smooth-noob · 5 months
"Jonathan Harker's journal, kept in shorthand"
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"Your friend, Dracula"
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stevie-petey · 4 months
ur last post is so real the first time i was watching st4 and steve and nancy interacted i was like.... huh? they aren't rlly thinking of reintroducing the dumb love triangle are they???? and by vol.2 i was just LIVIIID. completely ruining both of their character developments in 9 eps. just willld
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i love all my sillies, i don't want anyone to die. but if i had to make a sacrifice, take stebe. lowkey sick of that man. i liked him in s3 but... his stans need to be put in their place.... in what world is he a better care-taker than jonathan? he complains every time he has to go watch any of the kids. jonathan subconsciously protects them all with no arguements. the fact that everyone wants to sacrifice jon😭 he is the GLUE of the byers family.
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jancysmixtape · 2 years
It’s aggravating that people still attack Jonathan over his and Nancy’s fight in the car in 3x04. The thing is that both Nancy and Jonathan had valid reasons to be upset in that situation, and they both didn’t understand the privileges they had that the other didn’t. Nancy isn’t poor, and wasn’t struggling with money. Jonathan is a man and will never understand misogyny the way Nancy does. They both had valid points. They should’ve understood each other more, in that moment, but they were both upset for different reasons, and they were both valid. Jonathan got that job so he could help Joyce and Will, and that’s something Nancy has never had to worry about since her family is decently wealthy. Nancy’s anger over not being taken seriously is valid, since her bosses were treating her bad, so she had a right to be angry. Also, they then talked about it the next episode and Jonathan apologized for it and said he was wrong. Nancy then said she didn’t mean what she said to him and he wasn’t like those men. They had a mature discussion with each other, especially seeing the situation they were in at that moment.
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fridayyy-13th · 10 months
i swear sometimes i think people forget that Jon's s1 skeptic act was just that—an act. it was an act!!! he believes the statements!! he's believed them since episode one! do we so soon forget that he denied the statements were real because he knew the Eye something wanted him to be scared, and he knew that was bad, so he decided to act like the statements just didn't scare him? remember, he was working with extremely limited information ("when i record the tape statements, i feel watched, like something knows i'm afraid, and i don't want it to know that"), and came up with a genuinely solid solution with what he had! not his fault that the thing watching him was a literal unknowable eldritch entity that feeds on fear, and he was just some underqualified archivist.
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mag200 · 4 months
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with all mirroring gone from the world.
inspired by Robert Mapplethorpe's "Two Men Dancing" and using it as a reference.
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wiccaphiliaa · 5 months
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stevesbipanic · 10 months
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In case you're wondering, Steve's Spotify code links to Sunglasses at Night by Corey Hart. Which is giving st2 vibes.
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And Jonathan's links to Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now by The Smiths.
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cuepickle · 10 months
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Stranger Things x Breakfast Club AU (part ?)
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fragcc · 1 year
What about timkon and damijon going to a double date only for tim and jon to get along super well and take that opportunity to finally hang out and chat like they've been meaning to for some time now
Kon and Damian are so offended to be side-lined by their own brothers like >:(
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clericxhood777 · 1 month
This is going to sound like dickriding, but I can't be the only Damijon shipper that doesn't have a vendetta against Nika.
The way some of y'all treat her, is utterly disgusting. Calling her names, being misogynistic towards her and hating her for fucking breathing, is generally weird. Maybe, it's cuz I'm not in this fandom long enough, but why do y'all genuinely hate her??? All she does is be a person that loves Damian.
Hating Nika isn't going to make Damijon less fanon. The girl did nothing, leave her the fuck alone. And I'm saying this, because I find it weird how mlm ships always treat the women love interests like shit. Fuck y'all, genuinely, just leave Nika's name out of y'all mouths.
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confessedlyfannish · 2 months
Six Years Ago
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Fortunately for them, the kid isn't good at subtlety. When he appears it is usually with a delayed boom announcing his arrival, like a crack of thunder to his lightning. And a hood pulled low over someone's face doesn't mean much when there's only one preteen in the world who can blow a fire out with his bare breath while floating in midair.
Unfortunately for them the kid is fast, see aforementioned "sonic boom". That is not to say Danny could not follow him anyway, but after the eighth time he heads to one of the kid's rescues and he flees before Danny can get a word out, Ellie is sitting at his kitchen counter heating up his leftovers.
"You need to cool it," she says, using her fang to pop open a sapporo. "He doesn't want to be found right now."
"Yeah, I got that." Danny says, swiping the beer out of the hands of what is technically a fourteen year old. She shoots him a scowl as the microwave dings.
"He's a child, and he's sick, Ellie." Even if Frostbite hadn't said as much, it hasn't escaped Danny's notice that in the past two months his speed has ever so slightly slowed. A particularly brave emergency worker had scolded Phantom for scaring him off this time around, concerned about his thin wrists.
"Gee, a sick child runaway, I wonder who that reminds me of," she says, tapping at her chin. She douses the chicken lo mein in sriracha.
"That's different. You knew to come find me, when it got bad. This kid is afraid of me." And he was. Whenever he and Danny met eyes the kid would go pale(r) with fear before zipping away.
"So make him less afraid."
Danny gapes at her. "Gee," he says slowly, a mimicry of her earlier sarcasm. "Why didn't I think of that."
"You're literally stalking the kid right now, you think I don't know about Tucker's alert system? Right now you must seem like the boss monster that shows up at the end of the level," Ellie says. "You need to approach this differently. Go slow, the way you did with me." She pauses, mouth twisting in a way that signals she's about to be reluctantly vulnerable with him.
"I didn't know what it was like to be...cared about. Properly. Before you guys. Even with the memories," she taps her head with the chopsticks, "It didn't click. But you showed me you would be there for me, even as you respected that I needed my space. You taught me how to trust you."
Danny takes a lengthy pull from the bottle he's still holding. "I can't be patient with him, Ellie," he says. He fiddles with the edge of the peeling label. "He's going to get worse."
"Yeah." Ellie says. "And I think you should let him."
The first time the backpack appears, Jon takes one look at the post-it with the scribbled stylized D and ":)" on it and tosses the whole thing in the trash before taking off.
He does the same the next four times, even as the backpack gets bulkier, its contents crashing together as it hits the nearest available dumpster.
He's in New York City after he saves a window washer from falling twenty stories when he sees his face plastered on a Times Square billboard. A hotdog stand owner in New York City offers him one on the house which he reluctantly accepts, trying to ignore the man's searching gaze.
He's not an idiot. He knows he's starting to look like crap, if the way the people react when they see him means anything. It's not like he smells, he regularly bathes in clean streams and lakes, but even when he eats coconuts and mangos and wild raspberries until his stomach is bursting and he has spent the last five minutes petting a giraffe on the head, feeling so giddy he almost forgets how his family is gone—he feels...strange. Weaker. The cuts on his side and face from the evil robot with the green eyes have slowly scarred pink, and they still pull and sting if he stretches. Jon's never had a scar before, and now he has six. And he's losing weight.
A lot of the people he meets have been super nice about it, offering him food and, in a particularly cold area of Alaska, a zip up hoodie he now wears over his recognizable family crest. Not that doing so has stopped the white-haired guy from finding him. But it has allowed Jon to move around more freely when he isn't out rescuing people. He even made some cash in Wisconsin cleaning up a grocery store before the night shift manager had recognized his face.
This and the billboard means he stops to buy a pair of cheap glasses and a large t-shirt with the NYC skyline and shorts on it from a tourist shop. After, he takes a bus to New Jersey with the last of his money and changes in the bathroom. He bites back a sniffle when he peels his superhero costume from his body. He's suddenly overcome, poking a finger through the slashes in the side, and spends the rest of the trip with his head buried in his knees, trying to keep his hiccups quiet.
When he exits, he heads to the library he's already visited three times before. It's bad, to develop a routine like this when he is actively being hunted, but he can't help himself any more than he can help the way he sometimes sleeps in that barn in Kansas, the few times he feels like he can actually rest, surrounded by the familiar smell of animal and hay.
As he searches a few more terms that predictably turn up nothing on the public computer, he notes bitterly it's not like the man can't find him anyway. Just because he's backed off doesn't mean he isn't around, silently threatening Jon with randomly appearing backpacks. Each backpack is different too, as if Jon might be taking issue with the color purple rather than the scary guy providing them.
Jon pushes away from desk, waiting for the inevitable wave of despair that hits him after each Google session proves fruitless. He's even, in one moment of lunacy, searched Talia Al Ghul, thinking if anyone can find him after his search pings her servers it's her—
But she never did come.
No one has.
Except for him.
The wave today is muted, lapping at his ankles rather than bowling him over, and somehow the resignation that accompanies it hurts more. He wants to do something, anything, and so he scoots back to the cubicle and types in white haired flying man, d symbol.
This is the first time he learns about Phantom.
The boy has started taking the backpacks.
Each one is filled with fresh meals in glass tupperware, meant to last for a while even without refrigeration (though with the boy's ice breath, maybe it's not a problem), as well as ziploc baggies filled with pretzels and carrots and goldfish and celery sticks.
("no peanut butter, he might have a nut allergy!"
"Wouldn't that have come up in Frostbite's scan?"
"You think Frostbite would've thought amidst scanning a little boy's half-alien body to check for a peanut allergy?"
"...Fair enough")
Alongside the meals are cash in the form of U.S. dollars, pounds, euros, yen, yuan, and an extreme hail mary in the form of an ATM card that Ellie rolls her eyes at every time Danny packs it.
There is also a miniature first aid kit, sans medicine but including ice and heat packs you can shake to activate. Danny wedges folded clothing in the spare edges of the bag, a blanket, and forces the zipper closed over a pair of high top sneakers similar to the ragged ones the boy wears. He tops every one with the same post-it drawing of his symbol, and a smiley face.
The boy is still weakening, beginning to look like a strong wind could blow him over even as he zips through mudslides in Colombia and scoops a father and son out of a rip current in Italy, but as he accepts the backpacks Danny listens to Ellie and waits.
And then one day Danny is watching him push a bus away from the edge of a sinkhole in Mexico, school kids pressed against the rear windshield watching him, and Danny hears the creaking of his bone right before the kid's arm snaps.
"Okay, fuck this," Danny says into the Fenton comms as the child wails, swooping down to grab the boy with one arm and the bus with the other.
The boy is too stunned to react, sobbing with pain as he cradles his arm protectively, and Danny shamelessly takes advantage of that as he gently but hurriedly places the bus beside the crowd of spectators.
A very small woman who immediately beelined for him as he landed smacks him in the shoulder, hissing at him in Spanish while several people try to hold her back. She smacks him again.
"I'm trying to help him. I promise. Ayuda." Danny says, shifting the boy into a more comfortable bridal carry.
"Ayuda? Help? You, you bad! El pobre niño." The woman sneers. "Bad! ¡Mal Fantasma! ¡Eres un padre horrible!"
Danny knows what padre means, and even if he didn't, he's heard the rumors and conspiracies (and maybe even leveraged them in a conversation with the U.S. government, who can say) and he doesn't bother denying it, because the truth is he has let this child down from the moment he allowed him to be hunted on Skulker's island, and he deserves every nasty word and more.
"Yeah. I know," he tells the woman. In his ear, Sam demands to know what's happening. The boy is incoherent with pain, the outline of the bone pressing against his skin.
"It's going to be okay," Danny tells him, lifting off the ground. Regret is sour in his gut, bile on his tongue. What was he thinking? In the curl of his arms, the child is so small. This isn't a stray cat one coaxes into their home. This is a terrified little boy.
Danny isn't a fourteen-year-old too young and stupid to recognize he shouldn't let a two-month-old clone explore the world with his blessing. He's twenty-eight. He needs to get a grip.
He needs to be better.
The world stops. Everything goes quiet.
A blue portal unwinds via the hands of time.
"I see you're ready now." Clockwork says to him.
Danny wants to deny it, but the words are stuck in his throat. What use is denying what Clockwork already knows to be true?
"This is the right choice, Danny. Everything will be as it should be. Help him," Clockwork nods at the child. "Then find me."
Danny's tongue unsticks from his mouth. "Only if you tell me. If I do this, will he be safe? Will I have the power to protect him?" An echo of what waits to be unlocked drapes over his words, cracks appearing in the ground at his feet. "Tell me."
"Yes. You will keep him safe. Until he no longer needs you to do so. Here."
With a wave of his staff, a neon green portal rends through the air.
Clockwork drifts back to his own portal. "I will see you in Time, Danny."
Danny nods at him as he leaves, feeling a contract snap into place as time restarts at a crawl.
"Shh kiddo," he says as the boy, gradually unfreezing, trickles tears. "I've got you. You'll be okay. I'm going to fix this. I promise."
He steps through the portal, towards whatever comes next.
Part 5
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acrylcii · 3 months
if you can't get what you want then come with me🎶
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*After getting kidnapped and rescued*
"Why Two Face and Scarecrow kinda-"
*gets whacked upside the head by Robin*
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jancysmixtape · 2 years
It’s getting so annoying constantly hearing people say Jonathan is a bad boyfriend to Nancy because of the whole college situation. Jonathan isn’t a bad boyfriend for thinking about Nancy’s future, and being worried about his family. He wants to see Nancy achieve her goals, and her dreams. He is sacrificing his happiness because he wants to see her live a life that she wants to. He loves her so much, he’d rather them breakup so she can go to the college she wants and see her happy! Also, he thinks he has to be with his family, and protect them. He has always been scared to leave his family because he’s worried about both Joyce and Will. He isn’t a bad boyfriend to Nancy at all, he’s just worried and going through a lot.
I think it’s pretty obvious the show is going to end with Jonathan acknowledging his family will be fine without him there and he can go to the college he wants and live the life he wants. He and Nancy will have a talk, eventually, and will talk through this issue. It’s a bit silly that people think this will automatically break them up when they’ve had mature conversations before about their struggles and life. Nancy isn’t someone who would het mad over this. She is understanding.
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scarecrowdrugs · 28 days
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This man personally invades my daydreams and makes me eat drywall
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