#magic feels like how pop rocks taste
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jewelsli · 5 months ago
DC X DP X Captain Marvel/Shazam (Part 2)
Before I continue, here’s a real quick Headcannon for this, so when Danny became the ghost prince, it was a pretty big deal, but since he didn’t want to deal with all the fame stuff he made sure only the people who needed to know were informed(this includes the champion of magic and the lords or order and chaos(they don’t know exactly who he is just that there’s a new ghost prince)). Sam is the new fright knight (the old one is training her), Danielle and Dan are also royals, Tuck and jazz are helping in different areas too (tuck is a kinda judge and jazz is helping new ghosts and getting everyone some therapy). The Champion of magic and Ruler of the Infinite realms interact a lot and are two of the greatest forces in the universe, they also help each other to stop entire universes from dying(Infinite realms is the stuff between universes and the Rock of Eternity connects every universe and supplies it w/ magic), anyway with that out of the way…
here’s the next part! (Once again I am not the greatest writer so don’t expect anything to amazing)(also I mostly know about billy through fanfics and have yet to read the original comics)
(oh also Danny looks his normal age here, he lets a bit of his eldritch form leak into him so he looks older at the JL)
Danny glanced around the room that the meeting was taking place in, it was different from most of the infinite realms, in a way that it just felt more… it felt like how pop rocks taste, sweet but sharp. It was different from the spiky citrusy(or maybe metal?) feeing that most of the realms had. Clockwork had told him it was because they were in a pocket dimension between the infinite realms and some place called the Rock of Eternity(wait hadn’t marvel mentioned something like that?), so there was more magic here then usual. The sound of a door opening caught his attention and he swiftly turned to see the door opposite to the one he had come from open as a small figure stepped through.
A small figure with a very familiar aura(I can’t remember the word I want to use so whatever) stood in the doorway.
After the door closed and the harsh backlighting disappeared he could see more of the kid(who looks his age), they were wearing golden sandals with what looked like wings on the sides, a robe? Thing??? Whatever they called those back then, which was white with golden edges(think how cap’s cape looks), he also wore one of the golden leaf crown thingamajigs around his head. The kid was holding a lightning staff that was taller then they were and had a matching lighting bolt amulet. Overall they looked like some sort of Greek or Roman royal, or at least how he would imagine them.
The champion seemed to be surveying him in the same way, from his crown of black fire and ectoplasm, to his cape of stars, why yes he was extremely fashionable, thank you for noticing! He cleared his throat before holding out his hand to the kid, “Danny Phantom, prince of the Infinite Realms.” He introduced, the kids eyes widened for a moment before they reached forwards and shook his hand, he saw the Lichtenberg figures tracing along his arms, similar to his own scars from the portal, but while his were an ectoplasmic green, the other’s looked like they were inlaid with gold. “Marvel, champion of magic,” he finally introduced.
They both stared at each other for a few moments, finally the other kid spoke up. “I knew you felt different from a normal ghost!” He exclaimed with a smile, letting go of his hand as Danny paused for a moment longer. “So THATS how you knew there was a new prince!” He said with the same smile as he put the pieces together, he had thought it was strange for a random leaguer who was only supposed to be mildly magical to know. Said kid laughed as he nodded, “Nice to have another kid on the league then, assuming you aren’t actually an immortal who just looks like a kid at least.” Marvel commented. Danny was struck by inspiration and(before his brain remembered that he was supposed to be acting all princely or whatever) quickly said, “We’re just like that Spider-Man meme!!!” And thankfully didn’t have to immediately regret it when Marvel seemed to agree. A noise if someone clearing their throat startled the boys.
“I’m glad to see that you two get along with one another,” Clockwork said with a sigh of exasperation, “But in case you forgot you are here to discuss the fact that a recent use of magic by the Sorcerer Supreme In Earth M-A73 has destabilized the universe and nearby realms.” Marvel looked surprised by his appearance but by now Danny was used to it. “Yes Clockwork we know.” He said in as annoying of a polite tone as he could manage, the entity sighed and faded away, he turned to the Champion ready to discuss the problem-
“WAS THAT CRONOS?!?!” He asked… maybe Earth M-A73 could wait for a bit.
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dropsnectar · 6 months ago
Your Puppy Siren!: When a Siren Gets his Legs
M!Siren x gn!reader
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You had just moved into your aunt's summer house. It was a lovely place with its own private beach. You had been excited to go on a morning swim when, on one of the rocks by the shore, you found him. He was covered in grey skin and scales that shone sea blue in the sunlight. He scared you at first, causing you to run away, but you had made the mistake of tripping over your own bag before inhaling a mouthful of sand.
This seemed to amuse the creature as it laughed lightly at you. He continued to stay at his rock and raised his hands. He made quiet keening sounds, as if to sooth you. You had to admit it worked. You had never heard such a lovely sound before coming from a creature. Something about the texture of it made your heart flutter.
You kept your distance but tried to speak with him. He didn’t reply, but made gestures to your hair, which you had been growing long lately. He made the gesture again and let out a long beautiful sound. Was he? Complimenting your hair?  
You put your hand to your heart and smiled. He seemed to get the gist because he sang out a low relaxing serenade. The two of you went on like this for an hour. Eventually, you felt brave enough to rummage through your bag for a tuna fish sandwich. Slowly, you made your way towards the creature, showed you ripping off a piece of your sandwich, and taking a bite. You ripped off another piece and handed it to him.
His fingers ghosted around yours as he took the food, his skin was cool. 
He took a hesitant bite, before finishing it off in one go. He seemed to like it as he reached his hand out for more. You moved closer, sitting on the other side of his rock. When you handed him the last piece he put one of his hands on top of yours. He carefully took the sandwich from your fingers and brought it to your lips, gesturing for you to open your mouth. You did so, and the merman warbled gleefully, popping it in. As you chewed, he watched your mouth with interest.
When you had finished the sandwich, he was still humming, his feelings of satisfaction evident by his tones. He moved closer to you and pointed to his mouth, then to you. You wiped your mouth instinctively but he pouted. Carefully, he leaned forward, and pressed his lips to yours. They tasted salty. Your face heated and you put a hand on his scaled shoulder. He slipped a textured tongue into your mouth and you moaned around him, leaning your body flush against him.
You were surprised by the fire of the kiss. You felt needy and desperate almost immediately. There was something about his tongue that felt like fireworks and when he pulled away, how he nudged your forehead with his own was so cute. Except for the static shock that shot through your forehead. That hurt like a bitch.
You swore and shot away from his face, eyes hazy. 
“Don't move too much, you could fall!” A worried voice chirped toward you. You looked up to see the merman leaning over you with concern.
“You… you can talk?” You whispered. He gave you a lopsided grin and hummed a lovely little serenade. After a moment, he continued. “I didn't before. But you gave me enough of your mind for a moment so I could learn! Now I can speak as well as you!”
“Like, Merman magic or something.”
He laughed and pulled you closer to him again. 
“What an adorable thing to say. We do have types of magic, though I will admit, its more of an instinctual sort.”
He leaned toward you and started leaning down, rubbing his cheek against your shoulder. His other hand hand reached around your waist, holding you close to his cool body. Honestly, his scales felt nice under the heat of the sun. You leaned into him as he hummed. 
“You're voice is beautiful Mr. Mermaid.” You mentioned a bit shyly. He beamed at you with eyes that stared a little too hard.
“I'm a Siren actually! But you were close! Mermaids don't come to shore often, so I hope you don't have the misfortune of running into one.”
He started playing with your hair happily. He was very affectionate, this Siren. 
“Aren't Sirens… you know. Supposed to eat people?” You said, somewhat at a whisper. He paused in disbelief for a second and bit his lip, revealing sharp teeth. 
“While you look particularly scrumptious, we don't tend to eat humans. Though if I was traveling with my pod, our song could capture a good shark or a whale that would feed us for quite a while. Not that a perfectly spiteful Siren couldn't do it.” 
He kept answering your questions, the whole time refusing to let his hands leave you. You had to admit, after that kiss, it had really flustered you. But your curiosity won out. Eventually, it grew dark and you told your new… friend? That you would need to head home as it was getting too dark for you to see.
“All this talking and I don't know your name.” 
He looked at you with quirked brows. “You wouldn't be able to pronounced it with your human tongue, but… you can call me Baby. Yes. That will fit perfectly.”
Heat filled your cheeks. “Baby? You should know thats more of an endearement then an actual name…” 
“We have been talking all day. Are we not close to each other now?” He made a dramatic face of disappointment. 
“Please call me Baby. I like that name. I will answer to nothing else.” His tone was final. 
Seeing that he would not budge, you acquiesced. He begged you to come visit him the next day, and you did. In fact, you visited him every chance you got. You had him try different human food, and the two of you had even set up a book reading arrangement. It seemed his language magic also stretched to written language.
You loved listening to his voice. Whether he was warbling or using his human pitch, it always gave you a little pep. 
He continued to glue himself to you, hands always wandering. He'd wrap them around your waist, massage your shoulders, and hold your hand every chance he got. Whenever you called to him, he would look at you pointedly, waiting in earnest until you said what he wanted to hear.
“Baby.” You'd sigh, and he'd keen and be merry for the rest of your conversation. He was so earnest, it was adorable.
Today though, something was different. Summer was starting to transition to fall. You didn't know how but you knew he would have to leave. Your sweet little Siren couldn't stay with you forever.
He finally confirmed this himself.
“The water is getting too cold for me. Ill have to return to my pod soon.” 
“I'll miss you.” You admitted, wrapping your arms around yourself as the cool air swept up.
He looked at you with such longing, his face leaning closer to yours. 
“May I kiss you?”
You paused a moment, eyes staring into his heated gaze and pretty mouth. You nodded, and he pounced on you, crushing his lips to yours. You stayed like that for a while. As you started to moan he started to hum into you, a beautiful noise that filled you with hope and flooded your core.
“Are you putting a spell on me Mr. Mermaid?” You teased, head getting dizzy as he started rubbing the gap between your swim shirt and swim trunks. His mouth ghosted over your neck now, and he was starting to hump at your thigh with his tail his eyes lidded. 
“Thats not my name.” He pouted, pulling down your trunks, airing you out for him and the ocean to see. 
“Baby.” you breathed out, pushing his head down to your most sensitive area, and skimming the place that made you moan best with your fingers. He grinned happily, and started to experiment, his rough fingers drawing circles around you. Eventually, you started to leak. This seemed to surprise Baby. It made sense, as he lived in water.
“It means I feel good.” You admitted bashfully. He experimentally touched the fluid with his finger and brought it up to his mouth. He made a low trilling sound, his eyes changing color. You had never seen that before. He pushed you down onto the sand, and started sucking you down. As you chocked out in pleasure he continued. You felt that familiar live wire feeling, buried beneath all the sensation he was giving you and you knew he was using that magic of his. For what you didn't know. 
He started to sing, the vibrations of it echoing through you and you jerked manically. He kept itup, singing the most beautiful tune. It was full of lust and need and want and as you looked down at him you could see his tail was humping a hole into the sand beneath him. You hoped it felt good, as you could see something had emerged from his tail, a curved, ocean blue cock. You couldn't make out much else as he sucked you down hard again, causing waves of pleasure to crash through you.
“Am I making you feel good?” You could tell he was looking for praise. 
“So good. You've been such a good boy-- ah!” He had chosen that moment to pump two of his slick fingers into you, gently tracing your spongy walls. You jerked some more, feeling you were close.
“Baby, mmm Baby so good.” You drooled out as he experimented with tracing a certain spot inside you, driving you mad. 
He was singing again as you came, his voice making your core even hotter, like it always did.
“Wanna breed you. Can i?” He was looking at you from under his blue grey lashes. You nodded, but frowned, as he was slowing his pumping. You felt your tension recede and you whined out, nose wrinkling.
“Please! Take me!” You finally gave in and his lips quirked up in triumph as he pulled himself up to mount you and thrust inside. 
You both choked out, his groans going from human to inhuman, as he made little chirping and warbling sounds, drool dripping down his chin. He pumped himself into you, slowly at first. Their was a strange sensation and you realized he was growing inside you. Longer, his ridges were more pronounced and it felt divine.
“You feel so-mmmnn.” He was singing again, and this time it had magic to it. It was like some invisible force had invaded your mind, scratching an itch you never knew you had. You groaned out as you came hard around his cock, the feeling so delicious you didn't even know if you were breathing. You were just sensation and pleasure and you knew he was using his magic, he couldn't help it, you just felt so good and that's what sirens did.
You didn't know how you could comprehend all this as you came but you continued to ride out your high. Baby was so sex drunk he was grinning at you as he keened.
“Nothing… has felt… as good as you!” His strokes were  faster now, his eyes rolling in the back of his head. Something was different, but your hazy mind couldn't understand what, you just kept coming. 
And then he came, his seed hot inside you. Baby was so cute, his breath shaky as he leaning over you, finally collapsing onto your body. He was silent now for the first time your whole session.
“I love you.” He said, as easy as if he was stating the weather. Then he sat up and crossed his legs.
His legs?? 
This seemed as much as a surprise to him as you. 
“This is perfect.” He breathed, wiggling his new toes. “Now I’ll never have to be without you again!”
Siren magic is so interesting, maybe ill write a part two? 
(Future Nectar here, I did a part 2!)
Part Two
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alkali1 · 7 months ago
Belly attendant
With the use of magic, your society had long ago relegated most childbearing duties to priests and priestesses of the various local fertility deities. Dedicated surrogates were able to carry vast numbers of children of all different fantasy races and gestation times, staying permanently pregnant and periodically birthing children in batches.
Your role in the temple is a vital one: you serve as the personal attendant to the temple's second highest ranking surrogate priestess, the beautiful elven woman Naia Springblossom. You're never away from her for longer than it takes to fetch her food or other objects, and spend most of your time in contact with her vast, active belly. You take care of all of the needs that the helplessly pregnant wood elf is unable to handle on her own, which is almost all of them.
You and your priestess are traveling back to your home temple from a meeting with the Archbishop. The immobile elf travels long distances in a plush palanquin, borne by magically animated golems. You're squeezed in with her, buried between the pile of soft pillows and the warm, heaving expanse of her womb. As Naia gets some rest, you snuggle and kiss the brown, lotion-scented orb, feeling the babies of all different shapes and sizes moving and kicking, jostling for space in her tightly-packed belly.
Feeling a wetness on your shoulder, you realize that the breast you're resting your head on has begun to leak. Each of her bosoms is the size of a blue-ribbon dairy cow's udder, and just as productive. The several gallons that she lactates per day are pumped and stored within the temple so they can be distributed to families to feed their newborns.
The uncomfortable fullness in her vast bosom and the sensation of wetness on her silken robe awakens Naia from her nap. As she rubs her eyes and yawns you greet her with kisses to the top of her belly. "Mmmmff... why did you let me sleep so long? My tits feel like overstuffed wineskins." she playfully complains. "You'd be even crankier if I woke you before you were ready" I reply, sitting up to pull the pump attachments down from the small chamber's ceiling. The palanquin quakes as she struggles to adjust her mountainous bulk, trying to situate herself comfortably in the pillow-lined box.
You suction the pumps onto her nipples and gently squeeze her to help get the milk flowing. She moans in relief, squeezing and rubbing her fat thighs together as her sensitive teats are suctioned and fondled. You massage her full breasts from the base, making sure she doesn't suffer from any clogged ducts. You can feel the movement in her belly intensifying, her brood responding to the stimulation with increased activity. Knowing exactly how much she craves intimate attention while being milked, you lean forward, squishing yourself into her sweaty cleavage to bring your head in range to plant a kiss on her plump, brown lips. She immediately grabs the back of your head and pulls you in close, parting your lips with her tongue. Pressed tightly against her belly, you know she can feel your rock-hard cock poking into her maternal swell.
The two of you passionately kiss and grope each other until the flow of milk from her enveloping udders starts to subside. You extricate yourself from the sweat-soaked cavern of her cleavage and pop the milking cups off her heavy udders. You take her fat nipple into your mouth and indulge in a taste of her sweet, rich milk. Lightly teasing her nipple with your teeth makes her gasp and moan. Staring at you with needy eyes, she beckons you over to her other side. You awkwardly climb around the immense bulk of her fertile swell and squeeze between her wide, ample butt and the chamber wall. She moans as you squeeze her always-sore shoulders, pressing and wiggling her fat hips against you. "Please..." she softly whimpers, and you know exactly what she's craving. Naia, having spent years bloated to utter helplessness with her surrogate brood, can't even come close to reaching her sensitively swollen pussy with her fat ass and turgid womb in the way. One of your most sacred duties is to keep her pleasured and satisifed, though you both sometimes enjoy teasing her, letting her squeeze a pillow between her legs while she begs and begs for you to satisfy the all-consuming ache in her dripping cunt.
"What does my poor, swollen broodmother need?" I tease.
"I need you," she whines, "Please, you know how I feel when I'm about to go into labor. "
You snake your hand down between her fat thighs, cupping and lightly squeezing her plump pussy mound. Your teasing makes her whimper and press hard against you, squishing your lower torso and hips against the wall and making your hard bulge press deeper into her soft cushion of a butt. You slip two fingers inside her dripping opening, varying your movements in and out of her while slowly increasing the tempo. When you can tell she's starting to get lost in the throes of pleasure you switch to pressing against her swollen clit, making circles around the sensitive nub with your fingers, then rubbing back and forth forcefully, eliciting stabs of pleasure that make her let out wordless vocalizations of bliss.
You feel that she's getting close, and ramp up the speed and pressure in preparation for putting her over the edge. "Cum for me, honey. My huge, perfect broodmother. Let all that pressure out." Her bucking hips smother you against the wall and her cunt soaks your arm with her cum as she cries out in pleasure.
You both relax in the afterglow, spooned together with your hand resting on her writhing womb. You never get tired of feeling the contrast between the light flutters of her smaller passengers and the thumping, uncomfortable kicks from the largest of her surrogate children, including an ogre, minotaur triplets, and a severely overdue centaur calf. Your bliss is interrupted as Naia is suddenly overcome with a massive contraction, making the whole palanquin seem to quake as her overfilled womb stretches and shifts.
"You really weren't kidding when you said you were about to go into labor. Please try to hold them in until we get home."
"Ooohh, I'm, *huff*, not quite at that point yet. We have some time until I start actively dilating. But send a message ahead to the temple, have them prepare the birthing pool." You spend the remainder of the ride snuggled together, Naia breathing through her strong, irregular contractions while you comfort her.
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gretavanflame · 6 months ago
A New Flavor
Jake Kiszka x Reader (f)
Cw: SMUT including: fingering, oral (m and f) receiving, cum play, overstimulation, light spanking, I guess food-play technically?? Idk you'll see, it's nothing crazy, overall fluff and sweet domesticity
Word Count: 2.5k
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“Jakeee, I'm trying to watch the show.”
You giggle as his nose tickles the skin of your neck and his arms wrap around you, cocooning you in your own world as the little spoon on the couch.
“You smell good.” Is his only reply and you can feel his lips curl into a smile as they gently press into your skin, then off with a little ‘pop’.
One of his arms moves to lay across your stomach, sending a shiver up your spine. His pointer finger draws circles in the exposed skin right around your belly button which only tickles more and you squirm away from his touch.
“Just wanna love on you y/n.” He says sleepily with a playful hint to his tone.
You turn to him so that your faces are inches away and you move closer to connect your lips. He hums approvingly as his mouth gently parts. His warm tongue slips past your lips and you move your hips closer to his. You can feel him hardening already.
He uses his hands to push himself up so he can reposition to be hovering over you. You take the new angle as the opportunity to part one leg to the side. He takes the hint and lowers himself so that he can slowly rock into your core.
His hand touches your waist and slides up to your chest. He cups your breast in his hand and squeezes as his soft thrusting begins to pick up. All the while his kissing, passionate but tamed stays steady and sweet like honey. You want to lap it all up.
You can feel yourself growing wetter along with the gradual thump of your heart increasing. You wonder if he feels it too. This energy and how fast it can shift between the two of you. Sometimes it feels like you share a brain, and a heart. The way you can make each other feel, just inside this little apartment, it’s unexplainable… It's magic.
He breaks away just for a moment and you finally open your eyes. He is staring back at you with a lazy smile on his face. His beautiful chestnut hair is ruffleed endearingly and it makes your heart skip a beat.
He’s Jake Kiszka and he’s all yours.
You notice for a moment something you hadn’t before. His mouth moves up and down in a chewing motion. He notices your confusion when he flashes you a toothfull grin, revealing the bit of gum he’s been chewing. You giggle a little and pull him by his collar. He’s obviously caught off guard and laughs before you pull him even closer to connect lips once again.
His body around you feels so right as he makes an effort not to crush you completely, (although you wouldn’t mind), but just adds a little weight. You allow your tongue to push into his mouth and scoop out the gum. You notice that it's hard and plasticy and it’s lost all its flavor, but if you really concentrate, you can taste the faintest flavor of strawberry.
Jake’s hips stop and you whine in protest. Your eyes open to find him smirking above you once more. 
“Give me the gum back.”
“Just trust me silly.”
You begin to pick the gum out of your mouth and hand it to him, but he stops you.
Realizing what he wants, you kiss him again, slow and meaningful as his tongue licks into your mouth and takes back the gum.
Jake sits back on his knees and his eyes travel down to where you’ve almost soaked through your panties and yoga pants. His eyes are glazed over like a man in love and he looks up for permission. You give him a little nod and his hands tease just above the waistline of your pants. You momentarily close your legs so he can slide off the pants before opening back up again.
He scoots back so he has room to lay down and he brings his face to the inside of your thigh. 
“Don’t make a sound.”
His stern face feigns seriousness, and maybe he is a little, but this is his favorite game. See how long you can go before it just feels too good. Before the sounds escape you and you can’t help yourself.
You brace yourself for his touch and when it comes you bite back a moan. His lips latch onto the meat of your thigh as he sucks in a mark. His other hand massages the opposite thigh moving up slowly. 
The rough pads of his fingertips feel so good against your soft skin, and you want to show him how good it really feels, but to entertain the game, you don’t make a sound.
His sloppy kisses trail up until they land right at the top of your panties. In a move that only slightly embarsasses you, he breathes in your scent and his eyes roll back.
“Y/n.” Is all he whines, sounding almost in pain.
His hands come up and not so gently pull the pink lace to the side. He can’t be bothered to remove them, he needs to taste you. Now.
With no warning his lips attach to your throbbing clit and you almost scream, but your teeth sinking into your bottom lip help muffle the sound. He shoots you a glance as if to say I know you want to moan for me. 
His eyes roll back again and a low hum escapes his lips, vibrating around you, making your hips buck up into his kiss.
“Hey why do you get to do that?” You tease.
His only response is a smile as his lips trail down to your entrance. His tongue, hot and soft delves inside you, curling upward as your legs close around his face. Your head falls back into the cushion as another moan is bitten back.
You realize how hard you’ve been biting down on your lip when you taste blood, and you quickly release your lip to instead grab fistfuls of his hair. He whines into your cunt with every tug, and you switch between stroking his hair to pulling just to hear the delicious sounds it evokes from him. 
His tongue continues to work at you, licking and sucking, getting sloppier by the second. You can feel yourself getting wetter, and when he breaks away to look at you, you can see his face shining with you in the light.
“You look pretty Jacob.” You sigh, completely entranced by him. 
“Pretty? Jacob?” He cocks a brow and smiles again.
You shrug and a small moan escapes you before you can hold it back when he delves back into you. He immediately stops and his hand comes down to smack your center. You cry out again and he delivers another slap making your legs tighten around his head. You can hear how wet you are just by his touch, and he pushes your legs back apart as his fingers trail down to your entrance and two are roughly shoved inside. 
He looks up suspiciously.
“Hey, that doesn't count!!” You reason.
“You really can’t ever shut up Y/n.” He shakes his head, but smiles to himself. You know he loves you.
“You love me so bad.”
“Yeah I do.” 
His mouth latches back onto your clit, suctioning it while his tongue slowly licks over it. This paired with his thick fingers stretching you and curling makes your eyes roll back, and for a second you can’t even find your words. When they do come out, they're breathy and desperate sounding in a way that makes his dick throb.
“Show me, show me how much Jake.”
His fingers pick up now, his whole hand pushing in and out while his fingers tuck into you, hitting that perfect spot that makes you wanna scream his name. You clasp your hand over your mouth when his teeth ghost over your aching clit, biting softly then licking over you while his whole tongue. It feels so warm against you, and soft, and wet, and you can feel yourself becoming undone.
You look down to watch him for a moment. He looks stunning. His hair is beginning to stick to his forehead with sweat, his eyes are shut tight, and brows furrowed in concentration, and you notice that his hips are slowly rocking into the couch, seeking their own friction. 
It’s hard to explain, but there's something so attractive about a man putting your needs first. The fact that he's more than willing, enthusiastic, to eat you out on the couch instead of fucking you. You imagine his dick is bursting out of his pants, desperate to feel you clenched around him, but instead his tongue laps over you while his fingers work away inside. 
You reposition your grip on his hair and he moans into you, sending vibrations straight through you. You pull him even closer, and he takes that as a cue to go even faster. His tongue is flicking over you up and down, side to side, everywhere, sloppily, hungrily getting you closer. You can tell he’s out of breath too, and he seems to be lost at this moment.
“Jake…” You gasp, feeling like you're unable to get air. “I’m gonna fucking cum, please, please… I’m so fucking close.”
His motions stop for just a second so he can come up for air and spit out, “You can make noise now.” Before diving back into you.
You let out a breath that sounds more like a whine, and as his fingers move faster, you allow yourself to moan his name. He seems to like that because his own hips are moving faster, chasing his own release. You say it again, slowly, drawn out, and loud. 
“You’re so good Jake.” You’re cut off by a whine when he sucks your clit harshly. “So so so so fucking good. All mine.”
Your legs are moving slowly now, all the pent up energy is making your whole body unable to stay still. You can feel yourself right on the edge, waiting for that moment that you’ll break. You feel on fire and every second brings you closer to burning up.
He removes his fingers and you whine in protest, but he quickly replaces them with his mouth. He laps up your arousal, audibly sucking it into his mouth, and maybe you should be embarrassed, but the way his hips momentarily falter, and a whine is drawn from his lips tells you that he fucking loves it.
The pads of his fingers quickly come up to draw circles around your clit as his tongue fucks into you. You try to keep your thighs from squeezing his head as he continues to work away at you. He lets out a grunt as his hips pick up the pace. 
His eyes open to meet yours and his brows are tilted up in pleasure. His eyes roll back and a low growl tumbles out of him as his hips thrust one, two more times. Then they stop, and his eyes return to yours, this time determined.
His fingers move even faster and in seconds you feel yourself finally coming undone. Your legs thrash around his face, trapping him as his tongue still moves inside you. Your head tilts back into the cushion and you hear yourself, far away groaning and whining his name, along with other incoherent curses that make his dick twitch.
His tongue laps up your release until you feel overstimulation start to take over. Your whines become sporadic and your legs shake and hands come to his head to try and push him away. But the look on his face tells you there's no stopping now. 
His tongue laps up every last drop of you, his fingers still tracing tight circles over your clit.
“Jake, fuck fuck, please please, it’s too much…”
Another moan of his name is pulled from your open mouth and finally his fingers slow and his mouth pulls off of you. His eyes travel to your thighs, shaking involuntarily and pussy still pulsing. He gently runs his fingers up your thigh, making them shake even more under his touch. He leans in to kiss your sensitive clit which makes you clench around nothing.
Your chest rises and falls heavily as your body begins to return to normal. He sits up and he too breathes heavily. His eyes meet yours as he slowly, and purposefully brings his fingers to his mouth to lick up every last drop of you. You bite your bottom lip between your teeth, trying not to moan again.
He puts his hands out to stalk closer to you before tilting up your chin so he can meet you in a kiss. It's slow, and breathy and you can feel how warm his mouth is. He breaks away to hover over you, just breathing slowly. His tongue licks a tantalizingly slow line from your bottom lip into your mouth. You meet his lips again and you both whine into each other before pulling away with a giggle. 
He sits back on his knees smirking, like he knows something you don’t. And it doesn’t take long before your cheeks burn brightly.
The gum is now in your mouth and you run your tongue along it. It tastes like you.
“How is it baby?” He asks, smile growing wider as you chew.
Instead of answering, you stand to your own knees and walk closer. He watches curiously as you curl your fingers into the waistband of his sweatpants. His breath hitches as you pull them down slowly, leaving him in just his boxers. There's a little wet spot where poor baby Jakey came in his pants, just so he could make you cum with his mouth. You pout up at him and cup your hand around him and look up as he slowly rocks his hips into your touch, lip between his teeth. 
You grab his hand and pull him to the side so he steps off the couch and stands in front of you. Now that you’re at eye level with his crotch, you pull down the boxers and find the cum covering his length. You slowly lean forward and wrap your lips around the tip. He hisses and weaves his hand through your hair. You slowly lick around it, gathering up his release with your soft tongue.
A low fuck escapes his lips as you clean him up inch by inch, making sure to gather every last drop. When you’re done, you step off the couch to stand in front of him. His hands instinctively grab your waist, pulling you flush against him as you meet his lips for a kiss. 
Your hands wrap around his shoulders as he kisses you sensually once more. You tilt your head when he tilts yours so that your mouths meet perfectly. Your eyes are closed and you hum into his mouth, making sure to transfer the gum back to him.
He pulls away knowingly and smirks as he looks down into your eyes.
“What?” You ask innocently, a small smile on your face.
“Nothing, it tastes like us.”
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tomorrowxtogether · 5 months ago
TXT Debut a Sparkling New Chapter — and Reveal Which Previous Era Their New Album Is a Throwback to (Exclusive)
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PEOPLE spoke to Soobin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun and Hueningkai about making "The Star Chapter: SANCTUARY"
Tomorrow x Together's latest release is an evolution and a nostalgia play all at once.
The Star Chapter: SANCTUARY (out Monday, Nov. 4), is officially the start of a new era for the K-pop group's five members — Soobin, 23, Yeonjun, 25, Beomgyu, 23, Taehyun, 22, Hueningkai, 22 — who spoke to PEOPLE ahead of its release.
They're moving out of "The Name Chapter" — two albums that reveled in the freedom and occasional chaos of youthful indiscretions — and into "The Star Chapter." Represented by a bright, shining logo rebrand, it carries messages about finding true love and lasting happiness.
“To some extent, I think it really reflects us growing up,” says Hueningkai.
"In our past installments, it was more of those magical moments, like ‘Run away together with me,’ or something that could be a little bit less responsible," adds Taehyun. "But this time around, it's romantic, but in a sense that it's grounded and more realistic.”
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Sonically, SANCTUARY has a sweetness that recalls some of the group’s earliest releases.
"I think you're spot on about talking about how you thought of The Dream Chapter when listening to this album," Huengingkai confirmed while discussing their influences with PEOPLE in October. "It's something new, but it's something that also provokes nostalgia as well," he adds.
The lead single, "Over the Moon," is dreamy pop but includes some very grown-up themes with lyrics about living under one roof and planning for the future. Other tracks, like "Danger" tip into funky Bruno Mars-like territory, or in the case of "Forty One Winks," more upbeat R&B.
While there's no real rock or pop punk moments (something they've leaned into with great success in the past with songs like "LO$ER=LO♡ER"), "Higher than Heaven" does have a romping pop-rock bent.
The album's sound isn't just a reflection of the group's shifting tastes. “We have this big narrative that overarches every installment in our musical journey," Hueningkai explains.
Their discography, and the larger lore of the group, incorporates a sprawling fictional backstory that can feel intimidatingly complex for the casual fan. But the themes — the pains of growing up, the reality of facing adulthood, and the heartbreak that so often goes along with it — are universal enough that they come through easily in their earworm singles.
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While TXT has shared in the past that their music is often informed by personal experience, they often keep a distance from speaking about their own relationships, instead telling the song's stories of crushes or lost loves as the tales of a “boy” (representing all and none of them) directed at “you,” an embodiment of their fans.
Explaining the meaning of their latest album, for example, Beomgyu says, “It’s a chapter where the boy finally recovers his name and remembers the promise he made with you. And they finally reunite in this album. So it's the rejoicing that they all feel with this reunion.” 
All five members wrote lyrics and music on SANCTUARY, something they've been increasingly passionate about over the six years since their debut.
Taehyun admits to doing most of his writing in the car and on planes, amid their busy schedules. They still find space for collaboration though. "We tend to work separately on lyrics, but when we get stuck, we ask for help from the other members," says Soobin.
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Seemingly non-stop promotions can be draining, but they're candid about how they keep their minds and bodies healthy. "Sleeping well is the best thing you can do for yourself," says Beomgyu. Adds Soobin, "We eat a lot of supplements, too, and try to work out a lot so that we can stay healthy and keep up our stamina."
That work ethic has gained them a mountain of accolades in relatively short career.
In 2023, they headlined Lollapalooza in Chicago, then performed at the VMAS in New York, where they also took home the award for Push Performance. Their last album debuted at No. 3 on the Billboard 200, making them only the second K-pop group to enter the chart 10 times, with the only other being their label mates BTS.
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Asked if that sort of accomplishment is exciting or intimidating, Yeonjun explains, "We feel both. We feel both elated, and also we feel a sense of responsibility. And I think both are needed, because only when we feel that responsibility can we grow as artists and evolve as artists. So because so many people are giving us love and support, It's our duty to grow and evolve, and show new sides of ourselves as artists."
Adds Taehyun, "We are eternally grateful to Global MOA who always provide us with a lot of love and support. And with this album and the albums going forward, we're going to pay back to them by providing really good music and performances."
The Star Chapter: Sanctuary is available to stream now.
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 6 months ago
do you think Eridan would listen to kpop ? (either the human or Troll variant)
if not...then which troll would be the most likely to :3c
LOL no way, he's a hipster. KPop is mainstream as hell; if anything, he'd have disdain for it (and for pop as a whole). One of the less emotionally perturbed trolls would probably enjoy that stuff, though I don't know that I'd call any of the Alternian crew the kind who'd consider it to be their favorite, since nearly all of them are at least a little alt in some way, and kpop (and idol culture as a whole) is heavily tied up in politics, propaganda, capitalism, and consumption - so the troll version of it would be that times a thousand.
I'd say Feferi, Gamzee, and Kanaya probably quite like it because they're most at ease with their society, but it's not their favorite. Equius probably sees it as being aimed at the lower castes, and therefore crass and beneath him. Everyone else would probably get the propaganda vibes and dislike it on principle, even if some of them might secretly find some songs catchy (cough Karkat cough).
If you want to get into Beforan trolls, haha, oh man. I think more of them would like it than not.
Normally, I'd say that Eridan would at least make a show of liking it, given how much he makes a show of being a Sea Dweller(TM), but his hipster tastes, like his interest in magic, don't appear to be things he can shake. Karkat even calls him a hipster, so you KNOW he's out here dissing Trollor Swift and making disdainful faces when people bring up Troll Marvel.
I have as a selection of bands for Eridan Have a Nice Life (post-rock/post-punk/shoegaze), Sprain (noise rock/experimental rock), and Tool (alternative metal/art rock/progressive rock). Generally, I find he vibes with stuff on the darker side of post/prog rock, or the more lyrical side of heavy metal - both in terms of themes (lots of darker topics, like death, murder, suicide, child abuse, etc.) and in terms of sound. It also fulfills the requirement of being "hipster" by nature. Eridan is a very troubled, angry, violent guy, and I personally like to call the linked bands "angry man music". Just a smattering of lyrics for those who don't want to listen:
I've been doing a lot of damned things without you And all the damned things I do confound you Yeah, Satan and his devils try to take my hand And the angels on my shoulders try to tell me that they understand Oh well, oh well
Imagine this: I'm the guest on some obscene talk show In a cell of moral compromise The audience is made up of everyone that I have ever met in my entire life Every sin I've ever committed is put up on display by screens hung around the stage And we watch, watch, watch, watch, watch, watch, watch The host says "I now present to you an elaborate choreography of failure!" The audience erupts with seemingly coordinated jets of jargon laughter "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Shame on you!"
I'm broken, looking up to see the enemy And I have swallowed the poison you feed me But I survive on the poison you feed me, leaving me Guilt-fed, hatred-fed, weakness-fed It makes me feel ugly
I think even when his tastes do venture lighter, they still never really cross the threshold into pure pop. There's always going to be a hipster, indie, punk-y, shoegaze/post-rock bent to his tastes. I also list for him Dirt Poor Robins, Family Crest, Johnny Hollow...
Wisdom unearned is Intrepid and proud Till we’re dragged by the tide and nearly have drowned Entropy thrives In conditions enclosed Innovations arise When humanity chokes
Cast your heart to the floor, love Feel the sting, feel the weight Of a love, of a love not strong enough Your head's on fire Your hands and feet come off the ground Oh, sweet desire, when your mind, when your mind When your mind's not strong enough It's not that your head is gone It's just that your heart is on fire, fire It's not that the beat is off It's just that your heart is on fire, fire
Once when I was all alone I called you, and you weren't at home My heart fell like a stone, to the ground To the ground, to the ground Why, when morn had dawned on me And anger grew like ecstasy And Leda threw the swan on me and I fell to the ground To the ground, to the ground
Hilariously, this alt/hipster taste means that he runs up against stuff that's ridiculously anti-government; I personally like to believe he does actually listen to outright anti-fascist songs, but if you point it out, he's just like. No it isn't. So SWMRS, Silver Mt. Zion, Vansire.
Well, you gotta keep it up But it will never be enough No sonrisa teenage shit pop Well, you gotta keep it up But it will never be enough No sonrisa teenage shit pop Death to the motherfucking fascist insect This shit makes me so sadistic Death to the motherfucking fascist insect This shit makes me so sadistic Death to the motherfucking fascist insect This shit makes me so sadistic Death to the motherfucking fascist insect This shit makes me so sadistic
There's fresh meat in the club tonight God bless our dead marines Someone had an accident Above the burning trees While somewhere distant peacefully Our vulgar princes sleep Dead kids don't get photographed God bless our dead marines
So I convalesced in the middle west And fell for Ohio's roads I'm standing still by the windowsill Where I once watched the world explode So when it's looking dark in your narrative arc I'm here and you can talk with me A hackneyed fool under fascist rule Wasting days singing about his dreams
It's a pretentious-ass taste, but one that fits in with the vocabulary he likes to use:
CA: all of her FRAUDULENT MAGICS cannot come close to posin threat to my mastery ovver the TRUEST SCIENCES CA: an wwith my empiricists wwand i servve as the righteous hope that wwill incinerate delusion and the deluded alike CA: my holy fire is the wwhite fury bled from the wwrath-wweary eyes of fifty thousand nonfictional angels CA: and wwhen theyre finished wweepin they wwill boww before their prince GG: wow what are you talking about
I miss the days when stars were saintly They sang to me in ways innately Before we enslaved the symphony To playing anthems for selling things I used to wonder, wander farther Into awe, but those days were squandered My ghost was lost to the grownup gallows So I find my spirit in the bottle
Those modal masterworks Atonal oeuvres it seems When I ask afterwards All message lost in between The shifting aperture Depicting sun-soaked scenes I guess they resonate That's Universal Consciousness
Fate’s a funny thing It makes a victim of the will and brings a suit of broken bands A snake so full of tail That it can barely breathe to say it “doesn’t understand.” So, what am I to think? What am I to think? I’m doing it now At least I know I am At least I caught myself before I sent this out Into a stupid world that doesn’t give a damn Oh, what kind of fool do you think I am?
Like, I really can't stress enough, but Eridan is abjectly fucking miserable, angry and violent, anxious and unhappy. And his taste in music should reflect that, his feelings of impotence, his angry and anxious energy, his desperation. Have a Nice Life is probably the band I pick for him, because their discography reflects so greatly these emotions of anger, impotence, self-loathing and self-destruction.
The thing about being a hipster is that there's, the way I see it, three main reasons people wind up falling into it - the first is that they want to feel special, feel better than other people (not really Eridan's deal); the second is that they're just generally a music liker and their taste is indiscriminate enough to include indie stuff, too (and this is also not really Eridan's deal); and the last is because there is something in their soul that cries out for validation that they can't receive in the mainstream - for example, emotions, impulses, thoughts, and urges too dark for radio play (such as an obsession with genocide and murder). It's actually really important to me that Eridan IS a hipster, and specifically the type of hipster who's super pretentious and looks down on stuff that's "popular."
He has a massive fixation on being understood - complaining constantly that people don't "get it," that "nobody understands." This would extend to his taste in music. He would seek out genuine-ness, something grungy, something real, and unfortunately, stuff that's made for mass-market consumption must have the edges sanded off by nature. Given he actually gets upset when people don't "get" him, I'd wager that he doesn't treat media that he feels doesn't "get" him pretty poorly, too.
To be clear, I'm not trying to diss KPop in any way. It's not really my thing, but I get why people like it, and I'm not saying you shouldn't. Just feel like I have to toss that in there. I just really don't think Eridan would like it. And also he would probably be mean about it if you told him you liked it.
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campbyler · 3 months ago
Hi again! just want to say thanks for the song 'kiss me slowly'. your playlist has been one of the best driving playlists ive had and made my summer 2024 sooo magical with little dreams of camp on long journeys. i am definitely more of a mike than a will when it comes to driving, both in song choice and car type! hehe!
and this song throws me back to my teen days, listening to emotional 00s indie rock back when people used to make 5 min long youtube edits to harry potter and twilight using songs by howie day, the fray, and anything that was on one tree hill lol
very pleased to add to my acswy driving playlist!
hello and thank you and you are so so welcome!! this is actually the second time i’ve put this song on a mike pov fic playlist — i think it just makes a lot of sense for him and i associate him quite heavily with this era of 2000s-early 2010s pop rock/pop punk, and lyrically it fits so well with how i see his specific style of Yearning teehee. even aside from mike, kiss me slowly by parachute has been on my rotation for Years because i also first discovered it through a youtube edit 😎 i think driving wise and in general i personally am definitely a good mix of both of the music tastes we’ve assigned them in this universe (and usually the tastes i assign them in all my fics anyway lol), it honestly just depends on what mood i’m in when i get in the car, but i like to be a little self indulgent with mike’s driving tunes here because i think the mustang’s roof goes down and the feel good nostalgic pop comes OUTTTTTTT ‼️‼️‼️ so glad you’re having a good time with the playlist and our tunes! thanks for the love 🩷
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fruitcoops · 5 months ago
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Fic O’Ween Day 2! Characters belong to @lumosinlove , header is from @noots-fic-fests!
Yesterday’s Halloween movie reference: Practical Magic (1998) ❤️✨ Feel free to guess this one before tomorrow’s reveal!
“I would have loved you at Harvard…I would love you in, I don’t know—in the arctic. I would love you at war, or stuck on some island together, or I would love you in fucking ancient Rome. I’d love you anywhere, Leo. I love you now. We both do.” (Coast to Coast, Chapter 8)
A test tube crossed the bench, its pink tape stark against steaming sides. Glass clinked softly as it slotted into place with the others. Blue-gloved hands double-checked the cap with an instinctive touch. It took Finn a moment to remember they were his own.
ARC Trip 3
Core 6
Sample 4A
The date beneath had been smudged. He must have spilled some ethanol on it earlier, or maybe there was residue on his gloves from testing chlorophyll.
(Chlorophyll? The fuck?)
Not a problem. He had set the Sharpie down on the other bench, most likely, back when he was bothering Logan in the compter labs. A rookie mistake, but one he made often. (How long have I been here?)
The wind was strong outside today. He was grateful for the thick underlayers beneath his lab coat; New York had cold winters, but it was nothing next to the Arctic Circle. The door would most likely be frozen shut for the next few days. No field trips, then. Finn had plenty of samples to process in the meantime. The chill that crept inside the research center kept him focused, and he wasn’t even as bothered as—
Blond curls popped up behind the far monitor, then goggles, then a grin. “Hiya, Harz. Early morning?”
“Always,” Finn found himself saying with a shrug. There was work to do at every hour. He wasn’t sure when he’d been up this morning. Hopefully early enough to see the sunrise.
Leo shook his head with a teasing tsk. “Crazy. Anything fun?”
“More of the same.” The same? Same what? “Logan’s doing some melt stats in the other room. Icebergs wait for no man.” Finn tipped his head to the side. “Or breakfast.”
Leo’s nose scrunched. “Aw, I just saw him. Could’ve brought a muffin or something.”
“He’ll live. Rocks?”
“Rocks.” Leo held one up above the shelf dividing their benches for him to see, turning it back and forth.
“Delicious and nutritious.”
Leo gave him a funny look—that frown-smile Finn liked so much, the one Leo gifted to him when he was being an idiot for kicks. “Salty, sometimes,” Leo conceded. His lip slid forward in an exaggerated pout. “But my funding doesn’t cover nutrition.”
“I’ll give you twenty crisp dollars if you let me lick one right now.”
“I guarantee it will taste like a rock.”
“You’re bothering him again,” Logan announced as he passed behind Finn without a glance up from his clipboard.
Finn followed the line of his shoulders with his eyes. “How are your ice caps?”
“Still melting, unfortunately. How’s your grass?”
“Lichen,” Finn corrected without thinking. His mouth was running away from him today, it seemed. “Still growing, thanks for asking. The spec needs to be calibrated, but I’m doing that after lunch.”
“Come with us,” Leo offered, a small smile on his mouth. Oh, right, they were doing lunch today. “Harz and I were going to go at eleven.”
Logan paused. His big green eyes looked pale in the bright lighting of the lab, blinking slowly back at Leo. The shadow of his eyelashes was so clear Finn felt as if mere inches sat between them instead of half a room. “D’accord,” Logan said. “Sounds nice.”
“You forgot breakfast,” Finn informed him.
“Ouais.” Logan gave a half-shrug. “Distracted.”
“We’re getting lunch at noon,” Leo said with a small smile. His goggles had been pushed up into his hair, leaving faint red lines behind on his cheeks. “You should come. Everyone’s in from the field today and tomorrow, did you see the email?”
The email, yes. High winds, and something about the risk of frozen doors. It would be good to have some dedicated lab time. Finn shivered despite himself. The howling, shearing storm outside echoed through the research station’s crisp walls.
“Wooooo, so scary,” Leo teased, leaning back against Finn’s bench where they stood beside each other.
Logan widened his eyes in mock fear. “The ghosts stole my breakfast.”
“Oh, yes, we’re very haunted.” Amusement played across Leo’s face like sun off clear ice. “Breakfast-stealing ghosts and pet penguins.”
“I don’t think Loops keeps them as pets,” Finn tried, but Logan was suddenly quite close and he was having a hard time concentrating. “I think—I think I’d be more afraid of him than the ghosts. Or the penguins.”
Logan’s dark brow twitched up. “I’m not afraid. Are you?”
Leo and Logan were so lovely when they kissed. The knot in Finn’s stomach eased; he feared no ghosts or scientists or mean, flightless birds when they were there. They were keeping it chaste, perhaps for the lab’s sake but certainly not for his. No, they’d been together too long for that—no, hadn’t Leo just come here just this season off a nasty breakup?—had Finn tasted him yet? He wanted to, desperately. His bench partner, someone who looked at Logan the same way he did, like daylight after a polar night.
Logan’s hands were warm on his cold face. He tasted like snow and mint when Finn traced the tip of his tongue against Logan’s mouth. Lovely, lovely.
(My toes are cold.)
He had been kissing Leo long enough to be perched on his own bench, now. The rushing of blood in his ears overwhelmed the blizzard outside. His test tubes were chiming behind him, gentle glass-on-glass. Finn reached back to steady them while Leo bent to catch Logan’s lower lip between his teeth for a pull that made him smile. Tender in their way, so in love it filled Finn up. The weight of the ring on his left hand was familiar.
Unnamed science and screaming blizzards could wait. Surely this is what they were funded to do.
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black-arcana · 25 days ago
Within Temptation On Knotfest & Their Australian Debut: 'It’s An Honour To Share The Stage With These Bands'
Ahead of their first-ever Australian tour dates, Within Temptation's Sharon den Adel talks Knotfest, 'Bleed Out,' and Olivia Newton-John's pivotal role in her life.
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Within Temptation are preparing to visit Australia for the first time, and for fans of the Dutch symphonic metal band, it’s been a long time coming.
The band was founded in 1996 by vocalist Sharon den Adel and guitarist Robert Westerholt (the pair married in 2018 and have three children together). As of 2023, Within Temptation have released eight albums, with their latest Bleed Out, embracing their signature symphonic rock sound alongside elements of metalcore, djent, and gothic rock.
Sharon den Adel’s musical beginnings didn’t begin in metal. She grew up with parents who were always listening to music, and her brother, who’s six years older, received pocket money from the age of ten. Den Adel recalls being four years old and feeling jealous, wanting some of her own pocket money. Her mother obliged, but with one condition: she could only buy music.
Den Adel and her family went to their local record store every Saturday to pick out singles. Her parents had a “progressive” taste in music, listening to everything from Chris Rea to Santana to Black Sabbath to ELO. But den Adel’s first love in music was an Australian icon: Olivia Newton-John.
“My first love was actually Olivia Newton-John,” den Adel tells The Music. “I was four years old. I saw the movie [Xanadu] and wanted to have the cassette with the music, and that’s what I got. That’s where my journey in music started because I loved her voice and her presence in the movie. The movie was the best, of course [laughs]. And her voice was magical.”
Following Newton-John’s career, den Adel began discovering more women in music. She got into Janis Joplin, then Tori Amos, then Kate Bush.
At the age of 11, den Adel got involved with local bands, and by 14, she was singing at festivals and marketplaces in the area, performing in bands with local boys who were fans of guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughan and Pink Floyd. “We played everything, anything we liked, especially with a lot of solos, because our guitar player loved playing solos,” den Adel muses. “That was my first connection with live music, playing everything.
“And then I met Robert. He introduced me to Iron Maiden and all that kind of music, and I really fell in love with the storytelling in that music.” At the time, Westerholt and den Adel were in a band called The Circle, their band before the formation of Within Temptation.
“We started Within Temptation together, and that’s where it hit it off for me,” den Adel remembers. “He introduced me to death metal because he was really into the death metal scene, but he also loved [British progressive rock band] Marillion because that’s what he grew up with, and I loved that, and [Irish folk group] Clannad and all of that merged into Within Temptation, more or less, and that’s what got us to where we are now, almost 30 years later. So, yeah, time flies.”
Den Adel’s voice also stands out as a metal listener. In a genre heavily populated by men and screamed vocals, den Adel’s light yet controlled, commanding vocal is striking when balanced with heavy instrumentals.
Explaining how she discovered her voice, den Adel remarks that she began her career as a singer as a girl, singing songs originally sung by men.
Returning to the groups she performed in as a teenager, she says, “I love the band Journey, and he [Steve Perry] had this really high voice, and I could sing any song he could sing, and Pink Floyd wasn’t a problem either.
“Even when we had to transpose the songs to a different key, my voice really fitted in that darker kind of vibe and with heavier music. So, that was my first introduction. I didn’t hear many vocalists doing the same thing, except for the ones I’d mentioned before, but they were more into pop music or blues music, so it was different, you know?”
When she met Westerholt, one of the key bands they both enjoyed was the English gothic metal band Paradise Lost. “With one of their first albums [Gothic], they had an opera singer [Sarah Marrion] with them on the album. And I was like, ‘Oh my God, but this is doom metal with an opera singer, wow.’ And they only have one song like it.
“It’s like, why didn’t they continue this? We took that as an inspiration for our own music. But, you know, you do it in your own way. I was into Clannad and [Australian darkwave band] Dead Can Dance, as well. So, trying to have that [those inspirations] in the back of my mind, the combination of death metal and the doom metal that we were making in the beginning, was a nice merge.”
After releasing their second album, Mother Earth, in December 2000, Within Temptation found wider popularity thanks to the hit single, Ice Queen. The song catapulted to #2 in the group’s native Netherlands, and following the album’s success, Within Temptation won the Dutch music award, Conamus Exportprijs, five times.
Their albums, The Silent Force (2004) and The Heart Of Everything (2007) debuted at #1 on the Dutch charts and expanded the band’s international success. With 2011’s The Unforgiving, Within Temptation accompanied the album with a comic book and a series of short films while beginning to experiment with their symphonic metal sound.
In 2014, Within Temptation embraced the collaborative spirit with Hydra, locking in guest appearances by former Nightwish singer and successful solo artist Tarja Turunen, former Killswitch Engage vocalist Howard Jones, Soul Asylum’s Dave Pirner, and rapper Xzibit. Their seventh album, Resist, was released in 2019 and incorporated styles such as EDM and industrial metal.
On Bleed Out, Within Temptation sound more fired up than any band should when nearing their third decade in music. It’s little wonder why the music—and den Adel’s vocals—are so fired up. Lyrically, Bleed Out is about freedom: it stands against war and oppression, stands for women’s rights, and examines themes such as religion, bullying, and inner struggles.
The opening track, We Go To War, is inspired by the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. Wireless also draws from the war in Ukraine, addressing propaganda and governments sending soldiers to war. The title track draws from the tragic death of Mahsa Amini and the protests about women’s rights in Iran that followed. Den Adel has discussed how much Amini’s passing and the protests affected her, having lived in the Middle East as a child.
On Don’t Pray For Me, the band examined religious beliefs and the struggles people face when others’ beliefs are forced on them. It’s about abortion laws in different countries and a mass shooting at an Oslo LGBT pride event. And on Entertain You, den Adel critiques the way some people exclude, mistreat, and those they describe as “different”.
The lyrics are dark and heavy, and they’re complemented by equally heavy-sounding music: djent riffing guitars and breakdowns, den Adel’s soaring vocals, energetic drumming, and intense industrial themes. She tells The Music the songs on Bleed Out came from within, needing to get things off her chest.
“The war in Ukraine, or what happens in Iran, it’s heartbreaking. And then you write music to get it out of your system, and then you end up repeating it for the next two or three years,” den Adel confesses. “So, it comes back like a boomerang, and then you have to talk about it again, which is a good thing.
“That’s also why we did it: because you want to keep subjects alive for people, and because a lot of the time, a lot of news tends to go to the background, and when you’re playing the songs, you always talk about it on stage and in interviews.”
She continues, “It’s a small way to try to keep certain subjects alive because they need that attention constantly to be addressed. There are many things in the world that need to be addressed that are not on this album, of course, but if we try to do them in a little way, the few subjects that we did, it does help us to deal with the daily life reality.”
For den Adel and many acts hailing from Europe, the close geography to Ukraine makes the war feel more personal. For Australians, the war couldn’t be further away. It’s a different story for den Adel. “For me, it’s like a two-hour flight to Kyiv; it’s very close,” she explains.
“It’s in our backyard, and when you’re in Australia—I can imagine—it’s the other side of the world, but I always keep saying what Walt Disney once said: ‘It’s a small world.’ After all, it affects everything.
She adds, “It’s very small; what we’re doing. It’s not really that brave or anything; it’s just something we all feel the need to do. It’s more like if you don’t talk about it, you feel worse.
“People always think, ‘It’s not my war. Who cares? It’s far away. We can’t do anything.’ You can do something. In a small way, everybody can do something. And it’s not that far away because what happens in America affects what happens in Europe, affects what happens in Russia, affects the rest of the world.”
Next month, Within Temptation are heading to Australia for the very first time—despite den Adel’s fear of flying—to perform at Knotfest Australia alongside Slipknot, A Day To Remember, BABYMETAL, Hatebreed, Polaris, and more. In addition to their Knotfest performances, Within Temptation will play two sideshows in Brisbane and Melbourne (the Melbourne show has sold out).
“One of the reasons I haven’t been to Australia yet is because of flying,” den Adel admits warmly. “It’s so far away! It’s actually a bit strange for someone who’s doing what I’m doing that I hate flying. I really hate going on board a flight and [having] no control. But, yeah, Australia is worth it. I need to see it!”
Discussing the challenge of playing in a country for the first time with eight albums under the band’s belt, den Adel explains, “I’m really looking forward to it! And on the other hand, I hope that people aren’t grumpy about the fact that we have waited so long and we only played this [setlist] because we have eight albums; what are we going to play?
“It’s going to be a challenge to satisfy everybody who’s coming, who finally get to see us and have certain expectations, of course, so I’m hoping to make the best setlist for everyone.” She’s up for the challenge and ready to win over people at Knotfest who have no idea who Within Temptation are.
On performing at Knotfest, den Adel describes being on the line-up as “a big honour.” “It’s a big honour to share the stage with these other bands,” den Adel says. “We have seen Slipknot many times on other festivals, but there’s a lot of bands we haven’t seen yet and I’m always hoping to see a band that I don’t know yet.
“It’s nice to be surprised; it’s the best thing to discover something you haven’t heard before, and I think that’s especially among bands that are maybe lower on the bill. I hope to see something of that.” The Music recommends In Hearts Wake and their latest album, Incarnation. “Thank you for the tip! If I’m able to [watch their set], I will.”
Of course, a trip to Australia brings den Adel’s enthusiasm for seeing koalas and kangaroos and immersing herself in some of the sights, like the Twelve Apostles and Botanical Gardens.
“I’m really looking forward to seeing Australia and getting over that big leap of 24 hours towards your country. So, you better be there; we’re risking our lives by coming over on the plane [laughs]. No, just joking!”
After noting the tourist spots she’s keen to see, den Adel adds: “I’ve heard that you [Australians] know how to rock out and have fun! I’m genuine when I say I’d really love to come back because I have been to Australia when I was a kid, and I can’t wait to see Australia again through the eyes of an adult.”
Within Temptation will perform at Knotfest Australia and play sideshows in Melbourne and Brisbane. You can find tickets via the Destroy All Lines website.
Monday 3 March - Princess Theatre, Brisbane
Thursday 6 March - Max Watts, Melbourne - SOLD OUT
A Day To Remember
BABYMETAL, Slaughter To Prevail, Polaris
Within Temptation, Enter Shikari, Hatebreed
In Hearts Wake, HEALTH, Miss May I, Vended, Sunami
Friday 28 February 2025 – Flemington Racecourse, Melbourne
Sunday 2 March 2025 – Brisbane Showground, Brisbane
Saturday 8 March 2025 – Centennial Park, Sydney
Tickets: Knotfest.com/Australia
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foundtherightwords · 9 months ago
🛒 🐀 🥁 "Hoard" thoughts 🛒 🐀 🥁
OK, so I've finally finished watching "Hoard" (after having to put it on hold because I got sensory overload from the damned Interview Magazine photoshoot!) and sufficiently recovered to gather my thoughts. Here they are (placed below the photo/cut to avoid spoilers, obvs):
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First impression: It's a lot less gross than I was led to believe. Even the scene everybody claims to be the grossest (with the pop rocks) is not that gross to me. But maybe I'm just desensitized from watching too much Taskmaster lol (when you've watched a man eat hot toothpaste, dog food, burned porn, and a regurgitated donut all in the name of comedy, and whatever the hell this task is, nothing is gross anymore.)
In fact, I'm pleasantly surprised by how whimsical the movie is, especially the earlier scenes of Maria's childhood. Luna did a great job treading that fine line between magical (especially when seen from young Maria's POV) and grim (when seen from the audience's POV). Hayley Squires is amazing as Cynthia; there's so much strength and vulnerability in her character. Hers is the stand-out performance for me after Joe's.
Michael: I'm going to be biased here (of course I am, it's Joe) and say I don't find Michael as despicable as Luna and Joe himself made him out to be in interviews. Yes, a lot of this sympathy is thanks to Joe's performance (though I have to say he's excellent at adding a sinister undercurrent to everything Michael does, especially in the early scenes with Maria). But I think Michael is struggling just as much as Maria, and he doesn't have the support system like Maria does (with her foster mum or her friend) to pull him out of it. His fiancee seems sweet, but she's clueless (and honestly, I was screaming at her to just leave his smelly ass at the end! You don't need him!) I can see how his actions can be interpreted as manipulative and predatory because he's so much older than Maria and already in a relationship. Still, when you think about how both Michael and Maria don't have a normal childhood and they're trying to recapture that sense of childhood with each other, then you can say Maria is in control of the action much more than he is (he freaks out when she goes off on her own and insists that "We do this together", like a little kid). @ceriseheaven has an excellent interpretation that Michael is the personification of grief for Maria, which I heartily agree with and want to add that, if Michael is grief to Maria, then Maria is childhood for him, the childhood he never had (and the fact that he's about to be a dad himself is driving this home for him, making him even more desperate for that taste of joy before he has to be a real grown-up.) This is why the sex sours it for both of them, I believe. It makes everything too real. Everybody keeps talking about Joe's improv of the line "Please love me," but for me, it's the line before that - "Is it that hard [to love me]?" - that really breaks my heart and epitomizes Michael's character.
My quibble: pacing. I find the first half of the movie kind of slow, and the second half almost breakneck in pace, so much so that I was surprised when Michelle claims it's been 5 months since Maria left school (it felt like 5 days to me!) Maybe it's intentional on Luna's part, but I wish it could have been more evenly paced so we could really get into Maria's downward spiral and see how her hoard builds up gradually. The last 15 minutes or so, starting with the confrontation with Michael in her room (the "Please love me" scene), is the most powerful to me, but because of the pacing, the ending feels kind of rushed. I guess the catalyst that shocks Maria out of her hoarding is the encounter with the hit-and-run victim, but it feels a little out of nowhere. After all that dysfunction, I wasn't expecting it to be wrapped up so neatly (yes, there is the hint that Maria may be pregnant, but she seems to have made peace with everything.) I'm going to watch it again to see if this impression changes.
Finally: why doesn't Sky Store have subtitles for their films? I'm at that age now where I can't hear without subtitles, and half of the time I have no idea what the characters are saying (their thick East London accent doesn't help.)
So, all in all, a very interesting film, not my type at all (my taste in film is very conventional haha), but it's a testament to Luna's talent that she manages to deliver such a personal story in a way that resonates with the audience regardless of our experiences, and I'm glad it's been brought to our attention thanks to Joe. I'm definitely going to rewatch it (several times!) to pick apart the story and the characters more carefully.
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otterorchidwrites · 10 months ago
Comets and Clarity
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Hey how do you do?
Im in a undertale sort of phase so i wanted to start out by writing some sans x reader! This may be a series, so look out for more!
Basically: you and sans go stargazing on a roof, and things get a little lovey dovey
Warnings: 18+!!!! Tasteful smut, they love each other your honor, they so the hanky panky on a roof, missionary style, piv sexy times 1 swear you guys, guess who its by
(F)!Reader x vanilla sans
If you liked this feel free to request another character in sans/papyrus verse, im trying to get their personality’s down!
You couldn’t sleep.
You were looking out your window, staring out into the dark forest with a droopy gaze. You would close your eyes every once in a while, but you still couldn’t fall asleep.
You rolled out of bed and onto your feet, before treading across your fluffy rug to your closet. You dug around for a minute, before finding what you were looking for.
A ladder.
Setting it up under the big skylight in your room, you made sure it was secure before tangling your messy bed head into a clip to put it up. Grabbing a couple blankets, you started climbing up the ladder. Getting to the top and looking down on your room, you smiled happy for making it this far.
(Your fear of heights made this a little harder)
Then you opened the latch on the window and carefully lifted it, which side note, hearing it creak and groan was not reassuring. It opened however and you climbed through the top, landing safely on the roof of your home. You breathed a sigh of relief and propped the window open carefully, before laying down and wrapping the blanket around yourself.
Feeling a fizzle of magic made you get goosebumps and your neck hair stand on end. It felt like pop rocks prickling your skin, and you smiled as the next thing you felt was a skeletal hand reach out and grab yours. And then he used his other to knock on your blanket you had surrounding you.
“open up” the voice rumbled, causing you to smile gently and open the blanket to your skeleboy. He snuggled in your side and put his head in the crook of your neck, tickling you with the strange magical air he was blowing out.
“Hello to you to sans.” You whispered, snuggling into the smoothness of his skull. He mumbled and squeezed you, before leaning back and looking at the stars above, arms wrapped around your waist.
The 2 of you sat in silence for a while, staring at the stars and comets above and holding each other. Finally, you felt sans move and put his hand on your cheek, turning your head from the sky above to his face. You looked at him with confusion, before he looked at you with a certain gaze moved in for a bony kiss.
It always felt a little weird kissing the boys, because it was like kissing magic itself. Their teeth were strangely soft, moving against your plush, warm lips. You buzzed with energy, feeling his intent behind the smooch.
It was filled with love.
He started to get more handsy, getting as close as possible before gently licking your lips with his tongue. You smiled into the kiss and opened your mouth, letting sans in as he continued this little make out. You hummed when he entered gently into your mouth, your tongues meeting in a dance as you tasted his strange echo appendage. It tasted and felt at the same time, the emotion felt like you were kissing the stars itself. His tongue sparkled with energy, telling you that he was excited about this. Eventually, you broke for air, panting against his skull as you touched foreheads with him. His grin was stretched, and his eye lights turned into upside down hearts, staring into your eyes.
“your more beautiful than the night sky, you know that?” He whispered to you, bringing up a hand to rub your cheek with his hand. Your breathing was still ragged from the kissing, and you smiled at the handsome skeleton. He chuckled as a blush filled out the apple of your cheeks, prompting him to kiss your nose. He then pecked down your neck, before laving his tongue over your collarbone. You gasped in surprise, looking at sans before you. He had his face in your neck, continuing to lick up and down your neck.
“What are you doing?” You chuckled, letting out a tiny moan when he nibbled your earlobe, sucking and biting on it.
“showing you how much you mean to me starlight.” He rumbled, before his hands slid under your shirt and over your head.
And you let him.
He continued kissing your neck, reaching your breasts. He waved his hand and the clamp that held your bra fell away. You gasped when he threw the black and pink item somewhere else on the roof, smiling to himself as he finally got your boobs.
Before he did anything, he went you to hastily kiss you again, to which you panted into the kiss as he brought his hands to fondle your breasts. He rubbed gentle circles around your nipples, causing you to moan lightly into the kiss. He licked your lips before going down and sucking a nipple into his teeth. You gasped and wiggled, before laying down on the roof and grabbing his skull with your hands.
Noticing his eye lights were on you, you gave a shaky smile. He returned it by licking your nipple and carefully biting the areola. You cried out, feeling your legs squeeze together at the magical sensation of his crackling tongue against you. He grunted at your sounds, and nuzzled in between your boobs, giving a kiss to the soft skin that could be found there.
“ amazing boobs” he moaned, rubbing and playing with the skin. You giggled and leaned up on your arms to look at him as he fondled your breasts.
He looked like he was having a great time.
No seriously, his pants were glowing.
Quirking an eyebrow and looking in the direction of his pants, you looked back and saw a blue flush covering his face as he noticed you looking at him.
“bust-ed” he chuckled out, causing you to snort and stare in shock at him.
“I am topless and your making boob puns?” You asked, biting your lip as his grin grew.
“ yeah, I just c-something I like” he laughed, making you gently shove him. Then you remembered where you were.
Currently on a roof in the middle of a forest clearing.
“Should we be doing this up here?” You asked, looking at him with your nose scrunched. You felt your nips perk because of the cold, and sans looked around. “what if we fall off?”
“ ill catch ya” he winked “ and why not make love on a roof looking up at the stars?” He shrugged, and you shook your head. “Fine. Get over here and warm me up.” You made grabby hands at the skeleton, who smirked, before taking his sleep shirt off and leaning over you to put it under your head. You smiled at the kindness, before your lips were once again in a kiss. Sans kissed with hunger, stealing your breath away you moaned into his mouth, and he reciprocated, before moving forward and rubbing his bony chest on yours. His ribs hit our nipples just right, and you opened your mouth to gasp. Sans stared at you with bright eye lights, breathing heavily and continuing the action.
You squirmed and panted, the gentle feeling causing the sparks through your body to ignite. The feeing between your legs grew, and you squeezed your thighs to try and relive it. All that did was make the pressure worse.
Sans quickly noticed and slid a hand down your torso, before lifting your pants and slipping into your underwear. His skeletal hands cupped your sex, causing you to release the loudest moan you had let out yet.
“ your so wet” he gasped, rubbing his fingers around in your slit. You mewled at the sensation, letting out a breath as he continued to rub your most sensitive area.
“ tibia honest” he started, letting out a grunt as he slid one finger inside you, causing you to full-body shiver and cry out “ I want you to cum first, but I really got to get in there” He chuckled, before ending it in a moan. You smiled blissfully as he pumped his finger. He leaned his head down, putting on arm on your cheek and keeping the other gently rubbing you. “Do you think you can take me like this?” He asked quickly, urgently pulling down your pants.
You helped him and shuffled out of your grey sweats, moaning as he started pumping faster.
“Yes I can, just hurry up” You gasped out, grabbing at his back while he grunted out an affirmative. He barely got his sleep shorts off before you were wrapping your legs around his small waist. Sans rumbled as you did so, grabbing your thighs. You moaned as he leaned down, setting a hand next to your head and kissing you in the process. You happily accepted, wrapping an arm around his skull.
He grunted as he rubbed his ecto against your warm, wet lips downstairs. You shivered in response, panting open mouthed as he pumped his hips against yours.
“ y’ready?” He mumbled against your neck, panting against it in desperation. You stared up at the stars above, the sky looking blurred as your vision and ability to think was slowly fading. “Sans I’m read-oooohhh” You moaned, feeling him slip his fat head into you. He loudly groaned, his eye sockets going black as you looked up at him and the sky. His grin was strained as he huffed into your face, the arm beside your head shaking slightly from the squeeze.
“ oh starlight” he growled, before pushing more of his ecto into you, the girth making your eyes roll back as rubbed your walls just right. Sans continued gently sliding in and out, until he got to his hilt. Your butt was hitting his hip bones and giving you a delicious pinch of pain.
“ you good little lady?” Sans breathed out, and you cried out as he shifted, causing him to wince from the contractions of your walls. “Mhm-hm” was all you could get out before the skeleton pulled back and thrust back in with more strength than he usually showed. You yelped, grabbing onto his back as he grunted, burying his head into your hair and wrapping his other hand around your head. Both of you were holding on for dear life as sans started a frantic pace, clearly lost in the pleasure.
Breathing out quick huffs in time with his thrusts, you felt yourself slipping. Sans felt it to, and grabbed one of your hands with his, holding it between his thin, skeletal fingers. The touch sent waves through your body, the closeness and kindness of the act making your heart flutter along with the fact that this man was ramming into you.
“I love youuuuooohhh” Sans started moaning, over and over he panted it into your ear, before he bit on your neck to quiet himself. You responded with your own declaration, moaning at this whole situation. It almost was out of a fairy tale, you getting railed on a roof under the stars with Prince Charming.
Eventually you felt the knot in your stomach grow tighter and your eyes blew wide because of all the spots dancing in your vision. Sans noticed your body wiggling and your legs tensing, so he released your hand, which you whimpered at, and he took his bony hand down to your part your petals and rubbed your clit.
The loving intent he put behind the act filled your eyes with tears as he whispered a “ let go” into your ear.
And so, you did
Your vision exploded, going white, and you felt your body tense up and shake. You vaguely heard sans growling and pumping faster into you, before pushing his hips into your butt to get a close as he could and letting out a low groan. You mewled against him, pulling the skeleton closer until you were clutching on to him. He pumped a few more times as you rode out your orgasm, and he did his.
He mumbled something into your neck, and you turned to see him staring up at you with his eye lights in hearts.
“What was that skeleboy?” You panted, biting your lip. “What do you call a ghosts erection?” He asked cheekily, making you playfully frown. “what” you deadpanned, rolling your eyes to look up at the stars. You could practically hear his smirk “ booooners”
You burst into laughter, while sans covered you both with the blanket and got you settled in to sleep.
Eventually, you both found peace under the stars.
You woke up to someone grumbling and climbing up the ladder to your room. You turned and saw edge himself poking his long head out your skylight.
You and sans gave each other a sleepy look, before bursting into laughter.
Thanks for reading and i hoped you enjoyed!
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nattaphum · 2 years ago
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George Benson - Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You
Very romantic. It's a song about how much I love you, and I can say that not only to my lover, but also to my family and friends. What I imagine is the feeling of singing to a cat in the house (laughs). I love how warm it is.
Is there anything you are looking forward to when you come to Japan?
Of course I was looking forward to working with awesome!plus. Also, i am a guitar collector, so I was looking forward to buying vintage guitars. People have good taste and keep things in good condition, so there are many second-hand items that are really good.
You originally studied music, right?
Yes. I started music when I was 22. If I hadn't been doing music, I wouldn't be where I am today, and I wouldn't be appearing in dramas. The basics of Thai culture are doing music, and that leads to theatrical performances. I also stepped into the entertainment industry because of the music. I was also making demos on guitar. The first thing I made was an acoustic pop rock.
What is important to you when making music?
I take care of it. You can't eat a guitar, so it doesn't have a taste, but you can really feel the taste of its sound. From my point of view, the guitar is very sexy. Plus, vintage guitars are made from old wood, so they smell great. It feels like wine. Furthermore, the guitar can be played in any genre. That's the biggest attraction.
Please tell us about shooting episodes of the drama "Kinn Porsche The Series"
In this work, the performers and all the staff wanted to make a good work. There are many fictional scenes but there are also many human-like lines. Everyone was seriously trying to put on the best performances in the time allotted. I called that time a magic moment. It turned out to be a really good work.
How was the reaction?
I was surprised that everyone responded so well. No matter which country I go to, I can feel everyone's feelings.
The world tour sounds like a lot of fun.
I feel really lucky that I was able to take everyone with me. It feels more like a school trip than a job (laughs). However, the other day I went to Paris by myself for work, and then I felt incredibly lonely..!
Ahaha. By the way, Apo as seen by Mile. What kind of person is he?
He's very energetic. That's what comes out. I'm the type of person who listens, so when we're together, it's really well-balanced. He surprises me a lot. I'm always trying to do my best, so I'm very happy to be able to work with him.
What kind of story are you listening to?
He says everything, such as how he felt at that time. He says anything. He will tell me everything I can understand or can’t understand. He is a person who has no secrets and will tell me everything.
Ahaha. Is there a role you would like to play in the future?
I would like to act in dark, thriller, and murderous scenes. I would also like to play a horror movie like Japan's Ju-on! I was 20 when I started to like the guitar, so I may not be very good at it, but I think it would be great if I could collaborate with Jeff this time. l'm looking forward to it!
Now, Mile, please tell us what you think is the appeal of this drama.
Although the original is a novel, it has become a work that reveals the true face of humans. It's wonderful. To put it simply, it's Pocky."
"Yes (laughs). Pocky comes in strawberry, chocolate, and banana flavors. I want to try different flavors. This drama is like Pocky (laughs).
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Vivaldi's Four Seasons
I think it’s a love song. It's smooth and soft, so if you listen to it and are in nature, you can feel the background and love of the song.
What are you looking forward to during your visit to Japan?
I want to work with Japanese staff. Recently, I have traveled to various countries and worked with people from various countries, but Japan is one of my favorite countries, so I am happy to work with Japanese people. I wanted to work with them, and when I actually worked with them, they were all wonderful and always made me feel good.
Is there anything you eat every time you visit?
Surrounded by the sea, I think there are food colors and flavors that only Japan can offer.
However, what would you like to do in Japan if you have time?
I want to feel the unique lifestyle and traditional culture. I went to Meiji Jingu this time, and my mind and body became softer. The smell of nature calms me down, and I feel good energy and energy increase.
About the popular drama "KinnPorsche The 'Series'", do you want to share some behind the scene story?
In the scene on the boat in episode 3, our boat sways every time a boat passes by, so the camera gets drunk, so we have to take a little break after each take! I can not forget. Mile and I are fine because we are concentrating on the people we are acting with, but the cameraman must be drunk because he has a wide field of view through the camera.
Currently on a world tour as a drama member. If you were to hold an event in Japan, what kind of projects would you like to do?
Japan is famous for anime cosplay, so it would be great if everyone could get together in cosplay and sing and dance. There were people in duck and avatar costumes, but if we could get together in Japan and do cosplay together, I'm sure it will be fun.
You like singing and dancing, is there an instrument vou would like to try?
I wanted to play the saxophone because I liked jazz and instrumental music since I was little. I wanted to join the music circle. But now I wonder if I should listen to someone else play it (laughs).
Do vou have a favorite Japanese artist?
I love KAT- TUN. I don't know what it means, but I like the rhythm of the song, the way it's sung, and the beatbox, and it feels good to listen to it. i also like EXILE's "Lovers Again" and “LAST CHRiSTMAS". I like it because it makes me feel like something good is going to happen today.
Is there a Japanese actor you'd like to work with?
Nana Komatsu-san. I'm interested in her because she has a charming natural acting style. Also, Rinko Kikuchi's acting is so deep that it caught my eye. Tomohisa Yamashita, who I've been watching since I was young, is also one of my favorite actors. Takeshi Kaneshiro is also cool, isn't he?
What does acting mean to you?
Acting is what made me understand the world, people and nature. In the process, there are three things that are important to me: the environment in which I was born, the environment in which I am now, and the environment in front of me. When I was worried about the role of Porsche, It was about how he was born and what kind of environment he was raised in. It's difficult because he's a contradiction between his feelings and his actions. All I can say is that he likes Kinn. He loves Kinn regardless of position or gender, and the straightforwardness of Porsche is the appeal.
What role would you like to play in the future?
This work is currently being filmed, and in this series I am performing Thai dance. There is something unique about Thai dance, it is strong but soft and delicate. My teacher told me to think of myself as an angel and move, but it is a loose style. However, it is not popular among young people these days, so I want to convey the charm of Thai dance through this work. Just as everyone thinks of Japan when they hear the words ninja or samurai, I want them to think of Thailand, when they think of Thai dance.
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nikikikiko · 1 year ago
bc of my maka nightcore post ive been thinking a lot abt what music the characters would like and i am convinced ive figured it out… sorta.
soul & tsubaki like jazz and i refuse to change that, they are THE jazz for your soul meme, but soul also really likes just about anything so maka is thoroughly SHOCKED he cannot handle something like nightcore
Tsubaki also loves her vocaloid music. she’s a proud hatsune miku supporter and has dragged blackstar down into hatsune hell with her. i imagine vocaloid is what they play for group study sessions when they need music
I like to think Blackstar talks big but his music is actually full of j-pop , musical theatre , and a hint of whatever else everyone else listens to. His playlist is potentially the scariest of everyones bc there is a high chance this guy listen’s to never gonna give you up unironically and this time is the peak of rickrolling so watch ur Back.
Patty is a huge supporter of death metal and rock. On the other hand, she too is a nightcore fan but only nightcore of my little pony friendship is magic songs. somehow that feels right
Liz and Kid actually uhm share a music taste they share rap, lotus juice and some pop. they also generally r easily going to cry at movie instrumentals bc they r SO PRETTY (and who can BLAME them???)
crona nightcore supporter but like also supporter of the fucked up vocaloid songs. like yk the ones that kikuo makes or okaa-san and what not. but maka has definitely converted crona into how to be a heartbreaker nightcore superiority and it has tainted how crona learns how to enjoy pop music now (soul is DYING in the background)
is this real no is it my headcanons now yes
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impishtubist · 11 months ago
Hello Imp, I need to know what is your correct opinion about Sirius and music. Would he like Queen? If so, what are his fave songs? Did he have a chance to fuck Freddie Mercury? Does he know how to play some instrument? Is he one of those dads who will never update their music taste aftrt turning 25 OR does he get really into Harry's fave bands???? Maybe they even go to some concert together when Harry is a teenager (any suggestions about the artist/band?)
Oh, god, this feels like a trap, because I know you don't like Queen.
First of all, no, he did not fuck Freddie Mercury. That would be Crowley, and they both had a great time. Crowley will always remember his summer with Freddie fondly.
I'll be honest, dear Bat: I don't know enough about music to actually answer this question. Because I really don't listen to it, unless it's Queen or a handful of musicals. Music just isn't something I'm into, which I know is wild to say as someone who has played an instrument for like 20 years lol.
I'm going to go against the grain here and say that, no, Sirius wasn't really into Muggle music the way fandom loves to portray! I think he wasn't really into Muggle things at all. Did he dabble because it annoyed the hell out of his parents? Absolutely. Also, he did think the motorbike was super cool, but even then he gave it a lot of magical amendments. So he's really only interested in Muggle things that he can add magical modifications to.
As far as instruments go, he plays the piano because it was one of the things he was forced to learn growing up in a rich pureblood household.
However, all that being said, I think that once he gets custody of Harry, he gets a crash course in Muggle things because he wants Harry to experience both parts of his heritage. He introduces Harry to a lot of parts of the wizarding world he didn't know about, as well as wizarding and pureblood culture, but he also makes an effort to experience Muggle things with Harry as well. Harry doesn't know much about Muggle pop culture, tbh! The Dursleys kept him pretty sheltered. He learns about Muggle movies and music along with Sirius.
So, yes, they absolutely do go to concerts together. What concerts? You'll have to ask someone who doesn't have to Google "rock bands touring 1990s." 😂
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randomvarious · 2 years ago
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Today’s compilation:
Tonal Evidence (usa) 1991 Alternative Rock / Alternative Dance / Industrial / Synthpop / Experimental
Folks, I gotta say that I'm pretty beside myself with regards to this album; not because the music's bad—a lot of it's great!—but because I can't find almost any of these highlights on YouTube. And, I mean, we're talking London's Mute Records here, one of the biggest and most successful alternative labels in the world since its early 80s founding. You'd think every song in their catalogue would be up on YouTube by now, but apparently not. Either no one's uploaded any of this good music that's on this album or Mute practices in the dark art of copyright takedowns like nobody else's business. Either way, it's a shame that I can't make most of this stuff easily accessible to you all 😔.
That said, though, this early 90s compilation from Mute is really good. They're known for being on the forefront of alternative rock, alternative dance, industrial music, and synthpop, and with this US-tailored 1991 sampler of theirs, you get a nice taste of all of that stuff 😋.
Plus, a whole bunch of these songs were exclusives when they appeared on this album too. They may have popped up elsewhere since, but back in '91, if you purchased this CD, you were getting a sweet handful of rare goodies. And now that you can't find them anywhere to stream, I guess they're rare once again 😅. Funny how that works, eh?
Anyway, it doesn't always happen with late 80s and early 90s releases, because the music can feel a little bit primitive at times, but I think I'm more partial to the dance music that's on here than the alternative rock. Kris Weston, a guy who goes by Thrash, and who did other remixes for acts like Depeche Mode and U2 around this same time, does a sweet techno remix of Fortran 5's "Love Baby;" John Robie, a close associate of Arthur Baker, and who played synthesizers on Afrika Bambaataa & The Soulsonic Force's "Planet Rock," delivers a wild, cold, and thick electro remix of Cabaret Voltaire's "Yashar;" and there's a dynamite radio mix of "10 X Faster Than the Speed of Love," by Meat Beat Manifesto, one of the most important alt-electronic groups that's ever existed, and whose breakbeat stylings certainly served as an inspiration to the dawnings of trip hop, big beat, and drum n bass—all with an industrial edge too.
Plus, a shoegazey bit of early 90s indie pop from a Swedish band called Easy. They're actually still around after all these years, having released a brand new album just a few weeks ago. But this song, "Cloud Chamber," which is the second song off their 1990 debut album, Magic Seed, catches them in some of their very earliest days. Pleasant jangle-honking indie fare right there.
Awesome sampler with an eclectic slate that reflects all the different types of alternative music that Mute had its hand in shaping, but I've got almost no links to any of it 😞. Oh well.
Feel free to message me directly if you really wanna hear this album!
Fortran 5 - "Love Baby (Electropathy Mix)" Cabaret Voltaire - "Yashar (John Robie Mix)" Meat Beat Manifesto - "10 X Faster Than the Speed of Love (Radio Mix)" Renegade Soundwave - "Biting My Nails (1990 Remix)" The Weathermen - "Freedom Or Slavery (Conclusive Edit)" Easy - "Cloud Chamber"
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violentale · 9 months ago
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Name:  Papyrus Serif
Nicknames: Elk  (Au Nickname), Pin Cushion (Undyne), Elk Lord (Monster kid)
Gender: Non-binary ( prefers they or  them, but will answer to other pronouns.)
Race: Skeleton Monster
Alignment: Good Neutral
Status: Alive
Family: Sans (brother), Wingdings (father/deceased), River Person (mother/deceased)
Allies: Sans, Undyne, Alphys, Frisk, Grillby, Toriel, and Mettaton, and Monster Kid
Enemies: Asgore
Magic Color: Pure White
Magic Scent: Funnel Cake and Fresh Donuts
Magic Taste (for you simps): Pop Rocks and Apple Flavored Sour Straws
Sexuality: Pansexual
Despite their intimidating form and size, Papyrus is a gentle monster who isn't fond of conflict. Given their stature they could certainly become a formidable monster. However, due to being raised mostly by Sans who kept them heavily away from danger as much as possible. Teaching Paps to never attack humans unprovoked, because of this they're one of the rare types of monsters. Like many Papyri they share a love of puzzles, japes, and pasta when he can find the material to make the noodles. Unfortunately because of their appearance, and their brother, Papyrus often struggles with loneliness as well as dealing with others who mistake them as a threat. When they find Frisk they're extremely elated to make a new friend and do whatever they can to protect them from harm. Despite their enthusiasm though, Paps is an incredibly shy anxious monster who is always on guard because of past conflicts.
Papyrus was still a babybones when their father found them, and sadly they were too young at the the time to remember what their mother looked like. As a child Papyrus was heavily protected by Sans especially after their mother was killed while they were extremely young. As they got closer to their teens, Gaster declared he would begin teaching them how to hunt humans, mages, and other monsters. Papyrus had little desire to hunt, preferring to gather whilst hunting wild game such as deer, elk, excetra and had a preference for traps rather than using brute force.
While they were too young to see their mother's murder, Papyrus was there when Sans ambushed their father. They held many mixed emotions on that day, and even now the memory is firmly engraved in the back of their mind. After their father's death, and Sans becoming the new alpha, Papyrus lived much of their life in solitude with their brother as their only source of companionship.
Even when they were  educated by both Toriel and Grillby, Sans still overtook most of their teaching. Although they have tried to speak to others outside Snowden it has been extremely difficult due to their intimidating size. Though Undyne has spoken to them on occasion when they try to sneak into Waterfall territory. She seems to find them amusing because of their gentle docile nature, occasionally making what many would consider insults.
These insults are however just how she shows kindness, because of the nature of most Monsters she is unfamiliar with the subject. That said she will at times show them how to fish for food and show them how to cook it. Though she more often than not ends up losing control and eating the fish before it's done.
When the human arrives, Paps takes an instant liking to their quiet yet playful personality. They do their best to hide the human away from Sans fearful of him hurting, or perhaps torturing the child. When they find out that Sans has been having their friend targeted, tormented, and is going to surprise attack them Paps steps in. They stand up to Sans insisting that the human is their first true friend, and threaten to fight him if he plans to hurt them.
During the Pacifist timeline Paps will grow fond of the Human child see them as their first real friend and do their best to take care of them. They hide Frisk from their brother, and other monsters when possible to assure their safety. When they find out that Sans has been orchestrating all the monsters attacking the human, the traps, and finds them about to fight and or kill the human their livid.
Papyrus demands Sans to stop and when he doesn't listen, Paps attacks his brother defending Frisk from them startling him. They then declare " I AM TIRED OF BEING ALONE WITH YOU! YOU ARE MY BROTHER BUT I CANNOT STAND THIS ISOLATION! THIS HUMAN IS MY FRIEND AND I WILL NOT LET YOU TAKE THEM AWAY FROM ME!"
Shocked Sans backs down and ceases his attack agreeing to stop so long as there's not a danger to others. Paps doesn't fully believe their brother but agrees to help Frisk by showing them the way to Waterfall. Occasionally Paps will pop in around Waterfall giving advice about Undyne to them. Such as that she isn't the best at aiming and is actually kind but doesn't know how to express it all that well.
When Alphys and Undyne reconnect admitting their feelings, Papyrus pops in between the paid congratulating them before running as they chase them in embarrassment. After the human defeats Asgore and challenges Monarch, the God imprisons Asgore.
When Monarch tells the human they have to pick a new King of the Monsters and they choose Papyrus because of his Kindness. At the end you see that Papyrus has declared that consuming humans is illegal, and peace is forged with the humans underground while investing in aid for the monsters and mages afflicted by hunger.
The killing of Papyrus is an automatic Genocide sentence, unlike other universes, this is believed to be the case due to the AU's unstable Sans and Pappy's purity is the key to peace.
,•Enhanced Durability (High Health and Defense)
• Blue Magic
• Orange Magic
• Enhanced Senses
• Sharp Antlers
• Claws
• Excellent Tracking Skills
• Green Thumb (so to speak)
• Hunger Resistant
• Healing Magic aka Green
• Strong Bite
• Kindness (although it is how peace is achieved it doesn't help till much later)
• Small Spaces (Paps is quite large at 9 ft not including his impressive antlers)
• Sarcasm (Doesn't understand it well)
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