zenosanalytic · 3 months
You can really tell how transgressive TOS Kirk and Spock's relationship is from the reflexive need of contemporary "remakes" to inject antagonism into it.
That friction and contention just flat-out isn't there in the original. Jim and Spock are just always listening to one another, and trying to understand each other(often succeeding), and admiring one another, and that makes SO MANY straight men deeply, Deeply Nervous.
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iliketoydinosaurs · 1 year
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koi-illust · 1 year
[StarTrek:AOS/TOS/SNW] [Spirk]
The Creation of T’hy’la
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Hello! Sorry for my long absence, I have trouble maintaining multiple accounts at the same time, so I mostly post my artworks on IG. Please follow my IG if you’re interested: https://www.instagram.com/koi.illust.studio
It has been a long time since I drew Spirk fanart, I’m finally back!!!
To celebrate my reunion with Spirk, I put a lot of effort into this one, drawing it for nearly 15hrs, inspired by the famous Renaissance masterpiece of Michelangelo - “The Creation of Adam”.
In the process of drawing draft, I discovered that although Kirk often being described as a lady’s man, his encounters mostly with guest characters we soon forget, in the contrary, Spock had girlfriend, fiancée, admirer who were regular characters throughout Star Trek series! In order to represent this outrageous fact, I deliberately picked those girls from different series, T’Pring from SNW, Uhura from AOS, Chapel from TOS… but as you already know, Spock, in the end, will always choose no one but his T’hy’la Kirk! (Don’t get me wrong, I love those beautiful and strong Star Trek girls, I feel bad to break their heart too, but I have no choice bcs I’m a M/M romance sucker🤷🏻‍♀️)
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rivers-oc · 1 year
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You cannot tell me this wasn't flirting
Taken from this scene:
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lithiumseven · 1 year
James T. Kirk is a Barbie with Kenergy
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postsforposting · 1 month
Looking for two Star Trek fics. These are years old by now. I think both are on AO3, but I'm not sure about the long one.
First one is a long fic set in AOS, where Kirk convinces Spock Prime to share what he knows about events in his world. I don't remember the beginning but it did "rewrite" a few TOS episodes for AOS. It stops in the middle of the fried egg aliens, aka Operation Annihilate. I'm pretty sure this one is on AO3, but it might have been originally posted elsewhere and ported.
Second is Bones swapping back and forth with himself between TOS and AOS, it's consciousness swapping and not body swapping. I think it was caused by flying through some anomaly, but they don't figure that out until the end. I think this one was a short one shot. Almost certain it's on AO3.
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animetrashmuffin · 2 years
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Redraw of one of my first (and favorite) McKirk pieces. Progress happens even if it doesn't feel like it! KEEP DRAWING!!!
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cheer-me-up-scotty · 6 months
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so i've been keeping notes for myself when i see you star trekposting and so far i got this far how am i doing
I'll say you got pretty much got it! the only thing I'd say it's missing is that Kirk and Spock make out sloppy style.
But yeah, Data is THE BEST BOY and he looks exactly like Geordi would draw him on a diagnostic sheet 💯
Also, Kirk's shirts rip themselves like that the moment he uses the teleport. Spock is right there as "I do not see it" meme, so he can analyze the malfunction the anomaly is causing on the Enterprise because of the subspace radiation.
You did an FASCINATING job, Zapa!
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di-girls-dem-sugar · 5 months
Scotty being upset that they put him at a remote outpost for losing porthos during one of his experiments is so funny bc my brother in christ, you should have died for that.
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crack-canon · 1 year
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The difference in Bones vogue lab coats
AOS has a blueish white to match the more vibrant blue of the science/medical blue
TOS has a greyish white to match the dulled colors from the TV
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cookiemom6067 · 3 months
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Podfic of "Tag" by yeaka
Jim inappropriately asks for a taste and has to settle for a feel.
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breakfastteatime · 5 months
Happy 15th birthday to Star Trek 2009!
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iliketoydinosaurs · 1 year
Look I don't care abt Benedict Cumberbatch at all, but even I know we missed out on seeing him in this outfit.
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riseoftherose · 2 years
rewatching That scene in ST:ID rn
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rivers-oc · 1 year
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I have so many headcanons for Kirk's parents(mostly aos). Don't get me started
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far-too-many-things · 2 years
It’s baby’s first fanfic! I had a lot of fun writing this and talking about it with @untrainedpoetry who gave me the idea and beta read for me. I have no idea how punctuation works so thank you so much!
I have a few more fics planned in this verse and I can’t wait to get started on them!
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