#Jump City
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shakespeareallanpoe · 1 year ago
Celebrity Crush AU
idk why but the idea that in an alternate universe Raven somehow was never told Batman or Robin's secret identity and as a teen developed a not-so-slight crush on the very private, animal-loving billionaire Damian Wayne is almost as enticing as Robin KNOWING she has a lock screen of him and follows his socials and every so often cryptically dropping hints about his ideal gf which ofc is just him describing Raven.
Raven: *comes to training with a slight lovesick smile on her face*
Everyone else: WTF 😶
Robin, internally: Ah, I see she's seen my post about preferring bookworms for their inquisitive minds. Excellent. In two weeks I shall proceed to phase 2.
Robin, painstakingly spending an hour crafting the perfect post for Raven to stumble on later: This is exactly how you flirt. Father simply has no idea what he is doing when it comes to women. Thank goodness I didn't get this from him.
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longwuzhere · 8 months ago
My Adventures with Superman Season 2 Easter Eggs
Welcome to the penultimate episode of My Adventures with Superman! Very sad that the season is ending next week but we still got the comic in the next 4 months! Hell yeah!!!!
My Easter eggs lists for season 1 is here if you haven't seen it!
My season 2 episode 1 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 2 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 3 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 1 post is here
My season 2 episode 4 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 5 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 6 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 2 post is here
My season 2 episode 7 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 8 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 10 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 3 post is here
Spoilers if you haven't seen the episode
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Starting things off, we see Clark, still trapped by Brainiac live a life on "Krypton" with his "family" and we see him feed a Sun Eater.
In the comics, the Sun Eater makes its first appearance in Adventure Comics #305 (1963) where Mon-El, disguised as Marvel Boy is trying to get in the Legion of Superheroes team and in order for him to pass and be accepted, one of their test was to stop a Sun Eater and Mon-El was able to successfully drive it away from a sun.
The scene that this is homaging is similar to what happened in All-Star Superman #2 (2006) [<- highly recommend everyone read it btw] where Superman feeds a Sun Eater that he has in the Fortress of Solitude, a miniature sun that he created as seen in the page below (W: Grant Morrison P: Frank Quitely, I&C: Jamie Grant, L: Phil Balsman).
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In the comics most of the time Sun Eaters are depicted as nebulous black hole-esque things, other times its a creature, but the closest MAwS's Sun Eater design is based on is the Sun Eater from the Supergirl CW tv show.
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Next we see "Lara", invoke Rao's name after seeing Clark feed the Sun Eater a miniature sun.
So for those who do not know, Krypton's red sun is named after Rao, Krypton's sun god.
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Rao, the red sun of Krypton, makes its first appearance in Superman #141 (1960) [W: Jerry Siegel, P: Wayne Boring, I: Stan Kaye] where Superman investigates a strange planet that turns out to be a creature and as Superman chases after it, he hits the time barrier and flies back to before Krypton's explosion.
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Now Rao the Kryptonian God, makes his first appearance in Superman: The Last God of Krypton #1 (1999) [W: Walter Simonson P,I,&C: Greg and Tim Hildebrandt (yes Greg and Tim Hildebrandt who designed the original UK Star Wars poster from 1977), L: Ken Lopez] where Cythonna, Kryptonian goddess of ice, emerges from her banishment and sees that Krypton is no more. She goes after the last Kryptonian, take a wild guess who, to kill the last of Rao's descendants . We see Rao in the comic where Superman and Lois go to the Fortress of Solitude to see what Cythonna's history was before Krypton's destruction.
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The episode's title is a reference to Gurren Lagann (<-Great anime if you're a Studio Trigger fan) where it is a quote from Kamina who says "Your drill is the drill that will pierce the heavens." Appropriate title considering what Clark and Lois does to free Clark from Brainiac's control.
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We see that Lois is still under the Black Mercy's, well, mercy and I talked more about it here.
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In the Black Mercy's dream world for Clark, we see that Lois has been captured by "Jor-El" and we see Clark and Lois meet up again, however both do not have memories of each other. Clark mentions that he's always in the Hall of Science where they keep the alien species, like the Sun Eater we saw before, working as a scientist.
The first instance of the "Hall of Science" was in Brave and the Bold #28 (1960) the first appearance of the Justice League where Starro was attacking Science City, and thus the Hall of Science. The Hall of Science's association doesn't come up until Secret Origins #1 (2014)
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[W: Greg Pak, P: Lee Weeks, I: Lee Weeks, Sandra Hope, C: Dave McCaig, L: John J. Hill] where we see a retelling of Superman's origins. where scientist, Jor-El was trying to warn about the planet's explosion, but the Hall of Science expelled him for his alarmist warnings thinking nothing of it. Guess how that turned out for the planet. Very cool thing to have Clark be a scientist on this fake Krypton just like his father in the comics.
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Back in MAwS IRL, one of the OMACs destroys the spaceship that was carrying Lois, Jimmy, Kara, Mallah, and the Brain and when Kara, Jimmy and Lois crash land, they get arrested by Waller and Taskforce X. Lucky for Jimmy that he was live streaming and this caught Perry's attention and he, the Daily Planet, and Vicky Vale were able to stall Taskforce X so Steve Lombard can sneak behind the Taskforce X prison carrier and break the trio out.
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Steve's van has wolves howling at the moon painted on its exterior kinda invokes the three wolf moon shirt (designed by Antonia Neshev) vibes.
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Later when the trio are in Steve's van, we see a blink and you miss it easter egg where apparently Steve went to Jump City Community College.
Jump City is a reference to the city that the Teen Titans from the 2000 cartoon are located in. So hey we got a Victor Stone and a city where one iteration the Teen Titans were in, so the Teen Titans are possible in the MAwS universe!
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Jimmy's speech to Kara kinda gives off that "you choose who you want to be" quote vibes from Iron Giant, appropriate considering the Iron Giant is a Superman fan. Good movie too highly recommend checking that movie out too.
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Back on "Krypton", Clark and Lois were able to get their memories back after so many groundhog day moments for Lois and we see this cool AF moment for her paying back how Clark protected her when they were attacked in the forest by the OMACs in episode 6 of season 1.
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This scene specifically^
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As Brainiac loses control over Clark thanks to Lois, Brainiac puts on anti-Kryptonite armor for him and his robots thanks to Lex using his Metallos that are now powered by Kryptonite (I talk more about Metallo here). Brainiac hacks into the Metallos and prepares to fire on Earth with an Archer beam from Kandor.
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The Archer Beam, well technically the weapon itself makes its first appearance in Superman: The World of New Krypton #2 (2009) [W: Greg Rucka, James Robinson, P&I: Pete Woods, C: Brad Anderson, L: Steve Wands], where the Archer Rifle was developed as a weapon to stop rogue Kryptonians as the rifle blasts red sun to depower them for 30 minutes so they can be apprehended.
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And finally, after Kara blocks the first Archer beam with her body, Clark comes in to stop the second and gets a new outfit.
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The new suit doesn't have the red trunks anymore and that kinda makes you think of the New 52 suit that Superman wore during the DC universe reboot in 2011 (Final page of Justice League #1 (2011) [W: Geoff John, P: Jim Lee, I: Scott Williams, C: Alex Sinclair, L: Patrick Brosseau]). Ngl not a fan of this new look for MAwS Superman. The red trunks helps break up the large areas of blue, plus symbolically it helps tie back to his origins on Earth with Ma Kent being the one to give him the trunks. Also I do not like the yellow outline S-Shield, it makes me think of the new 2025 Superman movie S-Shield, which irks me when movies try to influence the source comics, when it should be the other way around *death glares at the MCU*. Really hope we get the red trunks again by the end of the season or at least in season 3.
Anyways come back next week for the final episode of My Adventures with Superman season 2 and then in August and the following 3 months for issues 3-6 of the comics too!
My Easter eggs lists for season 1 is here if you haven't seen it!
My season 2 episode 1 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 2 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 3 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 1 post is here
My season 2 episode 4 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 5 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 6 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 2 post is here
My season 2 episode 7 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 8 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 10 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 3 post is here
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dickkorylov3 · 1 year ago
Headcanon: Star sees Robin's full face for the first time. 🤭
So we know how attached Robin is to his mask, what if one day Star wakes up early and walks into the bathroom (knowing Robin, ofc he would too). As soon as she walks in, he steps out of the showing with only a towel around his waist, leaving his face defenseless. He'd be super calm and say 'morning,' or something,and she'd totally freak out like 'WHO IS THIS BOY!?'
ROBIN *steps out of the shower*
ROBIN "Oh, morning St-"
ROBIN: Star no-
OMG someone should totally draw that!! 👀
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gotham-city-jumper · 1 year ago
going back to gotham in a few days - I’m definitely going to miss seeing titan tower. I’m also going to miss not having to worry about the rain being acidic
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aleks-norward · 2 years ago
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That feeling when you can’t even go into the city anymore, because your archenemies only wait for it to abduct you and make you their apprentice… for the fiftieth time🙄 Robin and Cyborg know that from the personal experience
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hardcore-direwolf · 1 year ago
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#Starbolt, #Cyfire, or #Hotwheels?
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guybracha · 1 year ago
Teen Titans - the greatest story never told
What if this episode from JLU season 1, was an episode from the unproduced Season 6 of TT? This is a perfect story for Beast Boy will be the main character instead of Booster Gold (Who's still trying to move forward after the encounter with Terra in season 5's finale) While The main and honorary titans will be fighting against Mumbo (Or Mister Twister) who becomes a powerful magician who's taking over Jump City.
What do you think?
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ho-ho-mb · 1 year ago
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Robin ✨
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saltedbirdcat · 22 days ago
Me @ the emerald city guards manhandling Glinda like that
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LOOK AT HER ugh she was probably so scared my poor bby :(
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cakypa120 · 1 month ago
Part 7
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orions-aether · 3 months ago
as a transmasc fabian headcanon truther I had so many idea of what him and pete interacting would be like and none of them were funnier than them fucking hating each other from the word go lmfao
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theresa-draws · 2 months ago
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ar ghilas vir banal
tel'banal arama, vir shiral ma lasa... bellanaris
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kamisden · 1 month ago
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final one ^^
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gotham-city-jumper · 2 months ago
Sorry I was MIA for a while, some wannabe hacker villain spread this weird attempt at a virus over all the phones in Jump City over the holidays. Didn’t make things inaccessible (failure on their part tbh), just made the internet annoying 🙄 anyways I’m back in Gotham soon so weirdly enough, looking forward to that
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darkchocolatedimples · 2 months ago
i remember reading stellarlune and thinking there’s no reason for him to have such a big hotel room is he hiding a girl??! no, WORSE, he’s hiding the traitorous brother his ex best friend tried to murder.
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es0tericdoll · 4 months ago
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𝒜𝓁𝓌𝒶𝓎𝓈 ♡
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