#Mohawk Territory
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ravensvalley · 4 months ago
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The perfect foggy morning, for another memorable day... Happy Halloween to everyone folks.
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neechees · 11 months ago
So where are the Mohawks??. Most of the nations you describe are all beaten by the white man we were not . Language is still spoken here . Akwesasne .ny. come visit.
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??? I think you're either misunderstanding a post somewhere of mine or you're getting me mixed up with someone else, I know about the Mohawk, I know Mohawk is still spoken, and I don't really ever speak in terms of White countries "beating" Native Americans in the context of Native American genocide and oppression because I think it's reductive and stupid so I can't really think of any post you may be referencing. Otherwise I literally have no idea what you're talking about.
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caniscryptid · 1 year ago
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Kanyen'kehà:ka (Mohawk) protestors face off with the Canadian military during the Oka Crisis, which began over expansion of a golf course into Mohawk territory.
Kahnawake Reserve, Quebec, 1990
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years ago
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"POLICE COURT CASES FOR DESERONTO CADI," Kingston Whig-Standard. June 8, 1933. Page 14. ---- David Maracle Goes to Jail for Operating Still on Reserve ---- DESERONTO, June 8 - There has been considerable activity in police court circles this week, and in addition several cases are pending.
David Maracle who resides on the Reserve was brought before Police Police Magistrate G. F. Palmer on a violation of the Excise Act, the officers having found a complete still for the manufacture of intoxicants.
The accused was found guilty and was assessed $200.00 and costs. As he did not have the money, he was sent to jail for six months.
Three residents of Belleville were apprehended by Constable Frank Smith on the charge that they were intoxicated on Main Street Deseronto and the trio will appear before the cadi on Friday.
Dominick McNamara, who resides at Lonsdale was fined $10, and costs for being intoxicated in a public place, and a local resident will appear on Saturday on the charge that he is alleged to have brewed beer for the purpose of sale, the accused having no permit.
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moody-alcoholic · 1 month ago
Cross My Heart
Part 1 - Self Preservation
Summary: eventual poly141 x reader. Enemies to lovers, mini fic.
CW: Mention/description of injuries, mention/description of weapons.
Part 2
Enjoy <3
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A light flicks on waking you from your sleep. 
Your eyes open looking round the room, it only takes a few seconds before your eyes land on a man holding a pistol at you. He’s sat on a chair, covered in what looks like military gear. There’s a bigger weapon slung over his back. 
“Not a good idea to be sleepin’ when you’re alone.” He has an accent you can’t quite place. Not American though. 
“I had lookouts.” 
“Yeah, ‘bout that.” You swallow hard, your heart is pumping rapidly in your chest. They’re most likely dead. Innocent people dead. 
“What do you want?” You ask, your eyes flick over to the pistol on your night stand. The man seems to see that, a change in your attitude. 
You have to act now. 
You reach out for the weapon. The man is on his feet in an instant, the pistol in his hand comes down hard on your wrist. 
You yelp out in pain, your weapon falling to the floor. The door to the room fly's open, there’s another man now. He makes you jump, training an AR at your head.
There’s no point in fighting.
The man next to you picks the weapon up off the floor, unloading it and throwing it to the side. You swing your legs out the bed, throwing the covers back.
“Don’t fuckin’ move!” He shouts. You hear the safety click off his gun, your breath catches in your throat. You hold your hands up, you’re unarmed, there’s nothing you can do. 
“What are you doing in a ULF safehouse?” The man in the doorway asks, you keep your eyes trained on the person holding the pistol to your head. British? You get a better look at the man in front of you, his badges. SAS, Union Jack, fuck. 
“You’re injured?” There’s blood on his vest, it’s a long shot but better then nothing. “I’m a medic. I can help.” It’s a lie but all you can think about is getting out here alive.
The man looks to the doorway, you keep still. Even if you could tackle him to the ground his friend would finish you off. 
“We’ve got one injured, think you could help?” The man in the doorways asks. 
“What happened?” You ask, trying to hide your nerves. Your mum was a nurse, your dad a doctor before. Before the war.
“GSW.” That’s all you’re given, that could mean anything. 
“You work with the ULF?” The man in front of you asks. You shake your head. 
“Al Qatala?” You shake your head again. 
“Who?” The man in the doorway asks again. This time you turn to him. The mask on his face is splattered with blood. He’s bigger, taller and wider than the guy in front of you. He has the same patches though, Union Jack, SAS.
“You said you had injured? You’re not going to find a hospital around here. It’s all Al Qatala controlled territory.” You say. Self preservation at its finest. 
“Can you help then?” The man in front of you asks. You turn to look at him, your hands still in the air. 
“The longer we wait the less chance I have. Gunshot wounds can be unpredictable.” You say swallowing the nerves. Confidence is key, that's what you learnt once. The man in front of you puts down his weapon grabbing your wrist and pulling you to your feet. 
“Try anything and we fuckin’ kill ya.” He says through gritted teeth. 
When you make it down to the ground floor as their hostage you can smell the blood in the air. The man with the mohawk is walking down first, the man with the mask is behind you, the barrel of his AR digging into your shoulder blades. 
You can see two other people, they’re dressed in similar gear. At least one of them is, the other is laid out on the couch. The man standing turns, he brings a pistol up pointing it at you. 
“Eazy Gaz. She’s a medic.” 
“Doesn’t look like one.” The man-Gaz-says lowering his gun looking around at the people escorting you. You make it over to the person on the sofa. He doesn’t look good. 
You don’t know what you’re doing, you didn’t think you could make it this far. They’ve taken his vest, belt and boots off. It’s just his shirt and trousers, his shirt is soaked through, pulled up to his chest. They’ve been trying to stop the bleeding. You’ve seen wounds like this before, you’ve seen people die from wounds like this. 
“You said you could help him. What do you need?” The voice snaps you out of your head, you look over at him. The mohawk guy, he’s put his pistol away. 
You have no idea what to do. 
“Clean water, and bandages. Sterile if possible.” You say, you can’t tell if that sounds professional or not but they exchange glanses and the mohawk man leaves the room. You take another step over to the sofa. You need to know if the bullet has gone through or not. 
“Not another step.” Gaz says. You hold your hands up again, holding your ground.
“I can’t help him if you don’t let me check him.” You say. 
“Stand down Gaz.” You hear the voice behind you say. You don’t turn but you assume it’s the man with the mask. Gaz shifts gripping the weapon in his hands tighter. 
“You won’t hurt him?” He asks, gritting his teeth. 
“Cross my heart.” You say lowering your gaze, you keep your hands up until he moves out the way to join the man behind you. You look down at the man on the sofa. He’s unconscious, moans leaving his lips as shuffles on the sofa, his skin is clammy you can see the beads of sweat dripping down his face. 
You lower your hands bending down by him. Your hand brushes over the bandages. 
“I got water. Ghost, Gaz. Check your medkits for sterile bandages.” It’s the man with the accent. 
Ghost. He must be the man with the mask. Gaz and Ghost.
A bowl of water is put down next to you. You look up at the mohawk man and nod at him. You’re still not sure what to do. 
Clean the wound, asses the damage and get then fuck out of here. 
There’s no exit wound. You’re not sure if that’s good or bad.  
You replaced the bandages with gauze, homeostatic gaze, the good stuff you've only seen once or twice. The bleeding seems to be under control but that doesn’t help you if you don’t know how much he’s lost. His blood type is O+ that doesn’t help you either. 
You try to remember things you’ve picked up from your parents. He’s breathing, responding to pain even though he's barely conscious. His pulse is as rapid as his breathing, again you don’t know if that's good or bad. You know it can’t be good but you’re not sure what to do. 
You dip your hand back into the bowl of water and wring out the cloth before placing it on the man's forehead. 
If he dies they’ll kill you. There is always someone behind you, you can hear them shuffle, move their weapon from hand to hand. If you tried to make a run for it they would kill you. Your best chance is to save this man. Save the enemy. 
If he’s breathing, you’re safe. 
You continue to make yourself look busy. Patting his forehead, keeping pressure on his wounds. He doesn’t seem to have any other injuries, just a gunshot to the abdomen. 
“When were you going to tell us huh!?” The voice is loud and angry. You turn to see the man from earlier-Gaz storming towards you with a weapon in his hand. He only stops when the barrel is pressed to your head. 
“What’s going on?” Ghost asks, his weapon is still trained on you from a distance. 
“She’s Konni.” The man with the mohawk says. You look up at the man with the gun pressed to your head. You didn't even get a chance to get to your feet. 
This is it. This is how you die.
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 3 months ago
book 7 part 12 part 1 thoughts!
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***THIS POST CONTAINS MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR BOOK 7 PART 12 OF THE MAIN STORY!!*** This spans part 227 to part 244, focusing on Cater and Deuce.
We will get the other 3 Heartslabyul boys in 2 future updates. The second part is Ace, then Trey. Riddle is last!
Please note: this is NOT meant to be a summary or a translation; these are only my initial thoughts on the events that roughly unfold. There may be details overlooked or misunderstood in this post, so PLEASE do not use this as a translation.
We land in what seems to be a hallway at NRC. Unfortunately for me (who seeks vengeance against a certain lion for emotional damages), Leona provides no funny reaction to the bumpy travel while dream hopping. He even makes fun of those who had a hard time, calling them weak if something like that gets to them 💀 YOU'RE ALREADY ON FUCKING THIN ICE, KINGSCHOLAR
Grim gets distracted by the smell of lunchtime so he scampers off to the cafeteria to eat! But... um!??!?! Scarabia mobs in mohawks get aggressive with us.
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Before they wail on us, who should appear but the owner of the dream, Deuce!! Our guy has blonde hair (it's a Japanese trope that delinquents bleach their hair). He intimidates the mobs away with some backup from dream!Trey and dream!Cater, who still appear to maintain their vice dorm leader and "#3 in Heartslabyul" positions, respectively. Sounds like Riddle is still the dorm leader as well.
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Deuce, Trey, and Cater spot Leona and kind of start picking a fight with him???? They say that if Ramshackle has been taken over/absorbed by Savanaclaw, then there will be problems (or something to that effect). (SORRY, THE DIALOGUE IS SO WEIRD AND FULL OF TERMS I DON'T UNDERSTAND CUZ EVERYONE'S SOUNDING LIKE A DELINQUENTTO SOME CAPACITY)
Cute detail: it's stated that Yuu is typically seen with Ace and Deuce! So even in the world of Deuce's dream... he still thinks about their friendship!!
Leona (and Ortho), actually Being Smart, backs off and lets Deuce take Yuu + Grim over to the Heartslabyul table to eat (even though Sebek gets mad about it). Leona tells the others it's better to observe the enemy first, then demands that Idia find a way for him to listen into the conversation Yuu + Grim are having with Heartslabyul. Luckily, Idia is able to hook them up aaaaand...
We get sort of a reinactment of that part in book 1 where Trey explains the 7 dorms at NRC to us, except this time Deuce is dropping the lore in a really bombastic way.
ALRIGHT, SO. In Deuce's dream, the 7 dorms are still the same as they are irl but each dorm sort of functions like its own... gang????? And there are daily gang wars to use the facilities at school. Certain dorms rule over certain territories, and if you want to go there or do something specific then you have to beat a member of the respective dorm in a battle. Rach dorm has a suuuuper over-embellished title... THIS FEELS LIKE SOMETHING STRAIGHT OUT OF A DELINQUENT MANGA (I also want to add that the devs chose the most unhinged expressions in each character's repertoire for the following visuals:)
Heartslabyul is centered in the library; you need to pass them to borrow books.
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Savanaclaw owns the botanical garden (LOL BECAUSE LEONA'S ALWAYS FUCKING NAPPING THERE *flashbacks to the time he almost kicked our shit in for stepping on his tail*). If you want any herbs or other items from the greenhouse, you need to go through Savanaclaw.
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Octavinelle is in charge of the area bordering Ramshackle, around where the Mystery Shop is. Sam has apparently signed a deal with them to have his store there. You can avoid a fight with them if you pay a "toll".
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Scarabia is considered moderate compared to the other dorms, but they're serious about food, as they reign over the cafeteria, as well as places on campus that produce food/ingredients, like the windmill and chicken coops. It'll be hard for you to take the Master Chef course if you aren't comfortable with constantly pummeling Scarabia kids.
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Pomefiore handles the courtyard and the potionology/alchemy labs. If you have to do a makeup lesson in that department, be prepared to contend with them.
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Ignihyde students usually don't come out of their territory, which is the auditorium and infirmary. hbfbyoadfadfpfas DEUCE SPECIFICALLY MENTIONS THAT ORTHO IS A NEW MEMBER AND THAT HE'S LIKE A FIERCE GUARD DOG 😭😭😭
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Finally, Diasomnia has hold of the coliseum and stables. They are considered the toughest dorm and command respect, otherwise lightning will fly.
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Ramshackle is basically Switzerland (ie neutral territory); the ownership is not determined by fighting but rather is determined by the headmaster. (We got no cool visual, lol)
Leona and co. try to think about ways to wake Deuce up... Since fighting seems like an everyday thing in this dream, maybe we have no choice but to go with a physical blow...? But if fighting is so normalized, maybe that wouldn't work... Plus, there are so many faces that the darkness has taken on, so it would be hard to overpower them all. They also discuss their own impressions of Deuce (ie how he looks/tries to present as an honors student versus his efforts and suspected "bad" background). In this dream, Deuce is apparently considered a top performer based on his contributions to the uh student gang wars 💀
A Heartslabyul mob rushes in and reports to Riddle that Octavinelle students are invading the library. Riddle sends Adeuce to clean up and they have this really shounen manga-esque battle where the Octa mobs call Ace and Deuce by long nicknames and Deuce even lets out an ORAORAORAORAOROARAOROAROA!!
A bunch of books are chucked around in the ensuing battle, which causes Sebek to literally FALL TO HIS KNEES and check on them. He laments that they've been damaged and is very upset by this. However, Sebek becomes truly ENRAGED when he actually opens a book and notices its contents are faulty. Like the spelling is screwed up, the pages are blank, or the writing that's there is hard to read. Sebek concludes that the contents of the books are fucked because the dreamer, Deuce, has not read these materials himself to understand them. AND DEUCE DARES TO CALL HIMSELF AN ASPIRING HONORS STUDENT???! SEBEK WON'T STAND FOR IT!!
... This fucking green haired fool shouts at Deuce and provokes a fight by shaming him 🤡 LMAO, Sebek calls the books just papers bound by a cover, IT CANNOT BE CALLED A BOOK!! He tells Adeuce to READ the damn books and then hit each other with the knowledge they gain from reading... OKAY NERD
They open up a book that should list the rules of the Queen of Hearts, but because so much of the book is blank, only like a handful of rules are written down. Deuce says that's not correct, there are WAY more rules--in fact, 810 of them! This starts to wake him up, but dream!Ace becomes darkness and tries to convince Deuce that, at NRC, only strength matters so he doesn't need to study to get to be an "honors student".
Wait, this is so sweet 😭😭😭 The image that Deuce has in his mind right before he wakes is his and Ace's reunion with Yuu and Grim at the end of book 6...
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Deuce joins us to beat back dream!Ace. Of course Ace isn't this one, the real Ace is way more insensitive and annoying!!
Deuce starts to sort of talk down to himself. He says if his dream turned out like this, then there must have always been a part of him that "wants" to solve everything with his fists. Ortho comforts Deuce by saying that though Malleus's dream is created based on a person's desires, the output can be highly variable depending on the individual.
Sebek starts scolding Deuce again for not reading books in their entirety, and they discover one book that seems to have more information than the others. "The Story of the Trump Soldier" is a famous children's book in the Queendom of Roses, containing short stories about the Trump Card soldiers that serve the Queen of Hearts. Deuce says that he has always admired those soldiers and how cool they are, especially when they chase lawbreakers through the rose maze!
AWWWWW Deuce would beg his mom to read this book to him when he was little.. and when he finally learned how to read himself, he'd read and reread the book from front to cover. WDBHLYOIDFFIADIADF WAIT WHY IS THIS ACTUALLY SO CUTE... OTL
Deuce wants to continue reading where he left off and Sebek says the ideal way to read is in quiet so you can focus on the words. ASBHBLSAIHIDBASSD THEY CRACK A JOKE ABOUT HOW SEBEK ONLY EVER SHUTS UP WHEN HE'S READING...
Sebek seems to demonstrate genuine interest in what Deuce reads. I half anticipated him to follow up with an insult, but Sebek is actually very mindful about different reading levels. He even makes a comment that a simple children's book such as this is able to be the start of someone's love for literature, that it can still have the power to move someone as it does Deuce. That's honestly really powerful.
They then get into a conversation about picking books for each other; Sebek suggests that Deuce pick out an easy book for Yuu and Grim to read sometime. We also learn that Sebek would do this for Silver, but that Silver would get sleepy and never fully finish Sebek's recommendations. Deuce has this nice line where he goes "Even if these books are empty now, someday they will be filled", expressing his desire to become that honors student ideal for real and not just superficially.
Guys, I'm glad you like reading (I like reading too) but now is REALLY not the time for it... 🤡 The moment's cute and all (and it definitely feeds into Sebek's character arc about opening up to non-fae), yet it still feels weirdly placed to have so much casual banter when everyone knows what's at stake.
aiuaidbadab Sebek says that he will check out "The Story of the Trump Soldier" when he's out of the dream world... which is so sweet, right up until he transitions into mocking people who don't understand the emotional value of books. Silver apologizes to Deuce for Sebek's attitude and they prepare to hop into the next dream.
But wait! Where's Leona...?
... BRO WAS NAPPING ON SOME LIBRARY CHAIRS WHILE EVERYONE ELSE WAS TALKING ABOUT THE JOYS OF LITERATURE 🤡 ASJVUFEOVEOQIVib;WBIEQTOIPfwpib He finally wakes up with a stupid hot yawn and asks if they're done with their errands.
Okay, NOW we're ready for the next dream. Off we go!
We land in front of Heartslabyul dorm.
OH LORD Grim's gonna be fried up and eaten, I swear... Leona gets mad at him for clinging to his necklace while they fall out of the sky. Grim claims he didn't notice it was Leona because his hair was all over the place (Grim just grabbed what was close to him), and that leads to Leona filing a complaint to the manager (Idia). "Oi, daikon radish sprout! Make travel more convenient for me." Idia refuses, claiming he's too busy and that since travel only takes a moment, Leona can suck it up. He also has the BALLS to say Leona shouldn't pull a selfish second prince move ,adbilbiodsbiasdi AND THEN LEONA GOES HE HAS SOME CHOICE WORDS FOR HIM NEXT TIME THEY MEET FACE TO FACE, YANNO?????? Omg guys... the girlies are FIGHTING...
On the other hand, Deuce LOVED dream hopping. The wind in his face is even better than what he experiences when he rides a magical wheel. Even if he can't control where he's going while falling, he really liked the rush.
Up comes dream!Ace. He asks if Leona's over for tea or something, which makes me laugh a little because even though Leona knows how to act all proper, he LOATHES actually doing it. Anyway, Ace says that there was a Magicam notif about an urgent matter, so they're going to hold a trial. Deuce is confused that such an important announcement would be made via social media, then tells Ace off for not being in dorm uniform for the trial. Deuce also says that students from other dorms are NOT allowed to be present for trials since they're one of Heartslabyul's most sacred traditions. Riddle would behead you so fast! ... Which confuses Ace. SO YEAH FELLAS, I THINK DORM LEADER!CATER IS CONFIRMED...
Ace leaves for the trial, with Deuce chasing after him. The rest of us decide to go after them, since all the Heartslabyul students would be gathered at the trial and it will be easier to determine who the dreamer is.
But up comes... Deuce?! This must be the dream! or NPC Deuce. So we decide to deal with him early and get him out of the picture. He doesn't revert to darkness at any point, so we speculate that this is because we haven't run into the dreamer yet, or maybe because the darkness has yet to register us as a threat to the dream's stability. In any case, we tie up dream!Deuce so he doesn't interfere!
To the courtroom we go! I think it's the first time we've seen this asset...?
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It's very lively inside, some students aren't in dorm uniform though.
OH MY GOOOOOD dream!Riddle is a regular ol' student now. Interestingly, he's got a little red heart as his card suit. It's a similar color and placement to Cater's diamond mark, but he shares the same suit as Ace. sdhlbabiyfaio AND HE'S NOT WARING HIS DORM UNIFORM, HE'S BREAKING A DARN RULE HIMSELF
(Trey is still vice dorm leader!)
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The courtroom doors open and someone zooms in on a skateboard! It's Cater, the Heartslabyul dorm leader and our resident dreamer.
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He is surprised to see students from other dorms present, especially Leona. ADBKHLADBILADBSI LEOAN LIES HIS ASS OFF ANS CLAIMS DEUCE INVITED HIM TO TEA AND CATER BELIEVES HIM
Cater takes a selfie with Leona and posts it on Magicam. Dream!Riddle interrupts to let him know the trial is starting 15 minutes late, so Cater apologizes and says they should begin for reals.
Leona and Idia have a brief exchange about dorm leadership. Most students probably want to be dorm leader more than not being dorm leader. They each express their own opinions about their title; Idia doesn't want to live under someone who is incompetent (he thinks highly of his own skills) and Leona just hates the idea of following someone else's lead. Spoken like the duo who don't have vice dorm leaders, eh...
Uuuuh so it looks like the trial is for a mob student that was too afraid of Cater to invite him to a croquet game. Cater decides to skip to the part where he gets mad and commands Riddle to behead the mob. Sebek complains about the lack of actual deliberation, but Cater dismisses it. All that he needs to render a judgment is his anger, right?
Mmm, that's interesting. Cater's being just as strict as Riddle is irl and continues to use Riddle's power as a means to punish others. His reputation is also just as scary as Riddle's is in book 1, and Cater mainly seems to be using his emotions to judge others. So in one way, yeah, Cater is laxer with the rules (he allows other students to join trials, lets people wear the wrong uniforms for important ceremonies, makes announcements via Magicam, etc.) but is still a force to be reckoned with.
Dream!Trey suggests hearing some witness testimony since there are special guests in the audience today. They have Deuce bring up witnesses, so Deuce picks Yuu and Grim. On the stand, we claim we don't know anything and the jury records our statement using their smartphones.
Deuce drags the still sleeping Leona up to testify. Despite being handled so roughly, he doesn't wake up one bit!! Leona mumbles something in his sleep, it's an order to Ruggie about how he wants a deluxe menchi katsu sandwich at noon. Cater announces that this is SUPER important testimony so the mobs hurry to write it down.
Last up is Silver! He's the only one that takes being questioned seriously and answers with sincerity. He is asked where he was and what he was doing at the time the grave offense was committed. Silver says probably enjoying tea in the dorm. Dream!Riddle asks why, is it his unbirthday? To which Silver says his birthday (May 15) is a little further away.
This makes dream!Trey realize it's an unbirthday, so Cater announces they MUST have a party! And... BOOM, the background goes dark with tons of neon light fixtures! Cater demands food (which I guess is the context for his new SSR's initial artwork) and has dream!Riddle DJ FOR HIM??????!?!??!?!???????? 😭OKAY, I did NOT want to side with Kingscholar but I'm afraid I have to this time... This has got to be the most nonsensical dream so far, which I guess is fitting seeing the source material www
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Deuce wonders if Cater is dissatisfied with Heartslabyul irl, because the Heartslabyul in the dream seems so different. Leona drops it on us that this is actually the Heartslabyul of the PAST, when the previous dorm leader was in power. Deuce would not know about it because he's a first-year student.
BEFORE ANYONE SAYS "Omg, Cater former dorm leader theory real!!!", the game does NOT confirm this. Leona speaks about the previous dorm leader as if it was another student. He never once names Cater. (Oh, and we learn that Leona challenged his dorm leader for the seat when he was a second-year student.)
Deuce reflects and realizes he never really knew anything about the third years because he never bothered reaching out to them. YES, HERE'S A POWER OF FRIENDSHIP AFTER SCHOOL SPECIAL LESSON OTL He also thinks back to book 1 and how not enough strictness (like what they are seeing now) is its own vice, like how too much strictness can also be trouble.
asfuiadofadaefi WHAT THE FUCK
Leona proposes the idea that Trey and Cater are both "using" Riddle. He compares the scenario to how people will bring up a young leader, Riddle, as a pawn in order to overthrow the previous regime (ie the lawless Heartslabyul). Then Trey and Cater become advisors to the new ruler, manipulating him in order to create the kind of country THEY want. It's a tale as old as time. anfbiyoaafiyodgovyqefoiy I HATE HOW MUCH OF A BIG BRAIN MOVE THAT IS...AND OF COURSE FUCKIGN L*ONA OF ALL PEOPLE SAYS IT
The dream!Heartslabyul boys encourage us to eat and drink. Most of us are force fed or pressured into taking a bite/sip, but Leona won’t fall for it. Cater tries to get him to drink mysterious juice from a bottle (does Leona wanna be beheaded?), but bro’s not having it.
Ortho (the one guy who cannot eat) interrupts and reminds everyone that the darkness is trying to lull them back to sleep. We then get the reveal that Trey, Riddle, AND Cater are the darkness, meaning that this Cater is a clone and the real Cater is elsewhere.
Battle time~
Aaaah so Ortho couldn’t identify Cater as a clone because apparently it takes a really strong imagination to make convincing copies??? That, and he comments that Cater sees himself an objective way?? Something, something, because this is a dream, it is hard for Ortho to determine what the true composition of something is.
LOL???? The real Cater barges in, he saw the other Cater’s Magicam post about Leona coming over for tea and got excited about it??? He sees the black sludge everywhere and is sooo confused… It’s literally the meme of the guy walking in with pizza boxes only to find the room on fire 😭
Dream!Riddle is on a rampage and beheading everyone, and THAT triggers Cater to wake up. His own dream fucked up THAT hard.
Deuce is about to be collared but Cater uses Split Card to make a bunch of clones that catch the strays of Riddle’s UM and protect Deuce. This must be the context for his new SSR's groovy!
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He and some new clones join us to beat up the darkness! As they’re melting away, dream!Trey and Riddle call out to Cater AND CATER SAYS THEY’RE DISGUSTING, THE REAL TREY AnD rIDDLE QoULD NEEEEVERRR… “Could you please disappear? Bye bye ⭐️”
OH MY GOD 😭 Cater Diamond is not beating the bi allegations… First it was him excitedly running into the courtroom when he saw that LEONA was there, now he’s all like “It’s thrilling to be woken up by the prince”. I THINK WE ALL KNOW WHO THE REAL LIONKISSER IS HERE FOLKS.
zbsnsbiska Cater compliments Idia’s video an says it’s sooo cute 😂 but Idia is not thrilled with that comment.
Cater says that he’s not unhappy with Heartslabyul irl (Deuce’s misunderstanding, ig??). He actually likes the dorm the way it currently is. So I guess Leona's theory about Cater trying to revolutionize Heartslabyul wasn't true after all?? ADFHJAFBUASDUO CATER ROASTS LEONA BY SAYING HE'S NOT THE TYPE TO BE SAYING THAT BECAUSE WASN'T LEONA TRYING TO DO THIS SHIT IN BOOK 2.
ADBILABIYOAOYOIB CATER MOM MODE?????? He scolds Leona and says the Heartslabyul underclassmen are cute because they're stupid and easy to deceive, he doesn't want them to become twisted and gross because of Leona's' poor guidance. THEN CATER CLAIMS HE HIMSELF IS A KIND RELIABLE AND COOL UPPERCLASSMAN THAT WOULD NEVER EVER TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DEUCE... Is this the same guy who fucking tricked us into painting the roses red for him??? THAT Cater??? *stares at him* Leona says no way will Deuce buy that bullshit BUT DEUCE DOES INDEED BUY CATER'S BULLSHIT OTL YOU POOR SWEET SUMMER CHILD...
ADFBHUFSYUOFSOYFEO CATER CALLS SEBEK "SEBEK-CHAN"... This throws him off, because "Sebek-chan" is something his older sister calls him, but when Cater says it, it sends a shiver down his spine!
The group agrees to head to Ace's dream next. Before they depart, Cater seizes this opportunity to take a group selfie~! aberiylaiyladasd Cater wanted to take a pic of his dorm leader outfit as a souvenir, but then he says he also wants to take tons of pics of Leona-kun! (Leona says this feels like harassment adshasd) adshuvoayafeyovifpbiVIYFWPF CATER DIAMOND YOU WON'T FOOL KME, I KNIOW A LIONKISSER EHWN I SEE ONE.
Aaaand we set off to the next leg of our journey! That's it for this update.
Man. I did NOT expect a Deuce and Cater-centric update to be THIS bulky but here we are, I guess 💀
The highlight of Deuce's dream was definitely the part at the end where he shares his favorite book with Sebek. Now, I still got HUGE gripes with the pacing and how the characters continue to waste valuable time chit chatting and hanging around but that aside, I really liked what this moment did for both Deuce and Sebek's characters. We get confirmation that Deuce truly does want to work and study hard to be an honors student--and as for Sebek, we get to see him actually opening up and sharing something he genuinely loves with others. You can tell just how much he values reading; he doesn't dismiss Deuce for reading an "easy" book and sees actual value in it being a jumping point for others to get into other books. He is constantly sharing books he loves with his friend Silver and encourages Deuce to do the same for Yuu and Grim. AND THIS IS FURTHER PROOF THAT SEBEK IS THE BEST B--*is bricked into silence*
Anyway, I'm glad they didn't stop Sebek's character development in Lilia's dream. I'm definitely now getting the sense that Lilia's dream was just the initial "rude awakening" for him when he's confronted with a dose of his own racism thrown back at him. He's not used to his loving grandfather being so vitriolic to him on the basis of his race. And now in more recent updates Sebek is being exposed to the good side of students from other dorms (such as Jack), as well as connecting with them via shared interests (like he is now with Deuce). It's so adorable how Sebek promises he will check out the book Deuce loves so much once he returns to the real world, AHAHHHHHHH H HHHH H H H H H HH H H H H H H H OTL SEBEK-CHAN LEMME SQUISH YOUR CHEEKS MYR PRECIOUS BABY BOI
Something else I appreciated about Deuce's dream is how his friendship with Ace, Yuu, and Grim is made relevant. When he first runs into Yuu and co., he worries that Ramshackle has been absorbed by Savanaclaw and doesn't want to fight his friends. Then when things are cleared up, Deuce still invites Yuu and Grim to come eat with Heartslabyul. He and Ace fight together very well in his own dream--so well, in fact, that it reminds me a lot of how Silver and Sebek are perfectly coordinated with one another when they fought the flowers in GloMasq. It's Deuce's own (loving) anger towards the real Ace that ultimately wakes him up. And you can tell that Deuce places value in his relationship with Ace, Yuu, and Grim by how he acts. AND THEN WHEN HE WAKES UP HE'S THINKING OF THAT TIME WHEN ALL OF US REUNITED... HOW IS THAT NOT SUPPOSED TO MAKE ME TEAR UP A LITTLE...
I thought I wouldn't enjoy Cater's dream, but I actually found it to be very fun! I loved how silly and nonsensical it was; it really tickled my Alice in Wonderland-loving bone. asdvhdvsoidsa I'M SHOCKED AT HOW MUCH WEIRDLY PLACED L*ONA CONTENT THERE WAS IN ACATER'S DREAM OTL I expected him falling asleep to be a gag at some point, and I was right (it happens in both Deuce and Cater's), BUT I WAS NOT EXPECTING CATER TO BE SUCH A LION SIMP, NOR WAS I EXPECTING L*ONA TO MAKE THAT REALLY SMART ANALOGY ABOUT A POTENTIAL HEARTSLABYUL REVOLUTION... **slams an angry fist on the ground** LITERALLY SHAKING SOBBING THROWING UP OVER HERE 🤡
The twist with the real Cater being somewhere else was really interesting, but it's a shame we never got to go deeper with this idea or get exposure to the "real" personality of his. I think there was another missed opportunity (although this would still prolong the pacing problems, lol) with dream!Deuce being taken out so early. I thought for sure that dream!Deuce would escape his binds and interrupt the trial, and then that would lead into a whole Ace Attorney style segment where they try to deduce which Deuce is "real". It would parallel how Cater's UM allows him to make clones, as well as how Cater keeps putting on an act and not showing his true self to others. At the climax of the trial, the OG Cater could make his grand appearance and the rest of his dream could still proceed like the version we really got. I DON'T KNOW, I THINK IT WOULD HAVE BEEN COOL TO SEE... (<- totally biased Ace Attorney fan)
That being said, Cater's dream felt... more geared toward comedy than being serious? And it's not like we haven't had dreams like that before, but it feels especially hollow because we've been waiting SO LONG for him to get more depth, be if exploring his dark side or explaining more of his general inner thoughts. It sucks we didn't get any of that.
Cater's not a character I care for a ton, but I think I saw a side of him today that's pretty funny! He was delivering banger roast after banger roast, especially when he called out Leona for trying to overthrow another regime while accusing him of doing the same. dbiabsiofobiapb Also love that we get a reminder of how underhanded Cater is (something I felt we didn't see outside of book 1 when he tricked Adeuce into doing his chores for him). He fr abuses his status as a "trustworthy" senior and accuses LEONA of corrupting the kids to gain Deuce's support 💀 That scene was so funny, it had me in stitches!
With every new dream, I think I become more and more confused about how these things even work. It feels like they offer a completely contradictory explanation or a new detail to overcomplicate the situation every update, and now I have like NO understanding of anything. What confuses me the most about this update is how BOTH Deuce and Cater claim what we saw in their dreams does not reflect what they actually want. Like... Isn't Deuce ASHAMED of his delinquent era? Doesn't he NOT want to go back to that? Isn't he trying hard to study and to be an honors student irl? That's the opposite of what the dream shows. Yeah, it would be more convenient for Deuce to understand and succeed if everything were decided with strength instead of smarts, but this is still actively NOT what he would want, especially given all the time and effort he sunk into reforming himself. Cater also very explicitly states the has ZERO interest in being dorm leader, so why is it that his dream manifested this way??? I suppose you could say he's lying (because he very much is a liar) and is hiding his true desires?? BUT EVEN THEN THIS DOESN'T MAKE TOTAL SENSE BECAUSE HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN DEUCE OVER THERE??????
So how are these supposed to be their "happiest" dreams????? THIS MAKES NO SENSE and all I'm getting from this (until the writing clarifies) is that the devs didn't actually make the dreams "happy", it's partly this way because they just wanted a convenient excuse to write scenarios that would be interesting for the players to see, such as Leona being king or delinquent Deuce or Savanaclaw Rook or whatever OTL I'm hoping this gets properly explained by the end instead of continuing to flounder and leaving the fans to come up with all the answers for themselves... (I also pray for us to stop wasting time doing nothing while the world is about to end, but given that this is an Important Part of the Pattern, I'm guessing there is no chance this is happening. A BIRD CAN ONLY DREAM.)
Alright, that's all from me. See you next main story update for Ace and Trey's dreams...!
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cumikering · 2 months ago
Gym bro Soap x reader
4k | fluff After a month away, Soap came back to a pleasant surprise (part 2)
Your new building was a little far from everything. Sure, the walk to the bus stop was longer, but it meant fewer speeding cars or drunk people yelling in the wee hours of the night.
But it wasn’t what sold you on the studio flat. When the polite landlord took you there for a viewing, you passed the gym, tucked away at the end of the building. It wasn’t fancy – probably why it wasn’t advertised it in the first place, but it had all the necessities. You couldn’t ask for anything better for the price.
You weren’t into body building, but it was high time you made exercising a habit, especially now that you had no excuse to skip working out anymore.
In comfy shirts and leggings, you started going. Some days were easier, but you managed to visit the gym at least twice a week. You were proud of yourself for sticking to your commitment despite the circumstances.
See, you didn’t expect much, but the other gymgoers didn’t return your smile even when they would chat and giggle amongst each other. Needless to say, it wasn’t the most welcoming feeling. It didn’t take long for you to learn to keep your head down and stay out of everyone’s way. You started going in at odd hours for a little peace and quiet, so you didn’t feel judged and silly for even trying.
So one early Sunday when you pushed the door of the empty gym open, a relieved smile bloomed on your lips only to drop when grunts and heavy breathing greeted you. You paused in the doorway, spotting a man in a hoodie on the reclining bench.
Maybe another day.
You began your session: warming up on the elliptical before heading to the dumbbell rack. But oh, the only other man there, the same grunting one was there reracking his massive weights. Your steps slowed.
He was huge. He’d taken his hoodie off; his black undershirt didn’t leave much to the imagination. His shorts couldn’t hide his muscled thighs either. He had an interesting hairstyle - a mohawk, as if he didn’t command enough attention without it.
You spun on your heels; you could do something else meanwhile. You made your way to the pulldown machine only to realise the rope attachment was missing. You scanned the room, discovering that it was on the ground next to the cable machine… Which the man was now using.
Well, you certainly didn’t want to disturb. What if he was using it? You contemplated before he let out another strained grunt. That was a territorial display, wasn’t it? A stern warning for you to not bother him. You decided to use the bar already attached.
You’d never used this attachment - always in popular demand, but at least you’d seen people using it. You did your best; a set of 8 was a good start. As you shook off the strain in your arms between sets, you noticed the man walking over in your direction in the mirror.
Was he still using the machine? Or was your technique atrocious? It was a little heavy for you, but you controlled the negative, not letting the weights fall back and slam. Oh dear, you must have done something, judging by the frown on his face.
“How many sets left have you got on this?”
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to jump in,” you squeaked, jumping off the seat.
“No, no. If you’ve got sets left we could work in together.” He gestured for you to sit back down.
You didn’t know where to look. He had such clear blue eyes, trimmed dark stubble lining his shapely jaw. He was far more muscular up close; his wide shoulders only emphasised his tapered waist.
His hips canted as he casually shifted his weight. “And whilst I’m here, I can spot you too if ye’d like.”
With his frown gone, coupled with his Scottish accent, he appeared far more sociable.
“Oh…” You slid back into the seat.
He pulled the bar down for you. “I like a wider grip,” he said, pointing further down the curved bar. “But ye should see which grip is most comfortable. Lean back a bit. Keep yer chest up, and pull.”
You did as instructed.
“Nice an’ slow on the way back. There you go.”
You grinned. “Oh, that’s a lot easier now!”
“Let’s do a set of ten. That’s three… Four…”
After your last rep, he helped you with the bar again as you got off the seat. “Thanks so much!”
“Am Johnny by the way.” He full stacked the machine before grabbing the bar and taking the seat. “If you need help, feel free to ask.”
You would have loved to return the favour, but with the way he made his set of twelve look like nothing, he probably didn’t need the help.
You did two more sets after each other before you headed to the cable machine. He showed you his favourite exercises there, adjusting the height and weight for you. He didn’t make you feel small about making mistakes, instead encouraging you and helping you.
After your session, you thanked him again for his help.
“Don’t mention it. It was my pleasure,” he answered with a smile before taking a swig from his water bottle.
“See you around, Johnny!” You waved at him.
When you walked back to your flat, it dawned on you that it was the first time your workout didn’t feel like a chore. It was then you realised why people preferred having a workout buddy.
It was silly, but Johnny’s little crush on you made him feel like he was in primary school all over again. Because… Well, he wasn’t sure you were even aware of his existence before that Sunday morning.
He saw you first last month after he got back from a mission. It wasn’t often that he saw a fresh face in the gym so you didn’t go unnoticed, especially not when you looked like that. You always had your head down, as if you were trying to be invisible. You might have been to others, but not to him. Sometimes between sets, you’d smile at your phone, maybe even let out a small laugh. The little he saw intrigued him.
It was irrational - he was a grown man. He could just talk to you, but he didn’t, content with simply admiring you from afar. He wasn’t your type anyway. A sweet, quiet lady like you wouldn’t like a brash man like him. And so over the weeks, if he was lucky enough to encounter you, he’d steal glances.
Johnny always preferred his workouts at an idle gym, so when he went on an early Sunday, he didn’t expect anyone to walk in on him and his ratty hoodie. He was supposed to have a run after and didn’t bother wearing anything nicer than the hoodie he went to bed in. But when he realised it was you, he ripped it off immediately. He’d never let you catch him looking like he was allergic to the shower.
He didn’t know what came over him – maybe because he was feeling ballsy with his deployment coming up later that month. But before he realised what he was doing, he was walking over to you, armed with the absurd question of how many sets you had left. It was just as well no one else was there so there would be no witnesses to the devastation, but it wasn’t one. Far from it, in fact.
When you smiled, his stomach flipped – his first time seeing it up close, and directed at him. And that smile remained for the most part until you excused yourself back to your flat.
He swore to never leave his flat looking less than immaculate. It was a good decision, because two days later, he saw you again. He made a beeline to you at the pulldown machine as you finished your set.
“Hi,” he said, helping you with the bar.
“Hi, Johnny.” You smiled up at him. “Thanks.”
Catching you wasn’t hard after that. You told him your schedule and he tried his best to match it even when you didn’t always show. This went on for another week before he finally mustered enough courage to make his move.
“Want to grab dinner after this? Am leaving fer a trip tomorrow so I’ve got nothing in the fridge anymore.”
That wasn’t a lie, but why did he make it sound like he usually cooked his own food? He hated cooking.
“Oh, sure. I was planning on getting something too. What were you thinking?”
He made you choose the place and insisted on paying, mumbling something about you picking up the bill next time. While you appeared to be timid, it was evident it was only because you needed the right company. Over the meal, he enjoyed listening to you talk about your interests. You shared a similar taste in films and recommended each other a few titles.
When he revealed his hobby of sketching, you lit up. Upon your request, he showed you some of the drawings he’d made on his phone.
“Oh, these are wonderful!” you cooed, admiring them. “I used to draw when I was younger, nowhere near as well as you though.”
“Maybe we can sketch together.”
“I must be really rusty by now.” You let out a small laugh, handing his phone back to him. “Unless you want to teach me?”
His eyes sparkled. “Of course.”
The conversation drifted to the best restaurants in the area before he told you he was SAS. He vaguely mentioned that he dealt with demolitions, and that he’d be gone for about two weeks. You seemed impressed by this, and he found it adorable how you kept rewording your questions, as if they were going to offend him. He reassured you you could ask anything and he’d tell you what he could.
At the end of the night, he walked you to your door, and you wished him all the best for his mission with the kindest smile. He promised himself he’d be back soon to see it again.
As Johnny drove to base the next morning, still buzzing from the night before, he kicked himself for forgetting to get your number amidst his excitement.
But maybe it was just as well he forgot.
Countless times he’d been described as a mutt by people on base – too eager and impatient. Gaz had told him he pushed women away with his unfiltered enthusiasm. It was a concept he’d never been able to completely grasp: why would you want people to not show you how much they liked you? He knew he preferred that over someone who played games.
But over the years, he’d been rejected and left hanging. Perhaps there was some truth to what Gaz said. Surely, he was willing to accommodate you as to not put you off. He could be patient and match your pace.
So the morning after he came back, he trimmed his stubble to a presentable length (unfortunately he couldn’t do his own hair so the mohawk was still overgrown). He told himself to not look like he missed you too much as he entered the gym. Alas, he couldn’t hide his excitement from the sheer occurrence of seeing you.
“You’re back!“ You grinned before your gaze dropped to his neck.
The tan lines from his throat mic must have looked apparent. It was a recurring problem.
“I am. Hi,” he said, searching your face. He’d missed you.
After a warm up, he picked up a pair of dumbbells.
Next to him, you smiled. “Looking big, Johnny!”
He paused. Was he, even in his oversized shirt? Oh, you were going to make him blush.
“Ye got plans today?” he asked between sets.
“Just need to do my weekly shopping.”
“My mates told me about this place. S’not too far, think you might like it. Also I can give ye a lift. I need to do some shopping myself.”
“Oh, that would be nice. Thanks so much!”
“I feel I should have got yer number so I didn’t hav to ambush you like this.” He shrugged, pulling out his phone.
You laughed, typing your number in. “Don’t worry about it. I got no plans,” you said as you handed it back.
After his shower, Johnny flexed in the mirror. While he was away, more often than not, he would lose weight. Perhaps you meant to say he had more muscle definition, but it didn’t matter. You noticed. You shouldn’t have given him that compliment because he’d spend days thinking about it with a toothy grin.
You emerged out of your flat wearing a shirt, leggings and canvas shoes while he wore a sweater with jeans and boots. Okay, maybe he was a touch overdressed for a quick lunch and a shopping trip, but you looked so sweet in your casual attire, he couldn’t help but smile.
“I watched some of the films you recommended. You have good taste,” you quipped over lunch.
He grinned. “I’ll be sure to recommend more.”
“And I drew again last week. A castle – a bit ambitious, I admit.” You chuckled.
“How did it turn out?”
“Could have been better, but I enjoyed the process. I think it’d be nice if we could draw something together, and maybe you can give me a few pointers.”
You didn’t have to ask twice. “I’m free this afternoon.”
After the trip to the supermarket, Johnny invited you to his place to sketch. Accompanied by tea and biscuits (something he never ran out of due to his chronic sweet-tooth), the event stretched into hours as you chatted and laughed. You were a good student - following diligently and learning fast, but if he was honest, you weren’t half as bad as you said you were in the first place.
As the sky darkened, you excused yourself back home for dinner. He could have offered to cook, but he decided otherwise as he didn’t want to come off too strong (mostly because he wasn’t ready yet to reveal that he lacked the skills to).
Johnny didn’t mean to, but ever since, he made sure to go to the gym the same time you’d be there. You kept each other accountable with your workouts, reminding each other of the agreed schedule. Not like he needed the prodding - getting to see you was all the motivation he needed, but anything for an excuse to talk to you, right? Besides, it was nice when you texted him, letting him know you were heading to the gym. If he let himself fantasise, it was as if you missed him.
You’d workout together two to three times a week. You’d tell him about your day and he’d listen with a grin because why did it feel so good just to be around you? You’d ask about his day in return, and he’d talk about his mates, mostly the silly stories so he could watch you light up with that melodious laughter.
On the days in between if he couldn’t physically wait to see you again, he’d borrow some milk or eggs. If you didn’t have any either- well, I think were due for our weekly run to the supermarket anyway. Don’t worry, he’d help you carry all your shopping like always. What use were his muscles if they weren’t to help you?
Sometimes when the mood struck, you’d sketch together on Saturday afternoon after shopping. It also became a ritual to take you to dinner before his deployments. He didn’t like to show it, but he still had nerves to be calmed even after many years in the job.
When he came back – he didn’t realise it at first, but he hung around at yours as long as you allowed him to stay. Before you, he preferred to lock himself in his flat when things were fresh. It was then he noticed that he’d been falling asleep thinking of you, especially when he was away – his much needed tranquillity in the chaos. He found himself doodling you in his down time.
However, as well as things were going, it didn’t seem like they were progressing. Working out, shopping and the occasional takeout from down the street in hoodies and sweatpants seemed to be the most he could get.
Of course Johnny adored any minute he had with you, even if it was doing mundane activities. There was something weirdly intimate in seeing the everyday you, that you didn’t need anything grand to enjoy each other’s company. It made him warm and fuzzy inside, but he wanted more. You were more than a gym buddy, or someone who lived in his building. He didn’t want to imagine things with you – he wanted them to be real.
Was he not good enough for you? Was he not your type? Did he annoy you with his excuses to see you? He just wanted to feel useful.
“I can drive ye t’yer friend’s later,” he said as he helped to rerack your weights.
“I can’t let you do that.”
“I don’t mind. Will be on my way out fer lunch anyway.”
Later when you answered your door in a pretty dress, he tried to not gape. He’d never seen you dressed up as you were usually in your oversized shirt and leggings when you worked out, or anything comfortable for the shopping trips and humble meals. Still, in any state, you couldn’t get any cuter in his eyes.
When he pulled up at your friend’s, he turned to you. “Let me know if you want me to pick you up, and maybe we can grab dinner after? There’s a place I’ve been meaning to try nearby.”
“I appreciate it, really. But I don’t want to bother you, Johnny. You’ve been way too nice!”
“Is no bother. Got nothing to do today.”
It was his go-to excuse. Innocent, open-ended, welcoming. It served him well - you were always so grateful for any help from him.
He grinned when you nodded. He needed to show you off, especially when you were so cute that day. Later, you thanked him again for picking you up and insisted you pay for dinner, which he agreed to.
While the restaurant had lovely décor and beautiful, warm lighting, it was crowded that Saturday night which meant the service was slow. It didn’t matter though if he could sit there and watch you smile. Oh, you were so sweet in your outfit, your glossy lips pink and soft. If he asked nicely, would you let him hold your hand?
A voice calling for you interrupted his daydreams. You looked up at the figure approaching before a grin broke out on your face.
“Bella! Hi,” you squealed and jumped out your seat to giver her a hug.
He knew Bella. You’ve mentioned her over the months, one of your cousins. You were going to catch a film with her next week.
“What a lovely dress.” She gave you a once over, rubbing your arms before turning to him with a friendly smile. “And who’s this?”
“Oh, this is Johnny, my friend.”
He tried to hide his eye twitch as he forced a smile.
“Ah, nice to meet you.“ She clasped her hands in front of her. “Right, just wanted to say hi. We’re still on next week, yeah?”
“Yes, of course. See you soon!”
She wrapped an arm around you for another squeeze before heading back to her group of friends a few tables over.
With a giggle, you said something about Bella living nearby, but Johnny barely heard it. The fleeting exchange sent a twinge of irritation to his chest.
Friend? If he was fair, he shouldn’t have expected anything other than the generic introduction. Things had been respectful and platonic so far, which he was fine with, so why would you describe him as anything other than a mere friend?
Okay, so you took things slow, perhaps you were even a little oblivious. It was fine - it really was! It was just he wasn’t used to any of this. Much like fireworks, the crushes he’d had were usually explosive with him charging on and ending as fast as they started.
Not you though. You lingered, hiding and burrowing in the nooks and crannies of his chest like an infection. Not like he wanted you to leave, he wished you never would. Whatever this was, he’d been enjoying it, even if it was just the simple act of doing chores with you every Saturday. In fact, it was the highlight of his week. You had grown to be more than a muse, a constant company in his lonesomeness.
Sergeant John Mactavish, a sniper and demolitions expert, had an abundance of patience - usually. He thought he could play along, but perhaps he wasn’t as patient as he thought he was.
When the bill came, he swiftly sent the waiter away with a wad of cash.
“Johnny, you said you’d let me pay!”
“We’re friends. It doesn’t matter who pays,” he said, shoving his wallet back in his pocket. It was immature, but the sarcasm couldn’t help but bleed through.
He didn’t miss the way your gaze dropped. He walked you to your door, but you didn’t say much the rest of the night.
Johnny’s infuriation hadn’t dissipated by Monday morning. If any, it had thickened and hardened and stuck to his teeth.
He couldn’t believe it. Did you earnestly not realise how foul the F word you used was?
He headed to the gym on base the first chance he got – his sanctuary. The frustration that crawled under his skin was the infamous forbidden pre-workout.
“Gaz,” Johnny called as he laid on the bench, in position for a bench press. “Can ye give me a spot, mate?”
Kyle made his way over with an amused smile, standing over him by the heavily loaded bar. “Going for a PR, eh?”
“Aye,” he grunted, gripping the bar, his thumbs tucked back.
“Oi, oi! The fuck you doing, mate!” He smacked his hand.
“Need to feel something,” he said as he repositioned his grip, before puffing his chest up for the set.
Kyle pushed the bar down, preventing his teammate from lifting it off. “Not from the bar crushing your fucking windpipe though, is it?”
Johnny’s arms flailed to his sides. He sighed as he stared blandly at the ceiling. “I think my heart is broken.”
He grimaced. “Did you get dumped? I didn’t even know you were seeing someone.”
“Ah don’t think… she even sees me as a man.”
“Friendzoned then, innit?”
Johnny had never been friendzoned, because no such thing existed. The term was for cowards who couldn’t take rejections, and he was no chicken. A no was a no, and he never took it to heart.
“Ye know I hate that word.”
“No, no! It’s a good thing. It means there’s still hope.”
His blue eyes sparkled, the first since the dinner. “Wait, really?”
He nodded. “You just need to be clear with your intentions. Be physical, flirt, give her compliments.”
“I thought I’d been doing all that! Also, wasn’t it you who told me I was always too eager?”
“Sometimes when you’re too polite, birds think you’re just being friendly.” He shrugged. “You might need to be a bit bolder to get the point across.”
Was this his green light? He’d waited forever to finally wear his heart on his sleeve.
“If that doesn’t work either, then what’s left is to just be honest. But if she’s not interested, you have to be ready to walk away.”
Poor Kyle – his words fell on deaf ears. With the silly grin on his face, the Scot had stopped listening as he fantasised about shamelessly flirting with you. Oh, he was going to have a mighty good time.
Masterlist Possessive best friend Soap
@tiredmetalenthusiast @sofasoap @astraluminaaa
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miss-vanta-likes-to-write · 3 months ago
"Your mother dreamt of catching fish again." Your brother Autumn said as he walked with you towards the little café near your apartment for brunch. "She's saying that you're pregnant."
You scoffed and turned up your nose, giving him the meanest side eye. If your hangover wasn't so bad, you'd roll your eyes at your superstitious mom. "The ceiling of the veranda is haint blue and she poured a whole box of salt in front of your ex's door to trap her."
Autumn hummed and nodded along, "This is true, but she's hoping and praying you at least get married first."
"Well," you stop in front of the Café door and wait for him to open the door, "My birth control is doing it big, so I don't need to worry."
"So you did take that mohawk guy home last night?" He said as you both entered, "Did you at least take a plan B?"
"My beloved brother, I ate the plan B like a tictac. I am F.N.F, and I'm at the start of my hottest girl summer ever, England edition." You laugh, "I don't have time for babies right now."
Miss Vanta presents: He Canceled Hot Girl Summer.
13 months later...|
Johnny was almost certain that the last year of his life was a fucking nightmare. Him and his team had spent most of that year in safe houses, surviving off MREs, and just generally being somewhere in unhospitable climates and enemy territory. Now that he's been on home soil for a week and Kate has granted them extended leave to pull their lives back together, he couldn't be happier. After catching up on sleep for five days straight, he began his Saturday morning pestering Kyle, John, and Simon into hitting the bar to get as drunk as possible, and maybe just maybe convince a pretty bonnie lass to let him go home with her.
He ended up being successful, and that's how he ended up in a booth, watching a group of women laugh and talk. It was clear that they were pre-gaming, taking pictures and videos, drinking shot after shot of liquor. They were the type of women he went for, lively, sassy, fun, and flirty. It reminded him of the last time a year ago that he was in this bar before being shipped out for the year in hell. He remembers it clearly, a pretty brown girl, long wavy black hair, long pretty nails with glittering gem stones gripping his hair, begging for mercy.
She was a good lay. She sucked his dick like it was the last thing she'd ever get to do, made him keep eye contact with her, and those full lips of hers were soft. When he fucked her, she fucked him back. Some of the things out of her mouth were enough to make him blush, honestly.
"Fuck this pussy like you hate me Johnny." She begged him when he had her bent in half. "Spit in my mouth." And he did. It was a first for him, but when he watched her swallow, the imagery went straight to his dick and made him impossibly hard.
"Fuck" He had groaned as she rode him, his face was pressed into her neck and he bit down hard. "This pussy is mine, fu- fuck jus' 'ike tha," and when he couldn't take it any more he rolled her over and fucked into her with the purpose of making her cum, so he could feel her bear down on him and squeeze him tightly. The sounds she made stayed with him. Each groan, curse, the sound of her pussy the wet 'pap pap pap' of each thrust. She had come so many times that there was a creamy ring around the base of his dick. She scratched him on the back, bit his earlobe, and kissed him deeply. It was downright nasty, all tongue and the clash of teeth, the need to be fucked and to fuck. It was like the coming of two people driven solely on the base instincts to mark and claim each other.
So when she told him, "Make me a cream pie and eat it out of me." He did. He came hard with an animalistic growl. His balls pulsing hard, and his dick flushed red and overly sensitive. After he ate his cum from her swollen and slick pussy she kissed him slurping all of it out of his mouth and swallowing.
The next morning, before the sun was even up, he snuck out of her place. He felt bad, but he had to get back to base so he could leave. Part of him wished he left his number or even his snap chat, but he was out of time, and he didn't want Simon or Captain yelling at him for being late.
"Soap, you good?" Kyle asked, "You've been staring at that table of birds for the last five minutes."
Johnny blinked a few times. He was really lost in thought for a good minute. "Nae, 'm fine."
One of the girls at the table kept looking at him, and she would lean over and talk the other two girls at the table. It looked like they were talking about him and his team, probably going on about who was going to get who in bed. He could go for a fun night cap and sex, maybe even a fling since he was going to be on leave for a bit.
The table of girls erupts into a bunch of shouting and wild gestures. They aren't really speaking English, but it sorta sounds like English but jibberish, too. The girl who is dressed in powder blue with blonde hair stands up and turns to look at Johnny full-on. The girl dressed in black is trying to pull her back into her seat, but powder blue is already marching across the bar towards them.
"Oh boy," Kyle mumbles, "Soap she's looking right at you."
"She's certainly a spit fire." John says, pausing his conversation about updates on his own personal life. He had been saying that his own wife would be back home tomorrow from visiting the States.
Powder blue stopped in front of the table, her hands on her hips. "You're that guy from a year ago!" She shouted, pointing an accusatory finger at him. "You ruined my friend's hot girl summer and then just dipped! No number, no Instagram, not even a Facebook message or a whatsapp or a snap chat!"
Johnny squinted his eyes, "I'm sorry, wha?" This girl was crazy. He didn't even recognize her.
The girl in the black had rushed over, doing her best to pull powder blue away, "Aaliyah, what if this isn't even the right guy?"
"It is him! I remember the stupid mohawk she liked, and look at that hair color! It's the exact same as Omari!"
Kyle chokes on his laughter at the mohawk jab and tries to diffuse the situation, "Ladies, I'm sure there's no need to cause a scene."
Powder blue, who is now known as Aaliyah, huffed and shoved her phone into Johnny's face, "Do you remember this girl?"
He squinted his eyes, "I really don't remember much from a year ago as I was drunk around this time." He looked at the picture and was confronted by that pretty brown girl that turned him out.
It was an Instagram photo of him drinking a body shot off her. Kyle was in the picture, his face buried in the chest of the girl who he recognized as the one standing with Aaliyah. That part of the night was hazy at best, absolutely blackout at worst. Aaliyah then yanked the phone away from him and swiped furiously before finding what she was looking for. The next picture he saw was of his pretty brown girl, posted up in a hospital bed holding a bairn that had his hair and was a perfect mix between his own skin tone and his mother's.
Johnny felt like he was going to be sick to his stomach. "Wha 'm I lookin' at?"
Aaliyah crosses her arms, "Your son Omari Malachi Knights. A year ago, you ruined my best friend's hot girl summer."
The world felt like it was spinning, and Johnny suddenly didn't feel like drinking anymore. His stomach was queasy, and he could distantly hear Gaz, John and Simon trying to figure out what exactly was being said. He tasted bile in his mouth and leaned over and threw up on Aaliyah's open toed shoes.
A/N: Special thanks to @evergreenlake cause we are writing secret child tropes together! Go check out hers called "And fate was on his side." it features Price x Reader. I'm gonna try doing comedy with this trope because it seems like it would fit with Johnny.
F.N.F means fuck n*gga free it's a song by Glorilla.
Reader comes from a superstitious southern family. She's living in England with her brother Autumn.
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cherie-doll · 5 months ago
☾ Headcanon: COD Men As Werewolves
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⨯ Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Roach, Alejandro, Phillip Graves, Keegan, König, Horangi, Nikto
His breathing becomes ragged, hot breath fogging the clouded reflection in the mirror. His body trembles and his knuckles turn white as he grasps the mirror edges. His mind blurs as he tries to concentrate on his image in the mirror, with each pounding heartbeat, his pain grows unbearable.
He could feel the fur prick through his skin as it covered his body, a set of sharp teeth grew, and pointed claws broke through the pads of his fingers. His gaze became unclear, turning into something less than human before he lost all focus.
He for some reason gets a lot of scars and scratches from accidentally clawing at himself
He hasn't been a werewolf for long so he's still getting used to it just like you are
You treat his injuries yourself because you can never decide whether you should take him to the doctor or the veterinarian
You find him acting odd, like truly doing the weirdest things. But when is he ever normal?
That new chewing toy you bought for your puppy? Suddenly you find Johnny with it in the living room gnawing on it, at least it's not your furniture
Will randomly lick/affectionately bite you
Dude imagine how cool he looks in his werewolf form with his mohawk
Kyle absolutely despises being a werewolf in summer, you can always be sure to find him soaking in the bathtub all day
You both sleep with a fan in summer, just sleeping next to him makes you feel the heat radiating off of him, you can't even imagine how he must feel :(
But it's an advantage in fall and winter, practically turns into your personal heater in winter, just cuddling together the entire time, and since he bought the best conditioner for his fur it's so soft
Loves you stroking his ears and tail, gets highly sensitive with his tail
He frequently runs off for days and when he comes back he always brings something for you
You don't want to hurt his feelings so you have to pretend that the dead bird he brought you is the best gift you've ever received whilst he watches, tail wagging and seemingly content :(
Imagine how much hair would be on his chest ૮꒰´ ཀ ྀི꒱ა
Sheds everywhere
You have to help him shave it because the amount of thick hair he grows is insane and even gets in the way sometimes
He'll be getting it stuck in zippers, tangling it even more when he tries to cut it with scissors
Completely gives up wearing clothes and just stays inside the entire time because he overheats with clothes on
Phillip Graves
He gets territorial and stays lurking near the house, the mailman can't even come near to deliver the mail
Bares his teeth and being downright mean so you can't have anyone over but turns soft for you
And when he gets hungry you make him eat outside, you can’t stand watching him eat raw meat or making a mess inside
Likes scaring the living daylights out of you
Sometimes it's easy to forget your boyfriend is a werewolf when he doesn't tell you exactly when he transforms
He laughs seeing your sleepy eyes widen in surprise when you wake up to a beast in your bed
He stalks around at night scaring kids too, loves scaring the little shits knowing no one is going to believe them if they ever told
He's strong but imagine how much stronger König becomes when he transforms
It sounds hot but also imagine how much of an inconvenience it is for him
He's constantly breaking doors when pushing/pulling on them, breaking chairs, can't get a single pair of pants or shirt on without it ripping
Likes to tease you by biting or nipping at your skin, especially in sensitive areas like your neck, chest and thighs
His nighttime activity increases, when you wake up in the middle of the night to find his side of the bed cold and empty, you open the Find My app to track him and find that he decided to take a walk around town and even went out to eat
Sometimes you accompany him but it's almost every night he does it and you can't keep up
He's actually really gentle as a werewolf
Although you're used to his big body weighing down on you
Since his claws grow out he has you filing them down and clipping them, as a joke you sometimes paint them and he has to go around looking like a menace until someone sees his hot pink nails
Is very protective of you, like a lot more
Won't let you go anywhere by yourself, especially at night and is by your side 24/7
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ravensvalley · 7 months ago
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I'm still very busy but I always have the time between 2 trails for a quick stop to say hi.
So Hi Folks! And hope you all having a good day so far.
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immaculatasknight · 8 months ago
The colonial mind
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qwimblenorrisstan · 6 months ago
ParkRanger!Reader and Hybrid!141 Hc’s
This can really be interpreted as platonic or romantic, depending on how you look at it, but I just think it would be hilarious to be a fire lookout or one of those people who stays in the tall towers in a park for months on end.
Sure, maybe some of the wildlife was a bit too friendly, but that was just normal, right?
Like that burly bear that lived in a cave nearby, occasionally migrating, but never attacking you when you accidentally crossed its path. It got along oddly well with the other wildlife, well, except for the other male bears, who seemed to not respect its territory. You’d nicknamed it “Price”, because of how much money the park had to pay each year due to the bear mauling the electrical system sometimes.
Or the buck that would wander around sometimes, one of the prettiest deer you’d ever seen in all honesty. It was a wonder it hadn’t been devoured by some other animal yet. But it would sometimes let you give it secret little pets, even if the park discouraged any interaction with wildlife. You’d nicknamed it “Gaz”, because of the incident where it had gotten into a barrel of gas for your generator, and you’d had to rush it to a local vet.
The shaggy stray wolf that hung around was a bit odd, too. Blond fur hidden underneath grey and black patches, with keen eyes that you seldom noticed before it moved. It never let you pet it, but sometimes in the middle of the night, you’d be out on a trail, and you both would catch eyes. Or it would give little growls in warning to you, of whatever else lurked these woods. You’d nicknamed it “Ghost”, for obvious reasons.
And last, but certainly not least of your strange menagerie of animals, was the honey badger. It looked normal, other than some strange spots of hair sticking up that looked like some larger animal had tried to groom it. It snarled at anything, but as long as you didn’t get too close, it would happily trail behind you on whatever path you were taking for work. It was mischievous too, getting into your food and belongings in your backpack. You’d nicknamed it “Soap”, because, in the middle of the night, you’d woken up to find the thing in your tower, drinking some liquid soap. It had run before you’d gotten it to a vet but seemed fine a few days later.
Your odd little group of animal friends seemed weird, obviously, but you’d just chalked it up to them being exposed to park rangers and humans more often than normal wildlife. That was, until, one night you went out late to fix your generator that had run out of gas, only to hear footsteps crunching behind you, and whirling just in time to see a middle-aged man you’d given a fine earlier for setting off fireworks in the forest, holding a thick log, ready to smack you with it.
Rather, he was going to smack you with it, before he was tackled to the ground, and multiple fists began beating him into the dirt.
You stood there, dumbfounded, watching as four men, bare as the day they were born, slowly got off the unconscious man’s body.
One shorter man with a mohawk, one pretty one with browned skin, a taller one with a gruff beard, and the tallest, a grumpy-looking man who was built like a brick wall. They stared back, at least moving to cover themselves for your sake before the man with a mohawk and a stupid grin on his face spoke.
“Been wanton’ to bea’ his head in for a while.”
His chin jerked to the unconscious man, now bleeding everywhere in the grass.
You sighed, knowing that you were in for a long night.
(might write a fic for this?? lmk if I should)
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 years ago
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"Indian Pleads Guilty To Cheque Forgeries," Toronto Globe. March 25, 1930. Page 3. --- (Special Despatch to The Globe.) Belleville, March 24. Huron Alden Brant, an Indian from the Mohawk Reserve, was arrested yesterday in Bloomfield, and today appeared in Police Court charged with forgery of a cheque of $100 on the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Deseronto, to which he pleaded guilty; also to a cheque forgery of last year, amounting to $79.50, on the same branch. He will appear for sentence Saturday. He represented himself to the banker as William Green, and when told to get identification on the cheque forged the name of a storekeeper at Shannonville, according to the police.
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losersimonriley · 4 months ago
the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out
Simon and Johnny die. And then they wake up.
pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley/John "Soap" MacTavish
tags: major character death, but they're both ghosts, afterlife, these two are so in love in every version of themselves, actually quite sweet despite how it sounds
word count: 1252
warnings for descriptions of decomposing human bodies
There is nothing left but the two of them.
No missions, no worldly travelling, no deadlines and commitments. No war and no enemy. No bureaucratic nonsense, no rules. Only endless time.
There is no plot to follow anymore.
He's dead. They're both dead.
He's just waiting for Johnny to wake up.
Time is different here—expansive and condensed, depending on which way he looks at it.
Johnny just needs to wake up. Simon has been lying by his side for so long now—or not so long at all. The wildflowers have turned brown and droopy, the willow tree has gone bright orange. It sways in the crisp wind, and grey clouds swirl.
They died in an embrace. Simon's arm is pillowed beneath Johnny's head, Johnny's rotted hand is falling into Simon's rotted cheek. Their faces are turned toward each other, so close, as if they'd been about to kiss right before the reaper took them.
Their bodies have gone past rigor mortis and bloating and purging. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. He can look on and chuckle as a maggot falls from his body's open mouth onto the dead grass beneath them. There is a particularly territorial fly situated over Johnny's chest. Anytime another creature comes too close to its treasure, it buzzes them right off. At least he's got free entertainment until Johnny comes to.
He feels so light after all this time.
In another year, green grass and blooming flowers will cover the spot where they lay. The ecosystem will work them into its space in whatever way it sees fit. Simon and Johnny will be long gone away from here.
They'll go find Price and Gaz probably, just as soon as Johnny settles into his new incorporeal form. It was…a lot to process by himself, being the first to wake. He hadn't understood it at first: looking on at his own dead body as if from a third person perspective. Being able to sit up, get up and walk around their perfectly picturesque autumn hillside. No graves, no cremation or burial, no marker.
He doesn't quite remember how they got here. He's hoping Fly Food here next to him has some idea on that part. If not, they'll figure it out from Price and Gaz. He hopes they're back at base, because that's where they'll look first. It'd be just like the two fuckers to send them on a wild good chase around the world, just trying to find them to figure out what happened.
Leaves fall around them.
He hums a tune stuck in his head—one he thinks he's heard Soap sing before.
Leaves pile up, and the temperature drops. Funny how he can still feel the chill in the air. He thinks he might be the chill in the air.
Another blink, another rustle of leaves, and Johnny is sitting up from his body. It's not like how he came up from his own—Simon's awakening was violent, like shooting up from a nightmare, breathless and heart hammering. Johnny blinks awake slow and sweet, stretching his arms like he's just had the best nap of his life. Bastard.
It's a holy experience to see him like this again. Lively. Not decomposed.
Johnny grins at him. "Mornin', beautiful."
"Fuckin' finally."
Like magnets, like it's the most natural thing in the whole of the universe, like they've done it all their lives—their lips meet in warmth.
Johnny holds both hands on his cheeks, preventing Simon from moving, even if he wanted to. Simon holds the back of Johnny's head, short hair of his mohawk threaded between his fingers.
"Been waitin' to do that for forever," Johnny says against his mouth, foreheads resting together.
"Why didn't you, then?"
Soap makes a point to look at the corpses beside them, forever trapped in a lover's embrace. "Uh—reckon, I might have tried."
Simon kisses him again.
If he had to liken it to one thing, it would be falling into the sun. He's dead, but he's burning alive.
Johnny doesn't remember anything. Not actually a big surprise there. Just…he'd been hoping they could just relax and enjoy their afterlife, instead of going on a journey to solve a whole-arse mystery.
The fun thing about being dead is none of the living can see them.
The annoying thing about being dead is all the other dead people can see them.
And there are a lot of fucking dead people on this Earth.
He thought the train was crowded before? He had no idea what crowded truly meant until now; they're squished tighter than sardines in this thing. He's sitting inside another person—at not in the sexy way.
It a Living, and he's fairly sure he's giving her cold chills.
Soap is far too amused by it all, talking to other dead people. Ghosts, Soap has deemed them all. Much to his own unamusement. He's got a feeling this afterlife is going to be as long-suffering as his living-life was. Just in a different, more absolutely perfect way.
What Johnny's gleaned from his conversations so far seems to be that nobody remembers how or why they die. That's something every person has to figure out by themselves. If they want to. No rules, and all.
He'd foolishly thought death might mean a break from lessons learned and deep thoughts. Apparently not.
Some dead fuck accidentally elbows his ribs. Why are there so many ghosts on the line to fucking Hereford? Is there really that much of a hankering for the mediocre fish bar, or are they all simply travelled everywhere else in the world and a Herefordshire autumn is the last place on all of their lists?
Can they even eat? He'll have to have Johnny ask someone before they make arses of themselves in public.
A quick glance around spots his target, his other half, sitting inside a sleeping old man while talking to another old man ghost. The geezer looks all too happy to explain whatever Johnny is animatedly asking about.
Despite the crowd of lifeless fuckers, he's really never felt more alive.
He rather wishes he could've told his living self it would all be okay in the end. Because there is no end. There's Simon and Johnny, and a train, and questions to answer, and an endless amount of time to figure everything out.
Johnny catches his eye from across the aisle, and there's that mad, signature grin. He says something to the man while nodding in Simon's direction before getting up and making his way back over beside him. Then the old man grins at him. A blush creeps its way up his neck onto his cheeks. So that can still happen.
Soap sits inside the other lady next to his own.
"That's Reginold. Reggie," Soap informs.
He quirks an eyebrow. Alright?
"He died in eighteen-forty-three."
"Condolences," he says dryly.
Johnny leans in close. "An' he thinks you're just a braw gentleman."
The blush rises to his ears, and he risks a side-glace at Reggie.
"But I told him ye were taken."
Johnny kisses him there, slowly and deeply, in the middle of the train. With everyone watching.
And it's okay. It doesn't matter who sees. They're already fucking dead. All of them.
He'd like to go back to visit their bodies someday. Maybe they can bring flowers, fix up a marker, so the living world knows they were there.
Johnny and Simon, dead and gone, still here, forevermore.
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sterifels-blog · 1 month ago
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The bar hummed.
Not with the dissonance of an overworked Friday night crowd, but with a rhythm— a syncopated lull of laughter, clinking glasses, and the occasional burst of boisterous cheering when someone’s dart hit the bullseye. It was warm, sticky almost, like honey had been dripped down every surface, trapping in the smell of spilled beer and aged whiskey. The air carried the distant tang of cigarette smoke, though none lingered inside. It made your stomach twist in an odd, pleasant way, a little drunken from the atmosphere alone.
The team had claimed their usual corner—far back, beneath the buzzing amber light of a burnt-out neon beer sign. Soap was sprawled out like a prince, one leg hooked over the other with his foot tapping to some unheard tune. Gaz and Price sat across from him, the former grinning as he recounted a story of some poor rookie who’d locked himself in an armory closet. Simon loomed behind them like a sentry, nursing his drink and watching the room with those hawk-like eyes that saw too much and said too little.
Johnny, though?
Johnny was... three sheets to the wind.
“Ma, ma,” he slurred in a sing-song tone, leaning impossibly close to your side as he threw an arm around you. His brogue was thick, dripping like molasses and positively singeing with fondness. “You’ve not touched yer drink, aye? Yer gonna make me look soft.”
You laughed, elbowing him lightly. “I think you’re doing that just fine on your own, Johnny.”
That earned you a cheeky grin, teeth bright and dangerous, a wolf hiding in the skin of a man. His hair was a mess, brown tufts sticking out in every direction from his mohawk like he’d wrestled the devil himself and come out victorious. The scent of him was heady— sharp cologne softened by the musk of sweat and something more personal, like pine needles crushed underfoot. His arm stayed firm around your shoulders, fingers tapping absently against the sleeve of your jacket.
It was nice. Until it wasn’t.
The man appeared out of nowhere, too close, too fast, his breath already warm on your cheek before you even registered him. He was tall, broad in a way that suggested he thought himself larger than he really was. His smile was wrong, too sharp, and it twisted his face into something almost predatory.
“Hey there,” he drawled, voice slick with an oil-slick confidence. “Didn’t mean to interrupt, but I couldn’t help noticing you from across the room.”
Johnny stiffened at your side, his arm tightening until it was less casual and more territorial. Like a line in the sand. Like the man had stepped too far into his space—into your space.
“Dinnae bother,” Johnny said, voice low and dangerous despite the slur softening his edges. “She’s wi’ me.”
The man laughed, an awful sound that made your skin crawl. “Is she, now? Doesn’t look like she’s yours.”
Before you could even process what was happening, Johnny had shifted. His other arm snaked around your waist, fingers gripping the denim of your jeans like it was the only thing anchoring him. He pulled you flush against him, chest puffed out as he fixed the man with a glare that could have sent a lesser person running.
“Listen, pal,” he began, the words dripping with sarcasm and venom all at once. “Ahm gonnae make this real simple fer ye. Ye see this bonnie lass? This one right here?” He gestured toward you, fingers flexing against your hip. “She’s mine. No’ yers. So why dinnae ye take yer wee, pathetic excuse of a chat-up line an’ bugger off, aye?”
The man faltered, his confidence visibly wavering under Johnny’s intensity. But he wasn’t smart enough to quit while he was ahead. “Didn’t realize she needed a babysitter,” he sneered.
“Oh, ye didnae?” Johnny barked out a laugh, wild and sharp-edged. “Well, now ye know. An’ if ye dinnae get yer arse outta here in the next five seconds, I’ll be yer feckin’ babysitter, too.”
The man hesitated, eyes darting between the two of you. Then, finally, he raised his hands in mock surrender- a scoff rumbling in his throat, and slunk off into the crowd.
Johnny exhaled sharply, his grip on you loosening just enough to let you breathe. But he didn’t let go.
“You alright, ma?” he asked, voice softer now, though his words were still thick with drunken affection.
“I’m fine, Johnny,” you murmured, looking up at him. “You didn’t have to—”
“Aye, I did,” he interrupted, eyes boring into yours with a sincerity that made your breath hitch. “Nobody messes wi’ you. Nobody.”
And just like that, the tension broke. He grinned again, that wolfish, mischievous smile that made your heart do flips.
“Now, where’s yer drink?” he asked, dragging you back toward the table. “Can’t have ye lookin’ sober while I’m out here makin’ a damn fool of meself.”
Price raised an eyebrow as the two of you returned, but he didn’t say a word. Simon, however, smirked behind his mask, muttering something that sounded suspiciously like, “About time.”
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dinowolfthezombie · 2 months ago
I recently tweaked my Monty design. I made his colors darker so he blends with the environment of Monty Golf better. Monty being an ambush predator is a big part of his character in my story.
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I gave him more of a mullet than a mohawk because I saw some art of Monty with a mullet and I liked the look. But then I came up with a lore explanation for it, so that's cool.
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And I was happy to find out that alligators have nictitating membranes. Which means Monty now has a third eyelid that blinks sideways. Not only is it cool, but it is perfect angst for why he wears sunglasses.
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Now, for the lore dump. I have been working on my own Security Breach story since the game came out. I have two parts planned out. Part one is called Wolves and Rabbits and takes place from Roxy first going online and before Gregory shows up. The second part will be called Gory and will cover the events of the actual game (except it's a whole week instead of one night).
In this story the animatronics were made by combining the materials for human and animal androids. The animal parts were originally made to perfectly replicate actual animals (for educational purposes in a future with more men than beasts in the world).
Out of everyone, Monty was the most animalistic and decidedly inhuman. His blinking freaked patrons out, his solitary and territorial personality made him difficult to work with, he couldn't produce heat and didn't show signs of being cold like mammals did, he was lazy and didn't like leaving water he was submerged in.
During Wolves and Rabbits, Monty sort of obliges to management's wishes, he wore the sunglasses to hide his eyes, he showed up for events, even rehearsals. But when he found out that maintenance planned on reprogramming him, that's when he went rogue. He hid from all the employees and never showed for events or check ups. His colors got darker and his hair grew out. His systems failed once in a while and only those he trusted repaired him.
He sort of became an urban legend. At least until Bonnie disappeared.
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