#pokeblogging roleplay
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quillpokebiology · 2 months ago
Pokemon Crossbreeds: Veiled Angler
Veiled Angler (often abbreviated as Veil) is the name for members of the Lanturn line whose fathers were Goldeen/Seaking. They were named after the veils they have gained on their fins and because they still use a similar hunting strategy; but they also use their fins to lure in prey. The breed is found primarily in freshwater lakes, which makes them smaller, and they're also common showbreeds for Lanturn.
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Veiled Angler Chinchou gain more elongated fins and their lights become more "silverbell" shapes (that's the best way I can describe it. I'm not good with words). They also gain the tiny little lips of Goldeen. Because of their developed fins, they can swim faster than the average Chinchou. They're elegant, but don't underestimate them; they're still very effective at catching prey.
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Veiled Angler Lanturn are said to be one of the most beautiful Lanturn crossbreeds. Their fins become white with the spots of Seaking, which is a great contrast, as they often live in lakes and the sun reflecting off their white fins can make it easier for them to hide when they're near the surface. They stick to the deep parts of the lake when looking for food, luring pokemon with their light.
//My designs can be used by anyone if you credit me for the original design!
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historianofgalar · 5 months ago
With Typhlosion trending, I think it's time to bring up the, "Humans and pokemon were one in the same," and the implications that humans uses to breed with pokemon. Please do not worry, this post is as SFW as it can be, but I do apologize for some other stuff that mighr be brought into it. I'm just discussing the origins of where these ideas came from.
"Did people mary pokemon?"
Yes, and while I'm sure there are some... different cases, most of the marriage worked differently than human marriages. The marriage itself was about the union; not the romance or the children that were expected of from marriage at the time. I explained it in this post, but the Diamond and Pearl clans of Sinnoh would "mary" their lord or lady pokemon, not in a romantic sense, but in a union sense. The wardens would still be allowed to have relations with or marry humans. Even outside of the clans, there were some instances of people marrying their pokemon to show a union between them that wasn't romantic.
In modern day, marrying your pokemon partner is considered taboo due to the modern ideas of marriage focusing on the romantic aspect of it only. Modern-day members of the Diamond and Pearl clans will still sometimes have the practices of weddings with their lord or lady pokemon, even if they are not legally married. It's important to know that, if you're meeting a warden who is married to their lord or lady, that they are bonded in marriage, but not in the way that modern society sees marriage.
The clans have always seemed to view pokemon as one of them. There are instances of people calling their partner pokemon their brothers, sisters, parents, or children. While I do not originate from these clans, I do follow a similar belief. I have been partners with my Dragapult, Aosmhor, since I was 10 years old, and she feels like a sister to me. I do not use pokeballs on my pokemon (accept for Mallaithe the Runerigus, but that was a catch-or-die situation) because I follow a similar belief that they can be used to control your pokemon. These pokemon feel like family to me, and I do not wish to put them into tiny balls.
"Can humans and pokemon have kids?"
Theoretically? Yes. But not with just any pokemon. It's assumed that humans could potentially make a successful embryo with related species to us, like Oranguru or Gardevoir, but no one (that we know of) has ever tried to make an embryo in a lab or anywhere else. There could've been some potential hybrids in history, but nothing ever fully concrete.
//Don't come at me, I didn't just pull this outta my ass. There was a successful human/chimpanzee embryo in a lab
"Where did the myths of humans having children with pokemon originate?"
One reason is that it was most likely to explain why a pokemon looks the way it does. Typhlosion can be mistaken for human from a faraway distance (same height as a human, very human-like eyes, sometimes walks on 2 legs), and people back then must've thought it was part human/part pokemon. It's also why there are so many myths of Ghost Types once being human; to explain their odd behaviours. While I'm actually a believer that some ghost types were once human (Yamask, Spiritomb), pokemon like Gengar most likely weren't human. But, there are myths of it once being human because it follows humans, hides in human's shadows and, despite its wideness, it is the same height as a small human.
The stories could also just be for entertainment or to teach a lesson. A common theme amongst a lot of folklore is, "don't be tricked by seduction." Since fairytales love their symbolism, they'd often use pokemon such as Foxmon or Humanoid-mon as the symbolism for seduction, since many foxes are able to do magic or are just very sneaky, and some humanoid-mons can be easy to mistake for human women. It's why there's so much folklore of Zoroark turning into beautiful women, Primarina luring men to their deaths, and Kantonian Ninetales luring men into the woods with illusions of beautiful women. It's not literal; it's all a metaphor.
Some do have a grain of truth, though. Zoroark would use their illusions to look like humans, but Hisuian Zoroark rarely did this since they wanted to avoid humans. Primarina have beautiful voices that would enchant any sailor, but since they were still wild Pokemon, the Primarina must've felt threatened or scared by the sailors and would harm them in self defense. Ninetales create illusions from fire, and will sometimes use these illusdions to keep people away. But, they rarely ever do it to keep people in the forest, since they dont like anyone in their territory, and the illusions were often scary. But, for the sake of storytelling snd explaining things they couldnt understand, they would change it.
Then there's Frolass, who will just lure men away and freeze them. That one's real. Beware of Froslass if you're a man or too masculine presenting. Unless you're my kid apparently. Froslass just get confused looking at them...
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pokemonpetfinder · 7 months ago
Soggy (Adopted)
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Name: Soggy
Species: Yamper
Type: Electric
Terra Type: Water
Breed: Whimpering
Sex: Male
Height: 1'00
Weight: 29.8 lbs
Ability: Rattled
Moveset: Tackle, Nuzzle, Tail Whip, Bite
Soggy is a Whimpering Yamper (Drizzile father), which is why he looks so sad and droopy. He was found on the side of the road and we think he was abandoned since hes oretty well trained, but has no trainer. Pretty shy, and like his breed name suggests, he whimpers when he's sad or scared. But, he likes being outside in fields and likes to swim in small ponds, bur be careful, since he might release sparks in the water. If interested in adopting him, reblog this post with your qualifications and reasons why.
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teamsocialism · 8 months ago
updates: read this first
hey there! do you like fairness, equality, sharing, and teamwork? then join team socialism! led by verity and zeke ( @verityandzeke ) bc january wasn't interested in this project lol
we hate the word "grunt" bc it's phonetically unappealing, so we're calling the generic starting rank "employees" instead. you can also request higher ranks upon joining, but we might have to double-check to make sure we trust you with it
this is just an elaborate joke, interpol please don't get our asses
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magic anons: on (lightweight)
inspired by @team-capitalism
universal rp rules are on my main's pinned post ( @gebbys-pokeblog-library )
dm or send in an ask to join (or reblog or comment, but only if you specify that you want to join, bc otherwise I'll assume you're just blog-boosting)
fun fact: the mascot being a roserade is actually a reference to the fist and rose symbol from rl, but that's about as far as I'll go in terms of referencing rl politics LOL
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pokedesignercalli · 1 year ago
Can I request a milotic themed gala dress?
(I'm going to a met ball in kalos with my milotic).
Of course! I have a Milotic myself, and this was very fun to make!
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Variants under the cut
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victoriapokefashion · 1 year ago
Alcreamie Dress
A little baker girl came in and wanted a dress to match her Alcreamie. Absolutely love the cottagecore feel to it❤️
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//inspired by Lino_ichigo
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gym-leader-onyx · 2 years ago
Me, explicitly stating that I only battle at my gym from 8am to 11pm:
10 year olds coming to my gym door at 3 in the fucking morning:
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the-peach-of-gods · 1 year ago
I will make amends
You may know me as Peacharunt and that I am evil but I was manipulated by those I once called my friends
I am here to make amends for what I have done since i never meant for all th chaos and simply wanted people to enjoy my mochi
This is a blog about Peacharunt and what I believe about it
Also in the Peacharunt of @candyredappledragon
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your-friendly-merchant · 1 year ago
Hello my name is Kagero and I’m a merchant
I’m described as calm, polite, and friendly and I agree
My Pokémon are:
Sarah (female Popo)
Sir fluffykins the 12th (a felyne given to me by @buddy-handler-iori and named by my wonderful daughter)
William (cohoot that was also given to me by Iori)
this is a blog featuring Kagero the merchant from monster hunter rise and all lore from the main game is true and I will make everything else up
Things I made up:
He will KILL a Pokémon if they try to kill his daughter
His way of saying no is like this: “no thank you kind sir/ma’am/person” or if you are mean he will say “I am trying to say this in the kindest way possible but go find a cliff to jump off of”
He keeps a sword near him at all times (you never know;))
Things I kept:
He and his daughter were apart of Tsukito with him being the Royal advisor and his daughter being the princess
His daughter is adopted
He is a wyvearian (yes that does mean he is a Pokémon but he likes to hide it)
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lovenpeace-pkmn · 9 months ago
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Hello internet, does this count as loafing
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pokerescue · 20 days ago
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i still can believe silver got abandoned because he was not powerful enough. Like. look at him interacting with sleepy???? he's so sweet??
i found him outside like this with sleepy. Sleepy has had problems after getting abandoned by their past trainer because it didnt want to evolve, especially with making friends, But silver seems to think that this little goop is his best friend. Its honestly so cute, i cant believe it.
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quillpokebiology · 5 months ago
Pokemom Crossbreeds: Dire
//Inspired by @pokemonranch ! First one is literally just a redraw of their Axew design, lol
Dire is the name for members of the Axew line who have fathers that are members of the Hydreigon line. They get their name due to Hydreigon being dangerous, and this breed gaining more aggressive traits. The breed can be found in the wild, but they are also used as a battle breed.
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Dire Axew gain darker scales and fur around their neck and head, with little magenta spots decorating their fur. They can be found in caves, looking for food and sharpening their tusks on rocks and stalagmites. While they're not blind, they are more likely to hatch with bad eyesight or gain bad eyesight as they age. Yes, they make contacts for pokemon, btw.
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Dire Fraxure gain some traits of Zweilous but they do NOT gain two heads. They're known for having a higher temper, which can make them more dangerous. Fraxure already have scales that are as hard as armor, but with Dire Fraxure's added fluff, they get extra protection around their neck.
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Dire Haxorus gain the traits of Hydreigon, such as the flowery plumage, magenta scales, and of course, the floof. While Haxorus are known for being kind dragons, Dire Haxorus are moody and temperamental and are more easily ticked off. They go on rampages in caves looking for food, destroying anything in its path to find it. They are known to be harder to train, but many battles love them for their added strength.
//Every design here except Axew can be used for free if you credit me. Axew is just a redraw of Ranch's with slight tweaks, and I'd feel bad if I said you could use it for free. Unless they say otherwise, only Hydreigon and Fraxure can be used
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historianofgalar · 5 months ago
I just read that in Typhlosion myth everybody seems to be talking about. It was quite interesting, and I do love reading old folklore. However, one thing that struck to me was the ending.
"That's how people found out.
"Bakufun (Typhlosion) is half human."
This was written at a time when knowledge of pokemon was very limited, and it's safe to assume that people back then thought that Typhlosion might've been part human, part pokemon. It makes sense. Typhlosion has very human eyes, is the same height as a human, and sometimes walks on its hind legs. The story could've been written to explain how that happened.
It wouldn't be the first time we've heard stories like this. Kadabra once being human is a more recent one, but that's obviously false. There's also plenty of myths of Zorark (both Unovan and Hisuian) transforming into beautiful women to seduce men. But, I guess more people are shocked to hear this due to it being a very well-known pokemon.
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pokemonpetfinder · 5 months ago
Shadow (Adopted)
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Name: Shadow
Species: Lycanroc
Type: Rock
Terra Type: Dark
Breed: Bloodmoon Umbreon mix
Sex: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 2 years (adult)
Height: 3'07
Weight: 51.1 lbs
Ability: Vital Spirit
Moveset: Crunch, Rock slide, Fire fang, Stealth rock
Shadow is a 2 year old Bloodmoon Umbreon mix that's been with us since he was a rockruff, but he never got adopted. He's pretty shy, and it can take him a while to warm up to people. He would do well in a house with another pokemon (he'll be fine once he gets to know them) or by himself. He sheds a lot btw, so he shouldn't be adopted if you have allergies. Because he's Midnight Lycanroc, he's nocturnal, so don't be surprised if you hear howling at 3am. He likes toys, but he's hard to play fetch with bcuz he'll just chew on it or stand their holding it while wagging his tail. If interested in adopting him, reblog with your qualifications and reasons why.
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teamsocialism · 5 months ago
small blog update
please welcome new team socialism admins priya carter (she/her) and oliver brooks (he/him)! their sign-offs are 📘 (priya) and 💙 (oliver)
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pokedesignercalli · 2 years ago
Fuck this is so stupid
So, like- how do you tell your rival you have a crush on them? I'm hopefully visiting Paldea soon to catch a Quaquval, and my rival is currently there, and I'm obviously going to visit them, and yeah. Any advice?
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