#Nuclear Fire
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on Terminator endoskeleton interior art from "Terminator: Secondary Objectives" Vol. 1 #1 (1991), published by Dark Horse Comics. Artwork by Paul Gulacy.
Source: www.reddit.com/r/darkhorsecomics/comments/mv8tc9.
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Which best describes the ship you're currently most obsessed with?
it doesn't have to accurately describe the ship, just the descriptor you think is the most fitting. all gendered language is there to preserve the meme and should be read as gender neutral. please reblog for a greater sample size. if you are equally obsessed with multiple ships or currently not obsessed with any, just pick a ship you enjoy (if you don't like any ships, the dynamic you think sounds the most entertaining)
edit: if multiple fit perfectly, chose the aspect you like best about the ship
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contac · 6 months
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official-darkforest · 1 month
to me i cant get behind bluestar being a mother figure to firestar but she is his family. do u get what i mean. same with yellowfang to cinderpelt. yellowfang saw fireheart as a son but how he saw her was much more vague and less defined, though it doesnt make the love he had for her any less real or returned u get me. do u get me.
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anthurak · 25 days
You know one of the main reasons we should see polycules in fantasy stories? Consider settings where the ‘Power of Love’ is a real, tangible force.
Now just imagine the POWER a fully realized polycule could have.
Like we’ve seen just how much power can be generated by the love between a hero and a love-interest.
Now imagine if we take the love between the heroine and her GF, then add onto that the love between the heroine and her rival-turned-lover, AND the love between the rival and the aforementioned GF who are estranged childhood friends who have finally admitted their long-repressed feelings for each other.
Just turning a couple into a throuple potentially TRIPLES the number of potential love-generating links.
And that’s just with three people in a polycule.
A four-person polycule? That’s SIX times the potential power.
A five-person polycule is TEN times the power.
A six-person is FIFTEEN times.
You can see how this can get nutty VERY quickly.
Heck, imagine if in such a setting, the idea of polycules is initially ridiculed out of some belief that ‘love’ is some finite resource and a polycule is merely dividing up that power.
Only for the protag-polycule to prove this notion DEVASTATINGLY wrong.
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ludinusdaleth · 2 months
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"You know what I saw? A weird fucked up family, kind of like us. I would do anything to protect any one of you at the expense of others. I have. I have killed for you all. We all have."
"Which is precisely why... we are just like them. Which is not why they should exist, honestly."
-Critical Role Campaign 3, Episode 102, "Reconciliation"
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butterflyinthewell · 11 months
Don’t anybody dare twist this as antisemitism. I’m not gonna be pissed at someone simply for being Jewish or from Israel. There are Israeli Jewish people who are horrified and against this slaughter, too.
It disgusts me how the news will pull individual deaths, like the pregnant woman who was murdered and had her fetus pulled out and stabbed, as an excuse to say Palestinians are animals.
Yeah, that killing was fucked up! Anyone reasonable would say so.
—I’ve been told that the above was done to a Palestinian person and it’s a DARVO situation, but I’m keeping it as is to show the lies and twisting of what’s happening.
And we’re supposed to see that as justified, as something to cheer for?
ENTIRE FAMILIES ARE DEAD, EXTINCT, GONE, and we should celebrate that?!
What the fuck?!
We are watching a genocide happen, how can anyone think this is okay?
If a bunch of cops invade your house and tell you to get out because they want the house now, you’re gonna fight back, right? They say it’s their property now and demand you leave or they’ll kill you. Now imagine they set fire to the exits so you can’t get out, shoot you dead through the windows and block your escape attempts if you break down walls or climb onto the roof. Somebody still alive in the house stabs one cop to death while trying to escape and gets killed by a headshot, and the people outside see all the carnage and say “well, they were warned to leave, look at what disgusting animals they are for stabbing that guy, let’s kill them all”, that’s gonna be fucked up, right?
Because that’s what this looks like.
Sometimes I think all the human species is truly capable of is violence.
Where will we all be when the nukes drop and the fallout blankets the land?
We say “never again” and never stick to it.
Fuck the human species. We all suck.
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legateamelia · 7 months
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Spider normally: I'ma chill with my friends/siblings all day and do dumb stuff 😀.
Spider 2 nanoseconds after a single cell of his body comes into contact with a fire extinguisher: Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds ☠.
KSSKSKKS I love this joke that if he even loOKs at a fire extinguisher, it's over for everyone. Like the Metkayina are all like oh my god, how could this small human child have taken down this huge metal warship?? And Spider just goes "There was this fire extinguisher-" and the Sully's and Norm and Max are all like "OH that makes so much sense, moving on."
Ao'nung bullying Kiri and Lo'ak and Lo'ak's like "You better back the fuck up or I'm handing Spider a fire extinguisher."
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black-queen-rising · 2 months
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Me desperately trying to find this so-called "bias" it often feels like a solid two thirds of this fandom claim that the HotD producers/writers have towards Rhaenyra when literally every single change to other characters has fundamentally come from minimizing/obfuscating/or otherwise reducing her narrative and overall characterization and character.
Yes, I'm sure this woman who they have invented continual bad decisions, internalized misogyny, blatant disregard for the people closest to her, ineptitude, blindspots, and blatant, borderline unbelievable public disdain for in their adaptation of her character; who's background as a victim of child abuse, of continual misogynistic psychological and eventual physical violence, who's love of both other women and her own womanhood, infamy in her charm and popularity and continual attempts (and yes, often failures) to rise above the positions she was forced into they have also ERASED...is actually someone they're going out of their way to portray sympathetically?
Oh, but they favor her because...idk they haven't shown her being violently raped or repeatedly physically abused? Because you believe they actually think that making her seem like an idiot who never knows or thinks about what she's doing is somehow favorable?? Because it seems like ANY of these changes have actually endeared her to the fandom much less the show's general audience??? I literally cannot explain it most of the time, it baffles me.
I know I shouldn't be because why should any of us ever be shocked by misogyny in media anymore? By the portrayal of a woman for a mass-media (and heavily desired male) audience that's reductive and hollow?? But it's simply unreal to see how so many people somehow believe that this was done out of some sort of benevolence or favoritism. That so many people believe any of the changes made in the opposite direction of, and often active opposition to Rhaenyra's portrayal in Fire and Blood, were made out of some sort of desire to make her a tangibly more sympathetic or broadly understandable character, is something I'm not sure I'll ever be able to fully understand.
Except, of course, in the view that I really hope not everyone who says this sort of thing actually believes; that a self-confident woman who exercises her own agency is such an affront that even an unsympathetic, inconsistent, reductive, and idiotic cardboard cutout of a character is still a more respectable alternative.
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carcrashscike · 11 months
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scike doodles (scoodles)
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dylanconrique · 6 days
i have.... no words for how this is making me feel rn.
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renxamamiya · 4 months
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Fire Emblem Engage [3/??]
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inbarfink · 4 months
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The first video of the Chernobyl plant after the accident. The red glow inside the reactor building is the red hot graphite inside the core of the reactor.
To learn more, check out this post.
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bonefall · 11 months
Question: what’s your source on the phytoestrogens? Bc the only times I’ve ever heard that claim, they all source back to this one study on sheep in like the 40s, which… well it’s not very well supported
(Although maybe you don’t care about that, which would be fair. These are fictional cats after all not clinical studies)
You're probably coming from Hbomberguy when he was specifically addressing lunkhead chuds, who pass around the claim that phytoestrogens lower human fertility and sex drive. The "soyboy" claim.
Human studies on the effects of phytoestrogens are pretty lacking overall, but what does exist doesn't back up that claim-- because humans don't graze on red clover in west australia like a sheep. What that means is that it doesn't impact human fertility the way a terrified conservative brain stem thinks it does.
(ESPECIALLY not in a plate of soybeans, which has significantly lower levels of phytoestrogen than red clover.)
But what it DOES do is bind to the estrogen receptors in your body (and acts as a really good antioxidant but that's neither here nor there) which can mean it can act AS estrogen... or as an antagonist.
If you want to know more (especially if you have a background in chemistry, this source talks a lot about the structural similarities between estrogen and phytoestrogen and the mechanism of action) then go dive into PHYTOESTROGENS IN FUNCTIONAL FOOD by Fatih Yildiz, which collects together many of the studies that we do have on the matter and omits controversial ones.
(Plus it's an easy read for such a science-heavy publication imo)
Though I have to stress that my HRT guide is, y'know, fake cats! Nothing in nature replaces modern medicine***, but I wanted to make a good resource for WC fans with trans cats who wanted a little bit of scientific accuracy, wanted to cut herbs that cast Liver Failure 1000 on felines, and could reasonably be found in a temperate environment
***= Except medicinal maggots. Medicinal maggots are literally magical. Nothing debrides necrotic tissue like green bottlefly larvae and as far as I'm concerned they're the closest thing to divinity we have on this earth. And medicinal leeches I love you leeches im so sorry that anyone has ever called you a pest you're cherubic angels and she doesnt deserve this </3
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