surely made you proud too, nott" she giggled. "just like our draco will make his parents in just a few minutes"
your eyes went up to the floor above you like your own name had been called. it wasn't even theo she had called by the name and still you could just imagine his slumped down shoulders and sickly expression. the same he had been spotting these past few days.
harry watched you closely, as if to make sure you would keep quiet, before his eyes turned back up too. 
“do it” bellaxtrix hissed at draco, who had raised his wand at dumbledore.
harry and you exchanged glances, before he too, raised his wand. you gripped on his arms tightly, shaking your head at him. 
“we can’t” you mouthed. 
“dumbledore” harry whispered. you shook your head again, tears spilling over your cheeks. 
your eyes left harry and wandered back through the floorboards. you couldn’t see theo, enzo, and mattheo, but draco was clearly shaking in fear and you couldn’t help but be worried about him. 
“draco” bellaxtrix encouraged once more “do it!”
“he’s not brave enough, bellatrix” notts voice rang out sounding as triumphantly as possible. you heard movement on the floor, a pair of dark shoes stepping forward and you wondered what nott was planning to do, when your heart suddenly stopped beating. 
“avada kedavra” a voice muttered, wand raised and aimed at dumbledore, who fell backwards so slowly as if time had stopped.  
harry gripped your arm, your body still frozen, as your eyes stayed focused on notts shoes. theodore notts shoes. not his father. theo, your theo. 
theo had just killed dumbledore. 
one part of you wanted to scream, jump into the open and scream at him or bellatrix or all the people a few steps above you, but the other part, the unstoppable dread, was aching to hide away from all of it, to just go and never come back.
how could you ever look at him again after what you had just witnessed? would he still be the same after he had done something like this? you couldn’t. he wouldn’t. your heart ripped open. 
“y/n” harry whispered, pushing you back to hide the both of you behind some old astronomy maps. footsteps descended down the stairs and out of the tower and you felt like you could breathe again once he had left. 
you sank to your knees immediately. harry still watched the space around you, not sure if you were entirely safe yet. 
someone ran up the stairs. harry tried grabbing you to push you back behind the old things, to shield you from whoever was coming back and trying to finish the job. 
it was snape and harry felt relieved for the first time upon seeing the teacher. he didn’t fully trust him, but dumbledore did. also, snape was a far better option than any of the death eaters. 
snapes eyes jumped between harry and you on the ground, before they turned to look up the stairs. 
“they’re gone” harry said, voice raised to drown out your sobbing, before he bent down once more and helped you back onto your feet. he pulled you close, to bring you comfort and shield your tear spilled face from snape's penetrating gaze.
harry wasn’t sure if he imagined it, but he could almost see a bit of pity in snape’s eyes, when the man watched you stand on your shivering legs, only held up by harry, as if your body was too heavy to stand on it’s own.
it was just suddenly that the meaning of snape's presence painted a clear picture in your mind. narcissa malfoy hadn't found a solution, no she had found something that was even better: a substitute, someone to step in, when draco would ultimately fail upon the task he had been given.
and tiberius nott had done the same, only that he had proudly sold out his son instead of sparing his life.
you threw off harry’s arms, walking across the room, step by step, until you were standing in front of the teacher, ready to bash his head in.
“you are too late” you cried, not caring if spit or tears or anything else fell onto his robes. you stabbed a finger to his chest. “it’s your job to help. why didn’t you help him?” you cried.
snape furrowed his brows in confusion. “draco?” he asked in his normal tone, but a little bit of surprise broke through. just like you had thought. not even snape had held draco for capable of fulfilling his task.
you shook your head. slowly, bitterly. It was unfair that you had to say his name, that you had to recapture the event like a missed quidditch game, that snape had been late enough to miss it, but perfectly on time to watch your life fall apart.
you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. couldn’t even mutter the name that had been the most beautiful thing to you these past years, there was nothing left. no meaning behind those letters and still you couldn’t do it. “nott” you said. 
it was over. 
“nott?” snape repeated, as if he was daring you to finally say what you had been dreading. 
“junior” harry muttered. you turned your head at him and he looked down on his shoes, as if he was ashamed you had heard him. 
“surprisingly unexpected” snape noted, like you had been discussing the weather.
“what?” you muttered, your voice strained. 
“y/n” harry said softly and you could hear him coming closer. you broke apart from snape, slapping his hand away when he tried reaching for your arm in an unusual caring manner. 
“you failed him” you spit at him, before you stormed out of the tower, harry hot on your heels.
bellaxtrix and the rest of the deatheaters, were jumping down the grass path to hagrids hut. following behind them were draco, enzo, mattheo and finally theo, who stepped out of the castle as last.
they had probably strolled through the halls, bringing their inevitable destruction into the home you had grown to love and cherish.
harry and you had watched them from the side of the entryway, dried tears on your cheeks and the anger taking over the pain that had tightened your chest. you loved him, but you couldn't believe that he had had no choice.
killing someone was not debatable.
you had watched in susprise when theo had not been there with them, but your surprise had been quickly taken over by even more anger, when he finally strolled through the door, hands in his pockets, like he was talking a late evening stroll.
your hand wept forward without so much as a thought, gripping the material of his tie and yanking him back.
theo made a gurgling sound, briefly breathless, and it was only his surprise that allowed you to measure up enough strength to effectively pull him back. that and your anger.
harry helped you as he pushed theo against the wall, wand at his throat.
theo took a big breath as soon as you let go of his tie, his eyes widened in surprise as he completely ignored harry and only looked at you, your face cast with shadows of the darkness in the creeping night and the regret that was so evident it only pained him further.
"didn't i tell you to go home?" it didn't surprise you that there was still a hint of superiority in his voice, even if it had faltered tremendously.
"you knew about all of it, didn't you?" you asked instead.
"y/n" theo sighed, in a tone as if he was inspecting a failed task for a homework you hadn't been able to finish. "i can explain"
"i don't think you should" you muttered and you were doing your best to not let the look of helplessness that now entered his face break your heart any further. "i just think i speak for the both of us, when i say that it's over"
"y/n" theo pleaded, pushing against harry's hold to try and reach for you. you stepped back and harry pushed the tip of his wand deeper into theo's neck.
you shook your head, not having it in you to look at him, before you turned around. "do what you have to do" you left the two of them alone, knowing that harry was just waiting to punish theo for killing one of the most important people to him.
you couldn't muster up the courage to even care about what would happen to him. your anger at snape had evaporated as fast as it had come. theo had it in him to kill and snape's late arrival changed nothing about that.
the person you had loved died together with the headmaster.
everything had been lost the moment he had muttered the curse, leaving behind a hurricane of feelings in your heart, but no one left to love in this world.
you did not waste another thought for him, pushing his name so far away from your mind, you almost forgot about him completely.
but a three-year relationship wasn't just consisting of memories, but of habits too and you found yourself thinking about possibilities in the dead of night.
possibilities that you had thought to be endless before, but of which was only one left now.
what if theo hadn't killed dumbledore?
your friends were clearly worried about you. hermione and ginny never left you alone during your stay in the burrow or during the nights, which had to have been the most haunting. the time were you most experienced his loss, as nightmares were plaguing your mind and fear was taking over your senses, feeling like you had made a mistake with theo. even if your friends and the weasleys said something different.
it was the same restlessness that lead to you following hermione, ron and harry on an adventure that was trying to fulfill an impossible task.
but there was no hope left if you didn't at least try what had been asked of you and you were smart enough to realize that.
even though you were always together, the time you were on the road seemed to be the most lonely you had ever felt and you found yourself thinking more about theo than you had wanted to.
none of your friends dared to say anything to you the next morning, when you would call out his name in your dream, always asking yourself what had happened, and if he was even still alive.
your question was answered in a different way than you had liked, when your group was discovered by deatheaters and brought back to malfoy manor, where not only draco and the malfoys, but theo was staying too.
you hadn't seen him at first, down in the dungeon. but surely they had come to get hermione, bringing her back a few hours later, scarred and crying for mercy as she fell into ron's arms.
it took another hour to call for the other female friend of harry potter.
"the other?" you could draco's voice ask when you were dragged up the stairs and through the halls.
"what other?" it was theo's voice that was now speaking, fear and dread overweighing the curiosity.
the door flew open and five people turned around to gain a look at you.
narcissa and lucius malfoy were sitting in obnoxious chairs, spotting similiar looks of surprise and interest.
bellatrix was hanging over the back of narcissa's chair. her hands pressing down on her younger sister's shoulders, squeezing them as if she was excited.
narcissa suddenly seemed less content, as she heard the similar gasps coming from her sons and nephew's mouths.
draco and theo were staring at you wide-eyed. their faces pale and painfully twisted as they recalled what had happened with harry potter's other friend just hours before.
"oh" bellatrix quirked up when the unknown death eater threw you to the floor and theo and draco dashed forward at the same time to try and catch you, before they were held back by the black haired witch. "do you happen to know her?"
your eyes were fixated on the doors behind you, which fell close with a loud thud as the deatheater who had brought you disappeared.
"no" draco and theo mustered up to stutter at the same time.
you send a glare across the room. it meant nothing, those two were only shells of the boys you had once known. but the innocence had been drained from them like a well run dry in a relentless drought.
"what are we going to do with you?" bellatrix smiled, stepping away from the chair and walking around your body on the floor.
narcissa reached for theo's arm, when he was about to drag bellatrix away from you.
you averted your eyes. not giving her the satisfaction to see the fear in them.
bellatrix looked through your act immediately. "she's a tough one" she noted and her expression of admiration changed to a malicious grin as she saw theo close his eyes.
"you do it" she laughed excitedly, stepping forward and pulling theo into the middle of the room.
"bellatrix, please" narcissa said, not even bothering to stand up and stop her sister from her attempt.
"what, cissy?" bellatrix asked. "you don't think she should be punished for stealing?"
"stealing what?" your voice made bellatrix turn around dramatically.
"would you look at that!" she gushed "the girl can speak!"
"yes" you nodded "and the girl can even tell you that she stole nothing"
"lie" bellatrix giggled and you had to admire her persistence, while the playful tone in her voice kept you on edge, always waiting for the moment she would break into an insanely loud scream.
you had heard not only hermione's cries, but bellatrix' screams from the dungeon. that gave a measure to how loud she was able to scream. and how she could torture until there was nothing left of the person you had once been.
"atta boy!" bellatrix encouraged theo, as she pushed him closer, until he was standing just a few feet from your body.
you wouldn't beg for their mercy. you would die without feigning any regret. if bellatrix really thought you stole something from her, you were glad she was torturing you instead of harry, who was much more important for everything coming after.
you could afford to die so early into the war. you were of no importance for the safety of the wizarding world.
you looked up at theo. the blue of his eyes mixed together with the tears that were already spilling over the edges.
"it shouldn't be hard" you said, voice hoarse and strained. you had been apart for almost ten months and he was still creating a lump in your throat, he was standing for everything that had been lost.
theo exchanged a glance with draco, almost as if begging him to take his place.
"bellatrix, this is madness" narcissa said, a bit stricter now, as if her simple words could really change the mind of someone who had already decided to embrace the madness her sould had been corrupted by.
"oh, cissy" bellatrix giggled "how will he learn? just another step on the path he must take to be granted the honour of the dark lord"
"do it" you said to theo, ignoring what bellatrix was babbling about.
"i can't—“ theo looked back at narcissa, talking to her rather than you.
"do it!" you repeated, louder this time.
"she even wants him to" bellatrix noted, clear amusement in her voice. she was almost excited to find out more about the conflict between you and her nephew.
"she's a pureblooded witch" theo turned to bellatrix, now trying to convince her himself. "she's one of us"
"i'm not" you protested, but bellatrix ignored you, stepping forward and touching theo's cheek softly with the pocket knife that she had taken from her robes, dripping in blood. hermione's blood probably.
"i thought you didn't know her" bellatrix mused "but the knowledge about her blood status suggests otherwise" theo gulped and before he was ready to say something, bellatrix has dragged the weapon across his cheek with one quick gesture, leaving a bleeding cut.
theo looked down quickly, as if to hide his injury from you, but he hadn't missed the gasp of air you had taken, scared that the woman had planned to kill him.
bellatrix stepped back next to her sister. "go on boy, don't make auntie bella angry" she threatened, playing with the knife in her hand.
not even narcissa dared to say something.
"just kill me" you told theo, when he raised his eyes to look at you once more, wand still losely hanging to the side. "you know how to"
"y/n" theo muttered, just loud enough for you to hear.
"it doesn't matter" you shook your head. "just do it" you closed your eyes, ready for the stream of the green curse to take over your body and future.
theo did not raise his wand.
"kill me" you said loudly, unforgiving, almost screaming. you opened your eyes to look at your tormentors. apart from bellatrix none of them looked like they were particularly enjoying what was happening.
bellatrix’s eyes gleamed with a twisted satisfaction as if she was savoring the power she held over theo. narcissa’s face was a portrait of conflicted emotions, torn between her loyalty to her sister and her love for her son and nephew. lucius’s gaze darted nervously between the scene unfolding before him, as if hoping for some resolution to the madness. draco was crying and trying to swallow the breaths that were tempting him to throw up right on his aunt's feet.
and theo? theo was rather keen on killing himself than doing you any harm.
you were less forgiving. "kill me like you killed dumbledore!" you screamed, tears falling on the floor in front of you, as your voice echoed off the cold stone walls. the anger in your voice was raw, pure, and unfiltered. theo flinched at the words, his face paling further, if that was even possible. the weight of your demand seemed to crush him, making it even harder for him to act.
you were so indescribably angry. but not at what he had done to you, but rather what he had done to himself. and that in it alone was the reason you would never forgive him.
he had ruined what you had loved. he had killed the person you had loved the most and you had nothing left to care about what would happen to you.
maybe it was his punishment that he had to be the one to kill or torture you.
theo’s grip on his wand faltered as he looked at you with a mixture of horror and heartbreak. he seemed to be struggling not just with what he was being asked to do, but with the shattered remnants of the person he used to be.
bellatrix’s patience wore thin, her frustration evident as she waved her wand dismissively. “enough of this pathetic display,” she sneered, her voice dripping with venom. “the boy is clearly too weak for this task.”
“no!” theo shouted, his voice cracking. “i can’t— i won’t—” his wand dropped to the floor, clattering against the stone with a finality that seemed to reverberate through the room.
the room erupted into chaos as bellatrix’s fury reached its peak. she turned on theo with a rage that was almost as palpable as your own pain. narcissa tried to intervene, her voice pleading, but it was clear that the darkness had already taken hold.
but before she was able to mutter a curse, to torture or kill theo right in front of your eyes, harry, ron and hermione came running in the room, wands raised they started firing spells.
it took you a moment longer to get up. you and theo held eye contact, the boy just a crumpled mess on the floor in front of you. you reached out your hand and took his wand, disarming bellatrix, who began screaming.
the fight was short and unforgiving as the malfoys were throwing spells. draco was struggling to keep up with harry's quick movements and theo did not even make an attempt to stand up. instead he kept his eyes trained on you.
dobby appeared suddenly, calling you to him to bring you to safety, after he had let a chandelier fall onto bellatrix who had held a knife to hermione's throat.
you stepped forward once more, kneeling in front of theo, who looked up at you with curiosity, just hoping you would be taking him with you.
"i will never forgive you" you muttered instead and all hope left his face and heart. you healed the cut on his cheek with a move of his own wand. "you should've killed me and maybe i could've been able to"
you did not look back again as you ran across the room to your friends. you just left him there, on the ground in malfoy manor, as you took dobby's hand and followed your friends into the uncertain.
one heart shattering realisation left with you that day.
theo's gaze would haunt your nightmares. but the possibility of his death would haunt your dreams, as you could only forgive him if he didn't survive.
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severussnapemylove · 7 months
(Some time at Hogwarts in the 1970s)
Lucius (throwing darts at a target on the wall)
Severus; (reading quietly)
Narcissa; (Doing homework)
Slughorn: (Walks into the room) "What have the three of you done?"
Narcissa; "Nothing."
Severus; "Just keeping busy."
Lucius; "Killing time, you know, the usual."
Slughorn; (narrows eyes suspiciously but leaves)
Lucius; "He is definitely losing his touch."
Lucius; "Should we let him down then?"
James, (glued to the ceiling, gagged and furious) mmh!
Narcissa; "Not just yet, I prefer him up there."
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nightingale2004 · 6 months
Severus Snape as a parent headcanons
At first, he was terrified, worried, and panicking due to his past with his parents and was afraid he would hurt his own child like his dad did to him or neglect them like his mother (unintentionally).
As soon as he saw his child, he fell completely in love. He was still scared, but all he wanted to do in that moment was protect and love them until his last breathe
He made a vow that he would be better than his own father and try to give his child everything he never had.
He would prepare for every possible scenario (fevers, teething, diseases, baby proofing, medicine, etc)
He would expel any and every sign of alcohol (except if it's for disinfecting) from his home
He would buy the child bunches of toys since he never had any growing up.
He would've had an endless supply of diapers when the child was a baby (I do mean ENDLESS)
The people in Severus's life who know about his child are the Malfoys, Charity, and her wife Aurora (they are married) and Minerva McGonagall (who would tell Dumbledore so he knows as well)
The child would have black hair, black eyes, and pale skin like Severus. Their nose is normal than Severus's nose, which he is grateful for.
As soon as everyone saw the child, they immediately fell in love.
I think Severus would name Narcissa and Lucius as godparents (mostly because Narcissa kept pestering Severus about it and she would use the godfather card), and they spoil the child rotten along with Aurora and Charity
Minerva loves the child and helps Severus out when she can. She also becomes a grandmother figure and a mother figure to Severus and the child
Severus makes sure the child is not spoiled a lot by the Malfoys, so the child won't be a spoiled brat.
Severus is very overprotective and always keeps an eye on them. He constantly worries about them and is always vigilante of his surroundings, especially with his child
He educates them about both the wizarding world and the muggle world.
He cooks for them, he's a master chef.
He also teaches them potions
He teaches them about gardening and uses his magic to entertain them sometimes (he loves seeing his child smile)
He takes them to the park and they have fun.
He plays with them and sets up play dates with his child and Draco along with Aurora and Charity's child.
Minerva loves babysitting the child, and both she and severus make sure the child is ahead of their studies and not slacking
The child is either in Ravenclaw or Slytherin.
Severus always keeps the dark wizards away from his family with the Malfoys help of course.
When the child first did accidental magic, they made flowers grow from their hands and hair and made things levitate.
The child would be just as protective of their dad as Severus is of his child.
Draco and Severus's child are practically siblings
I feel like Regulus would be afraid of the child, but shortly after, fall in love with them (similar to Draco)
Narcissa treats Severus's child as her own along with Lucius.
Severus is strict, but he is reasonable with his child.
He also taught them how to dance along with Draco and Charity and Aurora's child.
He does not trust Bellatrix to be alone with his child
If he adopted Harry, his child and Harry would be siblings as well.
If Tobias was still alive at this time. Severus is keeping his child FAR AWAY FROM THAT MAN (HE HAS NO RIGHT TO COME ANYWHERE NEAR HIS CHILD)
Severus moved away from Cokeworth with Lucius, Narcissa, Charity, Aurora, and McGonagalls help, and he lives in a small flat with enough room for him and his child
I feel like he would have the child before the death eaters, but that's just me. I also feel like he would want to change his last name to his mother's maiden name or whoever the mother of the child's name is because of Tobias
What about you guys? Do you think he would've had a child before or after he became a death eater? What would happen if he saw Lily at the park or on the street with Harry? Would this be before or after Voldemort died? What happens if he sees one of the marauders with his child? Would he still be teaching at hogwarts?
I hope you guys enjoy it and let me know what you all think
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meemoop · 4 months
The Birthday Boy
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Happy Birthday to this weirdo!
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souryam · 7 months
"the malfoys and snape only tolerated each other for political gain and he hated the family actually" : boring, no angst, cliche, makes snape's decision have no emotional stakes
"the malfoys and snape trusted each other despite everything largely bc they met very young, snape challenges their pre conceived notions on basically everything but they treat him like family regardless, meaning that snape betrayed the (bad) people who gave him a home for the ("good") people that mocked and abused him his whole life": insane, appealing, lucius being a reluctant big brother, snape being dracos godparent, emotional stakes through the roof, post war lucius grappling w the fact his bsf betrayed him, that he was the one to lead him to his death yet lucius still loves him bc he saw him as his little brother
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hazedwords · 7 months
Chaos Club
Y/N: Oh god, she texted you ‘hi.’ Punctuation only means one thing, Lucius. She’s mad at you.
Lucius: No, it's Narcissa. She’s just being gramatically correct!
Narcissa: And then I used a period so he would know that I'm mad at him.
Severus: Cissa, a period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'.
Narcissa: I stand by my choice.
(Genz marauders era)
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ham-tuitui · 6 months
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idling after work🚬
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