#Kate Kane imagine
6rookie-writer0110 · 11 days
A childhood friend asked for a favor
Kate Kane x Male Reader (platonic)
Request - How are you doing? Could you write a Kate Kane x male reader (platonic) where they were childhood friends but have not seen each other in years. They meet again after Batwoman saves the reader, and he recognized her.
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You arrived in Gotham and everything is different. You used to live in Gotham but you moved away with your family. You recognize some places in Gotham that are still open for business. You arrive at a charity party and you start to look around, to see if you recognize anyone and so far you don't. You went to get something to drink at the bar.
“Y/n, it has been a long time,” Kate said.
You turned around it was your childhood best friend.
“Kate Kane, you have changed,” You said.
“New haircut” Kate smiled.
“I was going to say, you have better taste in clothes now,” You said.
She gave you a hug and she was happy to see you. You and Kate were friends from the ages of 6 to 13. You and Kate were always together hanging out.
“Are you moving back to Gotham?” Kate asked.
“Yeah, I just moved back almost a month ago. Wow, it really has been a long time” You said.
“It has been. I'm glad you are back, Y/n. Let me buy you a drink” Kate said.
“I’m not going to say no to a free drink” You smiled.
Kate laughed then she ordered the drinks. You and Kate started to talk about everything and made each other laugh. You were the first to know that Kate liked girls, but you never stopped being her friend. When you moved away, Kate got depressed and you two lost touch for a long time.
“Are you dating anyone or breaking girl’s hearts?” You asked.
“I’m not a player, Y/n. But if we went out I would get more girls than you” Kate said.
“Wow, already day one and you want competition” You laughed.
“You started it and I'm going to end it” Kate laughed.
You and Kate kept talking then she gave you her phone number.
You and Kate are starting to hang out more. You and Kate made a bet on who can get the most girls. Kate won the bet and she won't let you forget it. But Kate never told you that she is Batwoman. There were times she had to disappear and make up fake lies about why she had to leave.
Before Kate left her apartment, she saw the news there was trouble. At Wayne’s business office, there are hostages on the 27th floor. There is a helicopter around the building, and the criminals threaten to throw people out the window if they don't get the money. She rushed out of her apartment and headed to the bat cave. Then Kate rushes to the building and Luke tells her what to do. She jumps through the window and lands in her superhero pose.
“It’s Batwoman!” He yelled.
“Make one move and I will throw him,” Alice said.
Your wrists are tied with zip ties and she is holding your shirt.
“Let everyone go now,” Kate said.
“That won't be fun, letting them go,” Alice said.
“I mean it, let them go,” Kate said.
Kate is stalling time while the Crows reach the 27th floor.
“Okay, I will let him go” Alice smiled.
She pushed you out the window before she went after you she threw Batarangs at Alice. The Batarang hit Alice’s arm then she started to run but the Crows busted the door open. Kate jumped out the window and used the grapple hook, she caught you just in time. You are still screaming then she goes toward the roof, then she lays you down.
“You can stop screaming now,” Kate said.
“Can you just leave me here forever?” You said.
She laughed and you recognized the laughter and the scent of the perfume. Kate cut the zip tie and you slowly stand up.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Kate asked.
“You should have told me that you are Batwoman, Kate Kane,” You said.
“What? I'm not Kate” Kate said.
“I know your laughter and the smell of your perfume. I won't tell anyone and I think it's cool, that you are Batwoman” You said.
Kate starts to stutter and she admits the truth.
“Fine, I'm Batwoman” Kate said.
“I’m a fan” You smiled.
“Shut up” Kate smiled.
“Thanks for saving my life. I will buy you a drink next time” You said.
“Funny. I will see you later, I have to make sure the others are okay” Kate said.
“Sure,” You said.
You watched Kate jump off the roof and you headed to the stairs.
✬ ✯ ✬ ✫
Kate is happy that she doesn't have to lie to you. But she did take you to the bat cave and you are freaking out. You are asking so many questions and she thinks it's funny.
“Being in the Bat cave is so cool!” You smiled.
“Relax, Y/n,” Kate said.
“Kate, this is a once-in-a-lifetime to be in the bat cave,” You said.
“We could have a sleepover and I will order pizza,” Kate said.
“Are you serious!?” You asked.
“It was sarcasm, Y/n,” Kate said.
“Not funny,” You said.
She let you sit in the Batmobile, you were like a kid. You begged her to let you drive it and she said no many times.
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betterthanbatman1 · 7 months
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They’re ridiculous
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soupinaboot · 3 months
Batman's life must feel like a goddamn soap opera at times.
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ultraxavbo · 2 months
It makes me laugh a lot to think that most people have this idea that Bruce Wayne doesn't know how to do household chores, such as cooking, washing his clothes, etc. But if you think about it, I'm very sure that if he knows how to do household chores because when he had to leave to be able to train like Batman he had to be completely independent since he didn't have Alfred to help him with that.
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aeturnum-mendacacium · 2 months
the justice league had an undercover mission where a they try to track down a intergalactic intruder who is introducing alien drugs to humans, to do so some members attend a masquerade gala in pairs to find and interrogate a high society couple who have been in close proximity of the drug before and most probably got effected by it without their knowledge, but they aren't the safest people so they have to take some samples and and ask them questions about it without them getting suspicious, basically have to get them to trust you, so the justice league figured that someone who Is good a infiltration and interrogation should go! So they decide on batman with a bit of hesitation cause they don't know if he can act or not, batman realises this and tells them he will bring batwoman with him to make it look more believable
And so they go to the gala and and the justice league (some on coms and some actually there but just spying on them incase something bad happens) asks him how in the world would he get close to them, he simply replies "I am aware I have a flattering face and body, and I'm willing to use it" the justice league goes crazy after calming down just a bit (they didn't) they think "we should have realised batsy would be willing to do anything for a mission but GODAMN" and they expect batman to chat up the women and batwoman the man
Batman however approaches the man and batwoman the women
To their horror batwomen is flirting with the wife and the husband is now on top of batman
What the fuck is going on
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Forgot to add this rule. If a character is vegan/vegetarian, assume they get tofu dogs.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 11 months
Steph, Babe, Cass, and Kate driving through Gotham streets with “Bejeweled” or some Taylor Swift song terrorizing rouges
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batboopp · 3 months
transphobic parents will be like “this is our beautiful daughter Brittany💕” and Brittany looks like this
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All that Jazz (dp x dc)
All Jazz had wanted to do was get white girl wasted at a random bar on a Saturday night. Was that really too much to ask? 
She’s been taking double-shifts at the convenience store to try and store up on cash despite all the motel payments. Danny did his best to help but he was still underage and more importantly, he looked it. The last thing they wanted was to make waves. That was how the creeps in white had found them the last few times after all.
So yeah, maybe Jazz had accepted her coworker's invite to go out tonight as a reward to herself for the last week and a half of especially long hours. Danny had been more than encouraging, practically pushing her out the door on her way there. 
And she’s been having a good time! Saturdays were karaoke nights and Jazz loved nothing more than drunk singing in front of equally drunk people. So she’s put her name down and went back to the bar for some more alcohol. She was technically a few years away from being legal but her fake papers said otherwise and that was all that mattered.
Now here she was, standing with the mic in her hand, and two Bastards in White staring straight at her. Oh sure, they were in civilians clothes but she knew what they were.
Jazz forcefully pushed down the panic and focused on the screen showing the lyrics to the song she’d chosen instead. She could work with this. They couldn’t grab her when everyone’s eyes were on her, could they?
So she pasted a smirk on her face and narrowed in on a buff woman in the crowd who was seemingly alone. Raising the microphone she mustered her best drunk girl voice.
“This one’s for you, baby,” she yelled and pointed at the woman.
That got people’s attention and someone cat-called, with a few people joining in and cheering. The woman only raised an eyebrow at Jazz but didn’t deny it right away. And then it was too late and the song started with Jazz going in on the first verse. She put her all into it, really exaggerating the drunk and loud aspect of the performance.
As they got closer to the chorus she skipped a few words to yell “Come on! You guys know it!”
She went back in just in time to finish the verse and as the chorus started she was singing the first words alone before one or two loud voice came in with her. After that, they were joined by most of the bar as they got through the song. The energy was high as the song finished and Jazz was ready to take advantage.
“How about another one, sweetheart?” The redhead asked the woman she’d singled out. The latter smirked with her arms crossed and a beer bottle in her arm before raising her hand to the side of her mouth. 
“You know me, baby. I'll take whatever you give,” she hollered back. Jazz mimed fanning herself as the crowd exploded in whistles and laughter.
Someone started the song as Jazz smirked. She blew a kiss towards the woman before she started singing.
The stage wouldn’t work forever as a deterrent but if she could slow the creeps for long enough she could maybe slip out the back while they tried to squeeze past the crowd.
The new song was another classic for people to sing along to and sing along they did. It was another few minutes of high energy crowd managing for Jazz who was feeling stone-cold sober from the adrenaline by now but still playing at being intoxicated.
“Had enough yet?” Jazz taunted and someone hooted. 
“Why, you getting tired?” The woman shot back and the crowd oohed. Jazz let that sit for a moment, milking the tension for all it was worth.
“Please,” Jazz drawled before pausing dramatically. “I can go all night long.”
And that had the crowd exploding in whistles and raucous laughter.
That was probably a good time to dip. As another song started to play, Jazz took the opportunity to hand the mic to the next singer and step down into the excited crowd, planning to loose the guys in white in the excitement.
Jazz was making good headway for the back door when someone stepped up to her.
“Oh baby,” the woman from before purred at her. “Where have you been all my life?”
“If I knew you were looking, I'd have come sooner,” Jazz answered with a saucy wink of her own. The creeps in white wouldn’t stop her from having a little fun at least. 
The woman let out a quiet snort before looking down at Jazz. “How about we get out of here and make some sweet music of our own, hey honey?”
Jazz was about to deflect with a flirty quip and slip out when she caught the woman’s eyes. Belying the quirk in her lips, her gaze was completely serious.
Jazz got the feeling that the pretty woman had caught on there was something fishy here. She didn't seem like the type that would let Jazz leave alone if she thought she could help. The redhead mentally shrugged and figured why not. She didn’t really have time to argue anyway.
“Let’s get out of here,” Jazz answered cheekily before flipping her hair and twirling towards the door.
“Lead the way, gorgeous,”  the woman drawled with a smirk.
This was either going to be fantastic or absolutely awful.
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saltheseajelly · 4 months
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The bat girls supremacy that's it that's the post the bat girls need more appreciation.
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Insanity won— Draculaura and Batwoman(Kate) talking about Drac's love life
Note: This is so ooc but I don't care bcs it was fun and ignore my lack of my Monster High words using(ghoul, fangtastic etc.)
–On the rooftop at 2 AM–
Draculaura: Sometimes I don't understand Clawd at all! He gives me mixed signals! Does he like me or not? I mean, I know he likes me fangs over heels but... sometimes it doesn't feel like!
Kate: Hold on a second, what does make you think like that?
Draculaura: He thinks I'm short! He thinks I'm a ghoul who can't get her books! Why would he think I'm short? I'm not short! He's short!
Kate: Alright, kiddo, just calm down. Is there anything else I should know?
Draculaura: He literally carved a platform for my sweet 1600th birthday!
Kate: *stands up* Oh, that @#₺hole. I think I've heard enough about this wolf-boy. It's time to teach him a lesson about how to treat a girl right.
Draculaura: Wait, what're you gonna do to him?
Kate: *smiling* Nothing, we'll just have a nice little chat.
Draculaura: Oh no, please don't punch his face, I like his stupid undead eyes!
Kate: Punching? I think you get me wrong, sweetheart. I'll just teach him a thing or two about girls.
Draculaura: Oohhh, because you have a ghoulfriend too, right? Sometimes I forget you have a partner because... You know, you work alone. How is your relationship? What is she like? Is she cute? Can I meet-
Kate: Yes, Draculaura, I have a ghoulfriend.
Draculaura: Sorry. ( her face is like irl :3 )
Kate: *about the jump off the rooftop but turns back for a second with a slight smile*
Kate: And yes, she's cute.
Kate: *jumps*
Draculaura: *yells and waves hands behind Kate* Kiss her for me!
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batmanlovesnirvana · 7 months
— FROM “Before the Batman: an Original Movie Novel (The Batman 2022)”.
written by David Lewman’s
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AN : ‼️‼️ THIS IS NOT MY WORK. It’s a prequel original movie novel written by David Lewsman’s and it is canon to the film. It also includes an exciting original story of Bruce Wayne's early adventures on his way to becoming The Batman.
All rights go the creators and Warners Bros !
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00 — Prologue.
Bruce felt strange being back in the old house.
He and his parents had lived in the mansion, Wayne Manor, until he was six years old. Then they’d donated their sprawling home to Gotham City to serve as an orphanage and moved into their current residence, Wayne Tower.
Now he was ten years old, and his father, Thomas Wayne, was running for mayor. His dad had decided to announce his candidacy at the orphanage. So Bruce and his parents had returned to their former home for a visit.
As they climbed the grand staircase to the second floor, Bruce remembered playing on the stairs. He saw the door to a closet and recalled crouching behind the hanging coats for a game of hide-and-seek, waiting for his mother to find him, laughing. It was a big house, full of great places to hide. Even though he liked their new home in Wayne Tower, Bruce realized he missed the old house. He’d been happy there. Seeing it again, he felt a kind of ache.
Upstairs, in what had once been a ballroom, the orphanage’s choir stood on risers, singing a medley of patriotic songs. The Waynes had called the long hall “the party room,” only using it when they entertained large numbers of guests. But when it was empty, Bruce had played in the big room, rolling toy race cars across the gleaming wooden floor all by himself. The floor didn’t seem as shiny now as it had then, when it reflected the light from the sparkling chandeliers hanging overhead. Bruce glanced up. The chandeliers had been replaced with sturdier, more practical light fixtures. They were a little dusty.
TV cameras were set up to capture his father’s announcement for the evening news. Reporters from newspapers and magazines waited with recorders and notepads. Photographers snapped pictures. Thomas Wayne’s campaign manager handed out copies of his remarks. Orphanage staff members looked around nervously, hoping everything would go smoothly. The residents had been warned repeatedly to be on their very best behavior.
The medley came to an end. The woman conducting the choir turned toward the cameras and smiled. There was scattered applause from the small group gathered for the candidate’s announcement. The reporters weren’t sure how to react to the music. They’d come for a news event, not a concert.
Now that the orphans had stopped watching their conductor, Bruce felt as though they were all staring at him. There’s the rich kid who used to live here, they were probably all thinking. The billionaire’s son. Bruce wanted to look away, stare at the floor. But he knew his parents were counting on him to make a good impression, so he looked back at the kids in the choir. They’re weren’t all looking at him, too excited by the TV cameras and photographers to care that much about a ten-year-old kid in an expensive suit.
Except for one boy.
He was scrawny, with aviator-style wire-rimmed glasses. His clothes seemed a little too big. They were hand-me-downs he hadn’t grown into yet. And he was looking straight at Bruce. Why is he staring at me? Bruce thought. Do I look weird or something? He wished the kid would look away. But then he felt sorry for the guy, living in an orphanage without any parents. Even though he didn’t really feel like smiling, Bruce forced himself to give the kid a friendly smile.
The kid continued to stare. He didn’t smile back. 
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Should I post other parts ? Lmtk.
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glorious-imagines · 8 months
Generational Batfam
Boomer: Alfred
Gen X: Bruce, Kate
Millennial: Babs, Dick, Cass, Jason
Gen Z: Tim, Duke, Steph
Gen Alpha: Damien, Carrie
idk if this has been done buuut 🤷🏿
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
What show does each of the Batfam want to get Destieled next? :)
Dick: The Witcher
Jason: Bridgerton
Tim: Welcome To Night Vale
Damian: Stranger Things
Duke: Clone Wars
Cullen: Supernatural (again)
Stephanie: Eurovision
Cassandra: Wednesday
Barbara: House of the Dragon
Harper: Doctor Who
Carrie: Miraculous Ladybug
Kate: Our Flag Means Death
Alfred: The Great British Bake-Off
Selina: Black Mirror
Bruce: Glass Onion
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captain-daryn · 1 year
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