tales-from-elysivm · 6 months
★。/can i be a hero too?\。★
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ask: "I have a really cute request, Bakugou from Bnha with a little sibling reader. They weren't able to get a babysitter and Bakugou bring his little sibling to school, the reader is the complete opposite of him though"
pairing: bakugo x gn!sibling!reader
fandom: boku no hero academia
word count: 1,196
tw: none! purely some platonic, wholesome fluff. of course, a bit of cussing from bakugo but that comes with the territory
notes: thanks for being one of my first requests anon! it was really fun to get back into writing fanfic, and bnha is one of my favourite animes so writing this was a lot of fun - i just hope i did it well and you enjoy reading! i used primarily they/them pronouns for the sibling just in case ;)
! this is a repost from my other blog !
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‘Can’t we just hire that old fucking neighbour?!’
Mitsuki doesn’t even bother smacking her son this time, too busy fixing up the bento box she has already begun making in the kitchen. Rice and egg and soft pretzels which [Y/N] always insisted on. The same thing everyday, which Katsuki found increasingly frustrating. Their name is painted on the lid, which sits on the sink.
It’s one of the only memories that Mitsuki repeatedly brags about to her mom friends. How her son eagerly decorated a bento box for his anticipated sibling, and how he ended up despising them when born. That’s what it looked like anyway
‘She’s too old for [Y/N], you know this.’ Mitsuki snaps, snapping on the box lid. ‘They’ll get bored if they have to sit in her living room all day.’
‘The place smells like shit too.’
‘Katsuki!’ This time she does hit him.
‘It’s just one day. All you have to do is keep them busy for a while, and they’ll find a way to occupy themselves for the rest of your classes.’
Mitsuki packs the bento box and several colouring books and pencil sets into a tiny school bag that’s been sitting open on the dining room table. Just as [Y/N] comes skipping into the room in an All-Might tracksuit that they demanded they ‘had to have’ when they saw it at a convention a while ago.
‘Aren’t you so pretty, hun?’ Mitsuki coos at - arguably - her favourite child. ‘Guess what?’
[Y/N] mumbles something around a mouthful of a soft pretzel. Where’d they even get it from?
‘You’re going to school with Katsuki today!’
Oh shit their face got a fuck ton more bright when he looked down again. Even the mention of U.A on any given day made them bounce around while babbling about how they’d love to be a hero when they got their quirk. 
‘Really?’ [Y/N] attaches themself to his leg, bouncing up and down to make sure they’ve heard Mitsuki just right.
She glares at him when [Y/N] looks away.
‘Yeah, yeah, whatever.’
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No one’s expecting anything entirely different when Aizawa starts class that morning. The only thing that seems slightly out of the ordinary is Bakugo being late. Kirishima is counting through the minutes and soon enough a whole half hour passes without him being there to yell at anyone. Even Midoriya is having a particularly stress-free morning!
However, no one was expecting for him to parade into the class an hour later with a six year old sitting on his shoulders, because (as he said) “they didn’t want to use their damn legs”. 
‘Bakubro,’ Kaminari is already laughing his ass off in the back corner. ‘Ya got a hitchhiker there.’
Bakugo is almost fuming by the time he drops off the child at his desk, standing by Aizawa to demand - or ask - that he ignore the situation. Number one, [Y/N] got a day off school because of a downtown villain attack, and Mitsuki couldn’t find a babysitter after their current one caught the flu. With no other options and both of his parents going to work early that morning, he had no choice but to drag them along as long as, and quote:
‘You don’t make a damn noise, and no questions, and no playing around, you sit down and shut up.’
Did [Y/N] listen? Nope. Not really. 
Halfway through the first lesson of the morning, and little [Y/N] is sitting in the lap of half of his classmates, messing with Hagakure’s invisible hair in utter curiosity, and playing heroes with Midoriya and Kirishima. At which point they all stand on their desks and put their fists in the air yelling ‘Detroit Smash’!
Katsuki just stands and watches as [Y/N] jumps from person to person, playing with quirks and planning out their future hero name. Kaminari is the most excited to stand on his desk and create a fake hero mask out of tape and paper, and theorise all the new quirks that could be made for [Y/N].
‘[Y/N] sit down for God’s sake!’ he growls at them, and they do so as they nestle themselves into a corner of his desk. Katsuki squeezes on with her. ‘No more talking to these... damn extras during class, ok?’
Mitsuki would skin him alive if he even thought about swearing properly in the same room as her “precious angel”.
‘But why?’
‘’Cause it’s annoying.’
[Y/N]’s eyes widen a bit, but then they beam at him and nod again, picking up a pencil as if they actually are a student and begin doodling a picture while others begin homework. Aizawa doesn’t collapse into his sleeping bag this time, instead keeping an eye to ensure he isn’t sued later for the death of an unrelated child. Midoriya and Iida are the first ones to finish of course, followed by Katsuki, who has to steal his pages when [Y/N] isn’t looking, handing it across the teacher’s desk with glitter flowers and stars in the margins. 
The bell goes to signal the beginning of their hero training, and [Y/N] clutches Katsuki’s hand as they shyly approach the scary-looking racoon man to hand him a (“professionally signed”) artwork by [Y/N] Bakugo. A misshapen house with a cat and a very dead looking racoon. 
(Aizawa does frame it later, like a dad of course.)
(Katsuki does call his teacher roadkill exactly three times after that.)
For hero training All-Might stands with his hands on his hips with [Y/N] at his side to help conduct the lesson. Together they order drills and [Y/N] gets to practise their hero voice and pose. The class ends with the whole group playing games and kicking a soccer ball around so they can pretend that [Y/N] has to save it from various situations. Which they do so successfully - “a top-rate hero” in All-Might’s words.
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For Katsuki, he’s glad to get home and die in bed when 8:30 rolls around. It’s been non-stop questions and poking and prodding even though he told [Y/N] not to, but they wouldn’t listen! And when they got home Mitsuki hounded him to make sure they hadn’t done anything stupid while at school. 
But 9 rolls around and [Y/N]’s socks cast shadows over the door frame, and the door handle jiggles. Katsuki waits and doesn’t move to help them with it. They come padding in with a stuffed Midnight plush, and crawls onto his pillow. 
‘Kat, can I come to school with you everyday?’
And god-fucking-dammit, they look so damn excited to go to school with their big brother that all he can do is turn off his lamp and pull the covers up and pat their hair. He can feel his chest swell with pride, because his sibling wants to come and watch him become a hero.
He can’t help but wonder what kind of hero [Y/N] will be. What would their quirk be? 
Oh, Mitsuki would kick his ass if he even thought about surpassing his own sibling.
He smirks at the thought. His sibling would be the best hero at U.A, not like those fucking extras. 
‘Yeah, whatever.’
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i really enjoyed writing this!
let me know if you want to request anything, and i'll try my best to get to them as quickly as possible.
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the-modern-typewriter · 6 months
A villain who doesn't want to harm the hero, is trying to take them down as gently as possible and thinks the hero is the one being crazy about this, while the hero is desperately fighting to protect the world.
Bonus points if the villain is the hero's big sibling or similar figure.
"Father wanted to put you in an institution," their sibling said. "There was no way I was going to allow that." They carded their fingers through the hero's hair, soothing, like they were still five years old and waking up from a bad dream. "Those places are awful. They'd hurt you."
"I can't move."
"It's okay. You're okay."
"The - the tea. You." The realisation of it choked off in the hero's throat. Sharp. Catching. Betrayal.
"I told father I'd handle it," their sibling said, almost absently.
"Handle me."
"Yes." Their sibling ducked to gather up the jagged shards of the fallen mug, depositing them on the coffee table. They met the hero's eyes. "Handle you."
The hero glared. They willed their noodled limbs to move, but all they got for their efforts was nearly crumpling to the floor again. Their sibling caught them, steadied them, pushed them back into the chair. The hero's heart thudded wildly beneath their palms.
"He wasn't having it though," their sibling continued. "He told me that you needed to be corrected, by any means necessary. He told me that it was just the place for a crazy person like you. That you'd bring shame on the family." They grimaced. "You know father."
The hero did, unfortunately, know their father.
They also knew their sibling though. They knew they were drugged up in their own living room, not being wrestled into a straight-jacket somewhere for some non-consensual therapy sessions.
"What did you do to him?" it came out raspy.
Their sibling smiled, small and grim. "He should have known better. Just like you should have known better, but you always were a little idiot, so no shockers there."
"...what are you going to do to me?" That was, perhaps, the better question. Their mind still felt sharp, after all, even if nothing in their body wanted to cooperate with them.
"Do you think I'd hurt you?"
"You hurt father."
"Father was a jackass. You're just stupid."
"I'm trying to make the world better!"
"Yeah," their sibling said. "Stupid."
"It's not stupid!"
"I'm not going to debate this with you."
"Just drug my tea!?"
"Eh, that was for your own good. For all his many sins, father wasn't totally wrong. You do need help. A friendly intervention."
"They'll come for me. My friends will come for me."
Their sibling shrugged. "I have no such reservations hurting them."
The hero swallowed. Their mouth still felt dry, sticky and cloyingly sweet. They searched their sibling's face for any sign of a lie. They found none.
"You know what father and his friends are doing is wrong," the hero said after a beat; maybe just frantic to see some glimmer of recognition of that fact.
Their sibling shrugged again, easy. "Sure."
"You could help us fight them. You could come with me. You could...keep me safe. That's what you want, right? To keep me safe."
"Your friends aren't going to kill you. You're perfectly safe like this."
"But what father's friends are doing - don't you - you have to care."
Their sibling raised an eyebrow.
The hero wanted to snarl. As ever, it seemed, their sibling did not have to care about anyone or anything. Who cared about the world if going along with monstrosity was easier?!
"Don't you care that I care?"
"You care about everything," their sibling rolled their eyes. "You held a funeral for the fish."
"He was my pet!"
"He was a fish."
"This is nothing like the fish!"
Their sibling straightened up with a sigh, looking down on them, hands on hips. "I've made my decision."
"Fuck you."
"I don't expect you to be happy about it, but you're gonna deal with it. You're underage. That makes you my responsibility. I'll let you go when this all blows over."
"You mean when father's friends finish wrecking the world?"
"Don't be so overdramatic."
"You drugged me and I'm overdramatic?"
"Overdramatic looks better on me. I have the cheekbones for it."
"This isn't funny!"
"No." Their sibling's voice shifted, abruptly. "It isn't. Do you want me to get serious?"
The hero...paused. The air suddenly felt oppressive.
"I am being very gentle," their sibling said. "And you are infinitely squishy and breakable. Father's institution would have crushed you into teeny tiny pieces, so shattered that you didn't even care anymore. You would kill your friends if they asked, by the time they were done."
The hero swallowed, stricken, horrified.
"Tell me again how unfunny this is," their sibling said. "Like you think I'm stupid."
The hero shook their head.
As swiftly as the storm had come, their sibling offered them a sunny smile. The tension vanished as they booped the hero's nose.
"We're going to get through so many film nights. It's going to be great. Now." They reached for the coffee table. "Have some more tea."
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pawtrolling · 29 days
me and my sibling
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small moodboard about having a sibling ♡🐧
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 months
My older sibling's alien OC came over to our house and offered us Lava Rocks (it was a name brand snack).
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wpdarlingpan · 10 months
will you do a platonic yandere older brother coriolanis (I think that’s how u spell it lol) snow x a sibling! reader ? and he kidnapped them? also it can be fem or gn. have a good day/night!!
I love this idea! And thank you so much I also hope you have a good day/night.
I’m open to doing a part 2 since this is somewhat short if enough people like this storyline. I’m curious on where it could go.
His Little Snowflake ❄️
Platonic Yandere Coriolanus Snow x Younger Sister
Female Pronouns
Word count: 1.1 K
Warnings: Obsessive behavior, mentions of murder
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Coriolanus wasn’t an only child, albeit he was the oldest. He had a little sister named Y/N. She wasn’t as known as he was, after all he was the heir to the snow name and ‘fortune’ so it wasn’t up to her to preserve the name.
When Corio found out he was going to have a little sibling, he was indigent. He knew he would keep all of the rights being the oldest but the idea of having to share with a sibling was torture in his mind.
That was until he saw them.
His mother died in childbirth after having the baby. When his father came home with her, he was prepared to loath the baby that took away his mother, even if she wasn’t the best one.
But one look into the baby’s eyes something shifted.
Corio was the one to look after his sister when his father passed away.
Tigres would always offer to help while Grand’mam claimed she was too old to care for her.
He didn’t care, this was His sibling. His responsibility. His little snowflake.
When the 10th annual hunger games began and he was forced to mentor, it took up some time. With having to write the proposal for the Doctor and being a mentor to Lucy Gray he barely had time for his little sister. He blamed everyone else for the situation. If a teacher kept him after class? That teacher would have something unfortunate happen to them.
He could just give up but he was obsessed with his little sister getting the life she deserved so he had to win the money by any means possible.
Everyday when he got home from all of his duties, he’d go to her room.
“Corio!” She squealed happily running into his open arms. She would jump as high as she could to try and wrap her arms around his neck but it would often end up with him having to bend over as she wrapped around him like a koala.
“Hello Snowflake, I miss you today.” Thats what he’d always say. That fact that he missed her was true but he would also say it to prompt her to say it back. After all didn’t she miss him just as much?
“I missed you too!” Then she’d ramble about her day to him. Not noticing as his scowl as she talked about her friends since the second she’d look up at him he’d change it to a soft smile.
All you needed was each other and he firmly believed that. Maybe Tigres on the occasion when absolutely necessary but she was a cousin. You are his little sister.
“You need to distance yourself from them, it sounds like they are bad influences”
“That doesn’t sound very nice of them, I think you should stop talking to them.”
“A boy? You’re too young. They’ll old hurt you. Do you want to be hurt? Don’t you trust me?”
Those are just a few things he’d say to try and turn the favor back to him through gaslighting and guilt tripping. Of course it always worked. Y/N loved her older brother, she couldn’t not trust him.
With all of the cheating Coriolanus did to make Lucy Gray win it wasn’t that much of a surprise he was caught, at least to everyone else but him. He was too focused on winning that the idea of getting caught was child’s play.
Now they wanted to take him away from you. He simply couldn’t allow that to happen. The idea of not seeing you every minute was distressing to him but for 10 years as he is sent away to the districts? He would kill everyone in his path back to the capital.
So in order to prevent that he did what he does best, manipulate.
First of all he had to get Y/N.
Bursting into her room he saw her where she usually was, sitting at her desk coloring.
“Y/N!” He spoke urgently as he ran around to pack some clothes “Get ready. We need to leave.”
Y/N saw the panicked look on his face he tried to hide, making her panic about what was happening. Or course she wasn’t told about his treachery, he would murder whoever painted him in anything other than a perfect light to his little sister.
“What’s going on?”
“I’ll explain later, we are going away for awhile.”
“What about Tigres? Grand’mam?”
“They are staying here.”
She was in shock, leaving her family? Her young mine couldn’t process the fact even if she would be with her older brother. It was natural to be scared of change.
And this would change everything.
“I can’t leave them!” Coriolanus was delusional and would hope they would accept to leaving but he planned for the rare possibility of them not.
“Please don’t make me do this the hard way. You want to be with your older brother right? It’s the two of us against the world remember?” She nodded with tears in her eyes as she hugged her little tiger stuffed animal “I have to leave, and I’m not leaving without you. I love you.”
“But-but” Y/N began to stutter out but Corio knew he was losing a lot of time. So he grabbed some sleeping powder he found in Dr. Volumnia’s office and lightly blew it into her face as he caught her as she began to sway on her feet.
“What’s happening-“
“You’ll be okay I swear, we will be okay. We just need to go away for awhile.”
He somehow convinced everyone he came across that he was allowed to bring her with him. Sure it took some convincing for some but the way he could talk circles around people make them give in pretty quickly.
Then he paid the transfer worker money to send him to district 12.
In no way did he trust Lucy Gray with his little sister, but he didn’t want you to see him killing people nor did he want her left alone for any of those district people to get ahold of and poison her little mind. But he didn’t have a choice so he had to go to the person who is his only option. After all her oh so kind heart wouldn’t allow her to get hurt. That is if Lucy Gray was still alive.
When Y/N woke up she was in the arms of her brother as he brought her into his individual room in the barracks due to his higher standing.
“Where are we?”
“Welcome to district 12 my little snowflake. Nothing can get between us now.”
And he meant it. Even if it meant getting a few people killed along the way and sending his best friend to the hanging tree after he suggested she return back to the capital.
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kazytka · 6 months
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heartattackkidd · 2 years
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Erica E. Goode // boygenius // the mountain goats dawes // heartattackkidd // the mountain goats (again) // the avett brothers
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ab-cedario · 1 year
having an older sister is so crazy because i adore you but you’re so mean to me it makes me cry. i want to be just like you but i hate being compared to you. i want to tell you everything about me but i’m so scared you’ll judge me. everything is fine and then we argue and suddenly i’m five and you’re refusing to play dolls with me. i love you more than anyone in the world but i hate you so much. you are the only reason i have any confidence. you ruined my self esteem. i can’t feel pretty unless you compliment me. i wish i was as pretty as you. you are the easiest person to love. i still cry over what you said three years ago. you are half of my soul. all i want is for you to see me. i want you to think i’m as cool as you. you understand me without words. you don’t get me. i wish we were friends. i’d rather die than fight with you. we fight every day. i wish you loved me as much as i love you. nobody will ever love me like you do. you make me hate myself sometimes. i decided to play soccer because you played it too. i would follow you anywhere. you’re the first person i ever tell anything. i wish you would confide in me. you make me feel so lonely. i listen to that song you showed me every day. you make me so angry it makes me punch a wall. when you hug me i cry because i love you so much. i have never hated anyone like i hate you. i would die for you. i don’t think i’d survive without you. please love me as much as i love you
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dionysian-mystery · 1 year
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Antigonick by Anne Carson / I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson / Electra by Sophokles / Erica E. Goode
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frickingnerd · 1 year
the little mermaid
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pairing: percy jackson x gn!reader (+poseidon)
summary: percy and his sibling get their dad to watch the little mermaid with them!
tags: silly crack, child of poseidon!reader, family movie night
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"now that's just unrealistic, all the mermaids i know are much better fighters!"
poseidon leaned back on the couch, softly shaking his head as his eyes were glued to the tv. 
"but dad, it's a romance movie and not an action movie!"
you reminded your father, chuckling amused about how serious he seemed to take the movie. 
"no, dad got a point. arielle is a really bad fighter…"
percy joined in, poseidon nodding at his sons comment. 
"not you too, percy… you two are impossible to have fun with! arielle isn't even fighting…" 
poseidon and percy went quiet for a moment, until your father spoke up. 
"maybe that's what's bothering me… they should give her a trident!"
you sighed softly and shook your head. 
"i'm giving up…"
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astrolovecosmos · 1 year
The House of Siblings
Aries in the 3rd House: Sibling always fighting for something.
Taurus in the 3rd House: Sibling who never changes.
Gemini in the 3rd House: Sibling who checks every sister/brother stereotype.
Cancer in the 3rd House: Sibling always taking care of everyone else.
Leo in the 3rd House: Sibling who is at the center of everything somehow.
Virgo in the 3rd House: The "perfect" sibling or sibling that is the benchmark, the example.
Libra in the 3rd House: Sibling always trying to keep the peace.
Scorpio in the 3rd House: Sibling who is always too sensitive or has a "problem".
Sagittarius in the 3rd House: Sibling who is never serious, the comedian, or the first to leave the family.
Capricorn in the 3rd House: Sibling who acts like the parent.
Aquarius in the 3rd House: Sibling who is estranged, the rebel, or the sibling who always stands out.
Pisces in the 3rd House: Sibling who always feels forgotten, who follows in their family/sibling's footsteps, or gets special treatment somehow.
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cosmerelists · 4 months
If Radiant Spren had to Choose a New Order...
As requested by anon. :)
We've already imagined what would happen if the Radiant humans had to choose a new Order to join...but what about their spren? If the spren had to choose a new Order / type of spren to become, what would they choose?
1. Syl: Becomes a Reacher (Willshaper Order)
Syl: Hmmm...well, I'd definitely want to continue to be somewhat like myself! Syl: (Since I'm pretty perfect as is) Syl: Freeing people who were unjustly imprisoned is pretty honorable, and it would nice to still be able to fly, so I'm gonna go Reacher! Kaladin: ...Are you wearing a sailor outfit? Syl: Suits me, right??
2. Wyndle: Becomes a Peakspren (Stoneward Order)
Wyndle: I-I would love to be bonded to someone stately and calm! Wyndle: An elderly craftsperson, perhaps, who wishes to spend their evenings working on their personal projects! Wyndle: Perhaps I could be a Peakspren, then--calm, dependable, and with a Radiant to match! Lift: ...You wanna be a rock? Wyndle: I-I'm sure I would make a very good rock! Lift: If you say so.
3. Ivory: Becomes a Highspren (Skybreaker Order)
Ivory: In me, a desire to be unseen is. Ivory: Reports indicate that Highspren do not always appear even to their Radiants. Ivory: In that, some comfort is.
4. Rua: Becomes a Mistspren (Truthwatcher Order)
Rua: [gesturing] Lopen: A Mistspren, huh, naco? Why's that? Rua: [changing forms rapidly from a flying chull to a cremling to a giant middle finger] Lopen: Ah, I hear ya, naco! Lopen: You LOVE to change forms, and the Mistspren can do that too! Rua: [back to usual form, gesturing] Lopen: [nodding sagely] Lopen: The "truth" often is a big middle finger to power, you are so correct.
5. Stormfather: Becomes an Honorspren (Winderunner Order)
Stormfather: I am inevitable and unchanging. Stormfather: I am a fragment of him whom the humans call the Almighty. Stormfather: What else could I be but an Honorspren. [Syl & Rua exchange glances] Syl: Yup, yup, noble & unchanging! That's us! Rua: [solemnly salutes using only his middle finger] Stormfather: ... Stormfather: Am I a bad dad?
6. Sibling: Becomes a Reacher (Willshaper Order)
Sibling: Which are the ones who never bond humans? The Reachers? Sibling: Definitely going with them! Sibling: Ahh, imagine bonding a Singer who's never even USED a fabrial! Navani: ...I thought we were getting along fairly well.
7. Tumi: Becomes an Ashspren (Dustbringer Order)
Tumi: I never believe people who claim someone or something is "inherently dangerous" or "evil"! Tumi: They call me a "corrupted" spren, you know! And at one point, they thought my buddy Rlain and his people were Voidbringers! Tumi: When in fact, he's wondrous! Tumi: So I'd love to give being an Ashspren a try--they seem neat! Tumi: And I do love a good sense of danger...
8. Glys: Becomes a Cultivationspren (Edgedancer Order)
Glys: Sadly, I don't think any of the other orders could produce visions like me, which is the best thing I'm bringing to the table! Glys: But at least I could still heal this way, and the Cultivationspren bond Radiants who care about Remembering, which is its own type of Truth. Glys: Plus, Renarin said he wanted to get into gardening to impress someone, and I want to support him! ❤️ Renarin: T-That was a private conversation, Glys!
9. Timbre: Becomes an Honorspren (Windrunner Order)
Timbre: [pulsing] Venli: Really? An Honorspren? Why? Timbre: [pulsing] Venli: Yes...I can see why you'd to like to fly. I can see you zipping about in the air. Timbre: [pulsing] Venli: Yes...that order is a bit strict for you, but then, you were never one to do exactly what's expected of you, were you? Timbre: [pulsing] Venli: More rebellious than Sylphrena? Not sure what that means, but good for you, I guess!
10. Pattern: Becomes a Highspren (Skybreaker Order)
Pattern: [humming] Pattern: It would be hard for me to give up math or lies! Pattern: But what is space but a glorious mathematical arrangement, and what are Laws except collective lies that humans have agreed to believe? Nale: ... Nale: You can't-- The Law isn't-- H-How DARE you-- Pattern: [buzzing excitedly] What delicious lies! I like you already!
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one-time-i-dreamt · 7 months
My siblings and I had to create a portal to the Minecraft Aether to save our dad (who was also a scientist for some reason), then we went on a road trip where we met a feral cat who might have also been God.
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*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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im-bored-so-i-draw · 1 year
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do you think they be like that
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motherlove · 1 month
✚ Brother Petre。 
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A flag for pet regressors who act as brothers for fellow pet regressors.
✚ Sister Petre。 
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A flag for pet regressors who act as sisters for fellow pet regressors.
✚ Sibling Petre。 
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A flag for pet regressors who act as siblings for fellow pet regressors.
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Requested by : Anon.
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