#Neck Pain Tmj
so I think I have TMJ disorder and I have been misdiagnosed and now I wonder if this is forever because I have been living with this for so long - it’s getting worse though, so I hope something can be done
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foreveranonymousfa · 1 month
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friendraichu · 2 months
might be just me being paranoid or a series of coincidences but it seems like the entire left side of my body is fucked up.
occipital neuralgia? almost exclusively runs up the left side of my head
left eye more nearsighted than right
TMJ seems like it might be worse on the left side (difficult to tell)
i have overarching neck and back pain, but left shoulder blade is more frequently in pain than right
left hip some sort of fucked up, probably related to my left L5 vertebrae being fused to my pelvis
all this to say, maybe i just tend to put more pressure on the left side of my body?? idk if one of these things instigated the rest or if it's all just happenstance, but it's fuckin weird and also im so tired of being in pain.
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stardustedknuckles · 1 year
Wait my mother was right about bad posture? Well god damn, mama, I might have listened more if you'd phrased it as literally anything other than "looking like a young lady." now I got upper back tension and a lifetime of habits to correct. In a nonbinary way.
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queenharumiura · 5 months
((The irony in going to bed early because of pain is that the next door building kept alarming off and on for hours, and you kept hearing sirens (regular occurence, btw) so it felt like a waste of an attempt. Probably got the same amount of sleep as usual and I woke up still in pain. This is fine.
All this to really say: I'm crabby now. ))
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thirstghosting · 1 year
im also interested to know how much it cost you so leave that in the tags, if you feel comfortable with it.
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six-of-ravens · 8 months
im trapped in this like 3-month cycle of: feel like shit bc of back/shoulder/neck pain and lethargy and the like -> realize exercising regularly will help my physical and mental health -> exercise regularly for one week -> fall off the bandwagon and/or get sick which forces me off said bandwagon -> slowly disintegrate into a pile of aches and pains again
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dracolunae · 2 years
Okay I know I said I was gonna sleep but my headache is so bad that I can’t lay down so that’s fun:))))
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slavabogu · 2 years
ok but did you guys know there's a right and a wrong way for your tongue to sit in your mouth look up proper tongue posture the entire tongue should sit at the roof of the mouth
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eileennatural · 2 months
ik i complained about it nonstop but.. i miss physical therapy :/that woman knew what the hell she was doing
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jackalhadrurusluvr · 2 months
trying to explain that my throat hurts but its on the outside but theres a bit in the very start of my throat thats on the inside but its mostly the outside and i cant breathe very well and when i swallow it hurts
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energysoda · 11 months
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sonictalismans · 1 year
The heart attack symptom that I get so weird about when I see/hear PSAs about it is jaw pain because I have moderate-severe chronic TMJ (by this I mean I have to close my mouth with my hands after brushing my teeth) and damn, if I went to the ER every time my jaw hurt, I would be in an unfathomable amount of medical debt
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baldhillsdental · 1 year
Got Head and Neck Pain? Want Expert Help? Bald Hills Dental
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Dr Lin (Dentist) is one of Australia leading experts in the fields of breathing and sleep, head, neck and TMJ pain, and orthopaedics.
Head, Neck & TMJ Pain
Muscle tension is a very common cause of headaches. In fact, approximately 90% of headaches occur because of it. Known as Bruxism, adults will involuntarily clench and grind their teeth throughout the night and is a primary cause of headaches, Neck & Jaw pain. The muscles are interrelated and is why there is a strong connection. Quite often, dental orthotics that make small changes to the jaw and the bite could just be enough to reduce and even alleviate the pain. However, we often see that a common cause of grinding  is an airway, sleep or bit problem which may need to be addressed.
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Diagnosis Of Head, Neck And TMJ Pain?
TMJ is not always the root cause of all head and neck pain. We will always recommend a through examination with our dentists to assess your history, conduct a cranial exam (3D CBCT scan), postural exam, oral exam, occlusal analysis, muscle palpations and ne
urological exam. If a sleeping disorder is identified by our doctors then we will conduct a full sleep study to asses whether it is contributing rot your head, neck and TMJ pain.
How We Treat Your Head, Neck And TMJ Pain
Orthontics therapy is a very common treatment option to achieving your ideal bite. This includes day and night time splints. If we identify a nasal obstruction through the CBCT then we may decide to suggest a referral to an ENT. Other treatments that may help alleviate the pain are:  dry needling, trigger point injections, laser and autologous blood concentrates (stem cells/concentrated growth factors). We will design the splints to be tailored to you so that you can get full use of your jaw function, breathing and decompression to allow your jaw joint to heal. It is a similar process to healing a fractured jaw. A lot of our patients report relief of pain after only a few days, however treatment time can be as long as 12 months.
Dealing with the pain on a day-to-day basis is not necessary. You do not have to put up with it. We will always recommend following our post treatment management instructions to ensure that pain from Head, Neck & TMJ pain does not return.
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corebalance · 1 year
(1월 새해 설 이벤트 / 방문 후기!! New Year's Beginning Offer & Testimonials !!에서) Balanced Functionally movable Body that is Pain Free !! 균형 있고 제대로 움직이는 기능적인 체형은 자연적 관련 통증 해소Specific customized precise one !  Since 2004~ Gangnam health in Balance center Seoul Korea south CHECK OUT OUR NEW YEAR’S SPECIAL OFFER ! 새해 설 이벤트 ! NEW YEAR’S BEGINNING OFFER ! 예약 문의 App call : (02) 533-5124
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