#Monthly Schedule Template
nakedsadmoon · 1 year
New template on my profile! A complete personal planner with many features!
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tragedynoir · 2 months
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— special delivery: SLEEK SWERVES
a minimal and modern all-in-one multimuse google doc template that doesn't include any drawings! it comes in a neutral palette, but can be easily edited to whatever colour scheme you like. the first page features a space to include all your important ooc information, including rules and links to your socials. the second page offers muse listings with an overview, links and a blurb which can be as long as you want. each muse listing can be easily duplicated for more!
what is special delivery?
special delivery is occasional bonus supporter-only content as my way of thanking those who generously support me and help me continue putting out free content! they are not posted on any set or regular schedule.
how does it work?
the most recent special delivery will be accessible via a locked supporter-only ko-fi post to anyone who has supported me on ko-fi recently. for one-time supporters (store purchase or one-time donation), this post will be locked again after 30 days, so please download the content before this happens! for monthly patrons, this post will be accessible for as long as their patronage. when a new special delivery is uploaded, old special delivery content will be put behind a monthly patron-only ko-fi post. only monthly patrons will continue to have access to old special delivery content for as long as their patronage, no matter when they start their patronage. discord server boosters can also gain access to all past special delivery content via a server booster-exclusive channel, for the duration of their support.
how to access?
become a supporter by purchasing something from my store, making a one-time donation or becoming a monthly patron! you will be prompted to create a ko-fi account to access supporter-only content. the source link will lead you to the folder containing all special delivery posts to access and download! alternatively, boost my discord server, and gain access to a server booster-only channel with the links to all past special delivery content. if you have any questions or clarifications, please reach out to me! thank you so much and I hope you enjoy them! ♡
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bitsofshanshine · 1 month
Miffy All-in-one Notion template (Ver. 1): Your gateway to peak productivity with an aesthetic Miffy life planner! 🐰🌷
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Dive into the delightful universe of Miffy, where organization meets adorable charm in perfect harmony. This template isn't just a tool—it's a playful journey that turns your Notion workspace into a haven of cuteness and productivity.
Miffy-themed elements aren't just for show—they're designed to enhance your productivity with a touch of playfulness. From vision board to workspace, experience the perfect blend of functionality and cuteness, making your work and organization an absolute delight.
✿ What's Inside? ✿
🌷 Vision Board: Yearly Goals, Wishlist, Daily Affirmations, Habits Builder, Gratitude Journal, Countdown
🌷 Academics: Class Timetable, Course Notes, Deadline List, Quick Notes, Important Links, Journals & Essays, Assignments, Upcoming Exam List
🌷 Workspace: Work Progress, Work Files, To-do List, Quick Notes, Important Links, Clients, Meeting, Ideas
🌷 Journal: Monthly Journal, Yearly Journal, Affirmations, Photo Archive
🌷 Financial Planner: Monthly Bills, Monthly Expenses, Monthly Goals, Savings Tracker, Subscriptions, Wishlist, Accounts Balance
🌷 Book Library: Currently Reading, Reading Tracker, Monthly Reading Goals, Book Wishlist, Book Reviews, Notes & Quotes
🌷 Movies Log: Currently Watching, Watch List, Links, Movie Reviews, Movie Recommendations
🌷 Language Learning: Weekly Schedule, Study Notes, Study Goals, Study Materials, Quick Notes, Pomodoro Timer
🌷 Self Care: Morning Routine, Night Routine, Self-care Check, Skincare Routine, Period Tracker, Meditation & Affirmations
Additional Gifts
Free aesthetic Miffy PNG images, banners, and Notion covers that I used on this template (ZIP File)
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✿ Get Miffy All-in-one Life Planner Notion Template (Ver. 1) only on Gumroad and Ko-fi! ✿
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shepherds-of-haven · 9 months
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Happy New Year, everyone! I thought it would be fun to do a little retrospective on the game's progress over the last year... Shepherds of Haven has grown so much from the little demo I posted in January 2018, and it continues to steadily build and flourish in so many different and exciting ways! Here's a look at just some of the things we accomplished in 2023!
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I added 143,151 words to the game (2.5 main chapters, 8 new character interludes) in 2023: the equivalent of writing the longest Lord of the Rings book in one year! We also broke our huge 1 million word milestone—without including code—meaning Shepherds of Haven is now officially twice as long as War and Peace, and almost as long as the entire 7-book Harry Potter series... and all in a single game!
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A lot goes into game creation behind the scenes, including the coordination and creation of visual assets for the game—like character cards, codex entries, maps, portraits, and backgrounds—fun stuff for the fans (like the MC info template we created), and songs for the official soundtrack. As the game creeps slowly and determinedly towards its initial completion, that also means learning new things as a solo developer to prepare for the future, like learning to build an official website, researching business and tax practices, and beginning to think about how to conduct testing, publishing, and marketing down the road. Much of what I enumerate here hasn't been made public yet and will continue to cook in the background for a while, but I'm very proud of the work I've gotten done this year and will be excited to unveil more in the future!
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And of course, for even more Shepherds of Haven content, I've added and completed even more stories for our little library on Patreon (which also has sizable word count at this point): The Bridge of Bones (a Trouble and Riel murder mystery), O Happy Dagger (a dark adventure featuring Briony, Chase, and Red), and The Hunt (a wild tale involving Tallys, Halek, Shery, and new kinds of spirits, fey magic, and Elves) were all serial stories completed in 2023, while Some Kind of Virus is a cyberpunk zombie apocalypse AU that will continue to be updated with new chapters monthly.
A full list of the Shepherd short stories and serial novellas (with links) can be viewed here!
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I hope you enjoyed this session of Shepherds of Haven Wrapped! Honestly, this doesn't actually cover everything I've been working on, but some things can't be packaged and listed out neatly, or otherwise won't seem very interesting to anyone else but me! 😂 As we inch through Chapter 9 and get more interludes done (only a few more main chapters to go), I'm hopeful that I'll also be able to find time to work on my next novel, but we'll see if the Shepherds schedule ends up ramping up or settling down as we work steadily towards finishing the main story!
One important thing before wrapping up is to acknowledge your guys' role in this wonderful, wild journey. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for your invaluable contributions to the development of Shepherds of Haven. Whether you took the time to share links to the game, supported its growth on Discord or Patreon, left encouraging messages or asked interesting questions, reported bugs, or showcased your remarkable works of fanfiction or fanart, I am sincerely thankful for the unwavering support from this amazing community! Your collective efforts have played a pivotal role in shaping the world of the game into what it is today. Words cannot adequately convey my gratitude for your support, and I am truly blessed to have such a passionate community surrounding this project.
As we step into 2024, I am filled with anticipation for the developments awaiting Shepherds of Haven. Big things are on the horizon, and I am so excited to share these experiences with you! Thank you for being an integral part of this journey, and here's to the continued growth of our shared little world. Cheers to 2024—may it be a year filled with creativity, adventure, and joy! 🎊
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Hi! First of all i wanna thank you for your kindness and resourcefullness to support the tumblr ND community!
And second:
Do yoy have any tips on how to deal with executive dysfunction? Especially when you HAVE to do something increedibly crucial but its a big heavy task that you have no interest in and puts you under a lot of pressure.
Again, thank you! I submitted an ask ages ago and you helped me realize that i have BOTH ADHD AND ASD!
I found some lists that I found that might be helpful:
How to Manage Executive Dysfunction Problems:
1. Use a digital calendar to manage your time
2. Keep helpful resources like checklists and templates nearby & visible
3. Break goals down into smaller 5-minute actions
4. Create an organizational system to keep track of important physical items
5. Plan and commit to short breaks between work sessions
6. Color code study materials based on mastery to prioritize review
7. Use habit-building apps to build consistency
8. Reframe deadlines and helpful tools to prioritize responsibilities
9. Practice mindfulness to build presence and attention
10. Pre-plan your next action following a scheduled break
Full article is below:
I found another list:
1. Make a Daily To-Do List 
Creating a daily list of tasks and projects can help to improve the challenges of executive function disorder. To-do lists can help you stay motivated, organized, and make progress towards your goals. A daily to-do list is a powerful way to manage impulses that can lead to poor decision-making.
2. Use a Calendar 
Create a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule to track important dates and appointments. Update your calendar daily. Try to make recurring appointments at the same time of day. 
3. Learn How to Manage Your Time
Break down to-do lists as "urgent," "important," and "non-urgent." This will allow you to budget plenty of time for those long-term projects that are important to you.
4. Take Notes
Take time to write down important dates, reminders, or rules that come up in a designated notebook. Keep it organized. Keep sticky notes in a place that is easily accessible. Take notes related to important calls so that you can keep track of details discussed in meetings and conversations. 
5. Use Reminders
Use reminders and alarms to keep you organized and on time for appointments and meetings. 
6. Keep It Simple
Reduce the number of activities that you attempt to complete at one time to help you focus and complete the task before moving on to another.
7. Relax and Breathe 
Practicing stress management techniques like meditation, yoga, deep breathing can improve symptoms associated with weak executive function skills and can help to reduce executive function anxiety.
8. Stay Organized
If you find yourself losing items frequently or feeling overwhelmed, try decluttering your home or office. Stay organized and keep your area tidy to help you locate items and feel less overwhelmed.
Full article will be below:
I hope this helps. Maybe my followers can give some advice and tips too.
Thanks for the submission. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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jolly-psd · 9 months
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HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! It's been so long since I created something so I hope this new planner makes up for it (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
I've enjoyed Honkai Star Rail ever since it's release, and not gonna lie the character design and game content *chef's kiss* I hope you guys enjoy the planner, and find it useful! It is free to download, no payment required!
The image above shows you how to get to monthly and weekly overview for each month! All tabs/icons within the planner are hyperlinked so you can navigate within the planner easily! ! (^▽^)
Planner Includes
Yearly/Monthly/Weekly Overview
Daily Schedule
Goals page
Tracker page (Habit Track + Mood Tracker)
Quick Notes tab w/ different types of pages (all hyperlinked)
Vision Board ( 1 with template + 1 blank vision board page)
Favorite Memories page
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to reach out!
                   Please REBLOG/LIKE if you download it
Stay happy everyone ♡
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ceciliatan · 3 months
Are we in a Golden Age of Queer & Trans SF/F?
Hello and welcome to another ctan monthly update! It’s Pride Month, so today let’s talk about queer science fiction and fantasy. First some housekeeping: Mailchimp has been driving me nuts, with the newsletter sometimes displaying so tiny on mobile devices it was illegible. I’m trying on a new template today, with new fonts. Please let me know if this one looks better to you (or worse!) than before so I can keep improving it. Second, my apology this is a bit later than I intended, but I had knee surgery on Wednesday and as you can imagine it’s put a bit of a cramp into my schedule. I’ve discovered I would rather have my knee hurt and my brain work than be “pain free” but feel seasick from narcotics. Apparently opioids are not my friends! Bleah. And now to my slightly linkbait-y topic: are we in a “Golden Age” of queer and trans SF/F? Yes, yes we are, end of essay. Just kidding, of course I’m going to explain WHY my answer is yes. For the SFWA Nebulas Conference this month, I had proposed this question as a panel topic and was highly gratified it got chosen—even better, they let me moderate the panel, and SFWA populated it with a terrific slate that included Jordan Kurella, Charlie Jane Anders, Zabé Ellor, and L.P. Kindred. (I had also proposed “are we in a golden age of Asian SF/F?” which I also believe has a yes answer, but that one didn’t make the slate, so I’m trying to arrange it as a Zoom panel for later this summer for Capricon’s online programming. Stay tuned.) Jordan unfortunately had to miss the Nebs, so the other four of us soldiered on without him. One terrific thing about the slate of panelists is we had basically three generations represented. (If only we’d had a Boomer, we could have had four generations!) We each had different entry points to SF/F. So when I asked “Who was the first character in SF/F you read who you knew was queer?” we had four drastically different answers. Illustrating how far we’ve come: I, the Gen X “elder” on the panel, was the only one whose answer was a villain. Back when, it was a common trope to make a villain “extra evil” by slapping a coating of sexual deviance on them. Baron Harkonnen in DUNE was the first “gay” character I encountered. If only I’d stumbled upon Samuel R. Delany before Frank Herbert, eh? I didn’t get to Delany until I was in college. The first positive depiction of a gay character I could think of I read around 1990, in Ellen Kushner’s lovely book Swordspoint (Amazon, Bookshop), but the gay relationship between Alec and St. Vier is so delicately written there’s a kind of plausible deniability about it. But at least they’re both main characters—heroes, even! That book remains one of my faves to this day. Swordspoint was published in 1987, and right after I read it, another important book was published, Uranian Worlds, a bibliography compiled by Eric Garber and Lyn Paleo. Billed as “A Guide to Alternative Sexuality in Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror,” the book had first been published in 1980, and by 1990 needed a new edition because so many examples had to be added. Uranian Worlds was a complete bibliography of EVERY short story, book, or novella that included EVERY bit of representation of LGBTQ characters in sf/f/h for nearly fifty years… and it was only 280 pages long. Think about that. The editors of Uranian Worlds had scoured literature for every possible inclusion, small presses as well as large ones, queer lit mags as well as Asimov’s, for decades. And what they came up with just barely filled one not-that-big book. Nowadays, we have that much queer sf/f/h being published every year. If that ain’t a Golden Age, what is? The panel also talked about who the first SF/F writers were who we knew were queer or trans: for me it was Samuel R. Delany and Rachel Pollack (Rest in Peace, Rachel!) Now, I know more than I can count just from among my Twitter mutuals—and that’s not even counting the hundred-or-so queer writers I edited at Circlet Press! But speaking of writers being out. We discussed whether an author “owes” it to the audience to come out. Short answer: no. If you missed the discourse a few years back about “the helicopter story,” I won’t recap it here, but suffice to say it was just one high-profile example of an author being attacked online for apparently either being insufficiently “out” or not “visibly” conforming to audience notions of queerness, resulting in the author being treated like some kind of interloper or exploitative outsider…. which they might not have been. At this panel was the first time I felt there was consensus in the room that harm has been been done to queer and trans writers (by members of our own communities!) with the incessant questioning of “authenticity” and the demands on the public baring of identity. We’ve sharpened our knives to attack the systems that oppress us, but we can all too easily turn them on each other if/when we judge someone is “part of the problem.” As LP succinctly put it: we have to allow writers some grace. Zabé made an excellent point: you can’t treat sexual identity marginalizations exactly the same way you treat other marginalizations. Sexuality and gender are fluid, complex, and changing. There’s a huge difference between a white author pretending to be an author of color “for clout,” and an author who is in the closet or in transition writing about queer characters as a way to figure out their own sexuality or explore their identity. Charlie Jane mentioned that she and I know multiple writers who started out looking like “straight women getting off on writing about gay men” who are living as gay men now. Give people grace. Not everyone has the same safety, opportunity, or self-awareness to be “out.” In the late 80s and early 1990s, right after Swordspoint we had a small spate of queer flowering in SF/F, with Melissa Scott and Tanya Huff and Mercedes Lackey (Vanyel is the ultimate “bury your gays” trope, though…!) and others. Book publishing in the 1990s also went through a pro-diversity spasm, self-castigating about being too white, and SF/F being too male-dominated, as well. There was much talk about trying to diversify the writers being seen in anthologies, in best-of lists, and on award nomination slates. But the writers couldn’t just appear out of thin air. Not then. But they can now. We literally conjure them out of the aether—the Internet. What’s different now that has led to such increased numbers of queer and trans writers, but also the vastly increased representation of authors of color? It’s the Internet. The same Internet that is problematic as described above, nonetheless allows marginalized writers a visibility we wouldn’t have otherwise. It means that, for example, Hugo awards nominators can discover writers somewhere other than on a bookstore retail shelf. Editors can find and “meet” writers somewhere other than within New York publishing’s white-dominated cocktail circuit. This time when 21st century diversity initiatives have been launched, thanks to the power of the Internet, the writers and editors who emerged have been able to network and build a privilege structure of our own. Some of that happens with the help of SFWA, with things like the AAPI or BIPOC meetups at the Nebulas, and sometimes it happens with us building our own email lists, Discords, online magazines, anthologies, you name it. Instead of backsliding when the industry loses interest in the latest diversity “fad”, we’ve been able to keep expanding the opportunities for each other, to keep pulling each other up the ladder. It’s still not as strong or wide-reaching as some “old boy networks” out there, but SFWA itself is a far more diverse and welcoming place than it was in the 20th century, and the Nebulas conference really demonstrated that. There was much more said on the panel, of course, including what the four of us would consider a Platinum Age to be. (Btw, if you register as a Nebulas online attendee, btw, you can see the archived videos of all the panels from this year’s conference, including ours, and also participate in SFWA online programming all year round.) One final thought: it’s worth remembering that not only is this proliferation of queer and trans voices in the sf/f genres a massive improvement over 35, 25, or even 15 years ago, it’s also happening at the same time as a ton of book banning and book burning all across the USA. In fact, I believe book banning is so hot right now BECAUSE there are so many books coming out that don’t conform to the heterosexual conservative norms. SF/F has always been a place to dream of being different, and the genre is finally realizing its subversive potential. In the 1980s and ’90s we used to march through the streets chanting “We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it.” It feels to me like within the SF/F world, people finally have. DGC Vol 4 is live! Another month, another new edition! Volume 4 (of 13) is now live in Kindle Unlimited. In book 4, Moondog 3 hits the road for a major cross country tour and Daron must contend with a homophobic opening act, a budding friendship/attraction with a rock journalist, and the inexorable magnetism of Ziggy pulling him into his orbit every night on stage. READ IT NOW IN KU: https://amzn.to/3VuJvxN AND DGC VOL 1 is now WIDE! Book one is now on sale at various other outlets besides Amazon, although check out the “A+ content” I’ve added to the Amazon page, snazzy, no? Find vol one on Bookshop.org, Barnes & Noble paperback, Barnes & Noble Nook, and request the ebook to libraries through Overdrive. OR ADD IT TO YOUR GOODREADS TBR: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/9447189-daron-s-guitar-chronicles WIP Report I’m excited to report that one of the short stories I wrote while trying to get my brain back in gear after I had COVID in September has sold to Julia Rios for Worlds of Possibility! The title is “This Goodly Frame, The Earth,” which is a Shakespeare quote because I failed to think of anything else and Shakespeare is a good plan B. It’s about intergenerational diaspora trauma among the women of a filipina-american family, eldest daughter syndrome, and what happens when a ship full of humans that can bend space and time returns to an Earth in climate crisis far sooner than expected. It’s kind of hopepunk, I guess? Meanwhile, Windmark, a.k.a. “the unexpected dragon book,” has passed 50,000 words, but I feel like I’ve barely gotten out of act one? But I’m notorious for misjudging how far into a book I actually am. Until I’m actually done I really can’t tell you where the act breaks or beats are. I just know when it is done, then it will be obvious. A wisecracking nonbinary power bottom just showed up to boss around the hero (from the bottom, of course) and is in danger of taking over the story. I think I’m having the problem that both my main characters are suppressing their emotions so much because of the past trauma that made them hate each other, that they are coming across kind of flat and all the secondary characters seem much more colorful and interesting! Clearly something has to crack soon… I’m also having the problem that I’ve set up a really misogynistic culture, which means our heroine and all the female characters are very much living under a constant threat of sexual violence. I know we’re in the post-Game of Thrones era, which was rapey as all get out, but I really did not set out to write what is essentially female body horror with this book. I sidestepped the issue in The Prince’s Boy by having no female characters… except in the end there is the body horror once the villain comes into physical contact with our heroes. I have to figure out where this one is going to land and how exactly my heroine is going to come into her power. It’s funny, I had half convinced myself to just write another all-male cast book… and then this female-bodied character put her foot down and demanded to be written. So I just have to figure out how to do her justice. AND NOW PHOTOS FROM THE NEBULAS CONFERENCE Met Nghi Vo in real life for the first time! Many Circlet Press alums were at the Nebs (and Moniquill won one!) Caught up with David D. Levine (another Circlet alum), here with Vela Roth and Amy Young-Leith (and me)  With Kate Pennington. Who knows a lot about whales!  And SB Divya. And I have way more photos than this but this is enough picspam, don'tcha think? Tour Dates & Upcoming Appearances 2024: - July 11-14: Readercon, Boston area - August 7-11: SABR National Convention, Minneapolis - October 16-20: World Fantasy Con, Niagara Falls 2025: - January 17-20: Arisia, Cambridge, MA (new hotel: Hyatt Cambridge) - March 12-15: ICFA, Orlando, FL - August 13-17: Worldcon in Seattle, WA Upcoming Cons Readercon last year was a really great time, with a very good outdoor hangout area that turned into a nonstop literary green room party. I just got my schedule and it looks like tremendous fun. July 11-13 in Quincy, Massachusetts (just a few miles south of Boston proper). My reading will be on Thursday night. Should I read from the unexpected dragon book? Or the hopepunk story? Or something smuttier? Hmmm......  Parting Thoughts Okay, no book recs this time, but I will leave you with a link to one recipe, because it is strawberry season here in New England, and that means it is strawberry PIE season, as well. It’s also the season when fresh basil starts showing up in the farmer’s market. Some years ago I took the idea for a dessert we often see: a sort of dessert salad of strawberries served cut up with chopped basil, with a dressing made of balsamic vinegar and maple syrup, but I made it a pie instead. Find the whole recipe at my blog: https://blog.ceciliatan.com/archives/2412 By next month maybe I’ll have read some of the books in my pile and will have some recommendations… I have to finish the proofs and edits on Daron’s books 11, 12, and 13 first, though! Until then! -ctan Read the full article
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putschki1969 · 1 year
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New Message Service "yodel" for Keiko Fan Club Members
A new service will become available for members of KEIKO's Official Fan Club "Meat & Chocolate". The mobile application "yodel" offers a service that allows each member to receive messages directly from KEIKO. Those messages will contain exclusive photos, videos, and voice recordings featuring a more candid and casual KEIKO that is completely unlike from the KEIKO you see in the Message Movies.
The app has a free trial period of 2 weeks, so be sure to give it a try! Message delivery is scheduled to start on Monday, July 10th at around 12:00 (JST). Don't miss the first message! ■ Message delivery start: July 10, 2023; 12:00~ ■ How to participate: Click the 「検索ワード」 button on the FC site to confirm your FC membership and receive your keyword! ■ Download the "yodel -message app-" in your app store [Please note that the app isn't available in all local app stores!] ■ Enter your designated membership information on the "Add Artist" screen in the app, click "Subscribe" when KEIKO appears. ■ Precautions ・You must be a member of the fan club to subscribe ・The first 2 weeks after registration are a free trial. After this period ends, you will automatically be charged 300 yen monthly ・You cannot receive messages unless you subscribe ・Messages will be sent at random ・There is an additional charge for sending letters (160 yen/letter)
yodel - メッセージアプリ - General Description yodel is a new communication service that connects you with your admirers by "talk" and "letter". [Main functions of yodel] ■ Talk By subscribing to your favourite artists, you will receive messages that can only be seen here, such as "photos" and "videos", as well as "voice messages". You can also send a reply message. ■ Letter You can send fan letters directly to your favourite artists. There are "card" type and "letter" type templates for letters. Please choose according to the message you want to convey.
Thoughts: Oh boy, I just spent an entire post ranting about Hikaru using a weird app and now Keiko launches a similar service. It's almost as if I jinxed this🙈 Why do they feel the need to use such "cheap" idol tools??! Is it just to earn a few extra bucks? Or to appeal to a wider (younger) audience? Because I can imagine there are FAR better ways to do that. I've never had an issue with fan clubs as a concept, paying a bit of extra money for a bunch of well-curated exclusive content is totally fine with me (especially since it's such a big thing in Japan for all sorts of artists) but having to subscribe to shady, little-known apps or platforms that feed into unhealthy parasocial relationships is on a completely different level...
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tryslora · 11 months
I have created an author mailing list!
Thank you, folks, for the recommendation of Buttondown--it is stripped down and does exactly what I need and I will probably be happy to pay for it should I ever somehow get more than 100 subscribers. (I will be doing dances of glee should I get more than 100 subscribers).
So far I have subscribed to my own list and sent out a test email. I need to do some more template formatting, I know, and I will get there. Someday there will be a header image. For now, however, straight text with some formatting will have to do.
So, if anyone wants to subscribe to my fledgling newsletter, you should be able to do so via my Buttondown page.
I don't plan to post a newsletter more than monthly, unless I've got an imminent THING happening. There will probably be more posts in lead-up days to an indy release, or while a crowdfunding campaign for PHU print editions via DPP is happening. I'll send out a convention schedule if I'm on programming. But I don't want to spam anyone.
I did manage to get the form to subscribe embedded properly into my official Author Site. My next steps are getting it linked on other social media (and setting up a Carrd site because yes, I'm aware that's a thing I should have, too).
My big next step with the author page is getting a contact me form set up. Last one I tried just wasn't working out for me. I've got another one that I think will work better.
I may not be making words, but it's been a productive November at least.
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2soulscollide · 2 years
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hello hello!
disclaimer: this post is not related to writing, but to a notion template I've created.
these past few weeks i've been developing a notion template for 2023 (for myself), and thought why not sell it online?
honestly, it's been a bit difficult lately because I'm a college student and there's lots of stuff to pay all the time and I'm aware I can't ask my parents for money 24/7. also, next year I'm going to study abroad for a whole semester, which (again) is going to take a lot of money.
so, i opened gumroad store, but I found out it only works when you already have a platform (yay 😒) and guess what! i don't have a platform! tumblr probably is where I have more followers, so that's why I'm posting this here (kind of off-topic I know!)
here goes the little promo:
2023? Well, this is your year!
Make sure you write down your goals, keep them visible on a vision board, and run after them! Don't forget to plan your days through the year and, also important, to keep track of things in your life such as your health and fitness goals, books and articles, recipes, and more.
To help with all of this, I've created this notion template, which contains:
dashboard (overview of your calendar, undated tasks, and upcoming events)
planner (schedule, tasks & events, habit tracker)
health (fitness goals, workout and meal history, life trackers)
workouts (categories, exercises, progress with pictures, measurements, diary)
meals (plan your meals through the week, grocery list)
recipes (save your favorite recipes by category)
finances (weekly balance, log income/expense, statistics, yearly overview, bills, subscriptions, savings)
goals (2023 resolutions, vision board, monthly goals)
personal (learning, shelf - books and articles, prompts, mood log)
This template is all you need to start this new year! Organize and plan each day and month of 2023 with this operating system and make sure you achieve all your goals this year!
Version 1 - Minimalist Grey or Brown
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Buy it here
Version 2 - Cottagecore
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Buy it here
They both cost 7€ / $7 <3 also, if you're not interested, please share to help (I mean if you want to!)
Ah! And the first 15 people to buy get $2 off with this code: decemberplanning
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byrachshop · 2 years
It's 2023 Notion Template
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2023? Well, this is your year!
Make sure you write down your goals, keep them visible on a vision board, and run after them! Don't forget to plan your days through the year and, also important, to keep track of things in your life such as your health and fitness goals, books and articles, recipes, and more.
To help with all of this, I've created this notion template, which contains:
dashboard (overview of your calendar, undated tasks, and upcoming events)
planner (schedule, tasks & events, habit tracker)
health (fitness goals, workout and meal history, life trackers)
workouts (categories, exercises, progress with pictures, measurements, diary)
meals (plan your meals through the week, grocery list)
recipes (save your favorite recipes by category)
finances (weekly balance, log income/expense, statistics, yearly overview, bills, subscriptions, savings)
goals (2023 resolutions, vision board, monthly goals)
personal (learning, shelf - books and articles, prompts, mood log)
This template is all you need to start this new year! Organize and plan each day and month of 2023 with this operating system and make sure you achieve all your goals this year!
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Get your template now!
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nakedsadmoon · 1 year
New template on my profile! Complete for university students, inside you can find many features!
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tragedynoir · 5 months
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— special delivery: YEARBOOK
happy 1 year anniversary to tragedynoir! as thanks, this template will be available to ALL past & future supporters. past supporters can reach out to me if you'd like to access this template!
a yearbook-inspired multimuse google doc template with three variants: dark, light and mobile-friendly. the dark variant includes pre-drawn doodles that can be completely customized in google drawings, but feel free to add your own stickers and doodles!
what is special delivery?
special delivery is occasional bonus supporter-only content as my way of thanking those who generously support me and help me continue putting out free content! they are not posted on any set or regular schedule.
how does it work?
the most recent special delivery will be accessible via a locked supporter-only ko-fi post to anyone who has supported me on ko-fi recently. for one-time supporters (store purchase or one-time donation), this post will be locked again after 30 days, so please download the content before this happens! for monthly patrons, this post will be accessible for as long as their patronage. when a new special delivery is uploaded, old special delivery content will be put behind a monthly patron-only ko-fi post. only monthly patrons will continue to have access to old special delivery content for as long as their patronage, no matter when they start their patronage.
how to access?
become a supporter by purchasing something from my store, making a one-time donation or becoming a monthly patron! you will be prompted to create a ko-fi account to access supporter-only content. the source link will lead you to the folder containing all special delivery posts to access and download! if you have any questions or clarifications, please reach out to me! thank you so much and I hope you enjoy them! ♡
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bitsofshanshine · 6 months
Miffy All-in-one Notion template (Ver. 2): Your gateway to peak productivity with an aesthetic Miffy life planner! 🐰🌷
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Dive into the delightful universe of Miffy, where organization meets adorable charm in perfect harmony. This template isn't just a tool—it's a playful journey that turns your Notion workspace into a haven of cuteness and productivity.
Miffy-themed elements aren't just for show—they're designed to enhance your productivity with a touch of playfulness. From vision board to workspace, experience the perfect blend of functionality and cuteness, making your work and organization an absolute delight.
✿ What's Inside? ✿
🌷 Vision Board: Yearly Goals, Wishlist, Daily Affirmations, Habits Builder, Gratitude Journal, Countdown
🌷 Academics: Class Timetable, Course Notes, Deadline List, Quick Notes, Important Links, Journals & Essays, Assignments, Upcoming Exam List
🌷 Workspace: Work Progress, Work Files, To-do List, Quick Notes, Important Links, Clients, Meeting, Ideas
🌷 Journal: Monthly Journal, Yearly Journal, Affirmations, Photo Archive
🌷 Financial Planner: Monthly Bills, Monthly Expenses, Monthly Goals, Savings Tracker, Subscriptions, Wishlist, Accounts Balance
🌷 Book Library: Currently Reading, Reading Tracker, Monthly Reading Goals, Book Wishlist, Book Reviews, Notes & Quotes
🌷 Movies Log: Currently Watching, Watch List, Links, Movie Reviews, Movie Recommendations
🌷 Language Learning: Weekly Schedule, Study Notes, Study Goals, Study Materials, Quick Notes, Pomodoro Timer
🌷 Self Care: Morning Routine, Night Routine, Self-care Check, Skincare Routine, Period Tracker, Meditation & Affirmations
Additional Gifts
Free aesthetic Miffy PNG images, banners, and Notion covers that I used on this template (ZIP File)
✿ Get Miffy All-in-one Life Planner Notion Template (Ver. 2) only on Gumroad and Ko-fi! ✿
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sunrisestudyblr · 1 year
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BEAUTIFUL weather today. I’m slowly coming back to a lot of old hobbies I’ve dropped and remembering how much I love them.
— short weight set + dance class
— read five chapters of east of Eden outside
— worked on my ongoing painting
— filed my monthly report for a youth club
— took half a math practice exam + reviewed problems
— stated drafting journal templates for my self care blog (!!!)
— actually managed to write a little
— scheduled upcoming meetings with my coaches
🎧: single soon by Selena gomez
📚: carpe jugulem by terry pratchett
favorite part of the day: getting all cozy with some autumn themed ASMR and tea 💜
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loveeat56 · 4 months
Feeling overwhelmed by a chaotic schedule? Drowning in sticky notes and to-do lists?
Wish you had a one-stop shop for organization that could be as flexible as you are? ✨
Introducing the 2024 Printable Planner - your key to unparalleled productivity and mindful goal achievement!
This isn't just a planner, it's your personal command center. ️ Choose from a variety of layouts, including:
Yearly for a bird's-eye view of your year.
Monthly to break down your goals into manageable steps. ️
Weekly for detailed scheduling and to-do lists.
Daily to conquer each day with laser focus.
But wait, there's more!
Habit trackers to cement positive routines.
Journal prompts to spark self-reflection and gratitude.
Goal-setting templates to turn dreams into reality.
Completely customizable! Print what you need, when you need it.
Imagine the possibilities:
Effortlessly manage appointments, deadlines, and life events. ️
Boost your focus and productivity with clear daily plans.
Develop positive habits that fuel your success.
Cultivate gratitude and self-awareness through journal prompts.
This isn't just a planner, it's an investment in yourself. Get yours today and unlock the power of organization in 2024!
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