#Roleplay struggle
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blizzardprincess · 2 months ago
I so badly wanna do a blue exorcist RP but my normal partners don't like it
However I'm scared I won't be able to really hold up expectations since I don't do like five paragraphs of RP. I don't do one liners though and I always do my best to reply.
I just really REALLY wanna do one that's close to the lore it would be so much fun!!
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memepocalypse · 2 months ago
Reluctant Allies
Requested by anon!
"Oh, I guess... if I must."
"I don't like you, you don't like me."
"We have no choice but to get along."
"I don't want to help you!"
"Don't make me do this. Ughhh..."
"You have never said a nice word to be in my life, and yet here I am. Helping."
"Just - shut up and take my hand."
"If I'm going to have to hang out with you, can you try to be less insufferable?"
"You are unbearable!"
"We're working together. Shut up."
"I don't like it either, no!"
"We're going to do this then never have to look at each other again."
"Why are we doing this again?"
"Just - pretend. Go along with it!"
"I'm going to smack you if you don't shut up and get on with it."
"What does complaining get us? Huh?"
"You have to help, you idiot!"
"I'm not doing this by myself."
"Yes, yes, you hate me, so on, so forth."
"We're going to go do this together."
"No! [Name]!"
"I never shouted for them I don't know what you're talking about."
"I don't care about them. No. Nu uh."
"We're doing this because we have to, not because I want to."
"For God's sake, you're unbearable."
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teethextraction · 6 months ago
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hogties are already so inescapable— when they decide to continue tying you up, wrists attached to your hair, is there really any point in fighting it?
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littlescribbs · 1 year ago
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You are my safe harbor, my calm sea ⛵✨
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night-raven-miscellany · 2 months ago
(✨open rp post! If ppl are interested, ofc.)
Casimir sat quietly on a bench in the NRC courtyard, reading over a collection of pages. He'd flip through a few at a time, reading and rereading them, until he would sigh, flipping back to the start of the pages...
Eventually, he would seem to give up on a stack, turning to another collection of pages, and repeat the process before returning to a previous stack.
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chamoemileclown · 2 months ago
Where do you find the time to watch all these people play minceraft….
at the start of this blog it was a lot easier to do because i was unemployed but now the minecraft people lift the burdens of working as a barista so i budget it into my schedule
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shisuixuchiha · 2 months ago
Feeling very self conscious and embarrassed by my English today 🙈🙉🙊😬🤐 please no one read it!! 🤮
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wodania · 1 year ago
me talking about the majority of asoiaf characters: THAT IS A CHILD!!! AN INFANT!!! A FETUS!!!
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quillpokebiology · 1 year ago
Pokemon Crossbreeds: Vehement
Vehement is the name for a Noibat/Noivern whose fathers are members of the Hydreigon line. The name Vehement came from its meaning, which is to do something with force or passion, often in a violent manner. The breed was bred as a battle breed but is also quite common in the wild.
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Vehemet Noibat tend to be larger and have a purplish-bluish color to them. They are also fluffier on their heads. They're also more aggressive, which can make them difficult to train for beginning trainers. While not all of them have worse eye sight, they are more likely to be born blind, but the blind ones can make up for it with their echo location.
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Vehement Noivern are bigger and physically stronger than standard Noivern, making them great for battle. They inherit the rougher feathers of Hydreigon, making them have more fur and fluffier wings. Like their Hydreigon fathers, their ruthless and aggressive, and they can be very dangerous if encountered in the wild. Luckily, the chances of encountering one in a cave is low unless you go to the very dark depths of it.
//My designs can be used by anyone if you credit me! Also, @pokemon-variants-pokedex talks about their version of this crossbreed, so check out that one as well cuz it's cool
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blizzardprincess · 1 year ago
Rp struggles
As a writer and someone who does RP, I hate it when I have a character that I love so much but I can't use her because she's a girl and my RP partner prefers male characters...
In this new RP I have three characters, two girls and one guy. It is very obvious he favors my male character. I have so much lore for the two girl characters and yes even for the male character, I don't discriminate while crafting my characters. My main thing is I put the character first, I don't care about the gender. However he sees my male characters and automatically is drawn to them first because they have d!cks. He's literally admitted that.
I just don't know what to do. I don't want to only make male characters but in order for them to have written screen time I feel like they have to be male. I am so proud of how I write my characters and I love writing my female characters, but he prefers my male characters. Honestly this male character so far has been so BORING for me to write because of this factor. I know the only reason he's liked is because he's a male character. I'm tired.
I guess I just don't understand why someone would prefer a character because of what's in their pants, probably because I'm asexual. I like a character based on their character, but he always likes a character first up because the character is a man.
I don't know what to do, I really don't and I feel like I've said that enough. I've tried to bring this up to him but he just brushes off my feelings, I don't know why. I try to always listen to him and honestly I wasn't even going to make a male character but I forced him in there because I know what he prefers. My first two designs for the RP were the two female characters, but then I got extremely anxious that he wouldn't want to RP if I didn't add a male character, so I forced myself to. Now he's overshining my other two characters, even though I'm convinced if one of my female characters was a male he'd be all over her. But no because she's a girl she gets side lined.
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phoenixmuses · 14 days ago
For Valentines ask:
Confession, flowers, be my valantine, smooshes, love letter, and diner for loki please
♡ Valentine's Inbox Memes
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The God had been planning this out for weeks now. While he typically didn't partake in the Midgardian celebration of Valentine's Day, he knew that a particular mortal he had been growing fond of had been looking forward to the date. Taking the opportunity to delve further into the traditions and customs of the holiday, he found himself a tad inspired, head swimming in the plethora of cards, candies, decorations, and romantic gestures. He had always been a little... theatrical, even perhaps a bit eccentric, and Steve didn't seem to mind — to which he used that to his advantage.
When the opportunity arose, he slipped away to Midgard, leaving an invitation upon Rogers' bed, requesting to meet at a private location when Valentine's Day arrived, with the words, "I would very much like you to be my Valentine, if you'll have me." Loki had spent time pouring over a love letter to give him, re-reading and re-writing it countless times until he was satisfied with its contents. He conjured up a bouquet of lillies, speckled and shimmering, something unique to Asgard — symbolically, a piece of himself to give to Steve — and placed them in a vase nearby the table they were to dine at. Once he had set up the decor, the God focused on their meal.
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When the blond arrived, the table had been set with their main course, the finest Midgardian red wine, grapes, strawberries, and a small heart shaped cake to split for dessert. There were taper and vanilla-scented candles, wine glasses, a small teddy bear with a heart, and a few floral pieces for decoration. Soft music played, a mix of love songs from the past few decades offering a calm and sweet ambiance. The letter he had written for him was propped against the bouquet he had placed off to the side.
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The trickster wore an ebony suit, tailor made and befitting of the atmosphere he had painted. Part of him felt a bit nervous, as though he might reject the affectionate display. However, the evening went off without a hitch and the two of them found themselves sharing stories, laughter, and a good meal. Once dessert had been finished, Loki knew it was now or never.
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Moving a bit closer, his hand found its way to his lower back in a tender gesture, drawing Steve's attention to him. A small smile formed on his face, a subtle glimmer of hope dancing in Loki's demeanor as he observed the mortal before him. Leaning forward so that they were mere inches apart, he hesitated, giving the blond a moment to pull away if he so wished to. But, when he stayed still, the God gradually closed the distance and captured his lips in a tentative but decided kiss, his other hand lifting to cup his cheek.
His heart swelled with affection for the man beneath his touch, a rare warmth stirring in his chest. After a long moment, they broke away from one another. "I've been thinking lately," he began a bit softer than usual, his voice low and charming. "There are a lot of Midgardians, although none quite like yourself. I find myself enjoying our time together, and..." Loki paused, his eyes flickering over the soldier's expression before he continued, "I think that there may be something more here than mere cordial company."
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teethextraction · 6 months ago
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is it fun? knowing your orgasms aren’t yours to control anymore? no matter how much you try struggling, the vibrator will always be taped between your legs; your pleasure is for everyone else’s amusement but yours ♥️
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jarromir · 5 months ago
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grunklefordpines · 6 months ago
Ok, since you find it charming that people are calling you a silver fox, has it helped improve how you see yourself? I feel like a therapist right now, sorry-
I scarcely use the mirror—I have better things to be spending my time doing.
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tutorialterryanduhhhummm · 2 months ago
"I mean I've been hearing some things by holding this thing but it's not like I care enough to listen! And no! I will not give this to you!! Why do you need it from me!!"
*they hold the darkheart close to them as they hissed at the player they liked their sword! It was a fun toy! They were such a childish anon..*
- 🖤 anon
[ T-That's not good... w-what if the voices get louder?! What if they manipulate them?! What if they hurt their friends?! WHAT IF-- ]
" Dude, get ahold of yourself! Do I have to babysit you EVERY TIME you're scared?! "
[ ... ]
" ...Sorry, didn't mean to be rude. I know you're going through a lot-- "
[ It's fine. You're fine. ]
" ...Whatever. Player is right though. You shouldn't be holding onto that thing, those swords don't do good, all I know. "
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abluestreakedhero · 1 month ago
[ @alostshadowfromthestars ] // RP PROMPT: caress //
It's one of those days where, like a stray cat, Shadow has found himself lingering around the Wachowski household. he seems to avoid contact with everyone else, but sticks strictly to Sonic like Velcro that could rip off and zip off at any sign of The humans trying to adopt him. He had no interest in it, and it would make his bond with Sonic that much more complicated. Shadow was .. okay with living alone. he didn't enjoy it but it meant he could do as he pleased, and this was doing just that.
Shadow, right now is sat close beside the hedgehog in his room. something that caught his eye, always, was the way Sonic's tail would waggle rapidly from time to time. though this time, without much thought, upon seeing that mere action he reaches down and begins to gently caress the top of Sonic's tail in a very polite manner.
Sonic honestly hadn’t minded how shadow operated with his family. It was abit odd, yeah, but it worked for them. One day he was sure they’d be alright with telling his family what they were to make it easier for shadow to be in the house and his parents not trying to take him in. But for now, sonic would suffice with shadow acting like the cat-coded hog he was to get close to him, ofcourse sonic would try and get close around shadow at the cafe and such too! But uh. Stone and eggman. Yeah. They didnt like him. Made it hard for him to get to shadow.but that didnt mean this stubborn hog woldnt try!
However right now. Sonic had just been rambling and ranting about random things to his boyfriend since they were sat so close on his bed, he usually liked to just ramble and ramble since shadow seemed to just- listen to him. It wss nice, yknow? To have someone who would sit down and listen to him. Not ignore him, or shake his rambles off to focus on anything other then his voice. He loved his family and they loved him but.. it didnt take a genius to realize when you were being annoying by talking way too long. His tail wagged like crazy but his little rambles seems to pause on the touch he felt on that rapid little moving tail, his ears would perk and he looked up at shadow with abit of a surprised and maybe alittle flustered look, it wasn’t anything bad he was just surprised. Though to show sonic wasn’t uncomfortable, he moved to shuffle closer and hold his tail out the best he could to allow his boyfriend to touch it more if he desired with a smile.
“Was i wagging it too much, or did it just catch your eye?-“
Sonic asks in a gentle curious tone.
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