#Rock Of Eternity
puppetwoman17 · 2 months
Tell me why I think the Council of Eternity would WEEP happy tears if they ever got to meet Billy?
I mean, they were so trusting in Teth Adam, that he would protect magic, protect earth, be a guardian for the Rock. But his betrayal not only cost the lives of humanity, but their own lives as well, leaving their brother Shazam to wallow by himself for centuries. Imagine the guilt and sorrow. Watching each other die by the hands of someone you saw as a son, a student, a successor. A bad judge of character led to the end of civilizations, and it was all their fault, and they don’t deserve this power or this station—
And then, years later, Billy is chosen. Someone who has the values they’ve been looking for. He cares about his job more than humanly possible. He’s heroic and courageous and everything a champion needs to be. He gets sick just thinking about hurting anyone, and while he does like seeing people get their just desserts, he doesn’t actively seek out vengeance.
So yes, I do think that if the ghosts of the fallen council members met Billy, they would cry. And hug him, and cry some more. And then totally go crazy over the fact that “HOLY CRAP WE HAVE A CHAMPION! WE HAVE AN ACTUAL CHAMPION!”
I mean, they are still human😅.
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rad-batson · 1 year
AU where Billy Batson is investigating some random magic issue because his powers have been depleted as a consequence, meaning he temporarily can’t be Captain Marvel, but he somehow accidentally tips off Zatanna who’s working in the watchtower that day. She senses the sudden lack of magic in Fawcett City and tries to contact Marvel to warn him, but he can’t be reached so she calls up a few members of the JL to check it out because they want to make sure he’s okay.
Batman, Zatanna, The Flash, and Wonder Woman start wandering through Fawcett with no plan, just looking for some kind of sign that Cap is nearby, when they see this kid in a tattered red hoodie open a PORTAL, and they’re like what the fuck?! So they slip through the portal right before it closes and suddenly they’re in this infinite magical cave, and the boy is pissed. And he’s really not open to questions.
“What’s your name, kid?”
“None of your business.”
“Where are we?”
“Also none of your business.”
The heroes aren’t idiots, though. They know this kid has something to do with Cap’s disappearance, so they ask him questions until he finally gets tired of them and says, “I’m his…protégé.”
“Cap has a protégé?”
“Yes. That’s me.”
“Prove it.”
“Superman works as a news reporter at the Daily Planet.”
“…Oh shit.”
Batman tries to talk to him about how he shouldn’t know this kind of stuff but the kid hits him back with, “You have like ten kids who know everyone’s identities too. Why are Captain Marvel and I suddenly breaking protocol?” Point taken.
So now there’s this magical kid who’s apparently in line to become the next Champion of Magic who knows all of the JL’s secrets through Captain Marvel, and they still don’t know WHERE Cap is so they take him back to the watchtower and try to get as much info from him as possible. It only makes them more confused.
“Where is Captain Marvel?”
“He’s stuck in eternity.”
“What does that mean?”
“He doesn’t have a corporeal form right now.”
“He- what the fuck? How did that happen?”
“His powers were depleted after a big fight last week.”
“But is that reversible?”
“That’s what I was working on.”
“And what were you doing, exactly?”
“I was…trying to help him get his strength back.”
“Okay? How can we help?”
“Umm, you can’t.”
“Is he okay? In eternity?”
“Yeah yeah, don’t worry about it.”
“How do you know he’s okay?”
“We…have a…shared consciousness?”
“Excuse me??”
“I take it back.”
“You can’t just take that back?!“
“It’s Champion of Magic stuff, okay?! You wouldn’t understand!”
The kid’s story just keeps getting weirder and weirder until he refuses to answer questions, leaving them more in the dark than they were before.
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aroace-madness · 4 days
Captain Marvel prompt
(Billy and Cap are 2 sepparate entities that can exist at the same time in the RoE, why, because why not so bear with me)
Justice league goes to the Rock of Eternity because reasons and there they see Captain Marvel hovering a bit above the ground clearly meditating, next to him they see a young scruffy boy about 10 years old, being held by the hood of his jacket thanks to magic. The boy is clearly unhappy about being held captive that way
"can I please get down now?"
"will you let me meditate in peace?"
"I think we both know the answer to that question"
"then no"
The league is preplexed with what are they witnessing and have no idea how to react. Who is that boy? How does he know Marvel? How does Marvel know him? Why is he at the Rock of Eternity? Are they related?
Bruce immediately hops to the theory that the boy is Marvels son, mostly because the tone of Marvels voice was much known to him thanks to his children, and the fact that he trapped his kids in "air jail" multiple times before. Yes even as adults
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samix-asb · 1 month
adult supervision? not around here partner
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DAY 3 I really enjoy the silly goofy moments dam mora drew of Billy playing in the cave n being a kid, wanted to draw some of it as Billy because I love not thinking about the implications™. You can think of this Billy as the one from those homeless fanfics (spot the little details) because I really enjoy the concept of a 10 year old getting to act like a kid again, even if it's reckless and on a super ancient magic rock :]
tried more of a comic style for this one if you can tell, my tabled hated me a little because the brush wasn't brushing as it should, also if you wonder why I posted day 3 on day 5... flu season in my city left me bedridden all of yesterday, hopefully tomorrow I finish the sketches, if nlot I'll draw something simpler and post the wips below ig
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chaoticallyfluffy · 1 month
Animatic for Billy Batson week day 3: Rock of Eternity/At Home Base!
I’ve been wanting to make this animatic for so long but this prompt finally pushed me to do it! Also after this I think I finally figured out how to draw Billy! Not during this obviously but hopefully tomorrows looks a bit better (even though it’s also a bit rushed)
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Cap should be allowed to teleport to the rock with his transformation lightning. I mean that's where it's coming from, after all.
He would use it to get out of so many situations XD.
Batman: captain, do you have a minute to stay after this meeting?
Billy, going to be late for school if he doesn't hup to: um haha sorry the wizard wants me back at the rock I'm already pushing it hahaSHAXAM
The wizard, looking up from his orb: *raises an eyebrow*
Cap, transforming back with more lightning and rushing for his bag: I'm sorry I'm sorry Mrs Ermine is going to KILL me if I'm late again this week!
The wizard, to his rapidly retreating back: this is the seventh time this month you've used me as an excuse.
Billy, halfway down the hall of sins, voice echoing: I said I'm sorrrryyyyyyy!!
Batman, left all the way on the watchtower: :|
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chernobog13 · 5 months
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The Marvel Family by Tom Grummett and Rich Seetoo.
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cerealboxlore · 11 months
I absolutely love the idea of the rock of eternity having a studio Ghibli aesthetic
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I just...I love the clutter
This is an adorable and extraordinary headcanon, and I love it!
It would make sense that after centuries of searching for a new Champion of Magic, the wizard would neglect keeping the Rock of Eternity, tidy and clean. Dust gathers up and walls crumble, but the beauty of its magical essence stays the same.
Plenty of doors leading to all sorts of realms and rooms that clutter from the ground to the ceiling. The Wizard's ghost floating through without worry, while Billy struggles to maneuver through them like a maze, and tries to walk carefully without tipping over a tower of spell books heavier than he is.
It's not that the Rock of Eternity is dirty or messy, no, it's that after an eternity of existing, one tends to stop caring for organization and where one leaves their personal belongings in their abode. Billy knows this is what the Wizard says, but the child would like to include that this is HIS abode now, too. With his new chapter as the Champion of Magic, the Rock of Eternity becomes cleaner. Well, as clean as a place can get after a 10 year old goes ham wild with a broom and a duster.
Still, after cleaning, the mess and disorganization never truly leave. There will always be stacks of books in areas of the Rock of Eternity where there should not be. There will always be potion ingredients hidden throughout the walls and halls like left behind bread crumbs. And there will always be the Wizard, who passes through the former silent halls of his home and now smiles, knowing his home is in good hands.
Billy has a home again, and the clutter is his to cherish.
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wolfsbanesparks · 1 year
*walks back in here*
Alright but I raise you Billy not realizing he has a connection to magic in small form but instead that he has a connection to the Rock of Eternity itself regardless of form.
And then this kid proceeds to do not-quite teleportation by opening the nearest doorway to Eternity, fully closing the door behind him, and then walking right back out to somewhere completely different. Portals with literal extra steps and absolutely no effort on his part after he the first four times.
Only concern he has is something following him in or—even worse—out of Eternity before he notices. This is room for plot though so I’m still good on this one.
(It’s late but it occurs to me we sort of saw this in the first movie?? But not to the extent I’m talking about, probably. The goal wasn’t crossing distance quickly it was just leaving I think.)
Anyway yeah Batman in the early days realizing Captain Marvel has literally never used his zeta tube locations. Like ever. And yet he’s still always right on time or a little early.
I absolutely love this idea! It makes so much sense that Billy is connected to the Rock of Eternity and that he doesn't quite understand the implications of that (like say being able to do magic).
Billy just ducking into the Rock of Eternity by opening a random storage closet door, then popping out somewhere in another country because that's where he heard he was needed. He's always on time because he just needs a door and he'll be there (and then he's got super speed on top of that).
Batman high key thinks he's capable of some kind of teleportation (and he's not even wrong exactly) but he can't prove it one way or the other because no one ever sees him do anything. Except perhaps once or twice someone thought they saw a cave on the other side of a perfectly normal door that they'd used a million times. But of course nothing was there when they went to check it out.
Also yeah the movies did touch on this, though it was implied that they could only do it in their powered up forms. But it would be so cool if they (or at least Billy) could open those portals on their own in kid form.
I think there could be a really cool story about something/someone following Billy through the door when he's in too much of a rush to close it all the way. The drama would be so good.
Thanks for the ask!
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fred-the-plant · 9 months
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New tablet. Aka Captain Marvel test drawing! (Quality sucks...)
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rewrittenwrongs · 3 months
Merlin was an old champion of magic send post
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puppetwoman17 · 8 days
Billy, after bringing the JL into the RoE because nowhere else was safe: 😶
Shazam, staring: …
Billy: …
Billy: are you mad at me?
Shazam: OF COURSE I AM———
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stride-here · 1 year
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There's a café in the rock of eternity guys.
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Guys there's a café of eternity and if I don't start seeing anyone talk about it or use it in a fic then I might just have to do it myself
Comic: Shazam! To Hell and Back #4
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evilhorse · 4 months
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Look. It’s your to-do list.
(Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #25)
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widderwise · 10 months
Prompt: Children of Eternity
Prompt: Children of Eternity
So this would be a Shazam/Thor: Love and Thunder Crossover (though with very little Thor himself)
Shazam has Billy Batson as the hero Shazam/Captain Marvel who is based out of the Rock of Eternity. This could work on either comic version or movie version, the main difference (that I care about) being just how old Billy is. I find how silly he is in Shazam 2 a bit hard to take if he’s almost 18. That attitude makes far more sense as a much younger Billy ala comics. There are other differences obviously but for condensed movies I find them entertaining as is. The deeper lore is always better, but done poorly would not be an improvement.
I imagine Billy and his siblings are chilling in their lair at the Rock of Eternity when one of the fancier doors in the lair that they could never open (one of the siblings liked to explore the doors). Out tumble a bunch of dirty, underdressed, not all human looking kids (if any are human, we know there are aliens and Asgardians) who were obviously just fighting and sparking electricity.
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These kids would, of course, be the kids Gorr kidnapped in Thor: Love and Thunder and brought to the Gates of Eternity where Thor empowered them to fight the monsters.
Things in common:
-Rock of Eternity full of weird doors… Gates of Eternity…. A natural meeting point between DC and Marvel?
-Kids empowered by gods (in this case Thor-he said ‘temporarily’, but his time sense compared to a humans? Also, with Rock of Eternity/dimensional influence?)… some may be baby gods or demi-gods themselves, depending on how either world defines gods? (Heimdall’s son) Some are just aliens.
- Homeless/parentless kids with divine abilities…
So from there it can go a few ways. I suppose in some nice writer’s headcannon the kids could get home easily and safely and quickly….
Or the door could lock again behind them, probably a safety mechanism to keep the monsters off the rock. And to open the door they need the key, like Gorr and Thor did to get to Eternity. So that would lead to a quest… but what do we do with all these inhuman kids (probably at least a little hurt, most in pajamas at best, some little- and that assumes the older looking ones age at a human scale. We know the Asgardian’s don’t)
So do they wait for Thor to come? Or do they make chaos trying to get home? (Is that a real question?)
I could see the Shazam family trying to take care of the kids at the lair while working on solutions (cue shenanigans)
How do the foster parents react to their kids acting even more strange? Where is all the food going? Why so much laundry?
Eventually they’d get caught out and Billy has to ask for help. Diana for the godly aspect. Superman/Martian Manhunter/GL for the aliens. Batman for the adop… I mean child support. Yes, making sure the kids have what they need.
In the end Thor et allies will come through in some chaotic ridiculous way (goats scream) and meet Diana somewhere in the middle. Everything works out. Or does it?
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grimmbitty · 10 months
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My Rock of Eternity work in progress! 🪨⚡️🐅🌴✨
When I post the final for this I’ll probably write a little blurb of text that explains some stuff about The Rock of Eternity, and how it’s kinda a physical manifestation of The Wizard’s heart.
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