#please feel free to participate
my-autism-adhd-blog · 7 months
Hello everyone,
A user by the name of @anpaaaaa is conducting a study. According to them:
Hello, I am conducting an anonymous survey on gender dysphoria in transgender individuals who are older than 13. It is about 80 questions long and deals with sensitive content. Please help spread this survey to people you know that struggle with gender dysphoria. If the link doesn’t work, it’s the pinned post on my blog.
I will leave the link to the study below in case anyone would like to participate.
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navree · 2 months
Incorrect, the fact that Biden has dropped out and a candidate with history of supporting medicare for all and being more receptive to a ceasefire in the I/P conflict has made me go from "I cannot morally support the Democratic nominee" to "I am voting for the Democratic nominee despite the fact she isn't perfect in every respect." I'm really happy this played out. The Dems for the most part abandoned the old Obama platform and it feels like its possible an actual progressive agenda could come to pass in my lifetime.
Kamala 2024!
If you weren't going to vote Democratic in this election before Biden dropped out you're a dorkass loser who does not care about any of the issues you're yammering about here and also a fundamentally bad person, and I hope you get run over by a bus.
But you got one thing right in all of this gibberish, Kamala 2024.
#personal#answered#anonymous#i mean let's be clear here no president is gonna attempt to be progressive ever again within my lifetime#because joe biden tried to do like 25% of that and got ZERO fucking credit#he did so much on healthcare on reform on loans on so many social issues and for all his litany of failings on i/p#he has been distinctly harsher on netanyahu than a good chunk of dems and certainly the entire republican party#for the first time since i was four we are not involved in any wars as americans and that is thanks to joe biden#but the thing is that he gets no credit for any of it!#him pulling out of afghanistan caused his approvals to tank in a way that never recovered#and leftists gave him FUCK ALL for it#they gave him nothing they just continued whining that even tho he cancelled a bajillion in student loans#he didn't actually cancel a QUADRILLION dollars so both parties are the same and voting is the most arduous task known to man#no democrat who is running is going to forget that catering to leftist/progressive policies gets them zero leeway with those supporters#that it not only tanks numbers but you still get constant haranguing about it anyway#so they're not gonna do it#we are gonna get fuckall for at least a good fifty years#and anything we get will be utterly in SPITE of people like you anon it will happen in spite of everything you've done#mostly because of people like me and mine who understand that voting is the bare minimum#and that for the democratic process to work the way you want it to you need to participate and not pitch a fucking fit#like a four year old who was told they can't go to disney this weekend#like i know you ratfuckers are happy this played out because this is all a game to you and you don't actually care#but that's why i've got zero faith in you people and why i'm glad it's my kind of folks#actual die hard democrats who have always been hardliners for supporting democrats in every possible election#who are picking up the slack and donating to harris and supporting her agenda#which is the exact same as biden's because she's his vice president and they share they same platform#because that's what they were both running on! twice!#anyway fuck you please feel free to find a necktie and test how tall your doorframe is
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The basics of care for Catholic Priests
(this probably won't read as horny to anyone who isn't into a very specific kind of casual degradation and objectification ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Most people are familiar with Priests as collectively church-owned working class pets, but they can make wonderful single-owner pets as well! Here you'll find some of the basics of caring for these unique creatures.
Priests are usually known for having black coats, with high contrast white markings around their necks known as a "collar." A few different morphs do exist however! Mostly these consist of small markings in either gold, red, or a liturgical color, but one morph includes a bright red coat known as a "cardinal."
Curiously, both young and very old priests tend towards white coats. The priest pups are referred to as "seminarians," and they grow in dark coloration as they get older. Very old priests slowly get lighter with age, eventually ending up with white coats. Priests from tropical environments may also have white coats at any age!
A healthy priest's markings, especially the collar, should be in high contrast with a deep, saturated black coat. Dull, or desaturated colors can be a sign of chronic stress or illness. No need to panic however, sometimes it is as simple a fix as a vitamin supplement at meal times. You should consult a vet to find out.
Communion wafers of course! But mostly as treats, priests love them but they have surprisingly little nutritional value. All forms of bread or crackers are acceptable (though your milage may vary with a picky eater) and any kind of grapes. Many enjoy other fruits as well. Priests are capable of eating meat, especially fish for lent, but often prefer it only for special occasions. They often will refuse large meals entirely during lent, which can be concerning for beginner owners, but this is normal behavior. Try breaking it up into snacks throughout the day if you're concerned about your priest not eating enough. Often times pets will lose track of how many snacks they've had and eat regularly.
Priests need access to fresh holy water. Contrary to popular belief, it is easily made at home, although some picky pets may prefer the kind found in churches. Priests are capable of injesting weak alcohol like wine with no problems, anything higher than around 20% may cause some illnesses over time. Wine is actually an important enrichment treat for them, in the same vein as wafers, it allows them to follow their natural behaviors.
Anything that mimics it's natural habitat works, luckily churches come in a variety of ways! Priests are safe to allow full range of you home but having a dedicated room or partitioned space specifically designed for them is very rewarding for both you and your pet. Stone and wood facades are preferred, as are stained glass coverings over windows. Have an altar space available for your pet, and allow them to maintain it themselves. Priests naturally like to maintain an altar and their church space. Provide clean cloth in both white and the appropriate liturgical color. Real altar sets can be expensive, but any kind of durable cups and plates will work. Your pet may prefer different materials, but typically wood, pewter, or brass is used. Observe the decorations in churches and add as much as you'd like! It is not recommended to use real candles without supervision, you may provide them while someone is home and switch to battery powered lights while away.
Priests are surprisingly intelligent, being a working breed means that they take well to structure and training. Priests have a wide range in personalities, but tend to be reserved, neat, and polite, especially around strangers. They tend to be early risers, but some can be persuaded to sleep in and begin their rituals later in the day. Priests love a structured routine, and will often become upset by interruptions that don't allow for them to perform their usual rituals. Typically they will play act at least one “mass” a day, and love to see their owners participate. They will also frequently “pray”, making repeated vocalizations and playing with beads (be sure to provide some!)
They may also exhibit a few behaviors that might greatly concern new owners. “Guilty” behaviors are normal and common for priests, and may include increased “prayer” both in frequency or intensity, skipping large meals, or putting themselves in uncomfortable situations. Some priests may also self-flagellate, but this too is normal as long as it does not cause lasting harm. Excessive “guilty” behavior may indicate a stressful environment, so look out for potential causes like broken altar pieces, missing communion wafers, or even engaging in too much “sin”. Your pet will have a strong sense of morality, and will certainly let you know about it! Priests often have strict internal rules, but they will frequently accept new ones from their owner with training. You may have to correct your pet's internal rules if they have deemed something you normally do as “sinful”. Luckily they respond well to firm training and positive reinforcement.
These little guys are extremely unique pets, and make a great addition to the home for owners willing to put in the time for them! Please do further research and consider if owning a Catholic Priest is right for you.
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thegoldenavenger · 5 months
oc weekend!!!!!!! please send me your oc or a friend's oc for me to draw!!!!!! (or even.... an oc ship....)
requirement: an image ref of some kind and either a prompt or blurb about them so i know what to draw haha (if you are submitting an oc that is not yours please also include the handle of who owns the oc so i can, you know... credit and @ them if applicable!!!)
i'm not promising full scale art, it may just be a doodle!!
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satoriberry · 2 months
complaining about radical feminism bc even though it has a lot of good points, a lot are also very bad part idk what!!!
what the fuck is up with radfems literally seething when they learn that a member of their ideology has a GASPPPPP boyfriend!!! even worse A HUSBAND???? and oh my god can you imagine!!! A CHILD!!!! like what the fuck?? and yes i knowwww its bc blah blah blah inspirations taken from the 4B thing that came out of china and south korea, where the fundamental principles of their feminism is not having any sort of relations with a man nor having any children with one because marriage is a patriarchal institution (when it's a hetero marriage), and giving birth will systematically subjugate a women as mothers ar every handicapped societally and aren't treated fairly.
see im not denying that straight marriage has some dicey elements and that moms get a LOTTTT of shit from society. but why is it that women are shamed for their heterosexuality when it's not something they can control?? like i'm sorry but if a lady wants to marry a dude and have children with him it's literally her choice and if she doesnt thats fine too?? like they start calling her "male-centered" and justify the criticism she's facing which is nuts bc what the fuck do you mean she's male-centered do you hear the words that come out of your mouth?? what the fuck do you mean straight women need to be critical of their attraction to men!!! my brother why are you creating comphet 2.0 but for straight women!!!! this idea that women will be defiled with patriarchy germs if they come into any sort of romantic/sexual contact with a man genuinely feels like the flipside of purity culture but for "feminist" reasons and also it's like the cousin of political lesbianism which is the antithesis of "sexual orientation is uncontrollable".
"participating in male culture" and it's having a boyfriend BE FOR REAL!!! this is such a western concept to me as well bc in many eastern cultures young women have like little to no say when they're faced with the prospect of arranged marriage, and so the fact that you degenerates are complaining about VOLUNTARY marriage in modern societies whereas young girls in other countries don't have that kind of choice is!!! insane!!!! i have so much more to say about this but that's enough for today ig :333
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panstarry · 1 year
will u still continue artfight? whats going on with af
hi! yes, i will still be continuing to participate in art fight. no, the event is not over.
just to start off: i joined art fight as a user in 2016, was hired as a chat & site mod on february 2018, and resigned in march 2022. my resignation was due to the fact that at the time, i could no longer keep up with mod responsibilities while juggling school, work, and extracurricular activities.
right now, there's been staff resignations across the server/site for multiple reasons. i'm erring on the side of caution at the moment and will let further announcements disclose exactly why. nobody, former or current, is calling for boycotts. and personally, i'm of the opinion that referring to what's happening right now as a "strike" is inaccurate. you can continue working on your attacks and participating in the current event. every one of us loves art fight and would like to see it continue and have also worked to make sure that users are able to enjoy it as well. i would advise against donating to the site until the dust settles.
there's a lot of misinformation and out-of-context messages going around right now. please take these with a grain of salt: i saw a couple docs and screenshots going around with outdated or straight up incorrect information (for some reason i saw mentions of a data breach going around? there is no data breach, i don't know where people are even getting that from. furthermore, there is no "ceo of artfight". art fight is not a corporation or a company, so this language, to me, does not properly describe what's happening rn)
i'm not sure what can be disclosed to the public aside from this ^ so please hang tight, be excellent to each other, so on & so forth. thank you <3
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vibinglikethat · 1 year
this was requested (?) by an anon! thanks for the idea anon, i hope this is what you meant lol
no 'i love both' option because anon didn't want that and also i like being evil. personally i lean towards buck but i love eddie too. anyway just vote for whoever you like better basically lol
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 4 months
Autism Bingo!
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Blank (mostly)
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Please feel free to participate!
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forestofstarlight · 5 months
Honestly, I’ve been coming up a bit dry for more open starter ideas.
So I’m hopping on the bandwagon and asking for suggestions for Open Starter prompts!
Just send in one or two of my characters and a prompt and I’ll give my opinion on it. No pic will be required.
So feel free to send any ideas in! (Just be sure to also follow the rules)
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had a conversation about gym class with my friend who I went to school with today - it was depressing but also nice to hear that her experience with it (at that particular school) was just as bad as mine.
I don't think the way my school treated gym class was entirely normal tbh. it was completely different to the school I went to after, anyway. and everyone I talked to there only knew gym class to be a pretty fun, lighthearted thing. at my old school it was only about achievement, you had to be perfect, if not you were usually yelled at. and if you couldn't participate because you were feeling a bit ill (but not enough to stay home from school) you were ridiculed and/or insulted in front of the whole class. this happened with every gym teacher we had over the whole 9 years there.
it felt like two hours of punishment, there was nothing good about it. and it made at least the both of us feel like any kind of exercise/sport, especially in a group setting, was terrifying - for years after. even my much more positive experience at the other school I went to didn't make that go away.
#maybe my school really just sucked#I mean I already know it did. but maybe it did in even more ways than I thought#maybe it's a Gymnasium thing. idk. any Germans please feel free to comment if gym class at your school was like this#and it wasn't just because we were bad at sports or anything. I got very good grades in gym class at the other school. and my friend does a#ton of different sports now and everything#I remember there was a girl in my class who got a 1 (the best grade) in every other class and a 4 (out of 6) in gym class. and the teacher#was so fucking awful and gleeful about it. he made fun of her so much.#I'm pretty sure I was about to get a 6 in gym class right before I dropped out - and that definitely played a part tbh. I just couldn't#spend one more second with that gym teacher. he was horrible and gross and mean (and sexually harassed girls at another school! but of#course he was still allowed to teach at our school!! ľ#anyway. gym class was the worst part of my (already not great) life from 11 to 19 so I hope all my old gym teachers break both their legs :)#except one. he was really nice to us and didn't do any of the stuff the others did. but we only had him for a year in between all the other#ones so it wasn't enough :(#like one of our (female!!) teachers would loudly make fun of girls who said they couldn't participate because they were on their period and#in too much pain.#in front of everyone. when we were like 13.#I hate that woman more than any of the others.#lol it's funny how like half of my issues are because of my parents and the other half is because of that fucking school#I will never forgive my mother for forcing me to go there and never letting me change schools even though I asked to for 8 fucking years#personal
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permanentreverie · 1 year
tagged by @ohwarnette thanks love <3 <3
rules: answer the following questions without repeating the same songs!
fave song: cruel summer  / maroon
fave big hit: wildest dreams / midnight rain
fave deep cut: so it goes / high infidelity
fave album opener: welcome to new york
fave track five: you’re on your own kid / the archer
fave music video: mine
fave bonus/vault track: all too well 10 min
tagging @musicallisto @myriels @cordiallyfuturedwight @courageisneverforgotten @aelin-s @thecoolestfreakyouknow @daisysjones
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thebigshotman · 9 months
The day after Christmas. A rough day for any Addison or salesperson, given that the day was almost exclusively taken up by people returning their gifts and forcing them to shell out money instead of making it. If you didn’t sell anyone anything for Christmas, though, you had nothing to worry about and had a relaxing, normal business day.
That was what Spamton was going through for most of the day today, trying to restock his shelves now that most of them weren’t clipping through the floor. He might be able to reopen soon! And with that he’d have to leave Eileen. A lump in his throat formed at that thought. He didn’t want to do that. What could he do to prolong doing that?
His thoughts were derailed by the lump in his throat bubbling into a gentle hiss of static that transitioned into the screeching of dial up.
Startled, he stumbled to the floor and onto his side, smashing the S. POTION he was carrying onto the floor. He could feel his skin hardening; it hurt like hell. They didn’t say this was going to happen going back, too!
If they had he might not have chosen to be affected by their magic at all!!
*HeaVEN, this hurts…Eileen!! Saff!! An YONE!!!!
His voice was on the frizz underneath the dial up, once again transitioning between throat and voice box. His teeth were growing, that stupid dumb award-losing smile stretching back onto his face whether he liked it or not. How wide he was smiling hurt. His teeth growing hurt. His hair falling out again, the black and white clumps piling up in front of him, were humiliating. His clothing itched.
Someone help him. He screamed beyond the static, only for it to cut off halfway with a startup noise.
He couldn’t feel his thumping, pounding heart anymore. Glitches split his vision now as his glasses became solid frame once again. He squinted his eyes shut, that last bit of moisture trickling off of them as they became simple decoration once again. His plastic hands flew to his head. It was throbbing as the noise and static and voices returned, mocking him.
*[[A]] [[A]] [[A]] [[A]] [[A]]
It was about all the noise he was capable of making at this point as the pain and humiliation built to a fever pitch. Why couldn’t he frown and scream and beg like a normal person could, maybe someone would be able to help him and make this all just go away-
Not like they’d be able to. They’re not real. Like you.
Your angel’s not real, either. Why are you so attached to her?
His eyes flew open.
He muttered to everyone and no one, for the shop was empty as always. Like a bad nightmare, the pain had passed, as horrific as it had been, and he was back to himself. He was dissociating somewhat as he touched the ground but couldn’t feel the shattered glass, grumbled but in a voice that wasn’t his own. That would pass, too. At the end of the day, no matter how powerful the magic, this was the state he returned to.
…But. He would always make the most of the magic when it was given to him. No matter what the consequences or catches.
*SHE 1S REAL. SHE HAS TO B3. I’D GO [[*cuckoo clock noises*]] IF SHE W4SN’T. SHUT UP.
He slicked back his black hair in annoyance, once again fake and once again layered with an inhumane amount of gel and grease. He hadn’t felt it returning. Probably because it wasn’t real hair that grew, not anymore.
He checked all of his systems now that he was back to normal. His mini-Spams were okay, he could access his Inventory, and his cherub wasn’t in pain anymore! If nothing else, those were pluses. The only other thing was his voice…but what else was new?
That was when he got up without another word, except for a bright, eerily positive-after all that just happened, anyway-confirmation noise leaving his mouth, and went into the back of the shop to check on his mini-selves. Some customers had wanted one, right?
Back to business.
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silverballsouls · 1 year
10 mutuals you want to get to know better!
I was tagged by @humanoidlegume (๑˘ω˘ ) *surprising and appreciated*
Favorite color: dark shades of red ranging from cherry to garnet
Song stuck in head: Ipanumpa Ko by Oh! Caraga
Favorite food: breakfast food definitely (it's difficult to just pick one in particular since I really love eating)
Last song listened to: Golden Hour by JVKE (my friends recently discovered this artist and we had a jam party)
Dream trip: JAPAAAAN mostly because I'm an anime nerd and some of my old friends live there now they've been waiting for me to visit
Last thing I googled: a manga site where I can read Skip and Loafer because I just discovered this anime gem and I wanted more
I'm tagging @riddlestiltskin @myfloreanfortescue @cannastop @april-foolish @the-greatish-gatsby @hnae @rachela1630 @neselibirmelankolik @oldsoul160 @charmingsouls next ♥(❛ε❛⋆)
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turkey-sandwich · 1 year
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sometimes-stufful · 1 year
Hey guys. It's been um *checks watch* like 5 or 6 years since I've used this blog. How's everybody doing? Sorry for the unannounced hiatus all that time ago.
I don't know if this blog will become active again. However there is a good chance that it might! I'm starting to create a plot for the blog's characters (because I still love them dearly), so hopefully I can create that and get this show up and running again. I've also been updating everyone's refs. So even if I don't come back to posting here officially, I think I'm going to at least upload those. I also have some new characters in the works that I may post refs for if I don't go thru with returning/making this blog more plot-centric.
I really do want to return to sometimes-stufful. However I'm an adult now (I'm literally about to turn 25 in 10 days, holy shit), and the past few years have been rough as hell on my mental health. I've lost a lot, and am just starting to heal from everything that's gone down. And I work full time, and have a datemate now, so finding the chance to draw is difficult. But this blog helped me on my art journey before. And I'd love to use it as an excuse to draw more, which is the main thing that pulling me back into the pokemon ask community. Another thing that's been pulling me back is the strong af urge to create content for my characters. Because I still love them so very much. I think about them so often that I want to put them in Situations and share it all with you. Although first I wanna get better at drawing humans lol (its relevant I swear). But I could get back into the swing of drawing some 'mons if I really set myself out to.
Let's see how it all goes. I'll keep you all updated. For those of you who have stuck around waiting so long, thank you. I hope to join you in this community again soon.
In the meantime, here's where you can find me and my artwork:
Main blog Toyhouse Artfight
#daily pokemon#mun shoosh#Yeah I'm not dead I just Came Back Wrong#but I'm ok#things are getting better so hopefully that means I can return here#I moved like a year and a half back to the suburbs with my fam and am now trying to find a place to move to with my datemate#when I move with my datemate I'll have more free time I think#or at least I'll be a lot less stressed so I'll feel good enough to draw#which has been the main thing holding me back for a long time besides time restraints#although time is less of an issue. I was able to participate in artfight for instance with little issue#besides my own desire to draw (which can be affected by my mood and my job and hone life stress me out A LOT)#before I was able to be left alone for hours while visiting my dad's place so I had time and freedom to do as I pleased#but my dad isn't here anymore and I don't have a space to escape to like that anymore either#when I move I will tho. my datemate and I are both the sorts to want a long period of Me Time where we're left alone to enjoy some peace#but I think rn I could squeeze in some time to draw again#lets see how it goes#I really want to solidify the plot I've been rotating in my head tho#rn I only have some concepts ideas#and an idea for the newest sometimes-stufful post I'd make introducing the beginning of said plot#like I can see that post super clearly in my mind. but Im nit gonna make it til I have more stuff planned#so stay tuned. hopefully I'll be able to give you guys something#although I have a longterm fanfic/book series that Im working on (warrior cats related lol)#so finding the motive to manage multiple stories at once is difficult#but the way I'd tell this story is more visual vs the one I've been working on which is all written#so maybe I can motivate myself to do bith cause they're different#idk yet. lets see
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iguessitsjustme · 1 year
I can’t believe I have to say this but performatively tagging me and thanking me for participating in a fandom when you don’t follow me, don’t talk to me, and haven’t ever once interacted with any of my posts (not even in the fandom you thanked me for participating in) is a good way to get yourself blocked.
I make posts for myself, not to be thanked for participating. If you’re grateful that I made the posts, I’m glad! A lot of people have thanked me for many of my posts for many shows. I don’t have a problem with it. But feel free to tell me on the posts. Or don’t tell me and just like or reblog. But creating your own post, tagging me, and thanking me feels hollow when you haven’t done any of that on my posts.
I don’t mind being tagged in posts. I even like it! But please don’t just do it because you think you have to because I was one of the many many many blogs writing about a show and you’ve seen others tag me. Please tag me because you want me to see something. It feels like you’re tagging me to boost followers and if you knew anything about me, you’d know that I am not the person for that.
I don’t like blocking people, but this shit makes me so uncomfortable that I need to start blocking in order to remain on tumblr.
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