#Logical Operations
aroaceleovaldez · 5 months
we should make Nico more fucked up, actually. enough woobifying him. that boy should be covered in blood and viscera
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bixels · 13 days
Did you give Pinkie Pie and just Pinkie Pie piecut eyes?
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mxtxfanatic · 5 months
Shen Qingqiu: Of course any reasonable relationship will start with a few “no”s, but like, anyone who really wants you will just ignore that.
Luo Binghe, a person who really wants him but also knows about consent: listens when Shen Qingqiu tells him that he doesn’t want to see lbh, he doesn’t want to share a bed, he doesn’t want to engage in a kink, etc.
Shen Qingqiu:
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parisoonic · 1 year
Draw some..likeuh..could u do a Classic Heavy trying to flirt or idk smth with medic?but medic is still very attached to the heavy and and IDK DRAMA SPICY-
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Thank you so much!!!! Sorry I didn't really have a great idea for this or anything funny/angsty to dish but hopefully it scratches an itch :) i imagine medic insufferably talks nonstop about his boyfriend ex-colleague so unfortunately cheavy is beating a dead horse
I've been wanted to do a study of the comic style for a while and this seemed a good opportunity as any! 'More' lineart really scares me as I like really clean calligraphic reduced styles but being a little more indulgent with line is cool too i guess.
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gaylobsterxd · 2 months
hiiii I'm reading Flatland by Edwin Abbott and thinking about Bill Cipher.
(Those who don't know; Flatland was a big inspiration for the character)
in the book of bill it is confirmed that Bill is from Flatland (or a version of it) and in the short story, shapes have their eyes on the lines of their body and only see straight lines.
Bill however, has his eye on one of his shape faces. Something that is impossible for a Flatland being. The faces of their shape is their innards and gunk. This means (assuming it works the same way in both fictional pieces) that Bill has an eye on his insides. Gross.
These guys don't have a y coordinate so "up" is impossible. Having and eye facing "up" is impossible how ever... bill, written in tbob as a "mutant who could see into the third dimension" Has an eye in a place impossible for beings of his dimension.
His eye facing up, is literally looking into the third dimension.
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gumbootillustrations · 2 months
mystreet au where everythings the same but instead of that weird fuckoff bandanna aaron wears a pair of pit vipers everywhere instead
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then-ponder · 1 year
Rate your favorite logic notation
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iiiiiiiit's monsoon day at the apartment!
it's been a few months? like since august or september that the succulents have had any water other than an errant spritz here or there so everyone's getting bath-levels of water that'll last them another few months
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pacikiara · 2 years
y'know I expected the racism, like the "you are not purebred Cybertronians and therefore are abominations" thing to be said by a Cybertronian at some point
but I didn't think it would come from SHOCKWAVE
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they nerfed his tits and made him xenophobic 😔
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anghraine · 26 days
[For context, I'm an agnostic lesbian raised Mormon with some scattered Catholic influences from summers with my bio dad and his family. I have buckets of religious trauma and associations as a very predictable result, though not everything was terrible.]
So I was waiting for my best friend and his girlfriend to get home from dinner with my BFF's mother—this is the first time his girlfriend, who was a close friend of mine before meeting him, had met his family. Ash had gone downstairs to change and wipe off her make-up when someone knocked insistently at our door.
The doorknob is a bit persnickety so I rushed to let in my BFF, only to find myself facing down an unexpected but very familiar sight: young male Mormon missionaries.
me: Oh ... hi. missionaries: Good evening, ma'am. Would you like to hear news about Jesus? me: Um, I'm not—I'm a member, actually. I was raised in the Church. missionaries: Really? me: Yes :) I was the pianist for the primary in our old ward for years :) missionaries: Oh, what ward was that? me: St Helens. I didn't really go when I was in grad school and I just graduated. missionaries: Ahh, I see. Well, if you want to go back, [directions to the local church]. me: Thank you. missionaries, after a very awkward pause: Do you need any help with anything? me: Oh, we're... [*resists the urge to point out that the other household members who just happened to be absent are a Jewish atheist socialist, a devoutly Muslim bisexual post-colonial scholar, and an Exvangelical trans woman still processing her rage, and none of them would have the slightest desire to get help from Mormons*] We're good, really. My parents are the ones who would need help from the Church, I think, and they live over in [town], so their closest ward is actually the one in [other town] and they can reach out to them. Thanks, though :) missionaries: We could just leave our number with you in case you ever needed anything. me [very conscious of the temptation to call on the Church when a crisis strikes and I desperately need help, and how trapped and shitty I feel afterwards]: That's really nice, but I think we're fine. There are several of us here. I hope you have a good night, though! :)
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aroposting · 5 months
literally how the fuck is romance a real human feeling
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lunarw0rks · 10 months
i fully believe i could shove könig to the ground
his big ass legs just…. crumbling like wet spaghetti and then he falls and looks like a sad cat
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miiukkaa · 1 year
I was looking at the med bay in your new lair thing, and I was wondering what you think that little room would have inside it? I thought the med bay would be another train car, and I’m not all too familiar with subway layout.
Just general curiosity if you had imagined something for it out not :)
*rubs hands together* yes! i did have some ideas about the medbay area!!
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here you have the medbay area, you'd seen in the subway lair layout, highlighted in turquoise. you can immediately see that i have included both the small room and a subway car!! why? what does that mean?
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the little room used to function as a maintenance room for the subway back in the day... though now it's repurposed into what i call the operating room! just like the name implies, this space is mainly used for treating both minor and major injuries.
after your injuries have been looked at, i doubt you'd wanna lay down to recover in the small room that smells of chemicals and generally just feels lonely... but fret not! for you have the separate space for recovery: the recovery subway car!
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admittedly, i do not have a layout drawn for this specific space but yes, it'd just be a subway car with most of its chairs replaced with beds instead. i do have this older background i'd drawn for animation practice, though! i do think the background does still look pretty close to how i would go about drawing it now! :)
you'd have, again, mikey's little doodles adoring the walls with small "get well soon!" -drawings posted here and there. the doors of the subway cars have been taken out and replaced with drapes instead. you can also treat minor injuries in the subway car as well as change old wrappings to new ones!
(also, as a side note, let it be known that you can find your way back to my posts about the subway lair by clicking on the appropriate tags on my pinned post!)
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There are a couple of lines in Psychonauts 2 that I think about quite a bit. I’m pretty sure these have already been done but if NOT, then. Uh. Spoilers for Psychonauts 2 I guess?
First off- one of Sam’s lines. There’s actually a lot about Sam that I think could have been put to better use—specifically a conversation about how psychic powers aren’t always controllable, giving parallels between Compton, Dogan, and Maligula and MAYBE Raz. But the line I SPECIFICALLY think about is a joke one.
“And if you use enough syrup, you can’t taste the difference between chicken and snake. Eggs is eggs!”
In Psychonauts, eggs are used as a metaphor for brains. Like, this isn’t some vague thing, it’s extremely front and center. Eggs and brains are directly linked. And, it should be noted, that Sam actually puts an entire nest—INCLUDING BIRD EGGS—in the, uh…. ‘Pancake mix’.
So, snakes and chickens and syrup, right? Chickens, generally used to describe someone who is cowardly or otherwise not the type to actually do anything, syrup being sweet enough to distract from other tastes, and snakes being, well, people who are not trustworthy.
And then there’s Nick Johnsmith, aka Gristol Malik, who is a well liked non psychic that Truman calls a lick spittle—someone who fawns over others easily. In other words, a snake (egg, brain) that acts sweet (and syrupy) enough to seem like a chicken (egg, brain).
Do you see. Do you SEE THE VISION HERE.
Anyways onto phrase 2. Said by Gristol Malik.
“He took a poor, sad, country girl and turned her into a mighty warrior. And I’m going to do it again.”
Now, usual context will say he means he’ll bring Maligula out of Lucy/Nona. I don’t think that’s incorrect, per se.
But one of the things that really, REALLY snapped Lucy/Maligula was the death of Marona, her sister.
And who do we have camping nearby? Why, it’s an entire family. In fact, it’s Raz’s entire family. And at LEAST half of them are psychics.
Gristol already views Raz as a puppet. He only kind of likes him because he’s half Grulovian. And, you know, during the Rhombus of Ruin, Loboto was no longer under Oleander’s employee, so… who wanted Raz’s brain removed? Someone who, oh I don’t know, might have heard about Raz being a powerful psychic that MIGHT have noticed Raz’s rather unique name… or, more specifically, the last name of a circus that performed for the Gzar and his family, famous for water acts. One that, by chance, someone could have known that a Galochio, a family of psychics, recently married into?
And you know, Maligula is older, it’s good to have back-ups, right? I mean, this is the same guy that ACTUALLY pulled one over on an entire spy group of mind readers.
But, hey, maybe it wasn’t a plan to turn Raz into Maligula by killing one or some or all of his family! Raz is kind of pissed right now, and might not snap the way Gristol would want him to. I’m pretty sure murdering, say, Mirtala, his baby sister, might not work in Gristol’s favor when Raz is already against him.
That said… he’s not the only psychic in the Aquato family. And in fact some of those family members aren’t the most on board with the whole… Psychics and Psychonauts business.
Specifically, we have a barely used plot thread including Frazie Aquato and her acceptance of her psychic powers!
I’m sure that, oh say, her little brother dying in the middle of him helping the Psychonauts pick up their messes, when he should have been able to be saved by one of his heroes since he was literally at their headquarters and surrounded by psychic adults, will only have good things happen to the Psychonauts. I’m SO sure that Frazie won’t get extremely pissed at these people her brother looked up to so much. She’ll definitely be understanding and absolutely won’t use what seems to be a family trait of extremely powerful psychic power along with the hydrokinesis in her bloodline. Specifically because she, an acrobat since birth and taught to ignore a lot of the usual fears most people have about safety and the instinct to flee, definitely has a great relationship with her fight or flight mode.
Anyways I have a lot of thoughts about Psychonauts 2 (I’m not saying I’d do a fix it of some things that bother me, but I do tend to do canon rewrites to smooth out wrinkles as a fun writing exercise/my version of hyperfixation on media and with the time gap between the games there is PLENTY of those in the plot, so uhhhhhhhh) but no one to bother them to, so uhhhhh yeah thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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poorlittleyaoyao · 5 months
A thing about trying to plot out QS canon-divergence fixit where the marriage is averted is that the obvious solution to “she was already pregnant before they knew the truth” is, well, end the pregnancy. The wider world doesn’t seem to know that she’d conceived prior to marriage, so can’t be more than a month or so along as of the wedding for it to be plausible. People have been inducing abortion in dire circumstances despite physical risk and moral stigma throughout history. QS has magic at her disposal and the means to remove herself from society unnoticed during the recovery period, and even if it’s taboo, is it more taboo than incest?
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holycartoonwarrior · 2 months
Everytime there’s a cmbyn inspired succession fic where stewy ISNT the problematically young “seductress” an angel loses its wings
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