#Loud Lord
xlordxard · 4 months
FACE - I HATE HUMANS (НЕНАВИСТЬ) [prod. by Loud Lord]
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wintersberg date night with @heraxic designs......... they r refueling my wintersberg phase 😭😭😭
i think ethan would be a very emotional drunk
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toringo · 6 months
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"Average D&D player attempts complex surgery at least once in their gaming career" factoid actually statistical error. Lou Wilson-
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blorbocedes · 28 days
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oh lol they're gonna kill george. georgie porgie pudding pie being stuck in a williams dungeon contract and forever aiming to get into merc, gets into it right as it started its flop era and held his own against a 7x wdc, wanting to be treated as the proven asset... only for torger wolff to put in a child in the other and his very public hopes and dreams of signing the one that got away verstappen
what possible mark do you win against a rookie in his first year in f1?
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deimosatellite · 2 months
like idk it just seems actually nefarious to take one of the very few widely known instances of queerness in older history being a symbol to show queer people that we've always existed and aren't alone for CENTURIES and taking away the queerness from it. like. i know some people say that ''the queerness isnt important in the book" which i mean in my opinion i could go off for 10k words in an essay as to how basil's love for dorian is integral to the story BUT EVEN APART from that its really just. having a real explicitly queer character in such an old and widely regarded classic novel is HUGE for queer history and this is just. literally like. its 2024. why are you doing queer erasure to DORIAN GRAY
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shivroy · 10 months
FINALLY my connor roy comic is finished! the ao3 link is there for your reading ease + if you want to comment but if you don't wanna go to another site, here is the full thing :') <3 i love you connor and i love you
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art-from-within · 4 months
Alright -- it's perfectly fine if you can't.
... Morgott hugging Mohg. 😔
There's... Two ideas. The first being tears of sorrow.
Morgott's just fought Radahn... And Miquella... And Mohg's body has been restored. However abscent of soul.
Morgott can only hold his brother, cradling his head in his arms as he weeps.
... Tears of joy...
At some point, Mohg's discarded soul caught onto Morgott as he traversed the Land of Shadow. And, reunited once more, Mohg's soul is able to find it's way back.
And Morgott can only weep; not in sorrow, but in joy.
... Perhaps... Mohg is holding Morgott's hand.
Either or... Leaning toward joy. For obvious reasons. 😔
And like I said: It is entirely up to you!
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f-ckingawful · 1 year
my dealer: got some straight gas 🔥😛 this strain is called “lord of the flies” 😳 youll be zonked out of your gourd 💯
me: yeah whatever. i dont feel shit.
5 minutes later: dude i swear i just saw a beast in the trees
my buddy jack, pacing: ralph is lying to us
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rielzero · 6 months
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Love the idea of anytime Bofur gets really drunk after meeting Bilbo his go to drunk action (we all have one) is to just grab hold of Bilbo and cuddle with him all night while the others still bring him drinks. Bilbo is just content to lean back against his chest and enjoy the cuddles.
Someone walks over and tells Bofur he needs to get up to do something and he just grumbles. Fili and Kili were in hysterics laughing when Bofur ended up accidentally telling Thorin to fuck off because he didn’t notice it was him when Thorin asked him to do something. Bilbo is trying not to laugh while the others are laughing their heads off and Thorin is rolling his eyes but doesn’t take it personally because he’s happy his company are enjoying themselves when they have such a tough road ahead of them.
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hooked-on-elvis · 5 months
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stitcherofchaos · 2 months
Kidnap Fam vs Earendil and Elwing controversy: Regarding the twins
Maybe I’m too practical-minded, but I see a lot of people either supporting or exaggerating kidnap fam, hating it with all their being, or ignoring the whole ‘love grew between them’ to translate into ‘emotional manipulation, hatred, resentment… etc (being anti-canon)’. I’ll respect opinions, frankly, I really could care less about them, but it does get irritating when people throw canon away for the drama (I certainly get annoyed when extreme pro-kidnap fams fans make it all sunshine and rainbows as if it wasn’t a difficult time or situation).
By the way, I can and will say that the twins can feel emotions, they are allowed to do that. Resentment and love can exist at the same time (for only a period of time) but one or the other must fade in order for the other the linger. One has to be consumed in order for the other to burn.
But just a thought, Elrond and Elros could love all of their parents equally, no more, no less than the others. One became a healer and the other, a king, I think they came to understand their foster father(s) and their bio-parents’ decisions.
(Ay maybe I just suck at emotions and all this feelings stuff and have no idea what I’m tolkien about)
And I’m not trying to call out or bash anyone!
I saw (and wanted to share) the quote,
“if your anger burns the furnace in your soul your whole life, you will be forever cold in the grave.”(I’m paraphrasing, I can’t remember the exact quote)
I cannot imagine Elrond or Elros being resentful to the point were they are vicious or unforgiving, whether it was towards Elwing, Eärendil, Maglor, or Maedhros (I really don’t think he was involved too much but if you swing that way).
I don’t want Elros to be cold in his grave, and I certainly don’t want Elrond's fëa to be burning for the rest of his immortal life.
Then I also had the thought, 'if the Fëanorians had never committed the third, worst, kinslaying, then Elwing would have never flown the Silmaril to her husband and they would have never gotten the help of the Valar.'
I personally headcanon that it was Eru’s work at hand to have Maglor raise Elrond and Elros. Think about it, what if they were spoiled in an alternate universe? What if something worse had happened to the twins? What if? What if?
What if they didn't become who they were meant to be if it wasn't for who they were raised by?
By the way, I read LOTR, I know Elrond refers to Eärendil publicly as his father and he makes no mention of Maglor. I analyzed this in three ways. 1.) Elrond must keep (the memory of) Maglor closed off, locked in his heart rather than talking about him more. 2.) It would've caused drama in his realm and in the counsel. 3.) Elrond really doesn't care, his father is his father, that's it. Zip. Maglor raised him, but Maglor is gone now. In a way, Eärendil is more present than Maglor in Elrond's life by the third age. Elrond can physically see the star, but he can't see Maglor.
I see it in the third way mostly. Eärendil is Elrond father, biologically, so why would he do this "My 'real' father" BS? It just seems like a waste of time. Tolkien probably didn't want to confuse anyone since the Silmarillion couldn't be published with LOTR.
Remind me of that quote from Yondu, "He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn't your daddy." But I really didn't want to refer to that quote considering Peter and Yondu's relationship is not the best example to compare this cluster of daddy issues to. Nevertheless, there is a point to be made in that statement. There is a difference between relation in regard to Nature vs Nurture, and the effects of it.
I guess the whole point of this post is, the fandom tends to take canon lore to the extreme or over analyze things to the point where they're just projecting. Trust me, I've been there, done that. I've learned my lesson (I think) and I wanted to share what I've learned.
Also (this is purely opinion) I don’t think Maglor was manipulative about anything, in the book, he just didn’t come off that way, for as little as he appeared, he actually seemed to be pretty optimistic (*regarding Eärendil) and honest (*the debate with Maedhros). He didn’t try to excuse himself or get the twins to pity him. Maglor raising the twins was out of pity/mercy, yes, but love grew (like what Tolkien said). He probably educated them on the facts and encouraged them to form their own opinions, whether that costed him their love or not. Maglor did have the more accurate moral compass compared to his brothers (in the end of the book!- Put down your pitchforks Maedhros stans!), especially if he knew that the Silmaril was better beyond their reach than where the enemy can also reach it. It was an accurate moral compass, although not a big one.
Argue, agree or disagree, or discuss with me! I want to hear different perspectives or opinions on this matter.
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venomgaia · 1 year
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Detonation imminent
Based off something that happened in my first playthrough of act 3. a heads up would have been nice, Larian!!
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ft. the winner of this encounter
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kickmyheadbill · 1 month
i love drawing these little things
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chronologiical · 9 months
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my top 3 favourite master and servant combo ✰
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