#Online Survey
mollyhale · 7 months
hi everyone! im almost 2/3 done with my masters (!) and a main part of this semester is prepping for my capstone in the summer semester with a survey.
if you're between the ages of 18 - 35 i ask that you please take this survey - it should take no more than 5 minutes, it's completely anonymous, and it's about scarcity in fashion. i'd also appreciate any reblogs, signal boosts, or even friends/family offline to participate as i need 100 responses by April 23rd, so any and all responses count and it would make a HUGE difference to have you participate!
i thank you in advance for your consideration at all!!
link to survey: https://bit.ly/masters-survey-scarcity-in-fashion
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Common Anti-LGBTQ+ Arguments Survey
Are you LGBTQ? Have you ever had someone dismiss your identity to ANY extent?
Please take this survey if you have.
I would appreciate re-blogging.
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desireesart · 6 months
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ohxdeer · 9 months
Please help me write a seminar paper about the silly game we all love ;;
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Hi hi! The name is Nia and I've dusted off this blog in hopes of finding fellow BG3 enthusiasts that have the time and patience to help me write my seminar paper about the game and its effects on the player's mental health :>
It shouldn't take longer than 5 minutes to go through (even less if you haven't played the game yourself because I need to make that distinction huhu) and all the answers are entirely anonymous! I'm not asking for any demographic data either, only about your personal experience with the game.
Side note: there are only three mandatory "yes" or "no" questions that need to be answered - how much you want to go into detail for the others is entirely up to you!
If you can't / don't want to participate, but still want to help me out; a reblog would mean a ton!
Thank you in advance and have a lovely day <3
side note 2, for more info: i'm a student at a university and study communication. the course i need to write this paper for is called "content production" !! we are asked to pretend to own a magazine and write an article for it
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grymmdark · 5 months
Thanks for all your responses! this survey is now closed
It's on people reaching out to you to try and get to know you better, and asks questions about your preferences on this as well as other potentially relevant information. i likely won't be able to release the project itself, but if i get enough data i will try to share that.
I'd like to get a good variety of data in my responses, so I'd very much appreciate it if you reblog it after you fill it out, because then it's more likely to reach a larger sample of people.
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In the context of what we’ve learned from our investigations into opt-in polls, we took particular notice of a recent online opt-in survey that had a startling finding about Holocaust denial among young Americans. The survey, fielded in December 2023, reported that 20% of U.S. adults under 30 agree with the statement, “The Holocaust is a myth.” This alarming finding received widespread attention from the news media and on social networks. From a survey science perspective, the finding deserved a closer look. It raised both of the red flags in the research literature about bogus respondents: It focused on a rare attitude (Holocaust denial), and it involved a subgroup frequently “infiltrated” by bogus respondents (young adults). Other questions asked in that December opt-in poll also pointed to a need for scrutiny. In the same poll, about half of adults under 30 (48%) expressed opposition to legal abortion. This result is dramatically at odds with rigorous polling from multiple survey organizations that consistently finds the rate of opposition among young adults to be much lower. In an April 2023 Pew Research Center survey, for instance, 26% of U.S. adults under 30 said abortion should be illegal in all or most cases. This was 13 points lower than the share among older Americans (39%). Our estimate for young adults was similar to ones from other, more recent probability-based surveys, such as an AP-NORC survey from June 2023 (27%) and a KFF survey from November 2023 (28%). We attempted to replicate the opt-in poll’s findings in our own survey, fielded in mid-January 2024 on Pew Research Center’s American Trends Panel. Unlike the December opt-in survey, our survey panel is recruited by mail – rather than online – using probability-based sampling. And in fact, our findings were quite different. Rather than 20%, we found that 3% of adults under 30 agree with the statement “The Holocaust is a myth.” (This percentage is the same for every other age group as well.) Had this been the original result, it is unlikely that it would have generated the same kind of media attention on one of the most sensitive possible topics. Likewise, our survey found substantial differences from the December poll on support for legal abortion. In the opt-in survey, roughly half of young adults (48%) said abortion should always be illegal or should only be legal in special circumstances, such as when the life of the mother is in danger. In our survey, 23% said so. These differences in estimates for young adults are what we would expect to see – based on past studies – if there were a large number of bogus respondents in the opt-in poll claiming to be under the age of 30. These respondents likely were not answering the questions based on their true opinions. The takeaway from our recent survey experiment is not that Holocaust denial in the United States is nonexistent or that younger and older Americans all have the same opinions when it comes to antisemitism or the Middle East. For example, our survey experiment found that young adults in the U.S. are less likely than older ones to say the state of Israel has the right to exist. This is broadly consistent with other rigorous polling showing that young people are somewhat less supportive of Israel – and more supportive of Palestinians – than older Americans. Rather, the takeaway is that reporting on complex and sensitive matters such as these requires the use of rigorous survey methods to avoid inadvertently misleading the public, particularly when studying the attitudes of young people.
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champyisthere · 6 months
Hello vocaloid fans!
Do you like vocaloid? Or even... Hatsune Miku?
I'm doing a research on the vsynth community for a youtube video and I need your input!
All you need to do is answer this quick form - It only takes a minute :) Thank you!
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donutdisturblivball · 8 months
hiii!!!!! so. i'm writing a research paper on the intricacies of how fandom and identity/mental health can coincide with each other and i need data!! and obvioiuisly there is nothing more involved with fandom than tumblr, so i thought id come by here and ask if anyone would take the time to fill out a quick survey. its 100% anonymous and u dont have to fill out anything you feel uncomfortable with :))
thank u for taking the time to do this (if u so choose!)-- and if u dont feel comfortable with it then just a reblog or something to widen the data pool also helps :D
also theres fun stuff to do after u finish pt 1 sooo if that piques ur interest thennnnn :oo
ps i am so so sorry for flooding the tags i kind of just need to get as much data as i can
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escapismblue · 11 months
hi I’m stats nerd and I made a Sonic survey please take it and reblog I really want as many data points as possible. 👉👈
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(Attention anti radqueers)
I made a survey for research purposes, it’s only 15 questions and I need as many réponses as possible so please if you don’t want to take it than at least reblog for others to participate in!
(Radqueers do not interact this is not for you)
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Tagging: @acetrappolaswife @thee-radio-host-is-a-kookaburra @antiradqueerguy @antirqlacey @antiradqueer @anti-radqueer-zone @anti-rq-mituna-captor @anti-rq-tavros-nitram @anti-rq-boxes @antiradqueer-john-egbert @uzidoormanhatespedos
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 7 months
Hello everyone,
A user by the name of @anpaaaaa is conducting a study. According to them:
Hello, I am conducting an anonymous survey on gender dysphoria in transgender individuals who are older than 13. It is about 80 questions long and deals with sensitive content. Please help spread this survey to people you know that struggle with gender dysphoria. If the link doesn’t work, it’s the pinned post on my blog.
I will leave the link to the study below in case anyone would like to participate.
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a-jaded-mirage · 6 months
Hazbin Hotel Fans and Fandom Survey
My team is working on an academic paper about this fandom, so we are sending out a survey on all of the major platforms that engage with Hazbin Hotel. Please help us out by taking this survey :). Thanks.
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hua-mo-jin-is-a-cutie · 5 months
Asexuality, Autism, And The Eroticism of The Machine (but it's a google form this time!)
Hey guys, as we know by now I am totally 100% normal about robots. After the end of my last poll on this topic, I decided I kinda wanted to make a more in depth survey. Once again this is just out of curiosity, I'm not doing any like academic research or anything. If you took the first poll and/or are interested in this topic and/or just like taking surveys, please go ahead on take this one :)
The Google Form Where We Are Normal About Robots
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pinksmonkey · 1 year
Autism Survey :)
Hello people, this is different from the kind of posts I normally make because it's not Byler related. 😱
As an autistic person diagnosed as a teen, naturally one of my special interests is autism itself. I made a survey about autism a while ago and I was wondering if anyone here would like to fill it out. It would also help a lot if you can share it with friends and family. It's just a Google form, and it's completely anonymous. You also don't have to be autistic to fill it out, I basically just made it out of curiosity to get an idea of how much knowledge random people have on autism. So yeah, it would just be cool to get some more data, and I really appreciate anyone who participates!
You can click here to fill out the survey. ☺️
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bluesky42 · 9 months
MINECRAFT SMP FANS!!! I am calling on you!
I’m working on a video essay about Minecraft SMP’s and there effects on people and am looking for more insight. I’ve made a google form for this and would be incredibly pleased if people would fill it out.
It would also be super helpful if this could be spread to non-Minecraft communities as well. I would like a bigger sample size then just people who know they like Minecraft.
Here it is! Thank you so much for your help.
EDIT: So it’s not letting me see who wrote what answer, so just know that if you write a written answer that will be shared anonymously.
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littleratsthings · 10 months
Attention Baldur's Gate 3 Enjoyers!!!
Hi there, I'm a student at TU Dublin. I'm writing my dissertation on BG3! I'm gathering data, which is completely anonymous, via survey. I would be highly appreciative if you could fill it in and reposts would make my day. It doesn't take too long to fill out. Here's the link:
Thank you so much and I appreciate all responses!
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