#Prompt 70
promptsbytaurie · 9 months
prompt #70
"Ohhhh, no, nope, nope, nope, I refuse."
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hp-coffeehouse · 2 years
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March 2023 COFFEEHOUSE PROMPT Welcome to the @hp-coffeehouse monthly prompt post! @hp-coffeehouse on LJ / DW (Post your works on our AO3 COLLECTION) Tag us, and we’ll reblog your work!
PROMPT 70 is...
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Description: a white mug with the zodiac sign gemini on it. / Prompt can be interpreted as astrology. Interpret that how you wish for coffee or tea. RULES ON LJ / DW are here.
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rudamaruda520 · 3 months
imagine jegulus where James so desperately trying to put them in those painfully obvious "get together" scenarios but fails every bloody time
[in a motel]
James: so there's only one room available so we'll have to share... I sure hope it has two separate beds *crossing fingers*
Regulus: *opening the door* oh yeah, it does, don't you worry 😌
James: 🥲
[in a car]
James: a six-hour trip and just the two of us... I sure hope we don't bond over the long conversation that is ahead of us...
James: Right Reggie?
James: Reggie?
James: *looks at the passenger seat and sees Regulus sleeping with headphones in his ears*
James: 🥲
[in a club]
James: *hires a guy who is going to start aggressively hitting on Regulus so that he can swoop in like a knight on a white horse and save him from trouble*
James: *watches as Regulus flirts back and leaves with a guy hired by James (he probably shouldn't hire Barty for that)*
James: 🥲
[in a small space they "accidentally" locked themselves in]
James: Blimey... it could be hours before someone finds us here...
Regulus: Just a moment... aaaand I managed to unlock the door 🤓
James: Of course you did... 🥲
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sevenate-9 · 2 months
james, rolling over and seeing the row of knocked over and shattered plants: did you have anything you wanted to tell me about?
regulus, still half asleep on his phone: no?
james: so you didn't turn into a cat after we had our discussion on where to put the plants last night?
regulus: what? no I just went to *turns and sees the plants* ...sleep.
regulus: it was sirius.
remus, walking by their room with a bowl of cereal: it was not him.
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wishfulsketching · 2 months
For the gotham art prompts, maybe Edward (human) coping with the existence of Edward (dog)?
Also just wanted to say that I really really love your art, you capture the characters so well and the speed that you draw at is so impressive lol, I get notifications that you've posted like every day
Thank you! I've always been quick with my art, mostly because I tend to draw like three things at the same time, switching between them every ten minutes..... (thanks adhd)
Here's Ed being jealous of a dog!
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the-witchhunter · 7 months
I think why I’m annoyed by Danny coming around getting rid of Constantine’s “soul contracts” or collecting soul pieces and what have you fundamentally isn’t because it misunderstands how that works
It’s because it’s what makes him functionally immortal
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justafanbutcurious · 27 days
Sirius: damn moony, how many chocolates did you have? all i smell is chocolate.
Remus: what, me? all i smell is your hair gel.
Meanwhile james and peter:
Peter: should we tell them we made amortentia?
James: never, im enjoying this too much
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videodrome-fag · 2 months
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Do you crochet? Do you want to help a family of 6 evacuate Gaza and reunite with family in Egypt? Cool! All the information on who this is for and how to donate and send receipts is here in this public Canva doc (you do not need a Canva account to view it.)
I am the campaign manager of this GoFundMe for Maysaa Balousha on behalf on Mahmoud Balousha, a name you perhaps recognize as he was one of the recent victims of a racist smear campaign by @writing-prompt-s, a delightful piece of human refuse who couldn't be bothered to check a single shred of information on Mahmoud or the many, many layers of verification he's gone through to prove to the world he's a real person with multiple family members at risk of death in Gaza.
I have posted exhaustively about Mahmoud and his campaigns, with dozens of receipts and screenshots of our conversations, so I won't belabor the point here much more. You can check the pinned post on my profile for more information, and there are receipts and information in the Canva doc, as well.
TLDR: Donate $5 to save a family in Gaza and get a really fucking cool crochet pattern. This offer is valid until August 9th, after which I'm retiring this pattern and cycling in a different one.
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hypewinter · 1 year
It's finally getting warmer where I'm at! So to celebrate me already dying even though it's not even that hot yet (I'm weak sue me) have some summer Danny prompts!
It's so hot that Danny's ice core is kicking into overdrive in order to cool himself down. So no one can really blame him for diving into an empty pool and splashing around a bit. How was he supposed to know this pool was owned by a billionaire and his gaggle of kids? And why do they keep referring to him as "adoption bait"?
Danny becomes Captain Cold's apprentice. Why? Because when he's around him, he doesn't have to exert his ice core as much. Besides it's fun coming up with elaborate plans and monologues. And Captain Cold doesn't tend to harm anyone. For those that are in harms way on occasion, Danny can save them no problem. Without his employer noticing of course. Meanwhile Flash is Concerned TM about this kid who keeps following Snart around.
There is an ice cream truck that randomly appears around the country. Apparently the guy who owns it can make any flavor ice cream. You want triple chocolate cake ice cream? You got it. A whole thanksgiving feast as your flavor? No problem. Heck, there was even one kid who asked for sidewalk flavor as a joke. Next thing he knew, he was presented with a grey scoop in a cone. It was absolutely fascinating and whenever the truck appeared, kids would always scramble over themselves to get some. One day, the truck appears outside Mount Justice.
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siriuslygay1981 · 5 months
Barty shifted to the side, his heart beating rapidly. He felt shaky and like he might throw up. Clearing his throat he let his eyes jump to where Evan sat next to him casually.
He looked fucking beautiful,like always. His blonde hair was ruffled by the wind, his face slightly flushed. Barty watched with no little amount of affection as Evan closed his eyes and smiled.
"I love you." The words were out of his mouth before the words even formed in his mind.
The leafs around them rustled, the wind pushing against them. Bartys mouth open and closed, his stomach forming a black pit.
"uh.." Evan said awkwardly
"oh-" it felt like the word was punched out of him. Breathless and full of pain.
"yea...no YEA i-i was just- mm I'm going to..."
His limbs felt weird, his whole body felt out of place, his cheeks were warm with embarrassment. He cursed himself out mentally as he scrambled up and ran to the castle with a crumpling face and a breaking heart.
He didn't hear the faint call of his name too busy berating himself, he wiped at his face angrily and forced himself to keep going.
Way to go, ruin another friendship you idiot
Evan sat at the lake dumbfounded.
What the fuck.
He stared at the spot where Barty bolted from, his eyebrows pinched together. His heart thudding against his chest wildly, he pushed his hair out of his face as he tried to process everything that just happened.
What the fuck.
Part two
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ohmigoshiloveu · 7 months
Family Dinner Part 1
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I actually missed the Arthur part when I first saw this and. Um. This is gonna be a long one.
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Fin
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spaltedrat · 2 months
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polyguns from today ^-^
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i-am-trans-gwender · 2 months
Jaws 1975 but the shark is a blahaj. The Blahaj is not a villain but is misunderstood and demonized by society. It's a metaphor for transphobia or something.
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sevenate-9 · 25 days
barty, walking in in full vampire costume, puffy sleeved white shirt and cape swirling when he does a spin and points at his magically sharpened fangs: eh? pretty nice, no?
evan: i told you to be in fancy dress. we're having dinner with my parents!
barty: well, yeah, but. halloween was yesterday.
barty: so.
evan: sometimes i think there's a library in between the pages we're on.
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justafanbutcurious · 7 months
Remus: NO.
Peter: NO JAMES.
Lily: NO.
Gryffindors: NO.
Ravenclaws: NO.
Slytherin: NOO.
Hufflepuff: NO.
at the same moment Sirius: WHEN ARE WE STARTING!?
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Person A: You know what your problem is? You’re really cute so no one ever told you to shut your pie hole.
Person B: …You think I’m cute?
Person A:
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