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galahadwilder · 5 months ago
New Zombie Setting Idea:
The zombie virus outbreak happened a few years ago. Scientists across the world set out to research a cure, desperate to prevent the fall of humanity.
In contrast to 60 years of zombie fiction, they find it.
The cure is both preventative and palliative. Nanobots inside the body creating an artificial immune system, fully programmable, one that can be tuned to attack anything. Zombie virus. The common cold. Cancer. It’s not just a cure for Zombiism—it’s a cure for everything.
And then the programming glitches.
The nanites want to spread.
And the world falls to pieces under the strain of two competing forms of Zombie virus, one biological and one technological, each with different infection vectors, different behaviors in the victims, different everything.
Except the original zombies would’ve rotted away, eventually. They would’ve starved to death, or frozen, or boiled, unable to take care of themselves or protect themselves from the elements.
The nanites, on the other hand, won’t let their infected die. They can repair any damage their host suffers if given enough biomass—even gunshot wounds. Even partial incineration. Even AGING.
In order to cure Zombiism, the scientists released something far, far worse.
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thecreaturecodex · 3 months ago
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Image © deviantArt user NanFe, accessed at her gallery here
[Sponsored by @coldbloodassassin, and my last sponsored post! The walrider is yet another monster in the subgenre of "from a video game I've never played", and in this case never even heard of before being tasked with this: Outlast. It has a very complicated backstory, involving Nazi mad science and corrupt mental institutions, so I streamlined it a bit while retaining the original flavor.]
Walrider CR 18 CE Construct A faint blur appears, an outline of a human form moving through space. It moves with impossible fluidity, as if its joints were more a mental construct than a physical one. The outline lacks a lower jaw entirely, and the fingers are longer than those of a typical human
The walrider is a bizarre construct, a cloud of tiny nanomachines confined to a humanoid shape but able to take over the bodies of others. The first walrider was created in an attempt to create a nanotechnology lab out of the body of a human test subject. The process drove the victim insane in the process of completely disassembling them, and the walrider created possessed a thoroughly warped and thoroughly evil psyche. The walrider still possess an affinity for the mad, preferring to use them as hosts. Those whose perceptions of reality are distorted are even less likely to understand the nature of the walrider’s attacks, and are less likely to be believed if and when they can report them. The damage the walrider deals when scouring the mortal mind for information typically leaves their victim mentally broken.
The walrider can enter a victim not to possess them but merely to take them apart from the inside, and they enjoy using this power in the open as a show of strength. If they cannot possess a host, or if they are expelled through remove disease or a similar effect, they simply beat their enemies to death. They can control their own solidity as a matter of course, being strong enough to punch through concrete when they want to, and then being so diffuse that weapons pass right through them. The walrider is nearly invisible, and uses hit and run attacks in combination with their great stealth to wear enemies down if they are capable of fighting back.
Due to the highly unusual nature of their origin, the walrider may be a unique creature. If it is not, it is highly unlikely that they would cooperate with each other, instead viewing each other as competition. The walrider is a megalomaniac who views itself as divine, and is actively creating a cult of worshipers who view it as the next stage in human evolution. If this cult grows large enough, the walrider could become truly divine, or attract the attention of a competitor who is.
Walrider CR 18 XP 153,600 CE Medium construct Init +14; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +18
Defense AC 27, touch 27, flat-footed 16 (+10 Dex, +1 dodge, +6 insight) hp 169(23d10+43) Fort +7, Ref +19, Will +15 Immune construct traits, critical hits, sneak attack, weapon damage Defensive Abilities evasion,mad insights,swarm-like, transparency; Weakness susceptible to mind-influencing effects, vulnerable to area of effect damage
Offense Speed 40 ft., fly 40 ft. (perfect) Melee 2 slams +33 (2d8+10) Special Attacks infest, possess
Statistics Str 30, Dex 30, Con -, Int 19, Wis 4, Cha 23 Base Atk +23; CMB +33; CMD 44 Feats Ability Focus (infest, possess),Alertness (B),Blind Fight,Combat Expertise,Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus (B), Dodge, Improved Critical (slam), Improved Initiative (B), Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes (B), Mobility, Power Attack (B), Spring Attack, Staggering Critical (B), Toughness, Whirlwind Attack Skills Bluff +23, Fly +35, Intimidate +23, Knowledge (engineering, local) +34, Perception +19, Sense Motive +19, Stealth +47; Racial Modifiers +11 Knowledge (all), +20 Stealth Languages Aklo, Androffan, Common, Undercommon SQ madness,many in one
Ecology Environment any Organization solitary or ride (1 plus 1 possessed host) Treasure standard
Special Abilities Infest (Ex) As a standard action, a walrider can infest a corporeal creature adjacent to it. If the creature fails a DC 25 Fortitude save, the walrider moves inside of its body. A walrider can either remain in the creature it infests harmlessly, as a riding possession spell, or it can start to disassemble its host from the inside, dealing 12d6 points of damage a round. A host reduced to 0 hit points while infested by a walrider is reduced to dust and destroyed (similar to disintegrate). A walrider infesting a host can be expelled by any effect that cures disease, with a disease save equal to this ability’s DC. If not expelled, the walrider can remain inside the host indefinitely. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial bonus. Madness (Ex) Walriders use their Charisma modifier on Will saves instead of their Wisdom modifier, and are immune to insanity and confusion effects. Only a miracle or wish can remove a walrideer's madness. If this occurs, the walrider gains 6 points of Wisdom and loses 6 points of Charisma. Mad Insight (Su) A walrider gains an insight bonus to Armor Class equal to its Charisma modifier. Many In One (Ex) A walrider absorbs the memories of intelligent creatures that it possesses. A walrider that has eaten one or more sapient creatures gains a number of bonus feats equal to its Charisma modifier (6 for the average specimen). It gains a racial bonus to all Knowledge checks equal to ½ its Hit Dice (+11 for the average specimen), and can make Knowledge checks untrained. Whenever it possesses a sapient creature, it may swap out one of its bonus feats and/or one of its languages for one known by the creature it has possessed. Possess (Su) A walrider can possess a living creature it has infested. Unless the creature succeeds a DC 25 Will save, the walrider takes control of its body, as per a greater possession spell with an indefinite duration. A creature that successfully saves is immune to that walrider’s possession for the next 24 hours. At any time while possessing a host, the walrider can attempt to scan its mind, as per a mind probe spell. This possession is taxing to a host; every day the host is possessed, it must succeed a DC 25 Will save or take 2d4 Wisdom drain. A creature that would be reduced to 0 Wisdom is instead reduced to 1 Wisdom and gains the moral insanity madness. The save DC is Constitution based, and includes a +2 racial bonus to the DC. Susceptible to Mind-Influencing Effects (Ex) Unlike most constructs, a walrider can be affected by mind-influencing effects. Swarm-like (Ex) A walrider is comprised of thousands of nanites. Although it is a Medium sized creature, it is immune to spells and effects that affect a single target, damage from physical weapons, critical hits and sneak attacks. A walrider can move through cracks and spaces small enough for a Fine creature. A walrider takes 150% damage from area of effect spells and effects. Transparent (Ex) A walrider is nearly invisible. Attacks made against it by creatures that need to see have a 50% miss chance, and the walrider gains a +20 racial bonus to Stealth checks. This is not dispelled by invisibility purge or see invisibility. Spells like faerie fire and glitterdust reduce the miss chance to 20%, but do not remove it completely.
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kaiger-the-kaiju-loser · 1 year ago
Been watching Generator Rex with pookie and
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siryl · 7 months ago
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A nanite diagram by Michael Okuda, scanned from Star Trek: The Continuing Mission by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens.
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pierogispies · 11 months ago
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My toaster in crime Mobius
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raphaelcrossofoliver · 2 years ago
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foolstojoinmyevilarmy · 2 years ago
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This is my first in the series of Starfinder characters I will probably never get to play in Society.
In the Starfinder setting, androids have numerous nanites traveling through their bodies the same way cells do in ours. They can be enhanced through various feats and even used as healing items, but the most notable nanite related piece of lore is the Nanocyte class. This class is infused, perhaps infested, with a sentient cloud of nanites that can form into weapons, encase it in a concealing sheathe, or transform into weapons temporarily.
This android was a simple laborer, not really notable until their nanites began malfunctioning, generating more than their system needs. They became a subject of study by the Starfinders, and have been asked to go on missions so their nanites behavior can be studied. They are terrified, unable to completely control the nanites at certain that one day, their consciousness may be subsumed by the multitude.
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oui1024 · 2 years ago
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ashlii draw to celebrate being done with finals
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mothduchess · 2 years ago
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Well not everything I do is huge. This is a doodle for my Starfinder character "Choir", an Anassanoi Nanocyte.
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mertsaklii · 7 months ago
Forefront-9 "Nanite GPU-Driven Materials,"
During the most recent GDC, Epic Games Engineering Fellow Graham Wihlidal gave a presentation about Nanite, which I found to be a very helpful resource. He goes deeply into Nanite's advanced material pipeline in his presentation, "Nanite GPU-Driven Materials," which covers fundamental elements, integration, and small technical details. It’s an eye-opener for anyone looking to understand how Nanite truly works under the hood.
Here is the PDF of the presentation:
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The discussion delves deeply into interesting topics, including rendering difficulties, variable-rate shading, and Nanite development improvements. I excitedly read the presentation slides that Graham had even uploaded. With examples like "Lumen in the Land of Nanite" and the "City Sample," he provides a thorough overview of GPU-driven material processing with his in-depth discussion of subjects including material pipelines, scene depth, and material depth and shading.
I can't wait to learn more about these resources and methods. I can push the limits of my environment and level design in Unreal Engine to achieve higher realism and performance than ever before with a better understanding of Nanite. Learning these details will undoubtedly elevate the quality of my future projects, allowing me to create more complex and visually stunning scenes.
Mills, T. (2024). Check Out This Free Presentation on Nanite from Epic Games Expert. 80.lv. Available at: https://80.lv/articles/check-out-this-free-presentation-on-nanite-from-epic-games-expert/ [Accessed 28 Aug. 2024].
Box.com. (2024). Box. [online] Available at: https://epicgames.ent.box.com/s/uepi1joznb0a3mhw7hu5a4m2d6vm61pi/file/1495820437550 [Accessed 28 Aug. 2024].
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sophieloubiere · 1 year ago
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A lot of fun to do these lighting studies with Unreal Engine 5.
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etakeh · 1 year ago
I feel like it's the "inspired by" autobiography of Wesley Crusher, Interdimensional Bachelor.
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Okay so this is Wesley Crusher: Teenage Fuck Machine, an infamous bootleg Trek "book" which was released and made it to the Kindle top 20 list before being pulled. Here is the audiobook. It's as insane as it sounds. Trigger warnings for, well, everything.
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vexic929 · 1 year ago
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whenwolvescryout · 21 days ago
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Dragon Wave
Some art of Sierra shifting from human to dragon. Still practicing how I want the nanite shapeshifting to look visually.  Nanites breaking down human body and rebuilding it as dragon, starting at the head and hands, and flowing down the body in a wave. 
If you like my art, you can support me on Patreon or Ko-fi
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nobylu · 1 year ago
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Give your Balor more limbs. It will use them responsibly.
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startrekuniverse · 5 months ago
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