#Seems pretty obvious
shinynewmemories · 2 months
Listen to me Suzanne Collins did not have to give Katniss and Peeta a history before the games. She did NOT have to do that. She could have just had their story begin when Peeta's name was called. She could have had them be total strangers until the moment of the reaping.
Like: "And the boy tribute is... Peeta Mellark!" Katniss: Who's that? Or she could have made them vaguely familiar with each other! Peeta's name is called and Katniss just thinks, Oh, I know that name! He's in my class, actually. Poor boy... Anyway!
Either way, SC could have written the rest of the story exactly the same! I think many authors would have done that! Because if Peeta's purpose in the book was to be Gale's competition, to be one of the 3 corners of a love triangle, THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN THE WAY TO DO IT!! But that's NOT how she did it because that's NOT what Peeta is.
And who is he? To Katniss, Peeta's someone who saved her and her family and received nothing in return except a beating. Peeta's someone she has had her eye on but has never worked up the courage to talk to. Peeta's someone she associates with kindness and hope. And all this before the start of the events of the book! Just because WE, the READERS, met Gale before Peeta and immediately felt a connection with him does NOT mean that was Katniss's experience! And that's what SC is trying to tell us!
To dismiss Katniss and Peeta's past as unimportant or inconsequential compared to whatever Katniss and Gale have in the present is to fundamentally misunderstand Katniss as a character and, as a result, condemn oneself to never fully understand the choices she makes in the future.
Suzanne Collins wrote it that way on purpose because she had something to say. And no one will ever be able to convince me that something wasn't "It was always going to be Peeta".
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maipareshaan · 2 years
There are def huge writing problems, like it just does not make sense with how unconcerned Dean and Cas are about Sam's soul in the cage but i guess you could kind of go with they know its not possible to get him out so don't go there, the death deal idea maybe came to Dean later...though i mean him not taking it srsly was kinda weird.
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aphel1on · 4 months
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AURGH auwarghh the autistic parental trauma... the epi was wacky hijinks then dropped this on us out of nowhere... (sobs) laios... laiiiiooooos
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torgawl · 5 months
sometimes i think about how crepus probably wasn't father of the year and i go a little insane. the way he pushed diluc into becoming a knight of favonious at such a young age; diluc receiving his vision so early in his life; how he saw his accomplishments as both his and his father's; crepus planning to gift or getting a delusion for his son despite his vision; and, the way diluc's namecard references him as crepus' creation, which is such an impersonal and cold way to put being someone's son. not only that but, again, referencing his strenght specifically. i'm not saying crepus was a bad father, diluc loved him dearly, but the projection he did of his own dream onto diluc's life and the efforts he went through to make sure diluc was "strong enough" doesn't appear to have been the healthiest thing.
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we obviously have little to no information about diluc's relationship with his dad outside of a few mentions here and there but from his character story it just seems that even the praise crepus gave diluc was always because he did well in, somehow, living his father's dream and not necessarily because of who diluc was. it's a little bittersweet.
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 months
I have a question, where would gnc/trans people get their clotges in the days before the selling of premade clothes? I assume some was stealing from relatives, and that soem of them did know how to make clothes, but that doesn't seem at all likely to be the most common method
That is an amazing question!
Unfortunately for a lot of people, we don't really know- many trans folks flew under the radar and as such details of their lives are unclear. Legendary stagecoach driver Charley Parkhurst, for example, left no sort of record as to where he got his clothes (especially since he lived in a cabin in the middle of nowhere for many years of his life). And figures like Mary Jones, a Black trans sex worker from the early 19th century, flit into and out of the pages of history so quickly that there's barely enough info to get their vital statistics, let alone shopping habits.
However, my guesses would be as follows:
Secondhand shops. These have existed for a very long time, and if you already have at least one outfit that makes you read as the correct gender, nobody would question you going through that section of the store/market/whatever.
Sympathetic conventional tailors or dressmakers. This is almost certainly where middle- and upper-class GNC or trans people got their clothing- one can hardly imagine legendary writer George Sand buying her suits secondhand, after all. And since humans have always been human, and Let People Dress How They Please; They Aren't Hurting Anyone is a sentiment I've seen at least as far back as the 19th century, I suspect there were far more of these than many people might think.
Clothing workshops catering to the demimonde- that is, to theatrical companies for costumes, or to sex workers. Certainly this is where drag performers got their stage gear, and one imagines people for whom gender variance crossed the line from performance to identity- like Fanny Park and Stella Boulton -might have turned to their costumers for everyday attire, too. And catering to sex workers probably got all sorts of requests that were seen as outre for the time (in a roleplay capacity- most sex workers dressed conventionally while not actively Doing Sex), but their money was as good as anyone else's.
Friends and relatives. Some families knowingly supported their crossdressing or trans loved ones. Even partners who married the person in question as the binary opposite gender could fall into this category- Lili Elbe (though she lived after premade dresses began to rise in popularity) first experimented with feminine attire in dresses and jewelry loaned by her enthusiastically supportive wife Gerta Gottlieb. In fact, Gottlieb was bisexual, and their marriage was only annulled because Lili was a woman now and same-gender marriage was illegal in Denmark at the time.
Also yes stealing from your relatives was also an option, of course. if they were less than sympathetic
The king of France???? this is the wildcard, and my absolute favorite: the Chevaliere d'Eon, when she transitioned in the 1770s, got the king to not only formally state that she had been assigned female at birth (there had been speculation about her physical sex for years at this point) but to pay for her new wardrobe of gowns. Absolute Queen.
"but didn't her mantua-makers notice Some Physical Things?" she's believed to have had some form of gynecomastia, based on her autopsy, and they'd never have cause to see her in less than her calf-length chemise. if they did see anything, they kept their mouths shut, and rightly so.
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t00thpasteface · 1 year
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the gravel wars rage eternal
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stepperthenobody · 5 months
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Being middle-aged at its finest.
I guess I will be making tadc fanart once an episode releases. I don’t rlly wanna make that much fanart and all so yeah. I like my oc’s and would like to give them attention.
That doesn’t mean I won’t make fanart tho! I have made lots of fanart over the course of years so- yeah I don’t think I won’t be stopping with fanart soon.
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mctwinkdom · 10 months
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They look so cute and amazing 😍
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splatoon-edits · 2 months
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niamnomas · 6 months
So can we get an all women’s season of physical 100 XD I’m pretty sick of the constant “well they’re not physically strong so our team is going to suck” it’s pretty fucking annoying when it happens to literally every single woman contestant :/
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lillotte17 · 1 year
Also also, since I seem to be incapable of shutting up, and because I haven't actually seen anyone else saying it:
Crowely offering/tempting Aziraphale with the ox ribs...it's a direct parallel to Adam and the creation of Eve. Adam's ribs are used to create his counterpart/lover/partner, and Crowley is doing the same thing. Up until now, he's had his suspicions about Aziraphale not being like the other angels, but in the Job flashback, we really see him testing the waters.
'Will you just do as you're told and watch an innocent man lose everything?'
'Will you notice what I did to the goats?'
'Will you trust me not to hurt the children?'
And then finally with the ribs: 'Are you like me? Do you take pleasure from all the things that humans are capable of creating? Do you see their potential? Aren't we the same?'
And Aziraphale accepts.
Which of course eventually leads to him lying to the other angels and his own epiphany about not quite being like the rest of them.
Naturally, it's not an exact correlation. Aziraphale already had those inclinations, so Crowley isn't really 'creating' him as his counterpart, but he is creating the opportunity for understanding and a chance to see the ways they already resemble one another. He's creating the possibility of their eventual partnership (romantic and/or otherwise).
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humming-fly · 8 months
had the unique experience today of being lucky enough to win a plush kirby prize in an ichiban kuji that is Perfect for holding on my lap while I watch things on my laptop, while the something that I was in the midst of watching today was the seemingly most R-rated show netflix has to offer
this on its own is not much of an issue, except for the fact that due to this plush's design and how i had my hands folded over it it looks like kirby is watching along as well, leading to a particularly fascinating contrast in media consumption- here's a visual aid I put together demonstrating this phenomenon:
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gh-0-stcup · 1 month
I'm gonna be honest, I really don't get the take that Daniel was saying Armand was lying about his backstory. Given the context of the scene, it seemed like a pretty clear jab at Armand's identity issues.
Daniel had just toppled a 77 year relationship built on a tower of lies. And not just lies to get out of trouble or keep Louis close - lies that Armand crafted and held onto as a preferential version of reality.
Armand wasn't just lying to manipulate, he desperately wanted to live the lie. To be the person he was portraying to Louis. To have their relationship be something different than the sad reality. If he fakes long and hard enough, eventually he'll make it. If he acts like the Good Partner well enough, eventually the harm he's done won't matter.
Armand has been trying so hard at this act that it's suffocating both him and Louis. They're weird, uncanny valley, Stepford versions of themselves in Dubai. He's trapped them in this bubble of faux kindness, faux supportiveness, masking all the resentment that lies underneath.
Armand can't confront the reasons behind his own actions to himself, let alone be honest with other people.
Armand identity is centered entirely around his role in other people's lives. He is who others see him as. He molds himself to the whims of others and has almost no concept of who he is outside of this. When the role he's inhabiting comes into conflict with the actual person he's buried deep down, it incites a breakdown. Sometimes he lashes out violently. More often, he'll gaslight or use his powers to force everything back into his preferred neat little box.
Armand is a foil for Louis in this way. Louis has also spent large portions of his life holding on to lies about himself and his relationships. But Louis does want to figure out the truth of things. He can be resistant to it because the truth tends to be more painful than self-delusion, yet he soldiers on. Louis ends the season resolving to learn to live honestly and finds empowerment through that. Armand clings to the lies and ends up alone.
So with all the context of the last two seasons and all the points made on identity and self-delusion, it seems bizarre to me that people think Daniel is saying "you lied about being raped" to Armand.
Armand, Amadeo, Arun - who are you? When did you stop living like a person and start putting on carefully crafted masks? What is real underneath all of that? Do you even know?
To me, this seems to be much more in line with what's happening in the show.
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lunarin64art · 6 months
I was doing fanart of kokichi drawing/writing on the whiteboard he had. And i got to shuichi’s and i was trying to write the japanese version. And i was struggling there so i used google and it DOESN’T say "trustworthy?" I know google translate isn’t 100% accurate. BUT NEITHER IS THE DUBBED! WHAT DOES IT SAY?! (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
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The specific word on his whiteboard in Japanese is: 油断ならない
If you look up a translation for that you get these:
"Be vigilant"
"Don't let your guard down"
"One must be on one's guard with…"
"One cannot be too careful"
Also here's this translation image i usually use that has some other translations:
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Its weird tho because, you don't get the same results if you look up the translation of "yudannaranai". Though, it always seems to be the case that you get better translations when translating from kanji rather than from the Roman lettering of Japanese terms.
(The NISA translators likely changed it to add sa*ouma propaganda...)
Hope this helps! :D
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silverlinedeyes · 6 months
If Gwyn and Az are mates, why aren’t they together in HOFAS? Why would Az say he doesn’t have a mate or a partner in HOFAS if Gwyn is his mate? Az certainly would have felt the mating bond by now given the amount of time they’ve spent together and the traumatic events Gwyn has gone through that Az has been present for.
There is nothing keeping Gwyn and Az apart. There’s no reason they can’t get together immediately. They have no barriers to their relationship, internal or external.
But you know who does have things keeping them apart? Elain and Az.
Rhys is keeping them apart.
Az’s “rejection” of Elain is keeping them apart.
Az’s feelings of unworthiness are keeping them apart.
Elain’s mating bond with Lucien is keeping them apart.
I don’t know, maybe that’s why Az says he doesn’t have a mate or a partner yet in HOFAS—because he wants to be with Elain but he can’t be. Because elriel is next and we’ll see them overcome these barriers to get together in their book.
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sashketter · 5 months
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I like to think the list of Outer Rim assets that Rex gives to the Rebellion in Rebels included old bases from the Clone Underground, which were modeled off of and equipped with scavenged parts from Republic ships - that Rex and other surviving clones were integral in setting up the Rebellion’s ground operations.
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