#Rose Quartz did nothing wrong
animeheadcanonsblog · 2 years
My thoughts about Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz
I don't understand the hate that Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz gets. I also don't understand when people call her the real Villain while White Diamond is right there.
Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz did something that a lot of people in real life do. She left her parents house and became a new person.
Pink Diamond did something that is a normal thing to do for a traumatized person. She ran away.
People that judge Pink Diamond for the things she did they probably don't know what its like to be surrounded by toxic/abusiv family members.
When you are traumatized you do everything that leave that toxic place. You don't think about everyone else at first because you should always put your mental state first. You can apologize later and I am pretty sure that most people would forgive and understand.
I think the only person in SU that was never angry at Pink was Greg. Because he also ran away from his home. He knows what it's like to have toxic parents.
She never told the other Crystal Gems that she is Pink because she hated being Pink Diamond. She preferred being Rose Quartz. Also maybe she didn't want them to treat her different just because she is a Diamond.
Yes, she did left Spinel. Like a lot of older siblings are sadly forced to leave their younger siblings the moment they turn 18. Should we make them feel even more guilty than they already do?
She didn't brought Steven in the world so that he can fix her mistakes. How was she supposed to know what would happen in the future? She gave away her existence so that Steven could live.
How is that everyone can forgive space nazis (The other diamonds) for the things they did, but Pink Diamond is the true Villain?
Whatever. I truly believe that Pink Diamond was truly happy as Rose Quartz. Especially after being traumatized for probably centuries.
She was finally happy in the end. Good for her.
Sincerely, a Rose Quartz apologist
PS: Her name is Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond is her dead name.
PS: Rose Quartz did nothing wrong and I die on that hill.
PS: Rose Quartz x Greg is the only straight couple that I'll defend and fight for.
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Rose quartz
Aka the love of my life
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sailormoonsailorstars · 3 months
im mad about pink diamond again
i hate each and every person that deems her the worst character in SU
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sodapopacid · 1 year
it's been years and i'm still so unclear on how the hell steven was made. did rose shapeshift reproductive organs inside her??? what the hell happened when she went into labor??? did she just turn into steven like she was shapeshifting??? or did she actually give birth and then fade away or some shit??? was she actually growing a baby??? was she actually pregnant with a fetus in there or was she just changing her form to make it feel more humanlike??? DID SHE EVEN HAVE A WOMB??? it's been haunting me for so long i don't think i'll ever know peace
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is monaca towa a vriska discuss
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stabknives · 1 month
Insane to me the way people would talk about literal children's show steven universe. The unadulterated wokescoldery of it all. You wanted that poofy haired toddler to decapitate his fascist grandmas live on tv?
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candyskiez · 10 months
can we talk about how garnet most likely got the story of the rebel hero rose quartz and the cruel pink diamond that created her from rose herself and how pink is described as a coward, cruel, wicked. and how rose told greg it's good he doesn't know anything about her. and how rose felt like she owed greg a list of everything shed ever done wrong. and how rose didn't tell pearl anything about what she did because she couldn't bear to lose that love. and how rose didn't think how her actions would effect pearl and in trying to destroy the part of herself that she felt did nothing but hurt and ruin everything and deserved to die, she hurt one of the people she loved the most. can we talk about the fact rose is a self fulfilling prophecy and destroyed herself twice. once asking pearl to kill pink diamond. and then by having steven. and how both times, it was out of love for change and hatred for herself. and wanting there to be someone better in her wake. and out of fear of what she'd done. and how at the end of the day her story is a tragedy because she believed everyone could change and become a better person. the only exception she had ever made on that was for herself. because she knew she used to be a horrible person and the one thing that scared her more than anything was the fact she didn't know how to fix it. so she didn't. she ended it all, and she prayed that the child in her wake would be a better person. because she, fundamentally, thinks she's irredeemable. and the only good thing she could do now was give her life to someone that deserved it.
can we talk about the fact that rose fucking quartz would rather die than try to confront the people she hurt because she thinks the only thing that'd do would hurt them more. and she can never learn to see the good she did as well. because all she thinks she does is hurt.
can we talk about the fact that rose isn't a twist villain, she's a fucking twist tragedy. oh my god. this fucking SHOW.
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"We Need To Talk" Got Right What "Apology Tour" Got Wrong About A Romantic Partner Seeing Their Significant Other In A Degrading Light
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I am going to be honest I really have become critical of Steven Universe ever since the finale seasons, but I think this episode does well to address issues when a significant partner is called out for their degrading views on their race/species. The thing that Stolitz and Greg/Rose Quartz have in common is that it's about a interspecies relationship with big holdbacks due to their different worlds. However, in the episode "We Need To Talk" Greg's concerns about being respect as a equal instead of a pet is treated as valid while not only does Blitzo's views on being look down on is dismissed but also we have to pretend that Stolas never has done anything to treat him like a toy.
Where Steven Universe rightfully points out this behavior is wrong the other show goes out of it's way to absolve Stolas of ever doing anything racist against Blitzo. It makes it seem that Blitzo is being too harsh on Stolas and that he should have accepted his want for a relationship even though he wasn't entitled to one after he put Blitzo through so much. While Rose Quartz for anyone knows the series has lots of issues, she still was willing to listen and change how he viewed humans through her relationship with Greg instead of treating them as one big group. The same can't be said of Stolas who tries to pride himself on finally understanding how wrong his actions is but then shows he really doesn't and keeps making mistakes while also showing he still hasn't fully realized how bigoted he is.
The biggest theme is communication between both couples, while Rose and Greg learned to work things out due to listening and Rose allowing herself to take criticism about her condescending views. Stolas refuses to listen to anything Blitzo says because he wants to see him so much like the victimized good guy that he doubles down on being a tone deaf jackass who doesn't really want to understand why he makes his partner feel inferior especially since in Ozzie's Blitzo did say before he felt he just treated his relationship as just fetish sex. Why would you want to be in a relationship with that person who refuses to listen when they say you are being bigoted towards them and then act you done nothing wrong? I would so grill them for that and just feel they are not really serious about anything and just want to feel good about being "woke".
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 7 months
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Hello! The art on this reading is done by me! If yall wanna go check out my art blog its called @starlitghostfawn 🖤🩵🤍
Remember take what resonates, leave all the rest behind but always be open to new experiences!
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Crystal: Green Fluorite
Astrology: Aries ♈️, Capricorn ♑️, Pisces ♓️, Virgo ♍️
Figurine: Blossom Bunny
Song: “Memory” by Toby Fox
Pile 3, your inner child has a pixie-like energy that makes them super hyper and happy. However, they have a huge complex about success. They are surrounded by expectations that were put upon them long ago. Now you are the only one putting those expectations on them. They need some time to play. Space to do whatever they please with no pressure to perform or to do your absolute best with no mistakes. Allow mistakes to be made. Allow yourself to be human. You are so hard on yourself and think yourself in circles over the littlest mis-step. Mistakes a part of humanity and being alive. Your inner child is an earth angel that is allowed to learn messily. You will make yourself and others proud even if you take time to let them free.
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Crystal: Rose Quartz
Astrology: Scorpio ♏️, Taurus ♉️, Cancer ♋️, Aquarius ♒️
Figurine: My Melody
Song: “Wasteland, Baby” by Hozier
Pile 2, your inner child is congratulating and celebrating with you! They have this soft, shy energy. They have asked something from you and you gave it to them! Fantastic job, friend. I think what you have been working on is loving your inner child more actively. You worked through some emotional issues recently and met your inner child where they needed you. It has made your life different but happier! Maybe you showed them a love they haven’t felt before or at least haven’t felt in a long time. I definitely see maybe you did something new with your hair that your inner child finds so fun and fulfilling. I also see you could have worked through the root of an ED and are working on your recovery! Your inner child is so grateful to you. You are learning to love each other and trust each other. Which I see you have worked very hard on. You have been doing your shadow work and healing. It is time to take a break and pour yourself your favorite drink. Appreciate yourself for all the work you have been doing.
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Crystal: Angelite
Astrology: Sagittarius ♐️, Gemini ♊️, Leo ♌️, Libra ♎️
Figurine: Cinnamoroll
Song: “always, i’ll care” by Jeremy Zucker
Hello, pile 3! Your inner child's energy is like a fire-cracker. They have a very spicy energy but it feels very tame. An outside force (probably a mother or another feminine role model) definitely shoved them in a box early on. Your spicy energy goes unappreciated by you because of how some of your inner child has been hidden away. Two things I think would be important for you to know about this. First, you are free of this third party who judged you. You don’t have them hanging over your shoulder anymore. You are free to let your inner child be themselves. Second thing, your inner child’s aggression is a very useful and protective tool. Let them get angry. Let them bark at people. Not allowing that energy out is less protective than relaxing and permitting them to protect you from people or things that you know hurt you. I know you’re scared to empower them. Their discomfort is worthy of being addressed. You don’t have to keep them away to remain safe anymore. You are 100% allowed to be a little brat sometimes and there is nothing wrong with that. Anger is part of the human experience and is important to keep some control over but not a total domination. Free the little one.
-ghost 👻🩵
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ambermotta · 10 months
How to not Kill your Crystals — Crystal Safety
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How often have you looked up online and saw "to cleanse your crystals, use moonwater!", or "bury your crystals!"?
And how often did you hear of someone whose crystal ended up bleached, or entirely dissolved? (I'm looking at you, selenite)
Long post ahead but it's worth it, I promise
There are many methods of cleansing and charging crystals, but what beginner witches and pagans may not realize is that not every method is appropriate for every crystal.
While some methods are generally more harmless than others, if you don't know some of your crystal's basic properties, you might end up damaging them or even yourself!
So in this post I'll go through some general considerations and then list some cleansing & charging methods: the failproof, the ones you have to consider crystal safety, and the possibly harmful ones. Lastly, I'll list what you should NEVER do with your crystals.
So what's wrong with Moonwater?
There is nothing wrong with moon or sun energy itself. What can be dangerous is Water and Sunlight. It's all about physics and chemistry.
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Some crystals dissolve or release toxic chemicals in water. Some examples are Selenite & and Desert Rose (which is a type of Selenite), and Hematite. That means you should never leave them near water, humidity, wash them, or put them inside any elixirs.
Sidenote on elixirs: if you are going to ingest any type of water that has been in contact with crystals, you MUST do a through research to make sure they don't release ANY chemicals in the water.
Plus you can infuse water with crystal energy without them touching the water.
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by celestialearthminerals
The Sun
As for Sunlight, it can bleach your crystals and alter the coloration over time. The heat can also greatly damage them! An example of crystals that shouldn't be exposed to the sun is quartz. Pretty much all kinds, including amethyst and citrine.
Fun fact: burned amethyst clusters are very often sold as citrine. They have a burned yellow/brown/orange aspect to them, like in this image.
Real citrine has lighter yellow and orange tones.
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burned amethyst – fake citrine
Fail proof Cleansing & Charging
Nothing can go wrong with them when it comes to crystal safety. The worst that can happen is performing them poorly, which could affect cleansing and charging effectiveness.
There's no way to go wrong here. You can light an incense or burn herbs of your choosing, pick up a crystal, and cleanse them with the smoke. You can use energetic herbs such as rosemary to charge them.
Tip: You can choose the herbs and incense based on your stones properties! (For example, use a fiery herb to charge a fiery crystal)
There are many ways to go about this. Singing bowls, affirmations, vocal singing, bells, prayer, chanting, galdr (rune chanting), calming and uplifting music...
Choose your sound, cleanse your space, set your intention, and let Sound do its job. If you are going to charge the crystals yourself using a method such as chanting to your stones, cleansing yourself first and having a ritualistic setup would be nice. It can help you focus and make sure you will only send positive energies to your crystals.
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Reiki and Energy work
Absolutely no way to go wrong. Reiki is a wonderful cleasing/charging method.
You would have to be initiated in order to do Reiki, but if you can't afford that, any kind of energy work and energy manipulation will do. Just make sure to prepare yourself beforehand and focus on what you are doing.
You can use tools to help in energy manipulation, such as an athame or wand.
Water Glass Cleansing
You are NOT going to put your crystals INSIDE the water glass. That's why this is a safe cleansing method.
Fill a glass of water and set your intentions for the water to absorb all negativity from your crystals, then leave your stones & crystals near your glass of water for a few hours.
It is preferable to use a transparent glass. It doesn't have to be, but it is better. I also wouldn't recommend plastic of any kind.
Once you are done, dispose of the water, thanking it for its help, and wash the glass before using it again.
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Consider Crystal Safety with These
They are commonly believed to be harmless (and that's mostly true), but give them some thought anyway. I will explain why.
Immersing in Salt
Salt has strong cleansing properties. You can fill a small bowl with enough salt to bury your crystals and leave them there for a few hours to a day. You could also use salt water the same way.
Why be careful?
Salt can trigger chemical reactions in some crystals. I'm mainly talking about salt water, but just to be safe, it might be best to have caution with solid salt as well.
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Burying in Earth
Burying crystals (especially if close to a plant or tree) is a popular cleansing/charging method. After all, they came from the earth! Who else could take better care of them?
You can leave your crystals buried outside for a few hours to a day and let the planet do its job.
Why be careful?
If you are going to leave crystals outside beneath the earth, you shouldn't have to worry about the Sun. It is WATER that you should worry about.
If it rains, the water will reach your crystals. If want to bury non water-safe crystals, make sure rain won't get to them.
Tip #1: Don't forget where you buried them
Tip #2: An alternative to burying outside is to bury crystals on your household plant's pot. You can even match the plant's own properties to the energy you want to work on your crystal.
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Moonlight Bath
Not moon water, just moonlight. Just let your crystals bask in moonlight... It is almost failproof.
Why be careful?
I say it's almost failproof because it can only fail if you forget your crystals outside until the sun is out, or until it rains.
If you think you are prone to forgetting to collect your crystals before the sun shines, do this early in the night and set an alarm to collect your crystals in a few hours.
Tip: you can still cleanse and charge with Moon energy even if the weather is not favorable. Just be careful with rain.
Possibly Harmful Methods
For these, you NEED to know your crystals before you do them. Especially the ones involving water and heat, you should take into consideration your own health due to possible chemical releases!
Sun charging
While it can be great to have sun energy on some of your crystals, this is one of the unsafest methods for the crystals. A lot of them will bleach, change color and even crack after prolonged sunlight exposure. If you're leaving crystals in the Sun, I suggest you leave them out for no more than an hour.
Also, watch out for weather changes if you have a crystal that is not waterproof.
Sidenote: if you have crystal necklaces, remember you might also accidentally expose them to sunlight and rain when you wear them outdoors.
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Sun water
Can't have your crystals in the Sun, but it's a fire crystal so you would like it to be charged with sun energy?
If they are water safe, make some sun water, fill a bowl with it, and let your crystals sit in it for a few hours.
Moon water
As long as your crystal is waterproof, it should be fine. Just fill a bowl with moon water and let your crystals be for a few hours.
If you don't know if your crystals are water safe, it's best not to risk it.
Never Ever...
... Expose your crystals to intense heat
No candles, no hot water, no intense sunlight. Not only you will very likely damage your crystal, intense heat and burning of crystals can release toxic fumes.
... Use chemicals to clean crystals
No soaps, alcohol, detergents, salts, etc. They might trigger chemical reactions when in contact with some crystals. So unless you know exactly what you're doing, keep these away from them.
... Touch dissolved crystal water
If you put your crystal in water and a chemical reaction happened, it's best to not touch the water. It could cause skin irritation and intoxication.
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Sometimes we leave crystals outside so that they can be bestowed Nature's blessings, and we forget about them. It happens, as do all accidents.
But you can avoid a lot of damage (yours and theirs) by simply studying about them before submitting them to anything that could be potentially harmful.
Remember your crystals need a lot of love and care, and that goes for their physical care, too. They are unique because of their physical and chemical properties as well, not just spiritual ones.
Thank you for reading and love your crystals!
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girl-star-girl · 2 months
A writer would write about the inky black of their feathers the all consuming nature of them the way they blot out the sun in their late afternoon flights but I am distracted by the no-adverb Red of their mouth and a writer might say something about how it’s the red of blood and gore so violently primal(because they are a Murder after all) but all I see is a bubble bubble bubble gum my fifth grade teacher said I walked through the world with rose colored glasses and I was ten and still kind of new to the idiom thing so I nodded and walked to my desk milling the words in mind thinking about what it would feel like for the wet thing falling from my eyes be soft petals instead for a change. A writer should know more idioms than I do and I think I’m too honest. The second guy I wanted to love said that about me, or he didn’t say it so much as he asked (“honest?” And I did my best not to answer) and I did my best not to answer but I have a way of giving myself away. I hadn’t mastered what it meant to love a digestible amount, to love in a way that wouldn’t get lost in his intestines (for what was it? 7 years?) I’m working to be the kind of gullible that finds hope in urban legends.  Nothing bad has ever happened to me. Did you know that? Did you know that I’m genuine? I’m a gem? I’m a rose quartz pendant thumping on your chest. I’m honest I swear. I’m a liar and a fraud but I’ll tell you about it and I’ll warn you because more than anything I don’t want to be found guilty by someone else I’m the first to testify against myself. I'm a glutton for punishment and a whore for attention. I like that we call things tender before we chew-and-swallow. I’m most comfortable with my neck bent down 40 degrees. I am willing. I’m scared. (“Scared?” I wanted him to ask for once. I've wanted you to ask again, so I could stick my chin out with a heavy No, for once). That word breathes with me sometimes. The whole world breathes with me sometimes. I know what you need from me. My tongue is pink, I swear. Sweet and if you want to call something violently primal I’ve got cherry rings tangled around my pupils. I’ve got six minutes to say my piece. This is an explanation not an excuse. Everyone I’ve touched has hands that are the wrong kind of cold but I wonder what they were like before. If you had wings what kind would they be mine would hold the sun gently and I wouldn’t even mind it if they got a little scorched in the process, not one bit.
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thatone-highlighter · 10 months
I just got through the Earthlings arc during my SU rewatch and im absolutely facinated by Jaspers character
She’s such an effective antagonist for so long because she clashes with every other character so fundamentally. She’s got this completely foreign to the show worldview that is shown to be contrary to what the rest of the show is trying to say but she still feels like a real person and when you think about her she’s just as much a product of her circumstances as anyone else. She doesn’t want to talk it out with Steven because why would she? She was literally born to fight as has been doing so since the second she was born, it’s all she’s ever known and has been drilled into her head that that’s what’s expected of her, she’s rewarded for fighting well and watches as others are punished for doing badly, either by losing or by facing consequences for failing.
And then there’s the whole “perfect solider” part of her character. She was literally born more capable and with a higher status than everyone else. But because of the way home world is structured to reward her and punish people like the off-colours, she’s been indoctrinated into thinking that the reason she came out on top had nothing to do with how she was made and everything to do with her behaviour and attitude. Peak “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” type person but because it’s a fictional story you can see what happened to make her this way. Her and amethyst are fundamentally different, they’re different quartzes, they were born in different places, they were just created differently, from the start jasper was always going to be better at some things than amethyst and amethyst would be better at others than jasper. But because of the way jasper has been “raised” for lack of a better word she doesn’t see that, she doesn’t understand that her and amethyst are simply different gems who were made different, she’s better at fighting and is picture image of what a quartz “should” be so that means it’s possible and anyone who can’t live up to that standard simply isn’t trying hard enough. And she even manages to get that into amethysts head, if jasper is capable of this then that means that amethyst must be too, even tho that’s simply not true. Through no fault of her own amethyst would have to try infinitely harder to achieve even close to where jasper is, jasper started out with a huge head start and trying to play catch up does nothing but hurt amethyst. It’s such a good analogy for so many things I think
Her main role in the story is serving as a character who simply refuses to talk it out with Steven, but again, why would she? From her perspective the entire reason her life is like this, she reason shes spent her life fighting endlessly, all the suffering shes lives through, its his fault. Rose Quartz started the war she was quite literally born to fight in. Rose Quartz also ended that same war by killing the only person jasper ever had to look up to, forced her out of the only reason she had for existing (both as in to fight the war and to serve Pink Diamond). And then heres Rose Quartz once again, saying she wants to help her? Where was she offering help when jasper when she was living to fight as much as she was fighting to live? Where was this „help“ when she shattered Pink Diamond and Jaspers entire world with her? „Help“? Help my ass shes the reason everything thats gone wrong in jaspers life went wrong in the first place
And then she gets poofed at her lowest point, gets removed from the story entirely until Future, and Future does nothing to make anything better for her! Last jasper knew the person shes been seeking revenge on her entire existence cant even be bothered to remember what she did, and then she loses herself to the Earth and corruption, the very things she prided herself on being better than.
And then suddenly shes brought back and „hey guess what! That war we created you to fight in? The one you created your entire person around? The one you lost Everything in? Yeah so it was pointless. Actually the person you idolised for the past 6000 years is the same person who you thought killed her and have been seeking vengeance on for the same amount of time. Crazy how that happens. Anyways so do you wanna come hang out with us now that we sorted that out and were chill about it?“
Can you even IMAGINE what that feels like? No wonder she runs off into the woods and becomes a hermit what else is she supposed to do! Shes got nowhere to go! Her entire life has been turned on its head and she’s expected to just move on! That’s ridiculous!
And thats just the backdrop for her appearance in Future. When she finally does appear they kill her and thats the first and only time we ever see her happy. Someone Finally speaks to her in a way she can understand and she actually dies, and uses that to find herself a purpose. If steven is powerful enough to shatter her, a feat never before seen by a gem, then sure she can serve him, anything to give her life purpose again. and then they just forget about her! Steven literally ditched her in his house! They pull the rug out from under her Once Again. but now she can be „normal“ now she can do what other people want her to do so they all assume shes „better“ now.
I think future did her so dirty the original show handles her character So Well and im not really sure how else they could have gone further with her character because people like Jasper in real life dont really change. And if she were to change and agree with steven it would feel like the show saying steven was right and jasper was wrong and she should have listened to him from the start. Shes such an interesting character to delve into because shes the antagonist yes but shes a very specific type or antagonist that doesnt appear very often and when it does its not with as much backstory, even if just implied, or delving into the thoughts behind the actions. Its so interesting to me
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its-stimsca · 9 months
Hello! Could I Possibly Ask for a Stimboard of Rose Quartz from Steven Universe? Thank You Very Much!
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🌸 ☁️ 🌸 / ☁️ 🌸 ☁️ / 🌸 ☁️ 🌸
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universellie · 1 year
A lil rant about Rose Quartz
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Everything Rose/Pink Diamond ever did was for others. She always saw the wrongs of her Diamond counterparts and constantly was in a battle to fix it. She reminds me of an older sister, doting and caring yet repressed from expressing herself due to her close minded parents (Yellow, White, Blue). Nothing she did was ever in the interest of hurting others, yes people got hurt but she always tried to fix it, it was never intended. She was a protector, she understood what needed to be done for the betterment of everyone. It is unfair to condemn her for simply trying her best.
I know she can’t be completely forgiven for some stuff she did, but it is understandable. She is a tragic hero like Steven. Their whole being is basically to be a sacrifice for others, making things better for others or at least doing what they believe is right. Everything Rose did was out of love. Every time Pink was ignored and locked away, was because of ‘love’. Isn’t it beautiful how she was still able to love despite being together down at every chance she tried to show it?
Love is Pink Diamond, Rose Quartz and Steven’s hamartia.
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(Rose Quartz theme song fs)
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meabh-mcinness · 1 month
Found Love Chapter One (Narnia Naberius x afab!reader)
Summary: Finding yourself in a hospital, pregnant, and missing several months of memories was not amusing to you in the slightest. Still, as time goes by and more and more memories return, you can't help but be determined to give your child the best future they could have.
And that means finding a way back to the Netherworld.
Previous Part
********* 14 Weeks *********
Something was beyond wrong. You were certain of it.
One second you had been hiking through the woods, the next you were scaring the living hell out of a couple of hunters with your sudden appearance. It wouldn't have been that unusual if you weren't quite certain that you were hiking in spring and hunting season was most definitely an autumn thing in your area. And while accidentally scaring them had been amusing for a split second, you were decidedly less amused when a bullet ripped through your shoulder.
At first, you felt nothing, a decided numbness filled the area before a severe burning sensation overtook it. A scream ripped from your throat before you fell to your knees. It was pure instinct that you shoved your palm against the wound and felt your own hot blood pouring out and over it. Nausea and lightheadedness built up inside you the more blood you lost, and soon enough you were incredibly faint. The suddenness of what you could only describe as severe déjà vu-like but different, combined with the pain of being shot, was simply too much for your mind.
You faintly overheard the panic of the two men who did this to you as you succumbed to darkness. A name on the tip of your tongue that couldn't leave your mouth as you fell over.
The next thing you knew was loud beeping and the severe smell combination of antibiotics, cleanliness, and sickness that only a hospital could achieve. After that, you noticed the rather uncomfortable mattress and the scratchy thin blanket that just barely covered you. Definitely a hospital.
With a groan, you opened your eyes to confirm what you already knew, only to immediately shut them again. It was so insanely bright, the kind of bright that only occurred when false lights and pristine white walls met. You were definitely in a hospital.
Frantically, you tried to recall what happened as you slowly adjusted your eyesight. You had decided to try to be healthy for once and go hiking in the neighbouring state park. You had even eaten breakfast! Toast with a side of yoghurt and some orange juice.
You then made your way to the park, picked a random trail, and set off. Occasionally stopping to admire some flowers or some random shiny rocks that you had found. You even pocketed a few of them, a couple of rose quartz, one or two tiger's eyes, and a bright yellow stone that reminded you of the sun. You remembered playing with a particularly large quartz that you had found, rolling it about in one hand, before tripping over a loose root.
You distinctly remembered the falling sensation, and yet the next thing you knew you had been walking upright by the hunter's hiding spot. You couldn't even recall hitting the ground, but you still knew that you had known somehow that when you fell, the quartz you had been carrying had sliced your palm open. That was when-
When what? What happened in between your falling and then meeting the hunters? You couldn't remember for the life of you. It was like this big emptiness filled your brain and yet was just barely there. Almost as if there wasn't such a big difference between the two memories, you wouldn't have even known it was there. But you did know, knew that something vital was missing, and it made your heart feel shredded and tears well up if only you could recall why.
A door slid open, startling you out of your thoughts, and in walked a short, chubby woman staring at her clipboard muttering to herself (this Avery person sounded like they were insufferable). She hadn't even glanced up at you yet as she bustled around, almost as if you weren't even there, or perhaps you had been asleep so long she wasn't expecting you to be awake. Still, her appearance reminded your body of some rather basic needs and of want for answers.
"Hell-" you tried to catch her attention, only to end up in a coughing fit. By the gods, your throat was so dry. It was as if you had the entire Sahara desert stuck in your body, only without the mercy of its few oases. At least it had done its job. Her head had shot up like she was part meerkat, and her mouth dropped open in shock before her training kicked in. She immediately rushed to your side, black locs and curls flowing behind her, and helped pull your body up and tilted it so that any possible liquids that came up didn't choke you.
Once the fit was over, she gently laid you back down before bustling off again and returning with a plastic cup filled with cool water. Helping you sit up properly, she gave you the glass to drink, only letting go when she was certain you weren't going to drop it.
"Ya have no idea how happy I'm at seein' you awake, darlin'!" A southern drawl spilt out from her dark purple lips, low and smooth like butter that made you want to melt from hearing it. Though that could also have been from the relief the cold water gave your parched throat.
"I'm quite happy to be awake miss...?" You paused, unsure of who exactly you were talking to. Was she a nurse? A temp? A doctor?
(An imposing male figure, easily resembling a snarling dog with his curved back horns and intimidating scowl, stood tall before you as obviously dangerous as he was beautiful. While you stayed crouched as far away from him as possible. You didn't have to know who or what he was to know he could kill you, but like hell, you wouldn't go down swinging. Your lips peeled back as you bared your teeth at him and a growl rumbled in your chest, you may not have his large fangs but you could still do some damage. Just like you did to the other one.)
"Oh! How rude of me, I'm Doctor Williams, but ya can call me Tanya. Normally it'd be a nurse checkin' in on ya, but we're a small hospital with an even smaller staff at the mo'. I'm an all-in-one right now." She quickly took your now empty cup and placed it on a small table by your bedside before pulling her clipboard back up and writing some things down. Likely your vitals from the way she kept glancing up at the machine you were hooked up to. Not even noticing as you blinked furiously trying to figure out where that image had come from. A fragment of a leftover dream perhaps?
"You're quite lucky, ya know," she continued on, "If that bullet had pierced anywhere else, ya would've either bled out from a cut subclavian artery or lost all function from a torn brachial plexus. There also seem to be no signs of severe infection or blood poisoning either. Even luckier that the baby hasn't seemed to take any damage other than bein' a lil' shaken up." The doctor continued on, not seeming to notice as your entire body froze up like a statue as she fuddled about with the equipment by your bedside.
You couldn't hear anything else coming out of her mouth as everything faded away until you could only hear the blood rushing in your ears and your own thoughts.
A Baby. Forget the formidable-looking dream man. You were pregnant, and you didn't know how. You couldn't decide what was more terrifying, having a child or the fact you couldn't remember where said child had come from. After all, you hadn't been sexually active in a few d̶a̶y̶s̶ years and unless there was something about the human gestation period length you were unaware of, then this baby should not exist.
One of your hands trembled as it lifted to rub down your abdomen and there you felt it. A slight hard curve that was nothing like the softness of the rest of your flesh. Barely noticeable if you hadn't been looking for it, but there nonetheless.
You startled when a hand gently grasped your shoulder, staring up into dark brown eyes that were far closer to your face than you remembered them being.
(Purple irises so dark they mimicked black gazed at you as long thin fingers ran up and down your arms, caressing your shoulders with each pass. Goosebumps trail in their wake as you plead for more touches.)
"Miss, are you alright? Does something hurt or...oh did ya. Did ya not know you were pregnant?" Tanya finished softly. Your mind was racing a hundred miles a minute. How could this even happen? You knew how the human reproductive system worked and couldn't wrap your mind around this. After all, humans weren't asexual reproducers, they didn't just spawn children like certain other animals and cells. What the hell had happened in your missing memories?
"No," you finally manage to clamp out, "I didn't. Are you certain though? No chance of a mistake?" It was a last-ditch effort you knew, while false negatives were uncommon, false positives were quite frankly even more rare. But not impossible, which your brain clung to. Never mind that that knowledge was generally for at-home tests and not trained doctors.
She shook her head minutely and you felt your heart drop, "Sorry sweetie, I did the tests myself to ensure everything was ok with you. I even did an ultrasound to see if there was any internal damage from your collapse since you fell on your stomach and slid down into a ditch from what the folks who brought ya in told me."
First, you were shot and then you fell into a ditch? This really wasn't your day, was it? Wait.
"What day is it? How long have I been out?" You would deal with the impossible fetus later when your brain could actually handle it. In other words, probably never. Not until you were forced to at least.
"October-" she began before you interrupted her.
"October!" You cried out, "but it should still be March! April at the latest! I've been here for six months?"
"Goodness me no! You've only been here for a night, they brought ya in yesterday afternoon in a right panic. Terrified out of their gourds they were. Claiming ya appeared out of nowhere. Just walked right in front of them as if coming out of an invisible door. Seemed to think ya were some kind of alien and that they had brought ruin to a possible peace treaty between our races," here she rolled her eyes communicating without speaking exactly what she thought of that theory and making you stifle a laugh as you calmed down, "they've already been brought in for questioning and tested for all sorts of things. Not even a drop of liquor much less anything else was found but their licenses are definitely revoked if they can't even notice a human walking ten feet away from them. Ya ain't gotta worry about them no more though the cops will probably be in later to question ya now that you're awake." The longer she talked the more her southern accent really slipped through and it brought you some comfort to hear it. Something was soothing about that low drawl right now.
"Though there is something worrying me now, do you not remember what happened to get here? Temporary or short-term amnesia isn't too uncommon here but they're generally caused by head injuries or traumatic events. Though I suppose being shot is traumatic enough, they don't usually take an additional several months with them. Then again, everyone reacts to these things differently. I'd really like to make sure there's nothing wrong with your head though. Head injuries can be very serious and they're not something you want to find later on. Any pain in a particular area?"
(A large warm hand tilted your head to the side as the other brushed your hair out of the way to get to the cut.
"Honestly, how did you even manage this? This is why I told you to be careful of the dragonsnaps." He scolded you gently, his thumb brushing the fresh blood trickling out away before suckling on it. It had taken you a while before he was comfortable taking your blood freely, but as you saw it, it was far better he took it and enjoyed its side effects otherwise it would just go to waste.
"It was just nuzzling me in thanks, it's no one's fault that the one head that did it was the only one left that I hadn't pruned the horns of yet." Feeling truly chastised as you wrung your hands together, despite your statement.
The poor dragon-looking flowers had managed to look absolutely horrified that their caretaker was suddenly injured by their own hand (horn?). When the wind blew the scent of your blood into the open window of the rather foreboding-looking home, Narnia had charged out in a panic. Cerberia already formed behind him teeth snarling. It had taken you a good minute to calm both down before your poor plants were decimated. You could guarantee that every single one that had seen Narnia would cower behind you now whenever he showed up.
He huffed in agitation before sighing and mumbled some words under his breath. A warmth started in the centre of the cut before spreading outwards through your entire head. You hadn't even realized you had a headache too, but you hummed in relief when it left. The hand tilting your head to the side gently urged it to look up. You followed easily staring into his narrowed eyes that you had once found terrifying. Now you wondered how you ever thought that.
"Is there any pain left?")
"No Miss Tanya, no pain anywhere but no recent memories either. The last I knew it was March 28th so the past six months right until I was suddenly shot is a complete mystery to me." The sudden random images that kept popping into your mind spoke otherwise, but you were not about to tell a doctor about a tall horned man who had a giant pet dog and flowers that had actual dragon heads made of silky petals. Nope, no siree, that was a surefire way to end up in a padded room or at the very least on a very uncomfortable leather couch.
"Just Tanya, miss makes me feel old. It's good you're in no pain but let me check just in case. Tell me more about the last thing ya remember, maybe we can figure out a clue. May I?" Her hands gently reached out, pausing before they touched you seemingly waiting for permission. You nodded your agreement before trying to focus as she moved your head this way and that.
"I was in the park. It was early spring and with the nice weather, I decided to go for a walk. While doing so I picked up a few stones and it was when I was playing around with a particularly large one that I tripped. I remember falling but not hitting the ground, and then I was walking through the same clearing only the new leaves were now crunching under my feet and there was a severe burning sensation in my shoulder before passing out and waking up here. That's all." You recounted easily, and yet you could still feel something missing. Did it have to do with this mysterious horned man? It had to right? What other reason could there be?
The door to the room slid open with a loud clang and you flinched as someone outside swore. A middle-aged man with a large top that slimmed down to rather thin legs for his size (reminding you much of a walrus, especially with his fluffy moustache sitting proudly above his lips) peaked through around the doorframe with a wince. It was all topped off with a dark blue uniform and even a little cap sitting above a bald head and a far too little notebook clutched in his far too large hands. This couldn't be anything other than one of the officers Tanya mentioned.
"Roger!" Tanya berated and Roger jumped and lifted his hands in surrender towards the small woman he easily towered over. It rather reminded you of a clip you saw of a tiger being scared off by a regular house cat. Apparently, even kings of the jungle bowed to the little beings who acted like deities. "How many times do I have to tell you to be careful with my doors!" She continued on, finger raised as if she was scolding a child rather than a full-grown adult who looked at least twice her age.
"Sorry Tanya! It'd be a lot easier if these things had at least some traction though. They slip and slide like butter no matter how soft a touch I use."
"They're meant to ya big lug! Can't be fightin' with a door when I'm fightin' for someone's life. What are ya even doin' here anyways? Besides running doors off their tracks!"
"I had some time before my patrol shift and just wanted to check on our new mystery person. If I could just have a couple of minutes now that they're awake-"
"Absolutely not! They just woke up and I haven't even done a full check-up yet. Go! Shoo! You'll not be botherin' for a single second more till I deem them ready!" Tanya started to march towards him with all the power of a bull, constantly flitting her hands in a shooing motion to get out.
"Miss Tanya," you croaked out before letting another cough, catching both of their attention. Good, best to get this over with. "It's fine, really. I'd rather get the few questions out of the way and rest than push it off till later."
"Oh, I'm afraid it migh' be a bit more than a few questions, Miss," Roger said, taking his hat off and winging it in his hands as he dared to step closer before Tanya shot him a look. You blinked in surprise.
"Aren't you just here about the shooting? I promise it's a really simple story of two unaware people who caught each other off guard." No need to mention the lack of awareness that had to do with missing memories. Something in you just knew that the fewer people that knew, the better.
"Well there's that, and there's also the fact that your fingerprints have turned you up as a missing person for the past half year, at least. Abandoned home, no note, no ransom, no trail. Just poof, gone. We really thought you dead, another potential victim of them Devil Woods." Well, there went not mentioning anything.
Most of that had made sense in a way. Even if you didn't like it. After all who heard of someone actually disappearing off of the face of the Earth only to reappear far later with no memory of where they had gone? This was starting to sound more and more like the Sidhe tales from Northern Europe than you were comfortable with.
No, you mentally shook yourself. People disappeared into woods, forests, and (mostly) jungles all the time. Especially solo hikers. Wild animals and natural disasters were a big threat. But not many of them returned with missing memories. Maybe you had hit your head after all? You knew that you couldn't remember anything before you got shot but perhaps that was just a side effect. Only thinking you didn't remember then because it was so close to the memory of injury. A glitch in the brain if you would. Still, that name...
"Er, Devil Woods sir? I was under the impression it was a state park?"
"Oh it is, but us locals know it as something different. Folks upstairs can rename it all they want but it'll always be the Devil Woods to us. Folks have been whisked away from there for centuries and most of them haven't returned and the ones that do say strange beings roam those woods-"
"And it's all absolute hogwash," Tanya interrupted, full force glare on Roger, hands on her hips. "You know as well as I do most of those stories were made up for tourist attractions back in the day. A scam to bring money to a dyin' town and you'd be a fool to believe 'em. And I won't have you scaring my patients with 'em either. Ask your questions or better yet leave and wait till they can come into the station on their own."
"Alright alright don't get your cherries in a twist now Tanya. They asked, I obliged. Now then," he turned back to you, tiny notebook with its own tiny pen out and ready to be used, cap replaced back on his head, "what all can you tell me? From the time you first visited till the shooting if you would be so kind."
With a sigh, you recounted everything you had already told Tanya. Why did you have the nasty feeling that you would be repeating this story a lot? **********
With night having fallen and the cops on the merry way after thoroughly questioning you settled back into the hospital bed that you were laying on.
(You were beyond scared but at least you were no longer hungry. Nor were you covered in blood or barely maintaining dignity with shredded clothes. Whoever this long-haired man (Demon? Fae? Alien?) was you knew, at least so far, he wasn't a threat. He had even kept you covered and hidden from the other beings' gazes as they swept over you. You had been rather startled to be swept into his arms like some princess but whatever had transpired after you had bit him had left you drained of strength. Too hungry, too tired, and no more adrenaline to keep you going left you almost listless and practically dead in his arms.
You figured you must have passed out at some point because the next thing you knew you had found yourself in another unfamiliar room, the scent of something delicious invading your senses as a drizzling sound showered far off. It was probably raining, which made you glad for the shelter even if you didn't know where said shelter was yet.
A groan left your mouth as you attempted to lean up and hunt down whatever was making that smell. Turning your head to the side of what appeared to be a rather elegant-looking couch, you noticed a tray with a steaming hot bowl of some kind of stew on the table next to you. You didn't even fully register what you were doing as one second you were laying there and the next you were sitting on your knees polishing off the last few licks of the broth.
You didn't know what you had consumed and you really didn't care at this point, all you knew was that you wanted more. Despite the size of the bowl you hardly felt any different. In the back of your head, you knew that you should slow down and wait, consuming food so fast after none at all for who knew how long was not good. Too bad the way your stomach curled in anger with what felt like measly amounts caused you to ignore it.
Sitting back on your heels you lifted your head up and tried to sniff out where there might be more. Hoping beyond hope that any lingering animal instincts you might have will activate and help you out here. There! A lingering aroma to your right. Struggling to get to your feet, you settled with crawling your way across the wooden floor towards what appeared to be a rather Addams Family-esque kitchen. Reaching up to grasp the dark marble counter you forced your body to stand up and leaned heavily against it to catch your breath as you tried to search out where the food could be.
On what appeared to be a pointier version of a gas stove was a soup pot. A pitch-black ladle was balanced precariously on top of the lid and you already knew you were going to turn it into a giant spoon.
'Wasn't it wonderful when tools were multifunctional', you thought slightly hysterical. Now whether to risk standing up and possibly falling while you're eating or attempt to bring the pot to the ground and potentially spill it all, certainly gaining the attention of whoever else might be here.
The more you scooted over to the pot the stronger your limbs seemed to be as the promise of more food lay before you. Standing it was then. Grabbing the ladle you placed the handle in your mouth to move the lid over to the side. 'Jackpot!' You thought. An almost full pot that would soon be empty if your stomach had anything to say about it.
Vaguely, you wondered why no matter how much you drank or chewed, as you practically inhaled the stew, you still didn't really feel full. Definitely better than before but this stew almost seemed to vanish by the time it left your mouth towards your stomach. It was rather confusing and especially frustrating as you kept shoving more into your mouth. There was something else, you knew and yet couldn't put your finger on it. Frankly, you would figure it out later as scooped more in. First, you were going to do your best to stuff yourself.
"Dafast dag ven kalis?" A low timber growled out as you took the last sip. Startled you jumped only to not have the strength to land properly. Falling to the ground you immediately skittered back away from where the voice had come from. With back to the wall, heart leaping, and blood rushing you finally realized what was wrong. The drizzling sound was gone. Not rain at all, but a shower. Their shower.
Staring up at the creature's sudden appearance you realized that it was the man from before. Only much wetter and wearing far less. A furious blush leaked over your cheeks as you registered just how much pale skin was showing (and ignored your disappointment at what wasn't). You watched carefully as he started to squat down across from your hand reaching out slowly, reminiscent of when you first met him in that horror house. Body tensing as pain spread out and oh, you were biting your lip to the point of breaking skin, but you ignored it as your mind raced.
Friend or foe? Danger or safety? Carrot or stick? He took you from the old place which means good, but what if he just wanted you for himself? He left you food, but oh gods what if it was poisoned? You probably should have thought that through, but you had just been so hungry. The hand was getting closer and his eyebrows were furrowing and you had seconds to decide. Stay or fight?
Too late he was there and - "Dag ven teh?" petting you? You blinked in surprise, yes that was definitely a light pressure from the top of your crown to streaking down the side of your head before starting over again. This-this was ok. This was nice, no pain only pleasure. His claws gently ran through your hair, undoing small knots in the process, and after everything you had gone through this felt amazing.
"Dag ven teh?" He repeated himself more firmly, as you helplessly leaned into the touch. You blinked again as you tried to focus when all you wanted was to shut down as the feel-good gesture kept being repeated.
'Dag ven teh' he had said. You tried to rack your mind for any semblance of a language you might know that could match but came up with nothing. You were simply too tired and didn't know much more than your native tongue. And who said he was even speaking an Earthly language? You had seen too many unearthly creatures, himself included, that even disoriented as you were you had no doubt you were no longer on your home planet.
"Da-Dahg van teh?" You tried repeating back to him but kept slurring the words as you fought falling back asleep. Hopefully, you didn't insult him, that would be really bad. Those claws gently scratching you could easily slice through your flesh like butter, you just knew. Not to mention those massive canine fangs you had glimpsed earlier.
You couldn't help but flinch as he raised an eyebrow at you, lips furthering into a worse frown and his hand pulled away. A whine left your throat as your mini head massager left before a squeak left your lips at the sudden sensation of going up. As your mind caught up you realized his arms were wrapped under your legs and behind your back again, head lolling on his chest as you were moved. You tried to grab onto his shoulders to steady yourself but they lacked the strength to hold on and slipped back into your lap as he took you further into his domain.
A few moments later you heard him mumble something before the squeaking of a door opening hit your ears. As he moved again you could only feel yourself be drained more and more (seriously was he a psychic vampire or something). Finally, he stopped once more and you were deposited onto something warm and fluffy that you sunk into. 
A mattress, you hoped. You weren't certain you could stay awake much longer so a bed would be good news even as unsure as you were about sleeping in this strange place. Not that your body cared for what you wanted.
"Nooz." He commanded placing one of his hands over your face and gently forcing your already semi-closed eyelids further downwards. That one was pretty easy you assumed. 'Sleep.' And so you did, drifting away and dreaming of horned men and dangerous worlds turned not so dangerous in the world of dreams.)
You grabbed your rather flat pillow and repositioned it so that you could curl around it and still keep your head on it as the memory washed over you. It was a rather poor substitute you could feel. Your body was demanding the presence of another and you felt the throes of loneliness but couldn't figure out who you were yearning for. All of your little flashbacks were centred on this long-haired pale man whom you didn't even know the name of yet, and so you assumed it was him but in the end, had no idea. For all, you knew these were all delusions anyway, a fantasy escape your brain was creating to fill the emptiness of lost memories. It made more sense than world jumping and magic men. You knew that.
And yet you had never felt more desperate to return to this fantasy land as you silently wept into the pillow, waiting for sleep and preferably someone else to come claim you.
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rabbitenn · 10 months
Hello could I request imagines for a Tenn x Reader and momo x Reader with a Reader who has a crush on them but tries to deny it to avoid heartbreak (and struggles to talk to them)? Thank you🫶
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Your feelings for him remain untold in the memories of your silent symphony.
ft. Kujo Tenn, Sunohara Momose x gn! reader.
cw/genre: fluff, some angst.
Thank you for requesting, hun ! I’m sorry this is so late, but I hope you can still enjoy it, mwah <3
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The realization settles over you like the mesmerizing rays of an eclipse at dawn; you know you shouldn’t stare directly at the sun’s blinding daze, and yet, your eyes can’t quite avert from his light.
But this is normal, right?
Everyone was attracted to the rose gold light his imaginary wings always seemed to give off. A radiance in thaw; his otherworldly aura helplessly drawing you in, until the honey of his voice wrapped its sweet warmth around you.
Kujo Tenn.
Everyone’s angel.
Your closest friend.
And yet, obviously, you were not immune to his charms.
Every time his gaze found yours, no matter if it was in a crowded concert hall or in the privacy of one of your rooms, the world around you faded; white noise and the blurry background of a discolored picture were all that remained around you and Tenn.
Thus, you have to build a wall between you and the alluring image of the angel.
You can absolutely not reveal the emotions your heart beats in.
Tenn and you have been friends for so long… And he’s a famous idol on top of that… You can’t taint his wings in stygian ink just because of your foolish desires.
And so, you close off your own invisible wings, the freefall awaiting you, a slow, bittersweet agony.
For bites of tongue replace words you used to share with him, in the comfort of sugar scented bedrooms and the soft colors of glazed donuts.
And Tenn knows.
That something is weighing on your mind.
That the sunshine that usually filtered through the trees as he spent time with you is now dimmed; the first droplets of a downpour falling as perennial foliage decays.
You thought your silence would be the silver locket to keep your diary secret, but to him, it’s like breathlessness as a heavy feeling constricts your chest.
Thorny vines, opening your throat to ask for help.
And despite it all, you decide to stitch bloody thread over your lips, keeping them sealed, no matter how much your heart shreds.
Luckily, an angel’s halo just happens to shine upon you, healing the parts of you you’re self destroying.
“[Y/n],” Tenn calls you, as a few quiet seconds pass with no answer from you following. “Are you alright?” He asks, those beautiful maroon eyes of his regarding you with concern.
You stare at him with a confused expression. Then, you get back to your senses.
“Yeah… I guess I was just spacing out.” You utter softly, avoiding his eyes.
Fiddling with your fingers, you reach out for the plate of donuts sitting between you two.
The atmosphere feels tense enough around you, you feel you’ll suffocate if you don’t busy yourself with something soon.
In that instant, your hand is held by someone else’s.
His touch is tender, so gentle, as his fingers intertwine with yours.
“Will you tell me what’s wrong?” Tenn prompts, thumb running over the back of your hand.
You stammer, eyes widening, heart pounding wildly against your ribcage, a telltale sound of the frenzy your mind is into.
“I-I… I’m… It’s n-nothing.” You finally manage.
The angelic idol gives you a knowing look, a smirk playing on his too tempting lips.
“Since when did you become so shy around me?” He asks, one of his hands brushing some strands away from your face.
You take in a sharp breath, heat flaring up on your cheeks.
“T-that’s not…” You try to turn your face away from him.
Because you know if you keep getting lost in his pretty quartz-like eyes, your lips won’t be able to keep away from his.
And, however, it seems that’s exactly what he wants.
Taking your chin in between his fingers, Tenn guides your face towards his.
“Why, [Y/n]?” He whispers, thumb running over your lower lip.
Your breath hitches, pupils dilating as your friend, who’s definitely more than that, holds your gaze.
You know what he’s referring to.
Your silence. The avoidance and pulling away from him you’ve been isolating in.
“I can’t…” You begin, as thick words lodge in your throat, the fear of ‘I can’t be with you’ ‘I can’t have my heart broken when you inevitably say no’, the silent chains constricting your throat.
Strands of hair weaved from wishes on a shooting star tickle your cheek.
Tenn’s forehead rests against yours, as his hands thread through your hair.
He utters your name.
Millimeters separate his lips from yours.
And the hardcovers of your secret diary seem to fall apart this close to him.
“I love you.” You inevitable breath, pupils blown wide, in the space between.
Your angel’s answer comes in the form of warmth and softness upon your lips.
His hands move to your waist, bringing you closer to him in the sunlit space of the room.
Against your better judgment, your arms wrap around his shoulders, your form melting into the sweetness of his perfect embrace.
You’ve longed for this.
So many days, so many nights, in which dreams came to a close with you wide eyed, as you came down from the daze of his pretty face appearing in your oneiric illusions.
And even if you want to believe it, but fear makes you deny it, he’s yearned for this too.
Because as much as Tenn strives to move the hearts of his fans and put bright smiles on their faces, you are always the first one he sings for.
And now, even if it’s in an unspoken way, the melody of him next to you is finally being relied.
Alas, seconds helplessly tick by, and one cannot exist without oxygen forever, as much as you can’t be without each other.
“I love you too, for a long time now, I have.” Are the words that follow your Tenn’s soft smile the moment you part.
There is no need for locked vaults between you and him anymore.
You know you are a fool.
Both for even beginning to fathom your feelings could ever be returned, and for acting the way you’re doing now.
You’re just making yourself miserable and you know it.
And yet, you’re hell bent on denying it.
It’s so obvious to you now how he could never like you back in the same way you like him.
He’s one of Japan’s top idols, for crying out loud.
The fact that you just happen to know him since his college days doesn’t mean anything.
Therefore, you are determined to swat away any thoughts of infatuation that come your way.
No matter if that means entirely isolating from him.
The friend that’s been with you for over seven years now.
You can’t ruin what you have; and what’s more: you don’t know what you’d do with yourself if you heard ‘no’ coming out of his lips.
So pulling away, being quiet… That’s what must be done.
You were always good at it, anyway.
And besides, what good would it do, if you ended up accidentally making your feelings known?
This is for the better.
You turn around in your bed, the city lights casting a dimmed glow around your room; dyeing it in shades of muted cyan.
Quite fitting for the state you find yourself in.
Lying on your side, sheets rumpled, as numbness and doubt wrap around you.
Your eyes focus on your phone for a moment, carelessly thrown around your bed.
You’ve been ignoring all the messages today.
Especially the ones sent by him.
You just… couldn’t bring yourself to open them; it hurt seeing his enthusiastic typing and all the cute kaomojis. It’s as if… You were betraying him by being like usual, when it’s clear your feelings for him have shifted to another direction.
Not that you’ll ever reveal that to him.
And if you ignore it for long enough, it is sure to fade away.
A doodle in pink pencil, undoubtedly to be erased as paper yellows beneath the ticking of the clock.
You knew that better than anyone.
You have been wiped out too many times when you tried to speak from your heart, for it to become whole again.
Deep scars still remain, and they hurt enough as is to risk reopening them once more.
It’s better to wound the remaining untouched flesh of your choking heart, if you want to avoid shattering it completely.
Fuzzy thoughts turn into exhaustion, which leads you into restless dreams, under the light of a dimmed moon.
You awake to the strident sound of a ringtone blaring right by your ears.
Judging by the light around, it’s still early, and no sun is filtering through the curtains today.
Groggily, you pick up, if only to stop the annoying ringing.
“Yeah?” You yawn half asleep.
A second later, you pull the speaker away from you, the voice on the other side, on the edge of yelling.
“[Y/n]-chan! I finally got in touch! You haven’t been replying to my texts, ah I was so worried!”
“I…” You begin. “I’m fine, Momo, please don’t worry.” You reply, trying to keep your tone even.
On one hand, it really does warm your heart he’s been thinking about you.
On the other, you really do feel guilty for having worried him…
And besides, you’ve totally failed to avoid him.
“Are you sure, [Y/n]?” Melancholy is palpable in his usually perky tone. It makes you feel a pang of hurt on your chest.
“I… Yeah, I guess…” You trail off.
A few seconds of silence on the other end of the line.
“You know, if you’re not feeling well or there’s something worrying you, you can count on me.”
Why was Momo always so kind? It makes it so hard to keep denying what’s clearly love for him.
“I’ll figure it out.” You mumble, perhaps more to yourself than for him to hear.
“I know you will, [Y/n], but, you know, if you want some company… Just say the word.”
A nostalgic smile settles on your lips.
The truth is you would certainly like it, his company.
You let out a sigh.
“I’d love that.” You utter, truthfully.
One of Momo’s bright giggles can be heard on the other end.
A few fleeting ticks later, your doorbell rings.
“Open the door then, [Y/n]-chan.”
You can’t help the wide smile spreading on your face.
“What? Really? You’re here?”
You can practically see the nervous laugh he lets out.
“I… uh got worried when you didn’t reply and I thought maybe you were sick, so I… kinda bought many of your favorite snacks… yeah…”
He’s too cute.
With that same dopey grin on your face, you open the door.
Even if you can’t make your feelings known for now, you suppose it’s alright to indulge in the tight hug he gives you.
You certainly needed one from him right now.
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