#Noooo it’s not one am
whosectype · 1 year
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Shiteposts starring dysfunctional brothers, men who kiss, and lesbian furry fish people
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farceurcole · 17 days
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sleepynenes · 3 months
skizz vs false: a mini saga
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lancteu · 5 months
family game night !!
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a Mr. Beagle warmup for the masses! he continues to be so soft and soothing to scribble!
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lloydfrontera · 2 months
sometimes i do feel for the adaptation team of tged when it comes to the relationship between alicia and lloyd because like. they were fighting a losing battle since the very beginning.
either they respected the source material and got crazy people (me) pointing out that the protagonist has more chemistry and relationship build up with his best friend than he does with his supposed romantic interest.
or they change it in the adaptation to make alloyd have more interactions and build up and get crazy people (me) upset and questioning why they're omitting or changing scenes that make lloyd and javier's relationship deeper in the novel to make them seem less close than they truly are.
there's just no winning for them because this is something that is inextricable from the source material
in the novel lloyd and javier's relationship is the core of the plot. whatever they have going on is the heart of the entire thing. and either you accept that and the fact that there's bound to be people who will see it as something romantic and be disgruntled when lloyd is unceremoniously married off to someone he barely knew and did not want to marry for 90% of the novel. or you change it and completely destroy the core of the plot, ruining what's probably the best part of the story.
it's an impossible choice,,,, if you're someone who can't stand the idea of having a protagonist who's a little fruity with his best friend that is lmao
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theprodigypenguin · 9 months
Man I wish we could've seen polite mister portgas thank the revs for taking care of Sabo same way he thanked the strawhats, like can you fucking imagine. Ace just bows to them like the polite young man he is and "thank you so much for rescuing and looking after my brother all this time, I'll never be able to repay you for that, he's a dear friend and I'm forever grateful that he's still alive and healthy" they'd have a fucking aneurysm.
Sabo’s such a little menace, Iva and the Commanders would be clutching their pearls.
Also he and Koala would get along so motherfucking well, they'd be instant bros.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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You used to be my rival!
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frogfemur · 3 months
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Heart Pirates Week!
Day 9
Fantasy AU
Dungeon Meshi inspired me
Since it's the last day I wanted to include all the members of the crew but man my brain broke part way through this (don't ask why I made them what they are but Law is for sure a mage)
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heybiji · 5 months
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dandelion and clover (the weeds)
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 9 months
So, after season one, Nancy and Steve don't get back together for like a month, right? Okay, what if they reconciled by Steve approaching her and telling her that he wanted to give her space, that he didn't want to push her, but he wanted to make sure she was alright after Barb. He told her how he wished he had gotten to know her, and if she was up for it, then maybe she could tell him about Barb. I have a hard time believing that no one acknowledged Nancy and her grief for Barb. (I mean, did Hopper even think to check on her?) To me, I think that this would explain why she was holding on to Steve for so long even though she had feelings for someone else. In her darkest moment, Steve was so sweet to her. Jonathan was busy with his own family, and that's understandable, but you're telling me that he couldn't pick up the phone? I think it's also why Steve went to the dinners because he did feel guilty, and he did feel guilty about not getting to know Barb. I think if she and Jonathan hadn't gotten together in that moment, then she would have found her way to actually talk to Steve about Barb to get closure. It's one of the things that annoys me about Jancy. That and the photographs. I wish they had written Jonathan better. Anyway, I just wonder how they reconciled after that month, and I think this is it.
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hahskeleton · 4 months
So now that that’s out of the way, I am legit typing this while crying ToT
Soooo, Solar’s dead, now, huh? I am so FCKING sad right now you can’t even imagine it. Moon was so sad and he was crying and omfg his last few words/sentences
“I think this is it”
NOOOOOOOO don’t say that!! That is the part where I started to cryyy (I was walking home from school at the time with my friend @punypappy) I was so defeated inside omfg and
“I’m proud of you, both of you.”
AAAAAHHHHHHHHHSDKJCNASJKVNIJVANOVKJNVEAIJ WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO USSSSSSSSSSS?! HE HASN’T EVEN BEEN AROUND FOR THAT LONG NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lunar’s going to be so saaaaaaaaaaddddd. Solar was the first version of his brother he actually came to love, omfg now that he’s gone…… Naaaaaaauuurrr
I swear to got if he doesn’t dome back with all his memories (because I KNOW Moon wouldn’t just let him stay dead) I will die of sadness, and I’m sure all you Solar lovers/enjoyer out there are dying just as much as me :( we feel pain together in this fandom
SOLAR DIDN’T DESERVE TO DIE AT ALL, WHAT DO YALL THINK *explodes* *goes to heaven with Solar*
ALSO I predicted this, isn’t that weird??? Why did I have to predict it, I never wanted solar to go into the light TnT
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The way I have not written a single word for like a month it feels like I have been busier in the last two weeks than I have been in the last four years of my life and will continue to be busy for the next two weeks I got one day between a four day family trip and a sib visit gotta sew a monkey during the trip and if monkie kid drops in that time I will simply combust
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majorrobin · 8 months
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robobee · 2 days
in my heart of hearts Adam cheating on Ronan throughout greywaren is so canon I keep forgetting it doesn't happen. adam bad bisexuality rep forever he keeps his engagement ring ON while fucking around
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bl00dw1tch · 6 months
Watching someone play afop and im so. Oh my god. Oh my GOD. It's literally just a fucking showcase of all the Exact type of shit that has been happening to indigenous people and people of color have been dealing with for Centuries at the hands of white supremacy and imperialism. Like its literally just Showing all that Shit from the perspective of a Na'vi in universe. So it "demonizes" the RDA accordingly. And uet so many fucking reviewers are joshing on it and calling it Boring and Slow and Uninspired and that it makes human's 'cartoonishly evil' LIKE YOU PEOPLE HAVENT LOOKED AT A SINGLE FUCKING CURRENT EVENT IN YOUR LIVES. Oh my god im so mad at all these fucking reviewers now. The fucking AUDACITY to look at something this fucking Honest about the cruelty humans are capable of, while living during the fucking day and age with all this Knowledge we have at our fingertips -- the fucking audacity to look at this game and what the character goes through and not being able to muster up ANY other fucking emotion besides "ubisoft never was great at story anyway so idc lol" fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you. Like actually. You can't even fucking ATTEMPT to connect to this story emotionally? Not even a fucking Smidge? Jesus fucking christ people need everything to be spoon fed to them these days. God forbid a piece of media actually ask you to meet it in the middle for once.
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