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trattoriadamartina · 2 months ago
Torta di carote nel multicooker o nel forno: ricetta facile per un dolce buonissimo
Perché scegliere il multicooker per una torta? Il multicooker è un elettrodomestico versatile che consente di cucinare in modo pratico, risparmiando tempo ed energia. Ecco perché è l’ideale per le torte: Cottura Uniforme: grazie alla temperatura controllata, il multicooker cuoce dolcemente senza bruciare. Praticità: non serve preriscaldare il forno, basta impostare il programma e attendere che la…
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mdalaminhossian9 · 2 months ago
WHAT IF You Could Cook 8 WAYS IN ONE Amazing Appliance
Deal Price:$129.99 You Save:$70(35%) Brand  : Ninja
Here's a sample user review for WHAT IF You Could Cook 8 WAYS IN ONE Amazing Appliance: I recently purchased the WHAT IF You Could Cook 8 WAYS IN ONE Amazing Appliance after seeing it advertised as a versatile cooking solution. This multi-function appliance claims to combine eight different cooking methods, and I was genuinely excited about the possibilities. Here’s my detailed review after using it for a few weeks......more visit website 
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linacooper · 5 months ago
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A delicious minute of the blog.
I share with you my recipes: lentil soup, an incredible combination of peach and raspberry (the best tartlet in the world), a delicate chocolate sponge cake with cream.
I began to realize more and more often that I like homemade food and the topic of cooking is very interesting, despite the fact that just a few years ago I could hardly fry eggs 😂
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greenguidetips · 6 months ago
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Insta Pot to beat the heat. Doesn't matter where you live this is a great small appliance. You can purchase here. Enjoy cooking this summer!
“As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.” 
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dnstore · 9 months ago
১ প্রেসার কুকারেই রান্না করুন সবধরনের খাবার | YALUN Pressure Cooker In Bangladesh.
Top best brands multi pressure cooker lowest price in Bangladesh. Best Pressure Cookers Available in Bangladesh Explore the time-saving and flavor-enhancing wonders of pressure cookers.
Shop Name: DN STORE
Shop: 1-2, And 21-22-23, (Ground Floor), Biswas Builders, New Market City Complex, New Market, Dhaka-1205
A pressure cooker is a sealed vessel that cooks food using steam pressure. This pressure creates a higher boiling point for water, which allows food to cook faster than in a regular pot. Pressure cookers are great for cooking tough cuts of meat, beans, and lentils. They can be used to cook rice, vegetables, and even desserts.
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lord-christer-gustafsson · 11 months ago
Ugnsbakad kolja på grönsaksbädd med bulgur och focaccia⁠ ⁠ Jag har fått möjligheten att testa en Thermomix TM6 som merparten av gårdagens måltid lagades med.⁠ ⁠ Och vad är då en Thermomix TM6 tänker du kanske då?⁠ Jo, den är som kökets Schweiziska armékniv eller en mixer på steroider om du hellre utrycker det så...⁠ Den hackar, mixar, knådar, rör, vispar, blandar, emulgerar, ångkokar, kokar, väger och mycket mer.⁠ ⁠ Du kan använda den för att vispa ihop allt från bananbröd och scones till pumpasoppa, pizzadeg eller potatismos – det finns tusentals recept (40.000+) som dessutom byggs på hela tiden.⁠ ⁠ Så igår gjorde jag dels en passionsfruktscurd i den till efterrätten. Jag satte ihop och knådade degen till focaccian.⁠ Sedan fick den mixa ihop en chimichurri som vi hade ihop med huvudrätten.⁠ Dessutom fick den både hacka och sautera grönsaksblandningen som blev en bädd till koljan.⁠ Fisken och grönsakerna tillagades sedan i airfryern medan cosori multicooker lagade bulgur.⁠ ⁠ Så det blev Kolja med grönsaksröra, bulgur, chimichurri och focaccia till varmrätt 😋⁠ ⁠ Och en variant på Eton Mess med passionsfruktscurd till efterrätt 👌⁠ ⁠ Resultatet då, en mycket smakrik och trevlig måltid där allt gick lekande lätt och med väldigt lite disk med tanke på alla olika moment.⁠ ⁠ Mitt betyg för denna rivstarten av Thermomix TM6 är fem slevar av 5 möjliga 🥄🥄🥄🥄🥄⁠ ⁠ Ta bara en sån sak som att göra curd på saften från 1kg passionsfrukt med minsta möjliga ansträngning 😃⁠ ⁠ Självklart kommer jag utvärdera mer och återkomma med utlåtande ☺️⁠ ⁠ Följ gärna för inspiration, recept & tips ⬇️⁠ @the.real.cg.lagar.mat ⁠ ⁠ #kolja⁠ #passionsfrukt⁠ #etonmess⁠ #focaccia⁠ #thermomix⁠ #tm6⁠ #thermomixtm6⁠ #thermocooking⁠ #matlagning⁠ #thermo⁠ #thermomixsverige⁠ #cosorisverige⁠ #cosori⁠ #multicooker⁠ #airfryer⁠ #kvillesaluhall⁠ #hisingensfisk⁠ #kullagourmet⁠ #audgeirrknives⁠ #khmerpepper⁠ #kockumsjernverk⁠ #koketcetera⁠ #fredchill⁠ #vorwerk⁠ ⁠ @thermomixsverige⁠ @cosorisverige⁠ @kville_saluhall⁠ @hisingensfisk⁠ @kullagourmet⁠ @audgeirrknives⁠ @khmer_pepper⁠ @kockumsjernverk⁠ @koketcetera⁠ @fredchill.ax⁠ @fresh.land.sverige
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ziutula-kaszubka · 1 year ago
Gdynia, Poland... pyszne gołąbki z multicooker🤩
recipe: https://babiedolygdynia.blogspot.com/2023/12/goabki-drobiowe-z-ryzem-z-kapusty-ufo-z.html?m=0😁
#wmojejkuchnilubie #dinner #cucina #mangiare #bonappetit #abendessen #обед #truecooks #cooking #cena #dîner#夕食#tasterzygotuja #multicooker #philipsmulticooker #philipshd4713 # #philipspolska #recipe#appetizer #appetite#cabbagerolls #mojegotowanie #multicookerphilips #gołąbkiwsosiepomidorowym #mojegotowaniepl #lifestyle
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zanyanticsguy · 1 year ago
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Instant Pot Vegetable Broth Easily make vegetable broth from scratch with the help of your Instant Pot. Use the broth in soups or pasta and rice dishes.
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kids-01 · 2 years ago
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Instant Pot Duo 7-in-1 Electric Pressure Cooker, Slow Cooker, Rice Cooker, Steamer, Sauté, Yogurt Maker, Warmer & Sterilizer, Includes Free App with over 1900 Recipes, Stainless Steel, 6 Quart
More Info >>
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thmixwithkarie · 2 years ago
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Tarta de la viña, delicious 😋 it is a cheesecake type for me much tastier, with thermomix the preparation is very fast it takes less than a minute, plus 50 minutes of baking. #cheesecake #thermomix #thmixwithkarie #dessert #kitchengadgets #thebestkitchenrobot2023 #fromscratch #cheesecakerecipe #thebestchessecake #knowwhatyoueat #instantfoodie #instantfood #multicooker #allinone #thebestkitchenhelper #bluberries https://www.instagram.com/p/CqOfS6hvhIE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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trattoriadamartina · 2 months ago
Torta al limone nel multicooker: ricetta facile e veloce per un dolce soffice e profumato
Perché preparare la torta al limone nel multicooker Il multicooker è un elettrodomestico versatile che semplifica la cottura dei dolci, garantendo risultati soffici e uniformi. Ecco alcuni vantaggi di preparare la torta al limone nel multicooker: Cottura uniforme: il multicooker cuoce in modo omogeneo, rendendo la torta soffice e profumata. Risparmio energetico: rispetto al forno tradizionale,…
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eazybuydotcom · 2 years ago
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Fry, Steam & Bake. A one-stop shop that satisfies all your #kitchen needs with unbelievable #discount offers. Shop now at eazybuy
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twiceastasty · 2 years ago
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As part of a new series for @thespruceeats, I put slow cookers and Instant Pots (@instantpotofficial) head to head on a range of tasks. Check out my story to learn which you should choose when braising meat, steaming custard or rice, fermenting yogurt, and more. #newarticle #slowcooker #slowcookermeals #instantpot #instantpotcooking #multicooker #whichisbetter #twiceastastyblog #twiceastasty https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnz30QwyM9R/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dnstore · 10 months ago
বড় সাইজের রাইস কুকারে ২০-৫০ জনের খাবার রান্না করুন একসাথে | Best Big Size Rice Cooker In Bangladesh.
Top best brands big size rice cooker in Bangladesh. Now you shop for a full-size rice cooker from the DN Store. Electronics at the dn store is the best place to buy rice cookers in Bangladesh.
Shop Name: DN STORE
Shop: 1-2, And 21-22-23, (Ground Floor), Biswas Builders, New Market City Complex, New Market, Dhaka-1205
A rice cooker is a countertop kitchen appliance designed specifically for cooking rice. It consists of an inner pot, a heating element, and a thermostat.
Here is a simple rice cooker:
Rice cookers are incredibly convenient for cooking rice. They usually have preset settings for different types of rice, and they automatically switch to "keep warm" mode when the rice is cooked, so you don't have to worry about your rice overcooking or burning.
There are different types of rice cookers in the market, with different features. Some rice cookers have multiple settings for different types of rice, while others have settings for vegetables, soups, or even slow cooking.
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scarskelly · 3 months ago
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ziutula-kaszubka · 1 year ago
Gdynia, Poland...domowy smalec z jabłkiem, cebulą, czosnkiem,majerankiem, pychotka 😁 #multicookerphilips idealny również jest do wytapiania smalcu, nie pryska, nie strzela, nie przypala, #współpracatesterskatrnd @philips_polska 🤩
recipe: świeża słonina bez skóry1 kg, cebula 2 sztuki, jabłko 1 sztuka, ząbki czosnku 8 sztuk, sól 1 łyżeczka płaska, papryka ostra 3/4 łyżeczki, majeranek 2 łyżki
Dobrej jakości świeża słonina powinna być do smalcu (kupuję na rynku od rzeźnika) i bez skóry.
Słoninę bardzo ostrym nożem cieniutko kroję w kosteczkę (prawie siekam) na desce.
Słoninę wsypuję do urządzenia na programie smażenie na 160C na 20 minut.
Gdy zaczyna się rumienić zmieniam na tym programie na 120C na 20 minut.
Wsypuję drobno pokrojoną w kostkę cebulę, jabłko, ząbki czosnku, sól, paprykę ostrą i wytapiam do końca programu, otwieram urządzenie i wsypuję majeranek (majeranek nie lubi większego smażenia bo robi się gorzki), mieszam i zostawiam do wystudzenia.
Potem przelać do miski i do lodówki, nam smakuje z kiszonym ogórkiem na pieczywie pszennym i razowym - Mam teraz idealny sposób na wytopienie domowego smalcu ze słoniny, nie mam pryskania z rondla czy przypalenia na dnie skwarków, z dodatkiem jabłka, cebuli, czosnku, majeranku jest lepszy na chlebek od nie jednej wędliny, i do tego jak pachnie.........SMACZNEGO!!!
#wmojejkuchnilubie #dinner #cucina #mangiare #bonappetit #abendessen #обед #truecooks #cooking #cena #dîner#夕食#tasterzygotuja #multicooker #philipsmulticooker #philipshd4713 #philipspolska #recipe#appetizer #domowysmalec #appetite#testowanie #mojegotowanie #multicookerrecipes #smalec #mojegotowaniepl
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