#Reblogs over likes
ardynsart · 4 months
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hey I'm @the-alarm-system btw
V and Johnny Silverhand are the face of the movement trust me guys
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dreambones · 14 days
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>>> Patreon Link <<<
After much thinking and planning, I decided to blow off the dust of my Patreon and come back. So...
Hello hello, you can call me Dream and this is my Patreon for games and art.
I'm an indie game developer, pixel and digital artist, and if you enjoy cartoon characters, cliche horror, and self indulgent fanart, then this could be for you, so why don't you stay for a game or two (in this house we are cringe but free).
I reopened this Patreon with the hope of making video games and art my main source of income.
Your support will be used for buying assets and programs that will allow me to make faster and better content, commissioning resources for the games, and becoming self independent and paying my own expenses (food, bills, etc).
I am hoping this will work out, so I am giving it a test run for a couple of months to see what happens. If it takes off you will see content more often as I will be able to dedicate it my full work time, but if it doesn't works then I will likely have to either close it again or not upload as much as I wished... so fingers crossed.
What can you expect to see if you support my Patreon?
In the past I had Tiers, but it was time consuming to keep them all updated, so I've decided to merge everything into one big package, so for only 2usd you'll get access to the following:
Early access to finished art.
Early access to game development news. 
Concept art.
Full quality game images.
And if you can and want to support with a lil bit more, for 5usd:
All previous Tier rewards.
Your name in the credits of the current game in development.
Free download keys to released games and assets.
In development game Beta demos.
PSD Files of finished art (for study only).
Access to finished game tiles and assets (for study only).
If you want some examples of my work, feel free to check out my art blog over Tumblr and my released games on itch.io and/or Steam.
Thank you for your support! (Reblogs are very appreciated <3)
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scribble-brain-aced · 4 months
ways that the crew’s demon forms really screwed up their lives:
-angel has knocked over way too many things with his four arms. it’s all fun and games until you accidentally throw the plate away and put the napkins in the sink because you weren’t paying attention.
-the amount of times husk has shed all over his clothes.. you don’t wanna know.
-heat vision is useful, yes, but pentious just CANNOT tell what color something actually is. what do you mean, the red door. can you just tell him what temperature it is? WHAT DO YOU MEAN.
(does this make sense??? i really hope so-)
-you wouldn’t think alastor’s tiny antlers could do anything, but do you have any idea how many shirts he’s accidentally ruined? all the sweaters that are now piles of thread?
-angel and niffty are allergic to bug spray. this is why niffty has to kill them all manually.
-alastor just. CANNOT walk on ice. it’s a death sentence. not that he actually cares, because the weather being anything below 65 degrees F is incomprehensible to his southern mind. but hell is way too cold in the winter. he’s fucked.
-some spiders can sense cameras because of the LEDs or something. angel is no exception. he’s had to redo a LOT of scenes because he keeps whirling back to stare at the camera soullessly.
-there is an ongoing battle over the thermostat: for pentious and alastor, warm weather is a MUST for them, but angel and husk have thick fur, which means no. it will never end.
-guess what, cats are actually lactose intolerant. fun. well, goodbye, ice cream. husk misses it.
-also, wings. this is why husk has to walk around shirtless. and vaggie’s been wearing he same shirt for the past 5 days because she keeps forgetting to cut slits in the back of her shirts.
-the amount of things you need legs to do. the time charlie had them do yoga for ‘mindfulness’? no. the dance that alastor hosted? alas, no. the skating rink niffty took them to? jumping? the fucking stairs, which is the only way to his room? (add a fucking elevator, charlie. please. he’s begging you.)
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aceraylo · 10 months
Yeah yeah Varian is short and we know the fanart and quotes of Varian asking Hugo to get something from the top shelf BUT BUT BUT! What about Hugo asking Varian to move a table, a machine or a big heavy toolbox and when Varian asks him "Why" Hugo is like "'Cause your stronger!!!"
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Varian is like a strong boy scout and will carry as much of something as possible. Hugo tries to help occasionally but mostly tell Varian to stop showing off
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It’s Canon baby !! 
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puppuptrixii · 4 months
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Tried my hand at drawing Becky!
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thecluelessdoctor · 11 months
Wait am I the only TADC fan that DOESNT want to get stuck in the circus???
In the digital circus you loose all memories of being human- so you wouldn't even remember you knew the circus existed in the first place! You wouldn't remember your name, your life, not even those you hold dearest to you. They'll all be.. gone! And then, you need to battle with your own fucking SANITY so you don't abstract, not just to keep yourself safe but likely everyone else as well.
Your forced into this hell in disguise, never knowing who you ever were, and who you could have become of you never put that head set on.
You'll forever be chasing this unreachable goal of going back.
And let's say you hypothetically get back- this is just a theory, but time probably moves differently in the circus than in the real world, seeing how there is basically no noticeable passage of time seeing how the sun and moon are out.
And if you do get out, you might still remember EVERYTHING which will leave such a vast amount of damage on your mind, it will cause in many things. You might not even be able to see yourself the same for how long you were stuck in that cartoon of a body.
Anyway I'm done rambling about the real effects of being in the circus <3
Oh uh the amazing digital circus belongs to gooseworx go. Go follow them and stuff. And go watch the amazing digital circus or I'll drag you into my well/j
Edit: guys shut the hell up I didn't ask for your fucking opinion on if you wanted to go the the circus still or not. I was just pointing out the reasons why one might not want to go, so please, mind yo business or I'ma need to use the button
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My friend: Hey dude have you watched this new anime, undead unluck. I hope nothing bad happens to the main character, I like her.
Me: *starts laughing in knowing*
My friend: No. No you read haven't you!
Me: Correct. Fun fact: the manga comes out weekly. Here's another fun fact as well: you will cry, you will cheer, and you will hate god by the middle of it.
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transgenderastarion · 6 months
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Honestly I saw them and just thought they'd be really great friends
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berensteinsmonster · 11 months
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. girls who hold forbidden dark powers. girls who are distressed girl who are cringe.. look up those words n youll see her... Shower Curtain Wizard
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and shes like sooooooooo weird..... i lvoe her ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
(reblogs help my posts be seen :) (more lore in readmore but its messy lol)
shes like one of the migrating jellyfish in woy but gained sentience somehow and went to magic school to learn magic. but then she learned too much magic and accidently fused her body with WATER MANIPULATION POWERS🌊🌊🌊 that gave her new arms and eyes. The bowl on her head helps her contain it
She's ranking below the Top 50 of the villain leaderboards but that doesn't mean she isn't dangerous. She just doesn't do the conquering planets often
shes actually like. normal
shes so boring and normal and thats why ppl think shes weird
i ehmmmm i wanna write more lore abt her and emperor awesome
her lore is kinda unfinished but the main idea of it is what i said above abt her gaining sentience and absorbing magic into herself ^^
i like to think that before she went to magic school she and emperor awesome used to be.... BEST FRIENDS!!!!
i like to think she and emperor awesome used to be GEEKS they used to be NERDS and emperor awesome wore braces
they were like Those Two Guys in school everyone hated them but they didnt care lol
also shes trans so she used to be a boy. i think she may have transitioned after entering magic school becuz until now Emperor Awesome only remembered her when he was in his brace-face phase and basically never contacted her after that cuz they interests change and they felt like they didnt know eahc other anymore :(
. also shes trans becuz ehmm yipepeee lalallalaa whooooo!!! ^_^
after she left for magic school they basically never met eachother again until now in what id imagine to be season 3
shes basically like omg hi friend its so good to see you again :)))) and hes like OH FUCK MY LAME PAST. and i think that like he finds it weird at first. not because shes a girl now, but because she still acts the same as she did when they were best friends and that also means shes still the weird kind of kid hes grown to be ashamed of now.
so while shes one of the rare amount of girls that emperor awesome actually treats normally he tries to keep it low profile with how he used to be lame like her while shower curtain wizard is just confused about why emperor awesome acts so distant to her... sad :(
character development is probably needed here for them to repair their friendship and become buddies again yay :)))) wander would be of help here
she does not live in the galaxy that woy season 1-2 takes place in. its like. just a galaxy next to it
most of my ocs live in that galaxy and were probabily next on lord dominators to-destroy-list if wander and co didnt stop her
She is however on the Star Force Enforcement Force's To-Stop list because even if she hasnt reached her full potentional, her ability to manipulate ALL kinds of water (Orble juice, orange juice, planet water and so on (but not veins)) make her note-worthy threat to their self-righteous quest to deliver justice
i prommy ill write abt it in a text post another time i think ive gone on long enough
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dreambones · 1 year
No Content November
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The goal of NCN is to show what would happen if everyone stopped creating free content.
Your dash would be empty. No art. No fics. No comics.
The idea is that for the whole month of November, creators of all kinds (artists, writers, etc) don’t post any sort of content, this to create a simulation of what happens to posts when you only like them instead of rebloging them, the art/fics/comics/ don’t get circulated, and eventually there’s nothing to see and enjoy.
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Every content creator has experienced the unbalance between Likes and Reblogs.
Likes look nice, but Reblogs give exposure, which results in even more people finding your work.
Reblogs help creators grow, and be encouraged, which means even more content than before!
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What can you do to help as a non creator (and creator)?
During November support your favorite content creators by Rebloging, Commenting or sending an Ask!
Even a short “Nice work! Love it” is great to cheer up and encourage the content creators whom work you enjoy.
(You are also encouraged to do this the whole year!)
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The long term goal is to one day, make Reblogs as abundant as Likes, plus with this small but very meaningful support, we could all end up enjoying even more content than before! 
And if you are not a creator but the content you enjoy has ever made you happy, helped you in some way, even to just brighten your day a little bit, please, consider giving those creators your support! It will be very appreciated.
FAQ bellow the “Read More”
I don’t want to participate because [insert reason here]
That’s alright! Just like any other monthly trend in the internet, you are not forced or expected to participate. It is true that the more of us that do this, the more impactful it can be, but if you don’t want to do it the whole month, or just do a couple days, that’s fine.
You are just a big, popular blog trying to trick and damage smaller blogs
I get this assumption a lot, and I am not a big blog. I have been posting my content online for about 16 years and currently have 794 followers after having to move blogs in 2021 because I found out Tumblr was hiding my content in the search engine for being a side blog (and for reference, I had around 593 last year and 150 followers the previous one). This is not an effort to “jeopardize” smaller creators, nor a sneaky way to harm others, I am doing and have been doing this because year after year, the share vs like ratio has been worsening, and I plan on keep doing this as long as needed, even if I become a big blog, I won’t stop.
I want to help but I don’t want to stop posting, how else can I help?
Reblog! This is the perfect month to spam your followers by rebloging the work of other creators you follow, you can also leave comments and send asks! This is the moment to let know your favorite creators you appreciate their hard work and presence on the internet!
Artist and creators are not entitled to reblogs, you can’t ask that
You are right, we are not entitled, nor in the right to demand reblogs, comments or any sort of support. But in the same note, people that enjoy our content, are not entitle to demand more content, specific content, or faster content when it is being given to them for free. And sadly that happens way too often.
I want to participate but I depend on my Commissions / Patreon to buy food/survive
That’s alright, you can still participate! NCN aims towards Free content that we post, the one that we share with no sort of payment back, you can still do and share paid content you do.
I participated last years and nothing changed
Unfortunately, we can’t change the world in a single month. This is NCN fourth year, and granted, it’s not abysmally different now, but the worse that can happen is that nothing changes, and I rather keep trying than sit down and wonder if maybe it could have worked. On the other hand, I’ve received and found a lot of artists that enjoy this month because it gives them an excuse to rest and not focus on their blogs and just enjoy making, and that is enough reason for me to keep trying. 
As closing notes please remember I am just another human being behind the screen. You are 100% allowed to not like this idea, you can block me and the tag if you don’t want to see any of it. There’s no need for mean messages or attacks.
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scribble-brain-aced · 4 months
-BEETLEjuice, BEETLEjuice, BEETLEjuice
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saltyfoxes-art · 2 months
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Sometimes I make traditional art
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You're not helping, Kacchan.
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puppuptrixii · 2 months
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Biblically accurate phantom
Based on a picture in the jamblr server.
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cicada-wisp · 4 months
alright everyone i am once again asking for FNaF fanfiction
I recently finished a fanfiction that was 107 chapters long (and I loved every bit of it) BUT NOW I HAVE NOTHING TO READ
so i need. more. And i was hoping those here might be able to help with that!
So, I thought I would share what I have read in the past;
"I See You, Sundrop!" by ShiraCheshire, which is the 107-chapter long fic I mentioned. I love it so much.
"His Empire of Dirt" by pearlandpine, which is REALLY good which you should also read.
"To Fix What's Broken" by Larxicana, and I really like the premise!
"Moon is One Hundred Percent Done" and "Moon is Two Hundred Percent Done" by Beautiful_Doom, and it's really funny! Each chapter is a quick read so it's easy to just keep on reading.
"Tell Me Every Terrible Thing You’ve Done (And Let Me Love You Anyway)" by Constant_Crisis and MisterTiberius, which I really like as well!! It has Monty in it, so it's an automatic win for me lol
And... That's it! I haven't actually read much lol, I'm a little picky with what I read.
I don't have a long list of requirements, and most of them are nick-picks of mine so they aren't set in stone, obviously! And I hope it doesn't seem like I'm forcing work onto people.
Proper grammar, please. I have seen many fanfictions which have an interesting plot, but there's just grammar error after grammar error. And, I don't blame the writers for this, keep that in mind! It just makes it hard for me to focus while reading.
Proper paragraph spacing and no indentations. This is just a continuation of the previous paragraph lol.
As much as I like the Daycare Attendant I'd rather not have fics that focus solely around them. It's like Sans AUs for the Undertale fandom, it's a specific genre of the fandom that I'm not not in lol.
And... That's it! I hope those aren't too difficult requests for me to ask. I hope I'm not coming off as demanding, and I sincerely apologize if I am! That is not my intention at all.
Either way, if you have suggestions, feel free to tell me! I am very curious and excited to hear about interesting fics.
That is all! I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day, afternoon, or night!
Reblogs over Likes are preferred.
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